Tatyana drobysh biography. Victor Drobysh: The main thing is that the wife is not from show business


Member Name: Victor Drobysh

Age (birthday): 27.07.1966

City: St. Petersburg

Family: married, have children

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Viktor Drobysh was born on June 27, 1966 in St. Petersburg. Victor's family has Belarusian roots. The family was never rich, his father worked as a turner, and his mother was a doctor. From childhood, the guy grew dreamy and always achieved his goals.

At the age of 5, he declared that he wanted to learn how to play the piano. The family was against it, but the father supported his son and took out a loan so that Victor would fulfill his dream.

At the age of 6, Victor himself decided to enroll in a music school in order to improve his skills. But then he began to think about how to start playing football professionally. But in fact, like all his peers, he dreamed of working as an aircraft designer in the future or as a pilot. His father intervened in his choice and insisted that Victor continue to master the music business.

In 1981, Drobysh graduated from high school and successfully passed the exams at the Leningrad Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov.

professional life

In his youth, Victor himself tried to conquer the domestic show business. The tall blond played the keys in the "Earthlings" team. He toured Russia, but soon the team broke up. When Romanov began to think about how to assemble a new group, one of the first he invited Victor. The new team became known as "Union".

The first album was called "Igor Romanov and his group", because at that time there was a strict law against Soviet censorship. The musical group gave concerts not only in Russia, but also toured the cities of Western Germany.

In 1990, Victor joined the Pushking team.. After the first demo was recorded, producers from Germany invited the guys to record a full-fledged album in their homeland. There, Drobysh was able to make the necessary acquaintances with the owners of foreign studios and producers.

Producer activity

In 1996, Drobysh decided to become a producer. At that time he was already living in Germany. To start a new business for himself, he sold the car and bought the German band "Culture Beat" and the pop group "No Angels". The popularity of the producer came after the development of the project "BG The Prince Of Rap".

After a while, Victor decided to move to Finland. There he got a job at a radio station called Sputnik, and after a while he was able to take the place of vice president. He took the place of a producer in the Pets team, who performed Drobysh's composition "Da Di Dam". The composer received the German Golden Disc award for it.

In 2002, Victor returned to his homeland. He began to collaborate with domestic stars, wrote songs for Valeria and Kristina Orbakaite, which became hits. A successful return brought Victor popularity. He became a sought-after composer, his songs were performed by N. Podolskaya, P. Chaliapin, S. Piekha, as well as many other artists of Russian show business.

In 2004, he opened the way to TV. Igor Krutoy invited Victor to the Star Factory-4 project, which was shown on Channel One. After that, Drobysh created his own "Production Center of V. Drobysh", specializing in the popularization of young performers. Basically, these are graduates of the Star Factory project.

2006 was a significant year for Drobysh. It was he who headed the project "Star Factory-6", founded the "National Music Corporation". In 2010, Victor took the chair of the CEO in the said corporation.

The producer is always kind to his wards. In 2011, in order to protect them, he made a scandal with the members of the jury of the project.

Don't miss the fun:

In 2012, he wrote a song that represented the Russian Federation at the Eurovision Song Contest called "Party for Everybody" for the group "Buranovskiye Babushki". They took second place in the competition.

In 2016, he again worked at Eurovision, was the representative of A. Ivanov from Belarus. In the same year, on December 17, the anniversary concert of V. Drobysh took place, which was decided to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the composer.

In 2017, Victor again connected his life with the New Star Factory, taking on the duties of a project producer who will definitely help him find new talents.

Personal life

Victor tied the knot for the first time at the age of 20 with Elena Stuf. The Finnish poetess became his chosen one. In 1987, the couple had a son, whom it was decided to name Valery. In 1999, the couple again became the parents of the boy Vanya. The couple divorced in 2004. It's all about long distance relationships. When Drobysh returned to his homeland, the family remained in Finland. Despite the discord in the relationship, the former spouses continue to communicate and even continued musical cooperation.

In 2007, Victor met his second wife Tatiana Nusinova. After a few weeks of meetings, Drobysh confessed his love to the chosen one and offered to get married.

The celebration took place in 2008 in June, at that time Tatyana had a son, Anton, from a previous marriage. In 2010, the couple became the parents of their daughter Lilia, and a year later the family became larger - their son Daniel was born.

Victor spends all his free time with his family. Children are also interested in music. Valery is a co-author of his father's songs, and Ivan is learning to play the drums.

Victor's photo

In the fall of 2017, Victor created an Instagram page and it is rapidly gaining popularity.

The program “About the Most Important” with Tatyana Drobysh, which appeared on TV screens, raised the question of whether the TV presenter is a relative of the famous producer.

Tatyana was born in 1969 in an ordinary average family. Parents Zhanna Nikolaevna and Valery Mikhailovich tried to support their daughter in everything, thanks to them she graduated from the Plekhanov College and received an excellent profession as an interior designer. Almost immediately after receiving her diploma, she marries the then novice businessman Alexei Nusinov. Both of them were young, full of energy and optimism, Alexei had just started to develop his car sales company, which later took the place of one of the leading companies in this area. Both Tatyana Drobysh (then Nusinova) and her first husband worked very productively, having acquired good capital over time, but gradually mutual feelings began to weaken, and the couple broke up. From her first marriage, Tatyana has a son, Anton Nusinov.

Meeting your future husband

“Everything in our life is no coincidence, if I hadn’t parted with my husband then, I wouldn’t have met Victor on my way,” says Tatyana Drobysh. The biography of the owner of the printing business, TV presenter and model tells that she is also an exemplary wife in all respects. The acquaintance happened on September 1, 2007 with friends, where Victor looked for a while. Many guests have already gathered at the table, most of them girls. Glancing at them with a fleeting glance, the producer immediately singled out Tanya. She differed from everyone by some sadness in her eyes, which is typical for a thin, vulnerable, but at the same time smart and strong-willed woman. And then an amazing thing happened, a noisy joker by nature, and a man without complexes, Viktor Drobysh, felt an internal clamp that appeared out of nowhere, stiffness and even embarrassment. He was so confused that when he left, he did not take the girl's phone number; later he had to look for her through friends and acquaintances.


Happy together

Having lived for many years in previous marriages, Victor and Tatyana Drobysh both broke up with their "ex". And they decided to build a new marriage, strictly considering all past mistakes. To get to know the girl better, the producer invited her to a festival in Sochi. After the trip, the romance began to develop rapidly, and the trip to friends in Finland became decisive - Tatyana received an offer to marry.

that was a trip to Victor's mother in America. Here in Las Vegas it was possible to register on the same day, having signed, the couple arranged a rehearsal for their future wedding. Already in Moscow on June 21, 2008, the marriage was formalized. Victor and Tatyana Drobysh celebrated their celebration in one of the most luxurious restaurants. The biography indicates that at that time Victor already had two sons from his first marriage. Valery was 19 years old, and the youngest son Ivan at that time was 9 years old.

Since then, Victor has not left Tanya for a single day, he has a very busy schedule, but he always finds an hour or two to spend time with his beloved woman. Now he categorically refuses all offers to take a steam bath or go fishing, which practically never happened before, and if he agrees, then only for a joint trip with his wife.

Clever and beautiful

In a new marriage, Tatyana Drobysh showed herself not only as a caring wife and hospitable hostess, but also as a mother. In 2010, their daughter Lilia is born with Victor, and immediately after her in 2011, their son Daniel. The couple is connected by truly reverent and sincere feelings, they try to appear everywhere together, and this suggests that the previous bitter experience can also be useful.

Now Tatyana Drobysh is a TV presenter, an active person and a completely independent woman with an aristocratic appearance.

her years, she has a slender and toned figure, always follows her style, not allowing even a share of vulgarity in it. It is pleasant to look at her, it is pleasant to communicate with her. Tatyana Drobysh, in some way known only to her, managed to preserve her spontaneity and external naturalness, which is so rare in our time. Having given birth to three children and having reached the age of 48, Tatiana looks just perfect. She currently works on television, where she hosts one of the headings in the program “About the most important thing”.

Met and lost

Tatyana Nusinova (after her first husband) graduated from the Plekhanov Academy, acquiring the profession of an interior designer. After graduation, she married businessman Alexei Nusinov.

Tall, beautiful Tatyana worked in the modeling business She was also the owner of a printing business.

From her first marriage, her son Anton was born. They met Viktor Drobysh through mutual friends in 2007. According to Viktor Drobysh, their friends deliberately set up a meeting, they deliberately wooed them. At the same time, they told Victor that the girl was wildly good and he simply had no chance. He, not hoping for anything, bought a melon and went to visit.

Seeing Tatyana, he was stunned - we must take it! And, as he himself admits, he was confused. He literally lost the gift of speech, which had never happened to him before. He was rescued by a girlfriend, he was connected with musical affairs, they kept talking about show business.

That evening, Victor did not dare to take the phone number from Tatyana, and later found out it from joint friends.

He called and invited her to accompany her to the Five Stars festival in Sochi. Tatyana offered to take her son with her and the very friend who so well smoothed out the awkwardness at the first meeting.

Tatyana's son recalls his first meeting with his future stepfather: “ My mother and I arrived in Sochi, and suddenly I see - Drobysh is coming!". As it turned out, Anton closely followed the "Star Factory" and knew the face of the popular producer very well.

“Suddenly I see him coming towards us,” Anton recalls, I didn’t understand anything at all. And then my mother introduces me to Victor.

The relationship of young people developed rapidly. The wedding took place already in 2008, and in 2010 Tatyana gave birth to a daughter, Lydia. In 21011, a son, Daniel, appeared in the Drobysh family.

In addition to her main duty - mother and keeper of the hearth, Tatyana tried the role of a TV presenter. The phenomenon of a woman born in 1986, always looking 25 years old, could not go unnoticed by TV personalities.

She ran the column The secret of her youth"in the TV program" About the most important”, which is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. She became a reference point for housewives, and the advice that guests gave in her rubric aroused great interest and trust.

Everyone is responsible for their own

Victor and Tatyana complement each other. In an interview, the producer admitted: I'm a bad businessman". Tatyana, on the other hand, believes that the financial success of a man largely depends on the second half.

In this regard, the couple literally found each other. Victor admits to his excessive softness, for example, in relation to raising children. "T Atyana, on the contrary, is such a strict teacher' he says.

Judging by the fact that Drobysh’s work, fame and successful projects are only increasing, we can say that Tatyana is doing her job perfectly well. Total the spouses Drobysh for two have five children(Tatyana has three, and Victor has four, that's such a funny arithmetic). The children from Victor's first marriage live in Finland, and Tatyana's son Anton, along with his mother and her new husband.

Interesting Notes:

Today Tatyana is the art director of the Victor Drobysh production center. He decided so. " I always wanted to hide my wife in a bottle like a genie and always carry it with me."- he said in an interview.

When asked what should be in the rider, he answers that work ends at eight in the evening in order to have time to kiss the children before going to bed.

Harmony reigns in their lives, but this does not mean that they never quarrel. According to Drobysh, they do not quarrel only where the spouses do not care about each other. Drobysh does not understand why his wife needs a hundred thousand different hats, and she does not appreciate his opinion in the field of design. Quarrels can break out from scratch, but then they remember it with laughter. As Drobysh himself says:

“In a word, our life goes on in all possible colors, but the most important thing is that any family squabbles do not have the character of a tragedy with us”


Tatyana Drobysh studied at Plekhanov University in her youth. She graduated as an interior designer. Almost immediately after graduation, the young girl became the wife of Alexei Nusinov, a novice businessman. Tatyana was engaged in modeling business. I changed it to the image of a TV presenter. Works on the Russian women's program. In the new role, she achieved amazing success, becoming the favorite of many housewives. She also owned a printing business. However, he had to be sold. She showed herself as an independent woman and an active person.


Tatyana Drobysh is the owner of a toned and slender figure. She also has an aristocratic face. She dresses stylishly and luxuriously. Never crosses the line of vulgarity. Has good taste. Tatyana Drobysh has not only inner beauty, but also external naturalness, as well as immediacy. She prefers classic style in clothes. Only occasionally dilutes it with comfortable and simple models. If we talk about public outings and social events, in this case, she chooses only exquisite outfits that emphasize the slender figure of the model.


Tatyana Drobysh met her future husband Victor in 2007, on September 1. It happened while visiting mutual friends. At that time, she only survived a divorce and bore the name of her ex-husband - Nusinov. From a previous marriage, she has a son, Anton. The woman almost instantly captivated the composer. He read in the eyes of the future chosen one mystery and sadness. Victor did not manage to forget this pure face. Having found Tatyana's contacts, he invited the girl to Sochi. At this point, their relationship began to actively develop. Victor arranged another amazing trip, this time to Finland. There he proposed to Tatyana. The woman could not resist. She soon agreed.

The wedding took place in 2008. The bride looked amazing on it. Our today's heroine probably has no ill-wishers, since her smile instantly discourages everyone, immediately endearing them to her. She seems to be a person who is not spoiled by material and secular goods. Proper upbringing influenced her communication with other people. She treats every person with respect. In marriage, Tatyana became a caring housewife, a cook, and again experienced the joy of motherhood. In 2010, she gave birth to a daughter. They named her Lydia. In 2011, the son Daniel was born. The couple is still connected by a sincere and reverent relationship. They appear everywhere together, which may indicate harmony in their lives. Now you know who Tatyana Drobysh is. Photos of the model are attached to this material.

Viktor Drobysh now considers September 1, 2007 the happiest day in his life. It was on Knowledge Day that he met his future wife, Tatyana Nusinova. “It was not just love at first sight,” says the famous composer and producer. “I immediately felt confident that we would definitely get married soon.”

Photo: Varvara BOGDANOVA

Premonition did not deceive Victor - the lovers are already ready for the wedding, which will take place on June 21.

Victor, Tanya, we are meeting with you shortly before your wedding. Naturally, all your thoughts are already in the future, but everyone has a past too ... Victor, you were married and you have two sons. After the divorce, they remained single for several years. Did you want to get into a serious relationship?

Victor: I just waited a long time for my happiness - Tanya. We are really adults, it is natural that we have such weighty backpacks hanging over our shoulders with difficult life baggage - meetings, partings, mistakes. Everyone has their own story. I got married early - at the age of 20. Over the years of marriage with Lena Stuf, our joint grievances, misunderstanding, indifference - all this accumulated, accumulated, and then we suddenly found ourselves at the point of no return - there is such a term among the pilots - after which a catastrophe already occurs.

We lived in Finland for several years, Lena has relatives there. I worked - both as a composer and as a producer. Lena was a co-author of many of my songs. And then I received an offer to return to Russia, new opportunities opened up here, good prospects for cooperation with our artists. I left, and the family stayed in Helsinki, but this only accelerated our break with my wife, and did not cause it. When I got divorced in 2004, the eldest son Valera was 17 years old, and the youngest, Vanka, was 5. Over the past four years, due to my employment, due to long distances, unfortunately, I rarely saw my sons. But now I really try to unite us all - my guys, Tanya, her son Anton, I want us to meet more often so that the children do not feel abandoned.

And I am always ready to help my ex-wife. I am glad that we managed to maintain the best relations with her.

Tanya, your first husband Alexei Nusinov lives in a civil marriage with the singer Irson Kudikova, brings up a little son. Do you have time for your older son? Do you communicate with Alexey?

Of course, Anton spends a lot of time with his father, and I'm all for it. I can only say good things about my first husband - he is a decent person. But still, we parted ways, having lived together for 10 years. Each family is tested by fire, water and copper pipes. Alexey and I could not overcome exactly the copper pipes. It all started out great though.

Among the countless songs on the Russian stage, there are those that you want to listen to and listen to. They stand out for their unusual arrangement and stunning overflows. The creations of Viktor Drobysh allow you to relax and plunge into the world of romance and love.


The popular composer was born on June 27, 1966 in the small town of Kolpino, Leningrad Region, on June 27, 1966. Dad worked at a factory, was an excellent turner, mom was a doctor. They lived modestly, but were provided with the most necessary things. Vitya's father saved up money for a car for a long time, but the child's request to send him to a music school turned out to be more important. The head of the family did not hesitate to buy a piano for his son and did the right thing. Over time, the boy will become a unique composer, which the whole world will know about.

All photos 10

Friends kept walking on the street, but it was impossible to tear Vitya away from the trills on the piano. Victor plunged headlong into the world of music, it seemed that nothing else existed for him. He was attracted by the sounds of the keys, the overflow of melodies. The boy went to music school at the age of 11, and his abilities overwhelmed experienced teachers on the spot.

He was different from other students who were forced to study. The teenager himself wanted to be a musician, and classes were a real pleasure for him. No one doubted that immediately after graduation, a gifted teenager would continue to develop his skills. And so it happened. Viktor Drobysh, after graduating from music, became a student at the Conservatory. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov.

While studying at the conservatory, the young man had already begun to write his own music. He was heard by one of the members of the legendary "Earthlings" Igor Romanov and invited to the group. The young musician accepted the invitation and began to tour with colleagues throughout the Union. Very soon, the rock group broke up, but Viktor and Igor, who became friends, created a new ensemble, Soyuz. The collaboration lasted four years. Then friends organized the St. Petersburg group, for which Drobysh wrote songs. They immediately became hits and sounded on all radio stations and on television.

Creativity Drobysh asked for space. He became interested in testing his abilities in European show business. The composer leaves for Germany and successfully collaborates with well-known groups. After creative success and recognition in Germany, the musician decides to settle in Finland.

Here he writes compositions for the Pets group and the hit “Da-di-dam”. The last creation becomes the most popular song that brought the composer awards and prizes. If someone does not remember her, then we recall that the Russian version of “The Light of Your Love” sounded from the lips of Orbakaite. At the same time, Viktor works at the Finnish-Russian radio station Sputnik, and a few years later becomes its vice president.

Having traveled around the world, having gained tremendous popularity, the composer decides to return to his homeland and begins to collaborate with famous Russian singers. His songs began to be performed by Valeria, Abraham Russo, Kristina Orbakaite. Creations annually receive awards at the best music venues, including the Golden Gramophone, Song of the Year.

The new reality show "Star Factory" attracted the attention of the composer in 2004, and he became the producer of the project. During work, Viktor Yakovlevich became interested in a young talented singer - Stas Piekha. He promotes a young talent, and with him other performers.

Among the manufacturers who interested Drobysh was Natalya Podolskaya. Together with the singer, they are preparing the song Nobody Hurt No One for the Eurovision Song Contest. The young star successfully passed the qualifying stage and went to conquer audiences from all over the world with the song. The return to the international competition took place seven years later, Drobysh will write a song for the Buranovskiye Babushki, who took 2nd place at Eurovision.

As a composer, Viktor Drobysh works with many performers, thanks to his songs, singers quickly gain incredible popularity. Now he continues to work with leading performers, favorites of the Russian public. His songs delight the ear, bring lightness to life and cheer up.

Personal life

The popular composer Viktor Drobysh was officially married twice. The first wife was the well-known poetess Elena Stuf in St. Petersburg. Their life together was closely intertwined with work. In this marriage, two sons appeared - Ivan and Valery.

But, unfortunately, the union was terminated and the couple broke up.

The second time the musician married in 2008 to model Tatyana Nusinova. This union continues to this day, and the couple does not intend to please the yellow press with divorce and turmoil.

They are doing well, they are always together. The couple at all holidays, parties, celebrations are present together, holding each other's hands. They have two children - a girl Lida and a boy Daniel. Once Drobysh was asked what he dreams about? The answer was simple, he dreams of another child.

Victor Drobysh biography, photos - find out everything!

Biography of Viktor Drobysh

Usually, not so much is known about the songwriter as about the person who performs it while on stage. However, Viktor Drobysh is an exception to this rule. The life of a famous producer is always in sight. Magazines discuss the ups and downs of his personal life, and fans all over Russia are looking forward to his new hits. His life and work is an excellent example of selfless service to art. That is why it is so interesting to talk about it.

Childhood and adolescence of Viktor Drobysh

Viktor Drobysh was born into an ordinary Leningrad family. His mother was a doctor, and his father worked as a turner. They were not poor, but they also did not have large finances. Therefore, when little Vitya first confessed to his parents that he wanted to make music, his father had to give up his cherished dream of buying a car in order to buy the boy his first piano with the money saved. The instrument was good enough, and therefore the future musician spent his days with pleasure, sorting through white and black keys.

At the age of eleven, Victor entered a music school and began to study with experienced teachers. Unlike other children, he chose a similar path for himself, and therefore music lessons were always a joy for him. After graduating from a music school, Viktor Drobysh enters the Leningrad Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov. It was during this period that his career as a professional musician began.

The first steps of Viktor Drobysh on stage

Having heard the music of a young musician, the famous guitarist Igor Romanov invited Drobysh to perform with the Zemlyane group. Without thinking twice, Victor accepted this offer and began touring with the famous Soviet band. However, during this period, the famous rock band was already on the verge of collapse, and the musician's cooperation with the "earthlings" turned out to be short-lived.

After the official decision to break up the team, Victor, along with his friend Igor Romanov, moved to the Soyuz group, with which he performed for four years, playing keyboards. The next joint project of the two musicians was the St. Petersburg group, in which Drobysh participated as a songwriter.

Moving to Europe and first popularity

Despite a long-standing friendship, soon the paths of Igor Romanov and Viktor Drobysh diverged. Realizing that he was already “cramped” on the Russian stage, the composer moved to Germany, where he successfully worked for several years. During this period, Victor worked as a producer with such bands as "No Angels", "Culture Beat". Popularity is also brought to him by the German-language project "BG The Prince Of Rap", which for a long time occupies a leading position in all European charts.

In the late nineties, after several years of work in Germany, Drobysh moved to Finland, where he began to collaborate with the local band Pets, whose composition DaDiDam became one of the main hits of that time and brought the composer several significant awards. Looking ahead a little, we note that this song is well known to Russian-speaking listeners (some time later it will replenish Christina Orbakaite's repertoire, being called "The Light of Your Love").

In parallel with his musical career, at the beginning of the 2000s, Drobysh worked at the Finnish-Russian radio station Sputnik, coordinating the activities of various departments. It is worth noting that today Victor is also its vice president.

The return of Viktor Drobysh to Russia

In 2002, Drobysh returned to Russia, where he began working with several well-known musicians. His songs are very popular, and such compositions as "Watch" (Valeria), "Love that no longer exists", "Just to love you" (both - Kristina Orbakaite and Avraam Russo) become real hits. Thanks to these compositions, Viktor Drobysh receives several Russian music awards and becomes the laureate of the programs “Song of the Year” and “Golden Gramophone”.

Star on the "Star" with Alexander Strizhenov - Victor Drobysh

In 2004, Viktor Yakovlevich became co-producer of the fourth season of the Star Factory project. The result of this is a long-term collaboration between the composer and singer Stas Piekha. In August of the same year, the "Producer Center of Viktor Drobysh" begins to promote other "manufacturers". In the next few years, the composer has been successfully collaborating with many young performers. The result of this is the state order "For the Revival of Russia in the XXI century."

In 2005, Viktor Drobysh recorded the song Nobody Hurt No One together with the Belarusian singer Natalya Podolskaya. Subsequently, this song will win the Russian national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest and represent the Russian Federation at this music competition.

Seven years later, Viktor Yakovlevich will again become the author of a song representing Russia at Eurovision. With the Buranovskiye Babushki team, Drobysh will take second place in the competition.

Currently, Drobysh is successfully collaborating with many Russian and Belarusian performers. Widely known are his compositions written for Valeria, Stas Piekha, Dmitry Koldun, Natalia Podolskaya, the Chelsea group and many other performers.

In 2010, Viktor Drobysh received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Personal life of Viktor Drobysh

During his life, Viktor Drobysh was married twice. His first wife was the poetess Elena Styuf, who collaborated with him for a long time as a lyricist for new compositions. From his first marriage, Viktor Drobysh has two sons - Valery (now a successful composer) and Ivan.

Despite the external idyll, this marriage did not last too long and soon broke up. In the summer of 2008, Viktor Drobysh married for the second time. His new wife was the former model Tatyana Nusinova. Soon two children were born - daughter Lydia (born in 2010) and son Daniel (born in 2011). In addition to two kids, the couple also brings up the son of Tatyana Nusinova from her first marriage.

Currently, Viktor Drobysh is a happy father and a happy husband. A married couple appears everywhere and everywhere together. In 2013, the composer admitted that he was dreaming of another child.

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