TV presenter who died on a snowmobile. How the famous TV presenter Sergei Suponev died


At the end of September, the son of a well-known TV presenter in the past, Sergei Suponev, took his own life. It is said that the cause of the young man's suicide was depression, which he fell into due to a series of failures.

The drummer of the Romeo Must Die group hanged himself in an apartment on Osenny Boulevard, where he had rarely appeared before ...

The body of a former graduate of the MGIMO journalism department, a television employee, was found by an unfortunate mother. On this day, 28-year-old Kirill Suponev, along with other musicians, was supposed to go to St. Petersburg for one of his concerts.
Cyril survived his tragically deceased father by only 12 years. Close friends of the family recall that Cyril loved his father very much. And when the parents of a ten-year-old boy filed for divorce, he threatened to jump out of the window.

Then the boy was pulled out of depression, but when his father died, Cyril became isolated.

Recall that Sergei Suponev, the host of programs for children “Starry Hour”, “Call of the Jungle”, died on December 8, 2001, just 50 days before his 39th birthday. On that ill-fated day, a talented TV presenter and producer went on a snowmobile to Lake Seliger. At some point, the snowmobile skidded, and it crashed into the pier at full speed.

After a terrible tragedy, son Cyril lost interest in life. But youth helped him overcome psychological trauma. The young man moved to a separate apartment, began to play in a musical group, dreamed, like his father, of leading children's programs. But all his dreams and plans remained unfulfilled, they say that in recent years, the mother was even afraid to leave her son alone. And she often asked Aunt Kirill - TV presenter Lena Perova - to look after her nephew.

However, the half-sister of the deceased Sergei Suponev, Elena, was also in a bad mood. The ex-member of the popular Lyceum group, the actress and TV presenter herself was depressed. And in March of this year, she even tried to commit suicide by cutting her veins. The wound turned out to be shallow, the artist quickly helped herself, got behind the wheel and went to her psychiatrist.

It is not known how this would end, but 36-year-old Lena caused an accident in the north-east of Moscow and thus ended up in the hands of doctors. The girl was placed in a psychosomatic department, where those who are prone to suicide are usually sent.

What is this? A terrible combination of circumstances that entailed terrible consequences, or a mystical pattern? And is there danger hanging over other family members? We asked the psychic and clairvoyant Daria Mironova about this.

– By all indications, and this is a history of suicides, unnatural deaths or premature deaths, a curse hangs over this family, which is passed down through the family. This is a destructive magical action aimed at a group of people united by family ties. Such a harmful effect can extend not only to the living, but also to the unborn members of the genus for seven and even thirteen generations. In this case, a woman imposed a spell on death, and she goes through the male line. Most likely the reason was a betrayal in love. I am talking now about the father or grandfather of Sergei Suponev. Perhaps a man and a woman met, and then the man left the woman, who was actually a witch. And the family curse is her revenge, for which she used black magic. For the magical ritual of damage to death, grave land from the cemetery is used.

You can get rid of the birth curse yourself. It is necessary to order a magpie for health in three churches at the same time. In three, because three is a sacred number for magicians and for many religions. This number has a direct connection with God. You can choose churches intuitively, but you can find churches that form a kind of triangle in relation to each other. The geometric structure will make the influence of the rite more powerful. Forty days after the service, the power engineer completely gets rid of the negative received from the outside. It seems to tune in to high positive frequencies, and as a result, the energy shells are safely restored.

And let the fact of ordering a magpie for health in three churches remain a secret for others. In this case, nothing will interfere with the action of the rite.

After the service, all close relatives need to take a new mirror, women - round or oval, men - square or rectangular, and put it under the pillow at night. In the morning, you need to be careful not to be reflected in it, put it in a bag and go to the crossroads of three roads. Break it there and say: "As it came, so go." And then leave without looking back. And in order to pay off the curse, each member of the family needs to do some kind of mercy, charity on this day.

Many viewers remember Sergei Suponev as a good-natured and cheerful TV presenter. He was adored by children and respected by adults. A successful career, the recognition of colleagues, true love and a family hearth - all this was with Sergei Suponev. He himself considered himself a happy man and was going to please the Russians for many more years with his television projects. But fate decreed otherwise. In 2001, he was gone. This article describes the brightest moments of the life and work of the famous TV presenter.

Sergei Suponev: biography

The creator and presenter of ORT children's programs was born on January 28, 1963 in a small village. After graduating from a local school, he decided to enter the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. He managed to accomplish what he set out to do. But studying at the main university of the country lasted only 1 year. In 1981, Sergei Suponev was called up for military service. Returning to the "citizen" in 1983, our hero still graduated from the university and received the profession of a journalist.

Television career

Sergei Suponev began working on Russian TV even before the army - in 1980. Having paid his debt to the Motherland, he again got on television. In 1983, Sergei was offered the position of administrator on one of the central channels. His duties included the processing of programs dedicated to public holidays. In the period from 1984 to 1986, Suponev had a chance to work as an administrator in the propaganda department. For the next 2 years, Sergei was preparing plots for the program “Up to 16 and older”, popular at that time.

Our today's hero had a chance to try himself as a leader only in 1988. The program was called "Marathon 15". Soon Sergei Suponev woke up famous. He began to offer various projects. He himself noticed and highly appreciated his talent. It was thanks to him that the children's program "Star Hour" found such a sparkling and objective host.

Sergei was not going to stop there. Soon he created a completely new, unparalleled children's program, Call of the Jungle. This idea, embodied by him into reality, made Suponev the owner of the TEFI award. "Call of the Jungle" is not the only program for children that our hero has created. In his creative piggy bank there are programs of various genres: Disney Club, King of the Hill, The Seventh Sense and others.

Personal life

When communicating with the opposite sex, Sergei used his natural charm. He was a very attractive man and an interesting conversationalist. Suponev was officially married twice. According to him, in both cases he married for love. The first wife gave him a son, Cyril. In the second marriage, a lovely daughter was born. Sergey equally loved both his children, tried to pamper them and devote more time to them.

The death of Sergei Suponev

The famous TV presenter went in for sports and loved to ride with the breeze. It was this passion that played a cruel joke with him. Although more than 10 years have passed since that terrible event, not everyone knows today how Sergey Suponev died.

On December 8, 2001, he went to the Tver region to ride a snowmobile. No signs of trouble. The lifeless body was discovered late in the evening by local residents. There was no doubt about what had happened. The investigation concluded that Sergei simply lost control. His snowmobile was moving on the ice of a frozen river. The speed was very high. Sergei failed to turn in the right direction. The snowmobile skidded and crashed into a tree at full speed. The body of the journalist was found a few meters from the barrel. Most likely, the snowmobile hit the tree with such force that Suponev was simply thrown out of the seat. He received severe injuries incompatible with life. Arriving at the scene, police officers found two dead bodies - Sergei and his young companion.

The news of the death of a popular TV presenter caused a real shock to his fans and colleagues. But it was hardest of all for Suponev's relatives. They did not want to accept and realize what had happened. The famous singer and TV presenter, who fell into a deep depression, fell into a deep depression. For many years, her brother was her support and support, and now he is gone. The tragedy that occurred could not but affect the children of Suponev. His daughter was not even a year old at the time. But the teenage son Cyril was very worried about the loss of his own father. No one imagined how this accident would affect the future fate of the boy.

Another tragedy

In September 2013, the Russian print media reported the terrible news - the son of Sergei Suponev died. Was he, like his father, a victim of an accident? Later it turned out that no. Cyril committed suicide. It all happened in a Moscow apartment on Osenny Boulevard. While mom went to the store closest to the house, Kirill took a strong rope and hanged himself. When the woman returned, it was already too late. The doctors who arrived at the address stated the death of the guy.

Remembering what Kirill was like, many of his acquaintances and friends pointed out that after the death of his father, the guy became withdrawn and gloomy. He smiled on rare occasions and shared his emotional experiences with no one. But Cyril was predicted a great future. He managed to enter and successfully complete his studies at MGIMO, get the profession of a journalist. Kirill Suponev was fond of music and was even a drummer in a trendy metropolitan band. Father would be proud of him. But soon everything went wrong. Lack of self-realization and support of friends, constant failures at castings and non-healing psychological trauma - all this led to a sad outcome. Cyril could not stand the tests that fell on him and decided to part with his life.


Sergey Suponev is an interesting and comprehensively developed personality. He did a lot for the development of Russian television. The children's programs he created are a clear example of how to work and interact with children. More than one generation has grown up on the Call of the Jungle and Finest Hour programs. Every second child aged 6 to 15 dreamed of taking part in them, as well as seeing a kind and impartial presenter live. Blessed memory to Sergei Suponev ...

Last weekend brought tragic news: the 28-year-old son of a TV presenter and creator of a number of popular children's TV programs died in the capital Sergei Suponev Kirill Suponev.

Suponev Jr. was knocked down by creative failures?

The incident happened in a house on Osenny Boulevard, where Suponev Jr. lived with his mother, Valeria Suponeva.

As the mother of the deceased told the police, she left the house for literally ten minutes, and upon returning she found her son in a noose. Unfortunately, it was no longer possible to help him.

A note in which Cyril would explain the motives for the fatal step was not found. Law enforcement agencies are conducting a pre-investigation check on the fact of suicide.

Kirill Suponev was the son of TV presenter Sergei Suponev from his first marriage. After graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of MGIMO, Suponev Jr. followed in his father's footsteps, starting to work on television.

He held the positions of director and producer, worked on his own television projects. Friends and relatives of Cyril noted that the young man was hard to bear career failures and fell into depression.

Another area of ​​activity of Kirill Suponev was music - he was the drummer of the Romeo Must Die group. The musicians, who had been playing together for a long time, decided to end the project at the end of 2013. On the day of the tragedy, Kirill had to go to St. Petersburg to participate in one of the final concerts of the band.

It is possible that the completion of the musical project, to which Suponev Jr. devoted more than one year, against the backdrop of creative failures on television, pushed the young man to a fatal step.

In 2001, immediately after the death of his father, Kirill Suponev was offered to replace him as the host of the Star Hour program, but Suponev Jr. refused. According to friends, Cyril was an ambitious person and did not want to be compared with his father.

"Star hour" by Sergei Suponev ended on the ice of the Volga

The television career of Sergei Suponev reached its peak in the second half of the 1990s. He came to television back in 1980, but initially served as an auxiliary worker and administrator. In 1986, Suponev began to shoot stories for the TV show "Under 16 and Over."

Popularity came to Sergei Suponev in 1989, when he became the co-host of the Marathon 15 program for teenagers. In 1992, Vlad Listyev invited Suponev to lead the children's TV quiz "Star Hour". From that moment on, Sergei Suponev began to actively work on children's television broadcasting, not only as a presenter, but also as a producer, creator of new programs.

He has such projects as "Call of the Jungle", "Dandy - New Reality", "King of the Hill", "I'll Sing Right Now" and many others. Suponev worked on entertainment programs not only for children - in 2001 he became one of the creators of the reality show "The Last Hero".

At the very peak of his career, tragedy struck. On December 8, 2001, the 38-year-old TV presenter rode a snowmobile on the ice of the Volga near the village of Edimonovo, Tver Region. At some point, Suponev lost control and crashed into the snow-covered wooden walkways of the river pier. Sergei Suponev died on the spot.

In addition to his son Cyril, Suponev left a daughter from his second marriage Pauline who was less than a year old at the time of her father's death.

Sergei Suponev came from a creative family - his father was an actor in the Theater of Satire, his mother worked there as a pianist. Suponev's maternal half-sister is the famous singer and TV presenter Elena Perova.

On the tombstone of Sergei Suponev, an epitaph was engraved, which his father came up with: “Your stellar path in this world has gone from the screen to the souls of the children.”

The departure of a popular TV presenter and journalist from life was unfairly early and unexpected, and the cause of death of Sergei Suponev was insultingly accidental, although he always lived on the edge, taking risks, in search of adrenaline and new sensations. He made grandiose plans for the future, dreaming for many years to please people with his work, but fate decreed otherwise - on December 8, 2001, his life was tragically cut short.

Brief biography of the TV presenter

A whole generation of teenagers grew up on Sergei's programs - Marathon 15, Call of the Jungle, Finest Hour, Up to Sixteen and Older, gathered millions of Soviet schoolchildren at television screens.

In the photo - Sergey Suponev

Suponev was born in the Moscow region, in the small village of Khotkovo, in a family of art workers. His parents worked at the Theater of Satire - his father was an actor, and his mother played the piano in the orchestra. Later, Sergei's parents separated, and his father married Olga Kraeva, a commentator at the Mayak radio station, who played a big role in the professional development of Sergei Suponev - it was she who advised him to try his hand at television, which determined his entire future fate.

Sergei dreamed of becoming a journalist as a schoolboy and even then he was a freelance correspondent for Yunost, and after graduating from school he entered Moscow State University. His studies at the university were interrupted by service in the ranks of the Soviet army, where he was called after completing his first year. After serving in the military band of the military unit of Mulino, Gorky region, Sergei returned and continued his studies.

Suponev got a job at the television center even before the army, however, at first he worked as a simple loader, and only after returning from the ranks of the armed forces began his creative biography on television. At first he worked as an administrator in the music editorial office and participated in the preparation of holiday programs. For two years Sergei Suponev worked in the propaganda department and only in 1986 did he join the Children's Editorial Office.

The first program for which he began to prepare stories was the project "Up to 16 and older", and a year later he was transferred to the position of junior editor. The first author's program by Sergei Suponev was released in 1988 and was called "Marathon 15", which was based on reports from the life of young people.

Since 1994, Sergei Suponev's own television company, Klass!, began its existence, producing children's and teenage programs, including Early in the Morning, Good Night, Kids! .

The TV presenter had a special talent for finding a common language with children, and therefore he was great at entertaining and educational programs for this audience.

The death of Sergei Suponev

On the eve of his death, Sergei spoke about his new project, which he was going to release in a year, but this was not destined to come true - a few days after this interview, Sergei Suponev died. He died near his country house, crashing on a snowmobile.

Sergey moved along the bed of a frozen river and crashed into a tree at full speed, after which he was thrown out of his seat. The accident resulted in severe injuries, from which the thirty-eight-year-old journalist died on the spot.

Personal life of Sergei Suponev

Sergey was not only a talented TV presenter, but also a charming person who had no problems with communication, and the girls were drawn to him as an interesting conversationalist and a handsome man. In the personal life of Sergei Suponev, there were two marriages, and each time, according to him, he married for great love.

In the photo - Sergey with his first wife Valeria

Sergei met his first wife when he first came to television, and a year after the wedding, Valeria gave birth to a son, Cyril.

With son Cyril

For the second time, Suponev married Olga Motina, who had been in love with him since the age of thirteen.

Sergey with his second wife Olga Motina

Unfortunately, the family life of this couple did not last long, it was cut short by the tragic death of Sergei.

Olga Motina

But before that, he managed to become the father of his second child - the daughter of Polina, whom Olga gave birth to in 2000.

In the photo - Kirill Suponev

The son of Sergei Suponev, Kirill, lived even less than his father - at the age of twenty-nine, he committed suicide. According to the stories of acquaintances, Sergei's death greatly influenced him - Cyril became withdrawn, almost stopped laughing.

He could have achieved a lot in life - Kirill Suponev graduated from MGIMO, was a drummer in one of the Moscow musical groups, but something went wrong, and a young, promising guy decided to voluntarily die.

Singer Elena Perova has become one of the heroines of the new issue of "vDudya", dedicated to TV presenter Sergei Suponev. She told some details from the life of a TV presenter.

Sergei Suponev / photo: frame from the program "Hour of Stars"

About 17 years ago, the host of children's programs, Sergei Suponev, died. He was riding a snowmobile near Tver and crashed into a river pier, which was covered with snow. The 38-year-old TV presenter died instantly. Until that moment, many believed that Sergei had an ideal life. He was doing what he loved - he hosted the popular programs "Starry Hour", "Call of the Jungle", and was also the head of the directorate of ORT children's programs. Shortly before the tragedy, his wife gave him a daughter, Polina, but, unfortunately, he could not see how she grew up.

Recently, journalist Yuri Dud "Sergey Suponev is a friend of all children." He talked with the co-author of the TV presenter Alexander Goldburt, Leonid Yakubovich, as well as with Suponev's sister, singer Elena Perova. The latter spoke about how he communicated with the little heroes of the programs, and also revealed some details from his personal life. “He was really loved by children and teenagers. He was his. He even communicated with those kids who participated in the "Jungle Call" in such a way as to make them a little more mature. He joked with them and teased them, ”Elena shared.

Sister Suponeva fondly remembers him / Photo: frame from the film

more on the topic

What happened to Russian TV presenters who were popular in the 90sIn 1991, a new era began in the history of domestic television. The "Iron Curtain" collapsed and most of the programs began to be made according to the Western model, although, of course, there were enough unique author's projects on the air.

Also, Sergei Evgenievich's sister showed Dudya archival photographs with her brother. There was also talk about the son of the TV presenter Cyril from the first wife Valeria. He graduated from the faculty of journalism and worked on television, but at the age of 29 he committed suicide. According to Suponev's colleagues, he was an excellent father and did everything to communicate more with his son.

Elena also shared her memories of him. “He had a difficult period in his life, and when dad left the family, and when dad passed away. I think that he had a mobile nervous system, like any creative person. It's just that someone finds the strength to cope with his brain, which is the main enemy of man. All doubts, all difficult perceptions - everything is there, ”she said. According to her, Cyril was very similar in appearance to his father and they were very friendly.

Cyril was very similar to his father / Photo: frame from the film

“Recently, in relation to life, he was an ascetic. He had one jeans, one shorts, one T-shirt and one jacket. He threw everything out of the house. He was reviewing his life in such a peculiar way that it was alarming. He rushed to extremes, ”said Sister Suponeva. According to her, later the TV presenter's son began to live in his mother's old apartment. On that ill-fated day, he was going to ride with his mother in a car, but then he decided to go up to the apartment, and the parent remained waiting for him downstairs.

“He was gone for 5-10 minutes, and Lera began to call him. He did not pick up the phone, and she went upstairs, but it was too late, ”Elena shared. She noted that years later, Suponev's first wife was able to survive this tragedy and realized that it was not her fault, since Cyril simply could not live on, the TV presenter's sister Dudyu told about this.

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