Bodyflex breathing technique: features and rules. Breathing exercises for weight loss bodyflex


Bodyflex is a unique technique based on and allowing you to effectively lose weight without active physical activity. The technique combines complex and diaphragmatic breathing at the same time. With the help of bodyflex gymnastics, you can lose several kilograms of fat in a couple of weeks without diets, it is enough to devote 15 minutes a day to classes. What is the secret?

The most important thing when performing gymnastic exercises from bodyflex is proper breathing. Very few people are able to breathe with the diaphragm, that is, due to contractions of the muscular septum that separates the thoracic region from the peritoneum.

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With diaphragmatic breathing, more oxygen enters the body, which effectively breaks down body fat.

An important component of the complex is special static exercises that are designed to stretch the main muscle groups, but the intensity of all movements is quite low.

The bodyflex is based on elements. A housewife from America, Greer Childers, came up with the idea, based on several asanas, to build a new set of breathing exercises that would contribute to weight loss. The author of the technique herself managed to lose 40 extra pounds in three months, tighten her body and tone her muscles.

The results of classes on the bodyflex system:

  • The lymph flow improves, the muscles become stronger and more elastic;
  • There is flexibility of the body and grace in movements;
  • Accelerates the metabolic process in the body;
  • and activity of the heart;
  • Edema passes;
  • The body is freed from toxins and toxins;
  • Fat deposits are effectively burned, especially in problem areas;
  • The skin is smoothed, wrinkles disappear, cellulite disappears;
  • The body receives a powerful charge of energy and new forces.

An important rule for doing this gymnastics is regularity. Training should be carried out daily, and not occasionally, body flex should become part of the usual way of life, otherwise there will be no effect.

Tips for performing a set of exercises:

  • It is advisable to do gymnastics in the morning before breakfast, you are allowed to drink a glass of water before training;
  • You can do body flex in the evening, but you need to do this on an empty stomach - no earlier than 2 hours after eating;
  • You should not be fanatical about training, otherwise excessive loads will lead to dizziness and poor health;
  • Before starting classes, it is advisable to open the window and ventilate the room well, because the body must be saturated with oxygen;
  • No need to starve, it is important to balance the diet and make it fractional (you need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day).

Correct breathing technique

The quality of breathing plays a huge role in achieving high results when doing bodyflex, since the body must receive the necessary amount of oxygen.

First, we take the starting position:

  • We place the feet 30 cm wide,
  • We bend our knees, as if we want to sit down;
  • Hands clasp the legs above the knee;
  • We raise our heads up.

5 stages of breathing

The diaphragmatic breathing technique consists of 5 stages.

  1. Having formed a tube with your lips, we exhale through the mouth, completely freeing the lungs. At the end we purse our lips.
  2. We take an energetic breath through the nose so that the air fills the lungs. If the breath is performed correctly, then it is accompanied by noise.
  3. We push the air sharply out of the lungs, squeezing the abdominal muscles and opening the mouth. The release of air is accompanied by a characteristic sound "block" - this is a sign that the action was performed correctly.
  4. We pull in the stomach with force so that it is pressed against the spine, at this moment the air should not enter the mouth and lungs. Hold your breath for 8-10 seconds.
  5. Take a sharp deep breath and relax all the muscles.

A set of exercises

Breathing exercises for weight loss bodyflex consists of 12 exercises. This set is basic and is aimed at working out the main muscle groups.

  • "Lion" (5 approaches)

Take the starting position: standing on the floor, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, tilt your body forward a little and rest your palms on your legs above your knees, hold your breath after exhaling and pull in your stomach. Open your eyes wide and look at the ceiling, tighten your facial muscles, round your lips in the shape of the letter “O”, stretch your tongue. After standing for 8 seconds, return to the starting position.

  • "Ugly Face" (5 reps)

Stand in the starting position from the first exercise, push the lower jaw and lips forward, then stretch the neck, head up. Count to 8 and relax everything.

  • Lateral (3 sets on each side)

Take the starting position, then bend the right arm and place the elbow on the right knee. Straighten the left leg and take it to the side, stretch the toe, with the foot touching the floor. Transfer body weight to the right leg. Unbend the left hand, raise it up and hold it above the head for 8 seconds, then return to the starting position.

  • Retracting the legs back (3 repetitions with each leg)

Get on your knees, rest your elbows and palms on the floor. Extend one leg and pull back, pointing fingers down. After doing the breathing exercise, pull the stomach in strongly and raise the leg to the maximum height. After counting to 8, return back.

  • Seiko (3 sets each leg)

Lean on your palms and knees, take one leg to the side. Having made a respiratory complex, raise this leg high up, after 8 seconds, lower it back to the floor.

  • "Diamond" (3 times)

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, connect your fingers in front of your chest in a ring, hold your elbows at maximum height. After doing breathing exercises, draw in the stomach and forcefully close the fingers of both hands. After counting to 8, relax.

  • "Boat" (3 approaches)

Sitting on the mat, spread your legs in the form of the letter "V". Lean on your palms, moving your hands back. Do a series of breathing exercises, move the body forward, placing your palms in front of you on the floor. Pull the arms and torso further and further, stretching the muscles of the thighs. Wait 8 seconds and straighten up.

  • Pretzel (3 reps per leg)

Sit in Turkish, put the right leg on top of the left. Straighten the left leg, put the right hand behind the back, take the left knee on the right knee. After breathing exercises, redistribute the weight on the right palm and pull the right knee with the other hand towards you, gradually turn the body to the right side. Wait 8 seconds and relax.

  • Stretching the muscles under the knees (3 sets)

Lie on the floor, straighten your legs and aim them at the ceiling, grab your calves with your fingers, point your socks towards you. After doing breathing exercises, diligently pull the legs towards the body, keeping the buttocks on the floor. After 8 seconds, relax and release your legs.

  • Pumping the press (3 reps)

Lie on your back, bend your knees, spread your feet 30 cm wide, put your hands on the ceiling. After breathing exercises, stretch your arms even further, tearing your shoulders off the mat, tilt your head back, look up. After counting to 8, return to the starting position.

  • Scissors (3 sets)

Lie on your back, connect straightened legs, place your palms under the buttocks. After completing the respiratory complex, raise your legs above the floor to a height of 8 cm, straighten your feet and make energetic horizontal swings with your legs. After 10 seconds, lower your legs back and relax.

  • "Kitty" (3 sets)

Get on your knees, resting your palms on the floor. Having done the respiratory complex, at the 4th stage, lower your head to the floor and round your back like an angry cat. Count to 10, relax and straighten your back.

Bodyflex gymnastics can be a real find for women who want to find ideal shapes and get rid of extra pounds. Performing simple exercises of the complex, you can achieve an amazing effect in a short period.


With some diseases and conditions of the body, bodyflex exercises will have to be abandoned permanently or postponed for a while.

  • Pregnancy;
  • heart failure, high blood pressure, arrhythmia;
  • bleeding;
  • Glaucoma and myopia;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • Neoplasms, including benign;
  • The period after surgical interventions;
  • Hernia of the spine;
  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease.
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Friends, in this article we will understand what bodyflex exercises are. Here you will find the history of the appearance of this system, a complete list of exercises included in the body flex complex, and in conclusion - conclusions about whether this system is effective, for whom it can be designed and, of course, about whether body flex is dangerous for health.

How did bodyflex appear?

Bodyflex exercises are a system of exercises invented by an American housewife and mother of three children, Greer Childers. Greer became extremely stout, having given birth to her third child. Faced with problems in her personal life, low self-esteem, the inability to choose a wardrobe, Greer tried many different things, but none of them brought tangible results. The reflection in the mirror continued to inspire hatred, I didn’t want to leave the house, and around my husband, who worked as a surgeon in the clinic, young nurse girls curled around, which also could not help but infuriate Greer.

Desperate to achieve results with traditional methods, Greer, on the recommendation of a neighbor, went to San Francisco for classes with a certain sports physiologist who taught wealthy American ladies to lose weight. The physiologist turned out to be a petite girl in her early twenties, who began to talk about how to breathe while doing the exercises.

Greer was disappointed. To pay one and a half thousand dollars for some girl who does not even have her own children to teach her - forty-year-old "mother-heroine" some nonsense? However, Greer nevertheless began to practice, rather wanting to wipe her nose on the impudent girl and prove that her system (Rolls-Royce-level exercises) does not work, rather than hoping for a real effect. There was nothing to do, the money had already been paid, why not return home just like that? You should at least try to use what you have already paid for.

However, after a few days of classes, Greer found that doing breathing exercises no longer irritated her. On the contrary, there is more energy, the state of health has improved significantly. All right, Greer thought, if I don't lose weight, at least I'll feel better. And she continued to practice.

After finishing the course, Greer couldn't believe her eyes. For 10 lessons, she managed to lose 1-2 centimeters in various parts of her body. In total, adding up all the lost volumes, Greer counted 26 centimeters. Of course, this is not very much, but before that, the sizes did not go away at all! She was happy, taking what had happened for a real miracle.

Bodyflex is the result of the work of G. Childers on a Rolls-Royce level exercise system, which she got acquainted with in San Francisco.

However, there was one problem - the average American women do not buy limousines. Most overweight housewives simply don't have $1,500 to pay for miracle courses. Greer traveled back to San Francisco. Meeting with a physiologist who taught Rolls-Royce-level courses, Greer received the answer that it was impossible to reduce the price, since the system was originally designed for wealthy Americans and designed for the elite.

Greer then made the second life-changing decision of her life. She decided herself to convey to the average American women the miraculous method that made her slim. She did not understand at all why it was so effective and did not represent the principles of its influence, but she knew one thing for sure - this method works. So, everyone who needs it so much should know about it!

The book in which G. Childers talks about his system is called "A magnificent figure in 15 minutes a day!".

And so the beginning of the creation of Greer Childers' own exercise system, based on the method of special breathing, was laid. Greer significantly reduced and simplified the program, choosing the most effective and efficient exercises in her opinion. She traveled a lot around the United States and consulted with various specialists and doctors, wanting to understand the principle of the program, which allowed her and her neighbor to lose weight. Convinced that the effectiveness of the technique has a scientific explanation, Greer began to give lessons herself.

After receiving positive feedback from clients, the enterprising housewife recorded several videotapes and appeared on local television. The apotheosis was the book written by Greer Childers - "A magnificent figure in 15 minutes a day", where Greer outlined the entire program in a simple and most intelligible way. She called her own exercise system "Bodyflex".

The main idea of ​​​​bodyflex

The main marketing idea of ​​bodyflex is that any average person without physical training, having learned how to breathe correctly while performing simple exercises, can get rid of extra pounds in just 15 minutes a day. It sounds truly fantastic, but the system has gained spontaneous popularity all over the world, especially in the author's homeland - in the USA.

Bodyflex exercises were originally designed for people without special training. So, the main audience of Greer Childers were American housewives.

Reviews about the effectiveness of body flex exercises vary from the enthusiastic cries of "fanatics" who claim that miracle workouts helped them get rid of incurable diseases, to the indignant cries of those who claim that body flex caused serious harm to their health.

Let's not judge the system based on the words of unknown people, but let's break the system down and analyze its pros and cons. This will allow us to make a reasonable conclusion regarding the effectiveness of the bodyflex exercise system and its safety.

Bodyflex technique

Breathe like a baby - diaphragmatic breathing

The main condition for obtaining the effect, as Greer Chidres says, is special breathing. It is with its development that classes begin. Bodyflex exercises for weight loss will not bring tangible benefits without diaphragmatic breathing.

In explaining what “diaphragm breathing” is, Greer uses the example of babies. When breathing in newborns, the stomach rises on inspiration, and not at all the chest, as in adults. The bodyflex technique also involves breathing with the stomach. In order to control himself, Greer suggests lying on the floor and putting a small book on his stomach. With the usual way of breathing, the book remains almost motionless. But with diaphragmatic breathing, the book will rise and fall with each inhalation and exhalation.

Particular attention in bodyflex is paid to the so-called "diaphragmatic" breathing - breathing with the stomach.

How to master this technique?

To begin, take a series of deep and even breaths. Concentrate on the movement of your chest and imagine your lungs expanding and filling with air.

  1. Exhale forcefully through your mouth, completely emptying your lungs of the air in them.
  2. Breathe in quickly and forcefully through your nose, puffing up your belly. This will help spread the lower ribs and increase the filling of the lungs with oxygen.
  3. Exhale sharply through your mouth, completely emptying your lungs and pulling your stomach inward. To get a better feel for the belly work, Greer Childres recommends practicing in the “volleyball player” pose—feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent, torso tilted forward, palms resting on the legs just above the knees.
  4. After exhaling, hold your breath while continuing to draw in your stomach for 8-10 seconds. This is the training of the so-called "natural pause". Pull the stomach in as much as possible, while the ribs move again and the air comes out of the lungs.
  5. Relax and take a breath.

The main condition for safe bodyflex exercises is gradualness. Listen to your body and take your time. It is recommended to devote the first few lessons exclusively to the development of breathing techniques, and only then proceed to body flex exercises.

The main breathing position in bodyflex is the "volleyball player's position". And indeed, comparing an illustration from the book by G. Childres and a photo of a real volleyball player, you can find a lot in common.

Schematically, the bodyflex breathing technique can be represented as follows:

  1. Exhalation.
  2. Inhale.
  3. Exhalation.
  4. Pause.
  5. Relax.

Bodyflex exercises

In total, there are twelve exercises in the Bodyflex method. Greer Childres herself says that she has included isotonic as well as isometric exercises and in her system. Bodyflex exercises for weight loss are designed for unprepared people. In fact, the main audience of the author of the system were American housewives.

1. Leo

Exercise impact zone: face, areas around the mouth and under the eyes, neck.

Bodyflex exercise "Lion" for the face and neck.

Initial position. Take the so-called "Pose of the volleyball player." Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and bend down, take your buttocks back. Place your palms on your legs a couple of centimeters above your knees. After completing the breathing cycle, hold your breath (stage 4 - natural pause) and begin the exercise.

Performing an exercise. Bring your lips into a narrow circle, tighten your face and try to lower this circle down. Open your eyes wide and look up. Stick your tongue out as far as you can through the tight circle of lips. Hold the pose for 8 counts and relax by inhaling the air.

Number of repetitions: 5.

Note. Be careful not to scare the husband who accidentally entered the room.

2. Terrible grimace

Exercise impact zone: neck, area under the chin.

This exercise is called "Terrible Grimace." When it is performed, the area from the sternum to the chin should be strained.

Initial position. Get into the "volleyball pose". Stick out the lower jaw so that the lower teeth are in front of the upper ones, stick out the lips as if for a kiss, and stretch the neck with all your might. Raise your head up, as if with these very lips you intend to kiss the ceiling. You should feel tension from your chin to your sternum. Take a breath cycle and hold your breath.

Performing an exercise. During a breathing pause, take your straight arms back and linger in this position for 8 counts. Do not close your mouth, feet are on the floor. Breathe in and relax.

Number of repetitions: 5.

Note. Like the previous exercise, this pose got its name for a reason.

3. Lateral stretch

Exercise impact zone: waist and sides.

Exercise "Side stretch".

Initial position. Get into the “volleyball position” and take a breath cycle until you pause.

Performing an exercise. Lower your left hand to your elbow (so that not the palm, but the elbow rests just above the knee). Raise your straight right arm and extend it out to the side above your head, above your ear. You should feel how the entire side surface of your body stretches. Hold this position for 8 counts. Take a breath and relax. Repeat on the other side.

4. Pulling the leg back

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: buttocks, back of the thigh.

“Pulling the leg back” (G.Childers term) or “classic abduction” strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh.

Initial position. Get on the mat - on your knees and elbows. Stretch one leg back. At the same time, the foot should be reduced, the fingers rest on the floor. Perform a breath cycle until paused.

Performing an exercise. Raise your straight leg up and hold for 8 counts. Lower your leg and inhale.

Number of repetitions: 3 on the right side and 3 on the left.

5. "Seiko"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: buttocks.

Exercise "Seiko" to tone the buttocks.

Initial position. Stand in a knee-elbow position, put your straight leg to the side at an angle of 90 degrees to the body. The foot is on the floor. Do a breathing exercise.

Performing an exercise. During a pause, lift your straight leg up and hold for 8 counts. Lower your leg and inhale.

Number of repetitions: 3 on the right side and 3 on the left.

Note. Greer named this exercise "Seiko" because the word means "flame" in Japanese. The gluteal muscle will "burn".

6. "Diamond"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: the inner side of the arms.

Bodyflex exercise "Diamond" is called so because of the similarity of the figure formed by the fingers to a gem.

Initial position. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Touch the fingers of one hand to the fingers of the other hand, bringing your hands together in front of you. Elbows need to be raised to parallel with the floor, the back can be slightly rounded. Perform a breath cycle until paused.

Performing an exercise. As much as possible, rest the fingers of one hand on the fingers of the other, do not lower your elbows. Stay in this position for 8 counts. Then inhale the air and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3.

7. "Boat"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: inner thighs.

Exercise "Boat" - lean forward with legs apart.

Initial position. Sit on the mat, spread your straight legs as wide as you can. Socks "pull" on yourself. Lean back with your hands and perform a breathing cycle until a pause.

Performing an exercise. Bring your arms forward and stretch them as far as possible, trying to lower the body to the floor. Stretch for 8 counts. Then inhale and relax again, moving your hands back.

Number of repetitions: 3.

8. "Pretzel"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: waist, lower back, outer thigh.

Exercise "Pretzel". Try to look back.

Initial position. Sit on the mat, cross your legs so that the left knee is over the right. Try to keep your right leg as straight as possible, horizontally. Put your left hand behind your back, and with your right hand take your left knee. Do a breathing exercise.

Performing an exercise. Shift your weight onto your left hand, pull your left knee up and towards you with your right hand, and twist your torso to the left until you can look back. Hold this position for 8-10 counts. Breathe out and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3 on the right side and 3 on the left.

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: the area under the knees, the back of the thigh.

Hamstring stretch for beautiful legs.

Initial position. Lie on the mat on your back and lift your straight legs up, “pulling” your socks on. Grab your calves with your hands. Perform a breathing cycle without raising your head.

Performing an exercise. During a breathing pause, pull your legs towards you until a “pulling” sensation occurs under your knees. Hold for 8 counts.

Number of repetitions: 3.

10. Abdominal

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: abdominal muscles.

Abdominal exercise.

Initial position. Lying on your back, bend your legs and place your feet on the floor at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Stretch your arms up to the ceiling perpendicular to the body. Do a breathing exercise.

Performing an exercise. Stretch your arms up and lift your shoulder blades. The head is slightly thrown back, the neck is relaxed. Arms and chest stretch to the ceiling as high as possible. Hold on for 8-10 counts.

Number of repetitions: 3.

11. "Scissors"

Exercise impact zone: abdominal muscles, emphasis on the lower part.

Exercise "Scissors" is also aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Initial position. Lie on the mat on your back with your feet together. Place your hands palms down under your buttocks. Head on the floor, lower back pressed to the floor. Perform a breath cycle until paused.

Performing an exercise. Raise your legs 8-9 centimeters off the floor and begin to do vigorous swings, winding one leg after the other and vice versa, as if you were working with scissors. Work for 8-9 bills. Then inhale the air and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3.

12. "Cat"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: muscles of the body, spine.

"Cat" strengthens the muscles of the body and works out the spine.

Initial position. Get on all fours (on your knees and hands). The head is raised up, the gaze is directed forward, the back is straight. Do a breathing exercise.

Performing an exercise. Lower your head and arch your back up as high as you can. Stay in this position for 10 counts. Breathe in the air and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3.

So, bodyflex is a system of weight loss and recovery, based on a special breathing technique. Classes, according to the author of the technique, will deeply saturate tissues with oxygen, drive away stress and activate metabolism. They can be used on their own or as an aid to any physical activity. If you find yourself in a situation where active movements are contraindicated, body flex exercises can be performed at any level of training.

So, you have decided to use this system? Bodyflex exercises for weight loss will bring, according to the author, the maximum benefit if you follow the following rules:

  1. Do not exercise immediately after eating. The ideal time to practice is two hours after a light meal.
  2. In no case do not exercise in stuffy rooms. Always open a window if possible.
  3. Beginners should not do breathing exercises while walking.
  4. Hold in the main position for 8-10 breaths.
  5. Train every day and do each exercise 3-5 times.

Bodyflex exercises will help you quickly get in shape and improve your health. To track the progress of classes and additional motivation, measure your waist and hips regularly. After a month of training, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results, notes Greer Childres.

Is hyperventilation dangerous to health?

The essence of bodyflex training, according to Greer Childers, is that training on this system allows you to increase the saturation of body tissues with oxygen and, accordingly, speed up the metabolism in them. The therapeutic effect of bodyflex, according to her, is comparable to aerobics.

Be careful - hyperventilation of the lungs can be harmful to your health. Before starting classes, read the contraindications.

During aerobic exercise, active movement causes you to consume more oxygen, which the body needs to break down carbohydrates and fats and produce energy.

During bodyflex exercises, due to a special way of breathing, you force the body to receive more oxygen than it receives under normal conditions, forcing it to use this oxygen.

Thus, Greer Childers claims that by purposefully saturating your body with oxygen, you can significantly speed up your metabolism and start the fat burning mechanism. And if you simultaneously perform exercises for different muscle groups, creating an increased need for energy in certain areas, you can direct this oxygen exactly to those problem areas where fat burning is especially necessary. It is by improving the supply of oxygen to tissues and accelerating the metabolism that excess volumes will go away.

In medical terms, the theory of bodyflex is built on the effect of hyperventilation of the lungs. By alternating intense deep breaths and periods of breath holding, a person receives 30-40 percent more oxygen than he consumes in normal life.

Contrary to the promised positive effect, this phenomenon can have very dangerous consequences for the body. Hyperventilation of the lungs leads to the fact that the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood decreases, which is a necessary component for many metabolic processes. By trying to maintain the amount of CO2 in the blood, the body tries to defend itself. Spasms of blood vessels and bronchi occur, blood pressure decreases, and the permeability of cell membranes decreases.

In turn, all this complicates not only the loss of CO2, but also the supply of oxygen to the body. There is an opposite effect - oxygen starvation, which has a lot of negative consequences. Up to the death of brain cells, if the process becomes uncontrollable.

Based on the foregoing, it is not worth it fanatically and thoughtlessly to rush into the maelstrom of bodyflex. Just like any other practice.

In what cases should you stop doing bodyflex? Exercise saturates tissues with oxygen and accelerates blood circulation, which does not always have a positive effect on well-being. Symptoms such as nosebleeds, dizziness, sleep disturbances and headaches are a definite reason to stop exercising.

Before you start exercising, you need to follow a number of precautions.

  • Make sure that you do not have the following diseases and conditions:
    • problems with blood pressure (high, low - it doesn’t matter);
    • diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma, allergic phenomena;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • head trauma, intracranial pressure;
    • vision problems;
    • high fever, bleeding, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • pregnancy.
  • Begin classes only in the presence of another person who can help you in case of loss of consciousness.
  • Even if you are absolutely healthy or have not found your disease in the list of contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor!

In order to avoid unnecessary disappointment, remember that body flex exercises are designed for people who are overweight and initially slow. The therapeutic effect of these exercises is based on the idea of ​​accelerating the metabolism of obese and sedentary people, which causes the body weight to come in this way to the biological norm. However, this rate is not determined by you, but by your body. And your weight will not fall below the biological norm, even if it seems to you that you are still overweight.

Love your body and take care of your health! Good luck!

If you do not have extra pounds and you lead an active lifestyle, bodyflex will not help you, since your metabolism is already at the proper level. I hope that this article was informative and useful for you. Good luck and good luck in the sports field!

The article uses illustrations from the book by G. Childers "A magnificent figure in 15 minutes a day!".

Bodyflex - examples of video classes

What do we know about what Bodyflex breathing exercises are? There are many ways to lose weight and this is one of them. It is based on a certain diaphragmatic breathing and special exercises. This ensures improved ventilation of the lungs. If you follow all the recommendations, then in a short time it is quite possible to remove excess fat deposits on the hips and waist. Let's see how simple gymnastics allows you to achieve excellent results without complex physical exertion and exhausting hunger strikes.

What is bodyflex breathing exercises?

Bodyflex is a breathing exercise based on aerobic breathing in combination with exercisesthat put a load on certain muscle groups. In such movements, the main work is provided by the movement of oxygen.

This technique was invented and developed by Greer Childers, a mother of many children from America. Breathing exercises for weight loss bodyflex includes special breathing with the stomach.

The technique works like this: a breath is taken and the breath is held. At the same time, carbon dioxide accumulates in the cells. This process speeds up metabolism and improves well-being. Interestingly, during normal breathing, the lungs are only half filled with air.

At the beginning of training, it is necessary to stimulate metabolic processes, which will improve the metabolism in the body. After activating the metabolism, you can start working on problem areas.

To start exercising, you need to wait about three hours after eating.

Advice! To get the desired result, you need to devote no more than 20 minutes of effective exercises per day. An important condition is regularity, gymnastics is performed every day. You will notice the first positive changes after a few weeks of constant training.

The nuances of breathing techniques

How bodyflex breathing exercises are done, you can look at the video. Before proceeding to the complex, it is important to learn the basic rules of breathing.

This technique includes the following steps:

  1. To get rid of the air in the lungs, you need to exhale through your mouth.
  2. Inhalation is done through the nose. It must be sharp and fast. In this case, the lungs should be filled to capacity. Correct movement can be determined by a noisy breath.
  3. The lips are compressed and then opened, and a strong exhalation is made. This tenses the abdominal muscles. When you exhale, you should hear the sound "pah". It does not affect the throat and lips.
  4. Then the abdomen is drawn in and at the same time the breath is held. The stomach must be drawn in very strongly.
  5. Inhalation is performed along with relaxation of the press. Air passes into the lungs with a sound like a sob.

Advice! Remember that the exercises are carried out at the stage of holding the breath, when the stomach is drawn in.

Advantages of bodyflex

The essence of this technique is the development of proper breathing. Aerobic type of breathing promotes the burning of body fat. In this case, the effect is enhanced when performing special exercises. Isometric exercises cause tension in one muscle group, while isotonic exercises cause tension in different ones. There are also stretching movements that make the muscles more elastic.

So, let's look at the main benefits of bodyflex:

  • Improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • The functioning of the circulatory system is stimulated.
  • The abdominal muscles become stronger.
  • The body is enriched with an additional volume of oxygen.
  • The layer of fat between the organs is removed.
  • Over time, you can get rid of cellulite.
  • All internal organs are actively massaged.
  • The tone of the intestine increases, which allows to reduce its size.
  • The intestines are actively released from toxins, and constipation disappears.

Advice! With regular training, tissue swelling will first disappear, and then fat deposits are replaced by muscles.

Bodyflex gymnastics contains active exercises. They can be done in the morning or in the evening, but only on an empty stomach.

So let's get started. Try these moves:

  • The facial exercise is called the lion. With its help, it is possible to tighten the outlines of the face. The legs should be placed shoulder-width apart, and it is important to tilt the body forward, and place the hands slightly above the knees. A breathing exercise is done and the stomach is drawn in. Roll your eyes up and stick out your tongue.
  • With the help of lateral stretching, you can work on problem areas. In this case, three turns are made in each direction. The starting position is the same as in the first case. The elbow of the left hand falls to the left knee. That's where the weight comes in. The right leg should be taken to the side, and the right arm extended over the head away.
  • Elbows and knees should be placed on the floor. While holding your breath, you need to raise your leg as high as possible. It should be fixed at the top point for 8 seconds.
  • Exercise diamond allows you to remove excess fat from the hands. To do it, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, and join your hands in a circle. When pulling in the abdomen, you need to strongly rest your fingers and count to 10.
  • An effective exercise for the inner thighs. You need to sit on the floor and lean your hands behind you. In this case, the legs must be spread very widely. Socks need to be pulled towards you and away from you.

  • Helps to lose weight exercise for the press. In the supine position, you need to bend your knees, and stretch your arms forward. In this case, the head does not come off the floor. Then the main exercise is done, arms and shoulders rise up. It is necessary to fix the body in this position. This exercise must be done at least three times.
  • A simple scissors exercise will help to achieve excellent results. You need to lie on your back, and straighten your legs. With tension in the abdomen, it is necessary to raise your legs and swing your legs on a count of 10.

Advice! To use bodyflex, it is not necessary to change the diet. But you need to remember that taking birth control can reduce the effect of exercise. Also, in the absence of regularity, the weight may return.

Rules for good results

The following tips will help you achieve the desired result:

  1. Regular exercise is required.
  2. Loads should be regular.
  3. The right choice of exercises.
  4. All muscle groups are involved.

Bodyflex is not boring, you can do it all the time. This technique will allow you to always stay slim.

Advice! The original technique rationally combines useful breathing exercises and stretching.

Greer Childers technique

Bodyflex breathing exercises were first developed by Greer Childers. She wrote a book on the subject and released a special video course. According to reviews, such exercises can reduce body volume and make the stomach flat.

This set of exercises is suitable not only for women, but also for men. Greer has been teaching his program for over 15 years. Many argue that, in addition to losing weight, this technique allows you to quit smoking.

It turns out that the lack of oxygen reduces immunity, and also causes indigestion and contributes to early aging. During gymnastics, oxygenated blood reaches the working muscles. In this case, fat cells are burned.

During exercise, you need to hold your breath, as it is in the blood that carbon dioxide accumulates. Arteries acquire the ability to fully absorb oxygen.

Advice! In addition to bodyflex, such gymnastics as oxysize is popular. Both techniques differ in their impact on different muscle groups. It is believed that oxysize is more suitable for girls with problems of fat deposits at the waist or in the abdomen. And bodyflex is especially effective in reducing the hips.

A set of exercises with Marina Korpan

Breathing gymnastics bodyflex was finalized by the trainer Marina Korpan to the ideal weight loss system. At a young age, she suffered from excess weight and tried to lose it with strict diets and many hours of training. Since it was not possible to achieve the desired effect, the girl gradually switched to the bodyflex method, as the most effective one.

She developed new principles of breathing based on yoga pranayama. Marina Korpan considers it a big mistake to change your diet, and recommends changing your attitude to food. At the same time, you need to eat slowly, in small portions and do not eat at night.

Useful gymnastics was complemented by dynamic exercises, as well as some sports elements. In addition, Marina Korpan's set of exercises is recommended not only for healthy people. With the help of healing gymnastics, you can solve health problems. The most important advantage of gymnastics is the restoration of the skin even with active weight loss.

Here are the main stages of such breathing exercises:

  1. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart. Then the shoulders are turned, and the lips are pulled out and a noisy exhalation is made. In this case, the stomach is maximally retracted.
  2. Exhale with a short pause, and then inhale, as it were, into the stomach. In this case, the stomach is inflated and protrudes forward.
  3. Lips need to be compressed, and then open and tilt your head back. In this case, the air is forced out of the lungs. The abdomen is drawn in and pressed under the ribs.
  4. It is necessary to hold the breath while counting by 10. In this case, the stomach is drawn in, the muscles of the perineum are compressed, or the chin is attracted to the chest.

Are there any contraindications?

With proper observance of the technique, it can be used to get rid of some diseases. These are fibroids, frequent colds, prostatitis and endometriosis.
But there are also some contraindications. If, under stress during exercise, a deterioration occurs, then the load should be stopped. Consider possible fluctuations in pressure, as well as the condition after surgery or pregnancy. With an exacerbation of chronic diseases, exercises should also not be started. Also, a similar complex is not recommended for heart failure and arrhythmia.

Advice! Breathing exercises help to eliminate toxins that are present in fat cells. They are converted into a gaseous state, and then exhaled when using proper breathing.

If you have health problems, please consult your doctor. It is important to carefully study the technique of the exercises. Especially in the first lessons, you need to take such a position so that dizziness does not occur.
It is recommended to keep a diary where you write down the changes that occur in the body.

Holding your breath for 8 seconds is of great importance. You can try to do it with a stopwatch, and then move on to the main body.

Exercises should be performed not only on an empty stomach, but also drink a glass of water half an hour before class. During the day, also do not forget to drink the required amount of water.

Do not be lazy and try simple exercises. A little effort every day is a guarantee of great results.

Now more and more common is the problem of excess weight in people of different sex, age and professions. The reasons for this phenomenon are too fast pace of life, malnutrition, bad habits, a lot of stress, lack of physical activity. Many people who are overweight are looking for different ways to solve the problem of losing weight. In the course there is starvation, exhausting workouts, strict diets that completely knock out health. The consequences of such weight loss can be the most deplorable. Do not be discouraged, because there is a solution to the problem of getting rid of excess weight and it is effective, uncomplicated. Bodyflex with Marina Korpan effectively helps in the fight against extra pounds. We will talk more about this technique and its features in this article.

Bodyflex is a unique training system that helps fight excess weight. The technique consists of breathing aerobic exercises and stretching of all muscle groups.

This type of training was developed by Greer Childers. She is not a professional athlete, fitness trainer or doctor. Greer Childers is an ordinary housewife who has tried a bunch of different ones. As a result, she developed a number of techniques that effectively relieve excess weight.

Bodyflex breathing exercises were improved by Marina Korpan, who recorded video lessons on this technique and developed another one -. Online lessons of the author's Boflex can be found on the Internet. In addition, she wrote a number of books that describe in detail all the exercises, lifestyle, useful tips, recommendations.

First of all, bodyflex will teach you how to breathe correctly. Oxygen plays an important role in the fat burning process. As soon as you manage to improve your breathing, your metabolism will noticeably accelerate, the removal of fluid from the body and getting rid of extra pounds.

Interesting fact! Bodyflex for the abdomen is one of the most effective and popular ways to burn fat.

How does bodyflex work for weight loss?

Many do not believe that bodyflex effectively helps to lose weight. After all, as Greer Childers advises, you only need to do 15-20 minutes a day. In addition, the exercises are incredibly simple and do not require special physical training. First of all, bodyflex is good for the waist and abdomen. Naturally, it is worth asking those who have experienced the technique for themselves, and almost all reviews about bodyflex are positive.

Let's take a look at how bodyflex for weight loss works. As mentioned above, oxygen is an important participant in the process of burning body fat. During the execution of the techniques, breathing with the stomach is used. Air is retained for 8-10 seconds. Strength exercises along with this way of breathing give an amazing effect. The arteries expand and the cells are intensively saturated with oxygen. In this case, the main thing is regularity.

If you perform a set of bodyflex exercises every day for only 15-20 minutes, the result will be noticeable after 2 weeks of classes. The most difficult thing is to learn how to breathe correctly with your stomach. Thanks to this breathing, bodyflex for weight loss of the abdomen is so effective.

bodyflex technique

The basis of bodyflex exercises is proper breathing (diaphragmatic). By the way, this is how babies breathe. You can learn it by doing the following exercise: you need to lie on the floor, on your back.

A book is placed on the stomach. Inhalation is performed through the nose, exhalation through the mouth. If breathing is done with the stomach, the book will rise and fall with it.

Greer Childers advises doing this in his book. The main stance in the technique is the pose of a volleyball player (legs shoulder-width apart, torso tilted forward).

Breathing technique

The bodyflex breathing technique can be described as follows: first, a deep exhalation is performed; then breath; exhale again and pause; at the end of the relaxation period. First you need to perform a series of deep breaths and exhalations. As soon as it starts to turn out without much effort and problems, you can move on to the exercises themselves.

Here is the Greer Childers respiratory gymnastics complex:

  • Exhale through the mouth with effort, sharply;
  • Take a deep breath and draw in your stomach. Reception is performed in the pose of a volleyball player;
  • Deep breath. Performed through the nose. Thus, we inflate the stomach.

This exercise opens the lungs.

Bodyflex exercises for beginners

  • The first exercise is called Leo. A person takes the pose of a volleyball player, performs a breathing cycle. Then he delays and proceeds to perform movements. The gaze is directed upwards, as high as possible. The lips are brought into a circle with a strong movement; the tongue protrudes as far as possible. Bodyflex exercise Leo is aimed at the muscles of the face and neck.
  • "Side stretch". This technique is beneficial for the abdomen and sides, forms the waist. It becomes more pronounced, and the sides are tightened.

The exercise begins with an inhalation-exhalation cycle. Breathing is held and a tilt is performed to the side, one arm above the head stretches along with the body; and the other hand rests on the knee. Breath is held for 10 seconds. Starting position - pose of a volleyball player.

  • A very good bodyflex exercise for the hips and buttocks:

The starting position is on your knees and elbows. We inhale and exhale. Next, we detect 8-10 seconds, lift the leg back and hold. At the end, return the leg to its original position and inhale.

  • Bodyflex exercise for legs. Starting position - sitting on the floor, spread your legs to the sides as far as possible. We inhale and exhale. Stretch forward for 10 seconds. At the end we take a breath.
  • Reception for the back "cat". Stand on your knees. The respiratory cycle is inhalation and exhalation. As you exhale, bend your back up and stay in this position for 8-10 seconds. Then a deep breath.

All techniques are performed with repetitions of 4-5 times.

All these techniques can be included in the daily morning body flex express course. Below we offer to study a fifteen-minute online video tutorial for beginners with the founder of the technique, Greer Childers.

There are 12 exercises in total. Each of them was analyzed in detail in her video tutorials and reviews.

Greer Childers herself advises:

  • engage in ventilated, clean rooms, or in nature - in a forest or park where there are few people;
  • do not perform a set of bodyflex exercises after eating. Best 2-3 hours after eating;
  • clothing must be comfortable;
  • each exercise must be performed 4-5 times;
  • training should be done alone, that is, so that no one interferes and does not observe the process. So it will be good to relax.

Bodyflex successfully copes with extra pounds. Before starting, measure your waist, hips, buttocks. For the first week of classes, a decrease in volume by 2-5 centimeters is possible.

The benefits of bodyflex exercises

Bodyflex breathing exercises bring significant benefits to the body.

  • Firstly, the process of digestion and metabolism is accelerated;
  • The process of burning excess fat starts;
  • The body, all its tissues, organs and cells are saturated with oxygen;
  • The general well-being of a person improves;
  • Those who practice this technique feel a charge of vivacity and a surge of vital energy;
  • The immune system is strengthened;
  • The body looks toned, elastic;
  • Muscle mass grows.

This is not a complete list of possible results from bodyflex. It is worth remembering that classes must be regular and stable. In addition, the load should be from simple to complex. It is necessary to start bodyflex classes with breathing exercises. And gradually master the rest of the exercises. To be honest, perform the complex every day for 15-20 minutes - the result will follow after a few weeks.

If you add proper nutrition to bodyflex exercises, the result will delight you doubly. After all, the effect will be noticeable even faster. It is necessary to start drinking more water, eat protein, fruits, vegetables, greens and less harmful, fatty, fried foods. Aerobics work well with bodyflex. After a difficult aerobics workout, bodyflex will relax well and speed up the process of splitting body fat. The effectiveness of bodyflex training has been proven all over the world. They are rightfully considered one of the most popular and effective in losing weight.

Greer Childers is an ordinary housewife who achieved her cherished goal with the help of body flex. Everyone can repeat her achievement. After all, nothing is impossible!

Bodyflex with Marina Korpan: 4 best video lessons

The best video tutorials from the series “Lose Weight with Marina Korpan” can be watched on video for free in the public domain. Express course techniques are suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

Everyone wants to have a slim and refined figure. Therefore, when extra pounds appear, some give up, while others make attempts to restore their former beauty. To date, there are a huge number of diets, systems and methods of losing weight that help to regain the lost figure. One of the most popular ways to remove a couple of extra centimeters is bodyflex breathing exercises for weight loss.

This technique has helped a huge number of people to find a beautiful figure and a healthy body. However, the fact that a very small number of people know how to "correctly" breathe is a reality. The formation of proper breathing in bodyflex is 80% of the success of what you still get from this complex what you are trying to achieve.

“Correctly” breathing is quite difficult. But it's not too late to learn how to do it! Let's figure it out together, what is this miracle gymnastics?

Breathing exercises are a combination of proper breathing and exercises, the basis of which is a combination of deep breathing and certain types of exercise. The effect of weight loss occurs due to the saturation of the body with a large amount of oxygen, which, in turn, affects all muscle groups, helping them grow and stretch.

Important! During this type of gymnastics, learn how to make sure that the inhaled air is absorbed correctly, because the process of losing weight directly depends on this. You can lose weight only when using diaphragmatic breathing. Bodyflex helps fight accumulated fats precisely through oxygen. The figure becomes toned and elastic, and wrinkles and cellulite disappear.

Interestingly, men are superior to women in the matter of proper breathing: when inhaling, they inflate the stomach, and when exhaling, they relax it.

We do breathing exercises with Marina Korpan

Morning jogs, miracle teas for weight loss, all kinds of diets - for many people, such methods of dealing with extra pounds make melancholy. There are always a lot of excuses not to run in the morning, or seagulls cost a lot of money. But be that as it may, there is a completely free method to lose weight and also tighten the body!

Yes, yes, free! We are talking about breathing exercises, which was presented by Marina Korpan.

M. Korpan developed a unique set of exercises on the basis of her personal research, as well as with the help of foreign specialists. Today, any girl who has a desire to lose a few extra pounds can follow the example of Korpan by doing Bodyflex.

You can do this gymnastics at home without visiting expensive fitness rooms. The exercises that Marina Korpan presented to us are not aimed at exhausting workouts. Which can lead to stress, and in the future, in general, to the desire to “tie up” with this business.

Breathing gymnastics by M. Korpan consists of 12 exercises: "Lion", "Ugly Grimace", "Side Stretch", "Pull Leg Back", "Seiko", "Diamond", "Boat", "Pretzel", "Hamstring Stretch" ”, “Abdomen”, “Scissors” and “Cat”.

Benefits and usefulness of Bodyflex

This miracle gymnastics has a lot of positive factors:

  • Minor waste of time. In order for you to achieve visible results, you need to give breathing exercises a maximum of 20 minutes a day.
  • This method contributes not only to burning extra pounds, but also helps to tighten the facial muscles.
  • These exercises can be done anywhere, both at home and outdoors or at work.
  • Bodyflex gymnastics contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, and also helps to remove harmful substances and toxins from our body.
  • Certain exercises help to contract the stomach muscles, which will subsequently affect the amount of food consumed.
  • Solving two problems at the same time. The first is the elimination of extra pounds, and the second is the tightening of certain muscles.
  • This wonderful complex helps relieve tension, irritability and fatigue.
  • Thanks to breathing exercises, the condition of hair and skin improves, and the body as a whole is rejuvenated.
  • Acquired flexibility and grace.
  • People who have diseases of the heart, lungs and gastrointestinal tract are recommended to do breathing exercises.

Who is not suitable for this gymnastics?

It would seem that this method of losing weight from Marina Korpan has no contraindications, but this is not so.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to engage in this type of breathing exercises for pregnant women, so as not to provoke premature birth.
  2. At elevated body temperature or with any inflammatory processes, these exercises are not recommended.
  3. With increased arterial and intracranial pressure, it is also impossible to engage in bodyflex.
  4. Heart disease (failure, arrhythmia), glaucoma, severe stress also exclude this gymnastics.
  5. It is not recommended to engage in the presence of any hernia, as this can lead to undesirable consequences.
  6. If bleeding occurs, it is necessary to stop bodyflex exercises, however, after the condition is normalized, the complex can be resumed.
  7. Taking medications: antidepressants, contraceptives and hormonal.
  8. During an exacerbation of any chronic disease, gymnastics must be suspended so as not to worsen the course of the disease.

Important! If you have any disease, ordinary or chronic, in any case, before starting bodyflex breathing exercises, you should consult with your doctor!

Bodyflex training rules

Basics that will help you get a toned and healthy body:

  1. Systematic training. Exercises should be without "skips", this will help you achieve the desired result much faster.
  2. The best time for breathing exercises is in the morning. It is advisable to do it on an empty stomach.
  3. There are no severe dietary restrictions. It is enough to exclude sweets and flour products from your diet.

How to choose the right exercises for a particular muscle group?

Before doing M. Korpan breathing exercises, you need to know which exercises are right for you.

There are only three types of gymnastics: isotonic, stretching and isometric.

The isotonic method of weight loss is aimed at the work of a certain muscle group. Gymnastics for this type helps to stretch certain muscles to their full length. These activities require a huge amount of oxygen, so you need to be able to properly use all the oxygen that enters our body during gymnastics. This set of exercises is aimed at stretching the tendons, and also favorably affects the blood supply.

Stretching exercises. They help improve the elasticity of muscle tissue. Thus, after doing bodyflex, your muscles will become more plastic and flexible. It is worth noting that before starting the "stretching" a warm-up is very important in order to prevent the occurrence of injuries.

And there were isometric exercises. They are based on the application of efforts to overcome resistance. This method helps to increase muscle strength. But it does not affect the work of the heart and the flexibility of the joints.

I would like to add that when doing bodyflex, you should not miss any type of exercise, because all three complexes will help you achieve the desired result.

Let's fix your tummy!

In order to lose a few centimeters from the stomach, we offer you Bodyflex breathing exercises, presented to us by Marina Korpan.

First you need to roll your lips into a tube and exhale all the air through them. In this case, the stomach should be drawn in towards the spine. Then close your mouth and take a deep breath, inflating your stomach. Then release the air through the open mouth. And in the end, close your mouth, draw in your stomach and hold your breath for eight seconds.

That's the secret to a toned belly!

What do we get from bodyflex breathing exercises in the end?

Unfortunately, not a single person is immune from the appearance of extra centimeters on our body. However, in many cases, in the fight against treacherous weight, you can win!

It must be remembered that each muscle group has its own exercises. Also, do not forget about the systematic nature of the exercises, if you do breathing exercises when you want, then this, most likely, will not bring any result.

In order to achieve the desired success faster, you need, first of all, to set yourself up for the right wave: think about why you need it, and whether you need it at all. After all, activities that do not bring pleasure, most often, do not bring benefits.

Also, do not forget about the risk group. People who are in it need to look for other, more gentle methods of dealing with excess weight!

Breathing exercises for weight loss bodyflex is the perfect set of exercises to make your figure slim and toned!

Look after yourself and be healthy!

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