Theater of Light Paintings by Vitaly Ermolaev (Latvia). Theater of Light Paintings by Vitaly Ermolaev (Latvia) Paintings by Vitaly Ermolaev


Vitaly Ermolaev graduated from the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg (1973), then the Latvian Academy of Arts. Since 1973 he has been living and working in Latvia. Over the past decade, the unique works of V. Ermolaev have been repeatedly exhibited in the most prestigious galleries in Belgium, Germany, France and Spain.

Vitaly Ermolaev is the author of a unique technique of light painting, his paintings glow in the dark and change depending on the change of lighting. The artist was awarded a patent for the technology of paints. The artist in his works, as it were, builds a bridge from the consciousness to the subconscious, based on the idea of ​​the existence of inexhaustible vitality as energy in all manifestations of life (lat.vitalis - living, vital). The presence of this energy is manifested through a special light, radiance that comes from his paintings.
On the INNER LIGHT light painting canvases created by V. Ermolaev, two layers of paint are superimposed one on top of the other, reacting to different lighting. The patented technology of paints allows them not to mix and interfere with each other. With special lighting (changing ordinary electric light to ultraviolet in the mixing mode), another image, hidden until this moment, slowly “appears” from under the top layer of the painting. There is an effect of a three-dimensional luminous picture.
Each picture is a window to other worlds, you want to peer into them, discovering new interesting details. A special impression is made by the effect of "surprise" when the lighting changes from the "mountain sun" to the "inner light" INNER LIGHT. The canvas changes completely: morning turns into evening and turns into night. The light tones of images can become saturated brights or deep darks. The play of color - green, suddenly, will turn into red, blue or black ... Individual objects acquire perspective, volume, others disappear completely or appear as luminous stained-glass windows. The viewer was taken by surprise, and it is impossible to prepare for this.
Vitaly Ermolaev owns an art gallery in Jurmala ART Rezidence "Inner light", in his own house, built according to his project.
ART Rezidence "Inner light" - a unique tourist attraction in Jurmala, included in the list of attractions of this resort town (see Vitaly Ermolaev's painting theater, art therapy, floral design and lamps salon-shop, meditative drawing studio , architectural and design bureau with the possibility of artistic painting in the style of "Inner light".

Butterfly - daytime option

Butterfly - night version

Mother of God - daytime option

Mother of God - an intermediate option

Mother of God - night option

Evening harmonies - day var.

Evening harmonies - night var.

Dreams - day var.

Dreams - night var.

Golden planet - daytime option

Golden planet - night view

Space flower - night version

My universe - daytime option

My universe is a night version

City Lights - daytime option

Journey - Day Option

Journey - night option

Path - daytime option

Path - night option

Dreams of the city - daytime option

Dreams of the city - night version

Summer energy - daytime option

Summer energy - night option

The artist's works are in Russian and foreign private collections (Western Europe, South America).
Artist's website.

He is one of the brightest representatives of the gallant direction in painting of the late XX - early XXI century. More of his work since 1990 the artist begins to create works that entirely appeal to the 18th century. His work is permeated with reminiscences of the times of Peter and Paul, Elizabeth and Catherine, with his love of life and farcicalness, intricate interlacing of baroque and rococo elements. His paintings are characterized by theatricality, staging, brightness of color.

Vitaly Ermolaev creates his own world, continuing the interrupted traditions of the World of Art, but not in symbolic and nostalgic, but hedonistic and ironic terms.

Vitaly Yuryevich Ermolaev is a well-known and recognized artist. Held twenty solo exhibitions. His works are in galleries in Prague, Warsaw, Toronto, America. He is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a member of the Moscow Union of Artists, a member of the International Art Fund, winner of the Victor Popkov competition. In addition, he bears the proud titles of "Mr. Painter" and "Familiar of the Order of Courtly Mannerists." It was with the participation of courtly mannerists - ironic and cynical poets who believe that life is so short that it should be lived merrily - the most extraordinary exhibitions were held. Vitaly Ermolaev was born in Moscow, in Maryina Roshcha. For as long as he can remember, he has always loved to draw. “I drew so much that my parents even pulled me away from my art. But later they put up with my hobby and assigned me to the circle of the district House of Pioneers. Like all boys, he loved to draw military operations, but the scenes of the war of 1812 aroused the greatest interest. It was not difficult for a talented boy to enter the Surikov School, and there, according to Vitaly Ermolaev, he learned all the laws of art. Subsequent studies at the art department of VGIK, it would seem, provided opportunities for self-realization and the implementation of many ideas that matured in the head of a young artist. And subsequent work at the Mosfilm film studio with such famous directors as Sergei Solovyov, Vladimir Menshov, Vadim Abdrashitov promised a brilliant career in cinema. “But ... I realized that this was not mine. "I like the luxurious beauty of the buildings of the eighteenth century, I feel good in the parks in which they are located.

It all started in the 5th year of VGIK with a term paper on a historical topic based on the novel by Yuri Tynyanov "The Wax Person". This material greatly captivated the novice artist, although he had previously turned to other historical eras. It was interesting to work, and Vitaly Ermolaev immediately remembered walking in the parks of Oranienbaum, Gatchina, Peterhof and Pavlovsk. He wrote with such rapture that a new world of the 18th century gradually opened up for him, and the artist plunged into it with his head. Then, after serving in the army, after working at Mosfilm, he again felt for this time and began to create his own style inside it. This is how my first painting appeared, I found my own style - artistic, ironic, grotesque! "

Alexander Ermakov

The Primorsky District Court released Ermolaev from custody, after hearing the injured police officers on October 17. The benevolence of the employees, who easily agreed to reconciliation, could seem strange only to those who are not familiar with the extreme luck of Ermolaev. In the same light style, without consequences, Yermolaev fought, not being a member of the Ministry of Defense, and left Gazprom without money.

On the evening of July 13, 2018, on Olkhovaya Street, Ermolaev and his friend Alexander Shrainer were spotted by a patrol. Yermolaev was holding a bag with three pistols, a scatter of live ammunition, a wig, goggles and gloves. The police demanded to stop. Yermolaev pointed his gun at the employees, fired upwards, shouted: “Stop! Consumption" - and fled. Schreiner was arrested. A bag with non-trivial accessories was found abandoned.

In 2012, a contract was signed between Gazprom invest zapad LLC and Omega LLC, it was planned to supply gas to Priozersk in 2014. Then in 2016. The acts have been signed, the money has been received, but there is no pipe.

These are not questions for us, these are for Gazprom. We do not track either the passage of money or control over the work, this is not ours.

But Priozersk is yours. Were you not interested in why the plans and deadlines were so violated?

I have not seen such plans.

Vice Governor Oleg Koval, who is in charge of housing and communal services of the region, remembers about the plans for 2014:

We have needed this gas pipeline with gas distribution stations for ten years already. Due to their absence, the gasification of the Priozersky district has stopped, and it is not known when it will be possible to implement it. But I cannot comment on the actions of Gazprom Invest and Omega, and I have not seen any documents.

Do I understand correctly that according to the original program, the gasification of Priozersk was planned for 2014?

Priozersky district - for 2013 - 2014, absolutely right.

The head of the administration of the Priozersky district, Alexander Soklakov, is unhappy: “We do not finance these works, we are neither customers nor contractors. A gas pipeline has been built to Sosnovo. As far as I know. Priozersk is in the adjusted plans for 2018-2019, but so far there is no movement from Sosnovo.”

Alexander Soklakov is diplomatic in his wording, but it is obvious that Priozersk was seriously counting on gas: internal networks, as you can see in the photo, have been built and have been gathering dust for years.

There is no gas and will not be soon

Forecast "Fontanka": 2019 in the plans - most likely a fiction. As follows from documents and observations, Omega received 1.7 billion rubles, built for about 700 million rubles, owed about 500 million rubles to subcontractors, and is going through bankruptcy proceedings. Given that the company does not have its own production facilities today, the prospect of resuming activities is not visible.

As per the docs. available to Fontanka, the structures of Gazprom intend to allocate 252 million rubles for completion. Not to mention the fact that in the presence of signed and paid acts, it is not clear how to formalize it legally, you need three times more money - if you take the minimum and “cut corners”. So you can forget about gas in Priozersk for now.

Biker Erema

They promised about the biker Yeryoma. A lover of exclusive cars and expensive motorcycles, Yeryoma lives under the motto: “There are many things in life that I won’t allow myself, but there is nothing that could be forbidden to me.” Judging by the information in the blog, in the last year he was most interested in extreme travel and the problems of placing symbols on biker jackets. As Yerema preaches: “If your club is in the city of St. Petersburg, and the clubhouse is located in Kupchino, then on the bottom rocker you write SPB, and on the side Kupchino, no Russia, etc. What does this mean for all the MCs who will look after you, that you are from St. Petersburg and Kupchino, this is your territory where you have a clubhouse, and if something happens in that territory (it doesn’t matter now), then go and resolve issues I need to come to you ... ”(biker spelling and punctuation saved Approx. ed.).

[, 08/08/2014, "An unemployed man was found in an accident with a Bentley": On Friday, August 8, the Vsevolozhsk city court sentenced 34-year-old Petersburger Alexei Belyuk to three years of probation. The man was found guilty of the fact that on October 12, 2013 in the village of Vaskelovo, Vsevolozhsk district, he drove into the oncoming lane in a black Bentley and rammed a Volkswagen car. The couple died as a result of the accident. At the time of the collision, Igor Fedorov was driving, and his wife Elena was in the passenger seat. [...]
The accident attracted attention not only by the tragic ending. It turned out that the prestigious English-made foreign car belongs to 32-year-old Petersburger Vitaly Ermolaev. He is a big businessman and famous biker nicknamed Yerema. After the accident, he denied that he was driving his car and sinned against a car service employee, where he allegedly left the car to replace summer tires with winter ones. [...]
Judging by the fact that Belyuk was convicted under Part 5 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code, that is, for “violating the rules of the road, resulting in the death of two persons through negligence,” he was not in a state of intoxication. There is part 6 of the above article for this. [...]
At the request of the accused, the case was considered in a special order. In this case, the accused pleads guilty at the investigation stage, and the court does not further examine the evidence and evidence in the case.
In court, the son of the victims stated that he wanted to terminate the criminal case for reconciliation of the parties. He motivated this by the fact that the defendant voluntarily compensated him for non-pecuniary damage by paying 600 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, the prosecutor's office was against it, insisting that it "contradicts the principles of justice and the inevitability of punishment." The court agreed and refused to conciliate the parties.
As a result, the court sentenced Belyuk to 3 years of suspended liberty and 3 years of probation. Also, all these three years he was forbidden to drive a car.
Interestingly, Vitaly Ermolaev himself did not participate in the process. It is known that he was once interrogated in the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region as a witness. Apparently, the version voiced by the biker seemed 100% convincing to the investigator. Ermolaev claimed that at the time of the accident he was at a rally competition in another district of the Leningrad region. - Inset]

Of course, we would not mention Erem in vain if he were not closely connected with the missing gas pipeline. In the world, the biker Erem is Vitaly Nikolaevich Ermolaev, who turned off his phones, the general director of Omega LLC.

Fontanka is ready to give Vitaly Ermolaev the floor. It is very interesting where you can put about 1.5 billion rubles, dissolved in his company.

Vitaly Ermolaev, Master Painter and Familiar of the Order of Courtly Mannerists

Artist Vitaly Ermolaev was born in 1962 in Moscow, in Maryina Roshcha. Since childhood, he was fond of drawing so much that it interfered with his studies and caused concern to his parents. However, later, in order to introduce the zeal of the young artist into at least some framework, they allowed the boy to visit the circle of the district House of Pioneers.

Royal winter hunting

Vitaly's special interest in history, in antiquity, was immediately determined. Like all boys, he loved to draw the war, but depicted mainly the hostilities of 1812. He was very fond of walking with his parents and friends in the Moscow estate museums: Ostankino, Kuskovo, and especially in the then abandoned Tsaritsyn.

Maslenitsa in Tsaritsyno

Vitaly easily entered the Moscow Art School at the Institute. Surikov and after graduating from school, in 1980, he entered the art department of VGIK, where he studied until 1986.

Marina Mnishek

He worked at Mosfilm with such directors as Vladimir Menshov, Sergei Solovyov, Vadim Abdrashitov. Vitaly was predicted to have a brilliant career as a film artist. But he was embarrassed by the fact that in the cinema the “rules of the game” are still dictated by the director, and the artist already felt cramped within these limits: he wanted to create according to his own will.



And Vitaly "went into free swimming." At first, he worked in the ironic style of "Sots Art". His paintings were successful. Vitaly became a member of the Moscow Union of Artists, and soon a Member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Gradually, Vitaly moved from "Sots Art" to paintings on historical themes - children's hobbies affected. The artist was especially attracted to the 17th-18th centuries. He read a lot about that time, visited Oranienbaum and Pavlovsk. In addition, Vitaly was undoubtedly influenced by the traditions of the famous "World of Art": Somov, Benois, Dobuzhinsky ...

Anna Ioannovna


Elisaveta Petrovna

Petr Feodorovich

From the time of "Sots Art" in the artist's works, perhaps only a slight irony remained. In his paintings we see scenes from the life of the court nobility during the reign of Anna Ioannovna, Peter the Great, "Empress Elizabeth", Catherine II, Paul I and other famous historical characters.

snow castle

Big greenhouse

However, always, in all ages, under any rulers, everyday life flowed according to its own laws: people fell in love, got married, gave birth to children - they simply lived, despite historical cataclysms. The paintings of the artist are mainly dedicated to such ordinary people, and if there are images of major historical figures, they are imbued with the same gentle irony.


horse ride

Emperor Paul I

Cute, slightly naive characters against the backdrop of palace interiors, a light, playful veil of eroticism and invariably good humor - these characteristic features of Vitaly Ermolaev's works always arouse sympathy among the audience. The artist has become a popular participant in many exhibitions and galleries in Russia and abroad.

Gift of the Persian Shah


“My paintings depict the joy of life in the 18th century,” Vitaly Ermolaev characterizes his work in this way. “This is not exactly historical painting. My works are reckless, playful; the theme of love runs through them like a red line - not only romantic, but also sensual.


Elephant ride

Indeed, Vitaly's work is not a historical guide. The artist often uses the technique of mixing eras. His paintings are, rather, “pictures from ancient life in general”, and more specifically, from the time when both ladies and gentlemen wore powdered wigs…

Cavalier Mozart

Mozart with his wife

Vitaly's work attracted the attention of members of the comic Order of Courtly Mannerists, which arose in 1988. Of course, this was only a form of poetic game, which ironic and cynical young poets decided to have fun with, believing that life is so short that it should be lived merrily. Their slogan is: "Art is more beautiful than life, so let it speak of beauty." Courtly mannerists appropriated all sorts of pompous comic titles: the founder of the Order, the poet Vadim Stepantsov, called himself Grand Master; his colleague, poet Alexander Bardodym - Black Grand Connentable; similar titles were appropriated by other founders of the Order.



Poems written in the style of courtly mannerism are distinguished by a combination of gallant sophistication, some mannerism "in the old style" with cynical humor, they may contain profanity. However, such poems in Russia of the 17th-18th centuries not only existed, but were very popular: let us recall, for example, Ivan Semenovich Barkov ...

Artist and muse

The courtly mannerists liked the works of Vitaly Ermolaev so much that they accepted him into the Order and awarded him the title of "Mr. Painter and Familiar" - this was the first time an artist was admitted to the poetic Order.


Vitaly Ermolaev also paints paintings on other topics: modern landscapes, genre scenes, still lifes... Those who are interested can look at the artist's page on the ARTRUSSIA website

gallant age

In this post I want to present paintings on the theme of "The Gallant Age", accompanied by poems by poets of that era and romances on these poems. And I would like to start with a musical introduction. This aria is from the opera "Acis and Galatea", written by the great Handel in the same "gallant" era, performed by my beloved Victoria de los Angeles. By a strange coincidence, this aria - As When the Dove Laments Her Love - almost word for word coincides with the poem by Ivan Dmitriev, given here: "Moaning dove dove." A romance was also written to these verses, which you can also hear here performed by the Renaissance ensemble. Such strange coincidences happen in the history of world culture!

young hunter

Blind love

Without love and without passion
All days are unpleasant:
You need to sigh to sweeten
Lovers were famous.

Than to spend every day,
If without love to live?
Stop pleasing
So what should be done?

Oh, if life is unbearable,
Who does not have passion!
And the soul, to love is inert,
Without fun, everything gets old.

Than to spend every day,
If without love to live?
Stop pleasing
So what should be done?

Vasily Trediakovsky

Anichkov Palace


If lovely girls
So they could fly like birds
And sat on the branches
I would like to be a bitch
To thousands of girls
On my branches to sit.
Let them sit and sing
They made nests and whistled,
The chicks were also taken out;
I would never bend
Always admired them
Was the happiest of all bitches!

Gavrila Derzhavin

Sweet life

Drummer Love

IN from what, beautiful, you will find consolation,
E you will end with this sim all your torment:
L medicine I want to tell you
AND It will soften your grief and comfort you.
So many have had those experiences,
E in the same way all sorrows were healed;
B food is forgotten in that sweet moment,
I I already forgot life and all the melancholy preluta,
At in vain, the medicine is so much comforting;
E sadness is such that your spirit does not know;
T you can know that through this medicine;
AND let the letters of the verses be read.

Ivan Barkov

Chesme column

Silver maid of honor

Be cruel, be stubborn
Be arrogant, intractable;

Oh no! in any misfortune
Eyes will reveal my passions.
But you won't see my heart boldly,
So that it is against you when it makes a noise.
I have to beg you
To show mercy to me.
From now on, I can still get angry,
That my anger in my heart has stored.

Vasily Trediakovsky

Chinese palace

Butterfly hunting

Though all nature now slumbers,
Only my love does not sleep;
Your movements, sighs heed
And only looks at you.

Accept my conversations
Think of me alone;
Give me nice looks
And answer me with tenderness.

Answer with a single view
And tell me your thought:
What compares to admiration
How will two souls merge into us?

Imagine in your mind this bliss
And hurry to taste it:
Love is only with a deity equality
We can give in this life.

Gavrila Derzhavin

Maid of honor with watermelon

Swing of love

E dinaya for all, beauty, joy,
B without which you can never stay,
AND right, I'll tell you without laughing:
WITH Look at the first lines of what the letters say.

Ivan Barkov


Maid of honor with bullfinches

In her ruddy whiteness,
Also in her clear eyes
Not much though desired
I saw in the speeches of the Reds.

And it almost happened,
Having more hunting
And I nudy thuyu longer
What seemed sweet in love.

Vasily Trediakovsky

pink drummer

Autumn dances


Blond Parasha,
Silver pink face
Which is not enough in the world more beautiful
Eyes, heart and mind.

You, who repeats
I sound a harp gentle voice,
How the broadsword strikes
In strings, comforting us.

Get up, let's go to the wide meadow,
Soft, sloping, towards ponds;
There under the shadow of distant trees
Let's sit down and take a look at the streams:

How, sliding on them, sparkles
Ray from the royal chambers,
Stars, suns scatters
In the shadows between the bushes.

Like behind a silver raft
The golden tench runs along the bottom;
For a beautiful girl
For you, Cupid flies.

Gavrila Derzhavin

Declaration of love


P olu female if it happens
ABOUT t love get sick,
E there is a way to be treated,
B Reni all the others away!
AND so many got away with it,
T the gods themselves were treated with it,
E then do at least through flattery:
WITH silt in the first letters is

Ivan Barkov


Tsarskoye Selo kiss

The blue dove groans,
He groans day and night;
His cute little friend
Flew away for a long time.

He no longer cries
And the wheat does not peck;
Everything is sad, everything is sad
And quietly sheds tears.

From a tender branch to another
He flies
And dear friend
Awaits you from all sides.

Waiting for her ... alas! but in vain
Know, judged him so rock!
Dries, dries imperceptibly
Passionate, faithful dove.

He is adjacent to the grass;
Spout wrapped in feathers;
No longer groans, no longer sighs;
Dove ... forever asleep!

Suddenly a dove flew
Dejected from afar,
Above your kind village,
Wakes up, wakes up a dove;

Crying, moaning, with the heart of Noah,
Walks around cute -
But... alas! lovely Chloe!
Dear friend will not wake up!

Ivan Dmitriev

Cup of coffee

Hussar ballad


Beauty is touching!
Stronger than all!
already bowed,
Already won,
Please create
Mercy, love me:
I love you dear
Ty, he's all melted.

Well, calm down
Bow down with your heart;
Don't be cruel
I'm more than rock
It's a shame
That's your shame.
I love you dear
Ty, he's all melted.

So in clear eyes!
So in the words of the Reds!
In the mouth of sugar
So in the red ones!
There is no mercy
Hello below?
I love you dear
Ty, he's all melted.

Oh! I don't know,
So I'm dying
What's the reason
You are one
Does love take away?
And the heart asks:
Love, dear
Remembering me.

Vasily Trediakovsky

important person

courtly dinner

Archiatr (Senior Apothecary)


We wish, we wish everything
But where is the end of our desires?
Ile flour life we ​​represent,
Or in it we find a sweet paradise.
Is our peace in wealth
And is it in magnificent titles?
Or there it shines more beautifully,
Where in the hut does the peasant sleep?
Is the monk to me solitary
Represent the golden age?
Or enlightened by science,
A useful person to the world?
Are the halls imagined by the kings
The bliss of this world to me?
Or, the beauty of a flowering maiden,
Do you see him around you?
Whether from Mars thundering glory
Or from Themis to wish?
Indulge in luxury and fun
Or run into the desert?
What in the light of these traces
Let's go looking for peace, shall we?
With no resemblance in hearts,
We will argue along the way.
Our desires are divided
How many are we different in appearance;
It is clearer to say: we are all unhappy,
Having weak minds.

Mikhail Kheraskov

Rainbow in Oranienbaum

Chamber Juncker

Walking in a shady grove,
I saw Eros there.
In a clearing of fragrant roses
Sleeping beautiful child.
Through a pleasant dream, touching,
Laughter shone on his face,
Like apples are pouring
His cheeks swelled.
Resting unarmed,
He shone with a snowy chest,
Along the branches above him,
The bow is lowered, the tool is hanging.
Bees flew around him
Like a rustling bush on roses,
Drops of honey collected
From fragrant sweet lips.
Graces ran into the grove
And, having found Eros in her,
Tied up on the sly
To its beauty.
Waking him up, they danced
Among the flower fetters with him,
Since then they have become inseparable, -
Where there is pleasure, there is love.

Gavrila Derzhavin


transfiguration love

Pissing Soldier

X the girl went to the temple to ask the oracle,
At know how she can save herself from pallor.
E and the answer is heard: “The whole way to treatment,
M oh beauty, in initial letters here.

Ivan Barkov

winter fairy tale

Turkish bath


Oh! it is impossible for the heart to be without sadness,
Though my eyes have stopped crying:
For I cannot forget my heartfelt friend,
Without which I am always forced to be.

But, forced by fate or indispensable,
And from all eternity taco laid,
Or by force of will in everything reckless,
And in a fit to lean on something else difficult.

Well! what should I do now? when did it happen?
I parted with a heart friend not a little.
Alas! countries divided me with him, I am far away,
Seas, dense forests, mountains, fast rivers.

Oh, every thing from my eyes takes it away,
And it seems that everyone vilifies for him
Accusing me with this separation,
And hope to see, sweetly taking away.

However, I see that with them one dream is deep
Didn't agree; whether to think that something is fatal to him
They ordered to represent my dear friend before my eyes,
And then in the darkness of the very half of the night!

Light beloved face! whose wall is pleasant!
And speech, although imaginary in the dream itself, is intelligible!
Already seem to me more often at night,
And do not be ashamed to go to the sleeper without feeling.

Vasily Trediakovsky

Life Guards March

Suvorov's Unparalleled Crossing of the Alps

What are you starting a war song
Like a flute, dear snigir?
With whom shall we go to war against the Hyena?
Who is our leader now? Who is the rich man?
Where is strong, brave, fast Suvorov?
Severn thunders lie in a coffin.

Who will be in front of the army, blazing,
Ride a nag, eat crackers;
In the cold and in the heat tempering the sword,
Sleep on straw, watch until dawn;
Thousands of armies, walls and gates
With a handful of Russians to win everything?

To be the first in strict courage everywhere;
Jokes of envy, malice with a bayonet,
Rock to overthrow with prayer and God,
Giving scepters, be called a slave;
Valor being a single sufferer,
Live for kings, exhaust yourself?

Now there is no husband in the world so glorious:
Fully sing a war song, snigir!
Brann's music is not funny today,
The languid howl of the lyre is heard everywhere;
Lion's heart, eagle's wings
No longer with us! - what to fight?

Gavrila Derzhavin

Boy with cello

In the park

Cupid through his arrows wounds people,
And because he is the strongest of all kings,
Recognized in the sky, on earth, in the sea, from all ages,
Under a different guise of the same one's oldest
Gives the law, and often for vengeance soon
Over impartial to all women's faces
Uses his power indiscriminately
Giving his heart to not red maidens.

Vasily Trediakovsky

Portrait of an unknown person in a wig


Our inevitable fate
You break up with me.
In cruel moaning
I say goodbye to you.

Shedding tears
Sorrow I can not bear;
I can't say in words
I say with my heart: I'm sorry!

Hands, chest, mouth and eyes
I kiss you.
No strength, no urine
separate from you:

I kiss, I die
I give you my soul
Or from your mouth I wish
Take your soul with you.

Gavrila Derzhavin

gallant still life

Rococo still life

Is that all, dear shepherdess,
Is everything fluttering like a butterfly?
The bonds of the heart are not a toy:
It's hard to break them!

Oh! for me and it hurts someone else
To see the grief of the shepherdess!
Love cute involuntarily!
Love directly - not slightly!

Be in love science
my pupil;
I am separated from Phyllis,
And she is dearer to me.

Ivan Dmitriev

Music on the water


Stop resisting the intense heat:
Two virgins in your heart will fit without a fight,
For if without love one cannot be happy,
Who loves more
He is happy to eat longer.
Love Sylvia the red, Iris the courteous,
And two more are not enough, if you need to be chivu.
The powerful goddess of love has so much sweetness,
That on a hundred altars the victim is poor.
Oh! If it is sweet for the heart to indulge in it!
One is not happy to love?
That a friend needs to look for,
In order not to stop when in lust to love
And do not forget what is repaired in love.
Do not be sad that you will have so much love:
For it is possible with a service to that and that to keep up.
If you please one, so also the other;
There are enough hours in the days
From the one on the other to be free.
Having satisfied the first, the second is also satisfied,
And although a dozen, I will say a little!

Vasily Trediakovsky

Orange (orange) tree

Cavalier lady

Cupid thought Psyche,
frolic, catch,
tangle flowers with her
And tie a knot.

Beautiful captive blushes
And breaks away from him
And he seems to be shy
From this case.

She calls her friends
To untie the knot
And he - his winged servants,
To help them submit.

Pleasure, youth strive for them
And they want to serve;
But the prisoners do not fuss,
How do they stand.

Amur will not touch a wing,
Neither bow nor arrow;
Psyche does not run, does not moan, -
Twisted like a leaf with grass.

So be, couple, age is inseparable,
Breathing consent:
That chain is solid where it is conjugated
With love soul.

Gavrila Derzhavin


No news

How far away are you going
Greater heat burns my chest,
You make me cool
If your flame is closer.

Mikhail Lomonosov

snowy rearguard

Winter fun

What happened to you, angel?
Do not hear your speeches;
You all sigh! but it happened
You sing like a nightingale.

“With a sweet sang, said,
And without a sweetheart I'm sad;
Involuntarily despondent:
Where can I find a sweetheart?

Is it a dear other
Can't you find one of the shepherdesses?
Choose any one
Everyone is ready to love you.

“Though the prince will be seduced by me,
All I will grieve!
Heart will make friends with heart -
You don't have the power to choose."

Ivan Dmitriev

Mother and daughter

Father and son


Son of the Cytheran goddess
Oh Eros, beautiful Eros!
I sing your arrows
The arrows you pierce
You hearts and ignite.
Your power is extended to all:
You are the seas and the land,
Son of Cythera, you possess.
It's useless to leave
Strive and resist
Mortals against the arrows of Eros;
What is innate in our hearts
He owns and rules
And Eros himself is famous for what,
We endure it casually.
There are no such wild deserts,
There are no such dense forests,
No dwelling, no cave
No shields, no defenses
No shelter in the world
Where would his arrows hide.
Strong walls destroys,
Heavy bonds allow
Son of the Cytheran goddess.
You gloomy philosophers,
No matter how many mortals you teach
Weakness to flee love,
Only Eros will inhabit the eyes,
Or in the mouth, in the mouth are charming,
Or in speech, or in the mind, -
Immediately the heart will burst
The importance of thoughts will be removed.
you who laugh
Heart, inflamed with passion,
And one to show severity
Consider glory!
You haven't known love yet
Or not people were born.
You, O cold-blooded old age!
Do not grumble against love;
You are not leaving her
But you are left behind.
If I could be portrayed
On the hearts of love ulcers
And your cold blood
Kohl could catch fire
From the pleasures of love, -
You seem to be smoldering
How they burned in youth.
Only in the heart, faithful to God,
Only in the minds of the enlightened
He does not dare to reign;
And, owning all hearts,
Eros is afraid of these hearts.

Mikhail Kheraskov


Portrait of a girl

All the flowers are more
I loved the rose;
She only in the field
My gaze was amused.

Sweeter every day
To me she was;
Every day alley
Everything bloomed again.

But fortunately firmly
Throw all hope:
To the rose, as if on purpose,
Wormwood has taken root.

The rose has not withered -
The same color;
But it has not become the same:
There is no fragrance!

Chloe! how terrible
This is our lesson!
How, alas! dangerous
For beauty vice!

Ivan Dmitriev



The husband asked his wife what to do:
"Should we have supper first, or should we conceive?"
His wife for that: “You yourself, if you please, choose.
But the soup is still boiling, the roast is not ripe.”

Ivan Barkov

Come to us in Ostankino!

Portrait of a girl with a dog

Douchenka for an hour without seeing,
I thought I hadn't seen a year!
Hating my life
"Life, forgive forever!" - Said.

But only met with the soul,
Life has become sweet again;
With a new, with a new beauty
All nature flourished.

Mila became rivers again
And the sandy shore
Where is the soul for dear
Lowers the float

Where the fish runs
To sweet, to sweet beauty,
Whose smile is on my lips
More beautiful than a rose on a bush.

More beautiful than a rose ... I marvel at her,
Seeing tender, good!
I admire her, I have fun,
I breathe colors.

But I'm not picking a rose
On the heart, the thought is not the same:
I kiss, kiss
Dear soul in the mouth.

Snow face is whiter
And rosier than the dawn;
The eyes of the day are brighter,
And don't give me a diamond...

In the look of my dear, I meet
The rays of the sun are clear;
I never miss her
With her, I have a day and night.

With her, everything is forgotten by me,
Except for her alone;
With her to me in autumn, winter
Time seems to be spring.

Oh, meadow, green meadow,
Where do I sit with my darling!
Not tempted by change
I look at her alone.

That, admiring, I call
My darling life
I pick flowers
And I weave a wreath for her.

I weave... she kisses
That I work for her;
So the word has mercy on me:
"You are my treasure!

You are all the sweetness of my life,
Your life is only good
Thoughts, thoughts, hearts, joy,
Souls of your soul.

I will not give dear
For the wealth of all kings;
I don't want another happiness
Become your darling."

Speech, darling, such
Forever, forever comfort!
I am you and I am you
Century in love we will find our paradise.

Nikolay Nikolev

Officer with a pipe

Emperor's Retinue


The prettiness of faces will pass away,
beauty passes,
And only remains
Pleasure dream.
As long as they strike
Our gaze of the beauty of the face,
Beauties are adored
Corrupted hearts.
But the charm, the charm fades,
Just like flowers;
She will stop breaking
Lost beauty.
In my blooming summer
Loved, I was loved;
More precious than light
Beloved honored.
The day seemed to me
When I was with her;
I cried and agonized
No wonder her eyes.
But the charms are hidden
The beauty scattered
And turned into years
Goodbye with her hours.
Not old age turns
Our hotness into ice;
Feels the heat of passion
At least someone is old and gray.
Imagine Anacreon
In the heat of love:
He is old and Cupid
Carried in his blood.
Pretty seduces us
Habit leads to captivity;
Time turns us away
When beauty cuts.
What to be proud of
With your beauty?
She will soon pass
Pretty is an empty gift.

M. Kheraskov

Tsarskoye Selo Palace


Oh! If only I knew before
That love will give birth to troubles,
Having fun would not meet
Midnight stars!
I wouldn’t leak from everyone furtively
Golden ring;
Wouldn't be sweet in hope
To see a cute flatterer!

To remove the blow
In my fierce, evil fate
I would drain Yara from the wax
Light wings for yourself
And fluttered to the homeland
Mila my friend;
Gently, gently would look
At least once on him.

And then I would fly away
With tears and longing;
I would sit down in a huff
On the road I'm big;
I would cry, cry out:
Good people! What do i do?
I loved the unfaithful...
Learn not to love.

Ivan Dmitriev

Horn music


Night darkness
The skies are covered
All people for peace
They closed their eyes.
Suddenly knocked
Cupid at the door
Pleasant interrupted
At the beginning of the dream.
"Who knocks so boldly?" -
I cried out in anger.
"Warm the frozen body, -
He answered through the door. -
What are you afraid of?
I'm a boy, I'm breathing a little,
I got lost at night
I'm wet and trembling all over."
Then I felt sorry
I lit a candle
Don't hesitate at all
He let him in.
I saw that with wings
He waves behind his back
Quiver full of arrows
The bow is tied with a string.
Regretting the misfortune
I spread the fire
And with such bad weather
Planted by the fireplace.
I am warm hands
Cold hands crumpled
I am wings and with curls
Dry squeezed.
He just cheered up a little.
“What is it,” he said, “onion,
In the rain, chat, damaged.
And with a word he shot suddenly.
It pierced my chest
Sharp Arrow
And hurt me a lot
Like an evil bee.
He laughed out loud
And immediately he danced.
“What are you afraid of? -
He said with a smile. -
My bow is still good
And intact and with a bowstring;
You will be crashing forever
From now on, my master."

M. Lomonosov


We are publishing a fragment of the album “Mr. Painter”, dedicated to the Moscow artist Vitaly Yuryevich Ermolaev, one of the brightest representatives of the gallant trend in painting of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Born in 1962 in Moscow. He graduated from the Moscow Art School at the Institute. V. I. Surikov in 1980, as well as the art faculty of VGIK in 1986. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Member of the Moscow Union of Artists. Member of the International Art Fund. Winner of the Victor Popkov Competition. Works are in: State Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye", Art Museum of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, private collections in the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Norway, Spain, Russia, Ukraine.

How does one become an artist? This question has been tormenting me ever since I saw a rural art teacher on sketches as a child. The miracle of transformation struck the very heart: on a small piece of fabric at the hand of the old master, a blue sky and dark green bushes, an overgrown pond and summer grasses appeared. I immediately wanted to try to draw the same. However, over time, it became clear that many professions can be learned, and an artist must be born.

Vitaly Ermolaev has been drawing from an early age. He was born after the flight of Yuri Gagarin, but the "space age" was not imprinted in the mind of the child. Vitaly did not dream of becoming an astronaut, like many at his age. Therefore, I did not draw rockets or satellites. The first years of his life are filled with unique Moscow flavor.

Moscow in the early 60s of the last century was a city of continuous communal apartments, where human crowding and troubles of life reigned. At the same time, cute Moscow houses and courtyards, streets with cobblestone pavements and crooked alleys, public gardens with cast-iron gratings were preserved in the Soviet capital. Until the age of seven, Vitaly lived on Sheremetevskaya Street, where their private house was located. Until now, in his memory - a cozy room with a tiled stove, an old trestle bed, and in the yard - a small garden and rabbitry. Bird cherry and Persian lilac peeped in through the window, their sweet smells complemented by spicy dill and fragrant mint. Childhood gave a sense of security, joyful expectation of the certainly good and even wonderful.

The far Moscow outskirts were decorated with the neighborhood of the ancient Ostankino Palace. Vitaly, who first came to such "mansions", was shocked by outlandish interiors: portraits and paintings in gilded frames, crystal chandeliers, typesetting parquet, the scenery of the Sheremetev fortress theater. Near the "count's pond", in an overgrown park under century-old oaks, it was possible to pick up acorns for children's crafts. A dreamer boy with a “sensitive eye” and a developed imagination was constantly making something, sculpting and drawing.

In this “locality of love” (I. Brodsky), in the slowness of what is happening, the world of the future artist was formed. The Moscow suite of paintings by Vitaly Ermolaev, created in 2010, accurately reflects the first and most poignant childhood impressions. The painter looks at his native and beloved city, like a little boy from a temporary removal, when "the trees were big." Therefore, the point of view on the canvas is often given by the artist from the bottom up, and the buildings, especially the Stalinist skyscrapers, seem huge (Krasnopresnenskaya, Ukrainskiy Boulevard, Red Gates). Despite the presence of giant houses and transport (trolleybuses, cars), Yermolaev creates a non-industrial landscape.

He sees in Moscow the city of "Forty Magpies", interesting with ancient architectural monuments. For example, on the canvas “Revolution Square”, a monumental fortress tower dominates in the foreground, and the bell tower of the Zaikonospassky Monastery clearly looms in the background. Depicting the Baroque five-domed Church of Pope Clement of Rome or the Menshikov Tower, the master achieves a clear, strict balance of architectural masses, a harmonious combination of horizontals and verticals. A special page in the Moscow cycle is the metro. Among the numerous underground palaces, Ermolaev chooses one of the most harmonious and classically adjusted - the Kropotkinskaya station, the creation of the architect Alexei Dushkin.

Depicting the underworld, the artist, however, achieves the feeling of a rather large space, light and air. The composition of this small easel painting is closed, built according to the interior principle. There is no hustle and bustle here. How easy it is to breathe, how wonderful it is to walk along the deserted platform and admire the beauty of the marble columns! The cinders and molten asphalt of a huge metropolis deliberately do not appear in the artist's paintings. Ermolaev likes to portray Moscow in winter, when potholes and dirt are hidden by white snow. And in the capital there are places where you can indulge in winter fun: ice skating, making snowmen, playing snowballs (“Sunday in Izmailovo”, 2010). Vitaly, who was born on the Orthodox holiday of Epiphany (January 19), feels this time of year in a special way, and a rare artist knows how to convey it. It is no coincidence that in the circle of friends he is jokingly called "Yermolaev Zimny". Moscow views of the painter are always noisy and crowded: kissing couples, a group of Suvorovites in black overcoats and a flock of pigeons nearby, mothers with strollers, babies in warm coats. We seem to hear cheerful laughter and loud conversations, the rattle of a janitor’s shovels and the gentle melody of a street musician’s flute, or the call of a guide who invites “Muscovites and guests of the Slaev” from the loudspeaker, who is interested not so much in the features of “Russian Palladianism”, but rather in a special state of nature. Yusupov, Sheremetevsky or Small Tsaritsyno palaces are presented at different times of the year (“February in Kuskovo”, 2007, “March in Tsaritsyno”, 2008) or day (“Kuskovo. Evening”, 2007, “Twilight in Tsaritsyno”, 2009). Picturesquely, the works are solved “impressionistically”: with the help of pasty colorful strokes. Unlike the Moscow series, the “estate” canvases are deserted and deserted, they are a reflection of that mysterious and reverent attraction to antiquity that came to Ermolaev as a child.

So, you need to be born as an artist, but it is quite difficult to become a professional without training. In 1974, Vitaly Ermolaev, having withstood a great competition, entered the Moscow Secondary Art School at the Surikov Institute. The famous Moscow Art School, founded on the eve of the Great Patriotic War (1939) on the initiative of I. Grabar and other academicians of painting, brought up many remarkable Soviet artists. Academic art education provided solid professional skills. Strict teachers "put a hand", taught to compose and master the "correct drawing", to feel the peculiarities of color. The system of selection of picturesque "wunderkinds" throughout the country created an atmosphere of elitism and creative competition. One of the modern "maestro" frankly admitted in an interview that the artist is formed, envying the talent of another.

And there was someone to envy. Rather, there was someone to admire. The Moscow Art School was located directly opposite the Tretyakov Gallery, and students almost every day at breaks, after school, and sometimes instead of them wandered through the halls of the treasury of Russian art. With nostalgic tenderness, Vitaly recalls the gallery of his youth. Small halls, closely hung with paintings in two or three rows, old parquet, which was rubbed with odorous mastic, under the ceiling - white balls of lanterns. On the short winter days, when it gets dark at four o'clock, many of the pictures were almost impossible to see. For example, the work of Pavel Fedotov. Small in size, they are saturated with a huge number of things, items that reveal the content. Genre paintings were built like mise-en-scenes, colored with good-natured humor, looked natural and at the same time expressive in a theatrical way. All this was close to the young painter. The boy was attracted by the battle works of V. Vereshchagin, historical canvases by V. Surikov. Couldn't the "Boyar Morozova" not admire? And how not to envy the picturesque master of the canvas! But not only Russian art occupied Vitaly during his studies. The works of the "small Dutch" in the halls of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and the Hermitage had a great influence on the formation of his creative passions. Until now, Ermolaev keeps a set of rare postcards with reproductions of the works of Pieter Brueghel, which he exchanged with a classmate. The ingenious gift of generalization and the ability to express a dramatic collision or allegory through the rhythm of gestures and movement shocked the soul and heart of the artist. For life, Brueghel became the main character and role model. In the mature work of Ermolaev, just like the Dutchman, humor and fantastic grotesque, lyricism and epicness of the universe are intertwined. A contrast to the image of Moscow is the "estate" series, executed by the artist in the early 2000s. These are the architectural landscapes of Kuskov, Arkhangelsk and Tsaritsyn.

In some of his works (“Shrovetide in Tsaritsyno”, 2008, “Snowy Rearguard”, 2009, “Feast of the Triumphant Minerva”, 2011), Ermolaev uses Bosch painting techniques: he chooses a large canvas size and saturates it with numerous small figures. Despite his admiration for the art of great painters, Yermolaev, after graduating from secondary art school, did not go to the Surikov Institute, but chose VGIK. The art department of the Institute of Cinematography was more suited to his perception of the world and art. There, from the admiration experienced by the novice artist while reading Yury Tynyanov's Wax Persona, a series of watercolors was born that made up the first serious term paper (Kunstkamera, Prosecutor General Yaguzhinsky, Anichkov Bridge). The bizarre symbolism of the text of the story revealed to Yermolaev the influence of subjective history. Tynyanov's stylization of the Petrine era gave the artist ample opportunity to search for plots and a special system of visual means. The production designer in the cinema must think in series, be able to make a “storyboard”. Yermolaev later used all these techniques when writing paintings that made up the “Peter's series” (“Wedding of the Karls”, “Shnyava”, both - 1991; “Globe from Amsterdam”, 2013). The texture of his paintings is very diverse: many works are written in a broad manner, while others are executed very carefully, with small thin strokes; sometimes the colors are very liquid, and sometimes they form a "mosaic dough".

In 1986, Ermolaev graduated from VGIK, served in the army, and finally got to the Mosfilm film studio. For two years he worked as a production designer on various paintings, including Sergei Solovyov's "Black Rose - the Emblem of Sorrow, Red Rose - the Emblem of Love." Who knows, maybe a special "cinema" atmosphere would have captured him. But in the early 90s, the painting of the Soviet era no longer suited anyone, it had to be resolutely updated, not outwardly, but from the inside, to reflect the changing life before our eyes. The country and society were then in a feverish search for a vector of development, and the fine arts were in search of a new language corresponding to the spirit and meaning of the changes. It was a time of naive faith in the future, when many private galleries and creative associations appeared. Truly "fateful" for Ermolaev was his meeting with representatives of the "Order of Courtly Mannerists", an association of young poets. The writers and the artist were related by a common love for the art of past centuries, a refined game and flight of fancy, and irony of perception. The paintings of the “master painter and familiar of the order” immerse the viewer in the world of the Western European aristocracy and Russian nobility of the 18th - early 19th centuries.

We see people of a distant era during solemn processions ("Snow Cortege", 2002; "Parade", 2004) and "promenade" ("Walk of the Favorite", 1997; "Orange Tree", 2004; "Alley", 2005), on hunting (“Royal Hunt”, 2007), in the ballroom or at the card table, we can examine in detail the hairstyle, cut of the dress, demeanor. At the same time, everyday life for an artist is not a category of historical protocol, but a sign system, a kind of frame. A prosaic illustration of the paintings of V. Ermolaev can serve as the lines of a historian of the XIX century
Vladimir Mikhnevich: “The magic director changes the scene in an instant beyond recognition. A noisy, motley crowd of gilded, the latest Parisian style, short-haired caftans and camisoles, magnificently swollen tans, curled, powdered wigs and smart cocked hats breaks into the historical stage. Isn't this a dream?"

An integral part of Russian culture of the 18th century was dinner parties and plentiful feasts, which for the most part turned into theatrical performances. In the late 1990s, Yermolaev painted several still lifes inspired by the epicurean baroque style. The paired works "Beer Table" and "Meringue" (both - 1998) were built at the end of the 90s, "the most important of the arts" has practically ceased to exist. Ermolaev was forced to leave the film industry in the field of purely fine arts. The decision to become an "easel painter" was not easy. After all, a standard comparison of the world of objects. One of them, consisting of hunting trophies, is clearly dedicated to the "service of Bacchus." The whole baked carcass of a wild boar occupies the entire central space. Around him - a jug of beer, heavy mugs, a cut slice of bread, a piece of cheese. The artist uses a technique characteristic of “reverse perspective”: the tabletop seems to be turned right at the viewer. Such a table could exist in the male half of the country palace. Another table, served with great elegance and taste, was obviously set in a women's boudoir.

These are antique porcelain tea utensils, a tall vase with fruit, and a silver candlestick. Contrasting is not only the set of objects, but also the range of colors. The "male" still life is solved in a dominant red-ocher tone, and the "female" - in pearl silver. For a long time, Ermolaev painted retrospective portraits of the sovereigns who ruled Russia in the eighteenth century - from Peter the Great to Paul I. All of them, in one way or another, quote the classical images of monarchs. For example, "Emperor Pavel" (2005) is typologically close to the portrait by Stepan Shchukin. However, the portrait gallery of the Romanovs, created by Ermolaev, is not distinguished by iconographic accuracy.

So, the specialist will immediately pay attention to the shape of the mustache in the portrait "Peter Alekseevich" (2013). On lifetime images of the tsar-reformer you will not meet such people. In the portraits-paintings by Ermolaev, the ruler or the ruler is presented in the environment with which they are connected by the unity of their work and days, the unity of fate - life and death. "Ardent Monarch" (N. Karamzin) Peter - against the backdrop of his beloved "capital city", developing banners and standards. "Russian Hamlet" Pavel is presented on a winter parade ground, in the background - a gloomy palace-fortress in Gatchina. On the right and on the left, the figure of the emperor is flanked by the guards, frozen “in the front”. On the canvas "Anna Ioannovna" (2006), the Empress is surrounded by a "brood" of outlandish birds, black-haired and dwarfs. The fragile figurine of Peter III (Peter Fedorovich, 2011), playing the violin, balances in space. The contrast to the unstable position of the spouse is the image of Catherine II, firmly seated on the Russian throne. Vitaly Ermolaev established himself as an artist, found his theme in contemporary fine art. His paintings have become recognizable: they illustrate books, are used by fashion designers to decorate clothes. The popularity of the artist's work is facilitated by the constant participation in exhibition projects, both group and personal. But why did a bitter note appear in the last works of the master? The artist paints pictures-parables on the themes of human vices (“Intrigue”, “Envy”, both - 2014, “Superbia”, 2015). "Under the jester's cap" of the beloved era, the vanity, stupidity and greed of the surrounding people are ridiculed. Looking at the modern world through the prism of the 18th century, Ermolaev creates a symbol of absurd human fuss.

Ludmila Markina,
Doctor of Arts, Professor, Head of Department
painting of the 18th - the first half of the 19th centuries.

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