Theater Dictionary. Basic principles of the K.S system


On December 16, the famous Russian playwright and film director Ivan Vyrypaev conducted a master class for students of the Voronezh Academy of Arts. The director spoke about his own approach to the theater, how today one can “get” into the audience and why modern actors need yoga.

At the very beginning of the lecture, Ivan Vyrypaev said that art has ended and this must be accepted as a fact:

- If an artist says that he is engaged in art in its pure form, he is simulating, because the space of art no longer exists, we cannot develop a new form. If we show Tarkovsky’s “Rublev” in an empty cinema, the screening will still take place, even without spectators. And if my film “Oxygen” is shown like this, then without an audience it won’t exist. Because “Oxygen” itself does not exist. Today, so-called modern “art” is the absolute destruction of the wall between the actor and the audience, a complete connection with it.

Modern theater, according to the director, needs actors who show their own human emotions on stage, and not just play a character:

Stanislavsky was constantly accused of excessive naturalism, but look at his works now - they will seem artificial to you. But “The Seagull” of that time caused a shock! “Like in life,” they said, but it seems to us that the actors are talking very theatrically. The viewer no longer believes in the existence of the character; the man himself comes to the fore. What is important now is the “person-person” dialogue, not the “actor-person” dialogue. In addition, the disappearance of the art space helps to release real energy.
We cannot experience a character's emotion, we can only experience our own emotion. Can I feel the same way Hamlet felt? Never in my life! Because Hamlet doesn't exist at all. I can only feel what I myself feel towards Hamlet.

According to Vyrypaev, the method he uses in staging his performances or on the set is based on the classical school, but to a greater extent it was shaped by time. At first glance, it is very simple, but, in fact, it requires not so much professional skill as the development of personality, the inner “I”.

I realized that I hit the viewer when I talk to him. Exactly me! That is, when I am present. This is what my theatrical method is based on, on the total presence of a person on stage. The actor must keep in mind the whole performance: “I am playing Lopakhin, I am playing Lopakhin,” and not “I am Lopakhin.” Then the art from God, which is in heaven, comes down, because God is not a religious concept, it is a presence.
The core concept of “I am here” is not just a theory. In order to develop this feeling you need yoga, meditation, proper nutrition. I am convinced that all this affects the actor. An actor is precision, concentration, clarity. A modern actor cannot act drunk or on marijuana; alcohol is no longer “I am”

By yoga and meditation, Ivan does not mean specific spiritual practices, but, on the contrary, sharply emphasizes that this is absolutely not connected with religious things. This is self-knowledge, management of internal energy. To make it clear to the students, the director assumed a triangle pose and showed how energy is released when the body relaxes. The interaction between the actor and the audience works according to this principle.

In the final part of the meeting, the audience was able to communicate with the director and ask him questions.

- Do you feel a big difference when you write a play to order and for yourself?

I wrote almost all of my plays to order. Usually they don't tell me the plot, just how many characters there should be. I love it, it disciplines me. But I always write it as the person who will direct it. And this is a minus, because no one can install them except me. My plays need a key, and the key is my method. In principle, they can be staged, but I have a different approach to directing. I stage the play itself, and do not interpret, do not build another reality.
I recently staged Gogol’s “The Marriage” with Polish actors in Warsaw, and it was very interesting - just staging Gogol’s text, it’s better than stuffing Gogol into yourself and not learning anything about him.

- Should an actor have a code of ethics, like many other professions?

Yes. You can't play without love, you have to love this hall. You have no right to shut a person down. We all break this, it’s okay if you didn’t mean to, if you made a mistake. But we should try to open people up, not close them down. Even when we talk about difficult things, the viewer should come out with a bright feeling.

- How do you work with your actors?

It is necessary for the actor to feel free and protected; you cannot force a person and then demand creativity from him. But as a director, you solve a certain problem on set, so there is no democracy in the full sense.

What to do with ideas that suddenly appear, but it is impossible to implement them at the given moment? How to keep inspiration?

It happens that I wake up at five in the morning and realize that I know how to stage this scene. And then I think: “Now I’ll sleep and write everything down,” but then I wake up and forget everything. But it's not scary. Today one idea, tomorrow another. Why hold on to them? If you're a creative person, they're here to stay.


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MOSCOW, March 12 – RIA Novosti. The inimitable actor, tireless teacher and talented leader Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov died on Monday after a long illness. Everyone knew that the artist was seriously ill, but until the very end they believed that he would be able to overcome the disease. According to friends, colleagues and admirers of talent, Tabakov was one of the last masters who stood at the origins of the theater, and it is impossible to replace him.

People's Artist of the USSR Oleg Tabakov passed away at the age of 83. He was not only a great artist, but also an excellent leader; he headed two theaters at once: the Tabakerka studio and the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. Due to mourning, theaters canceled all performances.

As Maria Malkina, press attache of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, told RIA Novosti, farewell to Tabakov will take place at the theater on March 15. Deputy Minister of Culture Alexander Zhuravsky said that the artist would be buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. According to the head of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Culture, Evgeny Gerasimov, the actor’s memory can be immortalized in the capital if an appropriate request is received.

Man of many talents

The country's main actor Oleg Tabakov was truly a people's artist and knew how to combine almost everything: he was not just a brilliant actor, but also a talented organizer and teacher, the creator of studios, theaters and schools, the father of a large family and just a happy person.

"Since 1957, he worked on television, was one of the first actors to take part in television plays broadcast live. A man of inexhaustible energy, he managed to act in films and teach in the theater, lead an active social life and create a large, friendly family. He will forever remain in the memory of people and the history of our country,” said the head of Rospechat, Mikhail Seslavinsky.

Razlogov: Tabakov is a legend who has contributed to all our livesPeople's Artist of the USSR Oleg Tabakov died in Moscow at the age of 83. On Sputnik radio, the President of the Guild of Film Scholars and Film Critics of Russia, Kirill Razlogov, called the artist’s death an irreparable loss.

As noted by People's Artist of Russia, Chairman of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation Alexander Kalyagin, Tabakov did an incredible amount for artists and theater people, created the wonderful Tabakerka theater and theater college.

“Everything he did can simply be called a human feat. It is impossible to forget what this man was - talented, easy-going, diverse... I think that his passing is the greatest loss for our generation and for young people. I understand, heartily I understand how difficult it is now for Oleg Pavlovich’s family and friends. He was seriously ill, but it is simply impossible to come to terms with the fact that he is no more,” the agency’s interlocutor emphasized.

© Ruptly

According to the famous director and artistic director of the Moscow Lenkom Theater Mark Zakharov, Tabakov was a man of multifaceted talent who decorated our lives, creating a field of creative mood and creative joy. “He came up with various awards and prizes, he led this ship of the art theater. He was an outstanding personality, an outstanding artist who will forever go down in our history,” Zakharov told RIA Novosti.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also expressed his condolences to Tabakov’s “numerous army of admirers of talent.” “Putin was informed of the sad news - the death of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. The President deeply sympathizes with the family and friends of Oleg Pavlovich,” said press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov.

Everyone was hoping for a miracle

Recently, Tabakov was seriously ill and was in the hospital for several months, but everyone believed until the last that he would be able to overcome the disease and would again delight everyone with his charming, unforgettable smile and jokes. “Applying such definitions to Oleg Pavlovich as a great and popularly beloved artist is absolutely fair. Of course, I can’t believe that he is not with us,” said Vladimir Tolstoy, presidential adviser on cultural issues.

“A big disaster happened, for which it was impossible to prepare, although we all knew that Oleg Pavlovich was very sick, but we hoped for a miracle,” emphasized Mikhail Shvydkoy, special presidential representative for international cultural cooperation.

Singer Philip Kirkorov wrote on his Instagram page that one by one the best are leaving our lives. “Brilliant actors and personalities of our time, whose art we grew up with, learned from, strived to be like them and just at least watch and admire! Thank you, Oleg Pavlovich, for your invaluable art and contribution... This is an irreparable loss,” Kirkorov emphasized .

According to Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets, Tabakov is the greatest actor of our time, an unsurpassed performer and an outstanding theater director, a talented teacher who has trained a whole galaxy of domestic artists of the first magnitude.

No one can replace

Zakharov noted that after the news of Tabakov’s death, he was at a loss and confusion, thinking about who would now become the head of the Chekhov Art Theater. “How to find a person with such strength and energy that was inherent in Oleg Pavlovich? It is difficult to answer this question, but I think that the head of the Moscow Art Theater should be a director - not a movie star, not someone else, but a director, so that it was an author’s theater, as it was under Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov,” said Zakharov.

Shvydkoy also agrees with him. “He was - it’s terrible to talk about him in the past tense - one of the last great artists of the Moscow Art Theater, and most likely the last one who possessed the secrets of the great masters who stood at the origins of this unique and only theatrical organism in the world,” the agency’s interlocutor emphasized .

Shvydkoy noted that he was the Minister of Culture when another great actor, artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater, died. A.P. Chekhov Oleg Efremov, “And I didn’t doubt for a minute who would become his successor - Tabakov. And today everything is empty. Oleg Pavlovich cannot be replaced either in the theater or in our hearts, because for each of us he played a special role ", - he said.

Titan of Russian cinema

As actress Elena Drapeko, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture, noted, Tabakov was a titan of Russian theater and cinema, and most people remember not his theatrical works, but his film works. “It was always very bright and memorable. Probably his most important feature is that he was always at the peak of the times: when Sovremennik was born, when the theater was going through difficult times. He took over the leadership of the Moscow Art Theater. And even in recent years he still I’ve been looking for a place for theater in the modern world,” Drapeko told RIA Novosti.

Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky also expressed their condolences to the family and friends of the great artist. “Is it possible to imagine the films “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “War and Peace”, the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, the movie “The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines” without him. How many spectators went to the theater specifically to see Tabakov? “Don’t shoot the whites” “Swans”, “Amadeus”, “Dinner” and many other productions where Oleg Pavlovich’s talent completely absorbed the audience,” noted Zhirinovsky.

I didn’t forget my Saratov roots

Shvydkoy noticed that Tabakov liked to pretend to be a savvy Saratov peasant, but in fact there lived in him a great Russian man in the best and highest sense of these words. The actor spent his entire childhood in Saratov, and came to Moscow to conquer the Moscow Art Theater School to take a course with the great Vasily Toporkov. However, the great artist never forgot his hometown.

“Happy with what I do”... Oleg Tabakov passed awayPeople's Artist of the USSR Oleg Tabakov died in Moscow at the age of 83. If we follow Konstantin Stanislavsky’s belief that the greatest manifestation of acting talent is charm, then Oleg Pavlovich was probably the most talented of Russian actors.

“The name of Oleg Pavlovich is closely connected with Saratov - here he was born, studied, realized that theater was his life and calling. He never forgot about his small homeland, helped talented Saratov youth, actively participated in the cultural life of Saratov,” said the head of Saratov, Mikhail Isaev, whose words are quoted by the press service of the mayor's office.

State Duma deputy Olga Batalina noted that Tabakov “has always supported young actors, especially highlighting talented fellow countrymen from Saratov.” “I loved and remembered the Saratov Palace of Pioneers, where in Natalya Sukhostav’s theater studio he took his first steps in art,” she wrote on Facebook.

Oleg Tabakov: legendary contemporary in theatre, life and cinema

© RIA Novosti / The first performance of the future People's Artist took place on the salt lake Elton, where during the Great Patriotic War Tabakov's mother worked as a therapist in a hospital. Seven-year-old Lelik took part in the production of an amateur military sketch. In the photo: a still from the film “Applause, applause...”, 1985.

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The first performance of the future People's Artist took place on the salt lake Elton, where during the Great Patriotic War Tabakov's mother worked as a therapist in a hospital. Seven-year-old Lelik took part in the production of an amateur military sketch. In the photo: a still from the film “Applause, applause...”, 1985.

© RIA Novosti / Alexey Nikolsky / In parallel with his studies at high school, Tabakov attended a chess club at the Palace of Pioneers. It was there that the head of the children's theater "Young Guard" Natalya Iosifovna Sukhostav noticed him and invited him to participate in a new production. From then until graduation, Tabakov went to theater classes three times a week and played leading roles in all productions there. In the photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin and Oleg Tabakov before the start of the gala evening dedicated to the opening of the Year of Literature in Russia. 2015

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In parallel with his studies at high school, Tabakov attended a chess club at the Palace of Pioneers. It was there that the head of the children's theater "Young Guard" Natalya Iosifovna Sukhostav noticed him and invited him to participate in a new production. From then until graduation, Tabakov went to theater classes three times a week and played leading roles in all productions there. In the photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin and Oleg Tabakov before the start of the gala evening dedicated to the opening of the Year of Literature in Russia. 2015

/ In 1953, Tabakov entered the Moscow Art Theater School to study the course of People's Artist of the USSR Vasily Toporkov. Evgeny Urbansky, Valentin Gaft, Maya Menglet, Vladlen Paulus studied with him. Tabakov's most notable student work was the role of Khlestakov in The Inspector General. Success on stage allowed the young artist to receive the Kachalov scholarship, which was twice as high as usual. In the photo: Igor Vernik and Oleg Tabakov in a scene from the play based on the play “Dragon” by Evgeniy Schwartz, directed by Konstantin Bogomolov at the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. 2017

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In 1953, Tabakov entered the Moscow Art Theater School to study the course of People's Artist of the USSR Vasily Toporkov. Evgeny Urbansky, Valentin Gaft, Maya Menglet, Vladlen Paulus studied with him. Tabakov's most notable student work was the role of Khlestakov in The Inspector General. Success on stage allowed the young artist to receive the Kachalov scholarship, which was twice as high as usual. In the photo: Igor Vernik and Oleg Tabakov in a scene from the play based on the play “Dragon” by Evgeniy Schwartz, directed by Konstantin Bogomolov at the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. 2017

/ In 1955, in the bowels of the Moscow Art Theater School, the Studio of Young Actors appeared, headed by Toporkov’s student Oleg Efremov. He staged several graduation performances in the 1955 graduating class, where Galina Volchek and Igor Kvasha studied, and later, in 1957, in the graduating year, where Tabakov studied. The studio and the success of its play “Eternally Alive,” in which Tabakov began acting in 1957, became the harbingers of the creation of the Sovremennik Theater. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov during the presentation of the "Faces 2005" award in the "Face of the Year" nomination. 2005 year.

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In 1955, in the bowels of the Moscow Art Theater School, the Studio of Young Actors appeared, headed by Toporkov’s student Oleg Efremov. He staged several graduation performances in the 1955 graduating class, where Galina Volchek and Igor Kvasha studied, and later, in 1957, in the graduating year, where Tabakov studied. The studio and the success of its play “Eternally Alive,” in which Tabakov began acting in 1957, became the harbingers of the creation of the Sovremennik Theater. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov during the presentation of the "Faces 2005" award in the "Face of the Year" nomination. 2005 year.

© RIA Novosti / Vladimir Rodionov / Sovremennik was founded in 1958 by seven graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio of different years: Oleg Efremov, Galina Volchek, Igor Kvasha, Liliya Tolmacheva, Evgeny Evstigneev, Oleg Tabakov and Viktor Sergachev. It was the first theater in the country created by a creative association of like-minded people. In the photo: artists of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov congratulate Oleg Tabakov on his 75th birthday at the anniversary evening “Declaration of Love”. 2010

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Sovremennik was founded in 1958 by seven graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio of different years: Oleg Efremov, Galina Volchek, Igor Kvasha, Liliya Tolmacheva, Evgeny Evstigneev, Oleg Tabakov and Viktor Sergachev. It was the first theater in the country created by a creative association of like-minded people. In the photo: artists of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov congratulate Oleg Tabakov on his 75th birthday at the anniversary evening “Declaration of Love”. 2010

© RIA Novosti / Alexander Gladstein / Tabakov was one of the leading artists of Sovremennik. He has roles in the plays “In Search of Joy”, “An Ordinary Story”, “Always on Sale”, “The Ballad of the Sad Zucchini”, “The Fourth”, “The Appointment”, “From Evening to Noon”, “Decembrists” and others . In 1968, at the invitation of the Chinogerny Club theater, Tabakov played Khlestakov in Prague. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov as the manager of the buffet, Claudia Ivanovna, in Vasily Aksenov's satirical fantasy "Always on Sale" staged by the Moscow Sovremennik Theater Studio. 1965

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Tabakov was one of the leading artists of Sovremennik. He has roles in the plays “In Search of Joy”, “An Ordinary Story”, “Always on Sale”, “The Ballad of the Sad Zucchini”, “The Fourth”, “The Appointment”, “From Evening to Noon”, “Decembrists” and others . In 1968, at the invitation of the Chinogerny Club theater, Tabakov played Khlestakov in Prague. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov as the manager of the buffet, Claudia Ivanovna, in Vasily Aksenov's satirical fantasy "Always on Sale" staged by the Moscow Sovremennik Theater Studio. 1965

© RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin / In 1970, after Efremov was appointed artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater, Tabakov became director of Sovremennik and contributed to the approval of Volchek to the position of chief director of the theater. As an actor, Tabakov played in Sovremennik until 1983, when he moved to the Moscow Art Theater, where he was involved in the plays Amadeus, Bench, Cabal of the Saint, Woe from Wit, and Tartuffe. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov at rehearsal. 1982

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In 1970, after Efremov was appointed artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater, Tabakov became director of Sovremennik and contributed to the approval of Volchek to the position of chief director of the theater. As an actor, Tabakov played in Sovremennik until 1983, when he moved to the Moscow Art Theater, where he was involved in the plays Amadeus, Bench, Cabal of the Saint, Woe from Wit, and Tartuffe. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov at rehearsal. 1982

© RIA Novosti / Alexey Danichev / In 1976-1986, Tabakov released two courses at GITIS, which became the basis of the famous “Tabakerka”. The premiere performance was performed in the basement on Chaplygin in 1978. Only six years later, the Deputy Minister of Culture signed an order to create a Studio Theater under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov fires a cannon from the Naryshkin bastion of the Peter and Paul Fortress in honor of the 25th anniversary of the “Tabakerka”. year 2012.

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In 1976-1986, Tabakov released two courses at GITIS, which became the basis of the famous “Tabakerka”. The premiere performance was performed in the basement on Chaplygin in 1978. Only six years later, the Deputy Minister of Culture signed an order to create a Studio Theater under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov fires a cannon from the Naryshkin bastion of the Peter and Paul Fortress in honor of the 25th anniversary of the “Tabakerka”. year 2012.

© RIA Novosti / Evgeny Biyatov / From 1986 to 2000, Tabakov served as rector of the Moscow Art Theater School, where he graduated from four acting courses. In 1992, he founded the Summer School named after K.S. Stanislavsky in Boston, and in 2009 he opened his own Moscow Theater School and established an award in his name. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov announces the laureates of the prize he established. 2016

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From 1986 to 2000, Tabakov served as rector of the Moscow Art Theater School, where he graduated from four acting courses. In 1992, he founded the Summer School named after K.S. Stanislavsky in Boston, and in 2009 he opened his own Moscow Theater School and established an award in his name. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov announces the laureates of the prize he established. 2016

© RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko / Since 2000, Tabakov served as artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater (since 2004 - Moscow Art Theater) named after A.P. Chekhov, and since 2004 he has also served as director of the theater. In parallel with his administrative work, Tabakov played in the plays "Copenhagen", "The Last Victim", "The Jeweler's Anniversary" and others. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov congratulates the artists after the premiere of the premiere performance "The Event" based on Vladimir Nabokov, directed by Konstantin Bogomolov. year 2012.

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Since 2000, Tabakov served as artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater (since 2004 - Moscow Art Theater) named after A.P. Chekhov, and since 2004 he has also served as director of the theater. In parallel with his administrative work, Tabakov played in the plays "Copenhagen", "The Last Victim", "The Jeweler's Anniversary" and others. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov congratulates the artists after the premiere of the premiere performance "The Event" based on Vladimir Nabokov, directed by Konstantin Bogomolov. year 2012.

© RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova / In Russia, Europe and the USA, Tabakov staged more than 40 performances based on the works of Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Goncharov, Alexander Ostrovsky, Anton Chekhov, Mikhail Bulgakov, Neil Simon and other playwrights. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov with his wife, actress Marina Zudina, and son Pavel at the premiere of Alexei Uchitel's film "The Edge" at the Pushkinsky cinema. 2010

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In Russia, Europe and the USA, Tabakov staged more than 40 performances based on the works of Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Goncharov, Alexander Ostrovsky, Anton Chekhov, Mikhail Bulgakov, Neil Simon and other playwrights. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov with his wife, actress Marina Zudina, and son Pavel at the premiere of Alexei Uchitel's film "The Edge" at the Pushkinsky cinema. 2010

© RIA Novosti / Tabakov played his first film role while still in his third year at the Moscow Art Theater School, but this film by Mikhail Schweitzer, “The Tight Knot,” lay on the shelves in the storerooms for about 30 years. In the 1960-1980s, he starred in such films as “Noisy Day” (1960), “The Living and the Dead” (1963), “War and Peace” (1965-1967), “Shine, Shine, My Star” (1969), “Seventeen Moments of Spring” (1972-1973), “Kashtanka” (1975), “The Twelve Chairs” (1976), “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” (1978), “A Few Days in the Life of I.I. . Oblomov" (1979), "Flights in Dreams and in Reality" (1983), "The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins" (1987). In the photo: Oleg Tabakov as Nikolai Rostov in the epic film "War and Peace". 1965.

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Tabakov played his first film role while still in his third year at the Moscow Art Theater School, but this film by Mikhail Schweitzer, “The Tight Knot,” lay on the shelves in the storerooms for about 30 years. In the 1960-1980s, he starred in such films as “Noisy Day” (1960), “The Living and the Dead” (1963), “War and Peace” (1965-1967), “Shine, Shine, My Star” (1969), “Seventeen Moments of Spring” (1972-1973), “Kashtanka” (1975), “The Twelve Chairs” (1976), “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” (1978), “A Few Days in the Life of I.I. . Oblomov" (1979), "Flights in Dreams and in Reality" (1983), "The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins" (1987). In the photo: Oleg Tabakov as Nikolai Rostov in the epic film "War and Peace". 1965.

© RIA Novosti / Among Tabakov’s notable works of the 1990-2000s are the films “Inner Circle” (1991), “Orphan of Kazan” (1997), “The President and His Granddaughter” (2000), “State Councilor” (2005), “Admirer” (2012 ), "That Carlson" (2012), "Eternal Return" (2012), "Kitchen. The Last Battle" (2017). At the moment, Oleg Pavlovich has more than 150 film roles. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov as Schellenberg and Vyacheslav Tikhonov as Stirlitz in the television film "Seventeen Moments of Spring." 1974

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Among Tabakov’s notable works of the 1990-2000s are the films “Inner Circle” (1991), “Orphan of Kazan” (1997), “The President and His Granddaughter” (2000), “State Councilor” (2005), “Admirer” (2012 ), "That Carlson" (2012), "Eternal Return" (2012), "Kitchen. The Last Battle" (2017). At the moment, Oleg Pavlovich has more than 150 film roles. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov as Schellenberg and Vyacheslav Tikhonov as Stirlitz in the television film "Seventeen Moments of Spring." 1974

© RIA Novosti / Vladimir Pesnya / Oleg Tabakov worked a lot on the radio and often voiced animated films. His cat Matroskin from the stories about Prostokvashino especially won the love of the public. In addition, the actor has voiced the cartoons “Bobik Visiting Barbos” (1977), “Hedgehog Plus Turtle” (1981), “The Wolf and the Calf” (1984) and others. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov presents Andrei Zvyagintsev with the prize for best director at the XIII National Cinematography Award "Golden Eagle". 2015

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Oleg Tabakov worked a lot on the radio and often voiced animated films. His cat Matroskin from the stories about Prostokvashino especially won the love of the public. In addition, the actor has voiced the cartoons “Bobik Visiting Barbos” (1977), “Hedgehog Plus Turtle” (1981), “The Wolf and the Calf” (1984) and others. In the photo: Oleg Tabakov presents Andrei Zvyagintsev with the prize for best director at the XIII National Cinematography Award "Golden Eagle". 2015

© RIA Novosti / Ruslan Krivobok / In total, Tabakov played about 200 roles in the theater, cinema, radio and television. In the photo: artistic director of the Variety Theater Gennady Khazanov, director of the A.N. Bakulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, chief cardiac surgeon of Russia Leo Bockeria and artistic director and director of the A.P. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater Oleg Tabakov before the meeting of government members and the presidential administration with proxies of Russian President Vladimir Putin. year 2012.

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In total, Tabakov played about 200 roles in the theater, cinema, radio and television. In the photo: artistic director of the Variety Theater Gennady Khazanov, director of the A.N. Bakulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, chief cardiac surgeon of Russia Leo Bockeria and artistic director and director of the A.P. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater Oleg Tabakov before the meeting of government members and the presidential administration with proxies of Russian President Vladimir Putin. year 2012.

Soviet melodramas have always been the pride of the USSR, because it was these seemingly simple life stories that sank into the hearts of millions of viewers. “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” is just one of these films. The famous director Vladimir Menshov shot this film back in 1979, and on February 11, 1980, the film was first shown on television, becoming the box office leader for that year, which was watched by about 90 million viewers. Today, 39 years later, we want to show you how the actors of this legendary film have changed.

Vera Alentova, 75 years old

Actress Vera Alentova and director Vladimir Menshov, author of the drama “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears,” are living proof that love for life is not a fairy tale. The director began courting his future wife while studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, and already in the second year, the poor but loving students got married. However, the couple’s relationship was not always smooth; the couple even separated for a while. But, having lived separately, Vladimir and Vera realized that they could not live without each other, and besides, their daughter Yulia was growing up. The film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” was released when future TV presenter Yulia Menshova was 10 years old.

It is interesting that the director did not immediately approve his wife for the role - she did not like the script. Menshov offered to play Katerina to Irina Kupchenko, Margarita Terekhova and Anastasia Vertinskaya, but the actresses refused, and then Alentova helped out her husband.

Irina Muravyova, 68 years old

Irina Muravyova played an 18-year-old provincial girl who dreams of conquering Moscow at the age of 30! Two years later, Muravyova “raised the bar” and played a 17-year-old graduate in “Carnival.” But Vera Alentova surpassed her colleague, because she was 36 years old at the time of filming “Moscow”!

Three years ago, Irina Muravyova became a widow: in 2014, her only husband, director Leonid Eidlin, with whom the artist had been married for more than 40 years, passed away.

Raisa Ryazanova, 72 years old

Despite the success of the film, there was no breakthrough in the actress’s career, and in the 80s she was offered only episodic roles. Ryazanova rented out an apartment and “bombed” in her car. Now the actress plays in Oleg Tabakov’s theater and stars in TV series.

Alexey Batalov, 1928−2017

Last June, the artist died in a Moscow clinic at the age of 89. Alexey Vladimirovich's health problems began in January, when he broke his femoral neck. In February, the actor underwent surgery, but his health did not improve. For almost six months, Batalov did not leave the hospital ward.

Batalov was known for his principled anti-Bolshevik position. The actor refused to play Lenin, opposed the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia, and openly criticized Stalin (members of the Batalov family became victims of repression).

Alexander Fatyushin, 1951−2003

Unlike his hockey player hero, Fatyushin was fond of football since childhood, played in the Moscow national team of actors and was friends with famous Soviet football players. Fatyushin died at 52 due to pneumonia.

Boris Smorchkov, 1944−2008

The role of Nikolai in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” is one of the actor’s few major works. Smorchkov continued to act in films until his death, but in episodic roles.

Natalya Vavilova, 58 years old

The actress, who became a star after filming the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” began working in a school drama with 15-year-old Dmitry Kharatyan, who then also made his debut in big cinema. Natalya’s parents were against her participation in the film and saw their daughter as the successor of the diplomatic dynasty , but director Vladimir Menshov was delighted with Vavilova and only saw her in the role of Alexandra Tikhomirova in the drama “Moscow...”.

The girl learned the role of her heroine secretly from her parents, and when the deception was revealed, her father put Vavilova under house arrest to prepare for admission to MGIMO. Even the persuasion of Menshov himself did not convince the strict parent to let his daughter go to the playground. Only actor Alexey Batalov was able to soften the family’s anger - Natasha’s mother was a big fan of the artist. The power of Batalov’s talent convinced the Vavilovs not only to let their daughter star in “Moscow...”, but even to allow her to enter VGIK!

As you know, the role of Sasha Tikhomirova brought Vavilova wild popularity, but this film became fateful for the actress not only because of fame: at the social premiere of the film she met director Samvel Gasparov, her future husband. The couple are still together, and got married a few years ago.

Vavilova left cinema long ago and devoted herself to caring for the house and garden, as well as charity.

Yuri Vasiliev, 1939−1999

After graduating from GITIS, the actor served at the Maly Theater until the end of his life, and in films he played mostly supporting roles, as in the melodrama “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” The artist died at the age of 59 from a heart attack.

On March 12, the actor and director, artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater (MAT) named after A.P. died. Chekhov Oleg Tabakov. He was 82 years old

Photo: from the personal archive of Oleg Tabakov

Oleg Tabakov was born in 1935 in Saratov into a family of doctors. While studying at school, he began studying in the “Young Guard” theater group at the Saratov Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren.

During the war, Oleg Tabakov's father went to the front, and his mother fell ill with typhus and was hospitalized. “In 1943 I was eight years old. Mom fell ill with typhus and could not get up,” Tabakov recalled. “And then Uncle Tolya, who was at war at that time, got my mother into a hospital near Stalingrad, on Lake Elton. I (there) sang: “The night passed in the combat hospital, where the doctor and his sister were on duty, in the twilight of the autumn dawn a young hero dies.” The wounded could not get up, they just cried. Not because I sang well, but because they left the same boys at home. Once, many years after my father returned from the front, where he volunteered, although he was the favorite student of Academician Mirotvortsev, I suddenly became insolent and asked: “Why did you go to fight? How is everyone - for the Motherland, for Stalin? He replied: “I had an old mother, a beautiful wife, and you are a fart. I fought for you." This is such a man’s conversation.”

Film "People on the Bridge". Oleg Tabakov as Viktor Bulygin

In 1953, Tabakov entered the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of Vasily Toporkov. As a third-year student, he played his first film role - in the film “Sasha Enters Life” by Mikhail Schweitzer. “Having acted in the first film in the leading role at the age of 20, I earned 16.5 thousand rubles for a car. The “victory” was worth it. I can’t say that it was given to me with such hard work,” Tabakov recalled.

Tabakov as Nikolai Rostov in the epic film directed by Sergei Bondarchuk “War and Peace”

During his film career, one of the most popular Soviet and Russian actors played in more than a hundred films, including “War and Peace”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”, “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins”, “Moscow doesn’t believe in tears” and many others. Tabakov also voiced cartoons; his most famous work in this area is the cat Matroskin in the TV series “Three from Prostokvashino.”

Tabakov with French actresses Genevieve Casille (left) and Françoise Falcon

At the age of 29, Tabakov suffered a heart attack. “The word “heart attack,” to be honest, didn’t make an impression on me. When I was young, I didn’t even give up the habit of smoking a pipe. Now, of course, I do it less often. But on stage, sometimes there are two performances where I smoke. So I’m playing around,” the actor admitted.

A scene from the play based on Vasily Aksenov’s play “Always on Sale.” Tabakov as the head of the buffet, Klavdia Ivanovna

From 1957 to 1983 he was the leading artist of the studio of young actors, which later became the Sovremennik Theater. In 1970, after Oleg Efremov was appointed artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater, he became director of Sovremennik. “This theater arose not as usual - from above, but from below, as a voluntary association around Oleg Efremov of young like-minded people who dreamed of a new civic theater. And for a couple of years he did not have official recognition. We rehearsed mainly at night,” said Tabakov.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov as Stirlitz and Oleg Tabakov as Schellenberg on the set of the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”

Tabakov is a laureate of many prizes and awards, a full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Chief director of the studio theater on Chaplygina Street Oleg Tabakov (center) with actors after the performance

In 1973, Tabakov began teaching - under his leadership, a theater group was created for high school students at the Bauman Palace of Pioneers. In 1976-1986 he published two courses at GITIS, which became the basis of Tabakov’s studio on the street. Chaplygin, who later “grew up” into the Moscow Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. The studio's graduates successfully toured back in 1980, but consent to create a separate theater was received only in 1987. “I don’t really like the familiar name “Tabakerka,” and I am still inclined to call our hard-fought business, in every sense, “Basement Theater,” said Tabakov.

Oleg Tabakov and actor Oleg Yankovsky

(Photo: Yuri Abramochkin / RIA Novosti)

In June 2000, Tabakov became artistic director of the A.P. Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, and since January 2004 he has also served as director of the theater. “In 2000, when Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov passed away and I was put on this chair, I don’t think there was at least one person who believed that this appointment was successful. Do you know how many spectators there were in the theater in 2000? 42% of the hall capacity. Two years later it was 90-something percent. And three years later it became 95, a comma and some other number. Although different things happened. I did not produce performances for which money had already been spent on decorations and rehearsals. Or he removed from the repertoire without experiencing any awkwardness. Because I always thought about the audience,” said Tabakov.

Naina Yeltsina (left) and Hillary Clinton (center) with Oleg Tabakov after visiting his studio theater

(Photo: Dmitry Donskoy / RIA Novosti)

In 1986-2000 Tabakov was the rector of the Moscow Art Theater School, where he graduated from four acting courses. In 1992 he founded the Summer School named after. K.S. Stanislavsky in Boston (USA), and in 2009 - the Moscow Theater School.

Oleg Tabakov (Count Almaviva) and Irina Pegova (Suzanna) in a scene from the play “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” staged by Konstantin Bogomolov

The Moscow Art Theater celebrated Oleg Tabakov’s 80th birthday with a performance, “The Jeweler’s Anniversary.” Two more performances - “Dragon” and “The Last Victim” - were performed in the theater until December 2017, when Tabakov was hospitalized.

Oleg Tabakov with his wife, actress Marina Zudina

Oleg Tabakov was married twice. In his marriage to actress Lyudmila Krylova, a son Anton (a famous restaurateur) and a daughter Alexandra (a radio presenter) were born. In 1995, Tabakov married actress Marina Zudina (pictured). They had a son, Pavel (actor), and a daughter, Maria.

In November 2017, Tabakov was hospitalized with pneumonia. On January 5, Moscow’s deputy mayor for social issues, Honored Doctor of Russia Leonid Pechatnikov, reported an improvement in Tabakov’s condition. He said that the artist is conscious. However, two days later, media reported that the actor’s condition had worsened again, and he was connected to a ventilator.

The two-part film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” became a high-profile event in the world of Soviet cinema. The painting was released in the spring of 1980 as a “gift” to women for March 8th. This is exactly how the story of the main character was perceived - a provincial woman, a single mother, who independently achieved success in life and met love in adulthood. The film won an Oscar in 1981 for Best Foreign Language Film. But neither the director nor the leading actors were allowed out of the country for the award ceremony. “StarHit” remembered how the fates of the actors of the cult film turned out.

Raisa Ryazanova played many roles in films. But in the movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” the performer of the role of Tosya, the friend of the main character, was remembered and loved by the audience like no other. Later in her interviews, the actress recalled: “For me, this picture did not stand out among others: work as work. I didn’t wake up famous after her; people started recognizing her on the streets and asking for autographs much later. All the success of the cult film passed by and went to film friends Vera Alentova and Ira Muravyova, they went to festivals.” The actress treated this with understanding. “I’m grateful to my luck that I played in a film that literally became a national treasure,” said Raisa Ryazanova in an interview.

At one of the creative evenings, when asked about happiness, Raisa Ryazanova answered: “My Tosya is happy. Ryazanova does not have such a fate.” Now, many years later, the actress realized what had interfered with her calm family happiness. But in her younger years, she could not resist the feeling that took possession of her. A passionate affair became the reason for her divorce from her husband. The affair with a married man lasted about 10 years, but did not end in marriage: “He was both a king and a god for me. Or maybe he was simply fueled by my love and devotion, flattered by my silent admiration,” the actress recalled about the subject of her passion. “And when Raya had fledged in ten years, “grown up” - both professionally and personally, stood firmly on her own two feet, and let go from her embrace. One day he just stopped calling.” She accepted everything as it was, did not ask for anything, was not jealous of his other life, although she understood, “if I had stayed with my husband, something like my Antonina, I would have had a life.”

The leading male role, Gosha, or Georgy, is played by Alexey Batalov. The greatest actor, director, who absorbed several eras. He was personally acquainted with Anna Akhmatova, even lived for some time at her home in Leningrad. At the age of 40 he was already a people's artist. VGIK students idolized him. He played at the Moscow Art Theater and the Central Theater of the Soviet Army. He worked in radio for a long time.

“Batalov has an extraordinary voice. He has a thawing voice... he should be bottled in pharmaceutical bottles and sold as vitamins. Moreover, he should be listened to in sanatoriums and hospitals - he brings people back to life,” friend and colleague Yuri Norshtein said about Alexei Vladimirovich.

He was married to his wife Gitana for almost 60 years. It seemed that their feelings had been tested: they got married only after 10 years of dating. But trouble came to the family. Due to a medical error, the actor's newborn daughter remained disabled for life.

“When we realized that our girl became disabled due to someone’s negligence, there was a feeling of both anger and bitterness. But I understood that conflicting with someone would not restore my daughter’s health. Time was lost, we resigned ourselves... Of course, we hoped that our daughter would recover. We didn’t want to give up,” the actor shared.

And then - many years of struggle and rehabilitation. Gitana Arkadyevna and Alexey Vladimirovich did everything possible to ensure that their daughter grew up as a person with a broad outlook. Maria received her education remotely and read a lot. “Masha loves music very much and writes professional critical articles. Thanks to a special keyboard, he can work on a computer,” said Alexey Vladimirovich. He himself illustrated Maria’s book of fairy tales, “Both They Were and They Were Not” - this was the artist’s special pride. “Tests are sent from above, and God watches how people withstand them,” the actor said in one of his interviews.

Actor Boris Smorchkov played the role of the exemplary family man Nikolai in the film. But the actor’s personal life always remained “behind the scenes.” The actor was married only once. It was an early “student” marriage. Unfortunately, family happiness did not last long. The young wife dreamed of leaving the country. Boris did not interfere with her departure. But, left alone, until the end of his days he was painfully worried about the separation. “In my life there was only one passion - my wife Anna Varpakhovskaya, the daughter of a famous director. But, unfortunately, we were not happy for long. She was always eager to go to Canada. But I flatly refused to leave my homeland, we divorced. I’m glad that everything worked out for her in Toronto: a luxurious apartment, a new husband, children, her own theater... And since then I’ve been living alone,” the actor recalled in an interview shortly before his death.

The actor has more than 80 supporting film roles. From 1971 to 2004 he served at the Sovremennik Theater. But the actor’s work did not bring him either fame or large fees. In one of his interviews, Boris admitted that for a year and a half of working on the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” he received about 600 rubles. Be that as it may, the actor always remembered the atmosphere on the set with warmth: “on the set we were constantly misbehaving, laughing, fooling around, and drinking real vodka on camera.” For many years, Boris had friendly relations with actress Raisa Ryazanova, his co-star in the film.

Until his sixties, the actor, a native Muscovite, lived in a hostel at the Sovremennik Theater, from which he left for health reasons. More than one generation of actors from this theater knows and remembers him. Only a few years before his death he received a two-room apartment in the center of Moscow.

The 20-year-old actress, who played the role of Alexandra, the daughter of the main character, was remembered by the audience for her beauty and brilliant talent. The success of the film strengthened Natalia's desire to become a professional actress. She easily graduated from VGIK and continued acting in the 80s. By the way, it was at the premiere of the film that Natalya met director Samvel Gasparov, a classmate of Vladimir Menshov, who later became her husband.

But in 1986, on the set of the film “Nikolai Podvoisky,” an accident happened to the actress. The film was shot at Gorky Studios. Before starting filming, Natalya went to training for a long time and stayed in the saddle perfectly. It was decided to film without a stunt double. But during a rehearsal, a racetrack worker mistakenly brought out a horse with a bad back. In pain, the animal reared up and threw off the rider. The actress suffered a spinal injury, which caused psychological stress. Moreover, the director of the film, Yuri Boretsky, quickly found a replacement for Natalya Vavilova. To get rid of the blues, Natalya and her husband went on a trip to Europe. Natalya gained strength and returned to her old life. However, after the injury, she starred in only two films: in her husband’s film “Vultures on the Roads” (1990), as well as in the film “The Sukhovo-Kobylin Case” (1991). This ended Natalia Vavilova's acting career.

Since the early 90s, Natalya Vavilova has extremely rarely made contact with the press. It is known that she attends church, communicates with the priest, and does charity work. The actress grows flowers with great love and is passionate about design.

The artist played the role of Sergei Gurin, an athlete, in the film. This role stuck with the actor for a long time. Alexander, like his movie hero, was fond of sports. As a child, he played football in the youth team “Almaz” (Ryazan), and was a member of the football team of Moscow actors. He was friends with many football players.

“On the one hand, Sasha was proud. I'm an Oscar winner! Success, fame - great, yes. But there was also a downside: “Fatyushin? Is this the drunk, drunken hockey player?” This story haunted him all his life, recalled the actor’s widow, actress Elena Molchenko. “The majority of fans saw Sasha off on his last journey with the thought that an athlete who had fallen from drunkenness had died. And they constantly asked me: “Why did he die?”, preparing to savor the tragic story of how Fatyushin, hungry and cold, without waiting for a portion of vodka, freezes under the fence ... "

In recent years, the actor had a conflict with the director of the Mayakovsky Theater Sergei Artsibashev. As a result of nervous tension, long-standing ailments worsened. The actor had vision problems - during one of the rehearsals, Alexander suffered a retinal injury, requiring urgent surgery. He also had chronic pneumonia since childhood. And complications from this disease affected the heart. As a result, Alexander died at the age of 52.

Actress Evgenia Khanaeva, who played the role of Rodion’s “principled” mother, had little film work. These are mainly supporting roles. The actress began acting in adulthood. She excelled at dramatic, comedic and grotesque characters. Each of her roles is exciting and vibrant.

The life of the actress was not at all so “correct”. As a result of an “office romance” with her stage partner, the actress left the family, leaving behind a 14-year-old son. Evgenia did not hope to start a family with her new lover. The son could not forgive her for her betrayal and stopped all communication. The actress’s personal life was replaced by work. When the actress bought a Zhiguli car, it became a new passion, which turned out to be fatal.

In the mid-1980s, a few years after the release of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” Evgenia Khanaeva got into an accident in her car, as a result of which she received a spinal injury. The actress experienced very severe pain, but continued to play in the theater. Hoping for improvement, the movie star turned to the famous neurosurgeon Eduard Kandel. The day before, she decided to call her son. He arrived immediately. The operation was carried out in October 1987, but, unfortunately, it was unsuccessful. Evgenia Nikandrovna did not come out of the coma after it ended, and without regaining consciousness, she died at the age of 66. The actress did not find out that she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR...

Oleg Tabakov played the role of Vladimir, Katerina’s lover, in the film. Alas, this role is familiar to the actor not only from the script. After the young actress Marina Zudina came to the Tabakerka theater, serious passions flared up in the master’s soul. At that time he was married to actress Lyudmila Krylova. A son and daughter grew up in the family. Marina was only a year older than Tabakov’s daughter Alexandra. But a romance broke out between the teacher and the student, which lasted more than 10 years.

For twelve years the director did not dare to leave his family. He believed that until the children stood firmly on their feet, he had no right to leave the family. Tabakov filed for divorce in 1994, after 35 years of marriage. He considered that the children had already grown up, and he had the right to start a new life. Son Anton was then 33 years old, and daughter Sasha was 29. However, the children considered their father’s decision to be a betrayal. Later, the relationship between father and son improved. Anton communicates with his father and his new family. But Alexandra’s daughter, also an actress, could not come to terms with her father’s departure. She left her father's theater, and later the profession. The girl, unexpectedly for everyone, married a student from Germany, Jan Liefers, and left the country. The couple had a daughter, Polina. But family happiness did not last long. A couple of years later, Alexandra Tabakova returned to Russia, first working on the radio, voicing children’s fairy tales, and for some time hosting the TV show “Let’s Go!” Alexandra to this day suppresses all communication with her father and his children from his second marriage. They have not communicated for more than 20 years.

The 82-year-old director will have a hard time surviving the breakup with his daughter. Married to Marina Zudina, Tabakov also has two children. Son Pavel is an actor, and daughter Maria is still in school. The actor has three grandchildren who are older than Pavel and Maria.

The performer of the role of Anton Kruglov is the famous Soviet actor Vladimir Basov. He has many roles in cinema and theater. Basov is a talented, versatile artist. He had a memorable appearance, expressive facial expressions, and an irresistible “negative” charm. All of the actor’s works are thoughtful and attractive. But not everyone knows the actor’s personal life, full of tragedies and disappointments.

Three unsuccessful marriages with bright, beautiful actresses. The actor suffered from attacks of jealousy, went into binges and depression. However, as a result of the divorce from actress Valentina Titova, the court decided to leave the children with their father.

The actor supported his daughter Elizabeth’s desire to become a dancer. When the girl entered the Vaganova School in Leningrad, Basov often traveled to the Northern capital to see his daughter, combining these trips with work at Lenfilm. After graduating from college, Elizabeth married a Greek citizen and left the country. Basov's two sons, Vladimir and Alexander, connected their lives with cinema. Today they are successful directors and producers.

A few years after the release of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” in 1983, the actor suffered his first stroke. As a result, Vladimir Basov's left side was paralyzed. To maintain his financial situation, he was given a position as a consulting director. The actor died in September 1987 in Moscow from a second stroke.

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