Where and how can you find people. How to find the right people


Everyone wants to find the right people for loving fellowship to have support and understanding, common topics for conversations. how to do it? Here are some steps to find the right person for you:

1. Do what you want to do.

It doesn't matter if you're doing something for money or for fun, just do what you want.

Sports, hobbies, solo tourism, traveling, reading - whatever interests you! Do what you love!

For many years I thought that there was no point in doing something that did not bring income. But only pleasure. And I was wrong. Now I spend a lot of time on activities that make me feel good.

2. Learn how to talk to strangers.

Every stranger has the potential to become your friend. I have always been very shy, but when I focus on the things I enjoy, I am less shy.

It's okay if you're shy or feel like no one understands you; only practice will teach you how to communicate. Learn that sometimes people don't respond, and that's okay. And sometimes you say weird things, and that's okay too.

3. Find other people who do what you want to do.

Nowadays, when developed social media and the Internet, you can easily find people who love the same things as you. From knitting hats to collecting certain types of rock, from listening to any kind of music to taking pictures. If you like it, then find like-minded people!

And it is not necessary that "your people" live in the same city as you.

4. Get involved, even if it's scary.

If you like a person or a group of people, don't be idle. Invite the group to meet real life, find a place for conversations, you can invite them to your house for communication; if it's one person, invite him or her to chat at your home or cafe... You may feel awkward, but that's okay.

5. Be honest

Once you've gotten in touch with the right people, practice the practice of confident and honest communication.

Be open. Watch how they react to you. Those people who will stay with you even in moments of vulnerability, who will not judge or criticize you, are really your people.

6. Invite friends into your life

To find your person or group of people, visualize yourself in their circle. Practice the practice daily. This will help you get what you want faster.

7. Increase self love

In order to interact effectively with others, you need to learn to love yourself. The point is that people reflect what you think of yourself. Therefore, reprogram yourself to have a positive perception of your body and soul.

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Love... love... How can you determine that the person you met is really your person, the one who will understand you not even from a half-word, but from a glance? What to do if you have not met your soul mate yet?

It often happens that people live according to a script that has been laid down since childhood, and accordingly, they are looking for a life partner based on the images of childhood. All these books and fairy tales about magical castles, a handsome prince and a magnificent princess, incredible stories love, of course, left a mark on your memory and is now in real and in adulthood live in illusion.

People who have not yet grown up dream of meeting fairy tale hero who will make him or her happy, give color to life and expect that from the moment such a person meets, all miracles will begin to come true and everything will be like in those children's fairy tales: “Wedding. And they lived happily ever after".

Why is all the most interesting in stories about magical love ends with a wedding? What happened next, how they woke up every morning, why they don’t describe everyday work, everyday problems and life itself in the future?

Everything seems to be simple, meet him or her, fall in love and get married. But how to find your man, so that the words “they lived happily ever after” were not only the end of a fairy tale, but also a continuation of everyday life?

First you need to grow up, become a person, a person who is able to independently accept important decisions and take responsibility for your life. Develop skills such as independence, emotional balance, purposefulness, understanding social roles each person. Gain self-confidence and a stable position in life.

Learn to love Because it's not enough to love only you. You yourself must be able to give love, joy, tenderness and make a person happy. Love yourself and other people, selflessly help them and take care of them, be kinder.

Determine for yourself who you want to see next to you, what this person should be like. There is no need to look for a father in your future husband who can solve all your problems and protect you, also future wife should not be your mother and only take care of you.

What character traits should your future chosen one or chosen one have, what should be mandatory, and what qualities you will not put up with and accept. This must be done without fail, so that later you do not make claims to another person regarding his character traits and try to change a person. You must accept the person for who they are, otherwise the relationship is doomed to failure.

After you have roughly understood what kind of person you need, what should be like, what positive qualities possess, you can go to the question "How to find your man?".


Be patient, no one promised you that you will meet the person with whom you will be comfortable tomorrow. Do not hang labels of loneliness on yourself, look ahead and around you, maybe this person is next to you.


Look at your surroundings. Is there that person there, maybe you just didn't notice him before? Look at what people you communicate with, how likely is it that the person you are looking for will meet you in this particular company?

Take action.

Just sitting and expecting that they themselves will find you and come to you is at least stupid. Search, communicate in real life, on the Internet, get acquainted.

Work on yourself.

Start developing and attend various exhibitions, seminars, trainings. Be a well-rounded person who can be an interesting conversationalist and a reliable person.

Perhaps this is only general recommendations. Each person is individual and only you can know which person will become yours. There is no loneliness, it happens, so until that person has met. Remember, you don’t have to wait until they make you happy, be happy yourself, give warmth and joy.

A few tips for how to find the right people

1. Stop wishing, hoping, forgiving, praying for people who are useful to you to appear in your life. Constantly remind yourself that you live in a universe of complete regularity. Believe that you, like no one else, are able to attract the right people to you.

2. With the people you would like to connect with in your life, feel a subtle, invisible connection. Refuse to identify yourself with your wealth and physical body. Try to identify with the life-giving energy that lives within you, and recognize that this energy exists in those people that you would like to find.

3. In your thoughts, imagine a meeting that has already taken place with that person who would become your companion, your spiritual partner. Be specific in your dreams and in no case should you share them with anyone, so as not to run into low-energy people.

4. Do everything according to your own internally that person. Act as if everyone who crosses your path matches your intention, the attraction of ideals, bright people. Do not wait and do not think that someone else will look for the people you need, no, only you can do this.

5. Choose your path least resistance and follow it. When you start thinking, being at low frequencies, for example, starting some business and saying: “oh, it won’t work anyway, it’s all a waste of time”, you simply won’t be able to attract those who you need so much .

6. Be patient and let go of the outcome. When evaluating all your intentions according to your own idea of ​​when and what should happen, or evaluating them according to some criteria of your insatiable ego, do not make mistakes. Clearly formulate your intentions and follow the rules described above, they will help you achieve everything you want.

7. Practice meditation constantly. It will promote divine relationships and attract ideal people for you.

8. On any person who even accepted the slightest participation in your life, look at it as a sign from above, as a creature sent by God to help you.

9. Become the kind of person you would like to see in your inner circle.

10. Well, and, of course, be grateful to everyone and in everything. Thank not only those people who did good for you and helped you in anything, but also those who were your enemy. Of course, don't forget to thank God for everything.

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