Theatrical poster - reviews of the play.


At the weekend, we went with Lisa to the puppet show "Kitten named Woof" at the Magic Lamp Theater. And I can safely say that it was one of our best trips to children's performances.

The theater, as you know, begins with a hanger, and this theater begins with a lamp at the entrance, very similar to this one. And immediately it becomes pleasant and homely.

And everything, all the little things noticed later only confirm this impression: in a long corridor there is an exhibition of paintings by a theater artist,

in a cafe on the seats there are patchwork rugs, "like grandmother's",

and at the top there is a suitcase in which a whole puppet train car is built!

Speaking of cafes. I took Lisa Baskin Robbins ice cream (120r), it was from the freezer and very hard, it didn’t pop well and was eaten, respectively, very slowly. At some point, it became clear that she would not have time to finish eating before the start of the performance, because the administrator had already invited everyone to the entrance. The seller immediately ran up to us (she left the counter and came straight to us, and did not shout on the spot) and said that half-eaten ice cream can be put in the refrigerator or freezer and then eaten during the intermission. It's the little things like that that make the big impression!

In this theater, the administrator plays an important role :) He arranged a whole "performance before the performance", seating small and large spectators in comfortable places, checking whether everyone can see and hear well, checking whether the children know the rules of behavior in the theater. And only after making sure that everything was fine, he announced the beginning of the performance.

The performance itself has a certain relation to the famous cartoon, several episodes are connected in it, for example, about troubles and about sausage, about the fact that a cat and a dog cannot be friends (and they are friends), and finally, the most important thing, the quintessence of the performance is the plot about like a puppy remembers its name. In the cartoon, these are all different series or stories, but in the production they are harmoniously woven into a single whole.

The performance comes with an intermission, the first part is no more than half an hour and the second is 20 minutes, the children do not have time to get tired at all. At the end of the intermission, everyone rings the bell, a very cool tradition!

The production employs 4 actors, and the stage is organized in such a way that they can be seen almost all the time (for example, the puppeteers are behind the scenes). The dolls themselves are very funny, with cute big eyes!

In general, we left the Magic Lamp in a wonderful mood, this is really an amazing place for children, where not only performances are shown, but they also instill a love for the theater, a correct perception of culture.

By the way, the theater has a group in

A puppy appears on the stage and barks. A kitten comes out and asks why he is calling him. The puppy says that he did not call anyone, he just barks like this: woof. It turns out that the kitten's name is exactly the same: Woof.
They form a friendship. The kitten asks the puppy what his name is, but he can't remember his name. While he was remembering him, various incidents happened to his friends.
Friends meet a black cat who warns that a kitten with that name is in trouble. The stupid kitten goes looking for them with the puppy, but never finds them. Friends decide to turn to the old dog to call the puppy - maybe he will tell him his name. But the dog perceives their request as a mockery, and sets off in pursuit of them.
In the performance you will see a scene where a kitten and a puppy share a sausage one for two, how they hide in the attic and how, in the end, the puppy remembers that his name is round, like Sharik.
The performance ends with a cheerful song about friendship.

Tablet dolls.

Playing 1 artist.

Kitten Woof,
Black cat,

Screen size:
length - 4 m,
depth - 2.5 m,
height 2 m.

Installation time: 45 min.

* When traveling outside the Moscow Ring Road, transportation costs are added. Their meaning is determined in each specific case.
The possibility of ordering the services of this artist / team for the date you are interested in, please contact our managers. Confirmation of the order - after the conclusion of the Agreement and the advance payment.

  • The price is indicated only for the work of the artist / team, excluding the rider (technical and domestic requirements). The rider is sent to the Customer upon request.
  • The price is valid for private children's parties.
  • departure of the manager from the Agency to the site on the day of the event - 10% of the cost of the ordered services, but not less than: 3000 rubles. (within the Moscow Ring Road), 5000 rubles (outside the Moscow Ring Road).
  • When paying by bank transfer, a commission of 10% is added.
  • The price is not valid during the New Year holidays from December 10 to January 10.

Your new regular viewers Evgeniya and Danya We really liked "uncle ...

Good afternoon.
I visited with my son Danya (4 years old) at the play "Kitten named Gav". Impressions are the most pleasant! Both my son and I really, really liked everything, starting with a hospitable meeting and a cozy atmosphere throughout the theater, and ending with a magnificent production and a wonderful game of actors.
We really liked the "uncle who kept order in the theater" (according to his son) - Alexander Mikhailovich, who had a wonderful conversation with the children before the performance about the rules of conduct in the theater, explained what an intermission was ("intermission", as Danya later said ), and even allowed all the children to ring the real theater bell in turn, announcing the beginning of the performance!
My son sat separately from me in the front row (at his request), laughed heartily at the antics of a kitten with a puppy, and during the intermission he only talked about how he could not wait to see the sequel.
Special thanks to the artist A.I. Nechaev - the silhouette portrait, cut out in 2 minutes, the son now shows to all relatives and guests. He also excitedly talks about the "Magic Lamp" theater to all relatives and friends, and even invited his girlfriend to the play "The Princess and the Pea" next weekend!
Thanks again to all the theater staff!

Catherine Thank you very much for the wonderful performance "Kitten named Woof"!

Good afternoon
Thank you very much for the wonderful performance "Kitten named Woof"! Were with you on March 13, with a son of two and a half years. This was our first visit to your theatre.
Very interesting and good show. The son most of all remembered "aunt" with a kitten;). He remembers and asks again. I really liked that everything in the theater is real - both the buffet and the bell.
Special and many thanks to the Chief Administrator Alexander Mikhailovich, who met all the spectators and, together with other employees, explained where to undress, where the wardrobe, where the toilet; seated everyone in their seats in the auditorium so that everyone was happy. Before the start of each action, he spoke with the audience, explained how to behave, what would happen next, etc.
On behalf of my son and me, we also thank you for allowing us to touch the stage after the performance and help us get dressed;).
Alexander Mikhailovich, this is Maxim's mother, we will definitely come to your theater again.
Thanks for your patience and kindness!

Shcherbakova Oksana Great thank you!!!

Great thank you!!!
I am very glad that my son Svyatoslav (4 years 3 months old) got acquainted with the theater with you (on December 17, 2006 we watched the wonderful "Kitten named Woof!")! I was very worried, I didn’t know whether a modern child, grown up on DVD, would like a puppet "live" performance ...
He like it very much! Now he always rushes about with a brochure bought from you, and chooses what next performance we will go with him ... And he keeps the ticket as the main treasure in the most secluded and reliable place - under the pillow!
It is a pity that there is no way to take a picture of the baby next to the fairy tale characters... Maybe the theater administration will try to resolve this issue? It would be great to have a couple of "theatrical" photos in the album at home.
With much gratitude and respect,

Kate We came to your theater for the first time

We came to your theater for the first time to see the play "Kitten named Woof". My child is 6.5 years old and she came to the theater for the first time. It was her favorite cartoon and she came to see the "live" cartoon characters with great joy.
The theater is wonderful, very cozy, it seems that you have come to visit your friends to drink tea. And indeed it is! The hall is small and the kids are sitting right next to the stage, as if participating in this fairy tale, and the parents are also nearby, only behind.
Many thanks to the actors, in whose magical hands the favorite heroes of the children come to life. We came with my grandmother and she was delighted with the performance, laughing like a little girl. And all the adults laughed heartily, not to mention the children. For children, this is a magical world where the kid dreamed of getting into and in THIS theater his dream came true. We really liked the treats that were sold in the theater buffet. Everything was very tasty.
I am happy that there is such a wonderful theater. For us, the theater "Magic Lamp" was a pleasant magical discovery. We wish all theater workers health, pleasant meetings with small spectators, and happiness.

Irina Voskresenskaya Thanks to the portal Sunshine

Thanks to the Sun portal, we went with the whole family to the puppet theater. And not just a theater, but a children's book theater. [The author of the article won two tickets to the performance in the quiz Dog is a man's friend. - Ed.] This was the first Mashin cultural campaign. We have carefully prepared for it. I chose the shortest and most suitable performance for a two-year-old - "Kitten named Woof." All week we read stories about an adorable kitten and his friend, learned a few things by heart. And the trick with a hidden cutlet helped out my mother more than once when "dinner" whims began.
And here we are in the theatre. The theater itself is small, cozy, wonderful people work in it. It seems that you went to visit them and you are very welcome. A pleasant surprise was the presence of the children's writer Maria Lukashkina, who signed her book for us. Masha very quickly got used to the theater, she especially liked the huge soft theatrical sofa. Throughout the first part of the performance, Masha closely followed the action on the stage, the stories were familiar and beloved, a couple of times she amused the nearest neighbors with her remarks. But after the intermission, I decided to leave, for the first time there were enough impressions. I am sure that we will visit this theater again and again.

And I remember I really liked it. Later it turned out that Andryusha is indifferent to puppets and shadows, prefers dramatic performances, where the characters are people and only people.

Sasha has grown up, and now I am very interested in what preferences she will have. We have already been with her at puppet shows, at musicals, concerts, but everything was not necessary at the Shadow Theater. And here is luck - the beloved Mosblog community places an invitation for bloggers with children to performances! On the appointed day, we take a trolley bus and drive a few stops to the theater, it is very convenient and fast for us to get there.

Happy theatergoers.

We receive our invitation at the entrance, hand over our coats to the cloakroom and go into the bright, spacious foyer. On the walls, in glassed-in windows, dolls. Look how cute they turn out to be! Multi-layered, meticulously crafted, in stunningly detailed outfits. Personally, I was amazed when I saw this lady: it would seem that only a shadow is needed from a doll, but how much work has been invested so that the shadow has character.

And this one seems to me a complicated puppet: you need to control three donkeys at the same time!

More familiar, classic shadow puppets (in my mind, of course).

There is a buffet in the lobby with a decent assortment of drinks, chocolate, fresh pastries. There is a tray with souvenirs, as well as a table of a face painting master, who, of course, always has a queue. At the entrance, we were given an advertising invitation to the children's studio "Tenevichok", which opened at the theater - classes in making puppets and puppetry. I envy the children who will attend this circle!

And we sit down in the most comfortable chairs, which can be turned over and thereby made taller, and look forward to the beginning of the performance. Three calls - and the magic began.

I read that dolls for "Kitten named Woof" are used special, Chinese, transparent to the light. On the one hand, they leave less conventionality, less room for imagination than opaque ones, on the other hand, such dolls are probably more understandable for small children, they bring the image closer to the usual, cartoon.
The performance takes place in the most comfortable house, where there is everything you need for a kitten, a puppy, an old cat and a dog: a kennel, an attic, a staircase, two floors and even a drainpipe.

The dolls move gracefully. Sometimes it seemed to me that at least two people are needed to control the puppet, the characters move so flexibly and naturally.

The performance consists of two parts with an intermission. The narrative is based on well-known stories about the kitten Gava: about the sausage,

uninvited guests,

echo conversation,

about how to share

like a puppy forgot his name and many others.

It's great that the authors of the performance linked these stories into a single work, uniting them with the theme of friendship, mutual assistance, support in difficult times. And they showed that even adults are sometimes wrong and can ask for forgiveness from the little one if they offended him undeservedly.

Here they are, the heroes of the play.

And the actors, thanks to whom the audience saw on the stage not puppets, but living characters, each with their own character and temperament. True masters of their craft!

Thanks again to the Mosblog community and Tetra Shadows for the pleasure! We will definitely come to you again!

Is there a friendship between cats and dogs, we saw in the play "Kitten named Woof" at the Moscow Theater of Children's Book "Magic Lamp".

The production based on the fairy tale by G. Oster was invented and created by:
production designer Marina Gribanova, production director Viktor Plotnikov, composer Sergei Mirolyubov. In the course of the plot, chapters from the book are recognized: “Some Trouble”, “Middle of a Sausage”, “It's Not Fair”, “Echo”, “What's Your Name?”. The performance is a puppet show, its five puppets are playing: the kitten Woof, the puppy Sharik, the Cat, the Dog and the Mouse. All the dolls, except for the mouse, are quite large (cane, if I’m not mistaken), they don’t look like the usual cartoon characters, with big eyes, opening mouths, loops made of threads or pastel-colored rags imitate wool (the kitten and the puppy look similar, I confused them at first). The puppets are controlled by professional actors, they sing well and convey the mood of the heroes with facial expressions. The puppeteers are dressed in gray T-shirts and jeans, on the heads of men - caps - it seems that they are just residents of the city in which the action takes place. From the scenery on the stage are two apartment buildings with drainpipes and antennas, wires and a wooden table between the houses. There is a lot of children's humor in the play, for the first time my daughter laughed not because it was funny to me, but because it was she who was having fun. And I liked the mischievous Cat and the kind-hearted Dog. In addition, the performance is instructive, it helps children understand and accept that there are different creatures, but you need to try to live in peace with everyone. The duration of the performance is 1 hour with an intermission. Recommended for children from 3 years old.

We visited the Magic Lamp Theater for the first time, it’s a nice building from the outside (next to the metro), inside a beautiful interior, there is a buffet (confectionery there is handmade from natural ingredients - we liked sugar-free candies with dried raspberries and muffins with nuts) and there is an elevator for wheelchair users, and on the toilet doors there are inscriptions for the blind in Braille. There are eighty seats in the auditorium of various color categories, rows with a good rise, and the stage is very low, in addition, the audience is seated by the administrator - adults behind adults, and children behind children - thus it is clearly visible from any seat. After the intermission, the administrator Alexander Mikhailovich invited everyone to ring a real bell and open the second act of the performance. There simply cannot be books in the children's book theater, so during the intermission we looked into the buffet and met the writers Inna Gamazkova and Mark Schwartz (sister and brother) and bought an autographed book.

The theater has polite staff, paying attention to children and adults, this makes you want to come here again and again.

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