Text-reasoning as one of the types of work on the development of speech of primary school students. Type of speech: description, narration, reasoning


The school curriculum necessarily has a theme: "Types of speech: description, narration, reasoning." But after a while, knowledge tends to be erased from memory, so it would be useful to fix this important issue.

What are types of speech? What functions do they perform?

Types of speech: description, narration, reasoning - this is how we talk about a subject. For example, imagine an ordinary table in the office or at home in the kitchen. If you need to describe this item, then you should tell in detail how it looks, what is on it. Such text will be descriptive, therefore, it is a description. If the narrator begins to talk about what this table is for, is it too old, is it not time to change it to a new one, then the chosen type of speech will be called reasoning. A text can be called a narrative if a person tells the story of how this table was ordered or made, brought home and other details of the appearance of the table on the territory of the apartment.

Now for some theory. Types of speech are used by the narrator (author, journalist, teacher, announcer) to convey information. Depending on how it is presented, the typology is determined.

Description is a type of speech, the purpose of which is a detailed story about a static object, image, phenomenon or person.

The narrative informs about the developing action, conveying certain information in a temporal sequence.

With the help of reasoning, the flow of thought regarding the object that caused it is transmitted.

Functional-semantic types of speech: description, narration, reasoning

Types of speech are often called functional-semantic. What does it mean? One of the meanings of the word "function" (there are many others, including mathematical terms) is a role. That is, speech types play a certain role.

The function of description as a type of speech is to recreate a verbal picture, to help the reader see it with his inner vision. This is achieved through the use of adjectives in various degrees of comparison, adverbial phrases, and other speech means. This type of speech is most often found in artistic style. A description in a scientific style will differ significantly from an artistic one in the unemotional, clear course of the story, the obligatory presence of terms and

Narrative is characterized by an image of an action, a situation or a specific case. Using verbs and short, concise sentences, this type of speech is often used in news reports. Its function is notification.

Reasoning as a type of speech is characterized by a variety of styles: artistic, scientific, business and even colloquial. The pursued goal is to explain, reveal certain features, prove or disprove something.

Features of the structure of speech types

Each type of speech has a distinct structure. The narrative is characterized by the following classical form:

  • string;
  • development of events;
  • climax;
  • denouement.

The description does not have a clear structure, but it differs in such forms as:

  • a descriptive story about a person or animal, as well as an object;
  • a detailed description of the place;
  • state description.

Similar examples are often found in literary texts.

Reasoning is fundamentally different from previous types of speech. Since its purpose is to convey the sequence of the human thought process, the reasoning is constructed as follows:

  • thesis (statement);
  • arguments, together with given examples (proof of this statement);
  • final conclusion or conclusion.

Often types of speech are confused with styles. This is a gross mistake. Below we will explain how styles differ from types.

Types and styles of speech: what are the differences?

The concept of Russian language textbooks appears What is it and are there any differences between styles and types?

So, style is a complex of certain speech means used in a particular area of ​​communication. There are five main styles:

  1. Colloquial.
  2. Publicistic.
  3. Official business (or business).
  4. Scientific.
  5. Art.

To see you can take any text. The type of speech which will be presented) is present both in scientific and journalistic style. we choose for daily communication. It is characterized by the presence of vernacular expressions, abbreviations and even slang words. It is appropriate at home or with friends, but upon arrival at an official institution, for example, at a school, university or ministry, the style of speech changes to business with scientific elements.

Newspapers and magazines are written in a journalistic style. Using it, broadcast news channels. The scientific style can be found in the educational literature, it is characterized by many terms and concepts.

Finally, the art style. He wrote books that we read for our own pleasure. It is characterized by comparisons (“the morning is beautiful, like the smile of a loved one”), metaphors (“the night sky pours gold on us”) and other artistic expressions. By the way, description is a type of speech that is quite common in fiction and, accordingly, in the style of the same name.

The difference is this: you can describe, reflect or narrate using different styles. For example, when talking about a flower in an artistic style, the author uses a lot of expressive epithets to convey to the listener or reader the beauty of the plant. A biologist, on the other hand, will describe a flower, from the point of view of science, using generally accepted terminology. In the same way, one can argue and narrate. For example, a publicist will write a feuilleton about a carelessly picked flower, using reasoning as a type of speech. At the same time, the girl, using a conversational style, will tell her friend how a classmate gave her a bouquet.

Using Styles

The specificity of speech styles makes their successful neighborhood possible. For example, if the type of speech is description, then it can be supplemented with reasoning. All the same flower can be described in the school wall newspaper, using both scientific or journalistic, and artistic style. It can be an article about the valuable properties of a plant and a poem praising its beauty. In a biology lesson, the teacher, using a scientific style, will offer students information about a flower, and after that he can tell a fascinating legend about it.

Type of speech description. Examples in literature

This type can be conditionally called an image. That is, when describing, the author depicts an object (for example, a table), natural phenomena (thunderstorm, rainbow), a person (a girl from a neighboring class or a favorite actor), an animal, and so on ad infinitum.

As part of the description, the following forms are distinguished:


Description of the state;

Examples of the landscape, you can find in the works of the classics. For example, in the story "The Fate of a Man" the author gives a brief description of the early post-war spring. The pictures recreated by him are so alive and believable that it seems that the reader sees them.

In Turgenev's story "Bezhin Meadow" landscapes also play an important role. With the help of the verbal image of the summer sky and sunset, the writer conveys the powerful beauty and strength of nature.

To remember what a description is as a type of speech, it is worth considering another example.

“We went on a picnic outside the city. But today the sky was gloomy and became more and more unfriendly towards evening. At first the clouds were of a heavy gray hue. The sky was covered with them, like a theater stage after a performance. The sun had not yet set, but it was already invisible. And now lightning appeared between the gloomy curtains of the clouds ... ".

The description is characterized by the use of adjectives. It is thanks to them that this text gives the impression of a picture, conveys color and weather gradations to us. The following questions are asked for a descriptive type story: “What does the described object (person, place) look like? What signs does he have?

Narration: an example

Discussing the previous type of speech (description), it can be noted that it is used by the author to recreate the visual effect. But the narrative conveys the plot in dynamics. This speech type describes events. The following example tells about what happened to the heroes of a short story about a thunderstorm and a picnic next.

“... The first lightning did not frighten us, but we knew that this was only the beginning. We had to collect our things and run away. As soon as a simple dinner was packed into backpacks, the first drops of rain fell on the bedspread. We rushed to the bus stop."

In the text, you need to pay attention to the number of verbs: they create the effect of action. It is the image of the situation in the time period that is the hallmark of the narrative type of speech. In addition, questions of this kind can be asked to a text of this kind: “What was first? What happened next?

Reasoning. Example

What is reasoning as a type of speech? Description and narration are already familiar to us and are easier to understand than text-reasoning. Let's go back to friends caught in the rain. One can easily imagine how they are discussing their adventure: “…Yes, we were lucky that the summer resident motorist noticed us at the bus stop. Good thing he didn't pass by. In a warm bed it is good to talk about a thunderstorm. Not so scary if we were at the same stop again. A thunderstorm is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. You can't predict where lightning will strike. No, we will never go out of town again without knowing the exact weather forecast. A picnic is good for a sunny day, but in a thunderstorm it’s better to drink tea at home.” The text contains all the structural parts of reasoning as a type of speech. In addition, you can ask him questions that are characteristic of reasoning: “What is the reason? What follows from this?


Our article was devoted to the types of speech - description, narration and reasoning. The choice of a particular speech type depends on what we are talking about in this case and what goal we are pursuing. We also mentioned the characteristic speech styles, their features and close relationship with the types of speech.

Keywords Keywords: reasoning-description, reasoning-description, reasoning-proof, scheme, thesis, truth, arguments, conclusion.

The following types of reasoning are distinguished - reasoning-description, reasoning-proof, reasoning-explanation.

In reasoning-explanation, there is no need to prove the truth or falsity of the thesis, since it is known in advance that the main statement of the text is true. The main task is to reveal the content of the thesis.

Consider the basic reasoning-explanation scheme:

1 given definition concepts.

2 Reveal it main features.

3 Other features are reported in the text that follows the logical definition.

The purpose of reasoning is to explain- to reveal the content of an abstract concept that cannot be seen, but can only be learned about it, understood.

Reasoning-proof is a monologic statement aimed at proving the truth or falsity of the main statement (thesis) of the text.

Reasoning-proof is built according to the following scheme: exposition (leading to the question) - question - answer (thesis) - proof of the thesis - conclusions.

The baseline is as follows:

1 Thesis- Why?

2 Arguments, examples - What follows from this?

3 Conclusion- Because..., therefore...

The purpose of reasoning-proof- substantiate the idea and give arguments, examples.

Reasoning-thinking includes explanation and proof, in which it is necessary to give examples, compare or contrast, indicate cause-and-effect relationships, delimit or expand, etc. The text-thinking is built according to a scheme common to all types of reasoning, but unlike other types, it contains not one question and answer, but a system of questions and answers.

Features of this type of speech are as follows:

The use of interrogative sentences.

Question-answer form of text construction.

Involvement of words with the meaning of consequence, conclusion.

The use of adversarial conjunctions.

The purpose of reasoning-reflection- ask a question and answer it.

Answer the questions:

1. What types of reasoning stand out?

2. What are the linguistic and structural features of reasoning-description?

3. What are the linguistic and structural features of reasoning-proof?

4. What are the linguistic and structural features of reasoning-explanation?

Practical tasks.

Rear 1. Read the text. Determine the speech type of the given text. Justify your answer.

Art in our life

Art is one of the most important steps in human evolution. Art helps a person to look at the world from different points of view. The history of art, as such, begins in ancient times, when people communicated with each other through wall painting. Soon a man discovered writing, but he did not even guess what a strong impetus this was for the development of art. With each epoch, with each century, it is more and more improved by man.

At all times, art has helped a person develop his abilities, improve abstract thinking. For centuries, man has tried to change art more and more, to improve it, to deepen his knowledge.

Art is the great mystery of the world, in which the secrets of the history of our life are hidden. Art is our history. Sometimes in it you can find answers to those questions that even the most ancient manuscripts cannot answer.

Art plays an important role in our lives and in the lives of young people, helping future generations to grow morally. Each generation contributes to the development of mankind, enriching it culturally. Without art, we would hardly be able to look at the world from different points of view, in a different way, to look beyond the ordinary, to feel a little sharper. Art consists of various types: literature, painting, sculpture, dance, theater, cinema. Without literature, we would never have known that once upon a time there lived a wonderful person and writer Victor Hugo or, for example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. We would not know anything about the time when they lived. Literature has a huge store of secrets and a huge amount of history, thanks to which we better understand the world around us, become wiser. Through literature, we learn the history of our ancestors.

Art makes the world of people more beautiful, alive and bright. For example, painting: how many old paintings have survived to our time, by which you can determine how people lived two, three, four or more centuries ago. Now there are many paintings painted by our contemporaries, and whatever it is: abstraction, realism, still life or landscape, painting is a wonderful art, with the help of which a person has learned to see the world bright and colorful.

Architecture is another of the most important art forms. A huge number of the most beautiful monuments are scattered all over the world, and they contain the greatest secrets of history and the memory of them. Sometimes these mysteries cannot be unraveled by scientists around the world.

Art can be put on the same level with science, perhaps even higher, because, first of all, a person must learn to feel the world around him, see and realize himself as an integral part of it. Art helps us master the sciences and gradually deepen our knowledge. It is an essential part of human development. Art affects our life from all sides, makes it diverse and vibrant, lively and interesting, rich, helping a person to better and better understand his destiny in this world.

Task 2. Give your definition of art. Use quotes from the text.

Task 3. Explain the setting of the dash in separate simple sentences of the text. Write down a few of them. Remember the rules for setting a dash in a simple sentence.

Task 4. Write out two sentences with homogeneous members, connected with the help of intonation; with the help of connecting unions.

Task 5. Write one complex sentence from the text. Give it a description.

Task 6. Write a text-reasoning on the topic "Art is a mirror of the life and memory of the people."

Task 7. Compose the text of the reasoning-explanation "Definition of the concept of culture."

Task 8. Compose the text of reasoning-evidence "Culture is an important component in the definition of a person" according to the scheme (thesis-argument, example-conclusion).

Task 9. Read the aphorisms. Determine your position in relation to each statement.

Art never dies. - Petronius

Where the spirit does not guide the hand of the artist, there is no art. — Leonardo da Vinci

Art is like nature. If you don't let it in the door, it will enter the window. – Butler.S.

In order to have grounds for creativity, it is necessary that your life itself be meaningful. - Ibsen G.

For diligence and art there is nothing impossible. — Johnson S.

No art is closed in itself. - Cicero

Arts soften morals. - Ovid

The roads leading to art are full of thorns, but they also manage to pluck beautiful flowers. — George Sand

The misfortune of the artist is that he lives not quite in a monastery, and not quite in the world, and he is tormented by the temptations of both lives. - Camus.A.

The art is to find the extraordinary in the ordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary. — Didro D.

The task of art is to excite hearts. - Helvetius K.

The unmistakable sign that something is not art, or that one does not understand art, is boredom... Art should be a means of education, but its purpose is pleasure. — Brecht B.

A work of art is a corner of the universe, seen through the prism of a certain temperament. — Zola E.

Each work of art belongs to its time, its people, its environment. – Hegel G.F.

Any human creation, be it literature, music or painting, is always a self-portrait. — Butler S.

The artist's direct duty is to show, not to prove. – Blok A.A.

The feeling of life as a continuous novelty - this is the fertile soil on which art flourishes and matures. – Paustovsky K.G.

Art will be true to man only when it does not hamper his freedom of development. – Dostoevsky F.M.

Tasks for SRSP

1. Read the text. Suggest your name.

The word "art" is often used in its original, broad sense. This is any sophistication, any skill, skill in the implementation of any tasks that require some kind of perfection of one's own results. In a narrower sense of the word, this is creativity "according to the laws of beauty." Works of artistic creativity, as well as works of applied art, are created according to the "laws of beauty". Works of all types of artistic creativity contain in their content a generalizing awareness of life that exists outside of these works, and this is mainly human, social, national-historical life. If the content of works of art contains a generalizing awareness of national historical life, then it means that it is necessary to distinguish between the reflection of some general, essential features of life itself and the consciousness of the artist that generalizes them.

A work of art, like all other types of public consciousness, is constantly a unity of the object cognized in it and the subject who cognizes this object. The “inner world” cognized and reproduced by the lyrical artist, even if it is his own “inner world”, is always the object of his cognition - active cognition, which includes the selection of the essential features of this “inner world” and their comprehension and evaluation.

The essence of lyrical creativity lies in the fact that it generally recognizes the main features of human experiences - either in their temporary state and development, or in their focus on the outside world, for example, on a natural phenomenon, as in landscape lyrics.

Epos, pantomime, painting, sculpture have great differences among themselves, arising from the characteristics of the means and methods of reproducing life in each of them. Nevertheless, they are all fine arts, in all of them significant features of national historical life are recognized in their external manifestations.

In a primitive, pre-class society, art was in an undifferentiated, undifferentiated unity with other aspects of syncretic consciousness and creativity expressing it - with mythology, magic, religion, with legends about past tribal life, with simple geographical ideas, with moral requirements.

Then art, in its own sense of the word, was dismembered from other aspects of public consciousness, stood out among them into its special, specific variety. It has become one of the forms of development of the public consciousness of different peoples. So it should be considered in its later configurations.

Thus, art is a special meaningful kind of consciousness of society, it is artistic content, and not scientific or philosophical. L. Tolstoy, for example, defined art as a means of exchanging feelings, contrasting it with science as a means of exchanging thoughts.

Art has been compared to a reflective mirror. This is not accurate. It would be more accurate to say, as Nezhnov, the author of the brochure Art in Our Life, noted: art is a special mirror with a unique and inimitable structure, a mirror that reflects reality through the thoughts and feelings of the artist. Through the artist, this mirror reflects those phenomena of life that attracted the attention of the artist and excited him.

1. Based on the text, define the concept art.

Tasks for SRS

Compose a text-reasoning "Art is the source of human spirituality."

The development of children's speech activity occurs in all lessons of education: natural science, music, mathematics, etc. However, the main basis for solving the problems of developing speech activity is the lessons of the Russian language and literature. Let us consider the possibilities of implementing the tasks of speech development in Russian language lessons, and specifically, the role of reasoning as a means of speech development.

One of the features of teaching methods in relation to the work on the development of speech is their combination with such a didactic tool as text, which is quite understandable: the teacher's task is to teach students how to create a text.

"Text" is used in the methodology as a synonym for the word statement in the meaning of “the result of speech activity”, more often in relation to a written statement (the text of the article, the text of the presentation, the analysis of the text, but also the text of the oral presentation).

speech younger student reasoning

Narration, description, reasoning - traditionally in the methodology these are school genres of essays. In essence, these are certain types of texts. Each of them has its own structural and linguistic features. If in the course of the statement - the course, the development of the action, temporary relations, we have before us - the narrative; if the disclosure of the characteristics of the object is a defining relationship, we build a description; if the main thing is argumentation, the identification of cause-and-effect relationships, we create reasoning. The elements of narration and description in reasoning play the same subordinate role as description and reasoning in a story, or the elements of narration and reasoning in a description.

IN essays-narratives tells about some event that unfolds in time, has dynamics. Therefore, the general scheme of the narrative is as follows: a) the beginning of the event; b) its development; c) the end of the event.

Description- this is a student essay in which the features of the subject are revealed, selected by the writer depending on the task of the statement, its intention. Therefore, it is built according to a different compositional scheme: a) a part in which the general impression of the object is conveyed, its purpose is indicated, and an assessment is given; b) a part in which the features of the subject are revealed, confirming its general characteristics.

IN reasoning the following parts are usually distinguished: thesis - the part containing the thought that will be proved; evidence part containing arguments. In this case, the order of the parts, both in the description and in the argument, can be different. In these texts there may be a third part, emphasizing the previously expressed impression of the subject, its assessment (in the description), containing the conclusion (in the argument). In a simple reasoning, one thought is explained or proved and one conclusion is usually formulated, in more complex ones - several thoughts and, accordingly, a more generalized conclusion or several conclusions are made.

[ 12, pp. 204-205]

A generalized description of the various types of speech can be represented in the following scheme:

The concept of reasoning adopted in logic, linguistics and language teaching methods differ significantly. During the initial study of texts such as reasoning, linguists considered them from the point of view of their correlation with the logical form, highlighting premises and conclusions. It was believed that if there is a possibility of transforming a human, ordinary statement into an appropriate logical structure, then this is a text of the type of reasoning.

“Such a logical form in which the truth of one or another proposition is substantiated is called proof. There are three parts in the proof: 1) thesis - what needs to be proved; 2) arguments - what proves the thesis; 3) reasoning, which shows how the thesis is proved, how the transition from premises to arguments is carried out. Thus, in logic, reasoning is understood as the conclusion from some sentences, called premises, of a new position - a conclusion, it is usually called a conclusion. Accordingly, a logical conclusion can be correlated with a conclusion or a thesis in the linguistic sense. Thus, what logicians call proof, linguists define as reasoning. However, reasoning cannot be reduced to inference, because then a circle arises in the definition of concepts: reasoning exists when there is an inference, “inference is available when the speaker’s goal is to come to a new judgment or prove it, that is, when it is necessary to carry out reasoning » . In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between philosophical logic (the logic of reasoning) and the logic of presentation - a set of rules and techniques for dividing and deploying material in speech, so as not to reduce the textual phenomenon to a logical form, thereby impoverishing our understanding of the text.

If earlier in the methodological tradition description, narration and reasoning were considered as types of text, then recently the term types of speech is increasingly used, including in parallel school textbooks (E.I. Nikitina, M.M. Razumovskaya) and programs in Russian language. We use both terms as synonyms, as we refer to tasks from different manuals and textbooks, we quote different sources; however, preference is given to the type of text, as children learn to create text of one genre or another.

The basis for highlighting reasoning is also the division of all types of text into two large groups: ascertaining-representing, depicting (traditional description, narration, and also in some classifications message, definition) and argumentative. Argumentative texts include reasoning (M.P. Brandes, O.A. Nechaeva, A.B. Mordvinov and others, reasoning and evidence (O.D. Mitrofanova), reasoning and explanation (M. Tsvetkova), inference-reasoning (V.V. Odintsov), explanation, proof and reflection (V.N. Meshcheryakov) and others. analysis of microtexts: compositional-speech forms, prose stanzas, paragraphs, functionally semantic types of speech, complex syntactic wholes, ways of presentation.A complex syntactic whole is a component of a text, a microtext, which is a series of statements that are united by a common theme and have structural indicators of connection; it more or less clearly distinguishes such elements of the composition of meaning as the beginning, development and ending.

T.B. Trosheva offers a field structure of reasoning, where "in the center of the field is proper reasoning as a subtype of speech that most consistently expresses the cause-and-effect relationship between judgments - from cause to effect, and not from effect (thesis) to cause (foundation). This reasoning corresponds more precisely than others to inference as a form of thinking; it is characteristic of strictly logical scientific speech, formalizes the derivation of new scientific knowledge, demonstrates the course of the author's thought, the way to solve the problem. “The area adjacent to the center is occupied by subtypes of speech, which serve to give the expressed judgments a more reasoned character: proof(communicative-cognitive function - establishing the truth of the thesis), refutation(establishing the falsity of the thesis), confirmation(or empirical evidence, the function of establishing the validity of a statement by supporting it with facts), and justification(the function of establishing the expediency of the statement, action)”. Proof, refutation and confirmation correspond to the communicative question “Is this really so?”, The justification gives an answer to the question “Is it really necessary, expedient?”. These four subtypes are combined on the basis of structural similarity: they include the thesis, "forming the key part of the construction, and arguments - the commentary part", which is designed to completely or partially remove doubts about the position put forward as the thesis. Further from the center is explanation. It serves not so much to confirm the validity of the thesis or its refutation, but to reveal the reasons; real phenomena. Based on this, we can conclude that, according to the classification of T.B. Trosheva, in school practice, the most common subtypes are explanation and confirmation, less often refutation and proof.

In the methodological tradition (T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, V.N. Meshcheryakov, I.N. Zaidman, macrotexts are also considered as genres, varieties of student essays).

By a reasoning-type macrotext (often called a reasoning essay in school practice), we mean a number of interconnected microtexts, mainly reasoning, although a complex syntactic whole of narrative and descriptive types (examples, facts confirming or refuting the stated judgment), single sentences and linear syntactic chains of sentences, which are text with a main communicative task- explain, prove, establish the truth, gain new knowledge by analyzing or establishing causal and (or) conditionally-effect relationships and relationships.

And theses, conclusions, proof, examples, etc. in the methodology, they are usually considered as non-expanded micro-topics that do not always need to be expanded. .

According to V.N. Meshcheryakov, traditional essays-reasoning are, in fact, essays-evidence, because in the process of logical action the truth of a thought is substantiated with the help of other thoughts and does not represent a chain of conclusions presented in a logically consistent form. In an essay-evidence, you can ask the question “Why?” or “Can it be proven?”. In reasoning-explanation, such questions are meaningless; the explanation is evidenced, in addition, by words and phrases such as: turns out; that's why; It turned out; The fact is that.. etc. However, the researcher himself points out that in texts-explanations and proofs, essentially the same techniques are used. .

All researchers point to the presence of causal relationships that are characteristic of reasoning, which distinguish this type of text from others, to its special structure. At the same time, the number of mandatory components differs for different scientists: from two (what is justified - justification), three (thesis, evidence, conclusion) to eight.

Let us dwell on the specific for reasoning language means. Reasoning is characterized by the dialogization of a monologue (the use of motivating, interrogative sentences in order to draw attention to what is being stated), which allows you to establish verbal contact with the recipient of information. From the point of view of syntax, in reasoning, complex sentences are used with subordinate clauses causes, consequences, goals, conditions, connecting, non-union complex sentences, impersonal constructions, question-answer form and incentive sentences, introductory words: evaluating reliability - possibly, probably, of course, certainly message source - in my opinion, according to relations of enumeration, attachment, addition, generalization - firstly, secondly, by the way, by the way, therefore, agree, thus, emphasizing attention to the interlocutor - agree, judge for yourself, confess and etc.

Reasoning is characterized by verbs that include in their meaning “an indication of the method of obtaining information that becomes the content of the opinion / meaning of the subject”: understand, guess, draw a conclusion, think, see, know, read, since assessments and suggestions must be motivated.

For texts of the type of reasoning, according to their communicative essence, the use of forms of expression agreement / disagreement, doubt is characteristic.

Lexical modes of expression: verbs disagree, protest etc., nouns with a strong evaluative component nonsense, nonsense, nonsense; particles Yes And No, as objections to a negative statement; adverb difficult, emphasizing doubt when expressing disagreement. Lexico-syntactic ways: combinations I think, I know, I believe, as I know, I'm afraid, I think etc., reflecting the subjective attitude of the speaker to the statement and the subject. In addition, objection and doubt can be expressed with the help of questions, re-questions, irony.

Researchers also point to the use of the subjunctive mood, for example, in conditional and hypothetical type arguments, as well as the use of the entire spectrum of vocabulary in the range of impossibility-necessity with semantics: impossibility, rarity, improbability, obscurity, uncertainty, dubiousness, relevance, admissibility, probability, usual, validity, certainty, certainty, inevitability, obviousness, obligation.

Since reasoning as a type of text is based on the logical operations of substantiation, comparison, comparison, singling out the main and secondary, i.e. those operations that are characteristic of scientific research, oral statements such as reasoning should be used in lessons in various subjects. Pupils learn reasoning techniques, perceiving the logic of thinking of the teacher and the authors of school textbooks, therefore it is especially important how the teacher teaches to reason, where he helps or hinders the child in speech production. To determine which texts students should understand during the teacher's explanations, and which speech works are used by schoolchildren in their educational and scientific speech, i.e. what statements they should create on their own, consider the features of oral reasoning in the speech of teachers and students.

Monologic reasoning in the speech of teachers is rare; usually these are microarguments, elements of reasoning in a narrative, less often - in a descriptive microtext. Even in cases where the content of the material being studied involves the use of reasoning, even when a paragraph or part of it is structured as reasoning in the textbook, teachers prefer the information-narrative type of text. Dialogic reasoning is mainly used in the lessons, which is explained by the task of including students in the active study of new things, as well as the predominance of frontal work and the teacher's help to students in answering. Often the teacher, in a hurry to do everything, interrupts the student's answer with questions, which leads to the replacement of the monologue with a dialogue between the teacher and one student.

In the process of frontal conversation, reasoning arises, which consist of one or more dialogic units. In reasoning, in this case, the replica-stimulus belongs to the teacher (question, demand), the replica-reaction (answer) belongs to one or different students. Reasoning from one dialogic unity is: 1) the teacher's question - the student's answer, often used in language analysis; 2) answer - question (requirement) of the teacher - answer; 3) response - stimulus - response - stimulus ... (conclusion). The conclusion is usually made by the teacher, rarely by the student who answers last.

The teacher's speech should be saturated with reasoning in order to give students a model for reflection and generalization. Moreover, observations and experiments confirm the hypothesis that information presented as a reasoning is easier to perceive and remember by schoolchildren than a narrative text. Having mastered the ability to build reasoning, students, if possible, rearrange the information from the textbook into this type of text, answering in the lessons.

In Russian language lessons, students most often have to argue their opinion in spelling and punctuation analysis. The solution of the spelling problem is the basis of literate writing for almost all students. This process is directed to the logical sphere of students' thinking and represents a significant difficulty for many. This is the case when argumentation is used for the sake of searching and establishing cause-and-effect relationships, the main goal of proof when applying the spelling rule is not to influence the listener, but to find out the truth and work out, automating the argumentation process, the purpose of which is to apply the rule in accordance with the conditions of writing. In addition, quite often the student needs not only to determine the conditions for writing, but also to choose the rule itself based on his own reasoning.

From a teaching point of view, it seems appropriate to first build evidence, and then formulate a conclusion about the correct spelling, this allows the student to first think about, justify the answer, and then present it, solve the spelling problem earlier, and then write down the word, i.e. prevent errors.

In most reasoning, the replicas of schoolchildren are distinguished by monosyllabicity, brevity, and incomplete constructions. The topic of the statement, as a rule, is expressed by the teacher in a question to which the student must answer, or in a statement, part of which he continues. This is explained, firstly, by the peculiarities of dialogical speech (a dialogical replica is a complex unity created by the facts of the current situation and the context accumulated by the time the replica is pronounced), and secondly, by the social conditions of communication: in a situation of educational influence, the speaker acts as a person who reveals in the act speech is one of its social functions. Under this condition, communication is set primarily by the style of communication of the teacher and the objectives of the lesson. The passivity of the student's speech activity in the dialogue is explained by the fact that in the process of solving the spelling problem orally, the teacher plays the main role, often suppressing the student's initiative, interrupting or reacting negatively to mistakes.

Often the teacher, by intonationally inviting the students to complete the statement he has begun, helps the students to build an explanation, thereby making the answer as if completely owned by the students, creating the illusion of independence for them. This technique is effective at the beginning of training, when students are not able to independently build the logic of reasoning, in case of student difficulty; however, if the teacher works this way all the time, then his students will not learn to give a coherent answer to a linguistic topic, since the teacher takes full responsibility for reasoning. In many cases, it is more appropriate to offer a model of reasoning that students will follow.

The approach based on the problematic research method, when students put forward theses, and the teacher asks them to argue without evaluating the proposed explanations, contributes to the formation of hypothetical thinking.


The foregoing allows us to draw the following conclusions about the development of coherent speech of children:

1. At preschool age, coherent speech in its development goes from dialogue to monologue, from situational to contextual speech, to its use not only in the function of communication and cognition, but also in the function of planning, coordination of activities.

2. In the process of learning at school, the coherent speech of children is further developed: it is used by them in the learning process as a means of acquiring, preserving and transferring knowledge, as a means of self-expression and influence. Pupils master the written form of the literary language. The development of coherent (oral and written) speech is manifested in the mastery of schoolchildren with various stylistic varieties of speech, various types and forms of statements, as well as communication skills. The speech of children at primary school age undergoes various changes and develops comprehensively under the influence of the educational process. All the functions of speech are revealed, which means that the child learns to plan, express his ideas by language means, anticipate possible reactions of the interlocutor, changing conditions of communication, and control his speech activity.

3. The development of children's speech activity occurs at all levels of education. Exercises in oral connected speech take place in every lesson. Each coherent oral response of a student is an exercise in oral speech and, therefore, he must meet the requirements for the content, construction and design of a speech statement. The attention of children should be focused on such aspects of the story as the consistency and coherence of the presentation, the completeness of the content, the correctness of syntactic constructions, and lexical richness.

4. One of the features of teaching methods in relation to work on the development of speech is their combination with such a didactic tool as text.

Understanding the topic of the text, revealing it in your statement, understanding the main idea of ​​a “foreign” speech, as well as recognizing it and developing it in your own, arranging sentences in the right sequence and linking them together - these are the skills that should be formed in schoolchildren from the very beginning the process of improving their speech activity.

5. Pupils learn reasoning techniques, perceiving the logic of thinking of the teacher and the authors of school textbooks, therefore it is especially important that the teacher's speech be saturated with examples of reasoning, reflection and generalizations.

Table 1. The purpose of the emphasized logical presentation of thought is the use of introductory words in the reasoning text; introductory words denoting the sequence of messages, as well as the degree of reliability and source of information, are especially widely represented.

Table 2. The use of constructions with causal, conditional, concessive, comparative, target, comparative, adversative, explanatory meaning in reasoning texts.

The semantic load of the structural parts of the reasoning The use of constructions characteristic for identifying a given semantic load
1. Indication of the reason In a simple sentence - the use of prepositions due to, due to, from, due to, by + noun; in a complex sentence - the use of subordinate clauses with conjunctions: since, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, for.
2. Indication of a condition In a simple sentence, the use of prepositions + nouns: on condition (what?), in case (what?), in the presence of (what?), with (what?); in a complex sentence - subordinate clauses with conjunctions if, if
3. Indication of concession In a simple sentence, the use of prepositions + nouns: despite the fact (what?), despite the fact (what?); in a complex sentence - subordinate clauses with conjunctions: despite the fact that, no matter how, no matter how much, although (at least), despite the fact that
4. Indication of the consequence In a simple sentence - the use of prepositions with nouns: due to (what?); in a complex sentence - constructions with conjunctions due to the fact that, and therefore.
5. Comparison, contrast, comparison In a simple sentence and complex sentences - the use of conjunctions as, as if, as if, exactly, but, however, if ..., then-

Typical text snippets

Item Description

/what subject?/

Elaman's horse shone, shone with short, smooth hair. He stepped over, crouched, snorted and shook his head, asking for a reason. Elaman looked admiringly at the sharp, sensitive ears, at the long elastic neck of his steed, suddenly hit him with his heels, let go of the reins and took off at a gallop.

/A.Nurpeisov. Blood and sweat./

Location Description

/What is here/

Ulzhan's house is the largest in Zhidebay's winter hut. Hospitable, spacious, it is all decorated with carpets, felt mats, alasha. The lamp has not been lit yet. The spacious room, not usually empty, seems abandoned.

/M.Auezov. The path of Abai./

Description of the human condition

/What does he feel like?/

Every day began with happiness: a baby camel was born! Kenzhekey went crazy, ready to live next to him all the time. All day long she hovered around a small, thin-legged, red camel, looking into his clear, large, tarry black eyes. Every now and then it seemed to her that the camel was about to fall, not to hold on to thin, weak legs.

/A.Nurpeisov. Blood and sweat./


/What does the item do?/

In the morning, a sentry galloped up, which in the evening was put up on a hillock behind the aul. Kalen, Munke, Dos jumped up, grabbed their weapons and rushed out of the yurt. Behind the aul, the clatter was growing, shots were dryly clapping, the horses on a leash were snoring, rearing up, and the snowman, on which the son of Kalen had arrived, broke off the rope and galloped off somewhere.

/A. Nurpeisov. Blood and sweat./

Reasoning - proof

Yes, such anger can give birth to courage... Apparently, people who speak different languages, far from each other, defending themselves from violence, taking revenge for bitter insults, act in the same way, like siblings. Different people, different peoples equally do not tolerate violence and injustice. This means that it is not generic characteristics, not belonging to any race or tribe that guide people: their anger is awakened by a similar and oppressed situation.

/M.Auezov. The path of Abai./


/What it is?/

Ethics / Greek Ethica, from ethos - ordinary / - philosophical science, the object of study of which is morality. To refer to the doctrine of morality, the term "ethics" was introduced by Aristotle.

/ Dictionary of ethics. M., 1981/

Description of nature

/What is around?/

Sunset faded, darkness set in. The wind died down, the clouds huddled together by night, overlaid the sky, but it seemed that thunderstorms could not be expected. The night was coming warm, stuffy, mosquitoes squeaked, lightning rolled over the eastern horizon.

/A.Nurpeisov. Blood and sweat./


/How to be?/

Ahead of life and struggle. And in this struggle he /Abai/ is alone. True, he has strength and hope. His strength is poetry, his hope is the people. But this hope is still in a deep sleep. And his strength - will it not remain incomprehensible, unrecognized? Will he have enough patience, will he have enough will - will, steadfast in solitude?

/M.Auezov. The path of Abai./

Final task

Analyze the memo to analyze different types of texts. Select texts (description, narration, reasoning) related to your specialty and analyze them using the memo.

Memo to text analysis

1. Identification of the topic and main idea.

2. Style characteristic of the statement:

Establishing the addressee;

Style features.

3. Observation of the influence of style, theme and main idea on the organization of the text: on the selection of information, the composition of types of speech, the use of language tools.

4. Characteristics of the structure of the text and its parts:

Definition of micro-themes - drawing up a plan;

Identification of the typical meaning of fragments and ways of expressing it - drawing up a diagram of the structure of the text;

Analysis of ways and means of communication between sentences and parts of the text.

Linked text analysis order

1. Topic, main idea, type and style of speech.

3. Memo to text analysis.

Observations on descriptive text

1. What object is chosen for description? Purpose of description?

2. What features are selected for description? Is it successful? Is everything selected? Is there too much?

3. Are there general provisions with further details?

4. What is the order of the features?

5. How is the description completed?

6. How is the conclusion formulated?

Observations on narrative text

1. Point out or list the events or actions described by the author. Are all necessary actions indicated? Is there enough material used?

2. What is their order? Is this order good?

3. How did the text begin? Does the beginning prepare for understanding the event?

4. The end of the text: what are its features?

5. Is there a description? Is it appropriate?

6. Is there a dialogue? His appointment.

Observation of the reasoning text

1. Find the thesis /main position/.

2. Find evidence.

3. What is evidence? What else could be evidence / judgment, fact, event, statement of the author, someone else's statement /?

4. Determine the order of evidence.

5. Conclusion and its formulation.

Section 3


At the disposal of a person who knows the literary language, there is, as it were, a whole set of options, each of which is intended for use in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. And in this ability to choose the appropriate variant of the literary language for the case, language proficiency lies. Variants of the literary language, which are due to various areas of communication, are called functional styles of speech.

It is known that the language existed at first only in oral form - its original and natural quality. At this stage, he was characterized by a single function - the function of communication. Then, in response to the demands of society, social practice, it becomes necessary to regulate life within the state, to conclude agreements with neighbors. As a result, the official-business function of the language develops and business speech is formed. Other functions also appear - scientific and informative, forming the scientific style, propaganda and communicative, giving rise to newspaper and journalistic speech, aesthetic, forming the language of fiction. Thus, in accordance with the above-mentioned functions of the language, the following styles are distinguished: colloquial, scientific, official business, journalistic and artistic.

All styles are subject to a general requirement - the best way to serve their respective areas of human activity. The style should be such that the language means used in it and their organization give a communicative effect.

It is known that a speech is considered good if it satisfies

three most common criteria: correctness, accuracy, aesthetics.

Each style has its own system of norms, its own criteria for correctness, accuracy, and aesthetics. These criteria reflect the functional specifics of the style, its traditions, as well as the typical forms of its speech organization.

Control questions and tasks

1. What does the term "functional style" mean?

2. What functional styles of literary language do you know?

3. Pick up samples of texts of various functional and stylistic nature. Make their description in accordance with the implementation parties.

Chapter 1

Features of development and requirements for the speech of younger students. Types of texts, structural and linguistic features of the reasoning text. Oral reasoning in the speech of teachers and students. Methods for the development of speech of younger students through work with text-reasoning.
Brief summary of the material:

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Chapter 1

1.1 Psychological and linguistic foundations of speech activity

1.2 Features of the development of speech of younger students. Requirements for the speech of younger students

1.3 Types of texts. Structural and linguistic features of the reasoning text. Oral reasoning in the speech of teachers and students

Chapter 2

2.1 The ascertaining stage of the experiment

2.2 Formative stage of the experiment

2.3 Control stage of the experiment





The development of speech is an important task of teaching the native language. Speech is the basis of all mental activity, a means of communication. The ability of students to compare, classify, generalize is formed in the process of mastering knowledge through speech, and is also manifested in speech activity. A logically clear, demonstrative, figurative oral and written speech of a student is an indicator of his mental development.

The problem of effective speech is especially relevant today, when the importance of the correct, persuasive word is growing. The ability to convince, justify one's own opinion is necessary both in public life and in everyday life. The ability to reason is the most important general educational skill, it is necessary for children to master the material of school programs, when studying most subjects, when students have to draw conclusions, identify causal and conditional relationships, compare, provide evidence, establish the truth or falsity of certain judgments, generalize . This skill is associated with mastering the text of the type of reasoning. It is well known that it is this type of text that causes the most serious difficulties for most students, which manifest themselves in the absence of argumentation, in the use of weak, insufficiently weighty evidence, in the stereotyped structure of the text, in the substitution of reasoning for narrative. In the methodology, the issue of teaching reasoning in primary grades is poorly developed. Therefore, one of the most important tasks at the present stage of teaching students is the development of speech activity through work on reasoning. We put forward hypothesis:work with text -reasoningis one of the ways to develop the speech of younger students in the Russian language lessons.

The urgency of the problem, its practical significance determined the choice of the object and subject of research.

Object of study- the process of formation and development of speech of younger students.

Subject of study- text - reasoning, as one of the types of work on the development of speech of primary school students.

Has been determined wholeb:

To form in students the ability to independently create coherent statements such as reasoning at the level determined by the program.

Research objectives:

- establish the level of development of the problem;

Consider the requirements for the speech of younger students;

To reveal the linguistic feature of the text - reasoning;

Make up a typology of exercises to work on the ability to create coherent statements such as reasoning.

Research methods:

Analysis of scientific - pedagogical, methodical literature;

Studying and summarizing the experience of teachers working in primary grades;

Analysis of the Russian language program (Ramzaeva T.G.);

Conducting experimental and pedagogical work.

Practical value work is to develop a system of exercises that will help the teacher optimize the process of speech development through reasoning. The results of the research can be used in pedagogical work.

Chapter1 . Theoretical foundations for the development of speech of younger students through work on reasoning

1.1 Psychological-linguisticswhat are the basics of speech activity

Let's get acquainted with one of the definitions of the concept of "speech activity": "Speech activity ... is a process of active, purposeful, language-mediated and situation-conditioned communication: receiving or issuing a speech message in the interaction of people with each other (with each other)"

What signs of speech activity can be deduced from this definition?

Thus, reformulating the above definition, we can say that speech activity is an active, purposeful process of creating and perceiving statements, carried out with the help of linguistic means in the course of interaction between people in various situations of communication.

Speech is one of the types of communication that people need in their joint activities, in social life, in the exchange of information, in cognition, in education. It enriches a person, serves as a subject of art.

Speech is varied. This is a conversation of friends, and an ardent call of the speaker, and an artist's monologue, and a student's answer at the blackboard. In different situations, speech appears in different forms. Speech is internal and external.

Inner speech is mental speech, flowing, although on linguistic material, but without distinct external manifestations. It's like talking to yourself. It is fragmentary, devoid of clear grammatical forms. The difficulties that a person sometimes experiences when trying to explain to another a thought that he himself understands are often explained by the difficulty of moving from abbreviated inner speech, understandable to himself, to expanded external speech, understandable to others.

External speech is speech-communication, speech for others. It is designed for perception, for the speaker to be understood by his interlocutors or listeners. External speech can be dialogic and monologue.

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people. Each individual statement depends on the replicas of other interlocutors, on the situation. The dialogue does not need extended sentences, so there are many incomplete sentences in it. An artificial version of the dialogue is the teacher's conversation with the students, as well as collective discussions, discussions.

A monologue is a speech of one person, for example, a story, a message, a retelling. Unlike dialogue, a monologue is arbitrary, requires willpower, and sometimes significant preparatory work. .

External speech can be both oral and written.

Written speech, in general, has the same features as oral speech, but they are more strictly expressed. At the same time, there are also distinctive features.

Firstly, written speech is always more complex and fuller than oral speech, sentences are larger, constructions are used more often that complicate sentences, more book words.

Secondly, in the written version, pauses, logical stresses, intonation, gestures and other means that play such an important role in oral speech are impossible.

Thirdly, written language is limited by spelling.

Fourthly, written speech is compiled and proceeds much more slowly than oral speech.

Fifthly, written speech is a speech that is prepared, subject to verification, amenable to correction, improvement, therefore mastering written speech contributes to an increase in the general language culture. .

In elementary school, children are taught reading, writing, oral and written speech - this is the formation of specific speech skills and abilities, that is, types of speech activity. There are usually four main types of speech activity:


Oral speech.

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