Thematic week musical instruments in the senior group. Thematic week “Life is more interesting with music and song” within the framework of the project “This is what our summer is like! Finger drawing "Accordion"



Reception and examination of children in the group.

Game situation "Say hello to the bear"

Target - Teach children to be polite: (teach to say hello, say goodbye, thank you for help)

Theatrical games:

Game situation "Concert for a bear"

Target - involve children in role-playing interaction, develop game skills.

cognitive development

Conversation "Getting acquainted with musical instruments"

Target : learn to distinguish musical instruments in appearance (drum, spoons, pipes, rattles, bells).

Learning the dance "We are nesting dolls"

Target - Teach kids dance moves.

Physical development

Morning exercises, hygiene procedures.

Game exercise "Get in the gate."

Target - to teach a child to roll balls (balls, hoops) in the right direction, to improve the skill of repelling the ball when skating.

Speech development.

D / and "Toys visiting the guys"

Target : to form the ability of children to dialogue speech, to learn to answer questions about a toy.

Walk 1

cognitive development

Watching the wind

Target - to form the idea that the wind is cold in winter. Learn to determine the presence of wind; enrich vocabulary (soft, prickly, cold, warm).

Speech development.

Repeat with the children the nursery rhyme “you are already a winter-winter”

Target : help children remember the nursery rhyme.

Physical development

Individual work movement development

Ball games.

Target - Exercise children in catching the ball.

P / and "Catch me"

Target - teach to navigate in space, develop dexterity, cultivate the desire to play with the teacher

The game "On a flat path"

Target : To develop in children the ability to move rhythmically, coordinate movements with words, find their place. Exercise in walking, jumping, squatting, running.

Social and communicative development

Conversation on the topic: "Safety while walking."

Target - remind children about safety rules during a walk - be careful, do not push each other, do not leave the site.

Games with portable material.

Target : To form the ability to show interest in the game activities of peers. Help to play side by side without interfering with each other. Develop the ability to play with peers.

Work assignments: encourage children to collect toys after a walk, put them away


Physical Culture.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep, air hardening, hygiene procedures.

Social and communicative development.

Continue to work with each child on the skills of putting on tights, teaching children how to put on shoes correctly.

Speech development.

Reading fiction.

“In the toy store” by Ch. Yancharsky, translated from Polish by V. Prikhodko .

Target: to teach children to listen and perceive a literary work.

Physical development

D / and "Train"

Target : exercise in walking one after another.

P / and "Run to me."

Target : exercise to navigate in space.

Artistic and aesthetic development

ind. work - learn how to hold a pencil in your hand, draw sticks straight and vertical.

Social and communicative development

The game "Let's dress the doll Katya for a walk"

Target : to help children remember the sequence of dressing and undressing, to teach children to hang and fold clothes neatly, to encourage them to use the names of clothing items in speech.

Work in play areas.

Target : teach to help the teacher in caring for toys

A situational conversation about toys, that they need to be protected, not scattered, and put away in the basket after the game.

cognitive development.

Games with building material: "Houses for toys"

Target : learn to create buildings, different in size and beat buildings.

Walk 2

cognitive development

Sky watching

Target - to teach children to note that the sky is blue, white clouds slowly float across it.

Speech development.

Repeat with children familiar nursery rhymes, poems.

Target : encourage children to repeat texts familiar to them after the teacher.

Physical development

Individual work on the development of movements.

Target: learn and jump on two legs.

Mobile game "Birds in the nests"

Target - to learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other, to learn to act quickly on the signal of the teacher.

Game "Airplanes"

Target .develop physical activity.

Social and communicative development

Games with portable material.

Target - Cultivate friendly relations, encourage children to share toys.

Labor assignments:

Target - encourage children to collect toys after a walk.

From 04/23/2018 to 04/27/2018, the "Week of Music" was held in the kindergarten. The week was just magical, it was entirely devoted to music! Music is an integral part of our life, a very important part of it. After all, children's musical education directly affects the development of personality. Music has a wonderful effect on the development of the brain of babies, activating the connections between nerve cells. Music affects the development of thinking, imagination, perception. In fact, even in ancient times, people appreciated the power of the harmony of sounds.

On April 25, the middle group of our kindergarten visited the Protopopovsky rural House of Culture. In the foyer, we were warmly greeted by employees of the House of Culture and led to the largest room - the auditorium. The guys took their places. Further, director Galina Yuryevna Karpun told our pupils about the work of the House of Culture, after the children there was an entertainment program. Children recited poems into the microphone, listened to music, danced on stage and played musical games. The children really enjoyed our tour.

Music helps to develop children's imagination, without which it is impossible to master other arts. So, on April 26, 2018, the pupils of the senior group shared their associations with the listening compositions of Antonio Vivaldi “The Seasons”. The guys got bright and memorable drawings that I wanted to continue to create more and more. The appearance of the guitar in the group aroused great interest among the pupils. Live music performed by Kirill Stepanov sounded through the bright rays of the spring sun. The guys listened to the musical numbers with pleasure, and reacted with particular interest to the proposal to hold a musical instrument in their hands, and of course try their hand at playing the guitar.

04/25/18 in the younger group there was a musical entertainment "Journey of a Train". The children went on a journey through the stations: "In the yard", "Music", "Dance" and the station "At Babushka". At funny stops, children sang, danced, guessed musical instruments and played. At the end of the entertainment, Babushka (music director Kuzminykh S.G.) offered the children the musical didactic game "Teremok", where the children guessed the characters of the fairy tale from the musical pieces.

04/26/18 in the middle group there was an entertainment "Guess the melody". Under the guidance of musical director Kuzminykh S.G., the guys went on a journey to the country of music. There they guessed songs from cartoons, sang familiar songs, recognized musical instruments by their sound. At the end of the entertainment, all the children received a coloring book with musical instruments as a gift.

05/04/18 in the senior group there was a musical game "Guess the melody". The game consisted of three rounds, a final game and a super game for the winner. The players chose melodies according to the themes: "Cartoons", "Classical Music", "About Animals", "About Friendship" and "Singing in Kindergarten". The game was interesting and intense. At the end of the game, all the guys were awarded with gifts: a musical instrument - a metallophone and coloring books.

Anna Belunis
Calendar - thematic planning "Musical instruments"

Calendar-thematic planning educational work

Group: preschool group

Theme of the week: « Musical instruments» .

Target: Creating conditions for familiarization with the main types musical instruments.

Learn to distinguish timbres musical instruments, listen attentively music, rhythmically play on children's musical instruments.

music develop a sense of rhythm.

Cultivate love for music, respect for musical instruments culture of communication with peers.

Final event: visiting the Omsk Philharmonic

Date 18.03.2015 Responsible___

morning exercises



Self-service and elementary household work

Cognitive Research Conversation "Why does a person need music»

Z: Introduce the main types musical instruments.

Repeat songs and round dances about spring.

D.I. "Spring"

Z: To form the ability of children to know autumn signs. develop thinking, speech.

N.I. "Checkers"

M.P.I. "Do it like this".

Z: To form the ability to coordinate movements with words. Develop attention. Cultivate respect for each other. Articulation gymnasium. With (Maxim, Violetta, Nikita). Speech situation "Breakfast Behavior"

Z: To instill table manners.

Instruct to water and dust off houseplants.

Z: Cultivate diligence.

Remind the rules of the new game. Independent activity in activity centers.


in a corner of nature, in the dining room, at the NOD.

Attributes for games. Conversation with parents about the need to observe the daily routine at home.

Invite parents to familiarize themselves with the dictionary of the week. Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

1. Speech development

2. Physical development

3. Art. - esthete. development


GCD for speech therapist's plan"Formation of sound pronunciation"

GCD theme: « Musical instruments»

Tasks: Learn to distinguish sounds musical instruments, listen attentively music, rhythmically play on children's musical instruments.

Develop the ability to move according to music develop a sense of rhythm. Cultivate love for music, respect for musical instruments culture of communication with peers. To form a positive attitude, interest in the content musical works. Cultivate artistic taste through listening to classical and folk music.

By music director's plan

Illustrations on the topic.



Lunch Slot


Informative research

Communicative Observation of cirrus clouds.

C: To form the ability to see the beauty of the sky; develop creative imagination Develop the desire to fantasize. Cultivate love for nature.

omen: “A lot of white clouds appeared on the cirrus clouds - to the rain. Reading a poem "Cloud"

D.I. "And I" page 44

Z: Develop ingenuity, endurance, sense of humor.

B.N.I "Shooter" page 28

Z: To develop in children dexterity, eye, speed of reaction. Practice right - left with Dasha R, Danil, Nikita. situational conversation "The Complaint Book of Nature".

Z: To give the concept of the Red and Black Books of nature, that a person, by his activity, can harm animals and plants in nature. Develop an understanding of the relationship between man and nature.

Conversation with children about PB on the site.

To reinforce in children the ability to consistently dress and undress.

Order to scatter snow.

R. before going to bed VHL Reading poetry on the topic of the week. Proan. the work of the canteen attendants.

Individual work

Self Service Games


Informative research



Articulation gymnastics "Smile for the account", "Fence".

D.I. "Which musical instrument

Z: To form the ability to select signs of an object for words. Develop thinking, memory, speech

N. I. "Mosaic (spring Flower)»

Z: Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills of hands. Cultivate perseverance.

An evening of riddles about musical instruments. Reverse and direct counting with Dasha R, Sabina, Maksm). Role-playing a game: "Symphony Orchestra"

Z: Consolidate children's knowledge about musical instruments. Develop the ability to distribute roles. Cultivate the ability to be kind to each other.

Remind children to take care of their appearance.

Labor for the care of dolls.

Attributes for games.


Observation of cirrus clouds.

C: To form the ability to see the beauty of the sky; develop creative imagination.

Develop the desire to fantasize. Cultivate love for nature.

B.N.I "Shooter" page 28

Z: To develop in children dexterity, eye, speed of reaction.

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In early May, the teacher plans a week aimed at developing children's interest and love for music, forming knowledge about classical and folk music, famous composers, and consolidating knowledge about musical instruments. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, this topic is reflected in all educational areas. The result of the week is a joint event "Musical Lounge" with parents. Game exercises and finger games on the topic, the content of conversations with children you will find in the annex to the plan "Thematic week" In the world of music ".

Social and communicative development

Preschoolers continue to master relaxation techniques, participate in washing toys and cleaning the territory, organize role-playing games on their own, which contributes to social and communicative development in the same way as viewing the painting “Bread Field in Spring”, musical and plastic improvisations, watching the ballet “The Nutcracker” .

cognitive development

In the field of cognitive development, a presentation “Musical Instruments of Different Nations of the World”, a virtual excursion to the symphony orchestra, experiments with air and wind, observation of the plantain, as well as board games and mathematical coloring books on the topic “Musical Instruments” are planned.

Speech development

The teacher invites children to compose descriptive stories about musical instruments, to practice the selection of two-syllable words. Speech development is promoted by the game "Clap the picture" and reading fairy tales about musical instruments.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The week begins with looking at a lilac branch and drawing it from life. Preschoolers listen to different pieces of music and convey their impressions in manual labor, fine arts. Artistic and aesthetic development takes place in the exercise "Pick up a picture", the compilation of musical fairy tales.

Physical development

In the field of physical development, it is planned to repeat round dance games, get acquainted with the games "Do this" and "Do not do this", musical exercises and physical exercises on the topic of the week. The result of the week is a dance evening that will allow children to reveal their individuality.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation "How I spent the weekend." Purpose: to promote the development of coherent speech, the ability to speak to a group of children.Excursion to the mini-museum of musical instruments. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to classify wind, percussion and string instruments.Game-exercise "Masha is a true friend, because ...". Purpose: to activate and enrich the vocabulary, expand ideas about friendship.Conversation "Why do we need music." Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the meaning of music in life - to strengthen mental and physical health.Musical charge. Purpose: to consolidate the skill of performing musical and rhythmic movements to music during exercise, physical education.
Labor in the flower garden. Purpose: to involve children in cleaning the territory, to teach them to see the result of their work.The game "Build a week". Purpose: to fix the sequence of days of the week.Game "Think of a word" Purpose: to form the ability to make two-syllable words.Conversation "Lilac - a symbol of victory." Examination of still lifes with lilacs. Purpose: to continue to introduce children to art.P.i. "Owl". Purpose: to exercise in balance.
2 p.d.Creative task "What would I do?" Purpose: to teach to think through the consequences of their actions.Dividing a square into parts. Purpose: to continue learning to highlight and correctly name a part of an object (one fourth, two sixths, etc.).Reading the fairy tale by T. Domorenok "The Musical Key". Purpose: to expand knowledge about music through literature.Improvisation on children's musical instruments. Purpose: to develop children's creativity.Mobile games "Do this", "Do not do this". Purpose: to introduce games, to form a sense of rhythm.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation "Journey into the past of musical instruments". Purpose: to acquaint children with the history of the origin of musical instruments.Interactive game "Funny notes". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to determine the sound of a musical instrument.The game "Clap the rhythmic pattern." Purpose: to develop phonemic awareness.Production with a subgroup of musical instruments from waste material. Purpose: to introduce children to some ways of making non-traditional noise musical instruments.Board games on the topic "Healthy Eating". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about unhealthy and healthy food.
Conversation "Forest fire". Purpose: to form the basics of safe behavior, to remember the rules of fire safety.Experimenting with non-sounding objects "To hear music in everything" (wooden, paper, plastic.). Purpose: to find out that with the right use, even simple objects can turn into musical instruments.The game "Chest". Purpose: to form the ability to compose words with suffixes.Creative task "If I found myself in a picture ...". Purpose: to develop imagination, the ability to emotionally perceive the content of the picture.P.i. "The kite and the mother hen". Purpose: to teach children to move in a column, holding on to each other tightly, without breaking the clutch. Armenian game "Beat the drum". Purpose: to introduce children to the game, to bring joy from victory.

In early May, the teacher plans a week aimed at developing children's interest and love for music, forming knowledge about classical and folk music, famous composers, and consolidating knowledge about musical instruments. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, this topic is reflected in all educational areas. The result of the week is a joint event "Musical Lounge" with parents. Game exercises and finger games on the topic, the content of conversations with children you will find in the annex to the plan "Thematic week" In the world of music ".

Social and communicative development

Preschoolers continue to master relaxation techniques, participate in washing toys and cleaning the territory, organize role-playing games on their own, which contributes to social and communicative development in the same way as viewing the painting “Bread Field in Spring”, musical and plastic improvisations, watching the ballet “The Nutcracker” .

cognitive development

In the field of cognitive development, a presentation “Musical Instruments of Different Nations of the World”, a virtual excursion to the symphony orchestra, experiments with air and wind, observation of the plantain, as well as board games and mathematical coloring books on the topic “Musical Instruments” are planned.

Speech development

The teacher invites children to compose descriptive stories about musical instruments, to practice the selection of two-syllable words. Speech development is promoted by the game "Clap the picture" and reading fairy tales about musical instruments.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The week begins with looking at a lilac branch and drawing it from life. Preschoolers listen to different pieces of music and convey their impressions in manual labor, fine arts. Artistic and aesthetic development takes place in the exercise "Pick up a picture", the compilation of musical fairy tales.

Physical development

In the field of physical development, it is planned to repeat round dance games, get acquainted with the games "Do this" and "Do not do this", musical exercises and physical exercises on the topic of the week. The result of the week is a dance evening that will allow children to reveal their individuality.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation "How I spent the weekend." Purpose: to promote the development of coherent speech, the ability to speak to a group of children.Excursion to the mini-museum of musical instruments. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to classify wind, percussion and string instruments.Game-exercise "Masha is a true friend, because ...". Purpose: to activate and enrich the vocabulary, expand ideas about friendship.Conversation "Why do we need music." Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the meaning of music in life - to strengthen mental and physical health.Musical charge. Purpose: to consolidate the skill of performing musical and rhythmic movements to music during exercise, physical education.
Labor in the flower garden. Purpose: to involve children in cleaning the territory, to teach them to see the result of their work.The game "Build a week". Purpose: to fix the sequence of days of the week.Game "Think of a word" Purpose: to form the ability to make two-syllable words.Conversation "Lilac - a symbol of victory." Examination of still lifes with lilacs. Purpose: to continue to introduce children to art.P.i. "Owl". Purpose: to exercise in balance.
2 p.d.Creative task "What would I do?" Purpose: to teach to think through the consequences of their actions.Dividing a square into parts. Purpose: to continue learning to highlight and correctly name a part of an object (one fourth, two sixths, etc.).Reading the fairy tale by T. Domorenok "The Musical Key". Purpose: to expand knowledge about music through literature.Improvisation on children's musical instruments. Purpose: to develop children's creativity.Mobile games "Do this", "Do not do this". Purpose: to introduce games, to form a sense of rhythm.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation "Journey into the past of musical instruments". Purpose: to acquaint children with the history of the origin of musical instruments.Interactive game "Funny notes". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to determine the sound of a musical instrument.The game "Clap the rhythmic pattern." Purpose: to develop phonemic awareness.Production with a subgroup of musical instruments from waste material. Purpose: to introduce children to some ways of making non-traditional noise musical instruments.Board games on the topic "Healthy Eating". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about unhealthy and healthy food.
Conversation "Forest fire". Purpose: to form the basics of safe behavior, to remember the rules of fire safety.Experimenting with non-sounding objects "To hear music in everything" (wooden, paper, plastic.). Purpose: to find out that with the right use, even simple objects can turn into musical instruments.The game "Chest". Purpose: to form the ability to compose words with suffixes.Creative task "If I found myself in a picture ...". Purpose: to develop imagination, the ability to emotionally perceive the content of the picture.P.i. "The kite and the mother hen". Purpose: to teach children to move in a column, holding on to each other tightly, without breaking the clutch. Armenian game "Beat the drum". Purpose: to introduce children to the game, to bring joy from victory.

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