The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is an essay. A


"Pushkin Eugene Onegin" - A. S. Pushkin. Essays. And the distance of a free novel I still did not clearly distinguish through the magic crystal. In which work of A.S. Pushkin, we have already met with the symmetrical construction of the plot? Not that...not that, God forbid! Pushkin published the novel in chapters as it was being written. Plot. O you venerable spouses! A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" A novel in verse.

"Eugene Onegin game" - Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. To summarize: Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky Tatyana Larina Olga Larina. Pushkin is a friend of Onegin, whom he met and became friends with in St. Petersburg. Lesson-game based on the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". To what direction in literature Pushkin finally moves in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

"Lessons on Pushkin Eugene Onegin" - The novel "Eugene Onegin". Anna Akhmatova. Summing up the lesson. Introduction by the teacher. The heroic world of the novel. Lesson-prologue to the study of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin". composition of the novel. Lesson plan. A.S. Pushkin.

"Roman Onegin" - Blitz - poll. In what language was Tatyana Onegin's letter written? Onegin is a "suffering egoist" who is strangled by "the inactivity and vulgarity of life." Pisarev. What economist did Onegin read? Artistic method in art and literature. Literary direction, established in Russian literature at the beginning of the 19th century.

“About Eugene Onegin” - Due to the death of Dunya at the end of the novel, Anna Kern acts as the prototype of Princess Tatyana. Vladimir Lensky is Pushkin himself, or rather his idealized image. Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina" is a continuation of the novel "Eugene Onegin". Pushkin's autograph - a self-portrait with Onegin on the Neva embankment. The last author's version of the novel was published in 1837.

"Eugene Onegin novel" - For analysis, we chose chapters 1 and 8 of the novel, revealing the evolution of the hero's image. It is impossible to understand a person more erroneously and crookedly! .. Eugene Onegin is the image of an “extra” person in Pushkin's novel “Eugene Onegin”. Why is Eugene Onegin considered an "extra" person? Research plan: Results of the work Table. The main principle in depicting a changing hero is the principle of "contradiction".

"Eugene Onegin" rightfully stands apart among the works of Russian literature of the 19th century. This is one of the most harmonious in composition and rich in content of Pushkin's works. Alexander Sergeevich devote more than 8 years to his offspring: having started work on a novel in verse in the spring of 1823, he completed the work only by the autumn of 1831. This was the most painstaking and lengthy work on a work in his life.

He then quit work on "Eugene Onegin", then again proceeded to it. Conventionally, the work on the novel can be divided into four stages, during which many events happened in Pushkin's life: the southern exile, the Boldin autumn, and a series of stormy novels. All chapters were published gradually, as they were written, one after another. The last author's version saw the light in 1837. According to the description, the actions in the novel cover a period of time for 6 years. In the process of narration, the characters grow up, go through some life path and turn from dreamy young men and women into mature, established personalities.

Thanks to the expression of the emotions of the characters through the poetic form, the novel gets more lyricism and expressiveness, thus, the reader becomes understandable and accessible to the whole palette of feelings that the author laid in the foundation. In addition, Pushkin introduces himself into the novel as one of the heroes of the story, he keeps Tatyana's letter and meets with Onegin in St. Petersburg. There are many lyrical digressions in the novel, where Pushkin shares his thoughts and experiences with the reader, as if alienating himself from the course and the main line of the story.

Analysis of the work

The main plot of the work

The plot is based on a love line: young Tatyana Larina falls in love with the bright extraordinary personality of Eugene Onegin. Still quite young, he is already tired of the noisy fuss and tinsel surrounding him, and calls his soul cooled. A young girl in love decides to take a desperate step and writes a letter of confession, where, with the ardor characteristic of her youthful nature, she pours out her soul to Eugene and expresses hope for the possibility of a romantic relationship between them. The hero does not reciprocate Tatyana, which hurts her very much. A decisive explanation takes place between the young people, and Onegin gently tells Tatyana that his callous soul is no longer able to love, even such a young and beautiful girl as Tatyana. Later, when Larina becomes a married woman and, it would seem, finds quiet family happiness, the paths of the heroes cross again. Onegin understands what a terrible mistake he made, but, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to fix anything. Tatyana pronounces her famous "... but I am given to another, and I will be faithful to him for a century ...", which puts an end to the failed love story.

A lot of mistakes that people tend to make, especially in their youth, prevented young heroes from being together, despite their mutual love. Only after going through a series of emotional upheavals, Onegin realizes that Tatyana is the same girl with whom he could be very happy, but, as usual, he understands this too late. All this, of course, makes the reader think about whether he is making a similar mistake. And, perhaps, it immerses you in memories of past sad experiences or makes you relive passionate and tender first feelings.

Main characters

One of the main characters is Eugene Onegin. A reserved young man with a complex character. The author deliberately does not idealize his image, endowing him with all the shortcomings that are usually inherent in a real person. Since childhood, he did not know the need for anything, being the son of a St. Petersburg nobleman. His soul did not gravitate to work, was pampered by novels, balls and scientific works of his favorite authors. His life was as empty as that of a million of the same lordly offspring of that time, filled with revelry and debauchery, senseless burning of life. As usual, as a result of this lifestyle, Eugene became a real callous egoist, thinking only about his own pleasures. He does not put a penny on other people's feelings and easily offends a person if he does not like him or utters a phrase that is inappropriate in his opinion.

Meanwhile, our hero is not without positive traits: for example, throughout the entire novel, the author shows us how much Onegin gravitates toward science and knowledge. He is constantly looking for something to replenish and expand his consciousness, studies the works of philosophers, conducts intellectual conversations and disputes. In addition, unlike his peers, he very quickly gets bored with the fuss of balls and senseless pastime. Very soon, the reader can observe his personal growth, while his friends inevitably degrade one by one, turning into flabby landowners.

Despite his disappointment and dissatisfaction with the way of life that he is forced to lead, he lacks the mental strength and motivation to break this vicious circle. He did not grab onto that saving straw that the pure and bright girl Tatyana holds out to him, declaring her love.

The turning point in his life is the murder of Lensky. At this moment, Onegin's eyes open, he understands how insignificant all his former existence is. From a sense of shame and remorse, he is forced to flee, and sends him to conquer the expanses of the country in the hope of hiding from the “bloody shadow” of his murdered friend.

From a three-year voyage, he returns a completely different person, mature and conscious. Having met Tatyana again, who was already married at that time, he realizes that he has feelings for her. He sees in her an adult intelligent woman, an excellent companion and a holistic mature nature. He is amazed at her grandeur and secular coldness, not recognizing in her that timid and gentle country girl, as he knew her before. Now she is a loving wife, tactful and benevolent, restrained and calm. He falls in love with this woman without memory, and he is mercilessly rejected by her.

This served as the finale of the novel, the further life of Onegin and Tatiana remain unknown to the reader. Pushkin does not give any answer to the questions about whether Eugene was able to reconcile and forget his love and how did he spend his subsequent days? Was Tatyana happy in the future married to an unloved man? All this remained a mystery.

No less important image described in the novel is the image of Tatyana Larina. Pushkin describes her as a simple noblewoman from the provinces. A modest young lady, not endowed with special beauty and external attractiveness, however, she has a surprisingly deep, multifaceted inner world. Her romantic poetic nature captivates the reader and makes her sympathize and empathize with her suffering from the first to the last line. Pushkin himself more than once confesses his love for his fictional heroine:

« Forgive me: I love so much

My dear Tatiana!

Tanya grows up as a rather closed, immersed in her own feelings, closed girl. Books became her best friends very early, in them she looked for answers to all questions, through the pages of novels she learned life. All the more strange for the reader is Tatyana's unexpected impulse and her frank letter to Onegin. Such behavior is not at all characteristic of her character and indicates that the feelings that flared up for Eugene were so strong that they overshadowed the mind of a young girl.

The author makes us understand that even after the refusal, and after the long departure of Onegin, and even after marriage, Tanya does not stop loving him. However, the great nobility and self-esteem does not give her the opportunity to throw herself into his arms. She respects her husband and protects her family. Renouncing Onegin's feelings, she manifests herself as an exceptionally reasonable, strong and wise woman. Duty is above all for her, and this decision of hers makes the reader feel deep respect for the heroine. The suffering and later repentance of Onegin is the natural ending of his lifestyle and actions.

(Painting by K. I. Rudakova "Eugene Onegin. Meeting in the garden" 1949)

In addition to the main characters, the novel describes many secondary characters, but no one else receives such a vivid description as Tatyana and Onegin. Unless the author pays some attention to Lensky. With bitterness, he describes his tragic fate with an unfair ending. Pushkin characterizes him as an exceptionally pure young man, with an unsullied reputation and high moral character. He is talented and impetuous, but at the same time very noble.


The description of nature in the novel stands apart: the author devotes a lot of time to it. We can find beautiful pictures on the pages of the novel that recreate before our eyes Moscow, St. Petersburg, Crimea, Odessa, the Caucasus and, of course, the wonderful nature of the Russian hinterland. Everything that Pushkin describes is ordinary pictures of the Russian village. At the same time, he does it so masterfully that the pictures created by him literally come to life in the reader's imagination, fascinate him.

Despite the disappointing ending of the novel, it cannot be called pessimistic at all. On the contrary, the abundance of bright living moments makes the reader believe in a wonderful future and look into the distance with hope. There are so many bright, real feelings, noble impulses and pure love that the novel is more capable of bringing the reader to positive emotions.

The whole composition of the novel is built surprisingly harmoniously, which is surprising, given the long breaks with which the author again began to work on it. The structure has a clear, slender and organic structure. Actions flow smoothly from one another, throughout the whole novel, Pushkin's favorite technique is used - a ring composition. That is, the place of initial and final events coincides. The reader can also track the specularity and symmetry of the events taking place: Tatyana and Evgeny find themselves in similar situations several times, on one of which (Tatyana's refusal) the action of the novel is interrupted.

It is worth noting that not a single love story in the novel has a successful ending: like her sister Tatyana, Olga Larina was not destined to find happiness with Lensky. The difference between the characters is shown through the opposition: Tatyana and Olga, Lensky and Onegin.

Summing up, it is worth noting that "Eugene Onegin" is truly a confirmation of Pushkin's remarkable poetic talent and lyrical genius. The novel is read literally in one breath and captures from its first line.

A. S. Pushkin is one of the greatest poets of Russian and world literature. The personality of Pushkin, a poet and a citizen, was formed in the tenth years of the 19th century, when Russian officers who returned from the war of 1812 were determined to make decisive political changes and considered it necessary to abolish serfdom. This was the time of the rise of social thought, the active participation of advanced youth in the fate of their country, the Russian people. Under the influence of this era of freethinking and progress, the poet's moral ideals and his views on modern society took shape.
Pushkin's work reflected many of the most important issues and problems of that time. The legacy of the poet is extremely large and diverse. These are poems, and novels, and poems. In all these works, questions of national culture and education are solved, the search for progressively minded people, the life of various strata of society are reflected.
Of great importance for the disclosure of the ideals of the poet are his lyrical works. This is a love lyric, allowing you to understand the inner world of the poet, and. freedom-loving lyrics, showing the author's attitude to the issues of autocracy, oppression, serfdom.
Meeting with members of the Northern Decembrist Society, Pushkin shared the thoughts and sentiments of the revolutionary nobles. Under the impression of these meetings, disputes and reflections on the fate of Russia, Pushkin wrote the most fiery poems: “Liberty”, “Village”, “To Chaadaev” and others. They created the image of a lyrical hero striving for justice, freedom, fraternity, the image of a poet - a herald of truth:

I want to sing freedom to the world,
On thrones to strike vice.

For Pushkin, the ideal of a revolutionary fighter was always the Decembrists, who were able to sacrifice their lives for the cause, for the sake of an idea. After the defeat of the December uprising, the poet remains true to his ideals. Not resigned to the existing situation, he writes a message to his friends languishing in exile. It sounds an attempt to support the spirit of the Decembrists, the conviction that their cause will not be forgotten:

Your mournful work will not be lost
And doom high aspiration.

But it will not be a mistake to say that the most sincere, most significant work of the poet is the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”. It was in this work that Pushkin's views on modern society were most fully and clearly reflected, and the moral ideals of the author were manifested. According to V. G. Belinsky, the novel was "an encyclopedia of Russian life and an extremely folk work." The work was written over several years, during this period much has changed in the life of Russia, in the life of the poet himself. All this is reflected in the images of the main characters of the work - Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina. On the pages of the novel, in the characters of the characters, in their attitude to life, a new worldview of the poet himself is being formed. The author very often refers to comparing himself with Onegin, reflecting both the vices of society and the positive features of the younger generation in the image of the main character. The greatest convergence of the poet's personality with the image of Eugene occurs at the end of the novel, when the hero returns from his journey. The reader sees how much Onegin's spiritual world and his moral qualities have changed.
At the beginning of the work, Pushkin calls Yevgeny "a good friend", thereby expressing sympathy for the young man. But the poet shows that while Onegin is far from perfect: he loves comfort too much, too selfish, not accustomed to systematic work. The author sneers at his superficial education and bitterly declares that very little is needed for recognition in a secular society:

He's completely French
Could speak and write
Easily danced the mazurka
And bowed casually...

That's enough: "... The Light decided that he was smart and very nice." And here the poet, one of the most educated people of his time, declares with a sly smile:
We all learned little by little Something and somehow...
Yes, Onegin was corrupted by the world, yes, luxury, wealth, idleness had a too pernicious influence. But why did the same environment give birth to Pushkin and Onegin, the “best people” and the Decembrists? There are also some internal factors that allow a person to resist vulgarity and stupidity. Onegin has a rare mind, the ability to think. And the novel shows how this man is trying to find the meaning of life, the application of his strength and energy. Such a search, according to Pushkin, is one of the main features of a morally perfect person. The author compares himself and the hero in relation to art, love. If at the beginning of the novel love for Onegin seems to be just empty entertainment, an easy affair, then for the author this feeling is holy, poetic, necessary. And the hero himself is eventually endowed with the ability to sincerely and passionately love, which is also an important feature of a real person. Having led his hero through a series of trials, the poet endows him with will, strength of soul, and the ability to sympathize. It was in this Onegin that the moral ideals of the poet were reflected.
And, of course, Pushkin's views on the ideal of a Russian woman are reflected in the image of Tatyana Larina. Tatyana is Pushkin's favorite heroine.
The girl, like Onegin, is of noble origin, like him, received a superficial home education. But Tatyana is distinguished by sincerity and purity. Living “in the wilderness of a forgotten village,” she is far from the falseness and hypocrisy of secular society. Russian nature, rural life with its rituals and traditions had a great influence on the formation of her personality. Reading had a certain meaning for Tatyana:

She liked novels early on;
They replaced everything for her;
She fell in love with deceptions
Both Richardson and Rousseau.

The integrity and spiritual beauty of this image, the ability for selfless love and moral purity are striking.
Like any young girl, Tatyana was waiting for a beautiful and noble prince, so when Eugene appeared in their village, Tatyana decided that this was the very hero, whose image she painted for herself. With all sincerity and naturalness, the girl confesses her feelings, not afraid of gossip and condemnation. The poet admires such qualities of Tatiana's soul.
Later, having got into the high society, where hypocrisy and debauchery reign, she does not change her principles, remains true to the ideals of youth:

Now I'm happy to give
All this rags of masquerade
All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes
For a shelf of books, for a wild garden...

Tatyana still loves Yevgeny, but she is not one of those who build their happiness on the misfortune of their neighbor. The girl sacrifices herself, her feelings, obeying a sense of duty, responsibility. Pushkin considers fidelity, the ability to sacrifice a necessary feature of a real woman.
It was these women, who have a truly Russian character, who, after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising, followed their husbands to Siberia, leaving behind luxury and comfort, not fearing hardships and hardships. If Pushkin dedicated the novel to the Decembrists, his Volkonskaya or Trubetskaya would certainly have worn the features of Tatyana Larina.
So, in the novel "Eugene Onegin" and in lyrical works, the questions that worried the progressive people of the 19th century were reflected with the greatest clarity and completeness, and Pushkin's moral ideals were manifested.

In the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the novel "Eugene Onegin" occupies a special place. Pushkin wrote it for eight years: from 1823 to 1831. This time was very difficult in the history of Russia. The events of December 14, 1825 abruptly turned the history of the country, sent it in a different direction. There was a change of eras: work on the novel was begun under Alexander I, and continued and completed in the reign of Nicholas I, when all moral guidelines in society changed dramatically.

Before starting to analyze the novel, it is necessary to clearly understand the features of the genre of this work. The genre of "Eugene Onegin" is lyrical-epic. Consequently, the novel is built on the inextricable interaction of two plots: epic (where the main characters are Onegin and Tatyana) and lyrical (where the main character is the narrator). The lyrical plot in the novel dominates, since all the events of real life and the novel life of the characters are presented to the reader through the prism of the author's perception, the author's assessment.

The problems of the purpose and meaning of life are key, central in the novel, because at the turning points in history, which was the era for Russia after the December uprising, a cardinal reassessment of values ​​takes place in the minds of people. And at such a time, the highest moral duty of the artist is to point society to eternal values, to give firm moral guidelines. The best people of the Pushkin, that is, the Decembrist generation, seem to be “leaving the game”: they are either disappointed in the old ideals, or they do not have the opportunity to fight for them in the new conditions, to put them into practice. The next generation, the one that Lermontov would call "a gloomy crowd and soon forgotten," was initially "brought to its knees." Due to the peculiarities of the genre, the novel reflects the very process of reassessment of all moral values. Time in the novel flows in such a way that we see the characters in dynamics, we trace their spiritual path. All the main characters before our eyes are going through a period of formation, painfully searching for the truth, determining their place in the world, the purpose of their existence.

The search for the meaning of life takes place in different planes of existence. The plot of the novel is based on the love of the main characters. Therefore, the manifestation of the essence of a person in the choice of a lover, in the nature of feelings is the most important feature of the image, which determines his whole attitude to life. Lyrical digressions reflect the changes in the author's feelings, his ability to both light flirting (characteristic of "windy youth"), and true deep admiration for his beloved.

In home life we ​​see one

A series of boring pictures...

The spouse is perceived as an object for ridicule:

... majestic cuckold,

Always happy with myself

With my dinner and my wife.

But it is necessary to pay attention to the opposition of these verses and the lines of "Fragments from Onegin's Journey":

My ideal now is the hostess,

My desire is peace...

What in youth seemed to be a sign of limitation, spiritual and mental poverty, in mature years turns out to be the only correct, moral path. And in no case can the author be suspected of hypocrisy: we are talking about growing up, about the spiritual maturation of a person, about a normal change in value criteria:

Blessed is he who was young from his youth,

Blessed is he who has matured in time.

After all, the tragedy of the main characters also stems from Onegin’s inability to “ripen in time”, due to the premature old age of the soul:

I thought: liberty and peace

replacement for happiness. My God!

How wrong I was, how punished.

Love for the author and for his heroine Tatyana Larina is a huge, intense spiritual work. For Lensky, this is a necessary romantic attribute, which is why he chooses Olga, devoid of individuality, in whom all the typical features of the heroine of sentimental novels have merged. For Onegin, love is "the science of tender passion." He will know the true feeling by the end of the novel, when the experience of suffering comes.

Human consciousness, the system of life values, as you know, are largely formed by the moral laws adopted in society. The author himself evaluates the influence of high society ambiguously. The 1st chapter gives a sharply satirical image of the world. The tragic 6th chapter ends with a lyrical digression: the author's reflections on the age limit that he is preparing to step over. And he calls on "young inspiration" to save the poet's soul from death, to prevent

...get stoned

In the deadly ecstasy of light,

In this pool, where I am with you

Swim, dear friends!

Society is heterogeneous. It depends on the person himself whether he will accept the moral laws of the cowardly majority or the best representatives of the world.

The image of "dear friends" surrounding a person in a "dead" "pool of light" does not appear in the novel by chance. Just as “the science of tender passion” has become a caricature of true love, so secular friendship has become a caricature of true friendship. “There is nothing to do, friends” - such is the verdict of the author. Friendship without a deep spiritual community is only a temporary empty union. A full-fledged life is not possible without disinterested self-giving in friendship - that is why these “secular” friendships are so terrible for the author. For the author, the inability to make friends is a terrible sign of the moral degradation of modern society.

The author himself finds the meaning of life in the fulfillment of his destiny. The whole novel is full of deep reflections on art. The image of the author in this sense is unambiguous: he is first of all a poet, his life is unthinkable outside of creativity, outside of intense spiritual work. In this he is directly opposed to Eugene. And not at all because he does not plow and sow before our eyes. He has no need for work. And the education of Onegin, and his attempts to immerse himself in reading, and his effort to write (“yawning, took up the pen”) the author perceives ironically: “Hard work was sickening to him.”

Particularly important in "Eugene Onegin" is the problem of duty and happiness. In fact, Tatyana Larina is not a love heroine, she is a hero of conscience. Appearing on the pages of the novel as a 17-year-old provincial girl dreaming of happiness with her lover, she grows before our eyes into an amazingly integral heroine, for whom the concepts of honor and duty are above all. Olga, Lensky's fiancee, soon forgot the dead young man: "the young lancer captured her." For Tatiana, Lensky's death is a tragedy. She curses herself for continuing to love Onegin: "She must hate her brother's murderer in him." A heightened sense of duty dominates in the image of Tatyana. Happiness with Onegin is impossible for her: there is no happiness built on dishonor, on the misfortune of another person. Tatyana's choice is the highest moral choice, the meaning of life for her is in accordance with the highest moral criteria.

The climax of the plot is the 6th chapter, the duel between Onegin and Lensky. The value of life is tested by death. Onegin makes a tragic mistake. At this moment, the opposition of his understanding of honor and duty to the meaning that Tatyana puts into these words is especially vivid. For Onegin, the concept of "secular honor" turns out to be more significant than moral duty - and he pays a terrible price for the allowed shift in moral criteria: he is forever covered with the blood of a comrade he killed.

The author compares two possible paths of Lensky: the sublime and the mundane. And for him it is more important not what fate is more real - it is important that there will be none, because Lensky was killed. For the light that does not know the true meaning of life, human life itself is nothing.

History of creation

The history of the creation of the novel The writing of the novel took Pushkin more than seven years (1823 - 1830). It was published in separate chapters: the first chapter of the novel appeared as a separate book in 1825, the second - in 1826, the third - in 1827, at the beginning of 1828 the fourth and fifth chapters appeared, and in March 1828 - the sixth, seventh came out in March 1830 and the last - the eighth - was published in 1832. The outline of the general plan of the novel included nine chapters, but in the process of writing the plan changed slightly, so that in the first complete edition of "Eugene Onegin" (1833) Pushkin included eight chapters and "Excerpts from Onegin's Journey"

In addition, the tenth chapter of "Eugene Onegin" was written at the same time in Boldino, which Pushkin burned, and only separate excerpts from the drafts have come down to us (the poet encrypted the draft text, and literary critics managed to decipher the incomplete 16 stanzas) containing pro-Decembrist messages dangerous for Pushkin. the utterances, as can be judged from the restored parts, are very caustic and caustic. The tenth chapter is not included in the canonical text of the novel. Completed work on "Eugene Onegin" on September 26, 1830.

Genre. Subject. Problem. Idea.

"Eugene Onegin" Pushkin analysis A. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" is the first realistic novel not only in Russian, but also in world literature.

Genre - socio-psychological novel in verse.

Subject - depiction of Russian life in the first quarter of the 19th century

Main characters: Eugene Onegin, Vladimir Lensky, Tatyana Larina, Olga Larina.

Composition: built "mirror": Tatyana's letter - Onegin's answer - Onegin's letter - Tatyana's answer.

The main conflict of the novel: the conflict of two life philosophies, the conflict of man and society, the conflict of man and environment.


Man against the background of the era, time, the meaning of his existence on earth.

The problem of education and upbringing;

Literary creativity;

fidelity in married life;

human relationships;

True and imaginary life values;

The inner freedom of a thinking person and the dictates of a secular society;

The ideal of female beauty;

Family relations.

"Eugene Onegin" is a work about love. Pushkin's love is a high, free feeling. A person is free in his choice and happy with it, but not in this novel. ALTHOUGH Tatyana loved Onegin, but she was not happy with him, she did not even receive reciprocal love. You can trace the theme of love through two meetings between Tatyana and Evgeny.

Lyrical digressions - this is a compositional and stylistic device, which consists in the author's deviation from the plot narrative and the introduction of direct authorial speech. They create the image of the author as a living interlocutor, narrator and open up the world of narration to the outside, introducing additional topics that are not related to the plot. In Eugene Onegin, lyrical digressions make up a significant part - almost a third of its volume. Lyrical digressions perform numerous functions in the novel: they mark the boundaries of the novel's time and replace the plot narrative, create the completeness of the image, characteristic of the "encyclopedia" and give the author's commentary on the events. It is lyrical digressions that introduce the author's "I", allow you to conduct a kind of dialogue with readers. By creating a distance between the author and the hero, they allow Pushkin to take the position of an objective researcher in relation to the events and characters depicted, which is necessary in a realistic work.

plot and composition.


Eugene Onegin:

Main character Romana - a young landowner Eugene Onegin, this is a man with a complex, contradictory character. The upbringing that Onegin received was disastrous. He grew up without a mother. The father, a frivolous St. Petersburg gentleman, did not pay attention to his son, entrusting him to "wretched" tutors. Consequently Onegin grew up as an egoist, a person who cares only about himself, about his desires and who does not know how to pay attention to the feelings, interests, suffering of other people. He is able to offend, offend a person without even noticing it. Everything beautiful that was in the soul of a young man remained undeveloped. Onegin's life- boredom and laziness, monotonous satisfactions in the absence of a real, living thing.

Image of Onegin not invented. In it, the poet summarized the features, typical images for young people of that time. These are people who were provided for by work and serfs who received a disorderly upbringing. But unlike most representatives of the ruling class, these young men are smarter, more sensitive, more conscientious, more noble. They are dissatisfied with themselves, their environment, social structure.

Onegin in terms of views and requirements for life, he is superior not only to his rural landlord neighbors, but also to representatives of the St. Petersburg high society. Having met with Lensky, who received his higher education at the best university in Germany, Onegin could argue with him on any topic, as with an equal. Friendship with Lensky, he discovers in Onegin's soul hidden behind a mask of cold egoism and indifference the possibilities of true, friendly relations between people.

Seeing Tatyana for the first time, without even talking to her, without hearing her voice, he immediately felt the poetry of the soul of this girl. In relation to Tatyana, as well as to Lensky, such a feature of him as goodwill was revealed. Under the influence of the events depicted in the novel, evolution takes place in the soul of Eugene, and in the last chapter of the novel, Onegin is no longer the same as we saw him before. He fell in love with Tatyana. But his love does not bring happiness, neither to him nor to her.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin portrayed a frivolous young man who, even in love, cannot give himself advice. Fleeing from the world, Onegin could not escape from himself. By the time he realized this, it was already too late. Tatyana now does not believe him. And this opens Onegin's eyes to himself, but nothing will change.

"Young rake" - these words can briefly describe Eugene at this time. He does not serve anywhere, leads a secular life, attends balls and dinners, pays much attention to his appearance. He knows how to appear smart and subtle, but in fact his knowledge is superficial, and he uses it only to impress.

He loves women, but his hobbies are superficial. Using his charm, he conquers women, and then quickly cools down.

Eugene Onegin in the village

In the end, Eugene cools off to this lifestyle. Fed up with both balls and female attention, he is going to travel, but then his uncle dies, and Eugene remains the heir to the estate.

Here we recognize Onegin on the other side. Not afraid to arouse the displeasure of the local landowners, he replaces corvée with a light dues for the serfs. Having escaped from the entertainments of the capital, he does not visit his neighbors in the village, but he closely converges with the naive, but sincere Lensky.

killing a friend and rejected love

This friendship ends tragically. An ardent young man sends a challenge to Eugene. Onegin realizes that it is better to apologize to a friend, but narcissism makes him put on his usual mask of indifference and accept the challenge. Lensky dies at the hands of Onegin.

Having received Tatyana's letter, Eugene was touched. He sympathizes with Tatyana, but does not yet love her. Having never experienced true love for a woman, using her as a bargaining chip, he is generally incapable of taking this feeling seriously. Therefore, Eugene, as usual, enters the role of an experienced, cold-hearted person, while showing nobility. Eugene did not take advantage of Tatyana's feelings, but did not escape the temptation to read the notation to the girl in love.

epiphany Onegin

Several years passed and he had a chance to severely regret his coldness. In adulthood, he is no longer interested in spectacular poses, he is less focused on himself. Having met Tatyana, a married lady who has perfectly studied the art of "ruling herself", Eugene falls selflessly in love with her. Time does not heal him, months pass, and he still thinks only of her, driving himself almost to madness.

There is an explanation; he learns that Tatyana still loves him, but is not going to break her husband's loyalty.

Pushkin hero capable of real feelings, but an early commitment to light spoils him, forcing him to sacrifice love and friendship in favor of posturing. When Onegin finally begins to "be" and not "appear", many mistakes can no longer be corrected.

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