The theme of love between Liza and Erast in Karamzin's story "Poor Liza". History of love of Lisa and Erast


In the center of the story "Poor Lisa" there are two main characters - Erast and Lisa, and despite the fact that the story itself is named after Lisa, Erast also plays an important role in this story. Erast is essentially a kind person, but weak, windy and irresponsible. These character traits played a cruel joke on him. His story began with the fact that he fell in love with a poor girl selling flowers, but fell in love with her not as a person, not as a person, but as a kind of ideal, a fictional character from those that are usually described in novels, which, by the way, Erast loved to read. From this we can conclude that the main character is a romantic, he does not have a sense of reality. The limit of his dreams of a happy life were pictures where carelessness, tranquility, idleness reigned, but real life prepared for him a completely different fate. His irresponsibility and weakness of character destroyed the love and fate of Lisa, cut off the life of her mother, and he himself brought a lot of losses. Erast spent the rest of his life tormented by guilt, because it was he who caused the death of the main character in love with him. Therefore, it can also be called indifferent, callous. His love has passed, Lisa is no longer needed. Erast considered it more important to improve his financial situation than to remain faithful to his beloved. He decided to just cynically pay off her, get rid of her, while not caring at all about what unbearable pain this would bring to the poor girl and what consequences his indifference would lead to. Lisa could not bear such a shock, she took her own life. And Erast lived the rest of his life unhappily. Perhaps this was a punishment for his rash act and the lives he had broken.

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Lisa Erast
Qualities of character modest; shy; timid; kind; beautiful not only in appearance, but also in soul; tender; tireless and industrious. Courteous, with a kind heart by nature, quite reasonable, a dreamer, also prudent, frivolous and reckless.
Appearance A beautiful girl with pink cheeks, blue-eyed and fair-haired (She worked, not sparing "her rare beauty, not sparing her tender youth"). Lisa did not look like a peasant woman, but rather like an airy young lady from high society. A young, well-dressed man. He had tender eyes and beautiful pink lips. The face is pleasant and kind.
Social status Daughter of a wealthy peasant; later an orphan living with an old mother. A simple peasant girl. A young officer, a nobleman, a rather noble gentleman.
Behavior He supports his sick mother, cannot read and write, often sings mournful songs, knits and weaves well. He leads the life of a real gentleman, loves to have fun and often gambles (he lost his entire estate while he was supposed to fight), reads novels and idylls. Bad for Lisa.
Feelings and experiences Feeling victim. He loves Erast with all his heart. His kiss and the first declaration of love echoed in the girl's soul with delightful music. She looked forward to every meeting. Later, Lisa is deeply affected by what happened. You can see when a young man seduced a girl, thunder struck, lightning flashed. Upon learning that Erast was getting married, without thinking twice, the unfortunate girl threw herself into the river. For Lisa there is no mind, for her there is only a heart. Broken heart. Master of feelings. Most of his time he did not know what to do with himself and waited for something else. He "searched" pleasure in fun." A meeting takes place in the city, and Erast develops feelings for the "daughter of nature". He found in Lisa what his heart had been looking for for so long. But all this affection was more likely an illusion, because a loving person would not have done this, and after the death of Lisa, it is not the loss of his beloved that saddens him, but a feeling of guilt.
Attitude towards others Very trusting; I am convinced that there are only kind and good people around. Lisa is hospitable, helpful and grateful Frequent guest of social events. The story does not say about the attitude towards other people, but it can be concluded that he first of all thinks about himself.
attitude towards wealth Poor, earns money by working (collecting flowers) to support herself and her mother; moral qualities are more important than material means. Pretty rich; everything is measured by money; enters into a marriage of convenience, submitting to circumstances; trying to pay off Lisa with a hundred rubles.

2 table version

Lisa Erast
Appearance Unusually beautiful, young, fair-haired. Handsome, young, stately, charming
Character Gentle, sensual, meek, trusting. Weak-minded, two-faced, irresponsible, cowardly, naturally kind, but windy.
Social status Peasant girl. The daughter of a wealthy peasant, after whose death she became impoverished. Secular aristocrat, rich, educated.
Life position You can live only by honest work. You need to take care of your mother, not upset her. Be honest and kind to those around you. Life was boring for him, so he often looked for entertainment.
Attitude towards moral values Valued moral values ​​above all else. She could retreat only for the sake of someone, and not on her own whim. He recognized morality, but often deviated from its principles, guided only by his own desires.
Relationships with wealth Considers money only as a means of subsistence. Never pursued wealth. Considers wealth the fundamental factor of a cheerful, happy life. For the sake of wealth, he married an elderly woman whom he did not love.
Moral Highly moral. All his thoughts were highly moral, but his actions contradicted this.
Attitude towards family Devoted to her mother, passionately loves her. Not shown, but likely devoted to family.
Attitude towards the city She grew up in the country, so she loves nature. Prefers life in the wilderness of urban secular life. Entirely and completely urban man. He would never trade city privileges for country life, just for the purpose of having fun.
Sentimentalism Sensual, vulnerable. Does not hide feelings, is able to talk about them. Sensual, impetuous, sentimental. Capable of experiencing.
Attitude towards love He loves purely and devotedly, completely and completely surrendering to feelings. Love is like entertainment. In a relationship with Lisa, he is driven by passion. When there are no more inhibitions, he quickly cools off.
The Importance of Public Opinion It doesn't matter to her what they say about her. Depends on public opinion and position in society
Relationships Her feelings from the very beginning were crystal clear. Falling in love grew into strong love. Erast was the ideal, the one and only. The pure beauty of Lisa lured Erast. At first, his feelings were brotherly. He did not want to interfere with their lust. But over time, passion won.
Strength of mind I could not cope with the pain in my soul and betrayal. Decided to commit suicide. Erast had the fortitude to plead guilty to the girl's death. But still there was not enough strength of mind to tell her the truth.
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  • Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" enjoyed considerable success with readers at the beginning of the last century, which had a significant impact on the formation and development of new Russian literature. The plot of this story is very simple: it boils down to a sad love story between a poor peasant girl Lisa and a wealthy young nobleman Erast. The central interest of the narrative lies in the kind-hearted life of Lisa, in the story of the heyday and tragic withering of love.
    Psychologically, the state of a young, chaste and naive girlhood is shown for certain with a joyful trust in life, merged with the bright colors of a sunny day, blooming nature. Then an anxious period of bewilderment is intertwined before a new, unfamiliar feeling to her after meeting with Erast. It is replaced by a touching picture of pure first love, heavenly and spiritually inspired. But when poor Lisa surrenders to Erast, the pure admiration of the girl is overshadowed by the consciousness of something lawless that interfered with her love. And nature responds to this new state of mind in its own way: “Meanwhile, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. Lisa trembled all over: “Erast, Erast! - she said. - I'm scared! I am afraid that the thunder will kill me as a criminal!”
    The anxiety turns out to be not in vain: the satiated young nobleman begins to cool in his feelings for Lisa. And in her soul, the fear of losing a loved one is replaced by hope for the opportunity to return the lost happiness. Here Erast leaves Lisa for a long time, setting off on a military campaign, where he loses all his fortune at cards, and upon his return decides to fix things by marrying a rich widow. Having learned about this from the lips of Erast himself, Lisa falls into despair. Deceived in the best hopes and feelings, the girl throws herself into the pond near the Simonov Monastery - the place of her happy dates with Erast.
    In the character of Erast, Karamzin anticipates the type of disappointed person common in new Russian literature. By nature, Erast is kind, but weak and windy. He is tired of public life and secular pleasures, he is bored and complains about his fate. Under the influence of sentimental novels, which Erast read a lot, he dreams of happy times when people, not burdened by the conventions and rules of civilization, lived carelessly and amicably in the bosom of nature. Disappointed in the world, in the people of his circle, Erast is looking for new experiences. The meeting with Liza satisfies his dreams of a harmonious life away from society, in the natural simplicity of manners and customs. But he soon gets tired of the shepherd's idyll.
    The motives of the story associated with Erast will sound in different variations in our literature - in Pushkin's "Gypsies", in L. N. Tolstoy's late drama "The Living Corpse" and the novel "Resurrection". And Lisa's fate will echo in Pushkin's The Stationmaster, in Dostoevsky's Poor People. In essence, “Poor Liza” opens the key theme in Russian literature of the “little man”.
    True, the social aspect in the relationship between Liza and Erast is muffled: Karamzin is most of all concerned in the story with the proof that "peasant women know how to love." But precisely because of this, Karamzin lacks social flavor in the depiction of Liza's character. This is, perhaps, the weakest point of the story, because Lisa is least of all like a peasant woman, and more like a sweet socialite of the Karamzin era, brought up on sensitive sentimental novels. Nowadays, such a writer's approach to depicting people from the people seems naive and unartistic. But Karamzin's contemporaries, who had not yet read either Krylov, or Pushkin, or Gogol, not only did not feel this falsehood, but admired the artistic truth of the story to tears. The pond near the Simonov Monastery became a place of pilgrimage for admirers of Karamzin's talent and was named "Lizin's pond". Sentimental couples met here on a date, people with sensitive and broken hearts came here to yearn and indulge in “melancholy”. So, one of the secular wits wrote the following announcement on this occasion:
    “Here, Erast's bride threw herself into the water, - drown yourself, girls, there is enough space in the pond!” And the monks simply stopped these pilgrimages: they surrounded the pond with a fence and hung out an inscription that this pond was not called Lizin at all.
    Even now all this cannot but evoke smiles, naivete and innocence of people of an era far from us. But upon mature reflection, one cannot but agree that Karamzin conveyed the story of girlish love from its inception to the catastrophe, “tied” to a peasant woman with outdated literary language, with psychological certainty, and the future Turgenev, the singer of “first love” and a subtle connoisseur of girlish hearts, and Leo Tolstoy with penetration into the spiritual flow with its forms and laws. The sophisticated psychologism of Russian artistic prose, recognizable all over the world, is foreseen, appears in the now-seemingly naive and even inept story of this writer.

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    You are now reading: The main problems of love in Karamzin's story "Poor Liza"

    A detailed depiction of the feelings of the characters is one of the main features of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa". This is a work written according to the laws of sentimentalism - a literary movement where in the conflict of "feelings and duty" feelings must win.

    The sentimentalism of Poor Liza is expressed through the sympathies of the author, who are on the side of those heroes who, at the behest of their hearts, and not their minds.

    Erast's feelings: master of feelings

    In the first part of the story, Karamzin pays the most attention to the feelings of Erast, it is he who at first is the main character. He is tired of the bustling city and human deceit, of falsehood and brilliance, therefore he is tenderly in love with the village girl Lisa, who seems to him the embodiment of all the purest, most beautiful and real. Most importantly, during meetings with Lisa, he does not even think about the carnal manifestation of love - his feelings are completely platonic, he thinks that he loves Lisa more like a sister, and not like a woman. He enjoys just being around her.

    However, Erast, like any living person, finds it difficult to resist the temptation, and Karamzin understands this. Erast's physical love with Lisa nevertheless comes true, and after this, Erast's feelings and his attitude towards the girl gradually change: Lisa ceases to be an immaculate ideal for him, she now has become like all the other women in his life. You can leave such a girl, which he does. Erast marries a rich woman, while stepping on the throat of his feelings - he does not love her, but this marriage will become profitable.

    Lisa's feelings: a victim of feelings

    After their breakup, Karamzin's story focuses on Liza's feelings. In general, her image was presented rather unexpectedly for Russian literature: Karamzin is the first of the authors to show that peasants can also have feelings and experiences, that “and peasant women know how to love”. Liza behaves exactly as a suffering lyrical heroine should - her heart is broken, it makes no sense to live without love, which means there is no need to live.

    Having learned about the marriage of Erast and reasoning in this way, the unfortunate girl threw herself into the river. Undoubtedly, she was driven solely by feelings, because from a rational point of view, nothing critical happened: she is not pregnant, her reputation is not damaged, even her mother does not know anything ... However, for Lisa there is no mind, for her there is only a heart. Broken heart.

    Thus, penetrating into the souls of his heroes, Karamzin shows us the difference in their perception of love. The scene of their closeness is the culmination of the story: after this, Erast's feelings slowly fade away and take him away from Liza, and her feelings, on the contrary, flare up more and drive to suicide when they meet coldness. It turns out that Lisa becomes a victim of feelings, while Erast is their master.

    An essay on the topic “Why did the happiness of Erast and Lisa not take place?”

    The story of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin "Poor Lisa" is saturated with sentimental feelings and experiences of a young and incredibly beautiful girl of peasant origin. Once her family was quite prosperous, but after the death of the father of the family, their existence with their mother became very difficult and poor. Lisa struggled to earn a living and often spared neither herself, nor her beauty, nor her youth.
    In Moscow, she sold flowers. One day, a handsome and noble young man approached Lisa and offered to buy flowers for a much higher price, arguing that flowers plucked by such a beautiful hand and cost longer. Liza, out of natural modesty, refused. Then the young man, and his name was Erast, said that he would buy flowers from her every day. At that very moment at their first meeting, a completely new feeling appeared in Lisa's soul, which she had never experienced before. Surprising excitement and deep thoughts settled in her soul. She undoubtedly began to feel sympathy for Erast. And what was her happiness when he soon personally visited their house, and said that now he would visit her every evening.
    Thus began a short, but incredibly touching and romantic series of meetings between Lisa and Erast. They were together every evening under the shade of green foliage. The young man admired the natural beauty and innocence of the girl. He felt that in Liza there is that purity, sincerity and purity that could not be found in the spoiled society of the nobles. It was new and interesting for Erast to spend time with the girl. Their relationship was innocent and high.
    But one day Lisa came on a date with obvious anxiety. It turned out that the son of a wealthy peasant was wooing her and her mother was going to marry her off. Erast was also amazed. He said that he would certainly take her to him and would live with her until the end of her days. After all, the main thing for him is the innocent soul of Lisa, and the position in society is not important for him. Since the girl was of peasant origin, and Erast was a nobleman. At this point, their immaculate relationship ended. Both succumbed to the temptation and something happened that could not be changed. On this day, Liza cried when she said goodbye to Erast. She was terrified at the realization of what she had done.
    After that, their dates did not end, but irreparable changes took place in Erast. Now Liza no longer seemed to him a pure, innocent, immaculate girl. This halo was irretrievably destroyed. The young man felt that now his soul was filled with the same vicious feelings from which he was pretty tired in the highest noble society. Lisa ceased to be interesting to him, she was already a "read book", and Erast lost interest in her. In my opinion, it was the loss of any interesting young man to Liza that led to a sad end.
    Soon he told the girl that he needed to go to the army and for a long time they should part. Lisa was very worried, but she believed that he would certainly return and everything would be as before. But this was not destined to come true. After some time, the girl saw Erast near his house and immediately rushed to hug him. The young man immediately took her to the house, locked her in his office and explained the situation that plans had changed dramatically and now he was engaged to another girl. Lisa's heart was broken and she immediately left the estate. Unable to withstand the betrayal of a loved one, she laid hands on herself the same day. Thus ended the sad but incredibly beautiful story of poor Lisa.

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