Tatyana Navka got into an international scandal. Video: the number of Navka and Burkovsky on the show "Ice Age" led to a scandal - What do you teach


The star of "Ice Age" - about the partner in the show, his beloved wife and raising children.

Burkovsky and Navka know how to negotiate and discuss controversial issues. Photo: Maxim LI

For their performance in the second edition of the Ice Age, they received the highest scores. The couple skated the number without mistakes, Andrey performed complex elements. The jury praised the guys for both technique and artistry.

“I have never had such a strong, tall, athletic and beautiful partner,” the Olympic champion opened up. And here is what Burkovsky himself said about himself.

About "Ice Age"

The 32-year-old skating artist feels confident: as a boy he played hockey in his native Tomsk. And now the actor of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, in his free time from rehearsals and filming, plays hockey in the KomAr star team.

Is the adrenaline you get from hockey and Ice Age different?

- Certainly. Hockey is a game sport, you fight, you can correct a mistake. In "" you need to ride beautifully, easily and freely. And for this there is one double. You finished the program and - phew ... exhaled. It's such a euphoric state.

“Especially when everything works out.

Any element can be done 25 times better. Try to sit lower, hold your hands correctly. I am learning a little.

- Every day?

- Now we are preparing the release of the play in the theater, so we didn’t train yesterday. Today Tanya and I have training at one o'clock in the afternoon. I arrive at 12.15 and warm up for 45 minutes, work on some elements. I'm lucky that in my schedule, filming starts a little later and I can spend all my free time on Ice Age.

- Are you afraid to fall or drop your partner?

No, I'm a stable person. But in training I wear knee pads to insure against injury.

- Tatyana Navka won the Ice Age three times. From the very beginning, your couple is looked at as potential leaders. Is it psychologically difficult to comply?

- No. You have to perform well for yourself. And the rest doesn't matter.

Are there character clashes?

- We became friends. Of course, both are quick-tempered, but work is work. If I or Tanya don’t like something, then we are not silent, but speak our doubts out loud. Let's say I can say that I don't like some element in the room. Or Tanya says: "I'm not sure, but the music doesn't seem to fit." We discuss, we agree.

- It is clear that you are passionate about the process. Maybe it was worth in childhood not to go to hockey, but to figure skating?

- I'm not sure that I would have signed up for figure skating as a child. And now I'm interested.

About children

Andrei is on vacation with his wife Olya, daughter Alice and son Maxim. Photo: instagram.com

The actor has a 5-year-old son, Maxim, and a 3-year-old daughter, Alice. Andrei is an excellent father, despite being busy, he does not miss raising children. They have their own family traditions: Andrei went to the bathhouse with his father as a child, and now he teaches his son to take such trips. Well, the daughter, as often happens, can twist ropes from her father: just hug, say a kind word, and dad is ready for anything.

- Who is more like you?

- It is not clear yet. My son looks like me in appearance, there are similar character traits. I can say for sure that children are the greatest happiness. I educate them to be versatile people: we read good books - Pushkin, for example. Of course, while they are small, they often ask to watch cartoons, but my wife and I are trying to develop them in different directions.

- What do you teach?

- Human qualities. I'm trying to raise good people, kind, sympathetic. I teach how to greet neighbors, throw garbage in the bin, protect the weak ... I bring up the way my parents raised me.

Do the guys understand that their dad is an actor?

- Yes, Maxim was at the performances, and in the theater behind the scenes. When my son asks to take him to work with me, then, if I can, I take it. He has already acted in films - in the series "The Last of the Magikyan".

- Liked?

- Yes, he is interested, he gets carried away quickly.

- Does Maxim do sports?

- Yes, my son goes to hockey, my daughter goes to dances. We gave them to study not so that they won the Olympics, but because the sport disciplines and physically strengthens children.

- Do not overload children with activities, do not deprive them of their childhood?

- Everything in moderation. We go to English and other developmental classes. Why not? Children are interested.

- Silencing two small children is difficult, even if dad has a premiere in the theater. How do you restore strength?

- At home I rest with the children. Of course, they play, shout - dear mother! Well, you can’t tell them: “Sit still!” If I get very tired, then my wife Olga asks me not to make noise, to let my dad sleep longer.

About wife

The actor has been married for eight years. His wife Olga is both a best friend and a beloved woman. Photo: Personastars.com

Andrei Burkovsky met his Olya on the train. The student went home from Tomsk to Abakan to visit her parents, and he went to the festival of student theaters of variety miniatures. Both had their own personal lives, so they became just best friends. We were friends for six years. And then Andrei realized that Olga was his destiny and the only woman with whom he wanted to start a family. We got married eight years ago. At first, Burkovsky visited Moscow from Tomsk - he performed with the MaximuM KVN team, and then decided to move permanently. He began to earn a living by writing scripts for television shows, acting. Olga moved after her husband. At first it was difficult - Andrei went to study at the Moscow Art Theater School, and at that time Olya was already expecting her first child. Despite the fact that Burkovsky's parents have a restaurant business and they are wealthy people, he tried to achieve everything himself. So I had to work hard.

- You need to feed your family. Do you have to agree to roles in movies and serials that you don’t have a soul for?

- You won’t earn all the money anyway, so I try to choose movies and TV shows with dramaturgy, of good quality.

What do you like to watch in your spare time?

- And if you are not relaxing at the screen, then where do you go with your family?

- Differently. We love to invite friends to our home and arrange apartment parties. In Moscow, there are now a lot of places where it is interesting to spend time: you can go to the park or to restaurants.

- You are called an exemplary family man. Is it the merit of parental upbringing or did Olya make you an “ideal husband”?

- How without a family? She is the foundation of everything. I Monogamous. Thank God my wife is not an actress. She keeps our family rear well, takes care of the children, of her husband, who is not always easy. My wife helps, supports me always and in everything, treats my work with understanding.

I, like everyone else: I watch Game of Thrones, House of Cards, Homeland...

- With two children, the wife has so far forgotten about her career. Is this your requirement?

- I do not think that a wife should sit at home and devote herself to children. It is difficult for a person without self-realization. Children grow up, and I don't mind, of course, if she goes to work.

- Who is your spouse by profession?

She has a degree in PR. Olga worked, but when the children were born, she naturally went on maternity leave.

Gopnik Rusty (Andrey Burkovsky) and Bashka (Mikhail Bashkatov) are the heroes of “Give Youth!”. Photo: STS channel

What qualities of a wife do you value the most?

She is a smart person, so she understands a lot. It is very important. What else? I honestly don't know. I just really love my wife.

- Do you often give in to each other?

Family is a compromise. Today I gave in, tomorrow she.

Are you a handy man? Do you help your wife with the housework?

- Not always. Olga sometimes asks me to screw something. I can, of course, sometimes. But I'd rather invite a plumber who will do it professionally.

But in your work, they say, you are a perfectionist?

I am demanding of myself and others. I don't make concessions. I am unbearable. But in the work you can not seek a compromise - the quality will suffer.

Private bussiness

Andrey Burkovsky was born on November 14, 1983 in Tomsk. After school he graduated from the Law Institute of Tomsk State University. As part of the KVN team "MaximuM" became the champion of the Major League of KVN. He was the author of texts for the team. Before graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School in 2014, he was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. The actor of the sketchcom "", played in the TV series "Kitchen", "The Last of the Magikyan", in the film "Pushkin".

Tatyana Navka, Olympic figure skating champion and wife of Vladimir Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov, performed with actor Andrei Burkovsky on the Ice Age show on Channel One on Saturday evening. The couple played Roberto Benigni's Oscar-winning film "Life is Beautiful" to the song "Beautiful That Way" by Israeli singer Ahinoam Nini (Noah), which was included in the soundtrack to the tape.

Dressed in striped pajamas with yellow stars of David, the “parents”, who, according to the authors’ idea, ended up in a concentration camp, are trying to convince the “child” that everything that happens around is a game. During the performance, the skaters portrayed shooting at each other. As the Daily Mail notes, "their beaming smiles are typical of figure skating, but didn't fit well with the monstrous theme" of the issue. In turn, the authors explained that smiles, antics and an inappropriate joyful atmosphere that seemed to others are part of the script, repeating the plot of the film Life is Beautiful.

After the performance, Navka posted a collage of photos on her Instagram, providing it with the caption: “Be sure to look! One of my favorite numbers! Inspired by one of my favorite movies, Life is Beautiful! Show this movie to your kids. PS: Our children should know and remember that terrible time, which, I hope – God willing – they will never know!”

A photo posted by Tatiana Navka (@tatiana_navka) on Nov 26, 2016 at 11:22am PST

However, far from everyone understood and appreciated the allusions. Immediately after New York Magazine and Daily Beast contributor Yashar Ali retweeted the recording of the speech, Navka and Burkovsky were hit with a hurricane of criticism. On social networks, opinions were divided: from “I just can’t believe such insensitivity and tactlessness” to calls for Putin to force Navka to apologize publicly.

Published on 29.11.16 10:29

The performance of Tatyana Navka and Andrey Burkovsky in the show "Ice Age" with a number about the Holocaust caused a mixed reaction in society and the media. Peskov declared his pride in his wife, who danced in the clothes of a concentration camp prisoner. And Averbukh accused the Western media of inciting hysteria around the Navka dance.

Navka was surprised by the media reaction to the dance about the Holocaust

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Olympic champion Tatyana Navka commented on the mixed reaction about her ice dance number with actor Andrei Burkovsky, writes "MK".

Earlier, as Topnews wrote, the Western media criticized Navka and Burkovsky, who danced in prison clothes. However, the dance was staged based on Roberto Benigni's tragicomedy Life is Beautiful about the Holocaust.

Navka said she was surprised by the strange reaction of the media. She suggested that the critics did not see the picture, the music from which was used in the room. intkbbee about the prisoners of Auschwitz.

Navka and Burkovsky. Speech on the Holocaust. VIDEO

Figure skater Tatyana Navka and actor Andrei Burkovsky performed an ice dance dedicated to the Holocaust in the Ice Age show on Channel One. Athletes took to the ice dressed as Jewish prisoners of the World War II concentration camp and danced to the song "Beautiful That Way" from the famous Italian film Life is Beautiful.
“Be sure to check it out! Inspired by one of my favorite movies, Life is Beautiful! - Tatyana Navka wrote on your Instagram page. “Show this film to your children, be sure. Our children should know and remember that terrible time, which I hope God will give, they will never know!” she stressed.

Peskov commented on the performance of Navka and Burkovsky

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov commented on the performance of his wife Tatyana Navka and Andrei Burkovsky in the form of prisoners of Auschwitz, reports RT.

“I don’t think this is a question that somehow concerns the Kremlin. Due to my work, I am significantly limited in my ability to somehow comment on this. I am proud of my wife, that's what I can say, ”Peskov said in response to a request to comment on the reaction of the world media to the speech of Navka and Burkovsky.

The Jewish community approved the scandalous dance of Navka about the Holocaust, and the chief rabbi of Moscow expressed doubt

There is nothing offensive in the speech of Tatyana Navka and Andrey Burkovsky with a number about the Holocaust on the television show "Ice Age", Mark Grubarg, chairman of the Jewish community of St. Petersburg, told Baltika FM.

According to him, some bloggers and journalists artificially "inflated the story" on the topic of insulting feelings after watching the ice show. The speech of Navka and Burkovsky gave another reason to remember the Holocaust and comprehend the lessons of the past, the head of the community is sure.

“Many are outraged that they are trying to talk about the Holocaust in the language of the show. But there are many excellent films dedicated to the Holocaust. Why is the movie allowed and the show not? Is it worth labeling any genre?” Grubarg was indignant.

All works of art without mockery and deliberate humiliation of this or that community have the right to exist, says the chairman of the Jewish community. In his opinion, whether the show of Navka and Burkovsky meets the criteria of good taste will become clear after some time.

As explained in the organization, the scandalous dance was conceived as a work of love, faith and victory over hard reality. “And to everyone who breaks spears on the topic of insulting Jews, I advise you to come to the synagogue to seriously study Judaism and the history of the Holocaust,” Grubarg added.

In turn, the Chief Rabbi of Moscow, President of the Council of Rabbis of Europe Pinchas Goldschmidt did not approve of the performance of the wife of press secretary Dmitry Peskov in the Ice Age show in the form of a prisoner of Auschwitz.

In his opinion, Tatyana Navka and her dance partner Andrei Burkovsky should have consulted with relatives of Nazi concentration camp prisoners before staging a dance about the Holocaust.

“Many people liked it, but many people were touched by the dance. The Holocaust and everything connected with it is too big a wound. She won't be alive soon. There are almost no Jewish families in which none of the ancestors suffered from Nazism, would not wear yellow stars, as on the costumes of figure skaters, ”TASS quotes the rabbi.

According to Goldschmidt, the creators of the dance number needed to take care of the feelings of the victims' families and consult with them first. The Chief Rabbi of Moscow expressed the hope that the directors wanted to convey the will to live and the best hopes of the prisoners of the concentration camps.

“Probably, the intentions were good, but every nation has its own pain, and you should try not to hurt the living. I would not like to see anti-Semitism here,” Goldschmidt said.

Ilya Averbukh accused the Western media of inciting hysteria: they confused Navka with Tatmyanina

Meanwhile, figure skater and producer Ilya Averbukh called it wild how foreign media report news about the dance of Tatyana Navka and actor Andrei Burkovsky in the images of Auschwitz prisoners in the Ice Age show, writes Lenta.ru.

“Savagery that this can be discussed at all. Wildness is in everything - in the presentation, in hysteria, in unprofessionalism, which can be seen in the articles of foreign media, ”Averbukh believes.

As an example, he cited an article in the British Daily Mail, which confused Navka with another Olympic champion in figure skating, Tatyana Totmyanina. In the published picture, Totmyanina stands next to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the caption to the photo refers to Navka. Averbukh called it a "big blunder".

The next issue of the First Channel ice show was dedicated to world cinema. One of the brightest pairs of the project - Tatyana Navka and Andrei Burkovsky - took to the ice in the costumes of Jewish prisoners of the concentration camp during the Second World War. Striped robes, yellow six-pointed stars on the chest. They danced to the song Beautiful That Way from the famous Italian film Life is Beautiful. Skated, all members of the jury gave the highest scores. And then the Internet boomed.

“I hope Averbukh is smart enough never to bring this number to Israel”, “We are in a concentration camp. We are Jews. We are having fun. Life is beautiful”, “Here is such an entertaining number put for the Russian TV by the famous figure skater Ilya Averbukh. We hope he is ashamed”, “On Channel One it’s really bad with brains”.

Judging by the responses, some viewers were outraged by the merriment that was portrayed by much of the “Jews in a concentration camp” number.

Check it out for sure! One of my favorite numbers! Inspired by one of my favorite movies "Life is Beautiful"! Show this film to your children, be sure to #iceperiod @tatiana_navka @aburkovskiy PS: Our children should know and remember that terrible time, which I hope God will give, they will never know!

English-language messages appeared almost immediately. “U should apologize! My all family was murdered in babi yar what a sick person are u?” (“You must apologize! My whole family died at Babi Yar, what kind of sick person are you ?!”) - someone ornaazarya wrote on Tatiana Navka’s Instagram.

Moreover, some angry messages were addressed to the Western audience from "this side". Shameful! From Russia” (“Shame! From Russia!”) - for example, a user with the nickname Ukraine-english-news writes on Twitter.

Meanwhile, it was enough to carefully watch this issue of the Ice Age to understand what was happening. Especially for those who have not seen the film "Life is Beautiful", the program explained its general idea. The heroes of this picture live in spite of the circumstances: even when they find themselves in a concentration camp, they are full of life in the name of saving the child. The figure skaters tried to convey this idea to the public. By the way, director Karen Shakhnazarov, who was present at the recording of the show as a guest member of the jury, said that Burkovsky and Navka managed to convey the essence of the picture. This was also noted by many Internet users: “Movies are made on the themes of the Holocaust, paintings are made, performances are staged. Why can't this topic be comprehended in this form? @semak515 tweets.

“Do not listen to critics and insults, this is the biomass creaking with its rusty fingers, which is now killing in the Donbass and burned in Odessa. And the liberals who joined them, eternally aching and stinking “how bad everything is here,” @spiashchiiagent summed up Navka harshly on Instagram.

It's not just a show. This is a theatre. And it is necessary to raise such topics, - Tatyana Navka commented on the situation. - We need to remember! And if young people look and ask what it is, and then learn about the Holocaust, concentration camps and the film "Dolce Vita" - then we hit the mark.

I do not really understand such a reaction, - Andrey Burkovsky admitted to us. - But I understand that people are all different and everyone has their own opinion. But the negative excitement around our performance is not justified.

The coach of the pair, Ilya Averbukh, said as he snapped:

This is not serious. Nothing to even discuss!

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