Son for father. Why professional dynasties disappear


Generation Z are people born after 1995. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they have been using digital gadgets almost from childhood. Therefore, they are well versed both in the technologies themselves and in interacting with people through them.

Their close connection to modern technology has influenced the way they learn and think. If past generations thoroughly studied information, then new ones quickly grasp the main ideas, and then, if necessary, get the missing knowledge from the Web.

Suitable professions for Generation Z

Now people who have graduated from school are entering faculties that are somehow connected with modern technologies. The most in-demand occupations among Generation Z are:

  • software development and administration of information systems;
  • marketing;
  • journalism and PR.

New technologies for such people are commonplace, while for representatives of earlier generations they are something still new and not always fully understood.

Also, such people make a choice in favor of innovative technologies. In particular, some of them prefer to study robotics, biomedicine and other things that have begun to develop relatively recently.

Gen Zers don't want to work hard for money, and many of them commit their lives to doing what they enjoy. Therefore, a fairly large number of young people turn their attention to the field of art. Even if doing this cannot bring them tangible financial benefits, they can simply enjoy creativity.

Separately, it should be noted that money for representatives of generation Z is of less importance than for all previous generations. Modern young people prefer to save money, which is perfectly demonstrated by the trend of second-hand popularity that has migrated from the West.

Unsuitable Jobs for Generation Z

Many representatives of the older generations believe that young people do not like to work. This opinion arises from the fact that in the value system of people born before the 90s, great importance is given to finances. They believe that it is possible to work at any place, if it works out and they pay enough for the performance of duties. Those who were born after the 95th do not think so.

At the same time, people from generation Z do not want to work in areas that are not intertwined with digital technologies. They are unusual for them and seem unpromising, which they partly are.

Generation Z does not choose activities that are not related to creativity. They clearly feel that such work will soon disappear under the onslaught of universal automation. And in this they are absolutely right. It is highly likely that people who choose for themselves the activity that algorithms will be able to perform will sooner or later be left without work. And at a later age it will become difficult to relearn.

Choosing a future profession has always been difficult. But the younger generation is easier. They can choose what they really want to do. If a person keeps up with the times, in the future he will not be left without work.

Nomination "On pedagogy - with love"

There are families in which one profession is passed down from generation to generation. In pedagogical dynasties, traditions of succession of generations are surprisingly developed. And this is already more than a legacy, and this is not just a job, this is a vocation!

After all, it is impossible to become a teacher by simply following in the footsteps of your parents. This still requires the command of the soul! In such families, love and sincere faith in the nobility of the chosen profession are passed on from generation to generation.

I want to tell about the teaching dynasty in our family: my mother - Protasova Vera Fedorovna, a primary school teacher and about myself, her daughter, Trunova Natalya Viktorovna, also a primary school teacher.

In the early warm morning of September 12, 1952 in the village. Soldato-Aleksandrovsky, in a young family of hereditary collective farmers, a long-awaited daughter was born, who announced her appearance to the world with loud crying. Parents named the girl Vera. What has fate prepared for her? What kind of people will meet on her life path? What kind of person will she grow up to be and what profession will she choose? For now…

The days of carefree childhood flew by quickly, and now, it's time to go to school. Vera began to think: how would they meet her there, would she like it at school, what kind of teacher would she have? And then came the long-awaited and exciting day of September 1, 1959. In a brand new uniform, with a new beautiful briefcase and a large bouquet of flowers, taking her mother by the hand, Vera went to school. How many children, adults, teachers are around! Everything is so solemn and exciting.

Mom brought her daughter to an elderly attractive woman and said that this was her first teacher. She affectionately looked at Vera, smiled and took her small hand in her warm and tender hand. Thus began her school life.

As a child, my mother's favorite pastime was playing teacher. When she ran home after school, she put her toys on the sofa and repeated with them what they had learned in class at school. And on the street where my mother lived, there were a lot of small children. The parents of many of them were at work until late in the evening, and the guys, at times, were left to their own devices.

So my mother decided to take patronage over them: in the evenings they all took out chairs, benches and sat on them in the clearing in front of the house. And my mother was for them in the role of a teacher: she told the children about what she herself learned at school in the classroom, read books, taught to count, and they all sang songs together, sculpted various figures from clay. And then, of course, they had time to run and play.

The school where my mother studied was small, but very comfortable. Order always reigned in it, thanks to the efforts of the students themselves. The school was heated with wood and coal. The children loved to stay at school after school and watch their favorite teacher check notebooks. And then she told them interesting stories. The coals are crackling in the oven, and the guys are fascinated listening to their teacher ...

The image of the first teacher forever left only the warmest memories in my mother's memory. She has always been an example for her, a loving and kind teacher, a reliable person. And when my mother was in the 8th grade, a cheerful, provocative, energetic girl - a future teacher - came to them for practice from a pedagogical school. Everyone literally fell in love with her!

But now the student time is over. Home, home, to your beloved village. After all, this is her home, her life, her work. Mom started her career as a kindergarten teacher. And when it was time for her pupils to go to school, she was also offered a job at the same school. And so, together with them, she went to the first class for the first time.

And now, for 40 years, every day, a mother crosses the threshold of her native school in order to pass on knowledge to her children, to educate them in honesty, purposefulness, and decency. Throughout her life she carried and still carries to the children the kindness of her heart and the light of education. The children have always looked forward to meeting her.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “To become a real educator of children, you need to give them your heart.” The same can be said about my mother. In each of her students, she tries to see something special, because each of them is individual, everyone has different abilities and opportunities, their own destiny. Mom considers herself an accomplished teacher and a happy person, since she has a favorite thing, she has the opportunity to explore this wonderful world again and again with her students. He has the opportunity to see the results of his work. The teaching profession is the wisest, kindest, most special. A teacher is one who gives all his strength, all his knowledge, kindness grain by grain to children. And if you are a rural teacher, then everyone knows you, your whole life is in full view.

Mom is valued and respected in our teaching staff. For many years of conscientious work, she was awarded certificates of honor and letters of thanks, was awarded the title of “Veteran of Labor”, and was also awarded the badge “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation”. Year by year it is becoming more and more difficult to be a teacher, but despite this, my mother cannot imagine herself without a school. After all, this is her calling, her life. And I'm proud of my mom.

She instilled love for children and the profession in me, her daughter. As a little girl, I was fascinated by watching my mother work. I liked listening to her stories about students and their successes. I often visited her at work, so I knew many of her students.

In elementary school, I also had a wonderful teacher: kind, attentive to children, moderately strict. I will always remember her with warmth and respect. Having received such a positive example from my mother and my first teacher, I also decided to become a primary school teacher. Having entered the Mineralnye Vody Pedagogical College, I found out that some of the teachers who taught my mother still continue their teaching activities. And the deputy director for educational practice, who was once her class teacher, was sincerely glad that I followed in my mother's footsteps, choosing such a responsible, interesting, kind profession for myself.

Years of study flew by, full of interesting events, meetings, and difficulties. And now I'm a teacher!

In 1993, I came to work at the same school where my mother worked. I was responsible not only for my future students, but also for justifying my mother's trust, not to let her down. It seems that it was quite recently, but for 20 years I have been working as a primary school teacher.

Early morning. Silence reigns in the corridors of the school. But this is not for long. Soon they will be filled with children's voices, sonorous laughter. The boys will run up the stairs, the heels of the girls will knock. And life at school will boil, like in an anthill: lessons, competitions, projects, competitions, intimate conversations, interesting meetings, new discoveries.

Every four years I go back to first grade. And every time it's very exciting. What kind of kids will come to me? How will our relationship develop? Will they like me? Can they trust me? After all, their parents trust me with the most precious thing they have - their children.

Probably, there is not a single parent in the world who would not care how his child will study at school, what kind of relationship he will have with the teacher, with peers, how joyful and useful the teaching will be for him. And it depends on me, the first teacher, how the school life of the child will turn out. It depends on me how parents will relate to the school, whether they will become my like-minded people.

Every day, every minute I am surrounded by my students. Every day, when the bell rings and the lesson begins, the eyes of my children are turned to me. Dozens of inquisitive eyes look at me, looking out for everything, noticing everything and putting everything into secluded corners of children's memory.

It is very important for me that each of them believe me, retain respect, gratitude. And I have to justify this trust. In my work, I strive to ensure that at each lesson the child experiences the joy of discoveries, can believe in their own strengths and capabilities. If the teacher is not afraid of novelty, is constantly in a creative search, then his students also love to create, they strive to learn a lot of new and interesting things. I teach them and they teach me. The guys in my class are creative, active, so they take part in various events and win prizes. After all, educational work is an integral part of education. I am the first teacher who comes into the life of a child and his family. I have to become for the baby his "second mother". After all, he will also share his joys and failures with me. And I need to support him in time, calm him down, rejoice with him.

Of course, the profession of a teacher requires constant dedication, constant emotional stress. After all, it can be difficult, and you feel tired, and you need to pay attention to your family. But you always remember that a new day will come, and you must be energetic, cheerful, self-confident, because your kids will meet you, ready for new discoveries and achievements. And is this not happiness!

I consider myself a happy person, because I have a favorite job, respect for my colleagues. I am happy when my children like to study, when I see smiles on their faces, when their eyes shine with happiness, when I see the results of my hard work. If the teacher has a desire to give, then the student will definitely have a desire to receive. When these two desires coincide, a wonderful result is obtained. And it turns out he is a teacher who is in love with his profession. Then his soul is filled with joy, positive emotions, hope, and the following lines are “born”:

Here, on Nekrasova Street, in a quiet corner of Minsk, there is a unique workshop. Several artists work in it at once, connected both by thought and family ties.

Rising above everything, on the second floor, among the many books and paintings, the head of the family, Vladimir Shappo, works. With his future profession, he decided in the first grade. Because even then he began to take the first steps in creativity.

In his youth, he considered himself a genius, then he began to somehow doubt. Now I am very skeptical about this. It is what it is. Art is a gift from God. If you are given, you will be an artist, a musician. There, above, where stars are sown from a golden basket, stars fall into the barn of any peasant, into the royal court, stuck in the head of everyone, without exception. God doesn't care what a bum, what a beggar, what a king.

Vladimir Shappo was lucky to receive such a star as a gift. Already now, looking back, he perfectly understands what it cost. After all, the popularity and numerous exhibitions were preceded by a difficult path of formation.

Vladimir Shappo, artist, member of the Belarusian Union of Artists:
In order to be more or less smart, more or less self-confident, I had to live 50 years. Plus, I have a library, so you can get a ministerial education without leaving your home. All world literature, poetry, art, philosophy is present in my house.

Love for knowledge and a passionate desire for improvement - the main thing that Vladimir Shappo managed to instill in his children. They wanted to match him, and he, in turn, never tried to impose his choice on them.

Vladimir Shappo, artist, member of the Belarusian Union of Artists:
My children went and became artists. But when they were studying, I said: "Either you must be very good artists, or better not bother." They were already stars in children's art school.

However, how not to become a star when you have been sitting in your father's workshop since childhood? Children's play with paints and plasticine gradually develops into a conscious desire to become an artist or sculptor. This is what happened in the case of the eldest son of Vladimir Shappo Alexander. He took up sculpture and today successfully embodies his ideas in three-dimensional figures. Some of them have become decorations of our capital.

Alexander Shappo, sculptor, member of the Union of Artists of Belarus:
My big work is installed on Dzerzhinsky Avenue. In the Brest direction there is a memorial of memory, a grieving mother is sitting there. Large bronze work. Mass graves of soldiers who defended Minsk and liberated it. I am proud of this work. This is a lot of work, I think it is clear.

A wonderful example of an older brother and an incredible creative world of his father helped to take shape in two more artistic talents in the Shappo family: the middle son Pavel and the younger Anton found themselves in the fine arts.

I grew up. Ahead were two more brothers who also worked in art. It couldn't touch me. Naturally, I was in this, we all sculpted and painted together. But no one did any violence against themselves. I was told that it was an accident, although I do not believe in an accident. I think it's such a holding that three brothers have become artists.

In addition to translating his own ideas on paper, Anton decorates people's bodies with his drawings. He has been tattooing for several years now. Vladimir chose some of his son's works for himself.

Vladimir Shappo, artist, member of the Belarusian Union of Artists:
My favorite artist is the Chinese Sibaishi. This is the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries. And on the back - XVIII - early XIX century - Hokusai. These are the two great masters. I printed for myself in order to be, I'm so pleased.

The daughter of Vladimir Shappo, although she did not become an artist, nevertheless did not go far from art. Since childhood, she loves literature and languages. Therefore, after graduating from a linguistic university, she became a translator, according to the program “Minsk and Minskers” on STV.

Maria Shappo, poet, translator:
Again, all from the parents. They are very educated, well-read people, a huge amount of poetry at home. That's why you read a lot. You involuntarily begin to think in verse, since there was always a lot of poetry at home, the father will easily quote his favorite poet at any moment. Mom also has her favorite authors. Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova. And, of course, when you grow up in an environment where people talk about it, discuss it, you involuntarily become interested in it. And it becomes part of your life.

He speaks modestly about his poetic talent. Although, it is recognized, the lines are born by themselves, without effort.

Not without talent in the third generation of Shappo. Alexander's son is successfully mastering the profession of a director. And he is already taking the first, but confident steps. In some, the older generation helps a lot with advice.

Ivan Shappo, student of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts:
Everyone loves movies. Father, Uncle Anton are crazy moviegoers. The second uncle, Pavel, works in the cinema. It turns out that we stick together all the time.

Anton Shappo, artist, tattoo artist:
I'm lucky with my family. I have never had any disputes on the basis of art, only help. We give each other advice, we ask each other. There is no envy, nothing. In fact, it keeps us in this world.

Vladimir Shappo, artist, member of the Belarusian Union of Artists:
I am proud that they are decent people, creative, literate, that they are to some extent the mental expression of the nation. Absolutely competitive with the brains and creativity of the whole world.

Helping each other, supporting and enjoying success in this family is taken by itself. Such solidarity, incredible strength of talents, skill and education makes this Minsk family unique. Undoubtedly, their future children and grandchildren, whom we will probably hear more about, will take over the valuable experience.

In the old days, most professions were inherited. The older generation from an early age taught children their craft, attracted them as assistants. For example, in ancient Egypt, literally all professional skills and knowledge were passed from father to son. And where else, except in the family, could a child learn some craft? Schools at that time were rare, and mainly scribes studied in them - this profession was too difficult. In order to achieve success in it, it was necessary to memorize at least 700 hieroglyphs, to study different types of writing - simplified, fluent, calligraphic. However, even the students of such schools, as a rule, came from families of scribes. After all, it was impossible to get into such a school without initial knowledge! Only in the 5th century AD, schools of scribes began to accept everyone who was able to pay for expensive education.

In ancient Rome and Greece, the principle of inheritance of knowledge was also very common. Moreover, sometimes the profession belonged not just to one family, but to the whole village. For example, every single inhabitant of the Greek island of Kos in ancient times were doctors. They were believed to be descended from Asclepius - god of medicine and healing. The Greeks believed that in order to become a doctor, a person must be born one, otherwise the training would be useless. By the way, the most famous native of the island of Kos was the famous healer and scientist Hippocrates.

Over time, professional dynasties have not disappeared anywhere. It has always been considered an honor to inherit a father's business. Not surprisingly, the family business has been passed down from generation to generation. Thus, in tsarist Russia, most large enterprises were managed by close relatives for a long time. Among these dynasties are entrepreneurs Demidovs. The ancestor of a huge empire was the Tula blacksmith Nikita Demidov, who, thanks to his ability to cast wonderful guns, really liked Peter I. Father's work continued son Akinfiy, who put the capital earned by the father into business and became the owner of an entire metallurgical plant. And by the 19th century, the Demidov family had become one of the richest in Russia.

They inherited their business and merchants Eliseevs. By the way, the head of the clan, Pyotr Eliseev, became an entrepreneur not immediately. At first he was a gardener, and after he managed to receive a large amount from the owners in gratitude for the strawberries grown in January, he opened a small shop on Nevsky Prospekt. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Eliseev Trading House, which was run by the sons of a gardener, owned huge warehouses, ships and had representative offices not only in Russia, but also abroad.

family business

However, representatives of professional dynasties were not only entrepreneurs, but also doctors, artists, and scientists. Sons of the famous doctor Sergei Botkin, who at one time was a doctor of the sovereign emperor himself, also became doctors and achieved great success in the profession. Just like the children of the famous surgeon Alexander Vasilyevich Vishnevsky, known to most of us thanks to the ointment he invented. His son, Alexander Alexandrovich Vishnevsky, for a long time headed the institute named after his father, was the first in the world to perform heart surgery under local anesthesia and the first successful open-heart surgery in the USSR using a domestic heart-lung machine. The grandson of the famous surgeon, Alexander Alexandrovich Vishnevsky Jr., also became a famous doctor, studied the possibilities of using lasers in medicine, performed unique operations on the lungs, mammary gland, and treated patients with chronic osteomyelitis.

But perhaps the most numerous professional dynasties, many of which continue to this day, have always been circus and acting. Probably not by chance. Children of artists literally live in the circus or behind the scenes of the theater. They often have to go on tour with their parents, they are attracted from a very early age to participate in performances and filming in films.

Is it a thing of the past?

The creation of labor dynasties was highly encouraged during the Soviet era. Films were made about representatives of such families, books were written. But how is it now? Sociologists have calculated that modern young people are less and less likely to follow in the footsteps of their parents. Only 11% of Russian school graduates would like to choose the same profession as their father or mother. However, the parents themselves also do not particularly want their children to repeat their path. Only 38% of the older generation would like their children to do the same as they do. However, the number of those wishing to pass on their experience to the next generation in different fields of activity is not the same. 50% of architects, 38% of programmers, 37% of designers, 34% of journalists and 32% of accountants would like to see their children as heirs of the profession. While 89% of security guards, 82% of salesmen, 82% of drivers and 79% of secretaries would not like their children to share their professional fate. Journalists are the luckiest - their children are more likely than others to learn the profession of parents (in 10% of cases) and doctors (8% of doctors continue the family dynasty).

Psychologists are sure that older children most often follow in the footsteps of their parents. From childhood, they are attracted to taking care of the younger ones, they have more family responsibilities. Therefore, they identify themselves with their parents to a greater extent than younger children, and more often repeat the professional path of their father or mother.

Why is the number of professional dynasties declining? Experts find several explanations. New professions appear constantly, so the choice of specialties is constantly expanding, therefore, the number of those who follow the path of their parents is decreasing. Another theory suggests that young people now live more apart from their parents, so they have more opportunities to do their own thing, instead of participating in the family business. The third version blames progress for the death of dynasties. New technologies appear so quickly that parents simply have nothing to pass on to their children in a professional way: any knowledge becomes outdated too quickly.

However, psychologists and recruiters see nothing wrong with professional dynasties. If parents are successful, if they like what they do, they are able to really interest the child in their specialty, help him in his studies, employment, and give professional advice. However, experts warn: no violence! The child must make the final decision on the choice of profession.

TSKHINVAL, October 18 - Sputnik, Fatima Plieva. Luiza Kelekhsaeva has been working as a pediatrician for 42 years, 28 of them she has been in charge of the junior children's department of the republican hospital in the capital of South Ossetia. Luiza Platonovna and her sister chose the profession of doctors following the example of their mother - Elena Tibilova devoted more than half a century to work in the Ambulance Service.

"She worked all the time, I always take an example from her. We lived near the ambulance station and often came there after school. Very often people turned to my mother even at night. Therefore, white coats, the smell of medicines, medical instruments - all this we had familiar from childhood," says Luiza Platonovna.

According to her, she never thought about what profession to choose - she always knew that she would be a doctor.

“I graduated from a music school with excellent marks and I was sent to continue studying in this direction. But I didn’t even think about it. In a word, I couldn’t help but become a doctor,” she says.

Since then, she has not rested, her work experience has been for more than 42 years. She is the head of the children's department of the hospital. In addition to administrative work for the whole day, the doctor's office is not empty even for a minute, there is always a queue in front of the door. Many get medical advice over the phone.

“We don’t have a personal life. All the time is occupied by work, the sick and their health. Once I counted: in one day they called me 78 times at work. My mother always told me to pay the same attention to other people’s sick children, which I would pay Somehow I felt bad and asked my mother to tell the callers that I was not there. And then I hear - "yes, of course, she is here, now I will call her," the doctor recalls.

Luiza Platonovna's day begins with a morning meeting in the department, and then a general "fly". After that, she visits all her patients, and then patients, patients, patients ...

However, she is satisfied with her work, she has never regretted her choice, despite her dissatisfaction with certain things.

“In Soviet times, it was easier to gain new experience, improve our skills, we took different courses. Today, medicine is moving forward so fast that sometimes it is impossible to keep up with it - our doctors do not always have the opportunity to go to courses,” she added.

Among the representatives of the older generation of the Kelekhsaev family, Louise is not the only doctor.

Her older sister Lyudmila also chose this profession for herself, she is a cardiologist, deputy chief physician of the republican hospital. In addition, the daughters of both sisters were born at almost the same time. Larisa Khanikaeva and Zalina Basaeva also did not think about choosing a profession, they immediately decided that they would continue the family tradition.

“The age difference between our daughters is only four days. They went to kindergarten and school together and are still very close. They, like us, did not think about choosing a profession - they knew that they would become doctors. Vladikavkaz. Now Larisa works as a pediatrician, and Zalina is an ultrasound specialist,” said Luiza Platonovna.

Larisa Khanikaeva has been working as a pediatrician since 2001, and in 2008 she became the chief physician of the Tskhinvali children's clinic.

"Despite the fact that I head one of the structures of the Ministry of Health, my main profession is a pediatrician. I do not regret this choice, I am very attached to my work. If I had the opportunity to go through everything again, I would choose this profession again," Larissa says.

Of the fourth generation, only the youngest son of Larisa, five-year-old Arthur, shows interest in the medical profession. He, according to his mother, is constantly making paper patients who come to him seriously ill. He carefully listens to them, and then takes up the "treatment".

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