Synopsis of a musical lesson in a dow according to fgos. Music lessons


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of combined type No. 6 of Leninogorsk" municipality"Leninogorsky municipal area» RT

Abstract educational activities By musical development children in the senior group

“We sing, we knock, we play - we develop musicality!”

Prepared by:

music director

Yashkuzina Evgenia Vladimirovna

Leninogorsk, 2017

Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration educational areas:

Social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

Speech development.

Age group : Older

Target: development musical ability older children preschool age through the use of innovative musical and pedagogical technologies.


- improve vocal skills and pitch hearing in the process singing activity;

Introduce children to learning songs using mnemonics;

Encourage the manifestation of children's activity in musical and speech activities;

To enrich the speech of children by including in lexicon new words (choir, conductor).

- develop a sense of rhythm, auditory attention;

Promote the development of memory, imagination;
- improve speech and motor skills;

Develop creative activity children, communication skills.


To cultivate a culture of listening, love for music, a desire to engage in musical activities;
- foster a culture of communication, a sense of empathy;

Encourage children to motor improvisations;

To develop the emotional responsiveness of children to the feelings and moods expressed in music.


Creating a positive psychological atmosphere in the classroom, reducing emotional stress;

Increasing children's self-esteem, their confidence in own forces and performance results;

Formation of motivation for creative self-expression in the process of collective activity;

Reduced eye strain;

Reducing muscle tension by learning the basics of play self-massage.

Organization of the environment for the lesson (educational activities)



Music Center;

Multimedia complex (stationary screen + overhead projector);

Chairs for children - according to the number of children;

Tables for children - 4 pcs;

Disposable plastic plates - 2 for each child;

Arrows made of sticky paper - 2 for each plate;

Fabric flowers on an elastic band - 2 for each child;

Butterflies on an elastic band - 2 for each child.

Planned result:

Establishing a friendly relationship (teacher - children);

Creating and maintaining a positive emotional background throughout the lesson;

Learning 1 verse new song followed by execution

Mastering innovative musical and pedagogical technologies: "Chorus of Hands" and mnemonics.

Children are in the hall, engaged in free activities.

Musical director includes a soundtrack of the "Musical greeting" and, with the help of music and singing,

gradually involves children in a dialogue.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational stage

"Musical Greeting" (author of lyrics O.Yu. Dzhenkova)

Musical director.

Hello guys!

How are you feeling?

Please come out

Come closer!

(show movements: introductory walking)

Hello guys!

How are you feeling?

Please pull up!

Smile at each other!

Let's dance and sing songs

I ask you guys to repeat after me ....

(show movements: spring)

We will be doing

Let's not get distracted!

Let's dance and sing songs

I ask you guys to repeat after me ....

(movements on the show: placing the foot on the heel)

What a great way to say hello! And we met in the music hall not by chance. What do you think we can do here?(sing, dance, play musical instruments). Can you play here? So let's play the game "Palms".

Musical director.

Let's clap a littleClap your hands

And rub our handsRubbing hands against each other

And now even stronger

To get hot!Rubbing hands more quickly and intensely

Clap louder, cheer up

Don't spare your palms!

What thunderous applause! And for whom can they sound?(for artists)

Come on, let's be artists together today. We will learn to sing beautifully. Artists, take your seats!(posture)

Children sit on chairs.

The music director pays attention to posture.

II. main stage

To learn how to sing beautifully, we will prepare our voice and massage the neck.

Bottom up, top down...

Top down, bottom up...(stroking movements with fingertips on the neck)

We will succeed in singing!

Musical director. Our voice is ready for singing, and you will know which song we will sing if you guess the riddle.

Morning begins,

He meets with a beam.

Shines in our window


Now call him affectionately.(Sun). Now I will sing you the song "Sunshine"

The music director performs the song "Sunshine"

Musical director. Guys, what is this song about?

That's right, we call the sun in this song. Show me how we can call him?

Remember what we ask to make the sun?(Look with your eyes, shine with a ray)

Are there words in the song that are repeated several times?(sun, eyes, ray)

What do you think the nature of this song is?(cheerful)

That's right, and how to sing it? ………..(light and loud)

I suggest you learn this song today, and the pictures on the screen will help us.

Express-learning the song "Sun" using mnemonics.

(words and music by A. Yaranova)

The music director reminds the children about the singing posture, about the posture.

Learning takes place sitting on chairs, and the final performance is standing.

- The teacher works with slides in the "freeze frame" mode, together with the children determines the text meaning of each picture.

- The teacher, together with the children, sings a song from the pictures - a capella, adding movements.

- The teacher and children sing a song to the soundtrack with movements.

Musical director.

You sang the song beautifully!

We tried not in vain!

And while you're all working

Our eyes are tired.

Let's do gymnastics for the eyes, repeat after me.

Visual gymnastics " Sun beam"

Musical director.

Ray, mischievous ray,blinking eyes

Play with me.

Come on, ray, spin aroundMake circular movements with the eyes.

Show your eyes to me.

I will look to the leftThey look to the left.

I will find a ray of sunshine.

I will look to the right,They look to the right.

I will find a ray again.

We close our eyesClose your eyes, relax your eyelids.

We open our eyesOpen up your eyes

Here are the miracles.

Well, our eyes are rested.

We sang together, so we sang like?(in chorus)

Guys, what do you think, is it possible to sing music ... with your hands?(children's answer).

Let's try? We are artists! Look, this will be our scene. We will perform a choir of hands, and flowers and butterflies will help us.

Boys, stand behind the chairs and put butterflies on their hands like this ...(show)

And the girls, take their places on chairs, put flowers on their hands like this ...(show) "like a mitten"

Boys wear butterflies and girls wear flowers.

And I will be the conductor. You will look at me and do as I do. Look...

For 1 part of the music, only girls perform movements, for the second - only boys, and for the third part of the music - the movements are performed all together.

Innovative musical and pedagogical technology "Chorus of Hands"

according to the method of T. Borovik (motor two-voice)

Musical director. How beautiful! You are real artists! We have a wonderful choir! Leave the attributes on the chairs and sit down in your seats.

The ticking of a clock is heard.

Musical director. Listen, my friends... what does this sound remind you of?

Time-time is running,
And he tells you to listen.

The clock whispers like this:
TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK!(children listen)

Look, I have plates, but how do you think they can be turned into a watch?(children's answers) Right! Need arrows.

Look, I have already turned my plate into a watch with the help of these magic arrows. And now I have 2 plates. And you can turn simple plates into a magical watch. Under magical music go to the tables and get to work.

Application on plastic plates

Children go to the tables on which plastic plates are prepared.

and sticky paper arrows. Children perform the application, the teacher helps.

Musical director. Show me your watch. You know, guys, but you didn’t just decorate the plates, you turned them into watches, which means you made them magical. Now they can sing too! Listen!The teacher knocks and says: “So-so-so!”, Asks the children to repeat. And our watch loves to dance and they even have their favorite music!

Musical and rhythmic game with plastic plates "Watch"

Children perform movements according to the show: a fractional step in a circle with rhythmic tapping of plates.

Musical director. Our clock danced and got a little tired.

Offer to put the clock on the floor.

III . The final stage.

Musical director. Guys, how are you feeling right now? Can you show me your mood?(answer) I really enjoyed our meeting.

What did you find most interesting about our meeting?

What was the hardest task?(children's answers) Believe me, I have never met such musical and talented artists anywhere! I say thank you!

But our clock tells me that the time of our meeting is coming to an end.

I wish you all the best, my friends! As a memento of our meeting, I give you this watch. May they always count down only pleasant and happy minutes for you! Goodbye!

Children leave the room

Summary of music lessons

(preparatory group)

"In the world of musical instruments"

Summary of directly educational activities in music for children of the preparatory group.


Consolidation, formation and development of children's musical abilities, allowing them to apply the acquired knowledge in playing various children's musical instruments and in creative endeavors (necessary for learning to play musical instruments).



Consolidate and systematize knowledge on the classification of musical instruments.

Enrich your vocabulary with musical terms.

To form the ability to identify musical instruments by sound; sing in harmony and expressively, conveying the character of the song in singing.


Develop musical and creative abilities through various kinds musical activity.


To cultivate communication skills, interest in musical instruments and the desire to play them.


Physical Culture.


Reading fiction.



Multimedia installation for viewing slides.

Musical instruments: drum, rattle, spoons, tambourine, maracas, bell; homemade tools (boots - runners).

Visual aid: tables - houses for placing pictures depicting musical instruments.

Children enter the music room.

Sounds E. Grieg "Morning" from the suite "Peer Gynt",

Musical director (greeting) Hello guys!

Children respond to greetings.

Musical director. Guys, today we will go to unusual country. There is no such country in any of geographical maps, but it is there where they love music. This is the Country of Musical Instruments. And we will go to this country with you in boots - runners. Dress them up soon.

Children put on "boots - runners" made of kinder - surprise.

Musical director. So, are you ready to hit the road? Let's go!

Let's walk together in step

Cheerful march will help us!

Sounds "March" music. F. Nadenenko. (I hour march)

Here we run on toes.

Sounds "March" music. F. Nadenenko. (II hour run)

Musical director. Guys, here we are with you. Look how beautiful our country of musical instruments is. How many different musical instruments are in it (we list). They are all so different, but still they can be combined into four main groups. What are these groups called?

Children classify musical instruments into groups: percussion, wind, strings, keyboards.

Musical director: Well done guys! The musical instruments were preparing to meet you, but they were so excited and fussed that everyone was confused. Now you and I must help them find their houses. Can we help?

The teacher shows the children houses.

Everyone on earth has a home.

Nice and fun and cozy in it.

The dog has a kennel, the fox has a hole,

An owl has a hollow, a robin has a nest.

Well, musical instruments live in these houses.

The first one we will help will be percussion musical instruments, because they were the first to appear on Earth, and are the simplest and most unpretentious. The game "Musical Guess" will help us put them in their places.

Game "Musical Guess"

The teacher asks children riddles about musical instruments.

Who in the orchestra will help you,

He can beat a complex rhythm.

Any rhythm, from different countries.

Well, of course…………….(Drum)

The child who guessed the riddle attaches a picture with the image of a drum to the cell of the table-house.

Musical director: In ancient times, the drum was made from the skins of animals obtained by hunting, and it was important in people's lives. They used it, for example, as a telephone, in order to transmit information over long distances, or to warn of the danger of their neighbors who lived very far away.

wooden crumbs,

Knock a little.

You can sip on them

And you can play "Lady". (Wooden spoons)

Children place a card with the image of wooden spoons in a table cell.

The palm is tapping on him,

Shakes freely.

And he rings, thunders.

He doesn't hurt at all. (Tambourine)

Children place a card with the image of a tambourine in a table cell.

You take me in your hands.

Wooden, mischievous. (Ratchet)

A card with the image of a ratchet is placed in a table cell.

Musical director: Ratchet not only sang along with the tambourine and spoons on folk holidays, but also protected the garden from pests. She crackled loudly in the wind and scared away crows and rooks.

You take it in the palm of your hand

A call will be heard.

Ding-ding-ding, dong-dong-dong

Whose call is this? (Bell)

A card with the image of a bell is placed in the table.

He looks like a rattle

Only this is not a toy! .. (Maracas)

A card with the image of a maracas is placed in a table cell.

Musical director: Guys, our percussion instruments are not only funny musicians, but also skillful storytellers. Let's tell our guests Russian together with them folk tale"Turnip".

Children with the help percussion instruments voiced the fairy tale "Turnip".

Fairy tale "Turnip".

The “storyteller” (teacher or child) tells a fairy tale, and the children act out.

Grandfather (walks heavily, limps) - drum, slow tempo, rhythmic pattern with pauses.

Grandmother (walks quickly and minces) - ratchet, rhythmic pattern is more calm, moderate pace.

Granddaughter (runs skipping) - tambourine, rhythmic pattern consists of eighths and quarter notes, fast pace.

Bug (runs and barks loudly) - spoons.

Cat (not in a hurry and purring) - maracas, rhythmic pattern with eighth durations, fast pace.

Mouse (hurries and looks around) - a bell, a rhythmic pattern with eighth durations.

Music Director: Like this an interesting fairy tale we told you along with the tools. Guys, wind musical instruments have also prepared a game for you. The game is called "Guess who sings?" And for starters, let's remember what wind instruments we met in previous lessons?

Children list the wind instruments that they met in previous lessons: flute, trumpet, saxophone, zhaleyka.

Musical director: wind instruments will sing for you in turn, and you must find out which instrument sang for you?

The game "Guess who sings?"

The teacher gives the children to listen to the soundtracks of the sound of various wind instruments. Children, having recognized this tool, find a card with its image and fix it in the cell of the table - the house.

Musical director: Guys, look at our wonderful houses. Two are already occupied. The instruments are comfortably placed in their windows. This shows that you have listened very carefully in previous lessons and that you have many friends who are musical instruments.

An excerpt from Vivaldi's violin concerto.

Musical director:

Smooth bow movements

The strings tremble.

The motive sounds from afar,

Sings about a moonlit evening.

How clear is the overflow of sounds.

They have joy and smiles.

Sounds like a dreamy tune

Its name is violin!

It's time, guys, to talk about stringed instruments. Stringed instruments prepared colorful slides for us, telling about their diversity.

Every violin has a bow.

He is a loyal, devoted friend.

When the violinist leads the bow

And the violin cries and sings.

"The harp is a magical instrument" -

Said the thoughtful poet.

As soon as the strings touch the hand -

And gentle sounds will flow.

Guitars sounds by the fire.

There is so much light and goodness in them.

Like the most intimate friend

Her melodious, gentle sound.

Under the harp, sonorous tunes

Boys and girls fell in love.

At weddings, the psaltery sang,

And the young were blessed

Louder than balalaika

Not in the whole world.

She is native Russian

Folk instrument.

They sang to it, they danced

And they were sad and sighed

On holidays under the ahi, the buffoons had fun

Musical director: Guys, only one house remained free. What group of instruments will we put in it?

Children answer: Keyboard instruments.

Musical director: The first place of honor should be taken by our kind piano, which performs a lot for us musical works, and is the main assistant on our holidays and classes.

A card with the image of a piano is placed in the cell of the table - the house.

Musical Director: In another way, this instrument is called the piano. If its name is translated into Russian, then it will sound like "loud - quiet." Hammers live inside keyboard instruments that strike tight stretched strings, and give rise to beautiful sounds of music that can tell about a beautiful morning, and about cold winter, about a good grandmother's tale and an evil Baba Yaga, about beautiful butterflies and wonderful flowers.

Musical director: Guys, what keyboard instruments do you know yet?

Children's answers: Piano, accordion, synthesizer.

Cards with the image of these tools take their places in the table.

Musical director: Guys, here we are helping musical instruments find their houses. I am sure that you will never forget such a beautiful country of Musical Instruments. We will definitely come back here, but for now, before we go to kindergarten, we will make a gift to our friends - tools. Let's sing a song for them, and our piano will help us.

The song "The World of Music" words and music by E. V. Mashechkova is performed.

Music director: Let's say goodbye to our friends - the instruments. Close your eyes and count to 5

Back in kindergarten.

Musical director: Did you guys like our trip?

Children talk about what they did in the lesson, what they liked.

The music director says goodbye to de

Lesson topic: "Portraits in music."

This lesson uses the technology of problem-based learning.Students develop thinking skills - the ability to listen, prove and generalize, develop the ability to compare, contrast.

The lesson uses a partial search method, modeling methods, plastic intonation, graphic illustration, the effect of surprise.

Lesson Objectives:


  1. to form thinking skills - generalization, the ability to listen and prove
  2. developing the ability to compare
  3. the formation of the skill of integrating various types of art


  1. creating conditions for optimization creativity students
  2. development of improvisation in forms accessible to children
  3. create an atmosphere of creativity in which students self-actualize, self-create


  1. education of emotional responsiveness to music
  2. education of a competent listener

Lesson type: Learning new material


  1. verbal-inductive (conversation, dialogue)
  2. visual - deductive (comparison)
  3. partially - search (improvisation)
  4. modeling
  5. plastic intonation
  6. graphic illustration

Lesson equipment:

  1. portraits of composers
  2. « children's album» P.I. Tchaikovsky
  3. audio recordings for music
  4. POWER POINT presentation
  5. piano, sheet music, music center
  6. related illustrations, student drawings

I. Organizational moment.

E. Tilicheeva "Music Lesson".

II. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

III. During the classes.

W: Guys, today we continue to study the topic "Portrait in Music".

We have already listened to a fragment from the opera, in which the music told us about fairy tale characters. What is the name of this fragment and what opera is it from?

D: "Three Miracles" from the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".

D: I composed a fairy tale Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.(A portrait of Pushkin is projected on the screen).

W: Right. And who is the author of the opera?(Portraits of Russian composers are projected on the screen- P.I. Tchaikovsky, M.I. Glinka, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, if the guys give the correct answer,the portrait of Rimsky-Korsakov increases in size, remains alone on the screen).

D: Music composed by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

W: Right. What is another name for Nikolai Andreevich?

D: Composer-storyteller, because he composed many operas on fairy-tale plots.

W: Fine. What is "opera"?(The term “opera” appears on the screen, an explanation of the term).

D: opera is musical performance, in which everything characters sing.(An explanation of the term appears on the screen.)

W: Right. And what three miracles does the music describe? Remember how music draws fabulous miracles?

(Listening to the audio recording of the beginning of each of the plays).

W: Whose topic has just been mentioned?

D: The theme of the squirrel sounded. (An image of a squirrel appears on the screen).

W: Right. And how did you guess? What voice does a squirrel sing?

D: The squirrel sings loudly high voice. The music in the play is cheerful, lively, playful, light.

W: Maybe some of you have already heard the melody of this song before?

D: I heard, but this song is very short - "In the garden, in the garden."

W: Right. Rimsky - Korsakov included in his opera the Russian folk song"In the garden, in the garden."

W: Fine. And what is this miracle? What is the music here?(Show heroic posture and become).

D: The theme of heroes came up.(The image of the heroes appears on the screen).

W: What is the music here? How does she sound?

D: It sounds loud, strong, courageous, proud, in a low register. It is like a procession, a march.

W: And what is this miracle?

D: The theme was "Princess - Swans".

W: What is the character of the play "The Swan Princess"? What does the music represent?(The image of the Princess - Swan appears on the screen).

W: How will our hands move to this music?(Plastic intonation: a hand in the air draws the figure of a swan).

D: The character is melodious, smooth, gentle, affectionate, beautiful. The music is like the sound of waves.

W: Well done! And now you will hear a play, the music of which also draws the image of a fairy-tale character for us. The play was composed by the great Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky.(A portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky appears on the screen).

Now we listen to music. Close your eyes and imagine this heroine.

(The play "Baba Yaga" by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds).

W: Do you think this character is positive or negative, good or evil?

D: Evil, unkind.

W: Who owns this kind of music? Please remember the most popular fairy tale characters. Who can you name?

D: Baba - Yaga, Koschey, Pinocchio, Carlson ...

W: Which of the aboveheroes would suit such music?

D: Baba Yaga!

W: Quite right. How did you see her? What is her character?

D: Baba Yaga is evil, insidious, cruel.

W: And how did you understand it? The music of this play is similar to the music of the theme of the Squirrel or the Princess - Swans? Are the sounds long and smooth?

D: The sounds are short, sharp, angry, sharp, breaking off.

W: And did all the sounds sound even, or maybe the composer highlights some sounds?

D: Highlights. (The term "accent" appears on the screen.)

D: Yes, of course, we hear louder sounds. Pyotr Ilyich uses a technique in the play - accentuation of sounds. Guys, accent is the emphasis in music.(An explanation of the term appears on the screen, the term is written in a notebook).

W: How does the composer use accents? How can you graphically represent this music?(Work at the blackboard - graphic illustration).

W: What does Baba Yaga do: she sits in her hut or,maybe she flies on a broomstick or in a mortar?(An image of Baba Yaga appears on the screen, who is sitting in a hut and flying in a mortar).

W: How did you know she was flying? What is the tempo of the music?

D: The pace is fast, lively, does not stop.(An image of a flying Baba Yaga appears on the screen).

U: On What instrument is used to play the piece?

D: The piece is performed on the piano.

W: Interesting music, isn't it? She is loved by everyone who listens to her. And the poet Viktor Lunin composed poems especially for this play. Listen.

(Reading a poem: teacher and student).

W: Do you think the poet's poems help us understand music better?

D: Yes.

W: And I have such a proposal: let's try to sing this poem to the melody of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

(The performance by the teacher of a fragment of the song and learning a few lines with the children).

W: Let's sing more expressively! We will show the character of the heroine with the intonation in the voice!(Repeated performance in character).

W: Fine! Thank you! Now let's turn into ballet dancers for a moment. What is ballet, I think you remember very well. But still, let's say the definition aloud. Who wants to be reminded?(The term “ballet” and its explanation appear on the screen.)

D: Ballet is a musical performance in which all the actors dance.

W: Right. The dancers convey the content of the ballet through facial expressions, plasticity, movements of arms, legs, dance moves. What gestures, hand movements could we use to further reveal the image of Baba Yaga?

What should be the movements of our hands: smooth or sharp? And how will we hold our palm at the same time: round, squeeze into a fist, or maybe it’s better to spread our fingers? How do you think? Let's try to simulate!

(Modeling and plastic intonation).

D: Movements should be short, sharp, abrupt. It is better to spread your palm, as Baba Yaga should scare everyone.

W: Let's ask our pens to work. Don't forget: hands should be expressive! Please stand up.

(Plastic intonation).

W: How hard you all tried! Well done! And now let's try to combine our singing with plastic intonation.

(Performance of a fragment of the play with plastic intonation).

W: Thanks to all! Well done! You managed to understand and convey the character of Baba Yaga. Have a seat!

And I want to tell you that the play "Baba Yaga" is included in the "Children's Album" by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

(The image of the "Children's Album" appears on the screen).

Guys, what other plays, besides this one, are included in the collection? What songs are we already familiar with?

D: "Mom", "Sweet Dream", "Old Doll", etc.

W: Well done! Don't forget!

What do you guys think, can Baba Yaga be funny? It turns out that this happens.

Maybe one of you met funny Baba Yaga in fairy tales or cartoons?

D: In the cartoon flying ship».

W: Yes, in the cartoon "Flying Ship" there lives not one, but a whole multi-storey hut such cheerful forest old women. They are even called funny - Grandmothers - Yozhki. And they sing funny ditties. The music of these ditties and the entire cartoon was composed by Maxim Dunayevsky.(The portrait is shown).

(Runs into class vocal ensemble, dressed in costumes of Babok - Ezhek, they perform ditties and also quickly run away).

W: Well, they ran, made some noise, sang ditties and ran on.

Here, it turns out, how different Baba Yaga can be: both evil and cheerful, and insidious and funny.

Today we heard wonderful music that composers composed thanks to the fabulous image of Baba Yaga(portraits of P.I. Tchaikovsky and M.I. Dunaevsky without names are projected on the screen).

Which of you can name their names?(If the answer is correct, the names of the composers are displayed on the screen).

D: P.I. Tchaikovsky and M. Dunaevsky.

W: Right. Why do you think I put photos of both composers on the same slide? What can unite them?

D: I think because they both composed music about Baba Yaga.

W: Quite right. But they revealed this to us in different ways. fabulous image. Besides that, what else have you learned?

D: We learned about stress in music.

W: Yes, we found out that such an emphasis in music. Guys, who remembers?

D: Accent is the emphasis in music.

W: Right. You remember everything correctly. Well done! You did a good job today!(Encouragement of students, grading).

At home, I will ask you to complete the following task - draw a picture for the play "Baba Yaga" by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are a lot of fairy tales, they have always walked and will walk around the world, and you will sing about it to us now.

(With a hand gesture, the teacher asks the students to stand up,

children sing the song "Fairy Tales Walk Around the World", during which an image of fairy-tale characters appears on the screen).

Thanks everyone for the lesson! Goodbye!


Music lesson summary

1 class

Lesson and presentation preparedMakarova Svetlana Gennadievna,

music teacher of the highest category, MOU "Gymnasium Dmitrov", Dmitrov.

Theme of the lesson: "Musical alphabet".

The purpose of the lesson:

Introduction to musical notation.

Tasks lessons include educational, educational, developing.


Give the concept of musical notation;

Learn to memorize and name notes;

Develop musical ear.


- ability to perform collective actions;

Develop student initiative

Awaken interest in musical literacy.


- develop creative imagination, attention, observation;

Integrity of perception.

Equipment for the lesson:

Board, magnets, piano, music center, CDs, computer (presentation).

Music material:

"Song about school" D.B. Kabalevsky,

"Do, re, mi..."

The teacher needs to explain to the children that music, as well as poetry or stories, can be written down and read. Only it is written not in letters, but in notes. Notes are written on five rulers, which together form a stave. It should be emphasized that the lines musical staff counted from below. Notes should be written on the rulers, between the rulers and on the additional rulers. It is necessary to explain the difference between sound and note: sound is what we hear, sing; note - what we write, read from the record.

After the teacher explains to the children musical notation, they should systematically practice singing from notes at each lesson (2-3 minutes).

Music evokes positive emotions beneficial effect on the mental development of children. It is known that positive emotions stimulate human activity. I believe that it is the use of presentation in music lessons that helps children perceive information more accessible, more emotionally and understandably.

Music awakens creativity, imagination and fantasy in a person.


Teacher activity

Student activities

Entrance to the classroom to the music (“Song of the School” by D.B. Kabalevsky).

They take their places.

Musical greeting for children.

Return greeting.

Today, guys, you went into the classroom to the music. We recently got acquainted with musical genres.

What are their names?

What genre of music met us?

What is this song about?

Right. The school is always glad to see you and has already taught you a lot during this time. In the math lesson you made friends with numbers, in the reading lesson you open the alphabet book. Signs live in it - letters that add up to words.

Answer: song, dance, march.


About school.

Music also has signs that live in musical alphabet. This is the name of our lesson today.

Slide number 1.

What are these signs? Solve the riddle.

Slide number 2.

Perhaps they will help us see how music lives. And our Muse will help us as always.

Answer: notes.

A long time ago, music was recorded like this.

Slide number 3.

These musical signs were very uncomfortable for the musicians. And only four hundred years ago notes were invented in Italy.

All notes live in the musical house. Look how handsome he is.

Slide number 4.

Why is this house called the staff?

It is also called the stave and it consists of five lines. No wonder we have a five-story house. We count the rulers from below. 1,2,3.4,5.

To get into this house, we need a key, and not a simple one, but a musical, violin one.

Slide number 5.

See how it's spelled.

I will draw first

A squiggle like this

Round at the top

Oh, some goose came out.

I'm a little afraid of him.

No! I'll do it like this:

So that there was not a goose, but a sign,

Fast line straight

I'll end with a bold dot.

So the key came out great,

And he is called violinist.

Answer: wears notes on himself.

So we got into the house to the notes. It's time to get to know them.

And who among you knows how many notes there are in music?

Slide number 6.

Right. There are a lot of musical sounds, but there are seven notes. Sounds are what we hear, sing, and notes can be written down, read from the record.

What happens in our life, in nature, with the number seven?

Answer: seven.

Seven days a week, seven colors of the rainbow.

Slide number 7-13.

Acquaintance with notes in verses.

The foundation of the house - note DO,

She lives in an annex

Her first apartment

The beginning of the whole building.


PE note, ah, PE note,

I didn't dare to get up

And next to the note DO

Slowly settled down.


On the ground floor, look

From the whole big family

In a warm apartment number three

Only MI lives there.


Note FA, pray tell

With a note, MI settled there.


Well, look at everything

Suddenly hung like in an elevator

After the note, salt is she.

Note SI, taking your luggage,

The third floor was chosen.

Now let's check together:

Are all the notes in place?


The children name the notes in order.

Slide number 14.

Everything is in place to one

Sing them all in order.

The first time they perform an “echo” after the teacher, they re-perform the scale together with the teacher.

Slide number 15.

Do you guys know that our Muse has a song about notes. It's called Do, Re, Mi. Let's listen to her.

Slide number 16.

"Do, re, mi" - learning.

Singing planting reminder.

Work on clear diction and articulation at a fast pace, with intonationally and rhythmically accurate singing.

Work on doing the right rhythmic pattern in the song.

Children learn a song with the teacher.

Clapping a rhythmic pattern.

The game "Live sound".

The teacher-"conductor" distributes the tablets with the names of the notes to the students, arranges them in order and "plays" them, as if pressing certain notes on the keyboard.

The children sing along with the teacher.

Then a student is selected - a "conductor".

Open Music Books on page 22. You see dumb keys here. The keys can be played, but they can only sound with your voice.

Let's try to do it.

Perform a soundtrack.

Today for the lesson I prepared puzzles.

What are puzzles?

Solving puzzles, answers in slides.

Slide #17-22.

Answer: These are puzzles in pictures.

Pheasant, salt, meadows, lilacs, up to m, along mi to river.

Let's summarize:

What did the Italians call musical signs?

How many notes are in the musical alphabet?

Where are notes recorded?

And how to get to the musical staff?




On the stave, staff

Need a treble clef.

As a gift for you, the cartoon "Do, re, mi ...", about how the calf learned notes.

Slide #23

The lesson is over, good luck.

Watching a cartoon



Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 2"

Musical director:

Pozdnyakova Natalya Alexandrovna

Svirsk, 2014

Abstract of an open music lesson

for older preschool children




    musical and emotional moral education children;

    complex development of their musicality;

    development of the imagination and fantasy of children;

    creating conditions for combining knowledge and feelings of children.


    repeat and consolidate knowledge about musical and noise sounds;

    create a warm, joyful, "sunny" mood in the classroom; develop the ability to feel and convey to others emotional warmth and joy;

    develop musicality through the integration of various sensations: visual, auditory, tactile, motor - in the process of making music;

    develop a love for music.

    cause an emotional upsurge.


    develop the ability to perceive the nature of music, understand its content;

    develop creative imagination and fantasy;

    cultivate interest and love for music.


group, collective.


travel game.




    problematic method;

    verbal method;

    visual method;

    research method.


    artistic word;

    own show;

    explanation with visual material.


    selection of musical material;

    selection of visual material.


demo material;

musical instrument: synthesizer;

music Center;

children's musical instruments.


Children in a chain enter the music hall to the music, performing a round dance

Musical director :

Hello guys! How is your mood?It's so nice to say hello to each other. Guys, today is our musical lesson guests have come, let's say hello to them too! You and I know a very interesting game - a greeting called "Hello"! So, get ready! Begin!

Greeting game


I say hello everywhere marching movements
At home and on the street
Even hello, I say swing with the right hand

On nearby street.
Hello blue sky raise their hands up

Hello golden sun cross the hands, spreading the fingers

Hello gentle breeze shakes raised up hands

Hello little oak connects the wrists, spreading the handshello morning, gentle gesture right hand right

hello day, the same gesture with the left hand to the left

I'm not too lazy to say hello. clapping with both hands

Musical director :

Well done boys! And now I will ask you to go to the chairs!

Children walk in a round dance to the music, and sit down on chairs
Musical director :

You know, guys, this morning I go into the music room and I see that some bright, bright lights are shining on our carpet. I was surprised, ran up and managed to grab only one light, the rest disappeared. Look what I have left in my hands. See some flower. What kind of flower is this?(children's answers )

Musical director :

Let's count the petals. How many petals?(children's answers )

Musical director :

It seems to me that this flower appeared here for a reason, it invites us somewhere. Have you met this flower in any fairy tale?(children's answers ). Perhaps this is the same magical flower. Well, let's go where he calls? (Yes ).

Musical director :

Then let's close our eyes and say the magic words: “Fly the petal through the west to the east, through the north through the south, return, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, be our way!

Children say the words with their eyes closed.

Magical music sounds.

Music staff opens

Musical director :

And where did we get to? Oh what is it? (point to the musical staff )

    Who will remember the name of the house where the notes live? (stave )

    How many lines are in the musical staff?(5)

    What is the name of the "king" of all notes?( treble clef )

    How many notes are in the musical palette?(7) Let's sing them.

Children sing the scale

Musical director :

Guys, you and I know a very interesting song that is sung only within our range! Who can tell me what it's called?(children's answers)

That's right, let's do it now. Let's all get on our feet, let's wake up a little. We put our pen in front of us so that it will help you when singing and we will perform the count with me! Ready? Begin!

Children sing "The cat took a taxi"

Musical director :

Well done guys, do you want to continue our journey?Then we tear off the second petal.

Sounds like dance music"Magic Flower"

Musical director :

Guys, listen, some music is playing. What is this music? And what kind of music is this song, march or dance?( dance )

Musical director :

That's right, we gotto the city of dancing. And today our lovely girls have prepared an amazing dance for all of us, which is called “Magic Flower”.

Dance with flowers "Magic Flower"

Musical director :

What magical flowers do we grow in kindergarten. Did you like it?Are we going further?

“Fly the petal through the west to the east, through the north through the south, return, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, to be our way!"

Drum music sounds

Musical director :

Oh, how interesting, where did we end up?Can we sounding music prompt? How can it be called?Guys, let's listen one more time, do we hear a melody? (NO ) And what is heard? (Drum ) But this is also music.ANDwe got intocity ​​of rhythmic sounds. Guys,and tell me, please, what sounds are there? (noise and music )

All the children in the world know

Sounds are different

Cranes farewell cry

Airplane loud rumble,

The hum of a car in the yard.

Barking dog in a kennel

The sound of wheels and the noise of the machine

Quiet breeze.

These are noise sounds

There are only others:

Not rustling, not knocking

Musical have sounds

Musical director :

And what are musical sounds? (quiet-loud, high-low ) Show, please, on the musical staff, where are the low sounds? Where are the high ones?Alet's all turn into musicians now and try to play with an orchestra!

"Noise Orchestra"

Musical director :

What good fellows you are! Shall we go further?

“Fly the petal through the west to the east, through the north through the south, return, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, to be our way!"

Sounds like musical composition"Solar Circle"

Musical director :

Again some music sounds. You don't know her by any chance.? What is this? (SONG ) That's right, because we are now in the country of songs and the gentle sun shines on us and the song is also sunny.Let's have this beautiful and wonderful song.

Children perform "Solar Circle"

Musical director :

What good fellows you guys are. You sing wonderfully, you dance very beautifully and you know everything about notes, and you play musical instruments well.It seems to me that even our seven-flowered petals have become brighter.Look, we still have petals on the flower, let's count how many there are. (3)Only today we will not cut them off, because Magic world music is so huge and we still have a lot to travel through it and learn a lot about music, and the seven-color flower will help us with this.And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten, let's close our eyes and ask the flower to take us back.

Children close their eyes


Flower take us back

To our favorite kindergarten.

MUSIC SOUNDS, children open their eyes

Musical director :

Here we are back from our wonderful trip.Did you like it?Please tell me what you remember most about

our journey?( children's answers )

Musical director :

What good fellows you are, I am very pleased with our occupation, and in memory of

travel, I want to give you small and funny notes.

Music director handing out sheet music

I want to thank you guys for such a wonderful activity and invite you to the next one. I will be looking forward to you. And now we will finish our lesson with a farewell song, which is called “Goodbye, guys!”

Children in a chain come out to the music from music hall,

performing a round dance

SUMMARY OF THE MUSIC CLASS "WE ARE FRIENDS WITH MUSIC" for children senior group kindergarten

The summary of a musical lesson for children of senior preschool age, "We are friends with music", presented by me, allows us to identify in children given age the level of development of their musical abilities through joint musical-playing and communicative activities.
the session is recommended to be held at the end school year as final.
This material will be useful to music directors and educators of preschool educational institutions.

Target: to identify the level of development of children's musical abilities through joint musical-playing and communicative activities using musical-playing movements, musical-didactic games and playing children's musical instruments; evoke positive emotions in children from meeting with music.

- to form singing skills in children: to observe the accuracy of intonation of the step-by-step and spasmodic movement of the melody; in clear diction; in the rhythmic features of the song;
- form the concept of musical term"trio" (author's development);
- develop timbre and dynamic hearing; the ability to hear changes in character and tempo in music;
- develop the ability to independently select musical instruments and correlate them with the nature of the music;
- develop attention in the process of listening to music;
- to develop the desire to perform independently musical and rhythmic movement;
- to cultivate attention, speed of reaction, endurance;
- to bring up in children activity, initiative, independence;
- educate love and interest in the art of music.

Materials and equipment: musical instruments (tambourine, drum, spoons, xylophone, bell, bells); "magic shoes"; "magic metallophone"; attributes to the costume of the Fairy of Music; illustrations for "The Tale of the Three O Girls"; magnetic board; gift - surprise; music Center.


Children enter the hall, where they are met by the music director.
Musical director: Dear Guys! I'm glad to see you. Let's greet each other with a song (sings, children sing along, performing movements along the text):
The sun has peeped
Straight to our window
And the sun fell
We are with you in the palm of your hand.
Hello! Hello! Good afternoon
And now I suggest you greet the guests with this song.

Children sing last words greetings: - Hello! Hello! Good afternoon

Musical director: As soon as it became light in the hall from your smiles and from the sun, which looked into our window and calls us for a walk with it. Come on, let's take a walk. But we will not walk along the path a simple step, and round dance:
Children walk along the path
Round dance step is performed.
Socks pull, softly step,
They don't step on each other's toes. (author's development).

Children freely walk around the hall and perform a round dance step together with the teacher, and then independently under the r.n.m. (at the choice of the teacher).

Musical director: And now we will walk like this:
Step with a jump to perform.
We will be on every leg
Jump a little. (author's development).

Children perform jumps under a cheerful polka (at the choice of the teacher).

Musical director: Now let's learn to balance. Look (says the words while performing the movement):
The children laid the stone (Russian bow),
The foot was pressed hard.
Need to lift the stone
And hold on a little.
Ah, what a heavy stone:
We barely raise (slowly raise the leg):
1,2,3,4… (keeps the leg up)
They put him on the path (lowers his leg).

Children perform this exercise 2 times alternately with each leg.

Musical director: You need to rest your legs-
We'll listen a little.
Children go to chairs.

Musical director: Guys! spring sunshine and not only people are happy with the warmth, but also forest dwellers: bear, bunny and mouse. They gathered in a forest clearing and decided to play musical instruments. What musical instrument do you think the bear will play? (on tambourine and drum); bunny? (on spoons and xylophone); mouse? (on the bell).
(after each answer, the children each play their own instrument).

Conducted with children musical and didactic Musical Animals game.
(the music director plays the melody in different registers, first separately, and then combining them: low-high, and the children beat the rhythm on the instruments in which the melody sounds).

Then the children are given musical didactic game"Be careful".
(children show the tempo, mood, dynamics of the melody with movements):

A) pace: slow - “fish swims”;
fast - “the fish is hiding” (behind the chair).

B) mood: fun - stomp, hands "shelf";
sadly stroking their neck.

C) dynamics: loudly clapping;
quietly snapping their fingers.

The music director praises the child who was the most attentive and rewards him with “magic shoes”: he invites the child to put them on his hands and perform various dance movements with his hands on his knees. The rest of the children with their hands repeat the movements of this child.

Musical director: And now I want to tell you about a magical dream that I recently had ... I was walking home from work and I was so tired that I decided to sit on a bench to rest, and fell asleep. And I dream that a good Fairy is coming up to me ... (a teacher in a hat, scarf, with a "magic" wand).

Musical director(waking up): Oh, and who are you?
Fairy (educator): I am a kind Fairy of Music. With my magical musical sounds I make our Earth fabulously beautiful I fill it with light and warmth...
Musical director: Kind fairy, but could you help me and make my children sing well?
Fairy: But your guys already know how to sing well. But to make their voices ring even louder and more fun, this musical instrument will help them in this, and the melody played on it will be the key to the songs they will sing (gives the metallophone to the music director; the music director “wakes up”).
Musical director: I had such a dream. And here is a “magic” musical instrument that should help your voices sing as if crystal bells are ringing. But first, I must remind you that our tongue must be sharp, like a pencil, so that we can clearly sing the words (circles her tongue with her finger), and also your mouth must be round in order to sing with a cultural beautiful sound (circles her finger around the round mouth) .
Children repeat the movements after the teacher.

Musical director: And now you can sing our voices: guess what song. (Plays the song “Jingles” by E. Tilicheeva on the metallophone.
Once upon a time there were three merry bells: Ding, Dan, Don. And each of them had their own song. Bell Ding sang in the thinnest, highest voice. “Ding-ding” his song rang (plays “si 1” on the metallophone). The middle bell Dan also sang his song in a medium voice (plays “sol 1” on the metallophone). And the bell Don's voice was thicker, lower than that of his friends, and his song "Don-don" sounded different (plays "mi 1" on the metallophone).

Children perform the chant “Jingles” by E. Tilicheeva with the whole group, showing the pitch with their hand (N. Vetlugina, Musical primer, M .: Muzyka, 1985).
Musical director: And now, with the help of our “magic” metallophone, I will make you guess musical riddles. Whoever guesses the song, he sings it.

A musical and didactic game "Musical riddles" is being held.
(the music director plays the melodies of songs familiar to the children on the metallophone; the children guess them and perform them solo, in a duet, in groups of one verse).

Musical director: And now we have a small musical pause. Let our voices rest for now, and I will tell you one story about three sisters, each of whom was called "O" (the teacher accompanies his story with illustrations) Author's development.
In a magical musical country lived three girls, three sisters, very similar friend to a friend and called them: little O, middle O and older O. They were very fond of singing and every new day they always began with a song.
Here is the first one today Sun Ray looked into the bedroom of little O and, warming her with his warmth, froze on her cheek. Little O opened her eyes, smiled at the ray, jumped off the bed, put on her shoes, and ran out onto the porch. Ooo.! How good it was all around that she immediately sang a song in her high voice.
Meanwhile, a ray of sunshine had already peeped into the bedroom of the middle girl O. She stretched sweetly, but, hearing a familiar song, put on her shoes and quickly ran to the voice of her younger sister. Oh,
How beautiful it was around! And they both began to sing their cheerful song.
Ray at that time looked into the window to the elder O, tickled
her nose. She sneezed and woke up: “Oh, how long I slept. But my sisters are already waiting for me. I hear their cheerful song!
Jumping off the bed, she ran to her sisters. Oh!!! Butterflies were flying all around, and birds were chirping merrily in the leaves of the trees. And three sisters, three O, holding hands, singing their favorite song, ran to bathe in a cheerful sonorous stream. And their song was heard far, far away-oh-oh-oh-...
When a song is performed by three people, then such a performance is called a “trio.” Who wants to sing one verse of a song about spring together?

Three children perform verse 1 of the song "Spring Has Come" by E. Tilicheeva.
Then the next verse of the same song is learned.

Musical director: And now I'm all the guys
I ask you to stand in a circle
And cheerful fast dance
I invite you to dance!

Children perform the dance "Merry Children" (S.I. Bekina; Music and Movement.; M .: Education, 1983).

Musical director: I invite kids
For a fun game:
I'm watching everyone
I choose the smartest!

The children are playing the game “Whose circle will gather faster?” (S.I. Bekina; Music and movement.; M.: Enlightenment, 1983).

Musical director: Guys! Our lesson has come to an end. Today we again visited the world of magical sounds. Music helped us sing, dance, play. From this, our movements became more beautiful, elegant, graceful, and the voices were sonorous and clear, as beautiful as the magical musical sounds of this musical instrument. And I would like you to always be friends with music, because "if music and children are friends, there is nothing more beautiful in the world!".
The music director gives the children a set of musical instruments for the group.

Children say goodbye and leave the hall to the music of "Waltz".

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