Taxi 5 will be in Russian. Actors, director and screenwriter of the film


Luc Besson's company big name EuropaCorp is pursuing a sequel comedy film about a restless taxi driver-racer. The release of the fifth part of the film "Taxi" became known from a post on official page companies on Twitter.

The new film "Taxi" will see the world 20 years after the release of the very first part. Recall that the premiere of the film about the reckless hero, played by the charismatic Sami Naseri, took place in 1998. So the presentation Taxi 5 2018 of the year will be a kind of landmark event, with twenty years of exposure, for the entire team that had a hand in creating a masterpiece of French cinema.

Despite the fact that the filming of the film has barely begun, the release date for Taxi 5 has already been announced. big screens. The film will be released worldwide on January 31st. That is, before the premiere of the new part of the cult film, Luc Besson's company has less than a year. Despite the fact that EuropaCorp will still deal with the continuation of the film, the team, however, will be completely different.

The filmmakers have not yet agreed on whether Taxi 5 will be a sequel or a spin-off. However, the development of the scenario concept is already approaching its logical conclusion. Luc Besson himself insists on a logical continuation of the series, even without the participation of his favorite characters.

Actors, director and screenwriter of the film

Yes, unfortunately, in the new film we will not see either Sami Naceri, or Frederic Diefenthal, or Marie Cotillard, or other actors who have become practically family over the years of the release of the four parts of the film. However, it is possible that one of the main characters will appear in one of the episodes and, even if not for long, will brighten up the picture with sweet notes of nostalgia.

Not only will the leading actors change, but the director's chair will be taken not by Gerard Krawczyk, who directed the last three parts of the film, but by a completely new person in the Besson team, better known for his acting talent.

Franck Gastambide will make his debut in Taxi 5 as a director and screenwriter. That's not all - the main role in the new film is also for Gastambide. The script for the fifth part of the film is co-written by Malik Bentalha, a French comedian and actor who will play a supporting role in Taxi 5.

Franck Gastambide, as he himself admitted to reporters, is making his childhood dream come true:

“I have great respect and admiration for Luc Besson, it was a special time for me. I was in a fever, but I was sincerely convinced that I should have offered him to become a director ... He realized that for me "Taxi" is a dream of youth.

Gastambida's enthusiasm, his genuine interest in the success of Taxi 5 should play into the hands of the entertainment of the fifth part of the famous film.

From the first to the fifth part of the film

Let's remember the path of the world-famous comedy hit both among young people and in more established circles. Everyone likes French humor without a hint of vulgarity and cheapness, and the incomparable play of the actors who played the main roles made the film "Taxi" a real champion among french paintings comedy genre. Moreover, more than 25 million tickets were sold for all released parts of Taxi. And this figure applies only to cinemas in France.

The stunning success of French cinema! Those who wholeheartedly hope that the fifth part of the legendary film will not spoil the impression of the franchise as a whole are fans of the story of the self-confident taxi driver and his best friend, a law-abiding cop who fall into incredible stories, and get out of them thanks to their own ingenuity and a bit of luck.

The first saw the light, as mentioned above, in 1998. The picture received popular recognition not only in its French homeland, but also far beyond its borders - the whole world was worried, rejoiced and laughed along with the main characters. Two guys, so different and interesting in their own way, managed to step over some of their “fads” and become real friends who are not afraid of either the intrigues of enemies or the strict gaze of Commissioner Zhiber.

"Taxi 2" could be seen on the screens of cinemas two years after the release of the first part of the film. The story of Daniel and Emilien continued to everyone's delight. The third part of "Taxi" was filmed in 2003, three years after the premiere of the previous film. The picture "Taxi 4", released in 2007, did not linger either.

But the fifth and, so far, the last part of the autofranchise is a bit late. No one was going to continue the already hackneyed, it would seem, topic. However, Frank Gastambide managed to convince the "progenitor" of "Taxi" and the fifth film, nevertheless, will be released!

"Sofa critics", as members of the forum are sometimes called on the Internet, delivered a disappointing verdict to the fourth film "Taxi" - not interesting. Perhaps the audience is fed up with this topic, but perhaps the matter is completely different. So will the anniversary part be successful? Wait and see. The answer to film critics and ordinary viewers will be held by the scriptwriter and director - Gastambide, who will have to give everything one hundred percent, and even more.

To justify the hopes, first of all, of his team, and of all those who are looking forward to the release of Taxi 5, Frank will need all his endurance, energy and talent. It's no joke - to sit on three chairs at once, playing the role of an actor, screenwriter and director. Good luck talented person and patiently wait for the premiere of the long-awaited continuation of the legendary film.

"Seriously? Do you know who Daniel is? Have you heard of a taxi? Yes, even in Paris they know about him, Allen’s words were not conveyed exactly, but they convey the essence. Now every boy knows what kind of film this "Taxi" is and who raised it to heights. In 1998, when the first part of what later became a legendary series in French cinema was released, many had no idea what success it would achieve in a few decades. Twenty years have passed since ninety-eight. That period of time after which I want to say that I did not regret it at all, having once watched a movie by Gerard Pires. The news about the revival of the series was perceived by the audience in different ways. Someone was delighted (until he saw the trailer), looking at the feelings of nostalgia, and someone immediately screamed, they say I will not watch. The difference between the two categories is that the former will probably change their position after looking at the picture, while the latter will get even more turned on, realizing that they have looked at slag.

Is it so terrible new part? No, but it's hard to call it good. Firstly, Franck Gastambide worked on the plot, he also performed leading role and acted as director. To say that the candidate suited the scale of the project is an understatement. Frank has no directing or screenwriting experience. Those two pictures that were shot under his leadership are not considered the level is not the same. Did Luc Besson know who he was putting in to continue the great franchise? I doubt.

Secondly, the plot. Already at the post-production stage, it was clear that Taxi 5 was a full-fledged remake of last year's parts. This was clear from the trailer, from interviews with people involved in the project, and from the synopsis of the tape. Everything was depressing and Sami Naseri's indignation after watching the film is quite understandable.

And finally, thirdly real reasons creating the fifth picture. In the age of cinema, when many companies decide to take on a rethinking of ideology and take risks by continuing something well-forgotten old, it was not entirely clear why Luc Besson was doing this. It is unlikely that he was sitting quietly in an armchair, drinking coffee from a small cup, and it suddenly dawned on him that Taxi needed a restart / remake / new part. If so, then commendable. But for some reason, I don't really want to believe in it.

"Taxi 5" meets the audience, as they expected, with all seriousness and stupidity. The script of the film is like this: From time to time the picture tries to be serious, for example, as it happened with the heroes of Naseri and Frederic Diefenthal. But often it comes out idiotic, thanks to Malik Bentalha, who played the role of Daniel's nephew Eddie. Would you like to see Daniel and Emilien swapped places back in the days of the first parts of Taxi? So, continuation is what you need. The nephew absolutely does not know how to drive, but at the same time he comically gets out of any situation, and the driver is strictness itself. Modern antipodes to charismatic characters arrived in time, but they did it too horribly. Watching them squirm cutely in the frame is curious, but painful.

The big hope was for actors who could shoot powerfully. Despite the trailers in which these expectations fell back, faith in a miracle remained until the last. But, alas, the result is written a little higher. If in quadrology, in addition to the main characters, secondary ones, for example, General Bertino, were clinging, but now there are no such ones at all. The campaign of Allen's friends from the precinct are ordinary comedians who parody retarded cops and try to suck the juice out of them. Commissioner Gibert, a real talisman of the past, has since succeeded in his career, becoming the most useless mayor in the history of the city. It makes no sense to say something about Bernard Farsi, since his role is more of a cameo than a full-fledged presence in the project. But the legendary "Alarm" has been preserved and still sounds juicy.

Once again: Was a new part in this long-forgotten series really needed? After all the rethinking and clearly decision It's safe to say "no". Still, this is not the kind of movie we saw at the time. The continuation does not have a sense of the spirit of past films, and the atmosphere resembles an ordinary trash movie, of which there are now a lot. Thanks to the plot, laughter can be squeezed out of the viewer, only hysterical, and not overflowing with fun. Franck Gastambide must have seen the original films, otherwise this one wouldn't have so many copied scenes. Remember the Germans in the Mercedes from the first picture? Now the antagonists are Italians with Ferraris. Remember how the police cars in the second part formed a statue in the background of a young couple in Paris? Now this is an ordinary street in the city, with a smaller accident. You can even remember the blunders from the last two films, here they are less noticeable, but still. It is possible to list what was terribly copied, but this will be an additional test. The first we have already passed continued to watch the film after a terrible beginning.

Understand correctly, "Taxi 5" is not the kind of film that you want to deliberately criticize. Luc Besson, who produced the picture, probably guessed that today's release would be the last and it was he who should drive a nail into this coffin. That's just the audience from this did not become easier, because the result of the work done, to put it mildly, is not encouraging. I would like to find pluses from what I saw, but it is almost impossible to do this. Yes, there is a famous taxi that really tries to take you back to the early 2000s. Yes, there is Gibert, who delighted you as a child, as something very cool and charismatic. Let Naseri and Defental into the film, connecting them in tandem with the mayor of Marseille would have been the most nostalgic. But that's all, no matter how much you would like to pull the picture from the bottom. The budget will pay off, but

Verdict. Many people wanted to see the fifth part. Then, in 2007, when the fourth part died down at the box office. But everyone understood that the end had come and the era of the white taxi had come to an end. I don't know why Besson wanted to shoot new story, with new characters, dragging Bernard Farsi here. Okay, the last one, still somehow, brought something, but the rest scattered to smithereens! Taxi 5 is a good movie, you can watch it once and forget until better times. Could you say the same about quadrology? In no case. It was filmed with a soul, and not with the aim of making money on a popular franchise (if only on the fourth, and then partially). As the heroine Sabrina Urazani said: “It won’t work here in Marseille,” and it was damn true, even though the essence was completely different.

In the past, the jokes about the conductors were more amusing. Here is an example of how not to joke:

"You don't know how to drive.

Yes, there is some kind of small pedal sticking out

It's a clutch

Well, who knew?"

This iconic film franchise is one of the the best works Luc Besson. "Taxi 5" fans will be able to see on the screens of cinemas in the first half of 2018.

When will Taxi 5 be released and what will be shown in the sequel?

Fans of the Taxi film franchise no longer counted on the release of a new part, since ten years had passed since the appearance of Taxi 4.

However, the director and screenwriter himself has repeatedly spoken in his interviews about his desire to continue shooting, since creating films of this kind brings him real pleasure as a creator.

The film "Taxi 5" was shot by a young director and director Frank Gastambide. However, to lead film set and Luc Besson will continue to supervise the editing process. Russian premiere - May 10, 2018.

According to Luc Besson, it is known that the script for the new part was developed quite painstakingly, so the result should please the fans and give the story the opportunity to develop in a completely new and unexpected direction.

The first film was released in 1998 and immediately won the hearts of millions of viewers. It tells about a young taxi driver who is literally obsessed with reckless driving and driving fast.

Read about the new season of the series in the article "".

Actors, heroes, reviews and criticism

The main character gets into a pretty difficult situation and helps the policeman in the capture of a gang that also loves fast driving. Despite the fact that the picture is quite dynamic, the script is perfectly worked out in it.

Taxi 5: Filming

The viewer throughout the film can enjoy great tricks and amazing acting. The picture is "seasoned" with an amazing soundtrack and great jokes that do not descend to the level of ordinary vulgarity or "toilet" humor.

Of course, the release of the second part was a matter of time, and two years later the world was able to see the continuation of the French action comedy. The audience and critics agreed and called the picture a worthy continuation of the first part. Until now, speaking of French cinema, many cite the Taxi film franchise as an example.

In 2003, the third part was released, and in 2007 the world saw Taxi 4. Here already the opinions of critics are significantly divided. Many began to say that the franchise has become obsolete, the story has become uninteresting, and the film is rather boring.

Even in the third part, Luc Besson managed to keep the original idea, which was completely lost in Taxi 4. Whether the creator will be able to revive interest in the fifth part, fans will be able to find out in 2018.

Taxi 5 movie release date

Namerelease date
Taxi 5May 10, 2018


The father and producer of the famous French film series "Taxi" Luc Besson on his Instagram made sensational statement. Estimated release date of the 5th part of "Taxi" is January 31, 2018. Luke with only one eye looked through new scenario and entrusted his offspring to a young talented director Frank Gastambide. Famous French comedian Frenkie has already established himself with two successful projects, and in Taxi 5 he decided to take on one of the main roles and, together with screenwriter Malik Bentalh, break the bank at the global box office.

Very soon you will be able to enjoy the premiere, as the release date of the film "Taxi 5" was set for May 10, 2018.

A bit of history...

The film epic about Taxi began in 1998. Then the first part came out and immediately won a huge army of millions of fans. The comedy with elements of action and crime thriller grossed $210 million and became the most successful film in the history of French cinema.

What is the secret of the success of the first part of "Taxi"? First of all, in the charm of the main character - the talented actor Sami Naseri. After the release of the picture, he woke up not just famous, but the most beloved actor. female audience for all the globe. Sami managed to create on the screen the image of a simple Marseille taxi driver who began his career as a hot pizza delivery man.

The main feature of the picture is speed with the intoxicating taste of adrenaline . The hero of Naseri - Daniel Morales loves her even more than women and has been waiting for 6 years to sit at the wheel of a beautiful roaring cutie. Passion for high-speed driving brings him together with the unfortunate policeman, the eternal loser Emilien (Frederic Diefenthal) and young people go on a dangerous and exciting adventure.

By the release date of the fifth film "Taxi", it became known that Sami Naseri would not participate in the filming. Fans are upset, but the cinema is dear to the young, and the continuation of the legendary film epic promises to be bright, spectacular and profitable for its creators.

What to expect from Taxi 5?

Fans all over the world want to know the exact release date of the 5th part of the movie about the famous Taxi from Marseille. The mood of the audience is more than optimistic, fans are waiting from the next premiere of a stunning drive from speed, French romance and modern humor. News sources report that the movie Taxi 5 will be released at the end of January 2018 in France, but in Russia we will be able to see the premiere of the film in mid-April. So soon you will have a reason to invite your friends to the cinema or have a great time with your girlfriend!

At the beginning of the film, the legendary white taxi from Marseille is rushing somewhere in the desert. A man sits behind the wheel, who brings a sheep to a small village. After that, he gets a call from his nephew, who asks to return the car to Marseille. The film is moved a week earlier to Paris. Policeman Sylvain Marot takes the arrested criminal to the station and decides to get a confession from him. He presses the gas pedal to the floor and begins to maneuver between cars through the narrow streets of the city. The criminal becomes afraid for his life, and he lays out to the policeman everything that he knows.

Marot comes to his boss's office and he informs him that he is being transferred to the municipal police in Marseille. And he was lucky, because recently he was seen in a motel with the wife of the prefect himself. As a result, Sylvain moved to Marseille and met his new colleagues: the police inspector Alain, the prankster Menard, the dwarf Michel, who looks like a maniac Régis and the fat woman Sandrina.

Sylvain, together with Alain and Sandrina, went to patrol the city. Meanwhile, taxi driver Eddie was driving a very nervous customer who didn't like the fact that the taxi driver's car didn't have a door. Soon Eddie got a call from his girlfriend and invited him over. Eddie decided to speed up and even drove into the dedicated lane. Sylvain saw this and decided to detain the offender, but Eddie did not stop at the request of the policeman and knocked him down. Sylvain, along with Sandrina, began to pursue Eddie, but the guy knew Marcel better, and therefore he managed to get away from the chase. Sylvain drowned the patrol car in the sea. When he, along with Sandrina, got out on land, two metropolitan policemen approached him, who popularly explained to the hero that he should not interfere under their feet.

Eddie came to his girlfriend, who lived in her dad's posh mansion. The guy decided to surprise his beloved and climbed through the high gate. However, he caught on and hung upside down. In the end, there was no surprise. Eddie decided to dance a striptease, but almost started a fire, and then entered the room evil father girls. Meanwhile, the former police commissioner, and now the mayor of Marseille, Gibert, arrived at the police station. He ordered Sylvain to catch a gang of Italians who were robbing the city's jewelry stores in their powerful Ferraris. He gave him only five days for this, since then an exhibition of diamonds and other precious stones. He also promised Marot that he would remain in the municipal police of Marseille if he did not cope with the task.

In the evening, Sylvain studied the case of the Italians in his office and Alain came to see him. Sylvain told him that they would not be able to catch up with the criminals in police cars. Then Alain remembered the famous Daniel and Emilien, who caught one gang after another in the legendary white taxi. Sylvain had never heard of them, and Alain had to list all their exploits. As a result, Alain said that you can find out about a taxi from Daniel's nephew, who also works as a taxi driver. Leaving the station, Alain said that he would help Sylvain, but at the same moment he was hit by a car and thus Marot lost the only adequate policeman.

In the morning, Sylvain visits Alain in the hospital. Sandrina and Regis also come there. They tell the boss that they found the taxi driver who hit him, who, as it turned out, was also Daniel's nephew. Soon the police arrested Eddie and took him to the station. Sylvain listed the guy all his crimes and said that everything could be settled if he got him his uncle's famous taxi. Eddie said they sent the car into the desert because it had over 200,000 miles on it, but he could help catch the Italians because he knew everything and everyone in Marseille. Meanwhile, Mayor Gibert was presenting to Madame Minister a new Marseille development that would rid the city of animal excrement.

Eddie still managed to persuade his uncle to send him a car and, together with Sylvain, he came to the port to pick it up. There it turned out that Eddie did not know how to drive cars with a manual transmission. As a result, Sylvain sat behind the wheel. Maro called the mayor and said that a gang of Italians at this very moment is committing a robbery. While Maro and Eddie were driving to the crime scene, Gibert and the police guarded the robbers at the exit of the jewelry store. In the meantime, the two policemen who had previously threatened Sylvain sent the minister's carte directly to cut across Gibert's SUV, who was hoping to personally catch the robbers. As a result, the Italians managed to escape, but soon a white taxi sat on their tail. Sylvain understood that they would not have a chance on the track and wanted to catch up with the robbers within the city. Thanks to Eddie's knowledge and connections, they managed to take a shortcut, but the Italians got away from them anyway.

Sylvain realized that he needed to pump the car and Eddie took him to the workshop where his charming sister Samia worked. The girl promised to do everything to tomorrow, and Sylvain tried to roll up to her. However, Samia rebuffed the policeman, saying that in Marseille, his cheap Parisian tackles do not work. Later, Sylvain found Eddie in a bar, where the guy was pestering his friend, Baba, about breaking up with a girl. As a result, Baba could not stand it and left. Whining Eddie continued to listen to Sylvain, who wanted to know more about Samia. Eddie asked how they would catch the robbers, and Sylvain replied that they needed to join the Italian diaspora.

Eddie led the policeman to a restaurant owned by an Italian-turned Algerian, Rashid. As soon as he heard that Sylvain was a policeman, he immediately began to confess to his crimes. First, he showed his underground casino, and then led the heroes into a room full of various weapons. Sylvain said that he would pretend that he did not see any of this if Rashid told him about a gang of Italian robbers. As a result, Sylvain found out that the robbers are racers who train on the track nearby.

Sylvain, along with Eddie, jumped onto the track, at the time of the training run and thanks to Samia's improvements, he beat two riders in a Ferrari. The leader of the gang, Tony Dog, appreciated this and invited Sylvain to a party to introduce him to the right people. In the evening, the hero came to Samia and gave her flowers. He tried a more original tackle and in the end the girl softened. Sylvain wanted to surprise Samia, but miscalculated, and as a result, the girl was attacked by a sea lion. She was all wet and that was the end of the date.

The next day at the police station, Menard tells his colleagues about the identities of the robbers. Tony Dog used to be a racing driver, but then got involved with the Neapolitan mafia. Also with him was the former criminal Rocco. Sylvain said that they needed to get to the party and get evidence against the robbers there. He chose Michel as his partner, who was not particularly eager to help in this matter. He forbade Eddie from the party. However, the guy still made his way to her under the guise of a waiter. At a party, Michel met a pretty girl and was not going to look for clues, unlike Eddie. The guy snuck into Tony Dog's office and found a photo of a diamond, which, apparently, was the next target of the robbers.

Eddie climbed out the balcony to find Sylvain, but fell into a trash can and ran into his girlfriend. He tried to explain to her that he worked for the police, but she did not believe him. Eddie soon brought Sylvain into his office and showed him a photo of the diamond. Maro praised his partner, and then they hid, as someone was walking towards the office. Tony Dog, Rocco and another bandit, Carlo, entered the office. They contacted corrupt cops via video link to discuss their next case. The policemen said that the diamond would arrive by helicopter from Geneva and promised to help with security. When they finished talking, Tony Dog told Rocco that after this case they would kill the cops.

Eddie couldn't hide properly and Tony Dog noticed him. As a result, the bandits caught the heroes and tied them to chairs to torture them. Meanwhile, Michel was singing for his new acquaintance. Eddie called him with a miniature transmitter in his ear and Michel had to go to the rescue. Meanwhile, Rocco left the room to get a more serious torture instrument and Sylvain jumped out the window. Eddie did not succeed in doing the same, but Michel saved him.

Sylvain tells his colleagues about the robbers' plans. The cops think that this case is too tough for them, but Maro manages to inspire them. As a result, everyone gathers at the pier, where a helicopter with a diamond is supposed to fly. The mayor tells the prefect that everything will go like clockwork, but then an Italian drone appears in the sky next to the helicopter, on which two rockets were attached. Tony Dog calls Gibert and tells him to order the pilot to follow the drone, but the mayor refuses to do so. Then, drone pilot Carlo fires one rocket at the police cars. After Tony Dog contacts the pilot of the helicopter and, threatening to fire a second missile directly at him, forces him to follow the drone.

Sylvain starts a taxi and follows the helicopter. The corrupt policemen also went after him, but Michel managed to delay them a little. Baba called Eddie and asked him to clear the way for them. Corrupt police officers told Tony Dog that a white taxi was following the helicopter and the robber decided to solve this problem on his own. A dizzying race through the streets of Marseille began. While Tony Dog was chasing Sylvain, Michel, Menard and Sandrina were able to neutralize the corrupt cops.

The helicopter flew up to the yacht, and the pilot dropped a suitcase with a diamond to the bandits. In the meantime, Sylvain and Eddie drove into the serpentine and Rocco began to shoot at them. The hero of the film learned from Regis where the helicopter was, and then called Samia. The girl told him about the turbo boost button, and the hero immediately decided to use it. As a result, the taxi flew off the cliff and landed right on the deck of the yacht. Sylvain and Eddie tied up the criminals and took the diamond. Later, Tony Dog and Rocco were also arrested. Sylvain confiscated the car from them, and then agreed with Eddie that he himself would tell Samia about the broken taxi. When he came to her garage, there was a news report on TV. The journalist interviewed Eddie, who played a key role in the capture of a gang of Italians. This report was also watched by Eddie's girlfriend, who now did not consider the guy a loser and was ready to return to him.

Sylvain sat on the cliff with Samia and tried to kiss her. However, the girl said that it would be too easy, and made the hero jump into the sea from a height of 20 meters. Then she herself jumped after him, and they kissed. At the solemn ceremony, Gibert awarded the police officers with medals. Eddie became a police officer and developed a relationship with his girlfriend. He was going to give her a chic ring that he stole from Italian robbers. He showed it to Sylvain, who arrived at the awards ceremony in a confiscated sports car. At the end of the film, Samia drove up to them in a new pumped taxi, and the heroes decided to drive a little.

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