Synopsis of the role-playing game "hospital" senior group. Summary of the plot-role-playing game "Polyclinic" in the senior group


Synopsis of the plot role play"Polyclinic" in the senior group

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to playrole-playing game« Polyclinic» .



To form in children the skills to developstory based knowledge gameobtained from the perception of the environment, from literary works.

Expand your understanding of the medical profession.

Contribute to the enrichment of a friendgames with new solutions(change of paraphernalia, introduction of a new role).


Develop the ability to coordinate the topicgames, distribute roles, agree on a sequence of joint actions.

Contribute to the emergence of a role-playing dialogue, fix the names of medical instruments: phonendoscope, syringe. Enriching children's vocabulary with polite words.


Cultivate empathy for the patient.

Material and equipment:

Polyclinic- doctor's gown and hat, gowns and hats for nurses, medical instruments (thermometer, syringe, bandage, brilliant green, cotton wool, phonendoscope, screen, cards with recommendations, patient cards, injection solution, vitamins.

Pharmacy - cash desk, money; bathrobe, hat; attributes: drugs, powders, vitamins, syrups.

Registry - cards of patients, coupons for admission.

Preliminary work: The story of the educator about the profession of a doctor, looking at the picture"Doctor"a series"Who to be?"; reading children's literature by Yu. Yakovlev"Sick", Y. Sinitsina"Human Trouble", I. Turicina"Man is sick", K. Chukovsky"Dr. Aibolit"; excursion to the medical office kindergarten.

Playing roles: pediatrician, two nurses, registrar, pharmacist, patients.

Game progress:

Educator: Guys, I want to ask you a riddle, listen carefully:

If your ear hurts

If your throat is dry

Don't worry and don't cry

Because it will help you...

Children: Doctor.

Educator: Right! Well done! Today I invite you to play interesting game « Polyclinic» . How many of you know the name of a doctor who treats children?(children's answers)

Educator: Children are treated by a pediatrician, he receives patients, fills out cards, gives recommendations on caring for the patient,inspects, gives direction for analysis.

And who helps the doctor to conduct an appointment?

Children: Nurse.

Educator: Right! The nurse helps the doctorinspection, writes a prescription, makes injections, dressings, treats wounds, measures temperature, height, weighs.

But before we can get an appointment with a doctor, we must make an appointment at the reception. Who works at the registry?

Children: Registrar.

Educator: The registrar makes appointments for patients, issues cards, lays out documentation, issues coupons, answers phone calls.

Educator: After the appointment, we go to the pharmacy to buy medicines and vitamins, the pharmacist listens to the customers,

accepts a prescription, gives a certificate of the dose of the medicine, dispenses the medicine.

Now let's distribute the roles. Who will be the pediatrician? -Arthur. Who wants to be nurses?(The teacher distributes the roles of nurses). And Oksana and Darina will help me today, they will be nurses. Who wants to be a registrar? - Katia. And who will work in our pharmacy? Elina will be a pharmacist. But what kind of doctor's appointment without patients. Since our patients are dolls, they cannot go to the doctor without their parents. Guys, who wants to be parents?(The teacher distributes the roles of parents). Parents today will be Alvina, Timur, Ramzan. Dear Parents take your children in your arms and watch them carefully, be kind to them. Now we're going to see the pediatrician. Alvina will be the first, and the rest of the parents take the queue.

2nd patient: Who is the last one?

1st patient: We.

2nd patient: Then we are behind you.

3rd patient:(also in line).

Patient 1: Hello! We live at 18 Komarova Street, Sasha Petrova, 2 years old. - Thanks.

Receptionist: Hello, tell me the address, what is the name of your child, how old is he, reception at 9 o'clock, here is a ticket and your card.

Patient 2: Hello! We live on Lenin street, building 3, Sidorov Roma, 4 years old. - Thanks.

Receptionist: Hello, tell me the address, what is the name of your child, how old is he, reception at 8 o'clock, here is a ticket and your card.

Patient 3: Hello! We live at 42 Sverdlov Street, Alisa Kuzmina, 2 years old. - Thanks.

Educator: Dear nurses, it's time to get ready for the appointment, put on gowns and hats and go to the treatment room. The doctor needs to change too.(they leave behind the screen, the screen moves to the side - the beginning of the reception).

Doctor: Nurse Oksana, invite the first patient.

Oksana: Who is the first in line - come in.

Patient 1: Hello!

Doctor: Hello, sit down. What worries you?

1st patient: My daughter Sasha has a sore throat.

Doctor: Now I will look at your card(finds a card). Sashenka open your mouth and say ah-ah-ah. Yes, the neck is red, but that's okay. Nurse Oksana will prescribe medicine for you (makes an entry in the card, you will take one tablet a day. And now, please go to the treatment room, nurse Darina will give your daughter a drink of calendula infusion(gives directions). This recipe is for buying vitamins at the pharmacy. When you get home, read a book to your daughter. And come to my appointment in three days, I will look at your daughter's neck. Goodbye!

1st patient: - Goodbye!(walks into procedure room). Hello!(holds out direction).

(brews calendula in a thermos and pours Sasha). Here is an infusion for your child.

Patient 1: Thank you, bye!

Nurse Darina: Goodbye!

Patient 1: Hello! Here is my prescription, I need medicine for my daughter.

Pharmacist: Hello! Here we have such pills, take them 3 times a day, 10 rubles from you, here you are, change.

Patient 1: Thank you! Goodbye!

Doctor: Nurse Oksana, please invite the next patient.

Nurse Oksana: Next, come in.

Patient 2: Hello!

Doctor: Hello, sit down. What worries you?

2nd patient: -My son Roma took scissors without permission and cut off his finger.

Doctor: I'll find your card now(finds a card)and look at your son's finger. There is nothing terrible here, but the finger must be treated with brilliant green and bandaged so that dirt does not get in. Nurse Oksana will write you a referral to the treatment room(writes direction)and prescription ointment, buy it at the pharmacy. Give the referral to Nurse Darina. After the treatment room, go to the zoo. And you will come to the reception in two days, I will look at your son's finger! Goodbye!

Patient 2: Goodbye!(goes to treatment room). Hello!(holds out direction).

Nurse Darina: Hello! Sit down(smears his finger with green and bandages it). Goodbye.

2nd patient: Thank you doctor! Thank you sister! Now my son is healthy! Goodbye!

Patient 2: Hello! Here is my recipe, I need an ointment for my son.

Pharmacist: Hello! Here we have an ointment, change the bandage once a day, 30 rubles from you, here you are, change.

Patient 2: Thank you! Goodbye!

Doctor: Nurse Oksana, please invite the next patient.

Nurse Oksana: Next.

Patient 3: Hello!

Teacher: Hello, sit down. What worries you?

3rd patient: My daughter Alice and I came for a vaccination.

Teacher: Let's see(finds a card). Yes, it's time to make you a manta. First I'll look at your throat. Alice open your mouth and say ah-ah-ah. Everything is fine. Now Oksana will write out a referral to the treatment room and a prescription for vitamins, nurse Darina will take her temperature and get vaccinated(writes on card). After vaccination, go home and feed your daughter. Do not swim for three days, and then you will come for an inspection. Goodbye!.

Patient 3: Goodbye!(walks into procedure room). Hello!(holds out direction).

Nurse Darina: Hello! Sit down (puts a thermometer, the temperature is normal, roll up your sleeve(gets vaccinated). Goodbye!

Patient 3: Hello! Here is my recipe, I need vitamins for the baby.

Pharmacist: Hello! Here are vitamins for you, give them to your child 3 times a day, 30 rubles from you, please change.

Patient 3: Thank you! Goodbye!

Doctor: Our appointment is over. Dear nurses, thank you for your help, you can take off your gowns and hats.

Educator: Did you guys like the game?

Children: Yes.

(Children continue to play if they wish)

Educators of MADOU No. 23, Krasnodar region, Armavir

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the professions of a doctor, a nurse, their caring attitude towards sick people.


Developing: consolidate knowledge social relations, teaching behavioral skills in the clinic, to develop a game dialogue, game interaction; Activate and expand vocabulary.

Educational: to instill in children a sense of gratitude to a person for his work.

Vocabulary work: complain, phonendoscope, spatula, registry, registrar.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky "Aibolit" ; a conversation about the work of a doctor, a nurse; story role-playing game "Hospital" .

Material and equipment: Clothing: 3 bathrobes, 3 hats (for children);

Medical instruments: syringes, phonendoscope, vials, spatula, cotton wool, thermometer, bandage.

Documentation: medical cards for each "sick" ; each child-patient wears badges with geometric shapes.

Game progress:

Children sit in a group on chairs.

Educator: Guys, today we will play an interesting game - "polyclinic" . Which of you has been to the clinic? Let's remember what we saw there?

Children: Doctor, nurse, give an injection.

Educator: And who will tell me why people come to the clinic? When do they come?

Children: When they get sick, to recover.

Educator: We come to the clinic and say that something hurts us. And what is it called?

Children: Complain.

Educator: That's right, the doctor asks: "What are you complaining about?" . Guys, when we come to the clinic, we do not immediately go to the doctor. First you need to take a medical card - we go to the registry. There sits a nurse receptionist who asks for your last name, first name, home address. And only then will she issue you a medical card. The registrar also answers phone calls - after all, someone can call a doctor at home. Then, with a medical card, we go in turn to the doctor's office.

Let's take a look at the doctor's tools. This instrument is a phonendoscope. (shows). What does the doctor do with this tool?

Children: Listen.

Teacher: What is he listening to?

Children: Heart, lungs, breathing.

Educator: Right. And this is a spatula. (shows). What are they doing?

Children: Look at the throat.

Educator: And this is a neurological hammer. (shows). What does the doctor do for them?

Children: Knocks on the knee.

Educator: That's right, this is how the doctor checks the patient's reflexes. Now consider the tools of the nurse. I'm going to show you, and you will tell me what they are called and what they do.

Children examine the tools: a thermometer, a syringe, cotton wool, a bandage, vitamins, they name what they are for and how to use them.

Educator: Before we start our game, we need to assign roles. Which one of you wants to be a doctor? a nurse? medical registrar? The doctor will be the most responsible of you. We have a real clinic with you.

Choice of roles. The children take their places.

Reception begins.

Children take turns approaching the registry, giving their last name, first name, address. The medical registrar - the child issues cards. (on the cards are drawn the same geometric figures, as on badges in child patients). Then the children take turns going to the doctor.

Child doctor: Hello, come in, sit down. What's your last name? What are you complaining about, what hurts?

Sick child: My throat hurts.

Doctor: Let me see you. Open your mouth. Tell "ah-ah-ah" . I'll take a look at you with a spatula. Don't be scared. Yes, the neck is red. Go to the nurse. She will put a thermometer and give medicine.

Children take turns going to the doctor and then to the nurse.

The game continues until the last child patient.

Summing up the game:

  1. Did you like the game?
  2. Did the children like the doctor? Nurse? Medical registrar? (yes or no, why).
  3. Did the child enjoy being in the role of a doctor, a nurse, a medical registrar and a patient?

Educator: Guys, you came to the clinic sad, sick. And now the doctor has treated you, and you have become healthy, mischievous, cheerful, as you were before the illness.

Children are given sweet gifts.

Title: Summary of the role-playing game in the senior group "City of Masters"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, game lessons, senior group

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU No. 49 "Squirrel", Kaluga
Location: Kaluga, Kaluga region

Material for publication for the competition "Best Author's Publication".

Synopsis of a role-playing game in the senior group on the topic "City of Masters".

Shamarina Natalya Alexandrovna, educator.

Program content:

To help create a playful environment, to establish interaction between children who have chosen certain roles.

To consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, seller, hairdresser, builder.

To form in children the ability to play according to their own plan, to encourage creative activity children in the game.

To form friendly relations in the game, a sense of humanity, responsibility, friendliness.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about professions using illustrations.

Excursion to the hairdresser

Reading fiction: Mayakovsky “What to be?”, D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?”, “What color are crafts?”

Working with parents: On the part of the parents, assistance was provided in the design of the play areas “Hospital”, “Hairdresser”, “Family”, “Young Builder”.

Vocabulary work: activate the words in children's speech: doctor, nurse, patient, hairdresser, client, builder.

Individual work: assistance in choosing the role of Dana V.

Methods and techniques: creating a game environment, conversation, art word, questions, motivation “City of Masters”, recording, game.

Game progress.

Children enter the group, stand around the teacher.

You, everyone is growing years

You will be seventeen.

Where do you work then

What to do?

When you grow up, what will you be doing? (Children's answers.)

What do you think, in order to become a doctor, a hairdresser… what do you need to do first? (Children's answers.)

That's right, in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, you must first study at school, then graduate from a technical school or institute, get a specialty. But how long to wait for this, and how you want to become an adult right now and work!

I know one such city where you can find your favorite job. All children, getting there, immediately become adults and choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go on a journey with me to the magical “City of Masters”? (Children's answers.)

What do you think about how you can go on a trip? (Children's answers.)

And I suggest you go with me on the bus. (The group has chairs in a row.)

You will be the passengers, and I will be the driver, since I am the only one who knows the way. (I put on my cap.) Come in, please, make yourself comfortable. Boys be polite.


Kachu, I'm flying at full speed.

I myself am the driver and the engine itself!

I press the pedal

And the car rushes into the distance.

And so, let's go! To make the road more fun, turn on the music. (The song “Merry Travelers” sounds.)

Here we have arrived! Come out, please. Do not diverge far, in an unfamiliar city you can get lost. Look at each other, everyone has gathered, everyone is ready for a tour of the city. (Children's answers.)

Oh, what's wrong with you? You have all grown up!

There are no workers in the “City of Masters”, but there are various organizations. Let's go and see what this city has.

Here is our hairdressing salon

It's bright and interesting here.

Mirrors, perfumes and armchairs.

Do you know who works at the barbershop? What is he doing? Who comes to the hairdresser? How do you talk to a client? How do customers behave in the barbershop? (Children's answers.)

And here is the Store.

And now we are in the store -

All products on display:

Tea, sweets, sausage -

Eyes pop up.

Look, here we have a “Hospital”.

Always attentive, with love

Our doctor is treating you guys.

When your health improves

He is the happiest of all!

Educator. Children who work in the hospital? What is he doing? Can a doctor do the job alone? Who helps him? What does a nurse do? Who comes to the hospital? How do they talk to the patient? How do patients behave in the hospital? (Children's answers.)

Educator. And here we have a construction site.

The whole area knows the builder,

He is an excellent master

With his team, he

Builds a brick house.

House among other houses

And leaner and taller.

They speak up to the clouds

The house will get a roof.

And here we live

Dolls, hares, bears,

Waiting for them to come

Baby moms.

Educator. You see how many interesting things are in our town.

You can choose the profession you like.

What do you think, who will cope with the work of the seller? (Children's answers.)

And who can work as a doctor, a nurse? (Children's answers.) Will you be able to speak politely with patients?

Who can we appoint as a hairdresser? (Children's answers.)

What do you think, who will cope with the work of the builder? (Children's answers.) Their work is responsible, since our city must grow and become prettier.

In our city there is a nice, cozy house where toys live, which you need to take to the hospital, to the hairdresser, buy sweets and food for them in the store, go for a walk, see how the house is being built. And in general, love them and take care of them. Who will be the mother?

Listen, music. This means that a new day begins in the city and everyone starts working. Come to your workplaces, see what else you need to cook ...

As the game progresses, I help create a game environment with the help of questions, advice, suggestions. I draw attention to the relationship of children in the game. I join the game with the permission of the children (I play the role of a patient in the hospital (I planted a splinter at a construction site), a client in a hairdresser, before coming to visit my family, I buy treats in a store, etc.).

Music sounds.

Evening has come to our town, the working day is over. Shops, hospitals, barbershops are closing, work is being completed at the construction site as well. Everyone cleans up the workplace, as new children will come to this town who want to become adults. (Children clean up.)

Svetlana Sokolova
Summary of the role-playing game Topic: "Kindergarten" in the senior group

Target: creation of conditions for the formation of skills to organize a role-playing game "kindergarten".


1- Improve and expand the playing skills of children: assign roles, prepare the necessary conditions to agree on the sequence of joint actions that arise during the game;

2- Develop skills to independently resolve conflicts, establish and regulate contacts in a joint game: negotiate, put up, convince, act.

3- to cultivate respect for the work of kindergarten workers.

Dictionary activation: manager, parents, music director, speech therapist, physical education instructor, employee, colleague.

Preliminary work:

1. Excursion-inspection of the music (sports) hall, followed by a conversation about the work of the muses. manager (physical manager). Excursion-examination of honey. office, observation of the work of a doctor, conversations from personal experience children.

2. Supervision of the work of the educator, assistant educator.

3. Conversation about the work of kindergarten workers: educator, assistant educator, cook, nurse and other kindergarten workers.

4. Children compiling stories on the topic "My best day in kindergarten."

5. Examination of illustrations, photographs

Roles: educator, junior educator, speech therapist, manager, cook, music director, sports director, nurse, doctor, children.

Equipment: children's notebook, dolls, furniture, kitchen and dining utensils, cleaning kits, honey. tools, clothes for a cook, a doctor, a nurse, etc.

Guys, you go to kindergarten every day. Tell me what are you doing there?

Children come to kindergarten with their parents, undress, say goodbye to their parents, play with other children, eat, draw, go for a walk, study, read books. Children in kindergarten are engaged in gymnastics with a teacher, spend music lessons, physical education, show puppet show. Children help the nanny with cleaning, neatly fold books and toys. Everyone plays together, do not quarrel, do not fight, help each other.

Tell me, who works there? What kind of work do they do in kindergarten? Who knows what they do all this for?

The teacher receives children, talks with parents, conducts morning exercises, classes, organizes games.

The junior teacher keeps order in the group, assists the teacher in preparing for classes, receives food ...

A speech therapist works with children on the production of sounds, the development of speech ...

Muses. the head conducts a musical lesson, plays an instrument, sings with children, dances.

The doctor examines the children, listens, makes appointments. The nurse weighs, measures the children, gives vaccinations, injections, gives pills, checks the cleanliness of the groups, the kitchen.

The cook prepares food, gives it to the teacher's assistants.

Instructor for physical culture- conducts competitions, exercises.

What are the people who work in kindergarten like? (kind, attentive, caring, polite)

Guys, you know what? Let's open our own kindergarten? What will we call it?

I will be the head of the kindergarten. In order for children to feel good in kindergarten, what professions will help us?

Well, our kindergarten needs: a teacher, a junior teacher, two cooks, a physical education instructor, a speech therapist, a music director, a doctor and a nurse. Who will be who? Great, the rest will be children. Now close your eyes and imagine yourself as who you choose to be. And now we open.

So, our kindergarten is open, I ask everyone to take their seats: the cooks go to cook in the kitchen, the teacher takes the children into the group, the rest are preparing for classes.

Now Timofey will do gymnastics with us. Now Arina, you have to take the children to breakfast. First lesson in music hall. Oh, something Sasha has become ill, let's take him to the doctor. The second lesson is conducted by a speech therapist. Well, now our teacher should conduct a drawing lesson. Children should not be taken for a walk, it is very raining there. Come on Timofey, you will play some game with the guys. Well, now it's time to take the guys to dinner, and put them to bed.

Methods and techniques -

The guys all fell asleep, it's time for all the employees of the kindergarten to gather for a meeting.

Well, dear colleagues, did you enjoy doing your duties? What was hard? What did you enjoy doing the most?

I see that all of you are responsible and hardworking employees.

Now do you understand how much is done for the well-being of children in kindergarten while your parents are at work?

This concludes our meeting. We still need to put the group in order and go for a walk.

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