Talia Debrett Barnett. FKA twigs


And only a bitter cry is heard ... what happened? Oiwei, this is the dream of crushed fans in Pattinson, whose relationship with Talia Barnett is becoming more and more serious.

Talia Debret Barnett turned the head of a charming vampire

Relations between them began last summer, the friends who introduced them remained unknown, but they actively share information about what is happening between young people. Talia Barnett and Robert Pattinson initially hid their relationship, but there is no hiding from the ubiquitous paparazzi anywhere - the first pictures posted online showed the couple on the streets of New York, just walking side by side.

And then the photographers didn’t even have to track down a couple - why would they, because they are famous people, and the next touch was added by fans who noticed lovers in Venice Beach, California, as evidenced by photos instantly posted on Instagram, where Talia and Roby were already holding on to hands. In general, just give the people free rein - and voila - flaunts on the Internet.

And what started here!

The poor thing was simply bombarded with negative letters from Robert's fans, blaming all mortals, supporting her about appearance and other things. Thank God that the matter did not progress further than letters, and the passions gradually subsided ... after all, he is an idol, of course, divinely beautiful, incredibly sweet, etc. and so on. - (fans of the Twilight saga will suggest the continuation), but he doesn’t owe anyone, after all.

All relations between famous people are always under the gun of the public - how they develop, where they went, what they did, what they were going to, etc. But this is a payment for popularity, and, alas, there is no escape from it. In November 2014, a talkative friend of the newly formed couple (or maybe not a friend at all, who decided to earn extra money on the sensation, another Mr. N or even an invention of a journalist) spread the rumor about the actor’s intention to marry the singer. However, it didn’t take long to guess whether it was fiction or the truth ...


At first, the couple exchanged "promise rings" - which became for them a symbol of fidelity and strong love, and for everyone who is unfamiliar with the traditions of the West - after such gifts, the next step is engagement. Which, as it were, hints that relations are already developing at a quite serious level. This is not for you club parties or a life full of bright events, as a result of which you can find something even more interesting on the Internet, here the guys are already planning to create a full-fledged family with might and main.

Everything develops quite rapidly and which of the two loves more is immediately visible - judging by Robert's loving eyes, his sweet singing of Thalia's praises in all interviews and the passionate holding of hands, as evidenced by the photos of the couple.

And here they are the proof!

No matter what they say, no matter what the gossips about the stars convey to the lovers of gossip about the stars, no matter how they change their meaning with each retelling - Talia and Robert began to live together, the guy introduced his beloved to his family, they really liked the girl, and this was inspiring moment for the next step.

One of Robert's friends (again, friend or foe I won't say) said that Pattinson was looking for an engagement ring to propose to a girl, and the ring was not looking for a simple one - but ideal / perfect / exquisite / with a diamond. After the marriage, the actor plans to move to the UK, to act in films, but Robert has no particular desire to continue his career.

The fact is that gradually he wants to just be an exemplary family man and raise children. This once again confirms the forecasts of journalists (even at the beginning of the relationship, Talia did not want to reveal their secrets so as not to become a “celebrity girlfriend”, the press made an assumption that Rob would not become a “famous singer’s boyfriend”). Talia herself does not mind for the sake of the future with Robert to end her career. But it’s too early to guess and invent, whose career will continue, whose career will end ... after all, this is not the past tense, but the future, that’s how it will turn out, for example, there are many other stories, facts, but their reliability is verified only over time.

The earth is full of rumors

Robert and Talia dream of future children, and, according to friends again (!), The young man wants this in the very near future, and his beloved fully shares the guy's dreams.

In confirmation of the latter, the singer starred in a new video with a false tummy, which she strokes, runs over it with long nails ... but Thalia’s clips are eccentric and she could not move away from her genre, so as a result, instead of a baby, the girl gives birth to meters of colored chiffon …

6 months after starting a relationship, actor Robert Pattinson and British singer FKA Twigs announced their engagement. The unexpected news instantly blew up the Internet and raised a lot of questions about who the eccentric performer of the hit “Two weeks” really is.

Who is Talia Barnett?

The real name of FKA Twigs is Thalia Debrett Barnett (born January 16, 1988). She owes her unusual, striking appearance to the Jamaican, Spanish and English blood flowing in her veins. The girl admits that during her school years she had a hard time, because she was the only representative of a mixed race. However, despite the ridicule and insults, Talia has never had problems with her appearance and loves herself for who she is.

The singer's childhood and youth took place in the small English town of Tewksbury, where she became interested in music and dancing. At the age of 17, Thalia moved to London to attend a dance school, but after a while she decided to focus on her musical career. Subsequently, Barnett was a backup dancer for Kylie Minogue, Ed Sheeran, Jessie J. At the moment, Barnett not only records tracks, but also acts as his producer and director of clips.

Love at first sight

According to sources close to the couple, Talia and Robert met through mutual friends in 2014 and have been inseparable ever since. Despite the fact that the girl is in a relationship with one of the most desirable men in the world, she does not want to be known only as Robert Pattinson's girlfriend. She does not seek to advertise her personal life and hates comparisons with the actor's ex-girlfriend.

The lovers are united by their love of music (back in 2008, Pattinson recorded the soundtrack for Twilight) and they often spend time in the recording studio. And while Barnett isn't as popular as Robert's former crush, Kristen Stewart, her music career is rapidly gaining momentum (by the way, you know why Pattinson and Stewart broke up).

The most zealous defender

Despite her fragility, Talia has already shown the world that she is ready to protect Robert from any negative statements about him. So, after a scandalous interview with Kristen Stewart, who said that bed scenes with Pattinson during the filming of "Twilight" became real agony for her and brought a lot of inconvenience, Barnett sent an angry message to Stewart urging her to stop discussing her ex-boyfriend in public. According to Talia, Stewart lost her right to speak publicly about Robert after she cheated on him with married director Rupert Sanders (read more in this article).

It's no secret that Pattinson struggled with betrayal and breakup after 3 years of relationship with Stewart. The actor's friends unanimously claim that having met Thalia, he literally came to life and again felt an interest in life. They also noted that the singer has a positive effect on Robert and he has not been seen so happy and peaceful for a long time.

To spite all the ill-wishers

Unfortunately, not all Pattinson fans took his new lover positively. Many agreed that the eccentric singer does not suit their idol and do not miss the opportunity to send offensive comments to the girl.

"It's really hard," FKA Twigs admitted, speaking of the attacks by detractors who want to end her relationship with Pattinson.

“Sometimes there is a desire to throw everything and hit your head against the wall. I never expected things to turn out this way, but it's worth it. I am infinitely happy,” said Thalia.

Despite the fact that Robert does not have accounts in popular social networks, he is well aware of the difficulties his bride has to go through.

“I think most reasonable people don’t leave malicious comments. Only demons living in basements do this,” Pattinson said, trying to support his beloved.

Nevertheless, the couple remains strong in spite of all the haters and is even preparing for the wedding. Rumor has it that Kristen Stewart will also be invited to the celebration, despite the latest disagreements that happened between them. Robert no longer holds a grudge against his ex-girlfriend. He is happy with his soulmate and wishes only the best for Kristen. But to accept an invitation to a wedding or not, this is her own business.

And finally, we offer you to enjoy a video selection of joint photos of Robert and Talia:

"I don't know if she wants anyone to know about it..."

Robert and Thalia broke up

Just a month later, there were again rumors of a quarrel between Robert and Talia. Photos of the singer in the company of the French handsome Brie Breitenstein added even more fuel to the fire of gossip and speculation. Around the same time, the Twilight star was photographed with Katy Perry. But as a source close to Robert said, "He and Katie are just friends."

The couple stubbornly denied the rumors about their separation. But in October, one of the actor's friends confirmed that the relationship between Robert and Talia had gradually cooled.

“For the first two years, they were almost inseparable. But in recent months, they began to move away from each other and spend less and less time together. Rob is tired of this. He broke off the engagement and told us that he and Thalia had broken up."

Alas, the enviable status of one of the most adored men in the world has not yet helped Pattinson to improve his personal life. It remains to be hoped that among the millions of his admirers he will still find one that will make him happy.

FKA twigs taps perfectly into the spirit of our times with Rooms

Dancers in this Egyptian Halloween fantasy wrestle with clay and convention at the request of the ever-experimental musician

FKA understands signals perfectly in the spirit of our times with Rooms

Dancers in this Egyptian Halloween fantasy fight clay and deal in the legacy (testament?) of an ever experimental musician

Vetok FKA Photography: Performance Park Rooms / park performance/Teddy

Sanjoy Roy

In the basement of a labyrinthine warehouse, a woman lies in a hospital bed while an impossibly large length of tape spools out of her mouth. She is watched by bedside patrons in sober coats and custom wigs; they end up lip-synching to power ballads like the most melodramatic of drag queens, hurling themselves against the wire of the cage they're in. In the hallway, three shirtless men in white drapes and gold jewelry blow in gusts - fugitives from some unobtrusive crypto-Egyptian fantasy - whispering like a breeze. Against a landscape of geometric polystyrene faces, with painted lips and skewers sticking from their cheeks, a trio of performers with nose chains and terracotta tunics step up and give my neck a good sniff. This, I think to me, is amazing.

“It” is Rooms, a performance/setup hybrid conceived, curated and directed by FKA branches, an experimental R&B Singer whose work has already ventured far into the territory of film, fashion, design and dance. In Rooms, the music takes a backseat, mostly constituting a moody, amorphous environment that shifts from one place to the next (all original music is credited to Cy and Low LJ anyway).

FKA branches take on a supporting role in performance though her appearance in whatever scenario she is in (a clay-smearing duet that ends with her taking a bath, for example, or a group finale in which she joins her cast of dancers below a chandelier of naked gas bubbles dangling from a giant black rose) is followed by a very excited crowd of spectators and a line-up of bodyguards. And presumably, there is a story: it is “the journey of the Diamas [FKA branch] in search of her spiritual home and the home of the Zodiac, pursued by her guardian, Capricorn, who is intent on demanding the return of their calves.”

Music takes a back seat in performance and FKA branches play a supporting role. Photo: Rooms/Teddy Park

So if music, star and history all take a back seat, what's fair? First, sets. Twelve artists from the Streeters fashion agency designed one place apiece. Never mind that they are supposedly based on the signs of the zodiac, they make for a surreal and stimulating experience in themselves. From one upstairs reception area, oddly ordinary with its gray curtains and sensible chairs, you can explore another space where lurid flora spreads over wallpaper and twisting vent pipes from glass cabinets like mutant worms. The place on the other side is surgical, its table is cold metal, its walls plastered white as if in a plaster cast. This is all very disorienting.

Vetok FKA Music Video Art Divided

But it's the dancers who provide the actual performance – about 30 of them are variously dispersed across the building, many in non-gendered costumes. The minotaur strides through a place with walls chiselled with scratches, ominously surrounding passing punters. Amid the geometric rocks, the cave creation lurks like a robotic frog. A woman with a shaved head and dressed in white worries like a ghostly mirage on a mirrored floor, her fingers threading on with headlights while an acrobat twists her body into pretzel shapes, a brass plea for help in each hand.

It's truly immersive performance - bright, intense and as transporting as a dream. Admittedly, the dance critic in me is a bit annoyed that choreographers and performers don't get higher billing since they actually go on the show (for the record, choreographers are Wes Weldink, Ramon Baines, Dominic Lawrence and Masumi Saito). True, too, I don't yet know how to balance the avant-garde genderqueer spirit that infuses performance with the high-fashion, high-produced nature of the event, sponsored by Veuve Clicquot, whose stated mission is to “explore freedom of expression around Halloween”. But maybe it's just him: in pairing media event with artistic, celebrity with choreography, performance with branding and modeled style with physical sensations, Rooms cues - brilliantly and relaxingly - in the spirit of our times.

pysy ... well, what? In my opinion, a very good assessment from the Guardian)

Talia Barnett is a bright personality, her star flashed on the horizon in 2014. She continues to excite the minds of Robert Pattinson fans to this day. At what stage is their relationship now, will there be a wedding and how will it all end? Robert Pattinson and Thalia Barnett are a couple that millions are following as they try to predict how their love story will develop. Along with the attention-grabbing relationship of the singer, extraordinary creativity and a spectacular stage image, filled with outrageousness, the desire to stand out and leave an indelible impression, stand apart. Who is Talia Barnett? Let's try to answer all the questions in order.


Talia Barnett was born in the resort town of Gloucestershire in England on January 16, 1988. The girl grew up in the wilderness and became interested in dancing and music from banal boredom. Thalia was the only child in the family, she had to play by herself, and this contributed to the development of children's imagination. At school, the girl suffered ridicule: she was the only black in the class. The girl's father is from Jamaica, and her mother is half Spanish, a gymnast in her youth, worked as a dance teacher and took the girl with her to salsa parties in nightclubs. All this influenced the tastes and interests of Thalia.

She danced from the age of 7, won prizes in choreographic competitions, and it was this activity that opened her creative path.

She connected herself with music from the age of 16, when she sang along with rappers in a local studio as a teenager and realized that she was good at it. At the age of 17, the girl moved to London, hoping to enroll in a dance school. A few months later she dropped out of school, but not training, and entered the department of sociology and philosophy at the University of Croydon. After some time, she left him too, explaining that plans for life had changed, and education had become irrelevant.

In her youth, she managed to try herself in music and dancing. She also tried to teach. Talia Barnett has worked with talented children taking their first steps in the art world. However, this direction did not find development due to the lack of space for classes.


Twig in translation from English means "twig". However, later the pseudonym had to be slightly corrected. The Twigs forced the girl to change her name, so she began to lowercase it with an "s" ending, and then added FKA (formerly known as). It happened already in the process of cooperation with the Young Turks label.

Talia Barnett is related to this name, but sometimes jokes that someday she will take on a new one - IRL twigs. It is important for her that it be written with a small letter, because earlier she was called Little T, and the prefix "small" is very important for a girl.

Carier start

Officially, EP2 was her first release with Young Turks, but she had previously worked with Tig Zogson, one of its founders. It all started with the video for the song Hide. In it, for three minutes, a woman's body moves to voluminous music, covered only with a red petal. The video caused a flurry of emotions and genuine interest of the audience. The singer did not expect this, and gained the necessary confidence to continue her career in music.


Talia Barnett's debut album was released in August 2014. It's called LP1. At that time, the singer was 24 years old. Her clear soft soprano captivates the listener. Some compare her voice to that of Glasser or Ane Bruyn. In the performance of songs, the girl has some mannerisms, broken sophistication, and, of course, the desire to stand out with her unusualness at any cost.

Talia released her first album on her own. Six months later, a contract was signed with XL / Young Turks and a release was presented with the label called EP2. The disc could be regarded as one of the major R&B albums of that year. Working with a leading English record company is a significant achievement in the singer's just beginning career.

Thalia Barnett, whose songs are filled with many unusual, bewitching sounds, is worthy of the attention of every music lover, in order to at least form an opinion about her work. Among the first songs: Water me, How's that, Papi Pacify 2013, Two weeks, Pendulum, Video Girl, Lights on, Closer 2014, Figure 8, In time, I'm your doll, Mothercreep 2015 and other compositions.

Relationship with Robert Pattinson

For the first time about their romance became known in September 2014. Robert Pattinson and Talia Barnett have been the subject of many rumors and half true stories. They got back together, then broke up again. In April 2015, the couple confirmed their engagement, and since then, everyone has been looking forward to news of a future wedding.

A year has passed, and it is rumored that Talia gave Robert an ultimatum to marry this year, otherwise she will consider their relationship as hopeless and part with the actor.

Talia Barnett's personal life is as exciting as her work. Who knows if her audience would have grown so rapidly if not for her sensational relationship with Robert Pattinson? On July 9, at the Lastochka festival, the first performance of FKA twigs in Moscow at Luzhniki will take place. This is a festival of music and an active lifestyle, which are ideally associated with the bright image of the singer.

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