Son of Irada Zeynalova: I love both parents. Mom's wedding is her choice


There is a TV journalist on Channel One who started in journalism as a reporter, worked in different countries of the world, and has government awards for his selfless work. There are many of them, you can say that about almost anyone, you might think. But can any TV journalist say so harshly about himself: “I am a reporter. Not with a capital letter, the female gender is not considered, it was the parents who tried. These words flew from the lips of Irada Avtandilovna Zeynalova, the host of the TV program "Vremya".

Family of Irada Zeynalova

Irada Avtandilovna was born on February 20, 1972. The father of the future TV star held a solid public position, so all the benefits available to a Soviet person were available to the children of the Zeynalov family.

From her father, Irada adopted the understanding that one must constantly improve oneself, spare no effort to achieve goals. Schoolgirl Zeynalova was in the first roles not only in her studies, but also in Komsomol life. Leonard Peltier, a prisoner in an American prison, a fighter for the rights of the indigenous population of the United States, must have read the lines written by a Moscow schoolgirl.

Irada has a five-year-old younger sister, Svetlana, with whom you can talk in professional slang. Svetlana, the host of the Good Morning program in Russia, helped her get settled, of course, Irada.

Where did Irada study after school and how did she get into TV journalism

Such a successful schoolgirl as Irada could not choose a second-class university for studying after school! The Moscow Aviation Technical Institute opened the doors to her and seated her on a bench in the auditorium of the Faculty of Powder Materials.

Successful graduation from the Moscow Institute allowed the young process engineer to get a prestigious position in the foreign company Samsung Aerospace. Despite an internship in the United States, the looming specter of a career, Irada decided to decisively change her life.

After two years of working as an engineer, Irada Zeynalova decided that her vocation was journalism, and that everything should be achieved in this profession.

Help came from an old friend, Olga Kokorekina, who invited Irada to work as an assistant editor at the RTR news program studio.

Work on television: positions, programs, channels

The lack of journalistic education required from Irada intensive training in the basics of the profession already in the process of work. The beginning of activity - 1997.

After an internship as an assistant editor of the information department, Irada becomes the editor of information programs (1997) and continues to look for entry to the "career elevator". Three years of work - and already Irada managed to get a job as a reporter on RTR, the program "Vesti" (2000-2003).

The next were the years of work on Channel One, when cities and reports changed each other with kaleidoscopic speed.

Terror attacks in the Moscow subway, the seizure of a school in Beslan, accidents and catastrophes forced me to work with full exertion of physical and moral strength. The Olympics, the finals of football championships, although they made me work hard, they charged me with optimism, helped to believe in the best.

Results of the work: TEFI 2006 as the best reporter. Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" was awarded in 2006.

Three years later (from 2003 to 2007) Zeynalova was offered to work abroad. After all, she knew foreign languages ​​very well, worked as a translator, took part in the re-equipment of the working rooms of the TV channel's editorial office.

Someone considered the work of their own correspondent, and then the head of the bureau of Channel One in London (2007) as a sinecure, they would have worked there almost until retirement, but not Irada! Oatmeal, honey toast, scrambled eggs and bacon, and morning juice were strongly rejected.

The next stage of work is the troubled front-line Israel, Tel Aviv (2011), the position of the head of the bureau of the channel in the Middle East. It was a time when Zeynalova flew to the war, saying at the same time: “What do I need? Just so that the shirt does not wrinkle! Shoes - without a heel, cosmetics - discreet. The costs of the hot spots correspondent profession.

In 2012, Zeynalova returned to Moscow, where she began hosting the Vremya program on Channel One, a weekly Sunday edition. It was Irada's activities on the nationwide Russian channel that served as the basis for her ban on crossing the border of Ukraine.

In 2012, 2013 and 2014 she took part in such a famous program as “Conversations with Dmitry Medvedev.

Personal life of Irada Zeynalova

Irada Zeynalova is married. Her husband works as a TV journalist, like her. This is Alexei Samoletov, special correspondent for the Vesti and Vesti-Moscow programs. In addition, Alexei hosts the program “The World on the Edge”.

The couple have two children, both boys. Names - Timur and Oleg. What the children amazed their mother with was their unwillingness to write in paper notebooks: “This is not very good in relation to nature, mother! You need to cut down trees, but electronic means do not require this!

What Zeynalova defines for herself as the main task

“I want to make the Vremya program reporter-style. Heavy, long texts are boring for the viewer, he switches to another channel from ours. It is necessary to work in the style of the clip. We will definitely introduce more everyday topics, visual material familiar to every viewer. For this, reporting from the field is the best way. Moreover, there are much fewer difficulties with the delivery of materials on the air today.”

Member of the Russian Television Academy.

Irada Zeynalova was born on February 20, 1972 in Moscow. Being Azerbaijani on the paternal side, she received a strict upbringing. Father Avtandil Isabalievich was a major official in the ministry. The girl did not grow up as the only child in the family: her younger sister Svetlana Zeynalova is also a famous person.

An active girl, a Komsomol member and “just a beauty” from an early age is overflowing with seething energy, and, having matured, she was active in social activities: she accepted pioneers into the Komsomol, collected signatures on a petition in support of disadvantaged Chilean children, advocated the views of the unjustly convicted fighter for the rights of the Indians Leonardo Peltier.

After graduating from Moscow School No. 61 in 1990, Irada successfully entered the Moscow Aviation Technical Institute named after Konstantin Tsiolkovsky as an engineer-technologist of powder materials. After graduating from a higher educational institution, she left for an internship in America. However, in those days, nanotechnologists, who was Zeynalova, were not so in demand, so Irada's first and only job in her specialty was work for Samsung Aerospace.

Nevertheless, the desire to become a journalist in 1997 still leads her to television. Perhaps the “journalistic gene” spoke in her, because Avtandil Isabalievich once mastered this profession himself. The only thing that kept Irada from television before was the fear that such a titanic work would be too much for her. But these fears turned out to be unfounded.

The girl began with the post of editor of the Vesti program on RTR. Working with the Dutch team, she took part in the creation of the newsroom for Vesti. And Irada Zeynalova first appeared on TV screens only in 2000. Her debut "screen" position was the work of the host of the TV program "Vremya" on the RTR channel.

It should be noted that all this happened thanks to the assistance of Irada's close friend, Olga Kokorekina, who made the first contribution to Zeynalova's television career, recommending her as an editor three years earlier.

Since 2003, working as a correspondent for the news programs Novosti and Vremya, the journalist has been reporting on TV in very difficult conditions. In 2004 and 2010 during the explosions in the Moscow metro, in September 2004 during the terrorist attack in Beslan. In 2006, she was entrusted with reporting from the final match of the World Cup in Germany and covering the Winter Olympic Games in Turin. In 2012, Irada's "sports" collection of reports was replenished with stories from the Summer Olympic Games in London.

The track record of the journalist Zeynalova is very interesting and varied. Flashpoints and sports, politics and the arts add a variety of colors to her journalistic palette. It was for the bright nuances of his reporting that Irada was hit by a whole starfall of awards: the prestigious TEFI television award for the reporter's cycle "Golden Moments of the Olympics" and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

In September 2012, she entered the position of the host of the most “media” Sunday edition of the TV show “Vremya”. From 2012 to 2014, as a guest journalist on Channel One, she was a participant in the Conversations with Dmitry Medvedev program.

In the same period, Ukraine was included in the sanctions list for its position on the war in eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

In mid-December 2015, she took part in the greeting of the Murmansk team in the final of the Major League of KVN. In October 2016, Maxim Galkin's entertainment program "MaximMaxim" with her participation was shown, which was the last appearance on Channel One.

In November 2016, it became known that the TV presenter was moving from Channel One to NTV. Since December 4, 2016, she began to host the Sunday information and analytical program “Results of the week with Irada Zeynalova” on this channel. In addition to broadcasting in the studio, the journalist also prepares reports for this program and interviews people related to the main events of the week.

Together with Yegor Kolyvanov and Sergey Malozemov, on July 21, 2017, she hosted the program “Non-Childish Conversation with Vladimir Putin”.

Russian TV presenter Irada Zeynalova, who will host the author's program "Results of the Week" on the NTV channel (the first broadcast will take place on December 4 - approx.), spoke about leaving Channel One, her personal life and other things, reports.

"It's like in a family: all relationships end. So we ended with Channel One - we exhausted each other. I wanted something new, and they. And we gave each other the right to make a decision. I was the first to announce my decision family and Konstantin Lvovich Ernst. And I had long conversations both in the family and with the management. It was very valuable to me, because I consider myself an honest person. I never play games, I don’t build intrigues. I came and honestly said: " Sorry, I'm leaving. If you want, support me. "I'm not one of those reporters who come and leave a letter of resignation in the hope that they will be kept. Konstantin Lvovich, he knows me well and understands people very well. I would say that he has absolutely animal instinct for people. It was a long and difficult conversation. And he supported me, "Zeynalova said.

Speaking about offensive comments on the Internet, the TV presenter said that she does not like injustice: "When people write that they are not satisfied with my appearance, the timbre of my voice, this is already taste. Guys, television is good because you can turn it off."

Irada Zeynalova of the studio of the program "Results of the week" on NTV

“It’s unpleasant for me when, for example, a woman who is completely unfamiliar to me writes:“ I met Irada Zeynalova at the airport, she, as always, flew first class. The arrogant and reptile, didn’t recognize me, didn’t even say hello. "But I understand that I didn’t fly anywhere that day. I never fly first class, because, like all my viewers, I fly with economy transfers and I see nothing shameful in this. And I open a photograph of this woman - I have never seen her at all. And she develops a huge discussion on the topic of the fact that we grew up together with her. And nothing hurts me. If they have a day after how they write about me, God bless them," she said.

Zeynalova also remembered the "wildly funny situation" that happened to her on the anniversary of Irina Khakamada. “The birthday was on the fifth or fourth floor. There is only one elevator, small. I run in, I had to leave earlier. And there is some kind of scary, as it seems to him, liberal-minded man with his wife. and says: “Irada Zeynalova.” I say: “Yes.” But I just got on the air from the Arab Springs. Looks like this: “I want to strangle you. I'll tear out your Adam's apple with my fingers." His equally tipsy wife says: "Vasya, well, it's okay for you." I say: "Choke, don't deny yourself anything. Take it and strangle it." He replies: "I changed my mind." I say: "That's how you fucked up your life and your country. You are only talking. Then don't open your mouth if you don't feel like doing anything." He was like this to his wife: "Am I brave?" And she: "I'm proud of you," the TV presenter said.

TV presenter with her future husband

And here is what Irada Zeynalova told about her marriage: “I hope that I am not the first person in Russia to marry. I am surprised at such attention from the media. I am an adult. My future husband is an adult (Channel One military commander Alexander Evstigneev). I I hope that no one will know anything about the development of events, because we are very tired of this. I am very afraid of the evil eye. Very much. Pah-pah-pah, everything is fine with us. And I hope that everything will be fine. And most importantly , if there is no such dense attention of the press, it will be even better".

Recently it became known that the host of the Good Morning and Voice. Children" Svetlana Zeynalova will no longer be on the air. According to the 7 Days publication, she is expecting a baby and in a few months she will become a mother for the second time. The father of the future baby is the actual husband of the TV presenter Dmitry, who for many years beautifully looked after her and helped her in everyday life. Svetlana repeatedly rejected him, but a man who is several years younger than Zeynalova was able to subdue her with a reverent attitude towards her child. For several years now, Svetlana has not hidden the fact that her daughter has autism. One of the young men who tried to look after her, according to her, was scared off by the fact that she had a special child.

A post shared by svetlanazey zeynalova(@svetlanazey) on Dec 27, 2017 at 4:38am PST

However, such speeches by Svetlana could not alienate Dmitry from her, and he continued to seek her favor. Now lovers live in harmony and complete mutual understanding. And the news that they will soon become parents provoked rumors about their imminent wedding. Zeynalova's fans are sure that a worthy man is next to her, and wish the lovers a happy and long life together. Recall that the daughter of a TV presenter was diagnosed with autism from her husband Alexei Gaizatov when the baby was only a year and a half. Then, according to Svetlana, her life changed dramatically: her husband left, and she had to cope with all the problems alone.

Svetlana Zeynalova is a well-known Russian TV presenter who, before starting her television career, has successfully established herself in a variety of industries. For some time she played in the theater, and also worked as an organizer and host of festive events. In addition, there were some other less significant professions in the career of our today's heroine. However, we will leave them outside the brackets for now.

Instead, we note the fact that the life and career path of a popular TV presenter seems to be very interesting. And therefore, our biographical article dedicated to Svetlana Zeynalova will surely appeal to many readers.

Early years, childhood and the family of Svetlana Zeynalova

Svetlana Avtandilovna Zeynalova was born in the spring of 1977 in the Russian capital. Her family was not much different from countless other families in the USSR and Soviet Russia, and therefore we will not dwell on this point in detail today. Instead, let us draw the attention of our readers to the fact that the future TV presenter began to dream of a creative career already in childhood. At school, she attended various amateur circles, participated in performances, matinees and dreamed of one day becoming a famous and popular actress.

This dream a few years later led our today's heroine to the Shchepkin Theater School, where she subsequently studied for several years. Having received a diploma, Svetlana Zeynalova went to work at the Moscow theater "At the Nikitsky Gates". Regularly appearing on this stage, the young actress played mostly small roles. This state of affairs quite suited our today's heroine. The only problem was only a constant lack of money.

Mean theatrical fees were not enough for anything, and therefore, some time later, Svetlana decided to get a job as a waitress in one of the Moscow restaurants. In this capacity, she worked for several years, and then found another job for herself - the work of a professional presenter and organizer of festive events. Thus, during that period, her whole day was practically scheduled every minute. During the day - the work of the presenter, in the evening - the theater stage, and at night the simple work of a waitress.

Such a frantic schedule constantly took away all the strength, and at some point Svetlana Zeynalova came to the idea that it was necessary to change something in her life. For help, she turned to her sister - Irada Zeynalova, who at that time was already quite famous in the world of journalism. Rummaging through the phone book, the older sister arranged for Svetlana to meet with several well-known television producers, but noted that she would have to break into the world of journalism on her own. Such an alignment suited our today's heroine, and therefore she, without hesitation, agreed to the proposed conditions.

Our morning: Fur against Zeynalova!

Star Trek by Svetlana Zeynalova on radio and television

Similarly, some time later, Svetlana Zeynalova got a job at Radio Maximum, where she began working as a co-host of one of the morning programs. Her career began in 2004, but the first successes came soon enough. The voice of the talented presenter, who sounded as part of the morning “Bachinsky and Stillavin Show”, soon fell in love with the audience, and Svetlana Zeynalova became a real star at her radio station. Some time later, she also began working on the creation of this program as a producer, and then moved to Business FM radio, where she regularly hosted the Secular News section. In September 2010, Svetlana Zeynalova received an offer to start working on her own radio show as part of the morning broadcast of Nashe Radio. Our today's heroine is working on this show to this day, acting as a host and producer.

As for the morning shows, the attitude of the radio host has always been very interesting. “I have always dreamed of an evening show,” Svetlana Zeynalova once admitted in an interview with one of the Russian newspapers.

According to the celebrity, at one time she fundamentally did not want to agree to lead morning projects. However, all the producers for some reason offered her only them. As our today's heroine admits, due to the need to get up early, she manages to sleep no more than 4-5 hours a day. Oddly enough, but it was from the morning show that Svetlana Zeynalova began her career on television. The debut project of the young journalist was the Mood program, which aired on the TVC channel. This experience of working on television turned out to be very successful, and therefore, just a year and a half later, our today's heroine received a tempting offer from the directorate of the Russian First Channel. On this channel, she began to host the Good Morning show, which, in fact, brought her all-Russian popularity.

As the host of Channel One, the celebrity still works today. Currently, Svetlana Zeynalova hosts not only the Good Morning show, but also the Good Day program, which airs on the channel's daytime air. In addition, as mentioned above, the Russian celebrity is still working on Nashe Radio.

Svetlana Zeynalova now

In addition to everything else, Svetlana Zeynalova also successfully works as an organizer and host of festive events. In recent years, in this capacity, she often collaborates with residents of the Comedy Club project and, in particular, with Pavel Volya.

In addition, Svetlana Zeynalova can be seen in episodic roles in some Russian films.

Personal life of Svetlana Zeynalova

Back in the mid-2000s, Svetlana Zeynalova began an affair with the director of Radio Maximum, Alexei Glazatov. It was he who largely helped our today's heroine in the early years of her career on the radio. Together, the lovers lived for three years, and then got married. According to the girl, the decision to marry came during a visit to one of the Catalan churches in Barcelona.

The wedding took place in 2008. Nine months later, daughter Alexandra (born 2009) was born. In October 2012, there were reports in the press that Svetlana and her husband broke up. Some time later, this information was confirmed officially.

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