Pole dance. What is pole dancing called?


- pole and dance - dance) - a spectacular dance at the intersection of choreography, gymnastics and aerial acrobatics. Since the 2000s, Pole dance has been actively developed as a form of acrobatics, sports and fitness, with an emphasis on demonstrating the dancer's choreographic skills and technique. We will discuss the prospects for this direction below.

Features of Pole Dance

Pole dance is not possible without a special projectile - a pole (aka a pylon), around which all dance elements are built, assembled into a holistic dance. Movements are carried out with the support ofa pylon, which requires a certain level of fitness, strength, flexibility and endurance.

Pilon and his role in Pole Dance

The projectile for pole dance, for all its simplicity, requires separate words. The pylon is a hollow polished tube with a diameter of 40 mm or more, which must provide the necessary glide and, at the same time, good grip in direct contact with the skin to fix the position of the dancer.

I am a half-dancer, my legs are stretched - a string.
Like a pylon, I am thin, graceful, slender.
It's not a problem to hang me upside down
Or, having made a flyby, go into a power trick.
© Igor Bolshakov.

By the way, bare areas of the body in a floor dance are necessary just for better adhesion to the surface of the pylon, and not only and not so much for attractiveness.

Modern technologies make it possible to install pylons in any premises, even in private apartments. Pylons differ in the method of attachment (fixation) to the support, they are static and rotating. Rotating poles provide greater dynamism and spectacular movements. At the upper level of the pylon (2 meters or more), acrobatic stunts are performed, at the middle level (up to one and a half meters) - rotations and various dynamic movements (twists, flights, etc.), the lower level (parterre) involves performing plastic and acrobatics elements on the floor .

Pole dance: a bit of history

Historically, in Western civilization Pole Dance is associated with erotic performances for men. For the foreseeable past, the dance is of American-Canadian origin, but its roots go further east and deeper into Chinese circus acrobatics and the ancient Indian practice of mallakhamb training. In Asian circuses, you can still see performances with a pole, but it differs significantly from what is used in pole dance. As a sports dance, acrobatic and fitness direction, Pole Dance is just going through the stage of formation and is experiencing a boom in popularity.

Since 2003, the pole dance has officially emerged from the twilight of nightclubs.: competitions and championships began to be held in the discipline. Moreover, a certain code has already been formed - the organizers clearly distinguished between the concepts of strip plastic and pole dance: any revealing outfits, gestures, etc. are prohibited at performances. Even strips are prohibited in Pole Sport: all attention must be focused ONLY on the athleticism of a dancer who needs to be able to "purely" perform the elements of the program and make interesting connections between them. World championships are initiated by World Pole Sport & Fitness and the International Pole Sports Federation.

Since 2008, Pole Dance competitions have been held in Russia as well.. For the first time the competition was held in St. Petersburg, and a Ukrainian woman with a wonderful national name Vardanush Martirosyan took the victory. Pole dancing continues to develop: children's pole dance classes are opening, impromptu performances can be seen in the open air, and even an underwater version of pole dancing has appeared.

My life without half-dance is sad and dull.
I would give anything in the world for a pylon.
The blood boils - it boils excitement in it,
My goal is to get the championship in Pole Art.
© Igor Bolshakov.

Types of Pole Dance

There are four types of pole dance:

  • Pole Sport- the most “serious” direction of pole dance: sport on the pylon belongs to air power athletics, discipline competitions are held on sports grounds, and are evaluated by certified teams of judges according to approved rules. Each performance contains a mandatory set of gymnastic elements, connections and transitions. Competitors perform in tracksuits to musical accompaniment on two types of poles, alternating them during the performance of the program to demonstrate different skills.
  • Pole Art- artistic dance with a pole and a choreographic program that includes certain elements. Competitions are held in discipline, where the quality of performance, directing, as well as acting skills and the suitability of the costume to the chosen image of the speaker are evaluated. To better understand the difference between Art and Sports, you can compare them to ice dancing and figure skating.
  • Exotic Pole Dance- the dance contains less acrobatic component, but more erotic plasticity, has a pronounced entertaining character.
  • Pole fitness- an amateur direction of pole dance, which is taught in widely specialized fitness centers.
Since it is Pole Fitness that is a public type of pole dance, then we will talk about it further.

How Pole Fitness Workouts Work

Fitness centers offer pylon dance as a job for stretch marks and working out the muscles of the legs, arms, body, general weight loss and a comprehensive improvement in physical condition. The benefits are discussed in more detail below. What is a Pole Fitness workout:

  • The first 5-10 minutes are devoted to warm-up, which is needed to warm up the main muscle groups and joints involved in Pole Fitness.
  • next 10 minutes are given to power balance exercises on a pole.
  • The main part of the lesson lasts 40-45 minutes. and at this time the girls work out various acrobatic and choreographic elements: twists (twists), various trick combinations.
  • Next 5-10 minutes are assigned to improvisation using the studied elements with musical accompaniment.
  • Stretching completes the workout, which is given 20-30 minutes of training time. Stretching is necessary for a half-dancer to master the splits and other acrobatic elements of the dance.
Pole Fitness classes typically last about 1.5 hours.

The group is selected small, and strictly according to the number of shells in the hall. In a self-respecting institution, more than one student per pole is not allowed. During the development of acrobatic elements on a pole, the teacher provides insurance for beginner dancers, plus shock-absorbing mats are used. Training takes place barefoot or in special lightweight high-heeled strip shoes (more advanced level). Fitness centers and dance studios guarantee an individual approach to everyone involved, regardless of age or fitness level. Moreover, many schools promise their students a real opportunity to take part in Pole Dance competitions.

Pole Fitness Benefits

Regularly doing Paul Fitness, you can achieve:
  • Endurance and good coordination. Many dynamic movements of the pole dance develop dexterity, train the vestibular apparatus and a sense of balance.
  • Strong muscles and tone for the whole body. Holding your own weight in various positions contributes to the development and strengthening of muscles.
  • Flexibility and mobility of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. You finally sit down leg-split :)
  • Perseverance, strength of character and the ability to overcome difficulties.
  • Increase self-esteem, self-confidence and just a good mood.

Pole Fitness: disadvantages

A significant disadvantage of pole dance can be called high subscription price compared to other types of group training. (But it’s better to choose a specialized studio with professional choreographers and “overpay” than to stand in line for the pole: this also happens).

Hyperhidrosis(increased sweating) - a physiological feature that can be an unpleasant surprise when practicing with a pole. Simply put, if your palms sweat a lot, then it will be difficult to perform grips with your hands - your hands will slip. To solve this problem, it is enough to use sports magnesia.

Fear is a frequent companion for beginners. Fear of injury, fear of heights, fear of an unusual body position (for example, when hanging upside down). This is a natural emotion caused by the instinct of self-preservation, which passes as the sporting experience increases.

Get ready for the bruises: they will for sure, all successful pole dancers have gone through this. If you can't imagine your life without a miniskirt or bruises on your skin for a long time, then this can be a small problem. Stock up on patience and ointments that promote the resorption of hematomas (badyaga, troxevasin, etc.).

Pole dance: contraindications

Contraindications to pole dance classes are epilepsy, frequent dizziness, tinnitus, various vascular disorders, inflammatory diseases of the joints, hernia of the cervical and lumbosacral spine, postoperative period, various ophthalmic diseases. In addition, people who are significantly overweight are not allowed to practice on the pylon. Unfortunately, this is a fact - the lighter the young lady, the safer (!) The classes will be and the easier it will be for the pylon to submit. If the extra weight is “obvious”, and the pylon is very pulling, then we advise you to lose weight first. The materials are collected in a separate section, plus, you can sit on diet(only reasonable!). Most of the girls who came to Pole Dance, no matter what, they remain in it for a long time or “fall ill” with dance forever.

Here's what they say about their passion for pole dancing
(reviews from irecom):

And men, for example, consider pole dance to be the best sport for a girl! Still, is there such a representative of the stronger sex who would not dream of a perfect stretch for his half?

Pole dance: motivation.
Video of the best performances

We have something special in store for the finale: the most “delicious” videos from the performances of professional pole dancers. Watch and enjoy:)

It's good that you are sitting.
Hold on tight to your chair, because this video with Polina Volchek is just SOMETHING!

Stock up on validol, because your heart will need something to calm it down.
Pair performance. Fabulous.

The men are not far behind either.
Christian Lebedev as a Spartan. Strongly.

Come on, who's to say now that Pole Dance is just ... or vulgar? Pole dance is a real art of strong and beautiful men and women. And yet, we cannot deceive the expectations of those who were waiting for a "peppercorn": we guarantee you have never seen such Hannibal Lecter:

Did I think four years ago, when I was going to my first Pole Dance training, where this would lead me? Of course not. But I'm glad everything turned out the way it did.

Now the pylon is a part of my life. It feels like I've always done it. It is difficult to imagine what else, besides him, can help to understand and reveal oneself so well.

What is Pole Dance. Kinds

Pole dance - pole dance. A young direction that is rapidly developing all over the world and is gaining immense popularity. The history of its appearance is connected with Indian yoga, when exercises on a wooden pole were practiced, circus art and the development of the dance industry. Includes several types:

  1. Pole Sport– power and acrobatic elements on the pylon, various interceptions, racks. The most serious kind, differs in rather severe rules at competitions.
  2. Pole Art- dance style. The number must have its own image and story that the dancer tells the audience.
  3. Exotic Pole Dance- dance with fewer acrobatic elements. It implies work in the stalls, requires the presence of special shoes with heels.
  4. Pole fitness- mixed direction. Tricks on the pole and dance bundles.
  5. Pole Contemporary- a mixture of Pole Dance and Contemporary. This species has become popular recently. Doesn't require good preparation. The pylon itself here acts as an additional attribute.

Pole Dance - a combination of strength and femininity

My introduction to the world of Pole Dance

The first time I came to pole dance training was four years ago. Several schools had just opened in my city and I wanted to try something new. I remember how impressed I was by girls who have been practicing for a long time. They made everything so beautiful and easy. Then I even envied them a little, but for some reason I did not have a desire to do the same at all costs.

I came to the first training session with good physical preparation.: Before that, I was engaged in rock climbing for several years and my hands are already used to the load. This, by the way, later became a big plus for me. Under the guidance of a coach, I completed a few simple elements and that's it. About such cases they say "not hooked." There were no emotions. Yes, in general I liked it, but the desire to come again did not arise. I returned to the climbing wall and for a few months I forgot about the pylon.

The second time I went for the company with a friend. And pass again. I did not like the way the instructor conducts the training.

Even now, when I myself have been training beginners for several years, I understand that they need to pay maximum attention and chew on every little thing. It's incredibly hard. Beginners are very energy intensive.

Probably, the instructor girl thought the same way and preferred to devote time only to those who succeeded in something.

It took me a long time to understand: Pole dance is what I want to do

After training, I decided that my friendship with the pole would never take place and did not make any more attempts. Until a friend told me about the coach she trained with herself and invited me to a workout. I put off going to the studio for a long time, all the time there were more important things to do, but in the end I signed up and came. And since then, I have never regretted it. It was one of the best decisions in my life. I am immensely grateful to my coach for opening the door to the pylon world for me and showing me how multifaceted it is.

Editorial opinion

Elena Kalita

Magazine editor

What can incredibly load the muscles, shoot up self-esteem to the skies, develop feline grace, plasticity and stretching? What can squeeze out to the last drop, but force you to load your body again and again, grinding it to the smallest muscle? This combination of sport and dance, training the body and revealing the soul, is a complex and multifaceted Pole Dance.

I used to think that Pole Dance was just tricks, but it turned out that it's just an incredible mixture of strength, grace and femininity. And together it all turns into a dance that can express anything. In this example, I was once again convinced of how important it is to find “your” person. Whether it's personal relationships or the training process. It took me three classes with different trainers and six months of time to get sick of Pole Dance forever.

From beginner to trainer

After making sure that the pole is truly mine, I began to devote all my free time to training. After work, I ran to the gym. Weekend? No, I haven't heard, I'm busy. It seems that then every centimeter of my body ached, bruises and calluses appeared on my fingers, but I did not feel tired, I really liked to practice.

My progress in back and shoulder stretching

A great desire and initially good physical shape did their job: my progress went by leaps and bounds, and very soon I became one of the strongest students in the school, overtaking even those who studied more than me. And then there was a series of master classes from eminent pylonists, new knowledge, their application in practice, trips to classes in other cities, participation in the school's reporting concerts and the first public performance. Pole Dance introduced me to a wonderful girl with whom we quickly became friends, organized a duet and still dance together. There were competitions in the plans, but we never got to them.

At one of the workouts, I did not calculate the load and injured my knee. Joint dislocation, MRI, torn ligaments, long recovery. After the injury, I decided that I needed a break, returned to classes after a couple of months. On the same day, my coach approached me, told me about moving to another city, that she would no longer be able to conduct classes and suggested that I stay instead of her. After thinking about it, I decided that probably everything was going to this, coaching would become a new level for me. And I agreed.

I still remember my first workout. I have never been so excited. It's one thing to come to class as a student and trust the coach, and another thing when the coach is you. This is a huge responsibility, motivation for the student and an example. It was then that I realized why the coach is doing better than the student. The coach always tries and gives his best, he cannot be done badly or somehow, he must always be on top.

Six months after my first lesson as a trainer, I completed the training and received a certificate of instructor. Now I have several groups of students of different levels: from beginners to advanced. We have been training with some of them for more than a year and we communicate well outside the gym with pylons.

I always welcome new faces and do my best to interest a person and show him that a pylon is not just a metal pipe.

Pole dance: striptease or sport?

Over the years of studying on the pole and my teaching activities, I got used to different reactions from people. From time to time I hear in my address: “Fu, this is a striptease! And how can only a boyfriend, husband or parents allow you! Before, at such moments, I simply lost the power of speech and did not know what to answer. Now I say only one thing: well, be prudent in the end! Open the Internet, and even better come to the training. You don't even have to do it, just watch.

Yes, once Pole Dance originated from striptease, but now it has stepped far ahead in its development and has nothing to do with it. Contrary to popular belief, we do not take off our clothes during the dance and do not strive to attract as many male gazes as possible. Pole dance is primarily about expressing oneself, about emotions and feelings, but not about vulgarity. In any case, all beauty or not beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone sees only what he wants to see. It's hard to convince someone otherwise. Yes, this is not necessary.

The concept of "pole dance" everyone understands in their own way

Can Pole Dance be classified as a sport? I think yes. Performing elements on the pole requires strength and good physical condition, which can only be achieved by exercising regularly. And it's not easy at all. There is even a special Pole Sport category at the competitions, where performing pylonists demonstrate all their skills and amazing control of their own bodies. But I still would not unequivocally say that the pylon is a sport.

And if not sports and striptease, then what? Its own, separate, like nothing else category. This is a mixture of dances, gymnastics, acrobatics, sports. I do not know of any direction that would offer so many options for development. Everyone can find something different in Pole Dance. This is what makes him beautiful.

Who suits

Everyone can practice on the pylon. And this is a fact. The only exceptions are medical indications. In order to start classes, age, weight, height, gender and physical fitness are not important.

My oldest student is 48 years old, the youngest is 18. Both thin and overweight girls come to classes. I'm not saying that they all work out equally well. Everyone develops at their own pace and that's okay.

Much depends on the purpose for which the student comes. For some, the pylon is just a pleasant time spent in the evening after work, someone really likes to perform, and someone sees himself on the podium and is going to become a champion.

Anyone can do Pole Dance

It is important to know that at the first lesson the coach does not expect anything from the student and does not place any hopes on him. It is a mistake to believe that when you come to the hall and see the pylon for the first time, you need to immediately do something on it. Otherwise, how could it be: "Everyone can, but I can't."

No need to look at others, you can only compare yourself with yourself. Everyone fails at something and everyone started somewhere. If you are not afraid and make an effort, the result will not be long in coming.

Often, when meeting new people, I tell them about my work and hear in response: “Oh, well, this is definitely not mine.” This phrase always amuses me. How can you know that something is not for you without even trying it? It took me a long time to make sure that Pole Dance is what I really want to do.

Popular Pole Dance Myths

On the pylon, only girls are engaged. No, not only. Recently, more and more guys prefer the pole. Largely because of curiosity, as well as for the almost limitless development possibilities. In Russia, there are quite a lot of world-famous male pylonists who perform at competitions, judge championships and give master classes not only in our country, but also abroad. Some of them train only strength elements, excluding typically female ones, and someone works on flexibility and adds more danceability to their workouts.

Pole lessons require good physical preparation.

No, not needed. Pilon is available both to those who are friends with sports and regularly visit the gym or, for example, go to fitness, and to those who came to the first lesson “from the couch”. Working with a pylon is a fundamentally different load. It’s just that for those who are well developed physically, everything will turn out a little faster.

No, you won’t be able to pump up, but it’s quite possible to get a beautiful relief. Regular exercise will tone the body and tighten the muscles. In addition, women cannot physically swing to the size of men. In their body, the level of the hormone necessary for this is too low. The exception is professional athletes, for whom sport is not a hobby, but a way of life. For those who are not convinced by my words, I advise you to see what the world champion Anastasia Skukhtorova looks like.

Pole dance is hard

Yes, it's difficult. Sometimes even very much. As a coach, I often watch students who come to class for the first time. They have a great desire and burning eyes. They try to do one thing - it doesn't work, the other one doesn't work either. Enthusiasm noticeably decreases and, as a rule, the girls no longer come to the next training session. Because we didn't expect it to be so difficult.

Pole work is primarily bodyweight work. A simple example: we come to the gym and the instructor gives us, as beginners, a dumbbell weighing 5 kg, then 10, 15, and after six months we easily press 50 kg. Such a gradual increase in load is important for the correct and safe work of all muscle groups and the body as a whole.

On the pylon, you have to work with the entire body weight at once. If a girl has 50 kg, then she has to lift this weight, it is impossible to start with less. Therefore, it is difficult for some beginners to even pull themselves up. Strength will come with time, but for this you need to work.

Pole dancing is a difficult discipline that requires constant work

You must undress during training.

Yes need. Especially for beginners and especially for the first time. But to “undress” in the pole is to put on shorts and a short top for training. For a good grip on the pole, you need as much open skin as possible. This will prevent slipping and prevent falls.

Later, when the grip becomes stronger, and the body understands the technique of performing the elements, you can practice on the pole in both pants and a long-sleeve sweater.

To practice on the pole, you need a good stretch, and I'm a "log"

Yes and no. Stretching is not needed to perform most elements on the pole. Only a relatively small percentage of elements require a flexible back and splits. Of course, stretching should not be completely forgotten. She will add beautiful lines to any element.

Stretching will add grace and beauty to each element.

Pole dance is painful

Yes, it still hurts! Bruises, abrasions, calluses on the hands are provided to everyone who practices on the pole. The most difficult thing is for girls with sensitive skin: they may experience pain even from performing the simplest elements. But it is not all that bad. Over time, the skin gets used to the constant friction against the pylon, becomes less sensitive and there are practically no bruises. With corns, however, it does not work. They have appeared and will continue to appear.

I love Pole Dance with all my heart. First of all, for its versatility and the ability to develop in a huge number of areas. You can mix acrobatics and dance, add sensual exoticism or gentle contempo. In any case, you will get your own, unlike any other dance. I don't know what, besides Pole Dance, can offer such freedom of action.

Recently, Pole Dance, or dance on a pylon, has become widespread - a projectile, which is a steel vertical pole for performing acrobatic stunts. Beginners should practice the beginner pole exercises before they can be demonstrated. This will allow you to learn basic movements and prepare the main muscle groups.

Pole dancing - health benefits

Dancing helps to correct the figure and remove extra pounds, which is much safer than liposuction, strict diets and other weight loss methods. Weight will go away gradually and evenly from all parts of the body - it will become toned, cellulite will disappear.

Dancing has the following benefits:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • increase immunity and reduce the risk of infectious diseases;
  • the appearance of an even and beautiful posture, developed muscles.

The main thing is that mood and self-esteem improve, the athlete becomes liberated, shyness and uncertainty disappear. Dancing allows you to escape from everyday worries and bad thoughts, make you fall in love with yourself.

Preparing for a workout

Preparing for a workout is an important step for successful exercise.

It is important to have the attitude and desire to go to the goal. If everything is available, then you can start classes, but before that you need to prepare. Decide for yourself what is more convenient for you - to attend group or individual lessons. The latter option is preferable for those who want to carefully study the material and hone their skills under the close attention of a teacher. Classes in the group will appeal to people who are interested in communicating with other students, to monitor their progress.

Choose comfortable shoes and clothes. To warm up, it is better to use leggings and a T-shirt - due to them, the heat will accelerate through the body, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and affects adipose tissue. Pole exercises for beginners should be done in short shorts and a top to ensure better grip on the surface of the pole. When dancers get professional skills, they put on strips - high-heeled shoes and a 4.5 cm platform.

Warm-up is a must

Each session should begin with a 15-minute warm-up to stretch the muscles - as a result, physical activity is easier to tolerate, and the likelihood of sprains and other injuries is halved.

A set of exercises:

  • For the neck. Tilt your head in different directions - 16 repetitions left-right and back and forth, do full turns and semicircles - 8 repetitions each.
  • For chest muscles. Arch and round your back, move its upper part from left to right - 16 repetitions.
  • For the press. Perform twisting of the press - 2 sets of 20 repetitions are enough.
  • For buttocks. Do regular squats - 40 reps.

Pay attention to your hands - during the dance, they have the main load. It is necessary to train the muscles of the hands not only during the warm-up, but also in between lessons. Bend and unbend the wrists with a barbell in a sitting position - 10 repetitions each. It is useful to bend your arms with dumbbells weighing up to 3 kg - 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Pull up on the horizontal bar and push up from the floor or bench - this will help strengthen the muscles of the arms, back and abs.

Pole exercises for beginners: basic level

All movements of pole dancing are divided into tricks - static elements (fixed) and twists - rotations around the pipe. The category of tricks includes "hanging" and "grazing" - the athlete hangs or "sits" on the pole.

Static elements for beginners:

  • Firefighter. Cross your bent legs around the pole, hold on to the pylon with your hands, arch your back beautifully.
  • High chair. Grasp the pylon and squeeze it with the inside of your thighs, straighten your legs perpendicular to the pipe or bend, hold on tightly to the pole with your hands.
  • Slingshot. Hang on the pipe upside down, hold on to the pole with straightened arms, straight legs spread apart.

Beginner dancers should aim for perfect pole movement.

Rotating pole exercises for beginners:

  • Stretching. With a straight hand, hold on to the pole above your head, and with the other - at the level of the hips. Push off the floor with your feet, spread them and scroll. The arms should be straight.
  • With double rearrangement of legs. Grab the pole with one foot under the knee crease, twist, grab the pole with the other leg and gracefully complete the turn, holding onto the pipe firmly with your hands.
  • Frog. With your left hand straightened, hold on to the pole above your head, and with your right hand bent - at chest level. Grab the pipe with your left foot, push off with the other, bend it and scroll.

You should study under the supervision of a teacher - he will tell you how to perform the movements correctly. After training, you need to reduce the load and relax, restore breathing and heart rate. It is better to attend classes 2-3 times a week, and during breaks to rest or allocate time for stretching (of course, within reasonable limits, so as not to overstrain).

Learn something new with Anix Dance dance studio

In the professional dance school Anix Dance, every beginner will be able to learn directions and other varieties of pole dancing. Professional trainers will teach the dancers the basic elements and control their implementation. Exercises will help develop strength, endurance and allow you to master more complex movements.

Pole acrobatics has not gone out of fashion for several years now. Nevertheless, a lot of speculation still circulates around it, and this direction is called differently.

What is the name of pole dancing

In the people you can hear many different names for this style. Narrow-minded people call this sport both polydance, and strip plastic, and even strip without undressing ... In fact, acrobatics on the pylon has nothing to do with club dance: the same belly dance and go-go look like strip plastic much more.

But it is correct to call this sport pole dance, and we insist that this is the sport that is closest to rhythmic or artistic gymnastics: here the emphasis is on stretching, grace, strength and coordination of movements. Even the ground exercises here show strength and stretch, not sensuality. If you want, you can call it gymnastics with a pole, because a beautiful pole dance is similar to the performances of the Olympic graces on a gymnastic carpet.

Why pole dance is good for you

Firstly, this is a chance to become a real gymnast, even if you have never done anything. Any pole dance studio is proud of the students who came and learned from scratch to sit on all the splits and stand on the bridges, built tens of kilograms or learned to make flags at the age of 35 without doing any sports before. Pilon really harmoniously develops the whole body, makes muscles elastic, develops endurance and coordination, so after a few months of training you will turn into a quivering doe and a dexterous cat at the same time. Of course, after classes, the whole body often hurts, but this only means that you will have results. Another advantage of pole dance is that it is impossible to swing and gain back and muscles of the loader here: your muscular body will remain graceful ... However, talking about pole acrobatics is about the same as talking about music: it is better to feel the triumph of the body and physical perfection on one's own.

ALEKSA Studio- a school that specializes in sports poledance, more precisely, in two of its directions.

In the post-Soviet space, the pylon dance evokes very clear associations with striptease and cheeky girls. However, times are changing - pole dance today has grown to the level of an official sport and has become a whole art that is not so easy to master. So what is a pylon? How is it used in the fitness industry?

Pole dance, “pylon”, “pole dance”, “pylon dance” is a direction in choreography that, in addition to the usual choreographic movements, also uses in its numbers. A similar exotic kind of dance was practiced by the Egyptians, Sumerians and Romans: using a wooden pole , ancient people not only performed choreographic numbers, but also built up their muscles and honed their combat skills.

However, the modern art of pole acrobatics, rather, uses the achievements of such Indian practices as Mallakhamb - something like yoga on a wooden pole. Then acrobatics on the pylon became one of the key numbers in circus programs - many elements that were invented by circus performers for their numbers are actively used in pole dance today. Moreover, artists with choreographic numbers on a pole perform in the programs of the most famous circuses in the world, for example, Cirque du Soleil.

In the 20th century, strippers began to use elements of acrobatics on a pole in their performances, which added “zest” to their numbers and testified to the professionalism of the dancer. But putting an equal sign between pole dance and striptease is fundamentally wrong. Strip plastic using a pylon is just a trend in such a wide dance direction as pole dance.

Technical equipment

A pylon (or in other words a pole) is the central technical element that is necessary to perform a pole dance number. It is made from various materials, but most often from stainless, well-polished steel. The diameter of the pole should be at least 40 mm, which provides a comfortable grip with your hands.

Stationary and rotating pylons can be either rigidly fixed (either to the floor or to the ceiling) or mounted in a spreader. The high mobility and ease of assembling the pylon make it possible to show performances in any premises, even outdoors.

Types of Pole Dance

What is a pole - a sport or choreography, is sometimes difficult to understand, since pole dance numbers are very diverse. In general, the direction of pylon dance can be divided into three streams.

  1. Pole art (artistic dance). A performance in this style should be distinguished not only by spectacular tricks, but also by a bright, memorable dancer's costume.
  2. Exotic pole dance (exotic dance). Plasticity and musicality - that's what is important in this type of pylon dance. There are tricks, but they are few. Erotic dances belong to this direction.
  3. Pole sport Only the dancer and the difficulty of the tricks matter in the sports genre.

Thus, the achievements of pole dance can be used by both athletes and artists performing in the circus or show business.

Pole dance and fitness

Since 2003, international pole dance competitions have been held all over the world - pole dance is officially recognized as a sport. In addition, it is used as a fitness program for women. In this case, the pole plays the role of a simulator, and the basic elements on the pylon are performed in order to maintain health, body flexibility, develop dexterity, etc.

Pole for beginners and dancers can be a great opportunity to “pump” the muscles of the whole body, since acrobatic stunts on a pole fully involve not only the upper muscles, but also the lower ones.

Considering pole dance to be the lot of nightly strip clubs, most people do not fully understand what a pole actually is. But this unique combination of choreographic, circus and acrobatic art is a rather complex quintessence, which is held together by the musicianship and plasticity of the artist. And it is simply impossible not to admire the exciting and spectacular performances of the pylonists.

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