Water painting technique. Unusual, magical and beautiful: ebru water painting technique at home


Ebru is a unique water painting technique. Having acquired the necessary materials and at least minimal skills, anyone can create unusual patterns. This exciting activity will appeal to both children and adults. Want to try? Then get acquainted with our master class.

Preliminary preparation

For drawing you will need:

  • viscous water (purchased at a specialized store);
  • paints that do not dissolve in water (ordering via the Internet will be cheaper);
  • palette;
  • flat brush;
  • oilcloth to cover the table;
  • thin wooden sticks with a sharp and blunt end;
  • thick paper (the one used for printing photographs is suitable), or a clay blank for drawing a picture, covered with glaze;
  • a rectangular plastic container (container) corresponding to the size of the paper;
  • jar for water;
  • paper napkins;
  • stencils (optional).

Creating a masterpiece

Important! Before you start creating a drawing, you should remember: the brush is washed in water, but the stick is not washed, but wiped with a napkin!

1. Take a palette and pour some paint colors you like into it.

2. Fill the container halfway with the solution.

3. Take a flat brush, dip it into the paint of the color you like and, holding it over the container, tap on the edge of the second palm so that the drops of paint fall on the solution in the container.

4. If desired, repeat the previous procedure with a different paint color. Just do not overdo it, otherwise the colors will drown out each other.

5. Lightly touching the surface of the solution, slowly draw the sharp end of the stick several times from one edge of the container to the other, each time “drawing” a line slightly below the previous one. At this stage, you will create a beautiful background for the future drawing.

6. Take a stick and dip the thick end into the paint. Then gently, in any place, lightly touching the picture, put a few dots. After waiting a couple of minutes, you will see how they blur, forming circles.

7. Wipe the wand and dip it in another paint. Make dots again. Now you can put points already in the center of the formed circles. Repeat as many times as you see fit.

8. Now, with the thin end of the stick, gently start drawing patterns. You can "stretch" circles in or out, draw zigzags and any other fancy patterns.

9. When you consider that the drawing is ready, you can transfer it to paper or any blank, for example, a clay mold. If you transfer to paper, carefully place it on the surface of the solution and, moving the stick along the surface so that the paper has contact with water everywhere, count to 10. Just hold the workpiece with your fingers for 10 seconds on the surface of the water.

10. Remove your masterpiece and dry thoroughly. Please note that drying paper takes at least an hour.

Water painting is an amazing art. Be sure to try! Wonderful drawings that will come out from under your hands will not leave anyone indifferent.

Video example “Ebru - drawing on water” from the author Regina

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Are you familiar with the technique of drawing ebru? Probably not everyone has heard of it. At the same time, this is a very interesting and exciting process of creativity. In the East, special plant extracts and bile are used to create drawings on paper.

Unfortunately, ordering materials in other countries is expensive and unprofitable. But there is no need to be sad. The technique of ebru drawing on water at home is available to everyone, and this lesson will cost absolutely inexpensively.

Ebru means "like clouds" in Persian. The first products in this technique found on the territory of Turkestan date back to 800 AD.

The meaning of Ebru is to draw on water with insoluble paints, and then transfer the image to paper. It turns out something between watercolor and printmaking.

In the East, paints are obtained by mixing natural pigment, bile and water. Before starting, the extract of the mountain thorn geven is added to the water, which makes the liquid more dense. The paints turn out to be watery, very liquid, so they easily move over the surface.

With the help of a thin brush, the artist creates a drawing by rolling paints. Then he lowers the paper under water, waits 10 seconds and lifts the canvas with the finished product. This is the most crucial moment: the drawing must be completely preserved on paper.

Today, the Ebru technique has become not only the property of the elite. Her active is used in the classroom in kindergarten. Of course, this does not mean that expensive paints are ordered for kids in Russia. All materials can be found at home at hand.

How to draw at home?

If you are not going to practice ebru professionally, but just want to amuse yourself and diversify your life a little, you should find out which paints are suitable for home use.

It's easy to make them. You will need thinner and oil paints. Take the colors that you like and in separate containers with the help of a thinner, bring them to a liquid state.

Now let's look at how to make a liquid on which we will draw. For these purposes, starch will be needed. Dilute it in ordinary water to the state of a liquid paste. This will be our basis for drawing.

And now the most important thing: how to properly stir the paints to get a picture. Take dishes with a wide surface. The wider the surface, the larger the pattern will be.

Pour the paste into the prepared dishes and drip a little paint on it. With a thin brush, start moving the colors so that you get an ornament. You can start with the simplest - streaks and stains. Then complicate the drawing by adding the outlines of flowers, peacock feathers. In addition to a brush, you can connect other tools in the form of spoons, spatulas, etc.

You can watch a video of this magical process here:

How to draw and what patterns to perform is up to you. Rather, it is not the result that fascinates, but the process when the contours of the patterns are created on the surface of a thick liquid. When the drawing is ready, we put paper on top of it, wait for a few seconds, then lift it up and let the water drain.

You need to be prepared that the result may not match the image on the water, since the colors can blur under the influence of the flowing liquid and change shape. The general contour, of course, will be preserved, but such a performance may not satisfy connoisseurs of beauty at first. So focus on the execution process, and the result will come in the course of training.

Ebru for children

The ebru technique in kindergarten is even simpler than the example described above. No one will buy oil paints for kindergarten: they are very expensive.

But the usual gouache in the arsenal of teachers is enough. Ordinary milk is used as a liquid for applying paints: parents can bring it to the lesson for each child individually.

Pour some milk into a wide bowl. It is better if its fat content is small, not higher than 2.5%. Gouache should be slightly diluted with water. To apply paint to the surface, you can use a pipette, toothpick, brushes. As soon as the paints hit the surface of the water, you can begin to create.

This technique is absolutely safe for babies. Even if one of them unknowingly decides to try a colored "cocktail", nothing bad will happen. Some experimenters add dish detergent to paints, but this is not necessary in the case of children. Regular gouache is much safer.

When the drawing on milk is created, you can start imprinting. Both coated and regular paper from a notebook will do: the result will be the same.

If you often conduct similar lessons in kindergarten, arrange an exhibition at the end of the year and select the best work! If you're painting at home, frame your best print and hang it on the wall!

Master class "In the rain" on drawing with ebru paints with appliqué elements with a step-by-step photo

Vlasova Irina Timofeevna, educator of the highest qualification category, teacher of additional education in visual activity of the preschool structural unit "Success" of gymnasium No. 1409 in Moscow

Ebru (watercolor painting)- this is a technology of drawing on the surface of the water with special non-sinking paints. After the work on the drawing is completed, it can be printed on any surface - on paper, canvas, ceramics, glass souvenirs, fabric or clothes. So the unique pattern becomes a decoration of the interior, clothes and accessories.
You may think: why does a child need ebru if there are pencils, felt-tip pens, watercolors? Watercolor painting is qualitatively different from all of the above! Children (and in most cases, adults watching the mystery of drawing on water) perceive the process itself as real magic. When their creation, fabulous in beauty and flight of fancy, passes to paper, leaving the water crystal clear, the delight of the kids is indescribable! Thanks to watercolor painting, children's fantasy and imagination develop at a cosmic speed. By carefully observing the children, you can see how their own microworld opens up in the kids, in which they express themselves creatively and get great pleasure from it. In addition, ebru also brings purely practical benefits: it develops hand motility, patience and endurance, and also has a calming effect, which parents of hyperactive children especially passionately dream of. Watercolor painting will help the child to feel his unity with nature. Organic paints, water and your own imagination - what could be more natural?

What attracts children and adults to drawing on water? What is beautiful about Ebru is that even a person who does not know how to draw at all creates something beautiful the first time. Water itself helps to create beauty, if only a person is ready to learn to understand its language and learn to freely “speak” it. Ebru is limitless and unique - there are no two identical drawings, each time a new combination is obtained - colors, shades, shapes ... Even a master artist does not know how the colors will “dance” on the water in each new drawing!

Practical significance. Aquatic drawing does not require any preliminary preparation, it is based on the natural processes of the development of the imagination. The Ebru technique does not allow drawing from a model. This gives impetus to creativity, manifestation of independence, initiative, expression of individuality. Develops color perception, attention, memory, hand motility, patience and endurance. The uniqueness of materials brings joy, participation in the "magic" of colors. Ebru technique can be recommended for use in preschool institutions, as the materials have a natural basis and are environmentally friendly. And also it is interesting and useful for all family members (parents and children), preschool teachers, teachers of additional education, teachers, students of pedagogical universities and everyone. The organization of work is not laborious if there are art materials, samples of drawings, a methodological base and appropriate training of the teacher himself.

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the ebru technique using the example of a specific master class "Under the rain".
The purpose of the master class- drawing attention to children's creativity, the formation of the ability to make New Year's gifts using the ebru technique.
Based on this goal, the following tasks:
1) consolidate drawing skills in the ebru technique;
2) develop imagination, visual and auditory perception, figurative thinking, imagination, hand motor skills;
3) increase the personal self-esteem of the child: make him feel like a director, artist and performer of a fairy tale;
4) to cultivate a sense of joy, belonging to a unique and inimitable creativity.

Used for work the following materials: a rectangular tray for ebru; Artdeco oil-based paints in blue, light blue, white and purple; transparent cups; thickened water; bristle brushes; awl for working with liquid paints; pipette for a set of paint, paper napkins; disposable plates; thick sheets of paper (according to the size of the tray); apron; glitter gel; gouache, brushes, water.

Stages of work:
1. Pour Artdeco paints into transparent plastic cups.

2. Pick up a little paint on a pipette and apply to the brush (a few drops are enough).

3. Spray paint evenly on the surface of the water. Drops of oil-based paint do not dissolve in water, but remain on its surface. They blur, take on bizarre shapes, change shape every second.

4. You can use different colors as you wish. Or mix paints in a separate container to get a new shade.

5. Using an awl (knitting needle or toothpick), draw on the surface of the water. With a knitting needle, draw straight lines on the surface of the water. You can also use a comb (parallel lines are obtained on the surface of the water).

6. Fancy colored stripes have been obtained, which will later serve as the background of “rain”.

7. Then put a thick sheet of paper on the surface of the water. Spread the sheet with your hands so that there is no formation of air bubbles (otherwise there will be unpainted white spots in the picture).

8. After a few seconds, gently lift the sheet of paper, starting from one side. In this case, the drawing on the water is printed on paper, and transparent water remains in the tray, on which it will be possible to draw again.

9. Wet drawing will take some time to dry (from 1 hour or more). The resulting image can be the drawing itself (i.e., the finished work) or serve as a background for further creativity.

10. After the sheet is dry, you can continue to draw on it (for example, with felt-tip pens or gouache), or make an application from colored paper.

Smolyakova Anastasia

The work of Smolyakova Anastasia is dedicated to the ancient art of drawing on water - EBRU. The goal set in the work, to reveal the secret of drawing on water, was fully achieved.



Scientific and practical conference

Oktyabrsky district of the municipality "City of Saratov"

"My first step into science"

EBRU - the secret of drawing on the water.


student of 4"B" class

MAOU "Secondary School No. 95 with UIOP"

Smolyakova Anastasia

Scientific adviser:

Balashkina Tatyana Borisovna,

Primary school teacher

Saratov 2014

Discover the secret of the ancient Turkish art of painting on water.

1. Find out what is the secret of drawing on the water;
2. To study the special literature on this topic;
3. Make a homemade analogue of ancient ebru paints;
4. Select the required density of water for drawing;
5. Give advice on dilution of paints with bile.

6. Find the application of this research for implementation in the educational process at the drawing lesson.


You can replace the old paint recipe with a modern analogue, with the same result of the drawing technology.

OBJECT OF STUDY- ancient art of water painting

Introduction ………………………………………………………………4

Homeland and meaning of Ebru…………….……………………………….5

Practical part…………………………………………………....6

Conclusion …………………………………………………….……..11

List of used literature ……………………………….12

  1. Introduction

When I was vacationing in Turkey, I was lucky enough to get acquainted with the ancient art of drawing on water. It made an indelible impression on me. It's like magic - the colors floated on the surface of the water, turning into bizarre drawings, and then transferred to a sheet of paper or fabric.

This wonderful way of drawing was called EBRU!

When I returned to Saratov, I got fired up and decided to reveal the secret of drawing on water.

I.1 Birthplace and meaning of EBRU

The Ebru painting technique is about 600 years old, this type of water painting has been known since the 15th century in East Asia.

The meaning of this word is unknown, but there are several versions. According to one of them, Ebru comes from the Arabic “ab-ru” (water for the face), according to another, “ebri” (wave-like), according to the third, the name comes from the Persian “ebri”, which means “cloud”.

The art of "water painting" was passed down by masters from generation to generation. The essence of this technique is that the artist draws a picture with paints on water, which do not dissolve in water, but when mixed, form intricate patterns. Paper is applied to the water pattern, after a few seconds it is carefully removed and dried.

Ebru today . Until recently, this beautiful art form was in danger of extinction. Technology could be lost, craftsmanship forgotten, and we would be left to enjoy the masterpieces of the past, trying to understand in what incomprehensible way they were created.
But in recent decades, the art of Ebru in Turkey has received a new life: it is preserved, developed and carried to the masses.


When I arrived in Saratov and started calling shops “for hobby” and “everything for drawing”, etc., no one knew about ebru. Then I decided to make an analogue of these paints myself and began to study the intricacies of this method.


In Ebru, only natural materials were used:

Brushes (fyrchalar) . The main task of brushes is to absorb more paint and easily give it away in the form of many small drops. For this, horsetail hair is traditionally used in Ebru to this day. The handle is traditionally made from the stem of a rose.I bought brushes with natural bristles in the store.

Shilo (biz) . An awl is used to complete the drawing. With it, the artist carefully moves the paints over the surface so that the desired forms are obtained. You can even paint portraits like this. Instead of an awl, knitting needles, needles, bamboo skewers are quite suitable.

Comb (tarak-tarak). To obtain a "scaly" pattern, a comb is used, the length of which corresponds to the length or width of the pallet. This tool is great for evenly filling space with a pattern and for creating a background.


Ebru - it is a drawing of one liquid on the surface of another. This is only possible if these liquids havedifferent surface tension.

Therefore, the water on which the drawing will be performed must be thicken .

The extract is used as a thickener. Geven plants . This mountain thorn grows in Iran. In July, the plant is cut to collect resin from its stem. Seafood thickeners can be used instead of geven extract.red algae, as well as plant juice astralagus having weak adhesive properties.

I had nowhere to get such plants. And I began to think that it could have weak adhesive properties from improvised materials.

Came to my mind:

Potato starch;


silicate glue;


The best result for the base for water showed silicate glue, diluted 1:1 with water.


Paints (boyalar)
Ebru paints include
natural pigment, water and bile. They very liquid in consistency, essentially colored water. The following insoluble pigments are used to make ebru paints:

Yellow: sulfur compound of natural arsenic.

Blue: Lahore blue, which is obtained from the root of the plant. The recipe for its manufacture was created in the Pakistani city of Lahore.

Green: combination of blue and yellow. If there is a lot of arsenic, the color is closer to pistachio, if there is a lot of blue, closer to emerald.

Dark blue: a special kind of natural blue.

Black: kiln soot collected by hand. Since ancient times, soot has been used to make ink. In preparation, this is the most difficult paint. It absorbs water very poorly due to the soot that constantly rises to the surface of the water. Therefore, it needs to be mixed for a very long time. To facilitate this process, pine needles are added to the solution.

White: lead carbonate (lead white) in its natural form.

Red: iron oxide from red cabbage leaves.

By the way, a very important point when creating paints: dilute pigments!

1 drop per teaspoon of pigment water mixture.

For the preparation of EBRU paints, an important component is - bile (in the original bull), but I tried to replace it with fish.

Fresh fish is a frequent product in our kitchen and there was no need to store ox bile (an unpleasant smell appeared in the refrigerator, and when canned with alcohol, the bile properties we needed were lost).

Bile - a yellow-green liquid has a rather unpleasant odor, but despite this, bile reduces the surface tension of water, which is what we need.

What to use as a pigment?

  1. Watercolor paints + distilled water + bile;
  2. Dry pigment (blue, etc.) + distilled water + bile;
  3. Food dry dye + distilled water + bile;
  4. Gouache + distilled water + bile;


The 4th option showed the best result - gouache + distilled water + bile.


A specially prepared thick solution is poured into a small rectangular trough (kitchen pan) from water and having weak adhesive properties. In our case, it is silicate glue diluted 1:1 with water.

Further, paints are added to this mixture that do not dissolve in water (gouache + distilled water + bile), but remain on its surface, mix with each other and form bizarre and unique patterns (using devices: brushes, awls, combs, etc.) By the way, a very important point when creating paints: dilute pigmentsONLY with distilled water!

Before using in work, be sure to add bile (it is most convenient to add with a pipette) from the calculation1 drop per teaspoon of gouache with water.

Paints need to be infused for several days after dilution.

Paper is applied to this mixture and after 5-10 seconds it is carefully removed and left to dry.(photo below)

  1. We drip pink paint, it spreads on the surface. And then yellow.
  2. We drip green and blue paint.
  1. We drip white paint.

A creative person tends to look for new ways of self-expression, for example, such as unconventional suminagashi techniques and ebru - drawing on water. Both of them came to us from time immemorial and were originally folk "inventions". Thanks to these, the masters imitated various textures in their works and created intricate abstractions. In this article, we will look at where the ebru technique (drawing on water) came from and its various types, the tools and materials necessary for work, and whether it is possible to do it all yourself.

What it is?

Ebru is an ancient graphic technique that allows you to get a colorful print from the surface of the water in one step. As a result, a unique pattern remains on the surface of the fabric or paper. The traditional Turkish technique of painting on water combines and complements each other elements of painting and techniques characteristic of printmaking.

When and where did ebru appear?

Among modern researchers of this drawing technique, there are still disputes about where and when it appeared. They are united only in one thing: this is the oldest type of folk art that has developed over the centuries, has oriental roots. According to one version, ebru - drawing on water, appeared in India, and then through Persia came to the Ottoman Empire, as Turkey used to be called. Proponents of another theory consider Bukhara to be the birthplace of this artistic technique, from where it spread further.

What does "ebru" mean?

As with the history of origin, the origin of the name of this art is also not clear. Some scientists believe that it came from "ebri", which means "cloud" in Farsi. Others suggest a linguistic ancestor in Chongai or Arabic. In the countries of the Old World, the art of ebru - drawing on water, appeared only in the 16th century, and the peak of its popularity fell on the 17th-19th centuries. Since the technique was brought from Istanbul, Europeans most often call it "Turkish paper".

Types of ebru

Modern artists widely use in their practice various types of this technique of drawing on water. Let's take a quick look at the most common:

1. Akkase Ebru - when several layers of paint are applied alternately on the same paper sheet as it dries.

2. Waves or Gel-Git. Even a beginner will not find it difficult to make such an ebru. The technique is simple: paint is sprayed over the prepared water surface, after which parallel lines are drawn along it with an awl or a pointed bamboo stick.

3. Battal ebru - the most traditional and simple technique, in which the artist only needs to spray paint on the surface of the water, and then, without making any changes, transfer the drawing to paper or fabric.

4. Ebru technique Khatib was invented by the Islamic preacher (imam-khatib) Mehmet Efendi at the beginning of the 18th century. This technique served as a transitional technique from those obtained in battal to images of flowers. In addition, thanks to khatib ebru, drawing on the water got the opportunity to create an ornament.

5. Images of flowers, better known as Nejmeddin's ebru, named after its inventor. This technique is based on working with an awl over concentric circles of various sizes.

Preparation of an aqueous solution

Unlike the Japanese suminagashi, which uses ordinary water, the Turkish ebru technique uses an aqueous solution thickened with a special plant extract. The thickener is obtained from the prickly plant Astralagus (Geven), which grows in the mountainous regions of Pakistan, Iran and Turkey, which is cut in the middle of summer, and the resulting resin is dried in the sun. As a result, a petal kitre is obtained, after insisting on it for two weeks, you can get a solution of the desired consistency. Today, there is a ready-made, powdered extract on sale, which is infused for only a day. Our compatriots, mastering ebru, drawing on water, use a thickener that is more common in our country - agar-agar, obtained from red seaweed and widely used in the cosmetic and food industries. To create a homogeneous aquatic environment, the solution thickened with agar-agar must be filtered through nylon or gauze, after which the container is covered with newspaper or thick paper. In this way, you can collect all the microscopic bubbles and get a homogeneous working composition.

Useful for everyone who seeks to master the Turkish ebru technique, a master class on preparing a water base:

1. If you are lucky and managed to buy a powdered extract of geven, put it in water, mix thoroughly and leave for a day.

2. The settled solution must be passed through gauze or capron, covered with a newspaper and left for a few minutes.

3. We remove the newspaper and start creativity.

Other materials

In addition to a thickened aqueous solution for drawing on water using the Ebru technique, other materials will be required:

  • Paints, completely natural, consist of color pigments, animal bile and water. Outwardly, they are very similar to ordinary tinted water.
  • A flat tray in which you will create compositions on the water.
  • A set of brushes made of natural hair, kolinsky or squirrels.
  • An awl or any object long and pointed at one end, such as a wooden skewer or a bamboo stick. By carefully working with colors on a thick surface, you can create original color transitions and visual images.
  • Scallop. Folk craftsmen make a special tool, however, you can use any cheap plastic comb to get scales in the picture.

Ebru: master class

After all the materials and tools have been prepared, the aqueous solution has been infused, you can begin to be creative:

1. Place a few drops of paint on the water surface with a brush.

2. With a comb, awl or tools that replace them, try to give the drops the shape you intended. This is quite difficult, since it is very difficult to predict where the paint will move.

3. When you consider that the drawing on the water is completely ready for you, take thick paper or a plain fabric.

4. Place it very carefully on the surface of the water. As soon as the sheet lies flat on the entire drawing, carefully and smoothly remove it.

5. As a result, you should get a sheet of paper with a unique pattern and a clean surface of a thick base. If there are small traces of paint left on the water, carefully remove them with a newspaper.

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