Technological culture and labor communication. Introduction to the world of technological culture of construction


Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation
State educational institution
higher professional education
"Pacific State University"


Discipline: "Culturology"
Topic: "Features of technological culture"
Option - 17

Completed by: Bendyak Victoria Konstantinovna
1st year student
Direction 0802200.62 BME "Management"
Group Mz-11
Record book number 2011022767

Khabarovsk - 2011

    Essence and content of technological culture
    Technology, science, engineering
    The role of technological culture in the life of modern society

The expedient organization of human activity involves the selection of the necessary means and methods of action, the planning and execution of a certain sequence of operations. This organizational side of human activity forms its technology.
The technology of human activity, unlike the activity of animals, is not given to man “by nature”, but is a cultural phenomenon. The niche it occupies in the cultural space is the area of ​​technological culture.
Technological culture includes knowledge and regulations, with the help of which human activity is carried out. This is its semantic, informative, content side. But, as in all areas of culture, it also has a material side - cereal material, in which its meanings are encoded, objectified.
Tasks of control work:
    Determine the essence and content of technological culture
    Define the concept of technology, science, engineering
    Determine the role of technological culture in the life of modern society

    Essence and content of technological culture
In the 20th century, humanity entered the technological stage of its development.
Using various technological means, a person began to actively create an artificial world, his objective existence.
At the turn of the transition of mankind to the 20th century, the scientific and technical environment, the technosphere began to alienate man from nature, which led to a violation of the natural balance in the world. The technological development of society was carried out in two stages. In the first stage (the first half of the 20th century), the main attention was paid to industrialization and mechanization of production. It was a stage of scientific and technological progress and technocratic ideology. Technocracy literally means the power of technology as a means (not a method) of production.
At the beginning of the 20th century, technocratic philosophical theories dominated, according to which technology and its systematic development by themselves, regardless of other factors, can solve all social problems. Therefore, power and management in a capitalist society must be transferred from the owners and politicians to the engineering and technical intelligentsia (technocracy), which allegedly acts as the main driving force of progress.
Technocratic theories reflected the increased importance of science and technology for production and society, but they underestimated the role of such factors as politics, culture, class and national interests, etc.
By the beginning of the 1940s, technocratic philosophical theories had lost their relevance.
In the second half of the 20th century, humanity entered the scientific and technological stage of development. The emergence of new technologies led to the fact that in the years 1950-1990, world social production increased by about 7 times. The creation of computers led to the emergence of the information world and high, science-intensive technologies.
Back in the 70s, the term scientific and technological revolution was widely used, in which the role of technology was emphasized to the detriment of technology. However, with the advent of universal technology, production methods began to differ in their technologies, which began to dominate.
Today, mankind lives in conditions when the industrial stage of scientific and technological progress with its extensive, technocratic ideology (to get the maximum result at any cost) is becoming a thing of the past. The new - technological - stage establishes the priority of the method over the result of the activity, taking into account its social, environmental, economic, psychological, aesthetic and other factors and research.
In a technological culture, a person realizes himself as the master of all things. Previously inaccessible to the human mind gradually becomes more and more clear. Man has been able to make nature manifest some of its potentially existing laws. Now he lives in the conditions of an open instrumental civilization, being aware of this. He created technological "organisms" - systems of interdependent components, the actions of which are aimed at achieving the goals set by their creator.
The power and range of modern technological means - computers, industrial robots, controlled biotechnological reactions or nuclear reactors - are not comparable to their predecessors. On the one hand, they improve people's lives, and on the other hand, they increase a person's responsibility for their actions.
For modern - technological - culture such basic
concept is "technology".
The most common is the assertion that the word "technology" comes from the Greek "techne" - art, skill, skill and "logos" - teaching, science. Thus, technology is understood as the science of craftsmanship, methods of interaction between a person, tools and objects of labor.
Previously, the term "technology" was used only in relation to production processes.
Thus, technology is a multidimensional, universal concept that permeates all aspects of human life and society. Technology is at least a philosophical, sociocultural, epistemological, psychological, pedagogical, economic category and requires further study.
Technological culture is based on the transformational activity of a person, in which his knowledge, skills and creative abilities are manifested. Transformative activity today penetrates into all spheres of human life and activity - from industry and agriculture to medicine and pedagogy, leisure and management.
Technological culture can be seen in the social
(broad) and personal (narrow) plans. In social terms, technological culture is the level of development of the life of society on the basis of the expedient and effective transformative activity of people, the totality of technologies achieved in material and spiritual production.
In personal terms, technological culture is the level of a person's mastery of modern ways of knowing and transforming himself and the world around him.
Technological culture has an impact on all aspects of human life and society. First, it assumes that a person has a system of technological knowledge, skills and personal qualities.
technological knowledge include an understanding of basic technological concepts, an understanding of the technosphere, methods of transformative activity, modern and promising production technologies and forms of human life, etc.
Technological Skills - these are methods of transformative activity mastered by man on the basis of acquired knowledge. These include the ability to consciously and creatively choose the best ways of transformative activity, quickly master new professions and technologies, design one’s activity and anticipate its results, conduct design analysis, use a computer, carry out design activities, perform graphic constructions, etc.
Technologically important qualities are the properties of a person necessary for the successful mastery of transformative activity. These include the formation of adequate professional self-determination, diligence, diversity of interests, flexibility of thinking, professional mobility, independence and competence, responsibility, discipline, enterprise, the need for continuous improvement, etc.
Technological culture forms a certain (technological) view of the world and manifests itself in a technological worldview. The technological worldview should be understood as a system of technological views on nature, society, man and his thinking.
It is based on a global, planetary view of the world, which is a unity of the biosphere, sociosphere, technosphere and noosphere. At the center of this system is a person who must consciously maintain balance in the world with his mind.
The technological worldview is also based on the assumption that social development is based on the way of people's transformative activity, as well as the level of technological culture of a person and society. And at the same time, technological culture is one of the most important indicators of the level of development of society, thinking and creative abilities of a person.
Technological thinking is an integral part of technological culture.
Technological thinking is the mental ability of a person to transform activity to create material and spiritual values ​​for the benefit of man, society, the natural environment, a generalized and indirect reflection of the scientific and technological sphere by an individual.
Technological thinking is aimed at finding optimal means
transformation of matter, energy and information into a product necessary for a person.
In the context of ever-increasing human intervention in the development of natural and social processes, ethical issues take on a new meaning. Ethics assesses the suitability of an individual's actions in terms of the implications of those actions for an "ethical partnership". Previously, only other people acted as "ethical partners". Now the circle of such partners has noticeably expanded.
Under the new conditions, the creators of modern technical systems were not able to foresee all the consequences of their projects, since many of them appear after the death of their authors. All this increases the responsibility of the creators and consumers of technical systems for the result of their activities, which requires the formation of technological ethics.
Technological ethics (technoethics) is a system of norms and principles of ethical partnership, which the created technosystems must comply with.
Technological culture is associated with technological aesthetics.
Technological aesthetics is the aesthetic attitude of a person to the means, process and results of transformative activity, which is expressed in design knowledge, skills and abilities to transform the technological environment according to the laws of beauty.
Technological aesthetics is closely related to the concept of design. Design (eng. design - drawing, drawing, project) - creative activity (and products of this activity), aimed at the formation and ordering of the subject-spatial environment, in the process of which the unity of its functional and aesthetic aspects is achieved.
Technological aesthetics is the theoretical foundation of design. In turn, it develops at the intersection of a number of scientific achievements: aesthetics, art history, sociology, ergonomics (engineering psychology), economics, production technology, etc.
Thus, in a generalized form, technological culture can be understood as the level of development of human transformative activity, expressed in the totality of the achieved technologies of material and spiritual production and allowing him to effectively participate in modern technological processes based on harmonious interaction with nature, society and the technological environment.
    Technology, science, engineering
In modern scientific literature, technology is understood as any means and methods of activity that are invented by people to achieve any goal. This approach to understanding technology highlights the main thing that unites all its various types.
The field of technology also includes what is not called technology in everyday speech (and a shovel, and a button, and a broom, etc.) - all these are means of activity.
Technology as a set of means and methods of human activity performs a pragmatic function in people's lives: people create and use it in order to get some benefit from it. Technique operates in the "multidimensional" space of life, which covers the "three-dimensional" space of culture and extends far beyond the latter. But at the same time, it also acts as a part of culture and the most important factor in its development.
Firstly, technology forms the cultural environment of a person - that artificial, artifactual "second nature" in which people live and which is the "material body" of culture.
Secondly, it is a means of applying the achievements of culture (mainly science) to the solution of the material and practical problems of social life, i.e., a way of responding culture to the "social order" on the part of society.
Thirdly, it creates the tools of culture - the means and methods of activity in the field of culture.
Fourthly, it acts as a cultural code - as one of the most important sign systems of culture, carrying a huge amount of social information.
Thus, technology can be considered not only in the pragmatic, but also in the information-semiotic aspect - as a form of obtaining, storing, processing and using information, a form of culture that occupies its own niche in the cultural space.
Technology serves man as a means of influencing nature in order to protect him from unfavorable natural processes and to adapt nature to his needs. If animals adapt to the environment due to the arrangement of their organs, then man - thanks to the growing ability to manufacture artificial organs, external "additives" to his body that increase his strength and abilities.
The science
Science is a special kind of cognitive activity aimed at obtaining, clarifying and producing objective, systematically organized and justified knowledge about nature, society and thinking. The basis of this activity is the collection of scientific facts, their constant updating and systematization, critical analysis and, on this basis, the synthesis of new scientific knowledge or generalizations that not only describe the observed natural or social phenomena, but also allow you to build causal relationships and, as consequence is to predict. Those natural science theories and hypotheses that are confirmed by facts or experiments are formulated in the form of laws of nature or society.
Science of the 20th century characterizes a close and strong relationship with technology, an ever deeper transformation into the direct productive force of society, the growth and deepening of its connection with all spheres of social life, and the strengthening of its social role. Modern Science is the most important component of the scientific and technological revolution, its driving force.
An engineer is a "specialist with a higher technical education." Such a definition is given in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. However, this feature is only a formal sign of the engineering profession. The specificity of the engineer's activity is, firstly, that it is a practical activity. Its main goal is not to receive or give knowledge, but to apply knowledge for practical purposes, to make changes in reality. Secondly, engineering activity is connected with the solution of technical problems of practice. Finally, thirdly, a feature of engineering activity (in its modern form) is that it is aimed at technical problems, the solution of which requires scientific knowledge.
Thus, the features of engineering activity are due to the combination of science and practice in it. Through engineering, science becomes a productive force, and production becomes the application of science.
Engineering is the sphere of docking of the world of science and the world of technology, the bridge that connects these worlds.
Engineering requires a different way of thinking than science. Science is aimed at creating general ideal models that can be applied in various fields of technology, while engineering is aimed at creating a real technical object using all kinds of knowledge from a wide variety of sciences. Science decomposes various phenomena into separate "shelves": mechanical - separately, electromagnetic - separately, chemical - separately. Engineering collects knowledge from these "shelves" together.
Engineering, like science, also went through a long way of "embryonic" development before becoming a separate area of ​​culture. But science matured in the bosom of philosophy, and engineering - in the bosom of the craft. Being included in philosophy, science in its "embryonic" state was part of the spiritual culture, while engineering, as a component of the craft, belonged to the technological culture.
Engineering in its modern sense was born along with science in the era of the emergence of machine production and the formation of industrial civilization. Since that time, its history as a special form of culture begins. But engineering had its own "prehistoric" period, rooted in antiquity.
    The role of technological culture in the life of modern society
In recent years, the attitude towards culture, the understanding of its importance and role in modern society, the recognition of culture as one of the most important resources for socio-economic development have changed dramatically.
Technological culture is the culture of a modern technologically saturated society. This is a new attitude to the world around us, based on the transformation and improvement, as well as the improvement of the human environment.
Technological culture is the philosophy of a new vision of the world. And the formation of technological culture should be associated with the problem of human responsibility for their actions in technological situations and relationships, when much depends on their culture: morality, rationality and responsibility.
Technological culture is based on the transformational activity of a person, in which his knowledge, skills and creative abilities are manifested.
Transformative activity today penetrates into all spheres of human life and work - from industry and agriculture to medicine and pedagogy, leisure and management. Technological culture began to take shape as a result of modern scientific, technical and socio-economic achievements.
The initial stage of the development of technological culture is characterized by intensive human intervention in the course of natural processes: turning the flow of rivers, land reclamation and irrigation, genetic engineering, space exploration, etc. Using the latest technical systems, man began to barbarously deplete the resources of nature, which led to a violation of natural balance. . These destructive actions of man threaten the very existence of life on Earth. At the same time, one should not forget that the influence of modern technological means (computers, industrial robots, controlled biological reactions, etc.) on the forces of nature, not yet known to people, has not yet been fully studied.
Technological culture is defined as a transformative creative natural activity, including knowledge, skills, emotional and moral attitude to this type of activity and readiness to act taking into account responsibility for one's actions.
Technological culture includes ten components that are manifested in the activities and behavior of a person of any profession, citizen, consumer, family man and student. This is the culture of labor, human relations, home, design, graphic culture, informational, entrepreneurial, environmental, consumer, design.
To date, there are programs for the course "Fundamentals of Technological Culture" for studying in grades 10-11, developed by Yu.L. Khotuntsev and V.D. Simonenko, a textbook for students in grades 10-11 in the humanities (edited by V.D. Simonenko). As a result of studying the course "Fundamentals of technological culture" as a general technological component, graduates of a general education school should have an idea: about technological culture and its components; about the role of technology and technology in modern society and trends in their development;
about modern energy and material saving, non-waste and other promising technologies; about the social and environmental consequences of the use of technology;
own: work culture; means and methods of searching for new technical solutions, graphic modeling of products and objects of design activities, implementation of elements of entrepreneurial activity;
be able to: work with information and technological documentation; Justify your choice of career plan and take advantage of employment opportunities.
Technological culture, being one of the types of universal culture, has an impact on all aspects of human life and society. It forms a technological worldview, which is based on a system of technological views on nature, society and man. Its integral part is technological thinking associated with the generalized reflection of the scientific and technological environment by the individual and the mental ability for transformative activity. An integral part of technological culture is also technological aesthetics, which is expressed in design knowledge, skills and abilities to carry out transformative activities according to the laws of beauty.
At present, the development of society is based on setting the priority of the method over the result of the activity. The main goal of human activity is to change the social, economic and cultural life of society. Mastering the technological culture in the conditions of the national-regional component means mastering the functional methods and ways of mastering the knowledge necessary in any activity, i.e., the algorithm of transformative creative activity.
The quality of manufactured science-intensive products depends on the technological culture of the population.
Culture is understood as organized aggregates of material objects, ideas and images; technologies for their manufacture and operation; sustainable relationships between people and ways to regulate them; evaluation criteria available in society. This is an artificial environment created by people themselves for existence and self-realization, a source of regulation of social interaction and behavior.
The technological aspect of culture occupies a significant place in it. Depending on the types of objects they are aimed at creating, technologies are divided, firstly, into producing and broadcasting symbols, secondly, into creating physical objects, and, thirdly, into organizing systems of social interaction.
Technological culture is the basis and condition for the development of modern society and production.
Technological culture is the level of development of human transformative activity, expressed in the totality of the achieved technologies of material and spiritual production and allowing him to effectively participate in modern technological processes based on harmonious interaction with nature, society and the technological environment.
The modern technological era has sharply exacerbated the problem of interaction between nature, man and the technosphere. The technologies used should not harm humans and the natural environment. Therefore, the priority of the method over the results of any activity should now be ensured.
Each person must be specially prepared for harmonious coexistence and effective functioning in an information and technologically saturated world. Living in such a world and not knowing it is dangerous and even criminal.


What is technological culture.

Culture is a certain level of development of society and a person, expressed in the types and forms of organizing the life and activities of people, in their relationships, as well as in the material and spiritual values ​​​​created by them. Today, the concept of Culture covers all aspects of human activity and society.
Usually, the material and spiritual spheres of culture are distinguished. The first includes the totality of material goods, objects and means of their production. The second is a collection of knowledge, forms of social consciousness and spiritual values. All elements of culture are inextricably linked.

One of the sides of a common culture is a technological culture, the basis of which is technology. In a generalized form, technological culture can be understood as the level of development of human transformative activity, expressed in the totality of the achieved technologies of material and spiritual production.

The concept of "technology".

The word "technology" from the ancient Greek "techne" - art, skill, skill and "logos" - teaching. Therefore, technology can be viewed from two sides: as a science and practical human activity.

Types of industrial technologies.

Technology is usually considered in connection with a specific industry (engineering, construction, etc.) or depending on the subject of labor (material, energy, information, etc.).

What problems does any production technology solve?

Any production technology, modern or archaic, solves three fundamental technological problems, which we formulate in the form of questions:

- how to process?
- on what to process?
- what to process?

Three components of technology.

What is the technosphere?
"...Technosphere: a part of the biosphere, radically transformed by man into technical and man-made objects (resources, buildings, roads, mechanisms, structures, etc.), which become part of the noosphere in order to meet socio-economic needs..."

(approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 03.07.2003 N 235-st) Official terminology. 2012

Watch a movie "Who became people on planet Earth"

Prepare a presentation report "History of things"

👆 Check yourself

The Evolution of Things (film selection)
Evolution of things:

Lesson topic: Technological culture: its essence and content

The purpose of the lesson: to form in students an idea of ​​technological culture, its types of technology; to acquaint with technological structures, to identify the links between technology and science, technology and production; develop cognitive interest in high technologies; contribute to the formation of technological culture.

Lesson equipment: presentation containing works of art, cultural monuments, technical achievements of mankind; technology textbook (ch.1, §1); PC.

Teaching methods: story, conversation, demonstration of visual aids, practical work.

Lesson type: acquisition of new knowledge by students.

Basic concepts: technological culture, technology, technological structure, scientific and technological revolution (STR), technological revolution,

Course of lessons

1. Presentation of new material

From the very first lesson, it is important to interest students in the new content of technology. Introduce them to the structure of the textbook, content. Schoolchildren should realize the importance and necessity of the information given in the textbook.

The lesson is theoretical in nature, new concepts are being formed, so the plan of studying the topic projected on the screen can serve as a guide.

The questions for the frontal introductory conversation, given at the beginning of the paragraph, will help students to immerse themselves in the content under consideration, to form the motivational side of its assimilation.

Clarifying the concept of "culture" is the first stage in the formation of the term "technological culture". Before giving a definition, it is necessary to clarify what students understand by “culture” in general. It can be assumed that this question will cause certain difficulties for schoolchildren, since the concept of "culture" is multifaceted and there are many definitions. Summarizing the answers of students, showing a video film, the teacher introduces the concept of "culture". Turning to the analysis of the schemes of the textbook "Types of Culture" (p. 7), we can offer to characterize each of its types. It is necessary to focus students' attention on the concept of "technological culture". It is important to note that each person comprehends the technological culture of his day throughout his life, from its first steps.

The frontal execution of crossword puzzle tasks can serve as a logical transition, the answers to the questions of which will constitute a new concept of "technology".

Here are a few questions that can be used in a conversation:

What is your understanding of "technology"?

What are the types of technologies?

What achievements of engineering and technology of the 20th century do you consider the most significant for mankind?

Usually, students have many answers to these questions, so the teacher must always be ready to expand and supplement their content. The teacher needs to point out the origin of the term "technology", introduce a new concept. While analyzing the contents of the textbook diagram (p. 9), students can name the types of industrial technologies and give examples.

For further discussion about the fundamental technological problems, it is proposed to describe the manufacturing technology, for example, of a roller (show). The teacher should build this conversation in such a way that students independently identify the need for such questions: how to process (technological process), what to process? How? The concepts of "technological machines", "technological devices" are introduced. The teacher draws a conclusion based on the scheme of the textbook (p. 10).

Students can learn the mutual influence of the components under consideration on each other by working from the textbook (p. 11, Fig. 1-2) and considering the given digression into the history of the development of technology. It is important that students come to the conclusion that each stage of the development of society corresponds to the prevailing modes of production.

Here are a few questions that can be applied at this stage of the conversation:

Do you know what a catapult, sling, water scoop wheel is? Where were they applied?

Try to draw a diagram of how a windmill works.

What discoveries and inventions belong to Archimedes, Newton, Copernicus?

Summarizing the students' answers, the teacher introduces the concept of "technological mode". Then you can offer students independent work with the textbook (pp. 12-15, diagram, fig. 3-7), having announced the question in advance:

Name the technological structures and their main technical achievements.

Demonstration of a video film and slide films, oral presentations prepared by students can serve as the final part of this stage of the lesson.

Questions for a frontal survey on new material can be taken at the end of the paragraph (p. 19).

2. Practical work

Complete assignments and exercises

A) Arrange the historically established types of universal culture in the correct order:

Anthropological (1), mythological (2), technological (3), cosmological (4).

Answer: 2,4,1,3.

B) Fill in the empty columns of the table "Main scientific discoveries and inventions in the era of the dominance of anthropological culture (characteristic of a developed natural civilization and covering the 2nd half of the 18th, as well as the 19th and early 20th centuries)". The use of reference, encyclopedic material is recommended. Here is a completed table, some columns of which the teacher leaves blank when preparing for students.


Discoveries, inventions


G. Stefan

The phenomenon of electrical conductivity


S. Dufay



A.K. Narts

Machine tool with mechanical support


M.V. Lomonosov

The law of conservation and transformation of energy


P. Dro

The first robot "Writing Boy"


M.G. Klaproth



I.P. Kulibin



A. Volt

Galvanic cell


E.A. Artamonov



V.V. Petrov

Electric arc


G. ohm

Ohm's law


M. Faraday

Electromagnetic induction


N.I. Lobachevsky

New non-Euclidean geometry


I. Pikel

Electric current generator


B.S. Jacobi

electric motor


E.A. and M.E. Cherepanovs



Ya.E. Purkinje

Fundamentals of Cell Theory


C. Darwin

evolutionary doctrine


E. Lendar

Internal combustion gas engine


DI. Mendeleev

Periodic system of elements


A.N. Ladygin

light bulb


T.A. Edison



A.F. Mozhaisky



I.S. Kostovich

Gasoline Internal Combustion Engine


G. Hertz

Electromagnetic waves


F. pancakes



D. Dobrovolsky

Three-phase asynchronous motor


A.S. Popov



VC. x-ray



A.A. becquerel

natural activity


V. Powelson

Magnetic sound recording


T.A. Edison

alkaline battery


A. Einstein

Theory of relativity


M. Curie, A. Debier

Radioactivity and radiation


D.L. bird

Image recording

Students can be invited to fill out a similar table "Main scientific discoveries and inventions of the 20th century." To activate students, this task is recommended to be offered in the form of organizing a competition between 2-3 teams. The team with the most correct answers wins.

3. Summing up the lesson

There is a discussion of the results of the practical work performed, information on the topic covered is summarized, typical mistakes are analyzed, and the best answers are noted.

Students can record the results of their work in a notebook.

Technological culture Technological worldview Technological ethics The structure of technological culture Content Technological thinking Technological aesthetics (design) Technological education A person’s focus on transformative activity to create material and spiritual values ​​Organized learning process, which results in readiness for transformative activity System of technological views on the world, nature, society and human Evaluation of the created technosystems from the point of view of their compliance with the norms of ethical partnership Aesthetic attitude of a person to the means, process and results of transformative activity

Technological culture of the teacher Technological worldview Uses concepts from the social, psychological, pedagogical and humanitarian sciences as tools for solving the tasks facing him Technological ethics Culture of behavior of the teacher Activity is associated with harmonious relationships with students, colleagues, parents, regulated by laws, charters The structure of technological culture Contents Technological thinking is able to organize the cognitive activity of its students, the ability to form a human creator, the combination of the qualities of an educator, methodologist, psychotherapist is able to work in extraordinary conditions Technological aesthetics (design) actively realizes its creative abilities and rich personal potential, participates in processes based on harmonious interaction with nature, society Technological education needs to know well and master pedagogical technologies, the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of the educational process, to ensure the achievement of planned learning outcomes has cognitive abilities, adaptability, flexibility and mobility

1.Give an example of technology 2.Give an example of a specialist in the chosen technology 3.Describe the main components of the technological culture of the selected specialist. 4. Formulate a conclusion about the role of the technological culture of the chosen specialist for society. 5. Draw up in the form of a “Technological Culture Structure” scheme 6. Save the completed work as a file Class_Surname_DZ3 (for example, 10A_Ivanov_DZ3.ppt) and send it using an electronic diary or to the school server through the gymnasium website Main / Homework / Upload homework to the server /Login (from Internet) Homework 3

Technological culture is based on the idea formulated by the Bulgarian scientist N. Stefanov: “the real problem is not whether it is possible in principle to technologize social processes, but how to do it” .

As noted above, at the present stage it is impossible only to rely on the practical experience accumulated by mankind, peoples or individuals in solving specific life issues.

Technological culture presupposes not so much the very possession of information as the rationalization of its flow, its carriers and the ability to effectively, timely and promptly broadcast it in the management process. In real practice, the problem of information often comes down to an increase in the flow of papers that cover up the imperfection of management, the inability to manage. At the end of the 1980s, there were 100 billion documents in circulation, and about 600 million man-hours were spent on filling them out. For example, a metallurgical plant with 25-30 thousand employees received 130-140 thousand documents per year.

But the lack of rationalization of the flow of information is also inherent in Russia in the 1990s. Separate islands of this rationalization within the framework of specific production organizations do not yet form the integrity of information flows throughout society. It remains only to hope that the number of rationally functioning organizations will grow and at a certain stage the quantity will develop into quality. Therefore, the process of assimilation of the basics of technological culture goes, as it were, “from below”, from specific leaders, their ability to organize scientifically based information flows and put them at the service of the cause.

Technological culture largely depends on the ability to implement a comprehensive, systematic approach. In the meantime, for objective and subjective reasons, administrative voluntarism continues to dominate. Management is faced with a recurring misfortune, vices that do not go away into the past: lack of professionalism, amateurism, superficiality and haste in making decisions, or, in other words, inability or ignorance of the algorithm of management procedures.

The possibilities of technological culture are limited not only by miscalculations in the management process. Science and empiricism continue to oppose each other: practice is very little, more often spontaneously uses scientific recommendations, conclusions and proposals of scientists. Independently of each other, two directions coexist, which are implemented by scientists and practitioners. The former write, research, offer something, the latter do very well without their scientific calculations. In this case, management technology loses its bearings, and management is struck by pragmatism, superficiality, fuss and errors arise.

In addition, there are not so rare cases when the necessary information is collected in a biased way, without taking into account all the characteristics that both speak for making a decision and warn against hasty conclusions. Psychologically, one can understand people who, seeking just such and no other decision, try to find information that confirms precisely their point of view, and often ignore everything that contradicts it. But if this is to some extent understandable for behavior in everyday life, then at the official level this approach cannot be regarded otherwise than as tendentious, because it leads to negative consequences in management practice. Therefore, one of the first requirements for a technological culture is to obtain complete, comprehensive, most representative information that allows you to make more informed recommendations.

The social aspect of technological culture is especially clearly manifested in the extent to which the management process constantly takes into account the interests of workers and coordinates them with the interests of production and society. The labor force today is no longer just a resource, but, above all, as a subject of production. Therefore, where not in words, but in deeds, they refused to analyze the development and functioning of production only from the point of view of the availability of material and financial resources, but take into account the interests and needs of people, a successful solution of socio-economic problems is ensured. It is impossible to equate the labor force in terms of its functions with other resources. People cannot be approached with the same standards as material and financial reserves. With an insufficiently thought out and effective solution, one can ultimately write off (and justify) both material and financial losses. To do this to people is to deliberately cause negative social consequences.

Such functions of technology as regulation, preservation, maintenance and improvement of the management system are important. In each system, there are tendencies towards organization and disorganization, which implies the maintenance and observance of a certain algorithm, the sequence of operations. Procedures and operations may include the use of both economic levers (profit, price, wages, etc.) and the legal mechanism. But in any case, they are always associated with an impact on the consciousness and behavior of people, ensuring the stability of the organization.

The technologization of culture as an element of human culture arises in two ways: it “grows” in culture evolutionarily, gradually, or is built as an artificial formation, the main function of which is the combination of science and practice.

In this sense, social technologies take into account, on the one hand, the nature and indicators of the development of global processes in the modern world (development of means of communication, information, computerization, internationalization of scientific, cultural, educational practices, the growth of the interdependence of production, economic and spiritual life, etc.), and on the other hand, the specifics of the national and cultural development of the population, regional features of the way of life of people, their social organization, traditions of interaction in historically defined socio-cultural conditions. Technological culture is impossible without identifying patterns of self-organization and disorganization of socio-economic processes, using them to create favorable conditions for people's life. In technological culture, it is important to take into account socio-psychological phenomena, which often combine contradictory and sometimes mutually exclusive features. Therefore, management involves the identification of these limiting or impeding factors and provides for their consideration, elimination or at least neutralization. All of the above can be attributed to such phenomena as, for example, national and group survivals, human prejudice, often based on random factors.

Technological culture manifests itself in the management of economic, social, political and spiritual processes, in the process of improving research work, intellectual activity, in education, upbringing, and artistic creativity. But technological culture, being a part of culture, an element of creativity, is to a greater extent a product of management science, its integral element. Therefore, the novelty of social technology is primarily determined by its knowledge intensity.

Technological culture should also be responsible for what is realized in the process of its implementation. The scientific literature discusses the idea of ​​management by results and expresses dissatisfaction with the American system of management by goals (income, profit, capital).

The concept of result increasingly includes the human factor, creativity, developed thinking, organizational development, self-management, strengthening interpersonal contacts, and, most importantly, the mechanism for obtaining the social part of the result is being worked out. This mechanism does not include the management of people, but the creation of conditions for the free development of the mental and physical powers of a person, raising the level of organization of the social system, the quality of life, stimulating labor not by decrees, instructions, but by labor itself, its creative content, material and moral factors. Moreover, universal human values ​​are woven into this system very flexibly, to a certain extent smoothing out the contradictions of capital.

The systems of social management implemented in the West, including those based on results (Finnish experience), are not only aimed at achieving a social result, but also provide managerial and organizational support for its achievement, have a technological elaboration that implies trust in the employee, respect for his creative potential , readiness for cooperation and contributes to their manifestation and development by means of planning, regulatory documents. Technological culture ensures the practical implementation of social reserves, the development of social situations through the adoption and implementation of specific social decisions that correspond to the level of solutions to technical and technological problems.

All this allows us to conclude that technological culture is an organic part of a general culture that seeks to integrate the achievements of technical and human sciences in its content, to apply integrated principles not only to the study of social space, but also to its active arrangement in accordance with the goals of social development. systems, the meaning of human existence. An important component of this culture is an innovative type of thinking, which is characterized by constructive thinking. The emphasis in thinking, behavior and practical action is shifting to how to get the final social result, by what methods and means to optimize social actions, how to properly use creative opportunities, existing potentials (society, social organization, personality, etc.). The 21st century, according to experts, should become a humanitarian one. The mechanism of the formation of technological culture opens the way for the organic entry of humanity into the natural science space, into the economic life of society, management structures and ensures the mutual enrichment of different types of culture. The most important component of this mechanism is a change in the style of thinking, which gradually becomes conceptual (humanitarian), strategic and constructive, technological, finding ways and means to solve increasingly complex social problems.


1. Encyclopedic sociological dictionary. M., 1995. S. 823.

2. Ivanov V.N. Social technologies in the modern world. M., 1996. P.21.

3. See: Utkin E.A. Human factor and intensification of production. M., 1986. P.4; Labor, contacts, emotions. L., 1980. P.28.

4. Afanasiev V.G. Man in the management of society. M., 1977. S.235.

5. Markov M. Technology and efficiency of social management. M., 1983. P.48.

6. Zaitsev A.K. Introduction of social technologies into management practice // Social development of the enterprise and work with personnel. M., 1989. P.95.

7. See: Patrushev V.I. Informatization and technologization of social space: Sat. M., 1994.

8. Dictionary of social technologies. M., 1994. P. 211.

9. Stefanov N. Social sciences and social technology. M., 1976. P. 183.

10. See more: Dudchenko B . C. Innovative games. Tallinn, 1989.

11. Social technologies. Dictionary. M. - Belgrade, 1995. S. 218.

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