Theater Comédie Francaise in Paris: a detailed description. French theater in paris Have a nice visit "Comédie Francaise"


COMEDY FRANCEZE (“La Comédie-Fran-çaise”; the official name is “Te-atre Fran-se”, “Théâtre-Français” - “French theater”) - the oldest national drama ma-tic theater of France.

Created in 1680 in Pa-ri-by the decree of Lu-do-vi-ka XIV, ob-e-di-niv-shim no-when vra-w-to-wav-shie corpses Mol-e-ra and te-at-ra "Burgund Hotel". "Comedie Francaise" got a mo-but-pol-noe right to the-at-ral-ny performances in Paris. On-knowing-we-ko-ro-lyom su-per-in-ten-dan-you-yes-wa-whether ak-cho-ram do-ta-tsiu from the kaz-na, con-tro-whether -ro-wa-li re-per-to-ar, composing a troupe, ras-pre-de-le-ro-lei, etc. "Comedy Francaise" represented an actor Ter-skoe to-va-ri-shche-st-in (société).

The corpse-pa de-li-lissed to sos-e-te-ditch, having the right to a whole share or part of it, and pan-sio-ne-ditch, better than lo-va-nye. Lu-do-vic XIV personally chose 27 actors from the former mole-e-rov troupe, sp-tsia-li-zi-ro-vav-shey-sya on the -le-nii co-media, and "Bur-gund-tsev", playing-rav-shih, mostly tragic re-per-to-ar. By the end of the 17th century, the pro- the process of for-mi-ro-va-nia of the scenic am-p-lua, and the troupe-pa "Comedy Francaise" became a model for the theater of the epic hi Enlightenment. The tragic school of the game, coming from J. Ra-si-na, ras-pi-sy-vav-she-go ak-cho-ram we-mi know-ka-mi, and ko-mi-cheskaya - mole-e-rov-sky ("Comedy Francaise" is often called-zy-va-yut "do-mom Mol-e-ra"), ori-en-ti-ro-van-naya on the authenticity of the scenic su-st-in-va-niya and the realistic knot-on-vae-bridge of the image, for- lo-zhi-li os-no-woo of the ak-ter-sky tradition "Comedy Francaise".

During the French revolution of the 18th century, the Comedie Francaise was re-named-no-wa-li in the Theater of the Nation. The political struggle within the te-at-ra attached-ve-la to the race-to-lu of the corpse-py, part of a swarm led by F.Zh. Tal-ma ob-ra-zo-va-la "Te-atr Res-pub-li-ki". In 1799, the corpse-pa re-united under the former name and re-e-ha-la in the premises of Pa-le-Ro-yal, where it had played ra-la corpse-pa Mol-e-ra (te-atr ra-bo-ta-et is still there). In 1849, Na-po-le-on III approved the position of the general-no-ral-no-go ad-mi-ni-st-ra-to-ra, under-chi-nya-shche- go-sya mi-ni-st-ru of internal affairs (fi-nan-co-vye and administrative functions went the same way in his conduct - so-so-lo-same- nie cases are preserved in the 21st century).

At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the Comedy Francaise troupe is re-alive-la deep crisis, not accepting new theatrical forms -we, connected with birth-de-ni-em re-gis-ser-sko-go te-at-ra. A new stage began when, in 1936, the ru-ko-vo-di-tel te-at-ra E. Bour-de was attached to the aka-de-mic stage Zh Co-po and re-jis-syo-rov-avan-gar-di-stov L. Zhu-ve, Sh. about-no-viv-shih classical tradition. In the 2nd half of the 20th - early 21st centuries, the “Comedy Francaise” developed in two right-le-ni-yah: on the one hand, keeping classical tradition and ak-ter-school, with the other - ut-ver-waiting for modern re-per-tu-ar and re-zhis-ser-sky no-va-tion. In 1946, the Comédie Francaise had a second te-at-ral-naya square - Ode-on, in 1993 - a third one (the theater "Old Paradise dovecote"). In 1996, there was an or-ga-ni-zo-van Te-atr-studio at the Comedie Francaise.


A scene from the spec-so-la "Bass-ni La-fon-te-na". Theater "Co-me-di Francaise". BRE archive.

- Comedy Francaise (officially called Theatre Francais), French drama theatre. Founded in 1680 in Paris. Became a school of acting and directing. F. J. Talma, Rachel, Sarah played here ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Comedy Francaise

COMEDY FRANCEZE- (Comedie Francaise), or Theater Francais, a drama troupe in France, the oldest national theater in the world. Established by decree of Louis XIV in 1680, its origins date back to the middle of the 17th century. In 1658, a company of itinerant actors in ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

Comedie Francaise- ("Comédie Francaise") (official name "Theater Français", "Théâtre Français"), the oldest national theater in France. Founded in 1680 in Paris by decree of Louis XIV, which united the Molière theater (formerly merged with the Marais theater) and the theater ... ...

"Comedy Francaise"- (Comédie Française) (official name "Theater Français", ThéÂtre Français), French drama theater. Founded in 1680 in Paris. Became a school of acting and directing. F. J. Talma, Rachel, Sarah Bernard, B. K. Coquelin played here ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Comedie Francaise- (Comédie Française), a French national theater that plays both comedies and tragedies. Founded by Louis XIV in 1680. in Paris, revived by Napoleon in 1803. The theater is organized as a cooperative society in which each actor has ... ... Countries of the world. Dictionary

Comedy Francaise (Comedie-Francaise)- (official name of the Theater Francais Theatre Francais), French drama theater. Founded in 1680 in Paris. Became a school of acting and directing. F. J. Talma, Rachel, Sarah Bernhardt, B. K. Coquelin, L. Jouvet, J. L. Barrot and ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Comedy Française- Coordinates: 48°51′49″ s. sh. 2°20′09″ in.  / 48.863611° N sh. 2.335833° E etc. ... Wikipedia

France- (France) French Republic (République Française). I. General information F. state in Western Europe. In the north, the territory of F. is washed by the North Sea, the Pas de Calais and the English Channel, in the west by the Bay of Biscay ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Detouche- Destouches, Philip Philippe Destouches Philippe Destouches Unknown artist. Portrait of F. Neriko Detouch. 1723. Name at birth ... Wikipedia


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It's no secret that Paris is rightfully considered the cultural capital of the world. Most of the inhabitants of the planet are familiar with the names of great literary figures who come from France: Hugo, Dumas, Molière. Plays based on their works, for the most part, were staged at the equally famous theater called the Comédie-Française. The theater Comédie Francaise is very famous in Paris.

This is the oldest cultural institution in France, with a history of over 300 years. Comédie Francaise is the leading theater in Paris. He is also one of the brightest stars in the line. By the way, for some reason, it is Russian tourists who simply adore Comedy Française

A bit of history

This attraction was created by order of Louis XIV (the Sun King). In those years, Molière died and in order to perpetuate the memory of this famous figure, it was decided to build the Comédie Française. Already in those days, the theater was funded by the state. The pearl of cultural heritage was located, as it is now, right in the center of Paris.

Now, this theater is considered the oldest not only in France, but in general, in Europe. Even in modern times, the French sometimes call it the “House of Molière”. By the way, all Molière's plays without exception were staged at the Comédie Francaise. But besides this, works were presented on the stage:

  1. Diderot.
  2. Racine.
  3. Voltaire.
  4. Beaumarchais.

In different historical periods, when revolutions raged in France, it was relatively calm, the theater troupe could not stay away from what was happening. There were both revolutionaries and oppositionists in the ranks of the actors, but at all times the actors were and are a close-knit team.

However, this order of things was greatly facilitated by the regulations established in this institution. The charter clearly states that the troupe must meet daily and play as much as necessary, without the right to refuse roles or performances. Being an actor of the Comédie Française was already very prestigious at that time. Each of those who had at least some relation to the theater strove to get into the friendly team of the Comédie Francaise. At the origins of the formation of the Comedy Française troupe were:

  1. L. Bejart.
  2. C. Lagrange.
  3. M. Chanmele.
  4. M. Baron.

The beginning of the development of the Comédie Francais was the unification of a pair of Parisian theaters at once: the Marais and the Burgundy Hotel. It was in the Comédie Francaise that the chair was transferred, in which, according to legend, Molière died while playing in the next performance. By the way, according to the testimony of an old-timer, he portrayed the deceased in the sick chair, but in reality he died.

The Comédie Francaise has always invited the best actors and directors. On its stage played: Jean Mare, Samary, Sarah Bernhardt. Huge attention in the Comédie Francaise was paid to correct speech, voice setting, and artistic image. A good subsidy from the state treasury made it possible for directors to stage plays using the most advanced short stories of their time. The richest, and most importantly, the most beautiful scenery, beautiful costumes. All this distinguished the Comédie Francaise. And on his stage, the actors spoke exclusively in French.


Now the Comédie Francaise puts on a wide variety of plays and performances. Directors do not limit themselves to the trends of the times. They are used to using in their work all the diversity of world literature and culture. They put on performances dating from the ancient period, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the 19th century and, of course, the present. Actors who are involved in productions are representatives of different countries of the world.

For example, in the famous Comédie Francaise, the performance "Forest" based on the work of Ostrovsky was staged. The directors of this theater hold Russian classics in high esteem. Many of these performances become competitive works. But they play them in pure French.

How to become a spectator of this famous theater?

If you start with the price, then Comédie Francaise presents different categories of tickets. Everything depends on the place. The most expensive of them cost over 40 Euros, the cheapest - a little over 6 (gallery). Tickets are purchased on the Comédie Francaise website. You can also buy them at the theater box office. Or write to us [email protected]

The opportunity to attend performances at the Comédie Francaise is in high demand, so you need to take care of purchasing tickets in advance. You can come a few hours before the start of the action to try your luck to buy tickets that were refused for one reason or another. But such an opportunity rarely appears, so you should take care of tickets in advance.

In France, the so-called Youth Days are very common. Representatives of the cultural sphere use them as an opportunity for young people to be culturally educated. Every first Monday of a new month, for people who have not reached the age of 28, seats in the theater are allocated free of charge.

Comédie Francaise coordinates

This theater is located in the heart of Paris, not far from. The Comédie Francaise stands on the corner of the Rue de Richelieu and Place du Palais Royale.

You can get to one of the main attractions of France using one of the bus routes: No. 95, 21, 39, 27, 48, 68, 67, 81. You can take the metro and follow to the Palais Royal - Musée du Louvre station.

The oldest not only in France, but throughout Europe, the French theater "" (Comédie-Française), has been operating for more than 330 years. It is the leading drama theater in Paris, as well as one of the most famous sights of the city, especially loved by Russian tourists. The Comedie Francaise theater was created by decree of King Louis XIV seven years after the death of the famous Jean-Baptiste Molière.

In fact, in this theater, by decree of the king, two Parisian theaters that were then available in the capital of France were united. Namely, the theater of Molière, previously merged with the theater "Mare", and the theater "Burgundy Hotel". The troupe of the newly created theater included the well-known at that time actors M. Chanmelet, L. Bejart, Ch. Lagrange, M. Baron, and others. Almost all the plays of the great playwright were shown at the House of Moliere, as the Comédie Francaise is sometimes called. Performances by Beaumarchais, Diderot, Voltaire and Racine were staged here.

Thanks to the unification in 1680, the theater began to receive an annual royal grant of 12,000 livres, as well as to be able to stage plays in French. With a monopoly on the performance of literary drama, and receiving a subsidy that allows you to invite the best actors, "Comedy Francaise" won the fame of the largest theater in France.

At present, the House of Moliere is one of the few repertory theaters in Europe, where productions are staged from antiquity to the present day. Moreover, contemporary authors from various countries are invited. So, for example, Pyotr Fomenko staged here the play by A. Ostrovsky "The Forest", which was shown at the international Chekhov festival in 2005. In addition to Moliere, foreign, including Russian, classics are also staged here. "Comedy Francks" in different seasons presented "A Streetcar Named Desire", "The Cherry Orchard", and "Marriage". However, the vast majority of performances are in French. And in very good French.

How to get to «Komedi Francez»?

It is located "" in the very center of the French capital, on the right bank. It is located a few steps from the Louvre, in Paris, on the corner of the Palais Royal and Rue de Richelieu. You can get to it by any bus routes No. 21, 27, 39, 48, 67, 68, 69, 81, 95, or to the Palais Royal - Musée du Louvre station.

How to get to the performance at the Comedie Francaise?

The most expensive ticket for a performance in this theater costs 41 euros, and the cheapest is only 6 euros.

Tickets can be purchased on the Comedy Francaise official website or at the theater box office. But you need to take care of this in advance, as tickets are sold out in an instant.

If you did not have time to buy a ticket, you can come a few hours before the performance and try to buy a ticket that you returned to the box office or get into the gallery for 6 euros.

Every first Monday for young people (under 28 years old) free places are allocated.

Have a nice visit to the Comédie Francaise!

Theater "Comédie Francaise" in Paris - repertoire, ticket prices, address, phone numbers, official website.

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Paris is the cultural capital of the world, even children know this. And the names of his theaters for many of us from the same childhood, or at least teenage times, sound like music. After all, we studied at the school of Moliere and we were told that his plays were staged on the stage of the Comédie Francaise. They read both Hugo and Dumas son, and every time, getting acquainted with the biography, they met this magic word - Comédie Française.

So what kind of theater is this, what is its history, and how does it please the viewer today? First, a little about history. Comédie Française is the oldest theater not only in France, but throughout Europe. Judge for yourself, it has been working for more than three hundred and thirty years! And until now it is the leading drama theater in Paris, one of its main attractions. It should be noted that Russian tourists especially love the theater, and this is understandable, taking into account the fact that we are a nation of true theatergoers.

The Comedie Francaise theater was created not just like that, but by the decree of the Sun King himself, who decided to combine two Parisian theaters of that time - the theater of the recently deceased Molière and the Burgundy Hotel Theater. The troupe included the most famous French actors of that period. The genius of Molière has forever remained invisibly present in the French theater, so sometimes the Comédie Française is even called the "House of Molière". Indeed, almost all the plays of the great playwright were staged here. Subsequently, Beaumarchais, Diderot, Racine and Voltaire took over.

The Comedy Française Theater was created not just like that, but by the decree of the Sun King himself, who decided to combine two Parisian theaters of that time - the theater of the recently deceased Molière and the Burgundy Hotel Theater.

Since the theater received an annual royal grant, which gave it the opportunity to invite the most famous actors, and also had the right to stage plays in French, it soon gained enormous popularity in France and became its largest theater.

As you know, European theaters work mainly on the principle of entreprise, but the Comedie Francaise is an exception, it is one of the few repertory theaters in Europe, where a variety of productions are staged, from ancient comedies and tragedies to the most modern plays. Directors from various countries are invited, for example, the famous Pyotr Fomenko staged Ostrovsky's play "The Forest" on the stage of the Comedy Francaise, which was shown at the Chekhov festival held here in 2005. The theater management puts on many foreign authors, but still most of the plays are in French.

How to get to the show

Theater tickets naturally come in different price ranges, depending on the seat you want to purchase. The most expensive tickets cost about 43 EUR, and the cheapest - don't be surprised - only 9 EUR.

By the way, in an effort to introduce young people to the art of Melpomene, every first Monday people under the age of 28 are given free places.

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