Tatyana Vasilyeva: “I thought that I could not love anyone more than children. Tatyana Vasilyeva: “A bed for me is an instrument of torture Apparently, you are a zero culinary specialist


"Pluchek called me a durynda, that's the word - durynda. "Come here, long durynda." Yes, and it's very nice for me to hear. It's better than anything else: "What a gorgeous, luxurious woman you are." "Durynda" suits me better...

TIKHOMIROV: Today in our studio we have a wonderful actress, a wonderful woman Tatyana Vasilyeva. Hello Tatiana.


TIKHOMIROV: Tatyana, you know, I'm looking at your hands, they are surprisingly young. I know that many women hide their hands because they understand that you can look good, beautiful, but your hands still give out your age.

VASILYEVA: And I see, you all look at your hands and think: he thinks, what old hands.

TIKHOMIROV: No, no, you have beautiful young hands and I thought what happiness it is.

VASILIEVA: Well, of course, a great happiness, it is not necessary to put them in your pockets all the time. And then on the stage everything is very visible, you can’t hide anything, nothing. No operations, nothing, so I was already convinced of this now completely. I look at others, at people who have undergone surgery, well, the face, let’s say, men, women, everything is in the eyes anyway, everything is in the look, your youth is only in the look, you won’t find it anywhere else. You will just look better or worse, but age will not go anywhere. Well, it's not so much the age as the lived.

TIKHOMIROV: How much has lived. I carefully watched all your interviews, especially lately you are surprisingly sincere, you speak so honestly about your life, about how you lived, how you live, how you think to live on. But you could quite easily come up with some kind of PR campaign for yourself.

VASILIEVA: Oh, I can't, I'll go astray right there, no, I can't. I can't lie. I already know this for sure about myself, it’s better for me to immediately lay out the whole truth, because I’ll definitely make a mistake somewhere anyway.

TIKHOMIROV: Tatyana, I understand that this is probably a wrong story, journalism textbooks say that you need to win over a person, say a huge number of kind words to him, and then torment him with stupid or difficult questions.

VASILYEVA: No, don't, you don't have to say anything to me.

TIKHOMIROV: You already know everything.

VASILIEVA: Well, a lot.

TIKHOMIROV: I have some strange questions. Have you changed religion?

VASILIEVA: No, but I can.

TIKHOMIROV: Tell me, did you sell your soul to someone?

VASILIEVA: Nothing but the theatre.

TIKHOMIROV: Tell me, have you attended Kabbalah seminars?


TIKHOMIROV: Why am I asking this, because yesterday I watched a film called “Look into this face”, this is one of your first roles when you played such an awkward physical education teacher.

VASILYEVA: Lord, my God, you won't even remember what it is.

TIKHOMIROV: Yes, and I was surprised, I think, how this awkward, funny girl, so naive, so sincere, suddenly grew into such a concentrated, so tough, such a whole woman who knows absolutely exactly where to move, how to live. I think she did, where is that secret?

VASILIEVA: She lived a great life, quite simply, I hope not in vain.

TIKHOMIROV: Because I was shocked by this metamorphosis. By the way, I like your current state much more than when you were such a fool, forgive me this word. "Bee, bee, give me honey." I looked at it as a child. Forgive me for saying "as a child".

VASILYEVA: Pluchek called me a fool, with this very word: fool. "Come here, you big fool." Yes, and that's very nice to hear. It's better than anything else: "What a gorgeous, luxurious woman you are." "Durynda" suits me better.

TIKHOMIROV: Well, you know, when you wrote all the time that you were so clumsy in your youth, you are so, you know, very developed. I appreciated you simply as a man, and I will say, I would spin with you.


TIKHOMIROV: I would be spinning now, but now I'm afraid that I'm too old for you.

VASILIEVA: Well, this needs to be discussed.

TIKHOMIROV: Well, we will have time. And now let's move on to Pluchek. Of course, this is surprising: "Who wants another commissar's body?" I remember what a scandal there was when Lyudmila Kasatkina played this role at the Army Theater, and someone from the audience shouted back at her.

VASILIEVA: I even know who. A very famous artist.

TIKHOMIROV: Are you serious?

VASILYEVA: Yes, Oleg Menshikov. He just served there, in this theater he was a stage worker, well, he served, in short, in this way in the army, and here he is, well, he thought that he said quietly, but it turned out not very quietly. It sounded in complete silence, it was, of course, a nightmare, a nightmare.

TIKHOMIROV: And the performance was filmed?

VASILYEVA: No, of course, they didn't remove him, they removed Menshikov from this role.

TIKHOMIROV: There is nothing to shout. And yet, how did it happen that suddenly the Theater of Satire was on such a wave then, it was the best theater, probably the main role in a patriotic play.

VASILIEVA: Yes, well, I think it was for the Theater, of course, of Satire, which was then in such favor, it was one of the best theaters, Taganka, the Theater of Satire, these were the most advanced theaters at that time. Well, and now Pluchek allowed himself such an experiment with me. Well, he wanted to experiment, he wanted it to be not just a commissar, but a living person. He got a living person, but definitely not a commissar.

Listen to the full interview with the guest in the audio file.

Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva always amazes me. And not only unconditional talent. In conversation, she sometimes shocks with her directness and lack of any diplomacy. But her colossal charm, it seems to me, eliminates any possible conflicts. Vasilyeva is timeless, that's for sure. And she will tell about her Makropulos remedy now herself

Photo: Aslan Akhmadov/DR

So, a cafe in the center of Moscow. "Are you cold?" - Tatyana turns to me with sincere surprise when she sees me throwing a coat over my shoulders. She herself is in jeans and a thin T-shirt, although summer is still far away. She has such a strong energy, such a powerful life drive, that I am sure that such a woman never gets cold.

Tatyana, I remember how we did the first photo shoot with you. It was more than twenty years ago in the apartment of your friend, actress Tatyana Rogozina. We arrived with a photographer, and you were completely unprepared to shoot. But only ten minutes passed, and Vasilyeva was incredibly transformed.

You, Vadim, have an amazing memory. Only it took not ten minutes, but fifteen. That is what happens today. Lock me in a dark room, let me out in fifteen minutes - I'll be fine. I don't even need a mirror, just give me a makeup bag.

At one time you cut your hair very short, almost bald. For what?

I wanted to get rid of the negative energy accumulated over the years. And there were a lot of her. For example, only after my departure from the Theater of Satire did I find out what was happening there behind my back. You probably know Tatyana Egorova's book "Andrei Mironov and Me"?

Certainly. The former actress of the Theater of Satire Yegorova wrote a scandalous book about her relationship with Andrei Mironov and the backstage life of this theater.

I have not read the book, but I was told its contents. I was horrified! I didn’t know that I was so disliked in the theater. I felt like I had a great relationship with everyone. It turns out nothing of the kind.

What was it about loving you? A very young actress appeared in the theater, whom the famous director Valentin Pluchek immediately made prima.

So it didn't just happen! I did not steal this place from someone, they entrusted it to me, they believed in me.

All the more interesting, why did you leave Satire at the time? After you, the place of a real prima is still vacant there.

I married Georgy Martirosyan and at some point asked him to be taken to the theater troupe - he played quite a lot of roles there, but was not on a salary. We then actually lived on one of my salaries - it seems that I received sixty rubles. I am the main artist, so I asked for my husband. And they told me that they would not take him into the troupe. "Okay," I say, "then we'll both leave." I wrote a statement, I thought they would bring it back to me, ask me to stay, but no, no one began to detain me.

Did you later regret such an emotional act?

No, I didn't regret a single second. I had very proud parents - apparently, I inherited this trait from them. I will never ask a second time, I can still do it for my children, but never for myself.

Wait, but you asked another famous director, Andrei Goncharov, to hire you at the Mayakovsky Theater.

This was not asked by me, but by Natasha Selezneva. It was very funny. Once in Yalta, Natasha and I were sitting on a bench, and suddenly Goncharov walked by. Natasha shouts to him: “Andrei Alexandrovich, do you need good actresses? Here Tanya is sitting, Pluchek kicked her out of the theater. He replies that they are very necessary. And then I give out: "But I'm with my husband." He: “So, we take it with my husband.” And two days later I was already an artist of the Mayakovsky Theater. She worked in the theater for ten years, already shoulder to shoulder with Martirosyan. He played big roles there, I played, but it was all down the drain. It was not my theater, and I was not an artist of Andrei Alexandrovich.

You seem to have been fired from there because you did not come to the performance?

I warned everyone that I would not be able to come. It seems to me that it was a pure setup, so they just got rid of me.

Why are you so annoying that they want to get rid of you? Too complex character?

Yes, I'm annoying. Why? I often ask myself this question too. They close the performance, good, successful, and I understand that they did it only because I played in it. I don't know why this happens. I think that I am an angel in my work, I am ready for anything, especially if a director I trust is rehearsing with me.

You obviously have the position of a loner, and this causes many problems.

You are right. I programmed myself this way - it's easier to survive the blows of fate and betrayal. When you are suddenly left alone with yourself and you urgently need to call someone ... That's what I destroyed in myself, my hand no longer reaches for the phone. The stage helps me, it takes away all the bad things. I feel that the audience loves me, I get so much kindness from the audience, so much energy, not a single vitamin, not a single doctor will give me this.

Don't you have any girlfriend?

I recently returned to my former girlfriend, Rogozina, whom you just mentioned. Together with her, we came to Moscow from St. Petersburg to enter the theater. She didn't work out. She graduated from the Leningrad Theater Institute, then for some time she worked in Moscow, at the Mayakovsky Theater, but we rarely talked. And now I realized: it's time to collect stones, and I returned her to my friend.

You say that in difficult times the hand does not reach for the phone. But what about the children? Isn't that a lifeline?

I have a crazy connection with my children - both with Philip and Lisa, but once again I don’t want to disturb them.

About ten years ago we did the program "Who is there ..." on "Culture" about you and your son Philip. Then it seemed to me that this charming young man is very dependent on you. Has anything changed since then?

Certainly. Now he is a father, a great father, I did not even expect that he could be like that. He has two sons, and I think this is not the limit. We are constantly in touch with him, not a day goes by that we do not call him fifty times and talk. True, now Philip began to share information with me in a dosed manner, he tries to spare me in the evenings, otherwise we used to talk, and then I wander around half the night, I can’t sleep. But I also became smarter, learned not to pass off my point of view as the last resort. I always tell my children: they say, most likely, I'm wrong, but it seems to me that it's better to do this, and then think for yourself. Less than a minute passes, the call: "You know, you, mom, are right."

You are a real psychologist.

This is true.

What are Lisa and Philip doing now?

Lisa is looking. She is a journalist, but does not want to do it. Lisa draws beautifully, manifests herself as a designer - she made such repairs in her apartment! I was shocked. Unfortunately, no one is needed right now. The most interesting thing is that I can get anyone to work, but not my children.

Do you help them financially?

Yes. And I help them not because they are some kind of dependents, no, no. Philip is studying - he studied at three institutes, now he plans to enter again.

Live and learn. And Philip, excuse me, how old is he?

Thirty-four years. He is now entering the theater academy, but not in our country.

This time who will study?

And there everything is together: producer, director, cameraman. Already in the course of training, it will be determined what is closer to him. I was wildly lucky: at the age of fourteen I realized that I wanted to be an artist. And my son suffered from my own stupidity - he studied at the Faculty of Law. Why did I do this to him? It is so scary to make a mistake with the choice of profession, especially for a man. He already has three higher educations, will be the fourth.

Look, the kids are all grown-ups. They should be helping you, not the other way around.

Nobody owes me anything. And the kids don't owe me anything. They don't have to live the way I live. It's just a disaster. I'm afraid to get sick, for example. Not even because I'm afraid of pain, no. I'm afraid that I won't be able to work. I don't want to be a burden to anyone, I don't want someone to take care of me. Only not this! I'm used to having everything on me. I'm alone, I never could count on anyone.

You have been married several times. Did they drag all the husbands on themselves?

That is, they chose weak men?

Such is my fate, it is written in my family.

Okay, but when you got married, did you feel that the man was weaker than you?

Felt. But I fall in love too much - that's it, my big problem, from which everything stems. I can’t fall in love, I immediately begin to offer something, including my love. No one has asked me for anything yet, but I have already offered, they have not yet managed to fall in love with me, and my roof has already been blown away. Nevertheless, I got my way: they married me, I started a family, I had children. But time passed, and I took on everything: the maintenance of the family, husband, children - and very quickly got used to it. To be honest, now fear does not leave me: I'm afraid to seem untenable in some way. I don't want to be paid for, I'm always the first to open my wallet. Nothing can be done about this. I'm not a woman, I don't know who I am! Some kind of entity that lives without any rules. A woman must be a woman, she must maintain a family hearth, take care of children, and I am the woman who does everything. And most importantly, I have to earn money. Yesterday someone said that "should" is the worst word. And for me it is the most natural and normal.

Such responsibility from a young age?

Maybe yes. I started earning my first money at school and either gave it to my parents or bought something for them. Then I had a debt to them, now - to everyone else. There is always someone I owe. What to do about it?

You once told me that your biggest fear is free time.

It's true, Vadim. Free time is still a big problem for me. There are all sorts of fears: what if it will last longer than usual. Time is now unstable, artists have been forgotten so quickly, even during their lifetime.

Well, you are all right in this regard. You play a lot in entreprises, star in rating serials. "Closed School" was very successful, soon the second season of the series "Matchmakers" will start on the Domashny channel.

It wasn't always like that. After I was fired from Mayakovka, I did not work anywhere for four years. It wasn't easy. We had to rent a single room at the Peredelkino Writers' Creativity House, where we lived for some time.

With a husband and kids?

Yes, with Lisa, Philip, Martirosyan and his mother. And Martirosyan's son also came from time to time. I slept under the TV - head under it, legs outside. And so four years. We rented out our apartment, we had to live on something.

How did you endure all this? Directly resistant tin soldier.

What choice did I have? No one was interested in me, no one called me anywhere.

And when did everything change?

The era of entreprise began, the first proposal came from Leonid Trushkin - "The Cherry Orchard". I played Ranevskaya.

Well played, by the way.

In general, everything has changed, I started earning money again, offers rained down.

And if not for new circumstances, would you continue to live under the TV?

I don't know, I can't answer this question. My life does not belong to me. Everything is in the power of God, he knows everything. The main thing is not to fall into despair, not to complain, but simply to be able to wait.

So you don't know how to fight fate?

God forbid I still compete. This is the scariest thing for me. True, this does not prevent me from going to auditions, where, by the way, most often they do not approve me. I come, they say to me: "Introduce yourself, please." - "I am Vasilyeva, an actress." - "Where do you work?" And so on.

It can't be! New directors do not know Tatyana Vasilyeva?!

I am a blank slate for many new directors and producers. One such director approved me, I starred with him, and after filming I asked: “Do you even go to the theater?” It turned out he had never been to the theatre. Well, I invited him to the performance, and then he thanked me. Do you know what's important? Even such people are interesting to me. I have to work with them, I have to find a common language with them, but I cannot despise them.

At one time, you told me that in the cinema you are not offered interesting roles, and, for example, you consider the popular comedy “The Most Charming and Attractive” to be your failure. And also that you almost never like how you look on the screen.

You know, I don't care anymore. I don't watch my films. The only thing is, I have to see all this in the dubbing, and for me it's still a lot of stress.

Do you keep filming because you enjoy the process?

Of course, I really like to shoot, very much. Especially now, in Matchmakers, where I have amazing partners. We worked well with Lyusya Artemyeva, we are like clowns with her - Red and White. This is absolutely our element. There are shifts of twelve hours, or even more, the next day again on the site, but we get satisfaction from this.

An interesting fact: your heroine fights for the love of a general played by your ex-husband Georgy Martirosyan.

I get out of this position easily. Firstly, this is a comedy, and there is no need to play a serious relationship. My heroine makes the general do unthinkable things all the time. Martirosyan and I are comfortable working together - we play together not only in the series, but also in the play. We maintain a relationship, he communicates well with his daughter Lisa. There is no barrier.

You and Anatoly Vasiliev, your first husband, played in the same performance, in the comedy "Joke".

Oh no, that was completely unfortunate.

Was it your idea to go on the same stage with him?

It was the idea of ​​the producers. For them, what is important is that there be a twist, that the audience should go. But it didn't work out.

Philip communicates with his father?

It's clear. You said that you have twelve-hour shifts. What kind of stamina do you need to have to endure all this! Do you still go to the gym every day, do you lift weights?

Yes, I'm from there right now. I don't just lift weights. I go to the body pump, it's a great combination of aerobic and strength training. Then another half an hour on skis - on the simulator. I do this so that I myself would not be disgusted with myself, so that the audience would not be disgusted to look at me. I can't get fat, I can't be fat, I have to be what I used to be - slim. I don't want to offend the scene. I have always loved playing sports, ever since high school. Basketball, volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics, dancing, fencing. Then I came to the Theater of Satire, where we had biomechanics according to Meyerhold. We, young people, went to these classes with pleasure. We still had a ballet machine. An hour and a half at the barre, then a rehearsal, in the evening a performance - they practically did not leave the theater. So I have a combat hardening, I can’t do without it anymore.

We are drinking tea now. You refused to order something more substantial.

I don't eat at all. I am a cheap woman. ( Smiling.) I don't have food at home, I don't need it. Only buckwheat and milk is enough. If there is no buckwheat and milk, I start to die.

Buckwheat with milk for breakfast, buckwheat with milk for lunch...

And for dinner, yes.

Isn't this monotony boring?

What you! On tour, of course, it is more difficult, you have to order buckwheat in advance.

Apparently, you are a culinary zero.

My house should not have the smell of food. When the children were small, everything hissed, squawked - I don’t know how I survived.

What an ascetic you are! Or maybe it should be? So I look at you and understand that you are a woman without age.

You know, I look at myself in the mirror and try to find that age. I understand that sometimes I look tired, sleepy, my eyes are red. But I still can't find the age. Age - it's in the look, not in appearance. Although appearance is, of course, work. I get up in the morning, I have one mask, another mask, I drink all sorts of vitamins, at night I put so much cream on my face that I have to sleep on the back of my head - I'm all in this cream. I need this not so much for myself as for work, otherwise write wasted.

And again, it all comes down to work. You don’t even have holidays - continuous performances.

And I don’t know what to do on holidays, how to celebrate them. On December 31, I have three performances each. By half past ten in the evening I am rowing somewhere. On the eve of this year, she came to her daughter, we sat for a while, and I went to sleep. Another performance the next day. Last New Year I met on the train - with his boss and foreman. Traveled from St. Petersburg to Moscow. There were no other passengers besides me.

When did you get this fighting spirit - what is called, not a day without a line?

When I accepted commodity-market relations.

Most importantly, it all keeps you in good shape.

I'm in good shape, of course. Maybe in the next life I will return in a different guise - I will be a dog or a horse. They say that seven centuries ago I was an Egyptian queen. Who knows, maybe it will happen again.

Photo: Aslan Akhmadov for the Indian Summer project / provided by the press service of the Domashny TV channel With Elena Velikanova in the movie "Pops"

“I remember how Philip and I stood backstage, both were waiting for their appearance on the stage, and he said: “Nastya is pregnant. It's been three months now." And froze. In response, I uttered only one word: "Marry ..."

As a child, I was very afraid of losing my mom and dad. The fear that they would die reached me to some kind of madness. After all, they were not young, I was born late to them. The parents loved each other very much. Dad went to the bakery for bread, and mom got up at the window and waited.

If it seemed to her that her father was delayed even for a few minutes, she went to meet him ... When the war began, my mother and my older sister Alla left for evacuation to Kurgan, with an orphanage. Mom was a teacher there. And dad was at the front, went through the whole war. Returning to Leningrad, dad got a job as a milling fitter at a factory. I was born. Mom no longer worked, she sat with us. We lived on one dad's salary. It was not even a need, but real poverty. I tried sausage for the first time when I was already studying in Moscow at the institute. They lived in a classic St. Petersburg communal apartment: a long corridor, walls painted with some kind of terrible paint, a dim light bulb under the ceiling and a huge kitchen, where there were tables, tables, tables ... For forty families. Oddly enough, but in such an environment, people managed to exist relatively peacefully.

Scandals arose because of men, when someone came very tipsy. My mother was the most active fighter for "women's rights". She always stood up for a neighbor if she saw that her drunken husband offended her. Then the spouses reconciled, and for some time my mother became their common enemy. Until the next fight, perhaps. We were considered a Jewish family. Therefore, our rights were not only infringed, but, for example, they could wash themselves, go to the toilet only as a last resort. We didn't protest. It was the way it was, and somehow everything went on peacefully. Fine. Borrowed money from each other until payday. My mother borrowed and repaid on time ...

- In general, a difficult life, gray ...

I didn't feel that we were bad. Because that's how everyone lived around.

After all, there were holidays! For example, parents, as best they could, tried to celebrate our birthdays with Alla. And then dryers, tea with lemon, or without lemon, but with sugar appeared on the table. And on weekdays, tea with bread, sometimes with butter. The most delicious treat in my childhood - butter! Mom brought it from the deli. There are 100 grams, probably for all of us, and in winter it was very cold, frozen. I was sitting on the stairs: waiting for my mother and warming myself on the radiator. When she passed by, she always gave me a bite to eat. I ate it, stretching the pleasure, and thought that there was nothing better in the world than this oil ... Going to the bathhouse is also a holiday. In any case, an event that goes beyond the ordinary. Be sure to defend the kilometer line. Then my mother washed me so thoroughly, rubbed me with a washcloth for a week in advance, that I would certainly faint.

Photo: Photo from the personal archive of Tatyana Vasilyeva

This happened every time, no one was scared. They took me out into the fresh air and brought me to my senses.

- Where did you get the desire to become an actress?

For me, this is incomprehensible. Because it is difficult to find a family more distant from the theater than ours. I don’t even remember being taken to any performances as a child. Mostly I watched movies. I went to Carnival Night with Gurchenko every Sunday, probably for ten years in a row. And then in our apartment a neighbor got a TV. Nothing particularly interesting was shown there - news, football and some kind of ballet. But I came to her, experiencing a colossal feeling of embarrassment. Humiliatedly asked for permission to watch the program and sat up to the stop until the TV turned off.

Now on the channel "Domashny" there are new series of the project "Matchmakers", where she played the main role. The most charming and attractive actress of our screen is about raising grandchildren, fighting complexes and love for kefir.

Your character in the series has unusual methods of raising grandchildren. What kind of grandmother are you in real life?

In the series, my heroine Lyubov Dmitrievna is sure that the main thing for children is aesthetic education. And the second grandmother (played by Lyudmila Artemyeva) believes that children should live like in a barracks - unquestioningly follow her commands. On this topic, they can not find a common language. I myself have three grandchildren - Ivan, Grigory and Adam, and my method in life is extremely simple: only love, frequent praise and be sure to spoil the children.

I heard you don't like being called grandma. How do your grandchildren treat you?

They just call me Tanya. God forbid if I hear from them the address "grandmother"! For me, this is something from the past.

In your repertoire there was a play "Rally", where you went on stage with your ex-husband Anatoly Vasiliev and son Philip. Are there any plans for new projects with the participation of loved ones?

We haven't played the show for a long time. There were no conflicts, but I understood and I want to declare my opinion: relatives should not work together. Not mother and son, not husband and wife. This is my belief, so there are no plans.

Your son is a lawyer by profession. Do you ever turn to him for legal advice?

The laws change every day, and in order to be "in the know", the son must sit and study them all the time. But Philip has long been not a lawyer, but an artist. Of course, I often consult with him. But not legally. It is important for me to know his impression of people, I ask what I should be afraid of, what I should not do and say. He is my controller. Sometimes, after listening to his opinion, I can internally resist, but later I understand that he is right. I always listen to him and my daughter Lisa.

How often have you had to tell yourself that you are the most attractive and charming? How to overcome complexes in yourself?

Previously, you may have had to set yourself up correctly. But the complexes that I had left me a long time ago, and this was preceded by many failures both in the theater and in life. You learn from problems. If you manage to turn your shortcomings into virtues, that's good. And if not, suffering is not an option. When I see in the mirror what I don't like, I decide to fix it.

The theater and film star Tatyana Vasilyeva met her anniversary in the family circle - along with her children and her beloved cat, whose name is Dolce and Gabbana. On behalf of Izvestia, Boris Kasanin congratulated the actress on her birthday.

"Not everyone can stand the look of my cat"

- question: What a strange name your cat has...

Answer: This is her Italian name - the second, and the first is still Russian - Dolce Kabanova. An amazing cat, few people stand her gaze, by the way. And I love both cats and cats, because they love freedom, just like me. And that is why these animals are not loved by tyrants and are never kept next to them. Not Hitler, not Stalin, not Pol Pot...

Q: Is your anniversary a special day for you?

A: No, the same as all other birthdays. But in general, a birthday is a good holiday. Here is my new show.

- in which?

A: Bella Chao. About a man who went through all the hardships of Soviet life, wars, camps and did not become embittered, and he does not have hatred for those who were unfair to him. And "Bella Chao" is because the famous song of the Italian partisans with the same name sounds. In a word, a play about how a person can resist the ravages of time.

Q: What is your attitude towards time?

A: Dual. Sometimes you feel that the sheets of the calendar just fly off, you catch every second, save money, try to get organized. And you don't want to lose what has already been achieved...

- Q: What is more important for you - theater or cinema?

A: Of course, theater.

Q: And who was among your favorite partners?

A: And Mironov, and Papanov, and Derzhavin, and Gerdt, with whom, fortunately, I had a chance to communicate a lot. We played together with him in Babel's "Sunset" directed by Oleinikov, spent many hours together - and we didn't talk about any topics! He had everything: amazing freedom of thought and originality of soul. In creativity, he managed to present only a small part of what he was capable of.

Q: Which of your roles do you consider the most successful?

A: Ranevskaya in "The Cherry Orchard" with Leonid Trushkin in his Anton Chekhov Theater ... It's a pity, by the way, that I never had a chance to meet the namesake of the Chekhov heroine, Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

- in: But you played her in the movies.

A: More precisely, on television, in the "Star of the era." But, you know, my respect for the real Ranevskaya is much wider than this role, because it turned out to be something like a caricature of her.

"I was forced to change my last name"

- in: So many theaters to change - and nowhere to find reciprocity, as Faina Georgievna once said. You also changed a lot of scenes. "Fifth Count" did not interfere at the time?

A: Of course, it interfered. I was literally forced to change my surname at the Theater of Satire in the 70s (Itsykovich. - Izvestia).

- in: Who?..

A: Party committee, trade union committee and all that. Otherwise, trips abroad would have been closed, they openly told me that I would be banned from traveling abroad.

Q: You've been married several times...

A: Oh, I don’t want to talk about this, why put the personal on public display? .. And in general, over the years, friendships somehow become more valuable.

- in: More valuable than love and passion?

A: Passion is not useful at all. After an emotional outburst, a deep depression will surely come.

- in: Could you be in the place of your heroine - the great Maria Callas from McNally's play "Master Class", which you played with Ivan Popovski? Could you become the wife of a multimillionaire?

Oh no. Because I can't be an addict. I don't love and I can't ask for anything. And when you are next to an oligarch, it is simply inevitable. Put me in a golden cage - yes, this is out of the question! .. And it's hard for me to imagine a man next to me who could treat me the way I need. Maria Callas also did not stay long with Onassis.

"Petersburg gates are dearer than vain Moscow"

Q: What about your children?

A: My children are son Philip and daughter Lisa. As long as they live with me. But soon they are going to leave me and live on their own. The son is a lawyer, but also plays in the theater, acts in films.

- in: You have a very interesting collection of paintings at home. Aron Bukh, for example. And what brought you closer to Nikas Safronov, who painted your portrait?

A: He is a talented and very hardworking person. Just at one time he had to work terribly hard to order. Which, in fact, earned him the name. And Nikas works, one might say, just around the clock.

- Q: You were born in Leningrad, where you spent your childhood, and today which city is more important for you - Moscow or St. Petersburg?

A: Well, in my youth, I just fled here from Leningrad, because Moscow provided opportunities for creativity, for playing in the theater. But today I really love this city, which is native to me, in which people, in comparison with Moscow, are lighter, more intelligent, less fussy. In Moscow, running around is constant, although the energy is more powerful.

Q: Are you a believer?

A: Once in Rostov-on-Don, an unfamiliar woman suddenly approached me in an Orthodox church, looked at me and said: "You need to be baptized." And you know, I believed her eyes, her look... I was baptized in a small church in the vicinity of Rostov-on-Don.

Q: Do you believe in immortality, which today, perhaps, many people fear even more than death itself?

A: Yes, of course I do. But that is faith, not knowledge. And those who died, people dear to me, I would so like to see.

- Q: But you are also fond of astrology - how does this fit with faith?

A: Astrology is not to be taken seriously, it's more of a game and a fashion. And even more so, it is impossible to confuse astrology with faith ...

Boris Kasani, Izvestia

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