What genre does Tatiana Tolstaya write in? Biography of an extraordinary and talented writer Tatyana Tolstaya


One of the hundred most influential women in Russia, a writer who has become a highlight in modern Russian literature. Being the heiress of a famous family, she worthily continues the work of her famous ancestors, who became famous in the literary field.

In her works, she touches on the most exciting topics and makes the reader her interlocutor, treating him with the utmost respect. A writer, a true master of words, a literary critic, a journalist, a wonderful wife and mother, whom family life not only interferes with, but also helps to develop further and confidently stay in the top of the best, - Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya. The biography of this woman will be discussed in this article.

The future philologist, Taurus by zodiac sign, Tanya was born on May 3, 1951 in the northern capital. Her parents were respected people: her father was a doctor of physical sciences, her mother was a poetess. In addition to Tatyana, six brothers and sisters grew up in the family. Both of Tatyana's grandfathers were writers, and among her great-grandfathers were a doctor and a privy councilor. The famous Leo Tolstoy is her seventh cousin.

As a child, the girl loved to read. She spent whole days with books and literature textbooks. And after graduating from school, I decided without a doubt to choose the philological faculty of St. Petersburg State University. Studying was given to Tanya quite easily, despite the fact that she chose the department of classical philology, where the bias was in Latin and Greek. But the girl successfully coped with everything.

Having received a diploma of higher education, the future writer immediately got married and, together with her husband, moved to Moscow, where she got a job in the editorial office of oriental literature. Tatyana Nikitichna worked in this position for quite a long time, almost 10 years.

It happened under very unusual circumstances. In 1983, she underwent a major eye operation, after which the young woman had to lie with a bandage for a month. It was then that ideas and images of future stories began to be born in Tolstoy's head. She represented them quite vividly. When she was allowed to read and pick up a pencil, Tatyana Nikitichna transferred all her thoughts to paper and realized that this was something worthwhile.

To the pinnacle of success

1983 was the year of the beginning of her literary career. On the pages of the magazine "Aurora" was published the story "They were sitting on the golden porch ...", which was recognized as the most successful literary debut of the year. Literary critics and readers warmly accepted the writer's prose, and all over Russia they began to discuss a new name in literature.

Soon success awaited her other stories:

  • "Sonya".
  • "Love - do not love."
  • "Clean Slate" and others.

However, there were those who spoke about the collection is not very positive. The writer was accused of the "density" of the plots of the stories, excessive stereotypes and too deep analysis and synthesis, characteristic of her works. Despite this, Tolstaya was admitted to the Union of Writers of the Soviet Union.

The works of Tatyana Nikitichna have been repeatedly awarded prizes and awards. The circle of its readers expanded every year, and the name of a new person in literature began to be discussed more often.

In the late 80s, Tatyana Tolstaya decides to go abroad, where she was invited to lecture on Russian literature. While working in college in the United States, the writer began to discover more and more opportunities in herself, to get to know people deeper and gain more practical experience.

Until the end of the 20th century, Tatyana worked at foreign universities, where at that time interest in the study of language and literature increased. It was then that Tolstaya began to hear and analyze the "hybridity" of Russian words, to evaluate the possibility of their translation into a foreign language.

But Tolstaya did not forget about Russia either. Living abroad, she periodically sent her works (articles, essays, reviews) to Moscow, where she was published in the Moscow News newspaper. She even had her own column. In parallel, the writer was engaged in the translation of her own stories, thanks to which she began to gain worldwide fame.

In the early 2000s, Tatyana Nikitichna returned to Moscow and began working as a journalist and teacher at the university. From that time on, her books began to be published with success. A total of 14 books have been published so far. Among them:

  • "Day. Personal "(2007).
  • "Sisters" (1998).
  • "Kys" (2001).
  • "Light Worlds" (2014).
  • "Felt Age" (2015) and others.

In her work, the writer has always chosen universal themes of evil and good, death and life, and relations between generations. Over time, the characters of her works became more diverse and deep. So, she can meet crazy grandmothers, and feeble-minded people with disabilities, and people who find themselves in difficult, inhuman conditions.


At the beginning of the 21st century, Tatyana Nikitichna increasingly began to appear on television. Popular fame and success was brought to her by the program "School of Scandal", which Tolstaya hosted together with Avdotya Smirnova. For their program, the presenters were awarded the highest award in the field of journalism - "TEFI".

In addition, the famous writer is often invited as an expert on the jury of various TV shows. For example, with her participation, the talent show "Minute of Glory" was released on one of the central channels.

In addition to works of art and critical articles, Tatyana Nikitichna published a book about cooking, in which she shared the secrets of her “personal cuisine”, her own photographs and quotes.

Family happiness

The personal life of Tatyana Nikitichna was never stormy, everything in her went measuredly. Tolstaya met her first and only husband as a student, and immediately after graduating from university, she married him. Her chosen one was Andrei Lebedev, in a marriage with whom she had two boys: Artemy and Alexei. The older one later became a well-known designer, the younger one became a computer (system) architect.

Today Tatyana Nikitichna is still going her own way in literature. True, modern technologies are not alien to her: the writer has mastered blogging. Today, on the Web, you can read her texts, subscribe to her pages and periodically receive news and materials from the writer's personal blogs.

In addition, Tolstaya pays great attention to creative meetings with her readers. She believes that live communication brings more useful emotions and helps people to join the literature and comprehend it more deeply. Author: Anastasia Kaikova

Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya(born May 3, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian writer, TV presenter, publicist and literary critic. Winner of the Triumph Literary Prize (2001) and the TEFI Television Prize (2003).

The works of Tatyana Tolstaya, including the collections of short stories "Love - do not love", "Okkervil River", "Day", "Night", "Raisins", "Circle", "White Walls", have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. In 2011, she was included in the rating "One Hundred Most Influential Women in Russia", compiled by the Ekho Moskvy radio station, RIA Novosti, Interfax news agencies and Ogonyok magazine.


1951-1983: childhood, adolescence and work as a proofreader

The first residential building of the Leningrad City Council

Tatyana Tolstaya was born on May 3, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of physics professor Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy. She grew up in the house of the Leningrad City Council on the Karpovka River Embankment in a large family, where she had six brothers and sisters. The maternal grandfather of the future writer is Mikhail Leonidovich Lozinsky, laureate of the Stalin Prize, literary translator, poet. Paternally, Tatyana Tolstaya is the granddaughter of the writer and Stalin Prize winner Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy and the poetess Natalia Krandievskaya.

After leaving school, Tatyana Tolstaya entered the Leningrad University in the department of classical philology (with the study of Latin and Greek), which she graduated in 1974.

In the same year, she married the classical philologist A. V. Lebedev and, following her husband, moved to Moscow, where she joined the Main Editorial Board of Oriental Literature of the Nauka publishing house. Having worked at the publishing house until 1983, Tatyana Tolstaya published her first literary works in the same year and made her debut as a literary critic with the article "Glue and scissors ..." ("Questions of Literature", 1983, No. 9). By her own admission, she was forced to start writing by the fact that she underwent eye surgery. “Now, after laser correction, the bandage is removed after a couple of days, and then I had to lie with the bandage for a whole month. And since it was impossible to read, the plots of the first stories began to be born in my head.

1983-1989: literary success

In 1983, she wrote the first story entitled "They sat on the golden porch ...", published in the Aurora magazine in the same year. The story was warmly received by both readers and critics, while being recognized as one of the best literary debuts of the 1980s. The artistic work was "a kaleidoscope of children's impressions from simple events and ordinary people, who appear to children as various mysterious and fairy-tale characters" . Subsequently, Tolstaya published about twenty more stories in the periodical press. Her works are published in Novy Mir and other major magazines. "Date with a Bird" (1983), "Sonya" (1984), "Clean Sheet" (1984), "Love - do not love" (1984), "Okkervil River" (1985), "Hunting for a mammoth" ( 1985), "Peters" (1986), "Sleep well, son" (1986), "Fire and dust" (1986), "The most beloved" (1986), "Poet and muse" (1986), "Seraphim" ( 1986), "The month came out of the fog" (1987), "Night" (1987), "Flame of heaven" (1987), "Sleepwalker in the fog" (1988) . In 1987, the first collection of short stories of the writer was published, entitled similarly to her first story - “They were sitting on the golden porch ...”. The collection includes previously known works, never published [ ] : "Darling Shura" (1985), "Fakir" (1986), "Circle" (1987). After the publication of the collection, Tatyana Tolstaya was accepted as a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

Not all Soviet critics unambiguously praised Tolstoy's first literary works. In particular, she was reproached for the “density” of the letter, for the fact that “you can’t read a lot in one sitting.” Other critics accepted the writer's prose with enthusiasm, but noted that her works were written according to one, built, pattern. In intellectual circles, Tolstaya gains a reputation as an original, independent author. At that time, the main characters of the writer's works were "urban madmen" (old-fashioned old women, "brilliant" poets, weak-minded disabled children of childhood ...), "living and dying in a cruel and stupid bourgeois environment" . Since 1989 he has been a permanent member of the Russian PEN Center.

1990-1999: moving to the USA and journalism

In 1990, the writer leaves for the USA, where she teaches. Tolstaya taught Russian literature and fine arts at Skidmore College. (English)Russian located in Saratoga Springs and Princeton, partnered with New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, TLS and other journals, lectured at other universities. Subsequently, throughout the 1990s, the writer spent several months of the year in America. According to her, living abroad initially had a strong influence on her in terms of language. She complained about how the emigrant Russian language is changing under the influence of the environment. In her short essay of that time, “Hope and Support,” Tolstaya gave examples of a typical conversation in a Russian store on Brighton Beach: “There, words such as “Swiss-loufet cottage cheese”, “Slice”, “half a pound of cheese” and “lightly salted” are constantly wedged into the conversation. salmon". After four months in America, Tatyana Nikitichna noted that “her brain turns into minced meat or salad, where languages ​​\u200b\u200bare mixed and some kind of omissions appear that are absent in both English and Russian languages” .

In 1991 he began his journalistic activity. He maintains his own column "Own Bell Tower" in the weekly newspaper "Moscow News", collaborates with the magazine "Capital", where he is a member of the editorial board. Essays, essays and articles by Tolstoy also appear in the Russian Telegraph newspaper. In parallel with her journalistic activities, she continues to publish books. In 1998, the book "Sisters" was published, where the stories of Tatyana Tolstaya and her sister Natalia Tolstaya are published under one cover. There are translations of her stories into English, German, French, Swedish and other languages ​​of the world. In 1998, she became a member of the editorial board of the American magazine Counterpoint. In 1999, Tatyana Tolstaya returned to Russia, where she continued to engage in literary, journalistic and teaching activities.

2000-2012: novel "Kys" and TV show "School of slander"

Tatiana Tolstaya, 2008

In 2000, the writer publishes her first novel, Kitty. The book caused a lot of responses and became very popular. Based on the novel, performances were staged by many theaters, and in 2001, a literary series project was carried out on the air of the state radio station Radio Russia, under the direction of Olga Khmeleva. In the same year, three more books were published: "Day", "Night" and "Two" (in the collection "Two" the stories of Tatyana and her sister Natalia were also collected under one cover). Noting the commercial success of the writer, Andrei Ashkerov wrote in the Russian Life magazine that the total circulation of books was about 200 thousand copies and the works of Tatyana Nikitichna became available to the general public. Tolstaya receives the prize of the XIV Moscow International Book Fair in the Prose nomination, as well as the Triumph Literary Prize. In 2002, Tatyana Tolstaya headed the editorial board of the Konservator newspaper.

In 2002, the writer also appears on television for the first time, in the television program Basic Instinct. In the same year, she became co-host (together with Avdotya Smirnova) of the TV show "School of Scandal", aired on the Kultura TV channel. The program receives recognition from television critics, and in 2003 Tatyana Tolstaya and Avdotya Smirnova received the TEFI award in the Best Talk Show category.

From 2004 to 2014 The program aired on the NTV channel.

In 2010, in collaboration with her niece Olga Prokhorova, she published her first children's book. Titled as "The same ABC of Pinocchio", the book is interconnected with the work of the writer's grandfather - the book "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio". Tolstaya said: “The idea for the book was born 30 years ago. Not without the help of my elder sister... She was always sorry that Pinocchio sold his ABC so quickly, and that nothing was known about its contents. What bright pictures were there? What is she all about? Years passed, I switched to stories, during this time my niece grew up, gave birth to two children. And finally, there was time for a book. The half-forgotten project was picked up by my niece, Olga Prokhorova. In the ranking of the best books of the XXIII Moscow International Book Fair, the book took second place in the section "Children's Literature".

Creativity Tatyana Tolstaya

Tatyana Tolstaya often talks about how she started writing stories. In 1982, she had problems with her eyesight and decided to have an operation on her eyes, which at that time was performed using incisions with a scalpel (keratotomy operation). After surgery on her second eye, she could not be in daylight for a long time.

This went on for a long time. I hung double curtains, went outside only after dark. She could not do anything around the house, she could not take care of the children. I couldn't read either. After three months, it all goes away, and you start to see so unexpectedly clearly ... That is, all impressionism leaves, and full realism begins. And on the eve of this, I felt that I could sit down and write a good story - from beginning to end. That's how I started writing.

Tatiana Tolstaya

The writer said that Russian classics are among her favorite literature. In 2008, her personal reader rating was Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The formation of Tolstoy as a writer and a person was strongly influenced by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, his articles, memoirs, memoirs, books about language and translations. The writer especially singled out such works by Chukovsky as “High Art” and “Alive as Life”, and said: “Whoever has not read it, I highly recommend it, because it is more interesting than detective stories, and it is written amazingly. In general, he was one of the most brilliant Russian critics.

Tolstoy is referred to the "new wave" in literature. In particular, Vitaly Vulf wrote in his book “Silver Ball” (2003): “New wave writers are in fashion: B. Akunin, Tatyana Tolstaya, Viktor Pelevin. Talented people who write without condescension, without pity ... ". She is called [ Who?] one of the brightest names of "artistic prose", rooted in the "game prose" of Bulgakov, Olesha, which brought with it parody, buffoonery, celebration, eccentricity of the author's "I". Andrey Nemzer said this about her early stories: "Tolstoy's 'aestheticism' was more important than her 'moralism'."

Tatiana Tolstaya is also often categorized as a "women's" prose genre, along with female writers such as Victoria Tokareva, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, and Valeria Narbikova. Iya Guramovna Zumbulidze, in her study “Women's Prose in the Context of Modern Literature,” wrote that “Tatiana Tolstaya's work is on a par with the spokesmen for that trend in modern Russian literature, which consists in the synthesis of certain features of realism, modernism and postmodernism".

The writer's work is the object of a large number of scientific studies. Over the years, the works of Elena Nevzglyadova (1986), Peter Weil and Alexander Genis (1990), Prokhorova T. G. (1998), Belova E. (1999), Lipovetsky M. (2001), Pesotskaya S. ( 2001). In 2001, the monograph "The Explosive World of Tatyana Tolstaya" by E. Goshchilo was published, in which a study was made of Tatyana Tolstaya's work in a cultural and historical context.

Tatyana Tolstaya actively maintains personal accounts on Facebook and LiveJournal.

In February 2019, together with publicist Sergei Nikolayevich, she presented a new collection "33 hotels, or Hello, beautiful life!". In addition to the stories of the main characters of the evening, it included the stories of the hotel adventures of Denis Dragunsky, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, Alexei Salnikov, Maxim Averin, Victoria Tokareva and even Philip Kirkorov.

Story period

The early period of Tolstoy's work is characterized by the predominance of such topics as universal questions of being, "eternal" themes of good and evil, life and death, choosing a path, relationships with the outside world and one's destiny. Slavina V. A. noted that in the work of the writer there is a longing for the lost humanistic values ​​in art. The researchers noted that almost all Tolstoy's characters are dreamers who are "stuck" between reality and their fictional world. The stories are dominated by a paradoxical point of view on the world, with the help of satire, the absurdity of some phenomena of life is demonstrated. A. N. Neminushchiy in his work “The Motive of Death in the Artistic World of T. Tolstoy’s Stories” noted the artistic methods of embodying the idea of ​​death in the stories of the writer, which are close to the aesthetics of modern and postmodern.

The textbook "Modern Russian Literature" noted Tolstoy's special authorial position, which is expressed in a special literary-fairy-tale metaphorical style, the poetics of neomythologism, and in the choice of storytelling characters. Neo-mythologism in her works was also manifested in the fact that Tolstaya used folklore images. In the story "A Date with a Bird" she used a well-known Russian folklore image - the Sirin bird. Alexander Genis in Novaya Gazeta noted that Tolstaya is the best in modern literature to cope with the use of metaphor. The author wrote that in her metaphors there is the influence of Olesha, but they are more organically built into the plot.

In some other stories, the technique of opposition, contrasts is used. The stories "Darling Shura" and "The Circle" are built on the opposition of light and darkness (like life and death), which is later reflected in the later story "Night". The meaning of the antinomy "light - darkness" in the stories of Tatyana Tolstaya occupies a central place and includes: evil, compassionate and indifferent."

Twenty-four stories of the writer were published: “They Sat on the Golden Porch” (1983), “Date with a Bird” (1983), “Sonya” (1984), “Clean Sheet” (1984), “Okkervil River” (1985), "Sweet Shura" (1985), "Hunting for a mammoth" (1985), "Peters" (1986), "Sleep well, son" (1986), "Fire and dust" (1986), "The most beloved" (1986) , "Poet and Muse" (1986), "Fakir" (1986), "Seraphim" (1986), "The moon came out of the fog" (1987), "Love - do not love" (1984), "Night" (1987) , "Circle" (1987), "Heavenly Flame" (1987), "Sleepwalker in the Fog" (1988), "Limpopo" (1990), "Story" (1991), "Yorik" (2000), "Window" ( 2007). Thirteen of them made up the collection of short stories “They sat on the golden porch ...” (“Fakir”, “Circle”, “Peters”, “Darling Shura”, “Okkervil River”, etc.), published in 1987. In 1988 - "Sleepwalker in the Fog".


  • Maternal great-grandfather - Boris Mikhailovich Shapirov, military doctor, Red Cross activist, personal physician of Nicholas II, active Privy Councilor.
  • Maternal grandfather - Mikhail Leonidovich Lozinsky, literary translator, poet.
  • Paternal grandfather - Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy, writer.
  • Paternal grandmother - Natalya Vasilyevna Krandievskaya-Tolstaya, poetess.
  • Father - Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy, physicist, public and political figure.
  • Mother - Natalya Mikhailovna Lozinskaya (Tolstaya).
  • Sister - Natalia Nikitichna Tolstaya, writer, teacher of the Swedish language at the Department of Scandinavian Philology, Faculty of Philology and Arts, St. Petersburg State University.
  • Brother - Ivan Nikitich Tolstoy, philologist, historian of emigration, specializes in the Cold War period. Columnist for Radio Liberty.
  • Brother - Mikhail Nikitich Tolstoy, physicist, political and public figure.
  • Uncles - physicochemist Fedor Fedorovich Volkenstein and composer Dmitry Alekseevich Tolstoy.
  • Husband - Andrey Valentinovich Lebedev, classical philologist, candidate of philological sciences.
  • The eldest son is Artemy Andreevich Lebedev, designer, artistic director of Artemy Lebedev's studio, blogging on LiveJournal.
  • The youngest son, Alexey Andreevich Lebedev, is a photographer, computer software architect, lives in the USA. Married.

A television

  • From October 2002 to 2014, together with Avdotya Smirnova, she hosted the TV show School of Scandal.
  • Together with Alexander Maslyakov, she has been a permanent jury member of the Minute of Glory TV project on Channel One since 2007 (seasons 1-3).


The bibliography of Tatyana Tolstaya is represented by the following collections and novels:

  • “They sat on the golden porch ...”: Stories. - M.: Young Guard, 1987. - 198 p.
  • Love - do not love: Stories. - M.: Onyx; OLMA-press, 1997. - 381 p.
  • Sisters: Essays, essays, articles, stories. - M.: Ed. house "Horseshoe", 1998. - 392 p. (Co-authored with N. Tolstaya)
  • River Okkervil: Stories. - M.: Horseshoe; Eksmo, 2005. - 462 p.
  • Two. - M.: Podkova, 2001. - 476 p. (Co-authored with N. Tolstaya)
  • Kiss: A novel. - M.: Podkova, 2001. - 318 p.
  • Raisin. - M.: Horseshoe; Eksmo, 2002. - 381 p.
  • Don't Kiss: Stories, Articles, Essays and Interviews by Tatyana Tolstaya. - M.: Eksmo, 2004. - 608 p.
  • White Walls: Stories. - M.: Eksmo, 2004. - 586 p.
  • Kitchen "School of slander". - M.: Kitchen, 2004. - 360 p. (Co-authored with A. Smirnova)
  • Women's Day. - M.: Eksmo; Olimp, 2006. - 380 p.
  • Day. Personal. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 461 p.
  • Night: Stories. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 413 p.
  • River: Stories and short stories. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 384 p.
  • Kitty. Zverotour. Stories. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 640 p.
  • The same ABC Pinocchio. - M.: Pink Giraffe, 2011. - 72 p. (Co-authored with O. Prokhorova)
  • Light worlds: Novels, short stories, essays. - M.: Edited by Elena Shubina, 2014. - 480 p.
  • Girl in bloom. - M.: AST; Edited by Elena Shubina, 2015. - 352 p. - 12,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-086711-0.
  • Invisible girl. - M.: AST; Edited by Elena Shubina, 2015. - 471 p.
  • Felt Age. - M.: AST; Edited by Elena Shubina, 2015. - 352 p. - 14,000 copies.

In translation

  • On the Golden Porch, and other stories Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1989, then Penguin, 1990, ISBN 0-14-012275-3.
  • The Slynx ISBN 1-59017-196-9
  • White Walls New York Review of Books Classics, 2007, ISBN 1-59017-197-7



  1. German National Library, Berlin State Library, Bavarian State Library, etc. Record #119142791 // General Regulatory Control (GND) - 2012-2016.
  2. Internet Speculative Fiction Database - 1995.
  3. Rastorgueva T.M. Tatyana Tolstaya told Kungur librarians about her work and about herself (indefinite) . iskra-kungur.ru (March 10, 2011). Retrieved February 10, 2012. Archived from the original on June 24, 2012.
  4. One hundred most influential women in Russia (indefinite) . RIA News . Retrieved January 26, 2012. Archived from the original on February 1, 2012.
  5. Tatiana Tolstaya (indefinite) . vashdosug.ru. Date of treatment February 10, 2012. Archived from the original on May 31, 2012.
  6. Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya. Curriculum vitae (indefinite) . RIA Novosti (May 3, 2011). Date of treatment February 10, 2012. Archived from the original on May 31, 2012.
  7. Anna Brazhkina. Tolstaya, Tatyana Nikitichna (indefinite) . Around the World. Date of treatment February 10, 2012. Archived from the original on May 31, 2012.
  8. Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya (indefinite) . Magazine room. Date of treatment February 12, 2012. Archived from the original on May 31, 2012.
  9. Tolstaya T. (biography 2) (indefinite) . litra.ru Retrieved February 10, 2012. Archived from the original on June 24, 2012.
  10. Julia Yuzefovich. British language vinaigrette ("England", UK) (indefinite) . rus.ruvr.ru (December 13, 2011). Date of treatment February 10, 2012. Archived from the original on May 31, 2012.

Brief information on the literary activity of T. Tolstoy, which lists her main collections and books, including debut works in criticism and prose. (From the book "New Russia: The World of Literature")

Prose writer
A few words about the "writer-prose writer" Tatyana Tolstaya on the basis of the principle "was born, studied, wrote, about herself, now."

Encyclopedia "Round the World"
Biographical note of Anna Brazhkina from the encyclopedia "Round the World".

Project Chronos
Article from the biographical dictionary "Russian writers and poets".

Criticism of works

Tatyana Tolstaya outside the copier (about the collection of essays "The Day")
Monologue program from the Russian Questions cycle on Radio Liberty. The author and host of the program, Boris Paramonov, after discussing "Kisya" "would still like to talk" about Tatyana Tolstaya herself. And there is a reason her book The Day. But the actual conversation about the author did not come out, but rather a small study of The Day and Tatyana Tolstaya as the author of this book.

Collection of reviews on "Kys"
More than a dozen good reviews (including their authors Lev Danilkin, Vyacheslav Kuritsyn, Psoy Korolenko, Boris Paramonov and others) on "Kys" by T. Tolstoy.

"Thin" book by Tatyana Tolstaya, or "kys", "scat", "lynx", "Rus"...
Vasily Prigodich analyzes the novel "Kys" without excessive emotions, which noticeably distinguishes him from many other reviewers. Tatyana Tolstaya's "thin" book or "kit", "scat", "lynx", "Rus" is a correct, understandable and consistent review.

Cheslav. Reading "Kys" by Tatyana Tolstaya
Artistic reflections on the theme of the novel. They are located on one of the most calm (like the sea in a calm) sites that I have ever met, which cannot be underestimated.

Valerie Shangidaeva. Encyclopedia of Russian life
A kitty biting the “main vein” and turning a person into a “somnambulist in the fog” is a metaphor for Russian fascination with a word, a book, an idea, and not rational, but poetic and necessarily not of this world. After all, what else is all Russian literature about, if not about Rus', not about its riddle?


Real Literature - Feminine
"Autograph" story-interview by Tatyana Tolstaya: about childhood, about how she began to write, about views on modern literature, about women writers, about the creative process

“I cause anger in many” (interview on POLIT.RU)
“Yulia Idlis met with Tatyana Tolstaya, who spoke about herself, about us and about “them”, as well as about how glamor is better than civil war and how today to make tomorrow’s news feed.”

LitCafe: Artemy Lebedev talks to Tatyana Tolstaya
"Don't fool my head. I am a weak, defenseless woman. And you say these words” At the table with boiled potatoes and fried chanterelles, two people were sitting in a close family circle Tatyana Tolstaya and Artemy Lebedev. They talked about writers and writing, about the fox and the thrush (Tolstoy's favorite fairy tale), about the Internet and the modem, and about groans as a fashionable phenomenon ect. The results of the conversation are on one of the tables of the Literary Cafe (open around the clock).

Interview with Tolstoy by Daniel Lurie. About the Tolstoy family. About her relationship with the Internet.

Tatyana Tolstaya: "The great Soviet cinema has disappeared completely"
Excerpts from an interview with T. Tolstoy, a guest of the Window to Europe festival, on the topic of current and old cinema.


Moshkov Library

Digital Library FictionBook

Library of Alexander Belousenko
Collections "Ne Kys", "Day" (in WinRar format)

Electronic library Bookz.Ru
Novels and stories (in txt format)

Reading room
The stories "Dear Shura", "Night", "Okkervil River", "Plot"

Four Articles
Notes on political correctness and its influence on language. “Unprovable claims that the white race is superior to black or yellow, that women are inferior to men, have been heard all too often in the history of mankind, and, as everyone knows, people have always moved from words to deeds and oppressed those who were considered inferior and inferior. Having seen the light and repenting of barbaric behavior, the civilized part of humanity has accepted the ideas of equality and brotherhood and how it can put them into practice. And he tries to correct not only deeds, but also words, for the word is the deed. And the word is easier to fix. It is necessary to express and think politically correctly.”

Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya is known as a writer, publicist, host of the most interesting TV programs. She was born on May 3, 1951 in the northern capital of Russia (in St. Petersburg). Tatyana Tolstaya was born and raised in an intelligent family. All her close relatives were closely associated with literature. Tatyana is united by family ties along the same pedigree - with the poetess Natalya Krandiyevskaya and the writer Alexei Tolstoy; on the other hand, with the world-famous literary translator Mikhail Lozinsky.

After graduating from high school, Tatyana began to study at Leningrad University. She chose for herself the faculty of classical philology. She deeply studied not only Russian, but also Greek and Latin. Tanya graduated from the university, which in 1974.

After successfully completing her studies at the university, Tatyana married the philologist Lebedev.

Having entered into a marriage, Tatyana moved with her husband to Moscow. Here she began to work as a proofreader in a friendly team of the editorial office of oriental literature, belonging to the Nauka publishing house.

The key to success is excellent teachers

It is believed that the most famous writers were the teachers of the writer. Among them are Remizov, Shklovsky and Tynyanov. It was common for all these writers to use rarely used words in their works. Similarly, in the stories of Tatyana Nikitichna, one can often find little-known words. This allows her to decorate her works with the most unexpected combinations.

In 1983, Tatyana T. published her first story. It was published in the same year on the pages of the Aurora magazine. Enthusiastic readers and professional critics perceived not only the first, but also subsequent stories of the writer with genuine enthusiasm. It is especially impressive that, following the results of 1983, her first story was recognized as the most beautiful debut that was published this year.

1983 - the first story "They sat on the golden porch" gave the name to the first book

Tatyana's first story, "They Sat on the Golden Porch," so vividly and naturally describes the impressions of the child that it seems that the reader himself returns to childhood. Tolstaya skillfully described not only ordinary everyday events and everyday meetings of her protagonist, but also included a story about mysterious fairy-tale characters in the story. What made her work especially fascinating and positive.

Over time, Tatyana became the author of 19 fascinating stories, as well as the short story "The Plot". And yet, most of her stories (namely 13) were included in the collection under the general title "They were sitting on the golden porch ...". This collection included such stories as "Circle", "Fakir", "Loss", "Okkervil River", "Sweet Shura", etc.

Tolstoy is rightfully considered an honored writer who has made an invaluable contribution to modern Russian literature.

1983-1988: stories, stories, stories

From 1983 to 1988, Tatyana Tolstaya gave Soviet literature more than two dozen stories. In mid-1988, Tatyana Tolstaya also became one of the members of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Creativity Tatyana Nikitichna was received very favorably. In a short time, she managed to gain a reputation as a surprisingly original writer who did not follow in the footsteps of her predecessors. The characters in her works most often became "urban eccentrics" who could not withstand the cruelty of the philistine environment surrounding them.

It is also encouraging that all Tatyana's works are distinguished by a peculiar manner of presenting the events described. Her stories are read easily and quickly, the plot captures like the most exciting movie. Speech is replete with words belonging to various semantic layers of the Russian language, the characters are described in such a way as if the reader is looking at them "from the side".

1989-1990 - moving to America

The end of the 80s, the beginning of the 90s, significant changes took place in the life of Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya. This was mainly due to the writer's move to America.

And even on the other side of the world, Tanya did not waste time. Far from her homeland, Tatyana continued to make an invaluable contribution to Russian literature, teaching this subject at the place of her temporary residence.

In 1991, Tatyana Tolstaya was still considered a member of the editorial board and the author of "Own Column", popular at that time, "Moskovskie Vedomosti". In those years, Tatyana translated her works into several European languages, which soon helped her become famous all over the world!

An important event
The beginning of 1997 was marked by the fact that all the stories previously written by Tatyana were republished in Moscow. In addition, they were all combined into one book called "Love - do not love."

2000 is a perfect occasion for the release of the first novel

The beginning of the new millennium was marked in Tatyana's work by the release of a novel called "Kys". This novel described the state of Russia after an imaginary nuclear explosion.

The current situation was very pessimistic: complete degradation, almost completely lost Russian language and culture, all people live according to the rule “man is a wolf to man”, in place of big cities there are only small wretched villages.

The sexual life of the characters of the novel is characterized by extreme rudeness and primitiveness, most of the main characters of the novel are negative, they are all the most negative personalities. The whole novel is full of sarcasm. Reader reviews for this literary work were the most ambiguous. From obvious criticism to indescribable delight!

A few months later, the book became a bestseller and won the Triumph Award. In most theaters, both in our Motherland and in European countries, this novel was used as the main information material for staging many performances. In 2001, Radio Russia aired an audio series based on this novel.

New 2001 - new books

Tatyana consolidated her commercial success throughout 2001. This year, she released three regular books - "Two", "Day", "Night". The total circulation of these books exceeded two hundred thousand copies. It is also noteworthy that in 2001 the XIV Moscow International Book Fair awarded Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya the main prize for her most beautiful prose works.

At the beginning of 2002, the writer became the editor-in-chief of the printed edition "Konservator". In the same year, Tatyana Tolstaya appeared on television.

The first appearance of the writer on television was directly related to participation in a program called "Basic Instinct". In October 2002, together with Avdotya Smirnova, Tatyana began to lead the School of Scandal program. In addition, for the first three seasons, Tatyana was one of the jury members of the television show "Minute of Glory".

In the Big Difference program, Tatyana Tolstaya was parodied twice. The first time she was parodied as a member of the jury of the "Minutes of Glory" program, the second time - as one of the hosts of the "School of Scandal" program.

In 2003, the TV program of Tatyana and Avdotya received the TEFI award in the nomination "The Best Talk Show".

The collection “Light Worlds” by Tatyana Tolstaya is a story of one love, the feelings of which are carried through all the works and ending with a slight sadness. But more about this in the article itself.

The novel “Kys” by this amazing writer also deserves attention.

Early 2010 - first children's book

In 2010, Tatyana began writing not only books for adults, but also children's literature.

Together with Olga Prokhorova, she published her first children's book, The Same Alphabet of Pinocchio. Her book got such an amazing name because Tatyana tried to connect the plot of this book with the famous book "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio." This book was written by Tanya's grandfather, Alexei Tolstoy.

The idea of ​​a new book, according to Tatyana, was born much earlier. There was simply no time and incentive to implement this project. Once, in a conversation with her niece, Olga Prokhorova, Tatyana announced her desire to write a children's book. She immediately picked up the idea, and they co-wrote the book.

After some time, the work they wrote took 2nd place in the overall ranking of the XXIII Moscow Book Fair of Children's Literature.

Acquaintance with the work of Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya is a worthwhile endeavor!

Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya is known to the world not only as a writer, but also as a very successful journalist. Her fascinating essays, articles and essays were published from 1990 to 1998 in newspapers called Russian Telegraph and Moscow News. At the end of 1998, all these literary works of Tatyana were combined in the book "Sisters" (1998).

To this day, Tatyana is closely engaged in writing. Her journalistic style is especially close to her. Tatyana also continues to teach Russian language and literature in leading educational institutions in Moscow, is the host of the exciting TV show "School of Scandal" and the honorary winner of the "Triumph" award (in 2001). Take the time to get acquainted with the work of Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya! We are sure you will never have to regret it!

Biography of the extraordinary and talented writer Tatyana Tolstaya

Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya - writer, TV presenter of the intellectual program "School of Scandal", author of the novel "Kys".

Tatyana was born in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) in May 1951. The family of the writer is as colorful and unusual as Tatyana. Grandfather on my mother's side is the famous literary translator Mikhail Lozinsky, a poet. Paternal grandfather is a famous writer who created the unforgettable Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio and The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin. Tolstoy's wife, Tatyana Nikitichna's grandmother, poetess Natalia Krandievskaya.

The father of Tatyana Tolstaya also achieved success, who went not along the literary, but along the scientific line and became a professor of physics.

In the house in which the future writer was born, it was always noisy and fun. After all, the Tolstoys had 7 sons and daughters. Later, Tatiana's sister Natalia also became a writer and teacher of Swedish. Brother Ivan also became interested in philology and history of the Cold War period, whose statements can be heard on Radio Liberty. Brother Mikhail devoted himself to the natural sciences, who, in addition to physics, later turned his attention to political science.

As a child, Tatyana became interested in reading. After graduating from school, the girl went to enter Leningrad University, choosing classical philology. Here Tolstaya studied literature and two languages ​​- Latin and Greek.

After graduating from university in 1974, the future writer and TV presenter moved to the capital with her husband, a classical philologist.

Books and television

In the capital, a writer from St. Petersburg gets a job as a proofreader in the editorial office of the Nauka publishing house. Here began the literary biography of Tatyana Tolstaya. The debut of the writer is a critical article "With glue and scissors ...", published in the journal "Questions of Literature" in 1983.

As Tatyana Nikitichna later shared, a banal circumstance forced the girl to take up the pen herself, and not just read and review other people's works. After the operation performed on her eyes, Tatyana had to lie with a bandage for a month. From idleness, in order to pass the time, Tatyana Nikitichna began to compose texts. This is how the first plots of the future works of the writer Tolstoy were born.

Having removed the bandage, Tatyana Tolstaya immediately began to transfer her fantasies to paper. Thus was born the debut story, published in the popular magazine "Aurora" under the title "They were sitting on the golden porch ...". The story was immediately recognized as the best literary debut of the 1980s. Inspired by success, Tolstaya writes two dozen more stories that were published from 1984 to 1988 - “Date with a Bird”, “Sonya”, “Clean Sheet”, “Love - do not love”, “Okkervil River”, "Hunting for a mammoth" and others. These works were readily accepted by fashionable "thick" magazines - "New World", "Znamya" and "October".

The first collection of stories by the St. Petersburg writer received the same name as the first story. Admirers of Tatyana Nikitichna's talent were able to purchase the book in 1987.

Shortly after the publication of the collection, Tatyana Tolstaya was accepted into the Writers' Union of the USSR. But Soviet criticism reacted rather coldly to the works of the new member of the Writers' Union. The young writer was reproached for the "thick" letter, cleverness and stereotyped works.

Nevertheless, the number of fans of Tatyana Tolstaya's work grew rapidly. A young author with a sharp mind and an original point of view, not afraid of sharpness and catchy colors, Tolstaya quickly broke into the modern literary crowd. The writer is known as an intellectual and even a rebel. The heroes of the works are unexpected characters - old-fashioned old women, disabled children, city lunatics and homeless people. Philistinism and the consumer psychology of modern society are especially sharply ridiculed.

In 1989, Tatyana Tolstaya was admitted to the Russian PEN Center. And the following year, the writer went to the United States, where they offered to teach Russian literature and writing at one of the colleges located in Princeton. During this period, Tolstaya collaborated with well-known magazines, including The New Yorker and TLS.

Throughout the 1990s, Tatyana Nikitichna regularly visited America, where she lectured at various universities. Tolstaya lived in the USA for several months and soon noticed that, under the influence of the environment, the language of emigrants was filled with "non-words", some ugly hybrids of several languages. The witty writer managed to display this phenomenon in detail in the essay “Hope and Support”.

In the 90s, Tatyana did not forget her homeland, where in the weekly Moscow News the writer was given her own column called “Own Bell Tower”. In the magazine "Capital" Tolstaya served as editor. The writer's articles also appeared in the publication "Russian Telegraph". Abroad, Tatyana Tolstaya began to create translations of her own works, thanks to which she gained worldwide literary fame. In 1998, together with her sister Natalya Tolstaya, she published the book Sisters.

In Russia, where the writer finally returned in 1999, Tatyana Tolstaya returned to journalism and teaching.

In 2000, the first novel by Tatyana Tolstaya appeared, called "Kys". The work was met with mixed reception, but gained many fans. The book was about Russia, which survived a nuclear explosion, after which the intellectual abilities of the population declined sharply. Primitive instincts have replaced human norms of morality and ethics. In a novel created without a single positive character, every line is sarcastic. The creator of the novel brought the Triumph Award and soon became a bestseller. The plot has repeatedly become the basis for stage productions, including radio performances.

And the following year, three more books by Tolstoy were published: collections of stories "Day", "Night" and "Two", the circulation of which amounted to 200 thousand copies. In the same year, the writer was awarded the XIV Moscow International Book Fair in the Prose category.

Since 2002, Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya has appeared on the screen. First in the program "Basic Instinct", and then in the "School of Scandal". She hosted the last talk show with. The program became a favorite for many intellectuals and brought the TEFI award to the presenters. Later, Tolstaya appeared in another show called "Minute of Glory".

In the early 2000s, the bibliography of Tatyana Tolstaya was replenished with the works "Raisin", "Circle", "White Walls", "Women's Day", "Not Kis", "River". In 2010, Tolstaya, together with her niece Olga Prokhorova, published the first book for children, which was called The Same ABC. Here there is a connection with the famous work of Tatyana Nikitichna's grandfather "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".

In 2010, the writer is awarded a number of international prizes. Two years later, the radio station "Echo of Moscow" and the magazine "Ogonyok" put the name of the writer in the list of "One Hundred Most Influential Women in Russia". In 2014, after the release of the stories "On a Small Fire", "The Invisible Maiden", "Light Worlds", Tatyana Tolstaya becomes the winner of the Belkin Literary Prize. A year later, the writer pleased her fans with the collections Felt Age and Girl in Bloom.

Another talent of Tatyana Tolstaya is cooking. Behind the writer's shoulders is a large baggage of recipes for cooking dishes of European and Russian cuisine. Description of the preparation of pies, salads, cakes, the writer places on her own page in "

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