TV Putiniana is gaining momentum. Malakhov got Putin's new secrets 


Having made a film about Vladimir Putin, he gave an exclusive interview to Russian television at the European premiere of the film in Paris. In it, the director told what was left behind the scenes of a four-episode film about the Russian president, which was watched by 40 million people on TV and five million on the Web.

To the words that after such an unprecedented success, Stone may well qualify for Russian citizenship, the director replied that he was a patriot and loves America. At the same time, he noted that he “just in case” has French citizenship.

“It was a discovery for me personally that in America no one knows what your president is thinking about,” Oliver Stone said in an interview with TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, shown as part of the “Let them talk” program on Channel One. “The world is on the verge of nuclear war, but Putin, I am sure, will not be the first to press the button,” the director answered the question of what he understood in a global sense after talking with the Russian leader.

In addition, he shared what particularly struck him in his meetings with the President of Russia. “Mr. Putin is a cautious person, he was taught this. All 20 hours of our conversations, he never went to the toilet, I respect that. He knows the measure in everything, does not drink too much water, just an impeccable person, ”said Stone.

At the same time, he admired the appearance of the Russian leader, noting that he was "a brand new". “When I look at the records, I see that my hair sticks out in all directions. Americans would say that I look like the bear Baloo from The Jungle Book, and he looks like the tiger Sher Khan,” said the American director.

One of the key Stone called the question to Vladimir Putin, related to how much he sleeps. “He said that he sleeps six to seven hours. Maintaining such a schedule requires good discipline. You cannot go to a party, you cannot enjoy yourself in the same way as ordinary people. You refuse all this, you become a monk,” says the author of the film “Putin”.

Oliver Stone recalled how, when he was little, Ronald Reagan announced on the radio that in 15 minutes the bombing of the USSR would begin. “I stood and cried right on the street, as I expected that in 15 minutes my life would be interrupted. It was really a very terrible situation, and I asked Vladimir Putin how he copes with all this for 16 years! ”The director admired.

On the air, those gathered in the studio discussed the film "Putin" and the reaction of foreign media to it. “When Oliver Stone said that the president may not go to the toilet for many hours, I always have this question when I watch direct lines ... Of course, I would have been washed away somewhere,” Andrey Malakhov noted with humor .

In mid-June, Channel One aired a documentary film by American director Oliver Stone "Putin". The audience of many millions was literally riveted to TV screens for four evenings to learn more about the Russian president. The host of the program “Let them talk” and the editor-in-chief of the publication “StarHit” Andrey Malakhov met in Paris with the author of the documentary film to find out what questions Stone did not dare to ask the head of our country. The man gave a frank interview in which he revealed all the secrets of the meeting with Vladimir Putin.

The director said that the Americans do not seek to understand our president. The man noted that the head of state looked perfect - he was dressed immaculately. Oliver Stone said that he and Vladimir Vladimirovich are complete opposites, but he respects him very much. The director was surprised by the answer to the question when he asked how the head of state manages to keep the schedule for 16 years. “And when there was a simple time, it was never easy,” Putin said.

Anatoly Kucherena, a close friend of Stone, appeared at the Let Them Talk studio. He noted that the director did everything so that Putin could be understood both in America and in other countries of the world. Andrey Malakhov recalled that during the four-hour recording of the program, Vladimir Vladimirovich did not go anywhere, including to the toilet. The host of the Vremya program, Ekaterina Andreeva, said that she had a “straight line” with the president several times. The efia star was also surprised by his endurance.

Also, the host of “Let them talk” emphasized that after the release of the documentary, some Western media brought down critical remarks on the director. They noted that it takes courage to make such a film.

The guests in the studio noted that Oliver Stone managed to find out about the president's personal life. The director asked if Putin often sees his daughters and their families. Vladimir Vladimirovich admitted that he does not argue with his sons-in-law, but discusses. The head of state again noted that his heirs are not involved in politics and big business - they work in the field of science and education.

Oliver Stone admitted that he never knew the exact shooting schedule.

“Two hours today, three tomorrow. The bell could ring - come to the Kremlin late at night or during the day. And we didn't know how long it would last," admitted Stone.

The American director told Malakhov that, in his opinion, Putin enjoyed talking with him. He tried to be polite. Stone admitted that he did not have a journalistic education, and therefore did not formulate questions in a rigid form, as is customary. He believed that the most important thing is to hear and be able to empathize with the hero. It was important for a man to get Putin's version of the truth. Malakhov drew attention to the fact that Stone interviewed Vladimir Vladimirovich in the car. He hoped that this would make their conversation more casual. The President admitted that he has a cherished dream, but he did not disclose it.

Two cinematographers worked with Oliver Stone on the film, one of them, Anthony Dod Mantle, won an Oscar for Slumdog Millionaire. Andrei Malakhov presented the director with a disc with the film "Love and Pigeons" with Lyudmila Gurchenko in the title role. Stone asked his team to take his number in order to be in touch, since he probably knows everyone in Moscow.

The host of “Let them talk” noted that one of the goals of the film “Putin” is to look into the eyes of a person who has a nuclear button at hand. He admitted to Malakhov that he understood: Vladimir Vladimirovich is not the person who will click on her first.

July 10, 2017

The film crew of the program "Let them talk" specially flew to Paris for an interview with the director.

June 19 on Oliver Stone's First Channel "Interview with Putin". Since then, the controversy around what he saw has not subsided: some, others - praise and admire. Especially for the program of Andrei Malakhov, the Oscar-winning director told previously unknown details from the filming of the film.

Andrey Malakhov spoke with Oliver Stone / Photo: frame from the program

The first thing that Oliver Stone noticed was the appearance of Vladimir Putin. The director was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the President of Russia turned out to be an irreproachable person. “His appearance was spot on. When I watch the recordings, I see that my hair sticks out in all directions. Americans would say that I look like the bear Baloo from The Jungle Book, and he looks like the tiger Shere Khan. We laughed so hard about it,” Stone recalled. In addition to discussing important political and social issues that relate to Russia and America, the director asked the president about his daily routine.

“One of the key questions I asked the president (some people don't find it important for some reason) is, 'How much do you sleep?' He said that he sleeps 6-7 hours. Maintaining such a schedule requires good discipline. You cannot go to a party, you cannot enjoy yourself in the same way as ordinary people. You give up all this, you become a monk. Because anything can happen at any moment. And in the middle of the night there will be only 15 minutes to resolve the issue. And it’s very hard work,” said Oliver. Stone could not help touching on the topic of the family of Vladimir Vladimirovich. In an interview with Oliver, the president said that, however, he does not have much time to communicate with his grandchildren, and he is proud of both daughters.

TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva expressed her opinion about Oliver Stone's film about Vladimir Putin / Photo: frame from the program

The guests in the studio, well-known TV presenters and journalists, discussed the work of the American director, expressing the hope that relations between Russia and America will someday get better.

July 10 is exactly one month since the first episode of the film "Interview with Putin", which was shot by Stone, was shown in the States. There are four in total. In Russia, a tape with the name "Putin" was shown by Channel One. And the other day there was also a European premiere. It was there, in Paris, that the journalist Andrey Malakhov went.

Oliver Stone is a world star. Three Oscars. Combat awards for Vietnam. Including for the wound - the Purple Heart medal. position director. And this position led him to documentaries. "The Untold History of the United States of America", "Ukraine on Fire". Stone does not impose his point of view. But it's not easy with him. He usually asks questions in front of the camera. Now it's Andrey Malakhov's turn.

On June 19, Channel One aired the first of four episodes of the documentary film Interview with Putin, directed by Oscar-winning Oliver Stone. The world premiere of the project took place on June 12 on the American channel Showtime, and the tape immediately became one of the most discussed not only in our country, but also abroad. The project was also screened in France, Germany, the UK and many other countries, which purchased the film's broadcast rights for a total of $3.5 million.

Oliver Stone will be the hero of the new episode of the show "Let them talk." In a frank interview with Andrei Malakhov, the American director will talk about the impression the head of the Russian Federation made on him and what he did not dare to ask Vladimir Putin. Guests and experts at the studio will discuss Stone's sensational film and try to find out if this film will change the attitude of people from all over the world towards our president.

American director Oliver Stone, who made a film about Vladimir Putin, gave an exclusive interview to Russian television at the European premiere of the film in Paris. In it, the director told what was left behind the scenes of a four-episode film about the Russian president, which was watched by 40 million people on TV and five million on the Web.

To the words that after such an unprecedented success, Stone may well qualify for Russian citizenship, the director replied that he was a patriot and loves America. At the same time, he noted that he “just in case” has French citizenship.

“It was a discovery for me personally that in America no one knows what your president is thinking about,” Oliver Stone said in an interview with TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, shown as part of the “Let them talk” program on Channel One. “The world is on the verge of a nuclear war, but Putin, I am sure, will not be the first to press the button,” the director answered the question of what he understood in a global sense after talking with the Russian leader.

In addition, he shared what particularly struck him in his meetings with the President of Russia.

“Mr. Putin is a cautious person, he was taught this. All 20 hours of our conversations, he never went to the toilet, I respect that. He knows the measure in everything, does not drink too much water, just an impeccable person, ”said Stone.

At the same time, he admired the appearance of the Russian leader, noting that he was "a brand new".

“When I look at the records, I see that my hair sticks out in all directions. Americans would say that I look like the bear Baloo from The Jungle Book, and he looks like the tiger Sherkhan,” said the American director.

One of the key Stone called the question to Vladimir Putin, related to how much he sleeps.

“He said that he sleeps six to seven hours. Maintaining such a schedule requires good discipline. You cannot go to a party, you cannot enjoy yourself in the same way as ordinary people. You refuse all this, you become a monk,” says the author of the film “Putin”.

Oliver Stone recalled how, when he was little, Ronald Reagan announced on the radio that in 15 minutes the bombing of the USSR would begin.

“I stood and cried right on the street, as I expected that in 15 minutes my life would be interrupted. It was really a very terrible situation, and I asked Vladimir Putin how he copes with all this for 16 whole years! ”, The director admired.

On the air, those gathered in the studio discussed the film "Putin" and the reaction of foreign media to it.

“When Oliver Stone said that the president may not go to the toilet for many hours, I always have this question when I watch direct lines ... Of course, I would have been washed away somewhere,” Andrey Malakhov noted with humor .

It is worth noting that the tape consists of 12 conversations in which Putin talks about key events in his biography, shares his own views on the political situation in Russia and the world, and also answers many tricky questions from an American journalist. At the same time, Oliver Stone emphasized that during the entire 30 hours of the interview with Vladimir Vladimirovich there were no taboo topics.

Watch today a fresh broadcast on July 10 in the program Let Oliver Stone say how Putin's voice sounds 10 07 2017 watch Vladimir Putin's interview online with Oliver Stone was watched by forty million viewers on TV and five million on the Internet. The Oscar-winning director wanted to show the true face of Russia and let the world hear the voice of its leader. In the West, few people heard Putin's lively voice, so during the editing, unvoiced moments were deliberately left. After the world premiere, a flurry of criticism fell upon Oliver Stone, many doubted his impartiality, and some even called the man the mouthpiece of the Kremlin. To dot the i, Andrey Malakhov went to Paris for the European premiere of the film and personally asked Stone about everything.

“Let them talk about today's last issue” - a talk show by Andrey Malakhov - the luminary of a bright and enchanting evening air. The guests of the “Let them talk” program are interesting and famous, the topics discussed are relevant and original. The show participants leave boring phrases outside the set and engage in heated debates. The program claims to be information-analytical, therefore the discussions are no less meaningful than emotional. “Let them talk” is a place where real metamorphoses take place - politicians turn into ordinary people, and ordinary people into politicians. No matter what the conversation is, everyone has the right to vote.

Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Andrei Malakhov

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