"The Dark Knight. The Rebirth of a Legend": actors and roles

Christopher Nolan, the actor in recent years has become one of the most sought-after Hollywood stars. Therefore, it is not surprising that, when choosing a performer for the role of Bane, Nolan turned to him: there are not so many people in Hollywood who are able to reliably combine a killing machine and a brilliant leader of criminals in one character. We spoke to Hardy about the role, but fair warning: the interview contains a massive spoiler pertaining to Warrior!

In the film you have a lot of scenes that require a lot of physical effort. What was it like filming them in that costume and mask?

Uncomfortable. The whole body is shackled, until you get used to the suit - a hundred sweats will come down. It's heavy, tight, and the dressers only care that it looks good and looks solid. It looks great, but you can’t stand up or sit down in it. You need to walk in this suit for a couple of hours, then he will finally begin to respond to body movements. But then, out of nowhere, a costume designer appears and puts something somewhere, twists something somewhere ... As a result, the costume looks even better, and I have to start all over again. When you are already sweating like a mouse, the sweat accumulates inside the suit and you get something like an additional padding between the armor and the body. And then, believe it or not, it becomes quite comfortable. It feels like a peel has been torn off a wound or a band-aid has been torn off ... the same feeling of freedom. But the first two hours are real hemorrhoids, and casting like this is a whole problem.

Is it true? And why?

First zippers, then shorts, special underwear that is worn under armor ... In short, the hassle is through the roof. And don't ask me how to take a shit. It doesn't happen to us (laughs).

So why is Bane so vicious?

And you, damn it, try to keep everything in yourself, you’ll probably go wild too!

Did you breathe easily with the mask on?

Well, it's more of a psychosomatic thing. If I'm excited, it's not easy, but if I'm relaxed, it's okay. There is enough air to breathe, but when I'm scared, overexcited and all that, I start to choke. But then again, after you get used to the mask, it is quite comfortable.

What would you call your fighting style? You were in Warrior before Bane, right before Bane, I think?

After Warrior, I did Inception, then in Chicago, I starred with Philip Seymour Hoffman in The Long Red Road. Then there were "Spy, get out!" , "So it's war", then "The most drunken district in the world", and only then - "The Dark Knight". "Warrior" was mounted for a whole year. This is such a long installation.

Let's get back to fighting style. How is it different from what you did in Warrior?

Bane has a more violent style, much like a military one. Mixed martial arts is a sport for real athletes. Krav Maga and everything else is taken from the world of Bourne. Very compact movements, very restrained, and at the same time the goal is one - to kill the enemy. It's to kill, right? Or, at the very least, cripple. And Batman, as I understand it, uses Casey's style, which is a lot of elbow strikes. But Bane is a beast. It is important for him not to fight, but to kill. And this is his difference from the main character of the "Warrior", Tommy Conlon. When Tommy fights, it's like he gets caught in the eye of a hurricane. He gains peace of mind. True, when he has to fight with his own brother, all his peace flies into the pipe. You understand that he is losing the fight because everything inside him collapsed? Bane is not like that at all. Bane is a supervillain for a superhero, which is why there is so much violence in the film. His style is a heavy hand. And a heavy leg to boot.

Doesn't it bother you that Bane is mostly known to comic book fans and not well known to the general public?

Yeah, they'll just climb the wall. If you already got into the Batman family, get used to the fact that every fan considers himself the master in this house. Everyone feels the need to express their opinion, and some fans are so hard-nosed that they resist any changes... (laughs) In short, only hardcore. And it puts pressure on people like me. I'm just a small detail in this huge mechanism. I was asked to play the role of a character that is very important to the world of Batman. I respect your opinion about how you want your villain to be, how you think he should be. Yes, comics are comics, but I work for Chris Nolan! I need to trust my director and make Bane the way we both want him to be. I stand shoulder to shoulder with a person I trust, with whom I have worked before. He brought so much to the Batman saga that people loved it. His films are real, full-fledged hits. And I completely trust Chris Nolan and believe in him. I hope I made myself clear?

What was it like working with Christian Bale?

I love Christian. He is a genius and a lot of fun with him. He is a very serious actor, he takes his work very seriously, but he does not take himself seriously. He is a very funny, witty person. And extremely smart. Christian is a brilliant character actor and not at all an alpha male, in the sense that he strives to always be in the spotlight and outshine others with himself. He is not greedy. As an artist, he is very humble. For me, working with someone like him is a real breath of fresh air. And we had a lot of contact with him in a purely physical way.

Comics. We are best known for his appearance in films about. He is one of Batman's strongest physical enemies, once defeating him in a fight and breaking his spine.

According to the comics, Bane was sent to the Santa Mining Prison at a tender age to serve time in place of his late father. In prison bane I started reading books and meditating. This allowed him to gain spiritual balance and moral strength, which helped him to go through the experiments carried out in prison on prisoners. They were injected with the Venom drug, which killed most of the test subjects, but Bane not only survived, but also escaped, creating a special mask for himself so that his body could receive Venom.

Once in Gotham, Bane began to implement his plan to destroy the city. Bain disabled Batman, kidnapped Robin, set free the crazy wards of a psychiatric hospital.

Bane was not only very strong physically due to constant and hard training, but also not very stupid. Constant self-education, as well as the innate abilities of a strategist, allowed him to quickly figure out Batman and become the most serious and dangerous opponent of the hero.

Bane's image in the film "Batman and Robin" was embodied by actor Jeep Swanson. According to the film, Bane also survived after experiments in prison with Venom. However, the filmmakers stripped him of his intellectual abilities, making him an assistant to another Poison Ivy villain. Together they try to destroy Gotham, but both are defeated by Batman.

Bane was played by Tom Hardy in The Dark Knight Rises. His Bane does not have super strength, he is a man in excellent physical shape with martial skills. Hardy gained 14 kilograms of muscle for this and looks truly menacing.

The mask performs a slightly different function here. Sitting in the Pit Prison, Bane suffered greatly from other prisoners, after which he began to constantly experience terrible pain. Then a mask was created for him, supplying an anesthetic gas to the body, which relieves him of pain and allows him to fight at the limit of his capabilities. Violation of the functionality of the mask leads to the complete disqualification of Bane, which Batman will take advantage of.

At will bane becomes Talia al Ghul's right-hand man, whom he patronized in The Pit. He helped her escape from prison, after which he was trained by the League of Shadows, but did not become a member. While attempting to destroy Gotham, Bane died by being gunned down by Selina Kyle. 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

bane (Bane listen)) is a fictional character, a supervillain that appears in the universe. The character's first appearance was in a comic called Batman: Bane's Revenge#1 (January 1993), and was created by Chuck Dixon, Doug Monch and Graham Nolan. Bane is one of the Dark Knight's most powerful adversaries, and is best known for being able to defeat and break his spine.


While serving his sentence for his father's crimes, Bane was raised from birth in the harsh prison known as Santa Prisca in the Caribbean Republic of Santa Prisca. He was named warden by Bane after his first murder as a teenager, and as he grew up he became the feared and respected "King" of Peña Duro. Gifted physical strength and natural mind, he used my time in prison for learning, meditation and exercise to hone your body and mind to the peak human capabilities.

His father, who was known as Edmund Dorrance (better known as the Serpent King), was a revolutionary within Santa Prisca. Edmund manages to escape imprisonment, while the corrupt government rewrites the term for his crimes on his unborn child.

Life became hell for the baby after birth, as he feared the violence in prison, fearing that every day might be his last. He was taken under his wing by Zombie and Trogg, who were also inmates of the prison, but the child's survival was still at stake. Bane developed a strong sense of vitality from the visions he received after the attacks. The child has finally found the courage to kill when he is confronted by one of the prisoners, Bane uses the knife hidden in his teddy bear.

This was noticed by Warden (the head of the prison) and was sent to the isolation ward for the murder, the child realized that courage, selflessness and strengthening the mind and body were his only ways to survive. Calling himself Bane, he trained his body through the harshest conditions when his solitary confinement was flooded for several nights. After being released from isolation, Bane continued his intense training, studying any literature he found in prison. Self-taught strategies, philosophy, languages, math, grammar, and more, Bane has grown into an invincible killing machine that even the guards have begun to fear.

Hearing stories from another inmate, Bird, about a Gotham City monster known as Batman who will inspire Bane to flee and seek new "prisons" to defeat. Meanwhile, the head of the prison tried to rid himself of Bane and appointed him as a test subject in an experiment to create a super-soldier. The experiment used a steroid drug known as Venom. They injected Venom into Bane, nearly killing him, as happened with numerous items before him. Believing that he was dead, Bane was thrown into the sea, thanks to which he was released. Back at the prison, Bane held the warden as a hostage, escaping in a helicopter. With his friends from prison (Zombies and Trogg), who escaped with him, Bane went to Gotham to become king there. His first step was to hunt down Batman and destroy him.


Bane is very smart; it was even noted by Ra's al Ghul in the comic Bane Demon (Bane of the Demon) (although he refers to Bane's intelligence as an animal's cunning, not culturally like Batman's). Bane has demonstrated to be capable of lifting 15 tons. While in prison, he himself studied various scientific disciplines, his knowledge corresponds to the level of understanding of the leading experts in these fields, which he studied. He knows six languages ​​and at least two additional arcana and the language of the dead. He can speak Spanish, English, Persian and Latin. Story line Bane Demon reveals that Bane has an eidetic memory. Within one year, he is able to figure out Batman's secret identity.

Unlike other intellectual characters such as the Riddler and Lex Luthor, Bane is intensely focused on his goals, but it doesn't turn into an obsession that can cloud his ability to reason correctly. In addition, he is very cunning and a great strategist and tactician. While in prison, Bane also invented his own form of gymnastics, meditation. Bane has a photographic memory which gives him the ability to easily study and fully read and understand the actions and physical movements of another person. Apart from his physical and mental abilities, Bane has knowledge in the fields of heavy weaponry and explosives.

Although Bane refused to use Venom in the comic Bane's Revenge II in 1995. Bane appearances in issues Secret Six, in which Deadshot remarked that Bane kept his old equipment with Ven out of habit, though Bane states that he would rather die than use it again.

In the media
Animated series

Batman", the character was voiced by Henry Silva. He was an inmate in the Cuban prison, where the most dangerous convicts were ever caught. While in prison, Bane acquired a genius-level intelligence by reading as many books as he could, eventually, he learns about Gotham's avenger, Batman.Bane (who was already at the peak of his physical abilities) was then chosen as a test subject for a government project to create a super-soldier using experimental steroids called Venom, granting him superhuman strength and durability.

Bane appears in the animated series " The New Adventures of Batman", the role of the character was voiced by Henry Silva. This incarnation of the character, unlike the previous version, has undergone some design changes made to look more physically menacing and intelligent, as the producers felt that his last appearance was not menacing enough. His costume is completely made of black leather, and his traditional wrestler mask was replaced with a black helmet mask, making Bane much more intimidating.

Bane appears in the animated series " Superman". He returns to Gotham with a new, improved Venom formula. During the mysterious disappearance of Batman (due to brainwashing with the help of the supervillain Brainiac), Bane, in collusion with the Riddler and the Mad Hatter, want to take over Gotham during the absence of the Dark Knight. But when the villains gathered to discuss their plans, they are interrupted by Batman (impersonating Batman) and Robin (Tim Drake).At first, Bane managed to overpower "Batman" by burying him under a pile of rubble.Although Bane was stronger than ever, the Human of Steel defeats him without any problems.

Bane appears in the animated series " Batman of the future", voiced by Henry Silva. Bane makes a cameo appearance in the episode titled "Decisive Advantage", the formula Bane uses now comes in the form of a band-aid and is distributed on the streets of Gotham. Initially, Bane is suspected to be the supplier. as he is found, Batman learns that a lifetime of using Venom is taking a toll on the once formidable villain and sees that he is now a decrepit old man in a wheelchair who is dependent on oxygen tanks and nurse support due to years of substance abuse. .

Bane appears in the animated series " Batman"Airing between 2004 and 2008, the character was voiced by Joaquim De Almeida in the episode "Cravings", by Ron Perlman in the episode "Penguin Crew" and by Clancy Brown in the episode "The Batman/Superman Story: Part 1". This version of the character is a South American a mercenary who, with the help of pumps, pumps Venom into his veins, after which he turns into a huge clumsy monster with red and black skin.

Bane appears in the animated series " Batman: The Brave and the Bold", voiced by Michael Dorn. This version of the character is extremely frail and skinny before drugging himself with Venom. In the episode "Caveman the Conqueror", Bane is found by Batman at the train station as well. Wildcat laughs at him and his skinny physique and asks, why Batman needs help to fight such a weakling.Bane then uses Venom to turn into a huge man.Wildcat manages to defeat Bane by slicing the tubes that Venom is pumping into Bane with his Batarang, he falls on the rails and receives an electric shock.He can also be seen in episodes "Partners Assemble!" and "Batman Night!".

Bane appears in the animated series " Young Justice", the role of the character was voiced by Danny Trejo. He appears in various episodes of the animated series, as he can be seen in the episodes "The Drop Zone", "The Usual Suspects".

Animation Films

Bain appears in " Batman and the Mystery of the Batwoman", the character was voiced by Hector Elizondo. Bane is hired by the Penguin and Rupert Thorne in order to protect the arms deal.

Bain appears in " Superman/Batman: Public Enemies", in this cartoon he does not have a speaking role. He is in place with other supervillains, will try to getthe billion dollars promised by Lex Luthor head on Superman. He fights for a short time Batman but was defeated when Batman used his betarang to cut the tubes through which Venom is supplied and at the end with a powerful blow knocked him out.

Bain appears in " Justice League: Doom", the role of the character was voiced by Carlos Alazraqui. He is one of the guest villains that Vandal Savage gathered for his team of the Legion of Doom, with which Savage plans to destroy the Justice League, acting on the stolen Batman's work to neutralize every member of the League. Bane was chosen by Savage to kill Batman, he steals the graves of Bruce Wayne's parents, who, having learned about the disappearance, comes to the cemetery, Bane pretends to be a worker in the cemetery, and after that, he knocks out Bruce and puts him in one of the coffins of his parents and buries him, but Bruce manages to get out and is the first member of the League to escape his trap, after which he helps his other League colleagues to escape.

Bain appears in " LEGO. Batman: DC Super Heroes Unite", the role of the character was voiced by Steven Blum.

Bain appears in " Batman: Assault on Arkham". At the end of the movie, the Joker releases Bane and several other prisoners from Arkham Asylum to distract Batman while he planting a bombthat can destroy half of Gotham.

Bane is mentioned in the animated series " Justice League vs Teen Titans", he is mentioned when Batman injects himself nerve toxin to could not master it. This toxin was intended to subdue Bane.

Bane appears in the animated series " Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts"Bane fighting against Batman during a robbery. Although, he almost manages to overcome Batman, The Dark Knight succeeds cut tubes through which it is pumped Venom to Bane.

Robert "Jip" Swenson played the role of Bane (Michael Reid McKay played Diego Antonio, a man who is in prison and who was turned into Bane) in " Batman and Robin which was released in 1997. Mad scientist Dr. Jason Woodrue, uses an experimental drug called "Venom" to transform Diego Antonio into Bane. He is a bandit who serves as Poison Ivy's bodyguard/henchman. growling.

Tom Hardy played the role of Bane in the movie " The Dark Knight Rises"released in 2012.

video games

Bane appears as a boss in games" Batman & Robin" And " Batman: Chaos in Gotham".

Bane appears in the game" Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu", voiced by Hector Elizondo.

Bane appears as the first boss in London in the game" Batman: The Brave and the Bold - The Videogame".

Bane appears in the game" Lego Batman: The Videogame", "Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes", "Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham" And " lego dimensions".

Bane appears in the game" Arkham Origins", "Batman: Arkham Asylum", "Batman Arkham City", "Batman: Arkham Origins" And " Batman: Arkham Knight".

Bane appears in the game" DC Universe Online".

Bane appears in the game" Young Justice: Legacy".

Bane appears in the game" The Dark Knight Rises App".

Bane appears in the game" Injustice: Gods Among Us".

Let's pay tribute to the criminals who do not let the hero get bored at night.

It is commonly said that a hero is defined by the villains he has to face, and that no other hero is as "lucky" with them as Batman. Are you ready to venture into the dark cells of Arkham City Asylum and meet twenty-five of Batman's greatest adversaries of all time?

25. Court of Owls

One of Batman's greatest strengths has always been his unrivaled knowledge of all the streets and nooks and crannies of Gotham. But when a frightening company called the Court of Owls showed up in the city, and the "claws" they sent - killers similar to the undead - Batman realized that he knew his hometown not as well as he thought.

24. Victor Zsasz

Many of Batman's adversaries took the lives of innocent people, but no one did it with such relish as Victor Zsasz. This fanatical maniac celebrates every time he kills someone by carving a new commemorative mark on his body. There aren't many scar-free spots left on his skin these days. But don't worry - he's reserved a special place for Batman.

23. Professor Pyg

Professor Pyg is a relatively new villain, but despite this, he has already managed to leave a significant mark on the Batman universe. Suffering from a mental disorder and obsessed with creating an army of mutilated people, "dollotrons", under his control, he is clearly one of those opponents who should not be underestimated.

22. Lady Shiva

Lady Shiva is determined to prove to herself that she is the world's greatest martial artist, even if it means roaming the world and fighting anyone who gets in her way. She's good enough at her job to challenge any member of the Batman team, and has even managed to teach him a few lessons over the years.

21. Ventriloquist

At first glance, the Ventriloquist seems unworthy of being taken seriously. He is an ordinary timid person suffering from a split personality, the second of which he embodies through a ventriloquist doll named Scar. But this strange pair of man and doll has created one of Gotham's most feared crime empires.

20. Khash

Hush (real name - Tommy Elliot) is a master of complex conspiracies. This bandaged and constantly quoting Aristotle villain loves to manipulate Batman into confrontations with his worst enemies. And all this because of the rivalry that originated when Bruce and Tommy were children and friends.

19. Clayface

Clayface has the ability to change the shape of his own body, so that he can either impersonate people close to Batman, or simply attack the hero, appearing as a clumsy but strong monster. In addition, Clayface is often in a mentally unstable state, which makes him an even more dangerous and convincing villain.

18. Dr. Hurt

Few villains have come as close to destroying the Dark Knight as Doctor Hurt. And all because this skilled doctor was a member of a satanic cult and the ancestor of Bruce Wayne, and also gained eternal life due to contact with weapons from the planet Apocalypse. Thus, Hurt had centuries to build up the strength and resources to defeat Batman.

17. Carmine Falcone

In the old days, Gotham was dominated not by psychos in fancy dress, but by organized crime and drug cartels. The head then was Carmine Falcone, nicknamed "The Roman". And though times have changed, Falcone has never lost hope of regaining control of the city.

16. Man-bat

Batman can dress up like a bat, but this villain, Man-Bat, actually became one - because of an experimental serum. While Dr. Kurt Langstrom himself may be Batman's ally, his alter ego is a creepy creature and one of the Dark Knight's most powerful adversaries.

15. Jervis Thatch

Jervis Thatch uses in his criminal activity both themes he is obsessed with: big hats and the book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". He is short in stature, but his mind-controlling hats are a force to be reckoned with in Gotham.

14. Hugo Strange

Hugo Strange is not only one of Batman's longest-standing adversaries, but also one of the few who has managed to unravel the secret of the Dark Knight's identity. A cruel and sophisticated mind makes Hugo a villain that few of Batman's other adversaries can match.

13. Killer Croc

Sometimes he is depicted as a human with a unique skin mutation, at other times as a humanoid crocodile. But in any case, Killer Croc is a creepy monster that rules the sewers of Gotham, and a villain capable of pushing Batman to his limits. And what teeth he has!

12. Bain

Bane's physical strength and unbreakable will are as good as those of Batman, but this villain spent his childhood in a terrible prison, raising him from a seasoned killer. Thanks to a supersteroid called Venom, he was able to break Batman's spine and take control of Gotham. How many villains can boast of such an achievement?

11. Waist

Of all the villains, she is almost the closest to the Dark Knight. Talia loves Batman both as the father of her child and as the only person worthy of inheriting the empire of Ra "with Al Ghul. But this does not prevent her from waging a constant war against her lover in the name of the League of Assassins.

10. Scarecrow

Fear is one of the most powerful weapons in Batman's arsenal. But Scarecrow is the only person in Gotham who understands the power of this feeling even better than the Dark Knight. This sophisticated psychiatrist-turned-disguised villain has been able to literally make ammo out of fear, and no one, not even Batman, is able to resist its effect.

9 Poison Ivy

It makes sense that Poison Ivy is one of Batman's strongest adversaries, with her ability to control and modify plants. And the fact that she can enchant the minds of people (and not only them, because even Superman is subject to her) makes Poison Ivy even more dangerous. The goal of this lady is to protect the life of Gotham plants, which sounds noble, but exactly as long as she does not begin to destroy the entire human population of the city for this.

8. Riddler

The Riddler has a fascination with testing Batman's deductive powers, leaving clues and hints for the hero to track down whoever started this whole game. However, the Riddler is quite dangerous: he draws the Dark Knight into his crazy and deadly puzzle schemes, at the same time demonstrating his own intelligence, which is in no way inferior to that of Batman.

7. Harley Quinn

She first appeared in the animated series Batman: The Animated Series as a kind of analogue of Robin, working for the Joker, but later acquired its own crowd of fans and henchmen. It is impossible not to admit that the clown costume and huge hammer make her a rather comical character. But she's also quite likable and interesting in her quest to break out of her unhealthy and dramatic relationship with the Joker.

6. Penguin

Penguin, also known as Oswald Cobblepot,- the face of the underworld of Gotham. He does not have superpowers worthy of mention, but boundless ambition and a penchant for cruelty helped him rise to the very top of the criminal pyramid. Even Batman realized that sometimes it's easier to coexist alongside the Penguin than to try to fight his criminal empire.

5. Mr. Freeze

Most of Batman's opponents are psychotic maniacs, but Mr. Freeze is not one of them. He's just a gifted scientist who had to go to extreme lengths to find a cure for his beloved Nora, who is protected from death by being frozen. Freeze only turned to crime to find funding for further research, and with his high intelligence, deadly freeze gun, and power-enhancing cooling exoskeleton, he becomes a rival that even Batman can barely match. And when Batman still manages to defeat Freeze, it becomes difficult to get rid of bitterness and regret - this scientist is a painfully tragic character.

4. Ra "with Al Ghul

Ra's Al Ghul, also called the "Ghoul Head", runs the League of Assassins, a secret society whose goal is to restore balance to the world, even if it requires massacres. To get into our list, he would have had enough genius and outstanding swordsmanship skills, but Ra's Al Ghul lives for hundreds of years thanks to the resurrecting pits of Lazarus, and therefore poses a terrible threat that Batman still cannot get rid of. However, their relationship is very ambiguous: out of respect, Ra "s calls Batman a "detective" and sometimes tries to marry his daughter Thalia to him so that the Dark Knight inherits the title "Ghoul Head".

3. Two-faced

The incident, after which half the face of Harvey Dent, the District Attorney of Gotham, was covered with acid, led this man to a split personality and turning him into a criminal mastermind nicknamed Two-Face. He is obsessed with the duality of things and phenomena and often uses a coin toss to make decisions that may affect the life or death of Batman and the inhabitants of Gotham. Once he was an ally of Commissioner Gordan and the Dark Knight himself, but he switched to the side of evil, having managed to be the personification of both the best and the worst that a resident of Gotham can be.

2 Catwoman

A graceful thief with outstanding acrobatic talents, Catwoman can steal anything she wants, from diamonds and collectible cat figurines to the heart of the Dark Knight himself. Because of her relationship with the latter, she regularly tiptoes between good and evil, being able to first help Batman and the next moment run away with another jewel in her pocket. If it seems to you that she is only capable of waving a whip and joking about cats, then you simply do not know that this lady is another of the biggest crime bosses in the city.

1. Joker

The Joker is the epitome of everything villains aspire to be: insanely dangerous, wildly unpredictable, and always one step ahead of the hero. Over the past 75 years since its appearance, we have not learned the story of its origin - it is still shrouded in a veil of mystery and darkness. This approach allows you to repeatedly rethink the character over the years, but whether he is dressed up in a costume, whether he is a criminal or an anarchist clown, the Joker always tests Batman for strength, and also brings his patience and many other feelings to the limit.

He's a villain who doesn't like to get his hands dirty, a criminal who can kill just for fun, and a man who likes to pretend to be Gotham's prince of crime. He is the Joker, and he is the greatest Batman villain of all time.

bane (Bane) was born in prison, and had to spend his whole life there for the crimes of his father. Since childhood, he began to improve his body and mind. He read all the books he could get, spent long hours in the prison "rocking chair" and interacted with the prisoners, who became his mentors. He committed his first murder at the age of eight.

As a child, Bane considered a teddy bear to be his only friend. This teddy bear not only consoled the future supervillain, but also really helped out - Bane kept a knife in it, which he used for self-defense.

When Bane grew up, he became the main authority in the prison. Strong, healthy, smart - the perfect sample for testing the experimental super-drug "Poison" (Venome). The trouble is that all the other test subjects did not survive the test. But Bane survived, even became much stronger and more resilient. True, he developed a rigid dependence on the Poison - Bane had to feed on the Poison every 12 hours in order to remain as strong and strong.

Bane had repeated nightmares starring a giant bat. Having escaped from prison, Bane decided to attack Gotham in general and Batman in particular - partly to prove his superiority, partly to gain control of the city, which is ruled by fear, like its prison. Well, at the same time - to defeat his old mouse nightmare.

Being a savvy guy, Bane did not immediately go to Batman with his fists, knowing that he would definitely lose, but instead blew up Arkham, releasing a lot of supervillains from there like the Scarecrow, and even the Hatter. For three long months, Batman lived on caffeine and slept on a minimum in order to catch everyone. And when the Dark Knight was mentally and physically exhausted, Bane came to visit him, deducing Batman's true identity. Came and beat Bats and broke his back, which has already become a legend in the world of comics. The man who broke the Bat.

However, Bane did not calculate that Batman would return soon enough - though not in the form of Bruce Wayne. Wayne's friend and ally, Jean-Paul Whalley, also known as " ", became the new Batman. To fight Bane, he built a reinforced suit with armored plates, metal claws, and wrist cannons that fire sharpened mini-batarangs. The new Batman beat and tortured Bane to the point where the recent victor and mousebreaker begged Jean-Paul to die. However, Batman at least in some way remained Batman. Defeated and humiliated, Bane was handed over to the police and imprisoned in the rebuilt Arkham.

Bane has crossed paths with Bruce Wayne more than once, but has never defeated him so unambiguously. But one day something happened that was quite difficult to predict. While searching for information about his father, Bane learned that his mother was quite close to Dr. Thomas Wayne, Bruce's father. Which means Batman could be Bane's brother. For a while, Bane became an ardent ally of the Dark Knight, even insisting that his name was not "Bane", but "Wayne". When it turned out that there was no relationship between the Mouse and the Mousebreaker, Bane went on a “solo voyage”.

Bain managed to watchmaker (Hourman) nerves - after learning that his enhancing drug, Poison, is based on Miraclo, a substance that gives the Watchmaker strength, Bane kidnapped the Watchmaker Sr. (Rex Tyler) and wanted to force the younger (Rick Tyler) to take Venom and get addicted, but in the end the heroes outwitted Bane and brought the building down on him. And Bane managed to become part of the Suicide Squad.

When Batman went missing after battling Darkseid (and went back in time), Bane, purely out of respect for him and his lieutenants, stood up to protect the city in a way. He even obeyed when Nightwing ordered him to stop his "watches", as he believed that Dick Grayson was the only hero worthy of becoming the new Dark Knight.

After Flashpoint, in the new DC Universe, Bane learned that he was still far from Batman in terms of intimidating effect, so he came to the brilliant conclusion - he had to become Batman. Bane built himself a Bat-Suit, hit Croc on the head, but never became a real Batman.

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