Dancing on TNT a boy without a leg is dancing. A dancer from Sochi, Evgeny Smirnov, who lost his leg in an accident, starred in the clip of Nargiz and Fadeev


The hype surrounding the inappropriate behavior of the jury in relation to the 8-year-old participant in the project did not have time to subside, as Litvinova and Pozner again disgraced themselves.

The whole internet was talking about this last week. Director Renata Litvinova and presenter Vladimir Pozner were severely criticized for their attacks on 8-year-old Vika Starikova, a participant in the Minute of Glory, who performed Zemfira's song.

There was a little thin girl in a white dress, looking at the floor and shedding tears, while the masters of show business criticized her and her parents for a too serious song, for the very fact of participating in an adult program, and just for everything in the world. In fact, the child came, sang and played. Myself. He was supposed to listen, evaluate his voice, play, and not dig deep and not ask about the meaning of the song between the lines. But they dug while Vika cried.

It would seem that after such a story, the jury members should have at least carefully selected words for those who come to the show to demonstrate their abilities. Moreover, both are experts in rhetoric. But…

This weekend, viewers saw on the air a touching and highly professional dancer's performance by Alena Shcheneva and Evgeny Smirnov. Zhenya is already familiar to many by participating in the show "Dancing" and the video of Maxim Fadeev and singer Nargiz for the song "Together".

Litvinova, as soon as the number began, sighed displeasedly, and her neighbor Vladimir Pozner frowned. Before them stood a handsome guy who did not have one leg ...

Zhenya spun on his hands, lifted his partner, performed the most difficult somersaults and flips - such that it would seem impossible to hold on even on two legs.

Sergei Svetlakov spoke first. He asked the audience to applaud again.

This is the case when they don’t put pressure on pity, when a person continues to live a full life and prove to everyone else, weaker ones, how to do it, ”Svetlakov praised the guys.

But Posner did not agree with his colleague and warned in advance that although he had already fallen out of favor with the audience, he was not going to change his course.

I absolutely admire you, but it seems to me that there are forbidden tricks,” Posner said. - When a person goes out, like you, without a leg, it is impossible to say “no”, because this is a kind of feat, a person managed to overcome what many could not ... It hurts me when such techniques are used in art.

Actor Sergei Yursky at first stated that he was in solidarity with Vladimir on the topic of forbidden tricks, but the number is beautiful, this is a feat, and left the couple in the project.

Renata Litvinova this time turned out to be “more eloquent” than all her colleagues.

I know that in our country it is difficult to be an amputee,” said the actress. - Excuse me for calling you that. This is probably the main reason why you should stay. Or maybe you should fasten the second leg so that it is not so obviously absent, so as not to exploit this topic?

Svetlakov immediately rushed to Zhenya's defense.

He danced like a dancer, not like a cripple, he did what others with two legs can't do, Sergey Litvinova explained.

The couple remained in the project, as did the sediment after the jury's speeches ... By the way, this is how the jury reacted in the "Dancing" program. Agree, a completely different reaction.

Zhenya himself, of course, steadfastly endured the ether - after what he experienced, you probably become more impenetrable.

“Of course, I'm uncomfortable. People of such a level as Pozner and Litvinova allowed themselves unprofessional offensive remarks. I did not expect such bad manners from them,” he said in a conversation. with Woman's Day correspondent. - In principle, I was ready that they might not let me go further, but it’s impossible to prepare for offensive remarks. But look, it's not only me that they treated rudely. They brought many people to tears, let us remember at least the baby from the previous issue, who sang Zemfira's hit ... And those who were not shown, and tears behind the scenes ...

Thousands of people write to me, and they are all shocked by what was said. It is especially unpleasant for my fiancee - after all, at that moment she was standing backstage and heard everything.

Let's be honest (anonymously): did Zhenya's performance bother you?

    No leg? It was so cool that I didn't notice it!

    To be honest, Posner voiced an unpopular opinion: it is impossible to treat such people in the same way as other participants

    Zhenya, clearly, well done, but ...

    We raised a very important issue: we need to give the right to children with disabilities to live with us on an equal footing!

It is not difficult to guess that Maxim Fadeev volunteered to be one of the first to call on the judges to follow the words.

When in September 2016 he and Nargiz presented the video “Together”, the producer immediately wrote that this story was somewhat personal for him, because he lost his hearing in 2005, but did not give up. Even before the Dancing project, Evgeny Smirnov was a famous breakdancer, but a few years ago he got into a car accident. The doctors decided to amputate the leg. Agree, such a blow of fate is hard to endure, it is impossible to even imagine how the guy did it. And it is not surprising that Fadeev, who was familiar with Zhenya's story, could not remain silent.

“I can’t understand how Litvinova’s remarks could be aired. If it was a live broadcast, then it is understandable, but it is common knowledge that the show is being recorded. They make a show out of this pain, ”the producer wrote on social networks. And he raised a new avalanche: Zhenya was thrown in nets with words of support.

But on the other hand ... Let's remember the winner of the show "Voice. Children ”Danya Pluzhnikov, who conquered everyone with his vocals. The winner of the project "Amazing People" blind from birth musician Eduard Nekhaev, who has the ability to echolocation. He was able to ride a bicycle around the stage and did not touch a single obstacle, and yet he learned to ride for only the third day. The man saw with his ears!

In the story with Zhenya Smirnov, it is outrageous that not every member of the jury saw the dance. Will all of them - evaluators - be able to perform such complex lifts? Not at all. But they did not look at Zhenya's skill, they looked for the missing leg, admitting that they were embarrassed to look at the guy.

In her own words, Renata Litvinova showed how Zhenya embarrassed her with one presence. Amputee man. The one that did not fasten the second leg ... Which also hinted at the problem of people with disabilities in Russia. Most likely, it would be easier for a sophisticated star, an icon of style, to judge if Eugene put on a prosthesis, then his skill would not hurt her so much. But that would be another story.


5 most scandalous quotes by Renata Litvinova

We will not defend Renata, but we suggest recalling what the director said in different years during her numerous speeches, programs and interviews.

In the program "Film Premieres":

“In principle, how does it occur to ugly girls to become actresses? Jennifer Aniston. What a terrible thing she is. I do not understand this paradox, why such an ugly woman with such a turn of her cheeks suddenly became a star.

Evgeny Smirnov was born in 1986 in the village of Lazorevskoye near Sochi. I became interested in break dancing in the 9th grade, at the age of 14. Once, with friends, they saw the guys doing interesting tricks on the basketball court. We started trying to do something similar at school breaks. For training, they chose the hall. Looking at them, other teenagers became interested in break dancing. Six months later, they felt confident in themselves, and the dancers from the two schools united in the Freestyle Mastazz team. Soon she began to participate in serious competitions in the Krasnodar Territory.

The very first performance ended in success - the second place. Naturally, this spurred the dancers to train with even more zeal and dedication. They began to participate in various evening events, in all-Russian, and then in international competitions, where they often received grand prix.

While still a student, Eugene lost his parents. To pay for his education at the academy, he became a roofer. The work is hard but rewarding. Security allowed not to betray the dream and continue to devote time to dancing. Eugene wanted to create a new kind of dance, and with a girl Dasha he tried to combine breakdance with modern. Judges at competitions met innovation with praise, Freestyle Mastazz conquered new heights.

On April 30, 2012, Evgeny was hit by a black Priora. The driver fled the scene of the crime, then returned for the blown off license plates and bumper and drove off again. The ambulance arrived only 40 minutes later, although, according to Yevgeny, there was absolutely nothing to go.

Due to the negligence of the doctors of the Lazorevskaya hospital, Yevgeny developed gas gangrene. Relatives ensured that the dancer was transferred to a Sochi hospital. There, his leg was amputated. Otherwise, Eugene would have died.

The dancer, known as Red, was supported by many people. While Eugene was in the hospital, they recorded videos of encouragement, held dance festivals to raise funds, and were active on the Internet. Almost 20 thousand people took part in the volunteer action "Help the Red".

After such support, Eugene could not give up. He began to train again, and not only in dancing. Evgeny became a professional rower and after 2 years at the Russian Championships he took 3rd place. And in dancing, too, success awaited - participation in the project "Dancing on TNT".

Eugene left the show himself. He was afraid that the jury and the audience, when voting, would treat him condescendingly, add points out of pity, thereby expelling more skilled dancers from the project.

There, Eugene teaches all children without restrictions. There are about 15 children with disabilities and 9 healthy children in the group. The first lessons are free. Eugene wants to develop the studio into a large full-fledged school on three floors, where they would teach in all areas of dance.

At the Open Lesson, the dancer spoke briefly about himself and encouraged the meeting participants to ask questions. The format of the project itself means no longer a lesson, but live communication and, of course, dancing.

Both adult dancers and 8-9 years old dancers came to the meeting. They demonstrated their skills to the Krasnodar guest in competitive fights, one even went to battle with Zhenya himself.

The children could not believe that Eugene was dancing with one leg. Twice the question was raised how he does it. The guest reacted to this with humor. At first he answered clearly, and then he tried to explain.

- You just set a goal, deadlines, imagine how you do certain elements, and try to fulfill them until you succeed. Never give up. Half my life I danced with two legs, half my life I dance with one - variety.

When asked about the idol, Eugene also answered non-standard:

- Nephew. I took him to my first training session at 4 years old. I saw him grow and improve. Sometimes I even learned from him. Now he is 17 years old and he dances better than me.

Eugene also answered the questions of the Remarque, but before the start of the Open Lesson.

‒ What is the most important thing in life for you?

After some thought, the dancer replied:

- Life. I love her so much.

‒ Is it worth putting self-realization at the head of everything?

‒ You should put only yourself at the head of everything, but this is not about egoism. If you do not realize yourself as a person, then you will not be able to give anything to anyone. You won't have the strength or the ability. You will be empty.

- Do you think children with disabilities should be in separate classes?

– No, together with everyone. In my dance studio, children with disabilities are on an equal footing with the rest. They just need to create a comfortable environment for them.

“The thing is, kids are cruel.

- All in our hands. In the post-war period, simply no one thought about it, it was not before. Now they are starting to pay attention to it. Children from an early age should be shown and explained that there are other children who have health problems, that they need help, that they are just as normal people. Such children do not need to poke money or help them up. For them, the main word is moral support.

- Is the word "disabled" offensive for such children?

‒ For many, it’s unpleasant, but I didn’t notice resentment for anyone. In addition, there are people who simply do not know such an expression as "people with disabilities." Why take offense at them?

‒ After the “Open Lesson” in other cities, did the children write to you? Has something changed in their lives?

- Of course they do. I am on social media and am always happy to answer questions. Many children at my meetings are morally depressed. Human problems are problems to be solved. Until a person accepts this task, it will be a problem for him. Any problem should stimulate its solution. This is what I try to convey to the children by my example. It works. In my opinion, children with disabilities show even more diligence and perseverance than healthy children.

The organizer of the Open Lesson project is the Foundation for the Development and Support of Social Internet Initiatives. Foundation employees started by painting the walls in children's clinics. With the help of caring people, they bought paints, the necessary tools and spent weekends in hospitals. When about a hundred people gathered for the event, the activists decided to register as a non-profit organization.

The activities of the foundation began in August 2015 with the project "Changes". Its task is to improve the life of the unprotected layer of society, as well as simply to do good deeds. After that, 6 more federal projects appeared, including the “Open Lesson”.

‒ When we saw Evgeny on TV at the Dancing on TNT TV project, we realized that this is our man, ‒ says Yana Gritseva, head of the Open Lesson project, ‒ that he should be shown as an example to thousands of people.

Employees of the Foundation for the Development and Support of Social Internet Initiatives visited Bryansk for the first time. At first they could not find the premises, but through a mutual friend they came to, the founder of the Rhythmic Warrior school. He agreed to help, especially since the Rhythmic Warrior, like Yevgeny Smirnov's studio, is ready to teach everyone, including children with disabilities. Sergey himself often acts as an organizer of social events, which Remarque already wrote about in an interview with b-boy.

I think today's lesson showed the children that there is always an option to move on, no matter what trouble you have.

Sergey Gerasin

Cover photo courtesy of the Foundation for the Development and Support of Social Internet Initiatives

    Dance on TNT, season 2, casting in the city of Krasnodar. One of the last applicants was a guy from Sochi, who performed the number - a combination of break and modern. He touched the jury, tears came to his eyes. Deal in is, that have guy there is no one legs.

    Some time ago he got into terrible accident, lost his leg, and many thought that he could forget about his dancing career.

    But Evgeny Smirnov(that's the guy's name) overcame himself and was able to prove that disability is not yet a sentence. You can be proud of such strong people. It is their faith in themselves and love for life that helps them to do the impossible.

    Good luck to Evgeny in everything.

    Video of the performance of a guy without a leg in Dance 2.

    In the photo, Evgeny Smirnov and his namesake, partner Daria Smirnova.

    Yegor Druzhinin's words:

    The guy without a leg in the second season of the show Dancing was called Yevgeny Smirnov

    He came to the casting, showed a great dance and told his story

    There was an accident. Zhenya lost his leg. And before the accident he was a good dancer

    The story shocked everyone and in one of the episodes of season 2 he was invited to dance one of the numbers

    Here's a strong-willed man. It remains only to be glad that he did not break down and lives on

    The dance from the season 2 casting can be seen below.

    an ordinary guy, dances well, why did he interest you so much? got into a traffic accident on a motorcycle, he was cut off, something happened to his leg, had to be cut off, before that he had been dancing for ten years, he has a girlfriend, and with whom did he dance this his dance colleague, namesake.

    Evgeny Smirnov and Daria Smirnova are friends, dance partners. They had a team, their own dance group. Then Yevgeny Smirnov got into an accident on a motorcycle, his leg was amputated. Gradually, the team broke up, only Daria Smirnova remained nearby.

    The couple took part in the casting for the Dancing show in Krasnodar, they are from the village of Lazarevskoye and the city of Sochi.

    This is a couple Evgeny and Daria Smirnov, but they are not husband and wife, and not even relatives, just namesakes. They have been dancing together for a long time, even before Eugene had an accident. After the accident, they did not study or dance for some time, but then reunited again.

    When Zhenya Smirnov came to the casting of the Dances on TNT in the city of Krasnodar, everyone, both the judges and the audience, were simply amazed.

    We are amazed at his courage and resilience. After all, the guy was missing a leg.

    Eugene, having survived a terrible tragedy, did not break down, but continues to do what he loves - dancing.

    At the casting, Eugene danced with his partner Daria Smirnova, a friend and namesake.

    From childhood, Zhenya gave all of himself to his favorite pastime. He and his friends created a dance team.

    Eugene from childhood worked tirelessly. After the death of his parents, the guy himself provided for his studies at the institute. Worked, danced and studied. Everything in his life went well. Until a terrible tragedy happened, as a result of which the guy lost his leg.

    He was hit by a car while riding his moped to a friend's house. It happened on April 30, 2012. The driver fled the scene without even bothering to call an ambulance. He was not interested in the fate of the young man he had shot down. And the ambulance reacted with negligence to what happened. So under the circumstances, namely because of the negligence of honey. staff, the guy developed gas gangrene and lost his leg.

    But the dancer does not consider himself an invalid. He continues to dance. Takes part in various shows. Just the other day I took part in the show Minute of Glory. Zhenya performed with his new partner Alena Shcheneva. They performed a dance for the clip of Max Fadeev and Nargiz Together.

    You can admire the courage of this guy. A living example for those who found themselves in such conditions and for all those healthy people who whine that life did not work out.

    Brief biography of Evgeny Smirnov. My answer to BV.

Most recently, the premiere of the video by Maxim Fadeev and Nargiz Zakirova took place with the participation of the Sochi dancer Yevgeny Smirnov. Eugene lost his leg after an accident in 2012. But this did not prevent him from taking part in the well-known television project "Dancing" on the TNT channel a year ago. In four days, the clip in which he starred on Youtube video hosting was watched by more than 2.2 million people, KrasnodarMedia reports.

Filming took place in Moscow at the end of September. Unfortunately, my partner Daria Smirnova was not able to take part in the filming, so another girl became my couple in the video, - Evgeny Smirnov told the Kuban 24 TV channel.

Max Fadeev invited the dancer to participate in the filming after he saw him in the TV project "Dancing".

Fans of Max Fadeev and Nargiz in the comments of the video note that during the filming of the video, Yevgeny Smirnov also demonstrated the artist's impressive dramatic talent. During the filmed song video story, the dancer was one of the main participants in the action.

A dancer from Sochi, Yevgeny Smirnov, who lost his leg in an accident, starred in the video for Nargiz and Fadeev. Photo: Screenshot of a frame from a video from Youtube video hosting, author Maxim Fadeev

Eugene has his own personal website. There he shares fragments of his biography, including talking about the accident that deprived him of his leg.

"On April 30, 2012, I was on my way to a party with friends and had a terrible accident. My moped was hit by a car, the driver of which fled the scene in a hurry. Having returned, however, for the demolished bumper and numbers of my black Priora ... Covered up traces? so he didn’t even bother to take me to the hospital - people from the street and friends who came to help helped me. The ambulance was also in no hurry to leave - the path that can be traveled in three minutes, overcame, as at peak time, during forty ... "- tells the fans Eugene.

Nevertheless, the young guy did not lose heart and after two years of hard training, he took third place in the Russian Championship in kayaking and defended the title of master of sports.

A dancer from Sochi, Yevgeny Smirnov, who lost his leg in an accident, starred in the video for Nargiz and Fadeev. Photo: Screenshot of a frame from a video from Youtube video hosting, author Maxim Fadeev

"Simultaneously with rowing, I decided to return to the dance. I firmly decided for myself that nothing, even the absence of a full-fledged leg and a prosthesis, could prevent me from soaring again in the dance!" - Eugene shares. He passed the casting for the popular show "Dancing" on the TNT channel, but he himself refused further participation in the competition.

Video from an open source - Youtube video hosting, author Maxim Fadeev

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