Secrets of the name Marcel: purposeful independent. Marcel: the meaning of the name (three versions)


The rare and unusual male name Marcel is increasingly beginning to appear in the countries of the post-Soviet space. Young parents strive to give their child an unusual, beautiful, sophisticated and rare name. Marcel is one of them, it is a beautiful-sounding name, and predetermines the character and fate of its bearer due to its meaning.


The male name Marcel has several versions of origin, and therefore meaning. The most popular option is considered to be the origin of the male name Marcel from the ancient Roman nickname for people from the Claudian family. According to etymology, it is correlated with the name Marcus, and through the meaning of the latter is attributed to the name of the God of War, Mars. Therefore, its meaning and translation, according to the first version, is “generated by Mars.” Other historians believe that the name Marcel was derived from the ancient Latin word marcelus, meaning “weakness.” Marseille is a widespread name among Muslims, so the people of Arab countries believe that the name has their roots. Translated from Arabic it is “one who praises God,” according to the latest theory.


Marcel - the meaning of the name gives a child determination and self-confidence from an early age. The boy grows up to be very persistent, brave, and sometimes even stubborn. By nature, he is more of an introvert who is used to keeping all his experiences to himself and not sharing them with others. Despite this, the meaning of the name Marcel plays a huge role for the boy, endowing him with leadership qualities. But when winning the position of leader, sometimes despotic notes appear in Marcel’s character. He can often talk down to his friends and peers, but despite this he always has a lot of friends. Touchiness and immunity to criticism - this is what the name Marcel means for a little boy. It is difficult for him to listen to even small and fair comments addressed to him. But he is always ready to show sincere sympathy, support in difficult times or help those in trouble.

The kid is endowed with good inclinations for learning, is a very capable student with a good memory and an inquisitive mind. He understands the essence of the subject faster and easier than other students in the class and masters it. Inflated self-esteem and pride make Marcel strive to get the highest scores, which will also have a good effect on his academic performance.

Personal life

Marcel's personal life will always be filled with a huge variety of emotions. This naturally charming young man is constantly consumed by new crushes and outbursts of falling in love. The guy is able to subtly feel people, he is a good psychologist by nature. Therefore, with age, he learns to manipulate people, especially the fair sex. The inner charisma, core, masculine strength noticeable in the young guy, as well as his passion for the female sex, give him the reputation of a womanizer who is used to frequently changing partners. This state of affairs can persist for a very long period, until Marcel himself gets tired of spending time on short-term affairs. Then he will finally decide to settle on one girl and completely focus his attention on her.

Marcel - the meaning of this man’s name encourages him to maintain his leadership position even in his own created family. He gets the role of the unconditional head, this guy will never be henpecked, he will not follow a woman’s lead. But there are still exceptions; he can submit to that chosen one who is endowed by nature with a strategically phenomenal sense and is an even more skillful manipulator than Marcel himself, which is very unlikely.

A man named Marcel is a one-sided dictator, which means high pressure on the woman's individuality from his side. At the same time, it is very important for Marcel to feel love and support from his wife. The chosen one should give him care, comfort, warmth, which play a primary role for him, allow him to experience a favorable atmosphere in the family and enjoy family happiness. If this man lacks something, he can go outside in search of the desired happiness.

Marcel is a wonderful father who strives to be directly involved in raising his children. They care for their offspring equally with their mother. He tries to control any actions of the children, never lets their lives take their course, and does not transfer his paternal responsibilities to third parties.

Business and career

A charismatic and charming man like Marcel should choose professions in which these qualities can be successfully used. The meaning of the name allows the Marcel man to become a successful and subtle diplomat, to connect his activities with the field of education and oratory. The guy can become an ambitious, combative leader who is not devoid of business acumen. In order to achieve his goal, the guy will not hesitate to go overboard and resort to not the most legal and clean methods.

Marcel Duchamp

A man named Marcel has a purposeful character, as well as high efficiency, he constantly strives to earn as much as possible. Marcel does not stay long as an employee. His superiors value him very highly, but at the same time treat him with caution. After all, they understand that this guy’s ambitions can very easily and quickly move him into their chair. He is very confident in himself, so he has no competitors. Those who try to become his opponents simply cannot withstand his pressure and dynamics, as well as his obsession with certain ideas in their quest for success. A man can become a good leader and businessman not only because of his assertiveness, he is endowed with the ability to competently manage human resources, find strengths and weaknesses in his employees, knows how to motivate a team and delegate authority. Marcel is an ideal team player who will produce noticeably less work alone.


The meaning of the name Marcel gives this guy ambiguous characteristics, so his fate may turn out the same way. Marcel has a unique ability - he can make people fall in love with him at first sight and just as quickly make them mad. He combines such qualities as charm, nobility, gratitude, kindness, with dissoluteness, eccentricity, imbalance, complemented by tenderness, joy, which evoke mixed emotions in people and at the same time captivates their hearts.

The name Marcel for a man, which means “warlike”, “divine”, is more related to the choleric type of temperament. An impulsive, overactive man radiates endless energy, this is what distinguishes him from other people, from childhood to adulthood. If necessary, this guy turns into a restrained, firm, confident man who successfully controls not only his emotions, but also the environment and situation.

Marcel is an excellent listener, has a wonderful gift of persuasion and knows how to calm people down. Therefore, all his relatives and friends always turn to the guy for moral support. Sometimes, because of this ability, he becomes a successful practicing psychologist. He is naturally endowed with a good sense of humor, but he is unlikely to be the life of the party. His friends love and respect him very much, and he quickly manages to establish contact with people without any problems. Therefore, he often and easily makes new acquaintances, very quickly gains people’s trust, and feels “at ease” everywhere. This man has a special charm and people remember him for a long time.

Close people know what the name Marcel means: vengefulness. Those who cross his path are especially familiar with this quality, as they pay heavily for it. Marcel knows how to wait for the right moment and almost never forgives insults. He will not take revenge publicly, but rather quietly and silently, so as not to spoil his reputation in the eyes of his many admirers.

According to the meaning of the name of a man, Marcel the following astrology corresponds:

  • patron planet – Mars;
  • zodiac constellation – Sagittarius;
  • favorable colors - white and purple;
  • talisman stones – blue topaz, smoky quartz, garnet, gold, meteorite, tourmaline, moldavite, shell rock, spinel.


The best compatibility of the name Marcel with such female names: Nika, Julia, Elina, Anna, Zlata, Kira. Marcel has a high probability of building strong relationships and creating a lasting marriage with Alena, Anastasia, Sofia, Arina, Camilla, Angelina, Olga, Veronica, Milana, Sofia, Polina, Alesya, Irina, Eva.

The male name Marcel has poor compatibility with Anna, Victoria, Ksenia, Marina, Ulyana, Evgenia, Miroslava, Natalya, Nadezhda, Marina, Elena.

  • Origin: Catholic name with ancient Roman roots. There is a widespread version of the origin of the name Marseille from the French city of the same name.
  • The name Marcel in other languages: Marcellus, Marcellus, Marceau, Marcille, Marcelou, Marcel.
  • Patron planet: Mars.
  • Talisman named Marcel: blue topaz.
  • Zodiac: Sagittarius.
  • The predominant element in fate: air.

A man named Marcel will not tolerate second roles in family relationships. He will demand submission and accountability from the woman in all his actions, without considering that he himself should be accountable. In general, tyranny is in the blood of men named Marcel. Therefore, as his wife, he will choose a quiet, balanced and calm girl who knows how to express her own opinion without conflict, so as not to upset the fragile balance in the family.

If Mars feels love, obedience and adoration from his beloved, he will remain faithful to her until old age.

The man adores children, but controls them with no less zeal, especially his daughters.


When building a career, a man named Marcel does not hesitate to use any means to achieve his goals.

Marcelo Andres Rios Mayorga (Chilean professional tennis player, former world No. 1)

  • He is a fighter and makes his way by hook or by crook.
  • He will have money after thirty years, and before that he will be a “poor student.”
  • Mars has excellent performance and the desire to earn all the money in the world.
  • His superiors appreciate him and are even a little afraid: does he want to take their place?


The child loves and wants to learn, achieves success in science and creative fields (photography, painting, music). But he needs to be directed and controlled: sometimes peers are able to distract and shame little Marcel for his success, after which he may abandon his studies in order to “become like everyone else.”

Higher education, received after school, often becomes unclaimed: the young man learns what will bring him considerable income in the future, on his own. The diploma hangs in a frame for the rest of your life, reminding you of five wasted years of your youth.

Health Marseille

In childhood, Mars gets sick a little, but pathologies associated with hearing or vision are possible. Colds begin to catch on to a boy already in adolescence, and this is often associated with disturbances in the functioning of the immune system and frequent hypothermia. In adulthood, the urinary system is at risk.


A man named Marcel is very proud and loves himself exorbitantly, this is noted by both his close people and best friends. However, this does not stop them from loving him.

Mars is an excellent listener, he has the rare gift of persuasion and calm. Often for this reason he becomes a practicing psychologist or simply “consults” close friends and family.

This man has a great sense of humor, and although he is not the life of the campaign in the classical sense of the word, he is very loved by his friends. Not a single birthday or New Year will pass without his participation.

This man has no equal in manipulating people. He often uses this skill, both in family relationships and at work. Negotiations with intermediaries or suppliers of goods are his strong point.

Easily and simply meets new people, quickly gains confidence and becomes “your guy.” Such a man is someone who will be remembered for many months after meeting.

Marcel's emotionality often goes through the roof. This happens especially often in those moments when he is confident in his own rightness and wants to convince the people around him of it. With his wife, Marcel, on the contrary, speaks quietly and calmly, but puts a lot of meaning and, at times, pressure into these words.

Marcel loves his parents and has a very close relationship with them even in adulthood. At times, this irritates his wife, but, delving deeper into family relationships, she begins to understand him. He takes care of his relatives until he is very old, respects and honors them.

This person has a well-developed instinct of self-preservation; in his youth, it will more than once save his life and health, “taking him away” from bad people and campaigns.

In his youth he has many girls and women, asserting himself in this way.

  • Girls love him for his tenderness and good manners.
  • Marcel is courteous, excellent at caring and knows what a woman needs.
  • He “calms down” only at the age of 3-4: he gets married, has a couple of toddlers and remembers the mass of fleeting romances of his youth with a smile.

Unusual among the Slavs, but popular in the West and in the Islamic world, the name Marcel is a rather interesting option for those who are choosing a name for their baby. The choice made in his favor will not go unnoticed, because Marcel has a unique character, very difficult and not at all flexible. We will talk more about the nuances of temperament marked by the influence of this name below.

Origin and meaning of the name Marcel

The secret of this name lies in the multivariance of its literal interpretation. Most often, it is derived from Ancient Rome, where one of the plebeian branches of the Claudian family tree had a nickname consonant with this name. It, as far as we know, was associated with the Roman god Mars, the patron of the military and war in general. Accordingly, Marcel is a name whose meaning is “born of Mars.” Having gained wide popularity among Muslims, and especially among the Tatars, this name began to be associated with Arabic roots, its general meaning corresponds to the Russian expression “one who praises God.” Other variations include the Latin word marcelus, meaning weakness, and the French city of the same name. In general, you can choose the desired meaning of the name Marcel within the established framework according to your own taste. Male in origin, it has also had female forms since ancient times, the most famous of which is probably the ancient Roman form of Marcellinus. And one of the most famous male options, besides Marcel himself, is Markell.

Name and character

It must be said right away that Marcel’s character is quite complex, and parents will have to suffer while raising their offspring. He is restless, eccentric, self-centered and very emotional. By personality type, he is almost always choleric, which means he is at the mercy of his impulses and mood. Marcel is a name whose meaning for the baby’s character completely coincides with its Martian connotations. This child is not an angel, but a little god of war. Over the years, these qualities do not disappear, but deepen, and then Marcel’s impulsiveness can be subordinated to cold strategic calculation. But behind the proven tactics there will still be passions and urges of an impulsive fiery soul. By nature, Marcel is a leader and consciously tries to assert his dominance everywhere. In addition, he is receptive to learning, but only when he sees meaning in it. In other words, he will never botanize out of simple scientific interest in his life. But if he finds some benefit in the subject, an area of ​​practical application, he will take up the study with all passion and easily become one of the best in his chosen field.

Love relationships

Emotional, hot, amorous - that’s exactly how Marcel is. The meaning of the name, the character and fate that it imposes on its owner make him a womanizer and a person famous for his love of love. On the other hand, Marcel does not strive for bragging and does not have a sporting interest in the field of, so to speak, collecting girlfriends. It’s just that he is as easy-going as he is amorous, and therefore his relationships are bright, passionate, but short and superficial. A born psychologist, Marcel knows how to gain the trust and win the heart of almost anyone. But sooner or later he gets tired of these games, and then he gets married.


Marcel is a name whose meaning makes him a ringleader and leader everywhere. Family is no exception, and therefore, in his relationship with his wife, he immediately establishes himself as the leader and helmsman of the family ship. Not every woman will like this, and therefore building a strong family with such a man is given to quieter and more humble girls who tend to play the role of the traditional keeper of the family hearth, subordinate to her husband. In this sense, Marcel needs to develop a sense of proportion in himself so as not to cross the line and turn from the head of the family into an eccentric despot who uses his wife only as his appendix. It is also important to note the fact that it is very important for the owner of this luxurious name to feel love from his wife, manifested in specific things - care, understanding, attention. Although Marcel attaches great importance to such things as honor and loyalty, but having felt something lacking in the family nest and being subject to emotions, he can go looking for replenishment of his happiness on the side. Such is Marcel’s nature, the meaning of the name, the character of which is so clearly manifested throughout the life of its owner, requires special flair and caution in choosing a wife. If a mistake is made in this matter, then the lives of both Marcel himself and his wife could be ruined.

Career and work

Marcel's career ascent is usually stormy, full of cunning tactical moves and intrigue. Most often, he shows himself as a complete careerist. Marcel (a name whose meaning boils down to war) shows itself here as fully and vividly as possible. He combines the subtle diplomatic instinct inherent in him with exorbitant ambitions, which he tries to realize at any cost. Unfortunately, other people often suffer from this. In short, in a professional environment, Marcel is a strong, dangerous and often unprincipled player.

The meaning of the name Marcel The name Marcel is Tatar, Dutch and French at the same time. In ancient times, it was believed that Marcel was the messenger of the god Mars or the planet Mars. The name itself is translated as “He who praises God.” It was believed that a child with that name had a completely extraordinary destiny and a huge, happy future.

Name day. Marseille celebrates name day:

Planet named: Mars, Jupiter

Stone: topaz, diamond

Element: Air.


The meaning of the name Marcel determines the future character of the child. This is an independent boy who strives to do everything himself and always. In addition, Marcel has a heightened sense of pride. As a child, he can often be offended by his parents because they do not respect his opinion and consider his views on life not serious.

The child grows up very quickly, strives to learn everything, always. Moreover, a child with this name is interested in literally everything down to the smallest detail. For this reason, in childhood, Marcel can besiege his parents with numerous questions, sometimes difficult even for an adult. It is noteworthy that when a child grows up, this trait does not disappear, and he continues to explore the world with interest.

The boy quickly finds friends and company for communication. In addition, he likes to contact different people and quickly make acquaintances. With the help of new people, Marcel also strives to more fully understand the world and himself. Indeed, in the meaning of the name Marcel there are many characteristics that most accurately determine the boy’s character.

The child may show aspirations for sports, science and music. He incredibly needs the attention of his parents, otherwise he will withdraw into himself. A child with a vivid perception of the world, a rich imagination and, at a young age, an excellent sense of humor.

Born in the summer, Marcel usually shows himself as a leader, capable of great achievements. Marcel, born in spring, is a creative person who is always in search of inspiration. Winter Marseille can be a little apathetic and modest, but at the same time very charming. A boy born in autumn most often shows interest in science and the world of knowledge.

Study, career, hobbies

What does the name Marcel mean in terms of career and study? Most often, such a child is active in the learning process. He tries to be the best in the class, always strives to answer. However, the child’s activity itself can sometimes be chaotic in nature; it must be directed in a competent manner. It is also important to note that the boy has a lot of hobbies in life, most often related to creativity and science. If parents monitor the learning process, then the child achieves success in this field. What can the name Marcel mean in terms of health for a child?


The child grows up strong, active, without any pathologies. However, problems with vision and hearing may occur. Parents always need to make sure that their child does not spend a lot of time in front of the computer and dresses warmly in the cold season. In general, the boy's health is very good and not cause for concern.

The secret of the name Marcel implies that raising a boy is not difficult if you understand the characteristics of his character. The main disadvantage of a child is absentmindedness. He cannot concentrate on learning or on any process for a long time; he is constantly distracted by something. Parents must control the learning process and ensure that the boy studies. However, he does not tolerate excessive control, and this must also be taken into account. The secrets of the name Marcel should definitely be mastered during upbringing in order to achieve success in this field.


Marcel Cerdan - boxer; Marcel Morso - comedian, clown, actor; Marcel Varnel – director; Marcel Harman – actor, model.

Marcel is a beautiful name with roots from the distant past. It came to our country from France, where it was especially popular in the 20-30s of the last century, as well as at the end of the 19th century. In modern France, babies are rarely called this; rather, it can be given to a child as a middle name. According to the Catholic calendar, Marseille Day is celebrated on January 16th. Interestingly, in France this name is also given to girls. The female name Marcel is pronounced the same as the male name, but is spelled differently - Marcelle. Marseille Girls' Day is celebrated on January 31st.

Name Marcel in Russia

Before the revolution in Russia, this name was practically not used, since it was not included in the church name book (Saints). After the revolution, it gradually came into use. Famous bearers of the name, such as the French writer (pictured), played a role. Nowadays in Russia the name Marcel is not very popular, although it has retained some romantic overtones and euphony. The future will tell whether this name will ever become popular again or whether it is destined to become rare.

Roman roots

The meaning of the name Marcel, apparently, must be sought in its root - “Mars”. The ancient Romans worshiped Mars as the god of war. They began to name boys in honor of this god. Then the name Marcello also appeared, as a shortening of Marko. Finally, in France it was transformed into Marseille. and "Marcello" is the same as the name Marcel, since they all have the same root.

Revolutionary version

There is another version of the origin of the name Marcel. The meaning of the name may be related to a city in the South of France called Marseille (pronounced "Marsay" in French). During the Great French Revolution, city residents sided with the Republicans and, supposedly, it was after this that the French began to name their children after Marcel. The meaning of the name may also have Arabic roots. Some sources indicate that in Arabic "Marseille" means "praising God." However, this version is inaccurate and requires verification against lists of Arabic names. By the way, it is worth noting that these days in countries such as Austria, Holland, England and Slovenia this name is perhaps even more popular than in France. In Poland it ranks 18th on the list. It probably came to this country through the Catholic name book.

How does the name Marcel affect a person?

Little Marcels are usually quite gentle creatures, real angels. This is a soft, sympathetic child, always ready to help. However, with age, Marcel changes, they develop real hard work, activity, perseverance in achieving their goals, but also romance, capriciousness - these are all the qualities of a person named Marcel. The meaning of the name (god of war - Mars) also makes itself felt on a subconscious level, and Marcel acquires character traits such as masculinity, determination and even belligerence. But Marseilles can also be proud and arrogant; being with them is not always easy, although interesting.

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