“What is the tank for in a dream? If you see a Tank in a dream, what does it mean? Why the tank is dreaming: for a long-awaited victory, a wedding, or trouble with the law.


Dreams can have the most unexpected meaning. It is quite natural that everyone wants to decipher the essence of night visions. So, many are interested in what the tank is dreaming of. Different dream books give different explanations.

The opinion of psychologists

A science such as psychology pays great attention to night visions. So, patients quite often turn to specialists with the question "What is the dream of the tank for?". Everything related to military equipment and military operations carries a certain danger. Thus, it can be judged that the person who dreamed about the tank feels some fear and needs protection from loved ones. However, such a dream can have another meaning. Tanks at night are often seen by aggressive people prone to dominance. This may be evidence that a person is belligerent towards someone.

What Miller Says

Quite often, people dream of tanks driving through the city. Such a vision may indicate impending trouble. In some cases, this may portend global changes both in personal life and in society.

Many people want to know why they dream of riding in a tank. In this case, you should carefully consider the offers that you receive. There is a big risk of running into trouble. If it’s not you who is driving in the tank, but your friend or soulmate, then you should expect betrayal or betrayal.

Why does a woman dream of a tank?

Despite the fact that military equipment is the prerogative of men, women also often dream of tanks. Most often, this portends life's difficulties and the undermining of relationships with friends and colleagues.

If the tank shoots, then try to be more attentive to your family and friends. It is possible that a serious conflict is brewing in your family.

In the event that a woman dreamed that she was riding in a tank, this does not mean at all that she will feel like the mistress of the situation. Most likely, someone wants to take advantage of her acquaintance for selfish purposes.

Interpretation according to Longo's dream book

To the question of what the tank is dreaming of, Longo's dream book has its own answer. Most often, this means that a person is dissatisfied with his life and does not see a way out of this situation. This is a signal that you need to pay more attention to yourself and, to the extent possible, act in your own interests.

If you dreamed that you were running away and trying to escape from a tank, then in real life you are in a state of fright. At the same time, you cannot fully understand what exactly threatens you. You should disengage from false experiences and stop being afraid of change.

In the event that a person sees himself inside a tank, if he controls it, then in life he does not pay attention to the opinions of others and is used to suppressing. Such a dream indicates that it is time to reconsider your position in life.

Interpretation according to the modern dream book

Why dream of tanks and war? The modern interpretation portends a long journey. It will be accompanied by serious difficulties. For young people, such conduct is a harbinger of an imminent call for military service.

An unfavorable sign can be considered a dream in which a tank is chasing you. This may mean that serious problems await you soon. At the same time, the identity of the person who is trying to give you trouble will become an absolute surprise for you.

Seeing yourself as a tanker is not such a good sign as it might seem at first glance. On the contrary - you must reconsider your behavior and weigh each step. It is possible that your rash actions will lead to irreparable consequences, which you will soon regret.

Love dream book

Why does a girl dream of a tank? Most likely, problems may arise in her personal life. This may be a sign that a crisis will come in a relationship, to overcome which you will have to make every effort.

If a man in love dreams that he is driving a tank, this is a favorable omen. Most likely, you will be able to achieve serious success on the love front. Your relationship will be happy and strong.

If a tank is driving towards you, then this is not the best omen. It is possible that next to you is not the person you need. It is worth breaking off this relationship before you become a victim of deceit and betrayal.

Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book

The famous seer Vanga was often approached with the question of what the tank was dreaming of. She considered such a vision an omen of a serious discord in family relationships. But if the tank is moving towards you, this means that you need to reconsider your behavior and immediately take measures to help avoid conflict.

Also, the tank can be a harbinger of the fact that you will have a serious rival in business. If you do not want luck to go out of your hands, be more attentive to your surroundings. If you saw yourself as a tank driver, then most likely victory will be on your side, although it will not be easy.

If you cannot remember the exact plot of the dream, then this will not interfere with the interpretation. In any case, the tank portends the emergence of serious difficulties or life tests.


If you are wondering what the tank is dreaming of, by all means, use the interpreter. Most authors believe that such a vision portends imminent difficulties and troubles. Most likely, someone from your environment is plotting you. You should also pay attention to your behavior. Most likely, you are too despotic and do not take into account the interests of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a tank in a dream

  • If in a dream you see tanks driving through the streets of a peaceful city, then you are in for trouble that will be caused by some large-scale changes in the country or in the world. If you dreamed that you were trying to get out of the tank and got stuck, then in real life you got involved in some kind of scam, and now you don’t know how to get out of it. For a young woman, a dream in which she sees her lover as a tanker warns her of possible betrayals on his part.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Tank

  • Seeing someone coming at you is a serious illness that is ready to hit you.
  • Driving a tank is impotence, lack of will, possibly due to a long chronic illness.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Longo

Seeing a tank in a dream

  • If you dreamed of a tank, it means that reality seems rough and cruel to you and you don’t know how to survive in it. Perhaps your problem is that you take everything that happens in life too close to your heart. Although in fact you need to live by taking care of yourself and your interests first of all. If you dreamed about how you were driving in a tank, then in reality you solve all problems by force and it can be quite difficult to inspire you with words. You are pre-targeted for a certain type of behavior, all deviations from it unsettle you. The explanation, the motivation of this or that act of a person is completely uninteresting to you - you pass a sentence without hesitation and without feeling pity for the "guilty one". If in a dream you ran away from a tank, it means that in real life you are always trying to run away from something, however, without knowing why you are running, in what direction and from what exactly you want to escape. You are frightened by the utter uncertainty of your situation - you feel as if real life has not yet begun, but preparations are underway for it. Everything that happens to you is "pretend," you reassure yourself. This will not happen in real life. Do you know that it is from such "preparation" that your whole real life consists? In the end, you can play all your life and only at the end of your days realize that there was no real life.

Dream Interpretation: Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Tank

  • See thresher.

Dream Interpretation: Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

What is the dream of the Tank

  • If in a dream a tank is chasing you, approaching you and scaring you with its hostility, this means that in reality troubles await you in your personal life. Probably, the cause of your grief will be indifference on the part of a loved one.
  • If you see yourself as a tanker, this is a more favorable sign - you can easily overcome obstacles in achieving your goals, in winning your new sympathy.

The site’s dream book, the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Meneghetti’s Italian dream book, Russian dream book, Eastern women’s dream book, Tsvetkov’s dream book, Schiller-Schoolnik’s dream book, catchphrase dream book, Chaldean dream book, Russian dream book, Wanderer’s dream book, Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs ( Kenkherkhepeshef), Mayan dream book, gypsy dream book, Assyrian dream book, Freud's dream book, Longo's dream book, ancient Persian dream book Taflisi, Islamic dream book of ibn Sirin, lunar dream book, culinary dream book, modern dream book, Health dream book, Nostradamus dream book, fairy tale mythological dream book, new family dream book , and others.

Dream books are an ancient invention, and people have used them to interpret dreams and predict their own fate since ancient times.

What did our ancestors dream about? Probably about the same thing that we are dreaming about right now.

And incredible miracles, and scenes from everyday life, and dreams, and nightmares. The only difference is the fact that in our time there are so many inventions, innovations and everything else that there is a need to supplement dream books with new interpretations. And so it happens - and modern dream books are just as reliable and good as ancient sources.

In them you can find not only the decoding of ancient, "eternal" symbols, but also the interpretation of modern signs. For example, such as a tank.

Everyone has seen the tank - at least in the movies, in pictures, and even boys have been playing with toy military equipment since childhood. Of course, this is a modern symbol, and in ancient times such a technique did not exist. But today it is not just an invention, but also a symbol, bright and complex, which has clear and specific associations and meanings.

What do you associate this war machine with? Hardly with anything peaceful, bright and kind.

But do not rush to draw conclusions yourself - the modern dream book has a lot of information about this vision, and in order to get the exact meaning of what the tank is dreaming of, you should first carefully remember all the details of the dream. Probably, the scenario of your dream was one of the following:

  • Just to see the tank in dreams.
  • To be frightened, to be afraid of military equipment.
  • Dreaming of armored vehicles driving through a peaceful city.
  • Tanks are driving in a dream right at you.
  • Ride, stay inside.
  • To be in the role of a tanker in a dream.
  • Run away from the tank, hide.
  • Trying to get out of the tank outside, but unsuccessfully.

Each such option and scenario is unique and important. Positive and auspicious dreams rarely contain such symbols, you should understand this in advance. Most likely, if you dream of tanks, all kinds of armored personnel carriers and other equipment, this indicates difficulties or warns of dangers.

But don't be dramatic! Such dreams are especially valuable, because they help to avoid mistakes and prepare for the unexpected, to take the right step. So analyze the meanings, having found out what the tank is dreaming of, and treat them wisely - let them help you in real life in reality.

Why this dream?

You should not think too superficially and consider that military equipment is a symbol of war, conflicts or troubles. Remember, in dreams everything is very metaphorical.

According to the dream book, a tank can hint at an assertive character, firmness of decisions, or difficulties that should be solved by force. The meanings can be different, in direct dependence on the details of the dream, as well as on your feelings.

1. As the dream book says, a tank seen from the side is a symbol of the fact that assertiveness prevails in your character and behavior, and even excessive. This probably helps you achieve your goal in everyday life, but do not go too far - a bit of softness and complaisance will not hurt.

Excessive assertiveness and even rigidity can interfere - for example, where it is worth showing sensitivity, openness, friendliness. You should feel subtly where to show what qualities of your character, and reasonably separate these facets.

2. Such a dream, tank or other technique in which you were frightened or horrified means that in reality you are being “pressed”. The authorities, some troubles or some rude person, circumstances - in any case, you feel this unpleasant pressure, and, of course, no one can like it.

Be firm, but calm - do not confuse with aggressiveness. Calmly and coldly stand your ground, do not bend, do not be afraid.

3. As the dream book indicates, a tank or a lot of different armored vehicles that travel in a dream along peaceful streets is a sign of great change. They may lead to the best, but they certainly scare you - because you are not spiritually ready for them.

You should not be afraid of change! Believe me, if you open up, accept everything new with interest and passion, you will get happiness.

4. Be careful after a dream in which this war machine was moving right at you. This may indicate the ailments that are approaching you.

And if you show carelessness, they can develop into serious health problems. To avoid troubles with the body and diseases, take care of yourself, take care of your health, go through an examination.

5. Did you drive by yourself or were you just in an armored car? You must solve problems with strength and character, and you have all the opportunities and potential for this in sufficient quantities.

In business, use firmness of character, willpower, pressure and even rigidity, but know the measure. Don't lose your humanity, be reasonable.

6. And even if you yourself were a tanker in a dream, then be firmly convinced that you will be able to solve any problems and difficulties yourself. You have a lot of strength and mind, you are supported and protected by higher powers, there are reliable people nearby. Remember this, believe in yourself, do not change your rules - you will always achieve your goal.

7. Running away from a driving military vehicle in a dream is a transparent symbol of the fact that in everyday life you are running from something, but you yourself do not really understand what it is. You are afraid, you doubt, but this is biased.

8. If you couldn’t get out of the tank in your dreams, beware of scams and all sorts of dubious events. They will lead to disaster.

Although the tank is associated with war, the dream does not bode well. Be patient, the dream book will show you what to expect, and your heart will tell you how to act. Author: Vasilina Serova

According to psychologists, a person associates heavy military armored vehicles with power and greatness, and at the same time carries a potential danger. A dreaming tank symbolizes either a person’s internal need for protection, or suppressed aggressiveness.

Why dream of a tank according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you observe the movement of tanks through a peaceful city, you may expect not very pleasant events related to global changes in the country or in the world.

To get stuck in a tank means to get involved in some kind of dubious enterprise or scam, from which it is very difficult to get out. Seeing your young man in the guise of a tanker is a warning about possible partner betrayals.

Tanks in a dream according to Vanga's dream book

If you dreamed of a tank, and the environment resembles a war, great difficulties and life tests may await you.

What did the tank dream about in Fedorovskaya's dream book

Seeing a tank column or one tank in a dream means hostile relations or a serious enmity with friends or colleagues. If in a dream you feel like a tanker and participate in battle, someone will use you for their own purposes.

I dreamed that shots were heard from the tank - to observe the emergence of a conflict from the side, in which your friends will be participants

Tank. Dream Interpretation Longo

To see a tank in a dream is to feel your being unbearable. You don't understand how to deal with harsh reality. The problem arises because of your suspiciousness. You should take care of yourself and your life more, do not forget about your interests.

A dream in which you are trying to hide from a tank chasing you makes it clear that in ordinary life you are running away from something unknown. You do not understand what exactly is the cause of the danger, you are afraid of the uncertainty in which you are.

You feel that life is a game in which everything is not real. You seem to be preparing to live, but not now, but later. As a result, life will pass like this - in drafts. If the situation does not change, at the end of the road you may find out belatedly that you never really lived.

To drive a tank in a dream means to act in life from a position of strength, not listening to anyone's arguments. You are satisfied with this manner of behavior, and everything that happens not according to your rules can unsettle you. The reasons explaining other people's actions do not interest you. You ruthlessly pronounce a verdict on anyone who "offended" you.

Why tanks dream - the Wanderer's dream book

I dreamed of a tank - someone's triumph. Some inexplicable circumstances or events will disturb the calm course of your life.

If you saw a tank in a dream and rode in it, then the strong-willed qualities that you possess will help you overcome any obstacles that arise on the way.

What is the dream of a tank in the Modern Dream Book

The tank you saw portends a difficult long trip. If you are scared in a dream that a tank is chasing you, this is not a good sign. Unexpected difficulties or problems may await you.

For young men, such a dream predicts an imminent call for military service. If in a dream you see yourself as a tanker, then you need to be especially vigilant. You can accidentally make a mistake, the consequences of which will be impossible to correct.

Tank in a dream according to Erotic dream book

The movement of the tank in your direction portends a serious illness. If you dreamed of a tank that was chasing you, then some problems would arise in your personal life. Most likely you will be upset by the cold attitude of a loved one.

Driving a tank in a dream is a good sign. You can easily achieve any of your goals. Someone will be subdued by your qualities.

What is the dream of a tank in the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

If you dreamed that you were in a tank, then soon conflicts in the family are inevitable. A tank that is moving towards you predicts concessions on your part. They will help you avoid a serious quarrel.

Japanese five-line poems, and reading them out loud means that you are too carried away by the person with whom your spouse is friends. This will not lead to good, you should stop before it's too late, otherwise after 14 days such a whirlwind will turn around from which you cannot get out on your own, and perhaps in this situation you will even have to part with your half.

If in a dream you enjoy the sound of tankas that someone reads to you- a person who has long and hopelessly been in love with you will contact you in 5 days. He has a real opportunity to help you in your business, and he will not require you to pay for this, he will pleasantly please you and just be near you. Do not drive him away, and you will get a true friend and even a kind of servant.

Modern combined dream book

See a tank in a dream- means that soon you will have a long trip, which will not be easy.

If you had a dream in which a tank is chasing you- this is a bad omen. Unexpected difficulties await you in the business you are doing. A young boy has such a dream- portends that he will soon be called to serve in the army.

See yourself in a dream as a tanker- You will make an irreparable mistake, as you will be inattentive and careless.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Tank- you will have to submit to unexpected circumstances.

Tank tower- profitable proposition.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Tank- a new chef with a cool temper will quickly put everything in its place.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Tank- impudent, ill-mannered person, this is the type of person who will communicate with you soon.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Tank- too much claims are being made against you.

General dream book

If you dreamed of a tank or a column of tanks- such a dream portends tension or even hostility in relationships with workmates or business partners.

If in a dream you saw and heard tank fire- soon you will witness a conflict between your friends.

If in a dream you are a tanker and are fighting a tank battle- the fate of a blind tool in someone's cunning hands awaits you.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

An armored personnel carrier seen in a dream- may be a harbinger of a threat to your life or your financial situation.

If a tank is moving towards you in a dream- to a compromise that you will be able to find and resolve all quarrels and conflicts.

be in a tank- to conflicts in the family.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

If you dreamed of a tank- it means that reality seems to you rough and cruel and you do not know how to survive in it. Perhaps your problem is that you take everything that happens in life too close to your heart. Although in fact you need to live by taking care of yourself and your interests first.

If you dreamed how you were riding in a tank- in reality, you solve all problems by force and it can be quite difficult to inspire you with words. You are pre-targeted for a certain type of behavior, all deviations from it unsettle you. The explanation, motivation of this or that act of a person is completely uninteresting to you; you pronounce a sentence without hesitation and without feeling pity for the “guilty one”.

If in a dream you were running away from a tank- it means that in real life you are always trying to run away from something, however, you yourself do not know why you are running, in what direction and from what exactly you want to escape. You are frightened by the utter uncertainty of your situation, you feel as if real life has not yet begun, but preparations are underway for it. Everything that happens to you is “pretending”, you reassure yourself. This will not happen in real life. Do you know that it is from such "preparation" that your whole real life consists? In the end, you can play all your life and only at the end of your days realize that there was no real life.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Tank- victory; someone's powerful, brute force will come into your life.

ride in it- your will will overcome all obstacles.

Erotic dream book Danilova

If in a dream a tank is chasing you, approaching you and scaring you with its hostility- this means that in reality troubles await you in your personal life. Probably, the cause of your grief will be indifference on the part of a loved one.

If you see yourself as a tanker- this is a more favorable sign, you can easily overcome obstacles in achieving your goals, in winning your new sympathy.

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