Topics of reporting concerts of creative teams of the House of Culture. Reporting concert of the regional house of culture


Location: Green Grove

Time spending: 11.00 a.m.

From 09.00 h. in the morning, the broadcast of the holiday begins on sound amplifying equipment and loudspeakers, where announcers invite everyone to relax in the bosom of nature, have fun with live music.

From 10.00 a.m. the installation of parking lots, courtyards and yurts of each village club and the village House of Culture of the district begins.

From 11.00 a.m. the official opening of the national holiday "With a song through life" begins. Speeches by officials.

At the end of the speech of the officials, girls in national costumes present bread, salt and honey to the officials.

Welcome to the folk song festival!

We welcome everyone, we welcome everyone.

According to Russian customs

I bow to you from the bottom of my heart.

With kind words and love,

And with bread and salt.

A Bashkir dance is performed by the choreographic ensemble "Mischievous Youth" (headed by R. Deinichenko)

Two presenters in Russian national costumes enter the stage to a cheerful folk Russian song.

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Host 2:

Good afternoon, sirs! We are glad to see us at our holiday! And we gathered here to listen to songs, sing, dance, and learn about the song!

Presenter 1:

In the old days they said: "Whoever lives with a song, that grief is dumb."
"As you live, so you sing"
"Where there are songs, there is youth"
Song is the soul of the people.

Host 2:

From time immemorial, a song has always been next to a person, both in joy and in sorrow. From
from birth until death.

A young girl comes out, with a wreath on her head and in a national costume.

Lead 2:

Where did Russian come from, music?
Whether in an open field,
Or in a hazy forest.
Whether in joy, in pain,
Or bird whistle?
You tell me where
Sadness in you and prowess
How did you appear
From the very beginning,
Whose heart were you in?
Who did you sound like?

Girl /in Russian costume/:

Ducks flew by - they dropped their pipes,
Geese flew - dropped the harp,
Their spring spring

I found it, I'm not surprised...

Presenter 1: Well, what about the song?

Young woman:With a song in Rus' and was born .

A girl comes out with a doll in her arms. Sounds like a lullaby.

Presenter 1:

The Russian song is open spaces,
On which we will go all our lives,
This is Father Don near Rostov.
This is mother - the Volga is on its way.
The Russian song is a shepherd,
Dewy, joyful, early horn,
Just sit down for a minute, listen -
You listen, my friend .

Lead 2:

Whatever a person does, reaping bread, mowing hay, rafting wood or pulling a barge, a song helps him everywhere. Dear viewers, guests! On the stage of the festive program, the folk ensemble of Russian and Ukrainian songs "Kuderushki" with the folk song "Under the Wide Window".

Presenter 1:

I am for the song of the soul
Took forests green whisper,
And the Volga in the midday heat
Dark jets listened to the roar.
I took from autumn - bad weather,

Spring has a fragrance
I took happiness from the people
And endless suffering .

Host 2:

They sang for needlework, they sang about the heavy female lot. The people felt sorry for the woman and in the songs affectionately called her a swan, a duck, a pavushka, a mountain ash. We meet the folk ensemble of the Ukrainian song "Khutorok". (with needlework in hand)

Presenter 1:

Why are you touching my heart
An ancient song?
Does a high soul live in you,
Is it a reflection of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon over the cloud,
Spreading bitter smoke with your hands,
Then you go out a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.
All folk songs about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to relatives and dear ones. On the stage of the festive program, the folk Bashkir ensemble "Amanat".

Host 2:

Then you take the round dances into the field,

Then you burn yourself in the dance!

You are forever in tune with the Russian share,

My spring song!

Remember: a coachman dies in the steppe, whether a soldier is wounded in an open field at the last minute - their thoughts are turned to their home, to father and mother. A Russian man sings about life, about his share in songs. Russian folk song "Oh, viburnum on the hill." Folk ensemble "Kuderushki" on the stage.

Presenter 1:

The song has been around for a very long time. Then there was actually no separation - it was not for the story and songs. Without haste, the singers solemnly told about the heroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And they called these songs-stories epics.

Host 2:

And also buffoons roamed the world - jacks of all trades: they sing, dance, and tell a fairy tale. The people still remember their comic songs about how “a mosquito married a fly” and about how “a lady-flea lived in a green forest”. That's what those songs are called - buffoons.

Presenter 1:

Well, in those rare times, funny dance songs sounded on holidays, but to the accordion, and with choruses! We meet the folk Tatar ensemble "Engeler".
(Dance, ditties.)

Host 2:

How it will tighten, how it will fill
Our Orthodox people
After all, where does it come from
Straight to the heart and clings!
Sing about the pace of the night
Or about the white snows.
About the merchant's daughter
About silk meadows.
Sing about the blue sea
Ile about mother river
About torment and grief, About heartache.

Presenter 1:

And now we will sing, but not about melancholy, but about something fun. Russian folk song "Kurochka". On the stage of the festive program, the folk ensemble of the Russian song "Sudarushka".

Host 2:

In Rus', they always loved to sing in chorus, together. It turned out great in round dances, which were led by girls and boys. Not a single holiday, not a single gathering was complete without round dances. They knew a lot of round dance songs, and we will now hear one of them performed by the Kuderushki folk ensemble. And we ask all guests and spectators to join our wonderful dance!!!

(Sounds of a round dance)

Presenter 1:

In addition to round dance songs, there were round dance games in which they sang and played.

(Round dance game.)

Host 2:

In one of the songs there are such words "What is the song without button accordion". What else? What's a song without...?

/accordions, balalaikas/.

Presenter 1:

Something you have not heard for a long time,
Three twisted strings.
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, give it a go,
Call all over
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.
You are not shy even today
You are the only one in the whole country
You are brilliantly able
Touch the Russian string.
With a remote folk heart
You are related forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

Host 2:

The Russian song is not naked,
Not debauchery, not hysterical sadness.
It's a silent resolution
Sit next to me and look into my eyes.
She embraces everything with her heart,
She is 20 and 1000 years old.
Russian song, Russian land
I love you so much that there are no more words. !

Presenter 1:

The song was a part of the spiritual life of a person, a support in his hard work and worries. Even now the song makes us rejoice and grieve, love and be disappointed, live and die. The song unites us, singing the song - blood relatives, close at heart. Only with a song do you understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common house - Russia.

Lead 2:

Rus' is powerful even in song,
Wide and deep
And free and loud
And free, and call.
Oh yeah songs, what songs
Singing our people!
golden, remote,
Russian songs, live -
Well done!
"Song of Russia" - performed by the folk ensemble "Kuderushki".

Presenter 1::

And now the guests and your turn,
Who will sing ditties here?
(Contest "Chasushki merry"

Host 2:

Our fun holiday continues together.
Our competition "Are you weak?"
Let's announce together!

Competition "Are you weak?" for men.
1. Who will split the board with his fist
2. Who will drink milk from a bottle ahead, etc.
At the end, the men swear "After the holiday, it's easy, we will only drink milk."

Presenter 1:

Well done guys, you did your best! And now we move on, we choose dancers!

Host 2:

All dancers are invited!

Presenter 1:

Hey harmonicas, play

Host 2:

Choose the best dancers of our holiday!

There is a competition of dancers to Tatar music.

Presenter 1:

And now for all of you

There will be a Russian dance.

Who will dance more cheerfully?

Come here quickly.

Leaders read in turn:

Quadrille - an old dance,

Favorite in Rus'.

Through the centuries, centuries

We are dancing now.

Our grandfathers were able

Relax your mind:

And work in the field

And have fun walking around.

Play, cheerful accordion,

And sing the balalaika

Come on, my dear

I am following you.

"What a lovely couple!" -

All the people marvel.

"Here's the bravery

He leads his beauty!

smooth gait

Handy and easy

A girl is dancing with a boy

Rivals to spite ...

Years passed, centuries.

Not the same people

But the memory is about the ancestors

Protects with love.

And here's the old dance

Known in Rus'

Through the centuries, centuries

We dance now...

Dance "Quadrille". Performed by the choreographic ensemble "Mischievous Youth". We invite everyone to dance in the meadow.

Host 2:

Among the people, song is inseparable from life, like the soul from the body.

Russian song in birches

Russian song in bread -

On the mowing, in the cold,

On sleds and in the meadows.

Rowan trees rustle in the wind.

Everyone is ready to listen!

How many songs does Russia have -

So many in the field of flowers.

Who made it, I don't know.

Only the song is good.

Song from my childhood dear

Both friend and sister!

And her words are simple

The soul is moved to tears.

How many songs does Russia have -

So many birches in the groves.

Russian songs are

What a desire to sing along

How many songs does Russia have -

Presenter 1:

Low bow to you, good people!

Happiness, health and long life...

Who will judge us for the songs?

Since there are no songs, there is no life.

Above the clear sky

We would like to wish you

Glory, feasts, plenty of bread,

Live with songs and do not lose heart.

Host 2:

A Russian proverb says: "Cause - time, fun - an hour!".

Now it's time to say goodbye.

Our speech will be short

We say to you: "Goodbye!

Until happy new meetings!”

The main action on the stage is over. Next comes the concert program of solo vocalists. The jury evaluates parking lots, courtyards. Summing up is underway. The end of the holiday.

Plan of preparation for the national holiday

"With a song for life"


Job Title



Installation of sound amplifying equipment


Safin I.M.

Holiday scenario preparation


Ganiev N.R.

Khomyakova M.A.

Preparing a script for a theatrical performance


Arslanova A.T.

Rehearsal of the musical block and theatrical performance


Lomanets V.A.

Khomyakova M.A.

Ganiev N.R.

Lynnik I.P.

Arslanova A.T.

Deinichenko R.Kh.

Mounting / dismantling of stage structures


Osmanov M.A.

Preparation, tailoring and repair of costumes


Karpova N.F.

Transportation of amateur art participants


Sharafutdinov R.Z.

Artistic director - S.Tupitso

Verkhneturovsky House of Culture

Nizhnedevitsky district of the Voronezh region

Creative report script

"Native village lives"

Developed by:

Shvetsova N. M.

Prasolova T. A.


Venue: House of Culture

Time: 13 hours

Event progress :

The song "Where does the Motherland begin?" and slides about the village of Upper Turovo on the screen.

Leading: Hello dear guests! Today our concert program is called “Native Village Lives”.

There are places in the vast country,

What you can’t find on large maps,

In a special way, the sky here seems blue,

Cherries have a special smell here.

This is the place where you were born and grew up

Often referred to as a province.

Only there is no more beautiful place -

And it will always be the only one.

The song sounds"Native village lives" performedEnsemble "Sudarushka"

I love you at any time of the year

My dear, sweet village,

And on a warm day, in any bad weather

With you, my heart is always light.

A familiar birch nods to me,

And I answered her "Hello!" - I say.

How good for me, how easy and simple

Live in my bright, gentle land.

The song sounds"Blessed Land" performedEnsemble "Sudarushka"

Natalia Shvetsova with a song"A river was flowing by."

Song"I'm rural" performsLuda Shmatova.

Dance"Quadrille" performed by a children's group.

Song"Do not be afraid" performedMaria Starodubtseva.

musical composition"Steamboat" performedchildren's group, singingDenis Panin.

My village is on the edge of the earth.

Here everything is familiar to every detail.

Wherever the paths take me,

I remember with tenderness to the share.

And ordinary people live here,

Like you and me - with the soul wide open,

Fun is respected, work is loved,

From the shoulders they will give the last shirt.

My father and mother live in the village,

And I'm content to the core

That I had to start life in the village,

And that my roots remained in the village.

How often do we have roads and ways

Taken away for native okoyomy,

Only my heart can not leave me

From these walls of the parental home.

The song sounds"Lanterns" performedTatyana Shmatova and Zinaida Sidorova .

The song sounds"Red viburnum" performedValentina Zolotukhina .

The song sounds"Oh girls, I'm in love" performedElena Starodubtseva.

Now the author's song will soundVictor Prasolov "House, Desk" performed

Reading a poem about motherVanya Bulgakov.

The song sounds"Sorinochka" performedNatalia Shvetsova.

And now we meet the younger group of our amateur performances withdance "Chamomile". PerformYulia Shvetsova and Natasha Mamedova.

Mom and Motherland are very similar -

Mom is beautiful, Motherland too.

You look closely: mom's eyes

The colors are the same as the sky.

Mom's hair is like wheat

What is earing in the endless fields.

Mom's hands are warm and tender

They remind me of a ray of sunshine.

If mom sings a song, then she

The ringing stream sings along.

So it should be: what is dear to us,

Reminds me of our mothers.

The song sounds"Inseparable Friends" performedAnya Shvetsova.

The song sounds"I can forget" performedTatyana Prasolova.

The song sounds"Mommy" performedElena Starodubtseva.

There will be a funny song"Failed Date" performed by the ensemble"Sudarushka".

There will be a song"Oh Mommy" performedLyuda Shmatova.

On the stageTatyana Shmatova, Zinaida Sidorova, Valentina Zolotukhina and sing a song"Rowan beads".

The song sounds"Rainbow Shines" performedMaria Starodubtseva.

There will be a song"Meeting" performedValentina Zolotukhina and Viktor Prasolov.

So that always under a lucky star

Fate brought you along the road,

In the house, so that a full-flowing river,

Life flowed calmly and peacefully.

Let only friends visit your house,

Bad weather bypasses

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well

Long life, health and happiness!

The song sounds"Wishes" performedEnsemble "Sudarushka"

The song sounds"Be healthy, live richly!" performedEnsemble "Sudarushka"

Leading: This concludes our holiday. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your attention and support. Once again, I would like to invite to this stage those who prepared the holiday and spoke before you. This:

Natalia Shvetsova, Tatyana Prasolova, Viktor Prasolov, Valentina Zolotukhina, Tatyana Shmatova, Zinaida Sidorova, Elena Starodubtseva, Maria Starodubtseva, Lyudmila Shmatova, Sasha Steblev, Denis Panin, Pasha Patrushev, Dima Selyutin, Olya Belousova, Yulia Shvetsova, Natasha Mamedova, Nastya Novikova and, of course, the smallest artists - Anya Shvetsova and Vanya Bulgakov.

Once again applause!!! Goodbye! See you soon!


Scenario of the reporting concert of the Center for additional education of children "Journey through the rainbow"

Gorbunova Natalya Alekseevna, teacher - organizer of MBUDO CDOD, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region
Description. The scenario is focused on the children's age category from 6 to 17 years old and will be of interest to teachers of schools, art schools, teachers - organizers of additional education and parents.
Target: Report of creative teams. Showing the level of creative and performing growth of teams of creative associations for the academic year.
- demonstrate the creative abilities of students;
- develop artistry, the ability to stay on stage;
- to develop the ability of students to work in a team

Equipment: Sound design, lighting, scenery, costumes.
The course of the concert program:

Fanfare sounds. Leading out (Ekaterina - teacher, Eva - student)

Eve: Good evening!

Catherine: Kind, because we are surrounded by kind people and happy smiles!

Eve: Good, because summer is coming, and that means holidays! Sunny days and warm summer rains.

Catherine: What if there's a rainbow in the sky...

Eve: That is just a miracle!
Living in the world is more interesting.
If the rainbow shines
If a joyful song
Flying along the rainbow.

Catherine: Opens our journey through the rainbow Ekaterina Bulycheva - a student of the creative association "Domisolka", leader Elena Bushueva.
1. The song "Good morning, people"

Catherine: Dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you to the reporting concert of the Center for Additional Education for Children called "Rainbow Journey". Today, a rainbow of talents will shine in front of you.
They say talent is a valuable gift. And every child is a whole world. Some like to sing, dance, others like to make, draw, design. And every child is talented in their own way. There are no talented kids! You just need to find in every kid that very zest, that very spark that someday will grow into an asterisk and over the years a talented personality will appear, maybe a big star. And wonderful teachers help our children to open up and prove themselves. Some of them are wise by experience, others are just embarking on a pedagogical path. But all of them are united by love for children and the desire to sow a spark of good. To make the world brighter, kinder and more beautiful.

Eve: Today in this hall is a holiday
This holiday is a holiday of childhood,
He will leave a mark in every heart

Catherine: And the director of the Center for Additional Education for Children, Svetlana Valerievna Kurova, will open the door to a fairy tale.
Director's speech

Catherine: Meet the diversity of colors, genres, songs, dances, beautiful costumes - in general, meet a real rainbow of talents.

Eve: Rainbow is great!
Rainbow is a good mood
Rainbow is harmony!
Rainbow is all of us!
And we are childhood!
On stage, a children's dance group is led by a wonderful, talented teacher Marina Golubenko.
2. Dance "Watch"

Catherine: The rainbow journey continues. The first color of the rainbow is red. The word "red" in ancient times meant "beautiful". A beautiful number - the dance "Rossinochka - Russia" will be performed for you by a dance group, leader Oksana Zhuikova - a talented teacher, known not only in our city, but also abroad. Meet.
3. Dance "Rossinochka - Russia".

Catherine: In our beautiful, rainbow country of the Center for Additional Education for Children, all fabulous dreams come true.

Eve: And I so dream of a fluffy white kitten. Do you like little kittens? Yes, well, then meet the dance group of Marina Golubenko. Dance "I am a fluffy white kitten"
4. Dance "I am a fluffy white kitten"

rainbow beauty
I told you to bow.
Invites to visit
To the multi-colored land!
Where the next track awaits us is orange. And on this wonderful path you are met by the dance group "Vivat". The team is led by a wonderful teacher - director of modern ballroom dancing - Elena Kirasirova. "Spring Waltz".
5. Dance "Spring Waltz"

Catherine: Walking along the orange path, you immediately imagine the orange sun, the sea, dolphins floating on the waves. By the way, the song about dolphins is excellently performed by Elizaveta Feoktistova, a student of Elena Bushueva from the Domisolka creative association.
Our "Domisolka" in April of this year celebrated its fifteenth anniversary. More than forty graduates of "Domisolka" continued their education at the music school, five of them entered the music school. And one of the very first pupils of Domisolka is a teacher and head teacher of the Dimitrovgrad College of Music. We are proud of our graduates. And the merit in this is the wonderful teachers Elena Viktorovna Bushueva and Natalya Sergeevna Ustinova, who today invest their soul and knowledge in a new generation of pupils. Meet Feoktistova Elizabeth with the song "Dolphins"
6. Song "Dolphins"

Catherine: Traveling along the orange path of the rainbow, we bring to your attention another dance number, the “Apple” dance performed by the pupils of Marina Golubenko.
7. Dance "Apple"

Catherine: The orange color of the rainbow is the friendliest and most cheerful. Yes, you can see for yourself. The most friendly team on stage. This team can be called a family. Here the elders take care of the younger ones. The kids love helping the older ones. And this family is headed by a kind, sympathetic, and most importantly talented teacher Marina Devzheeva. On the stage, the choreographic studio "Suita", the dance "Merry Rain".
8. Dance "Merry rain"

Catherine: Many thanks to all participants of the orange episode. And we're moving on. What color is next in the rainbow? (answers from the audience) Name whatever is yellow .... (answers from the audience)
Eve: Also, sunbeams.

Catherine: “Sunny Bunnies”, this is the name of the dance performed by the group, led by a young, talented teacher - director of interesting, memorable dances Yulia Beschetnova. Meet the sunbeams.
9. Dance "Sunny Bunnies".

Catherine: (behind the scenes) We meet the "Smile" choir, leader Valery Vatyukov. Concertmaster Honored Worker of Culture of the Ulyanovsk region Elena Neugodnikova. Music by Kabalevsky, words by the Alien. "Our land"
10. The song "Our land"

Catherine: (behind the scenes) Music by Yuri Chichkov, lyrics by Sinyavsky "The Horn and the Flute".
11. Song "Horn and flute".

Eve: If smiles shine on faces
If children sing and dance,
So joy is knocking at the door,
And life continues on the planet
And in the creative association "Akuna - Matata", which is headed by Anastasia Tribunskaya, life is just beginning. This group is less than a year old. But they were already able to win our love.
We meet, watch and applaud.
12. Hakuna matata number.

Catherine: We have already gone through the three colors of the rainbow. The next color is black! No? Oh sorry, green! Raise your hands, who loves green?
I invite you to the green path of the rainbow. Ilya Kuyanov from the creative association "Domisolka" travels along the green path with us with the song "Computer".
13. Song "Computer"

Eve: The color green is the color of spring,
nature's color of revitalization!
We bring to your attention a very lively and incendiary dance "Latin Mix". On stage, the dance group "Vivat", leader Elena Kirasirova.
14. Dance "Latin Mix"

Catherine: They say that there are no miracles in the world ... Believe me, they exist and are even next to us! And we bring to your attention a wonderful number - the dance "Box with Pencils", the leader of the team is Yulia Beschetnova.
15. Dance "Box with pencils"

Catherine: (behind the scenes) Oksana Zhuikova's team completes the tour along the green carpet with the dance "Letka - Enka".
16. Dance "Letka - Enka"

Catherine: Traveling on the rainbow, we move to the next blue path. And this kingdom also has its artists. We meet the choreographic studio "Suite" with the dance "Voyage".
17. Dance "Voyage"

Catherine: Deep, noble, blue color, illuminated our path. Blue color. Clean, calm as the surface of a lake, and as vast as the sky, as different as a song in all its manifestations. Meet Samira Gumerova with the song "And I would like to sing and dance."
18. Song "And I would sing and dance."

Eve: I also love to dance and dream of a big stage.

Catherine: Yes, probably, catching a blue dream, which is always somewhere nearby, but elusive, is difficult, how to catch moments of creative flight and inspiration. But the dance ensemble "Sunrise" always succeeds.
A creative team is dancing for you, led by Elena Troshina.
Dance with the intriguing name "Mad World"
19. Dance "Mad World"

Catherine: Eva, it seems to me that you are flying in the clouds the whole concert. Let's
let's take a short break in the vocal and dance numbers.

Eve: Let's go, especially since behind the scenes the friendly, active, very creative creative association "Scout" and the cheerful, positive "School of Counselors" are waiting for their performance. The head of the young teacher is a leader. Able to lead Ekaterina Timofeeva.
20. Performance of scouts and leaders.

Friends, we are traveling on the rainbow and moving on to the blue path of the rainbow. And Feoktistova Elizaveta meets us with the song "I would like to draw a dream." Creative association "Domisolka", leader Natalia Ustinova.
21. Song "I would like to draw a dream."
Catherine: (behind the scenes)
The dance group of Oksana Zhuikova is on stage. Cha-cha-cha dance. We meet with applause.
22. Dance "Cha - cha - cha."

Eve: Mom is the most dear person in the world. How much is invested in the word "MAMA" and can not be counted. But the most important thing is that we owe our lives to her, mom. How often do you dedicate poems and songs to your mother? Just like that, without holidays and anniversaries? And today we dedicate the next issue of our program to mom. The song "Mom". Performed by Vishneva Daria.
23. Song "Mom".

Catherine: Thank you to all participants of the blue track. We continue to travel on the rainbow.

Eve: Rainbow. The beauty of the earth is immediately presented in the brightest colors of the rainbow, green, orange, yellow, blue, purple. And all these colors are in creativity, which is so unique and diverse. Right now I imagine everything in the purple color of the rainbow

Catherine: Why, Eve?

Eve: Because purple is a very calm, lyrical and most
Unusual, from all the colors of the rainbow.

Catherine: But purple is quite rare, not an everyday color in nature.

Eve: Therefore, it is often associated in people with wizards and fantasy.
Remember fairy tales: purple capes are the favorite clothes of magicians.

Ekaterina: We meet a magical, bewitching dance with a fan. Performed by the dance studio of Marina Golubenok.
24. "Dance with a fan"

Catherine: The world of creativity is amazing in that it has no boundaries, just as there are no boundaries for our universe, dotted with many stars. How many? Millions! Many millions. And in our city today new lights lit up from the performances of our guys. The choreographic studio "Suita" closes the journey through the rainbow of talents with the dance "On the Wings of the Wind"
25. Dance "On the wings of the wind"

Eve: Today is a holiday - the day of talents,
Singers, dancers, musicians.
And on this bright day for you
The song "Childhood" will be performed for you.

Catherine: Vocal group "Cover", leader Alexander Petrov. "Childhood".
26. Song "Childhood".

Catherine: Violet color, it turns out that this color is close to energetic, active and cheerful people. They seek new adventures, discover new worlds within themselves, and even perceive failures with inexhaustible optimism and a bright smile.

Eve: We meet with optimism and a smile a perky dance called "Chernomorochka". On stage "Sunrise", director Elena Troshina.
27. Dance "Mad World"

Catherine: Our journey is coming to an end. And we introduced you to the work of teachers and students of the Center for Additional Education for Children Eva Kurova.

Eva and Ekaterina Kurova.
It's great that there is such a country,
Where we sing and play songs.
And it's full of wonders
And we call it a fairy tale.
And believe me, only in this country,
We are getting stronger.
In this good magical land
You can become the main character.

This scenario can be useful for the organizing teacher to organize an open parent meeting or a reporting concert at the end of the school year. The event does not require complex preparation.

Reporting concert "Solar Carousel"

Equipment and materials:
- A multimedia installation, a hall decorated with balloons, a decorated exhibition of students' works, a stage decorated with satin ribbons in the form of a multi-colored carousel.

Event progress


The dance is performed by girls from the association "Wonderful"
(girls run off stage)

Presenter 1:
- Hello, dear friends!
- We are glad to see you at our solemn holiday dedicated to all of you - you are creative, talented, active and cheerful!

Host 2:
Miracles live in a fairy-tale house,
Here the children's voices do not stop,
And the joyful laughter never ends.
The doors are wide open for everyone!
Here an unfamiliar fairy tale lives,
And the magic behind the scenes awaits.
You just have to open the door
And step over the threshold without looking back.
You will quickly spin in a dashing dance,
And sing a real microphone
The painter's colors will become friends,
Blind the animal with your own hands.
Children's creativity is wonderful.
Everything on the planet comes from childhood.
And not a magician, but we are with you,
We make miracles with our own hands.

Host 2:
- The floor is given to the director of the BEI DO "TsTR and GO" ________________.

Presenter 1:
- Today we invite you to take a ride with us on the "Solar Carousel", attractions of creativity, skill and artistry.

Host 2:
- And so we begin, and let this incendiary oriental dance performed by the girls of the weekend club "Rogues" open our festive concert.

Presenter 1:
Everyone in the world knows music
Many songs are written for us
Songs from the children's album
They sang before and sing now.
Host 2:
We meet students of the vocal studio "Kaleidoscope"

Presenter 1:
The song "Sashka plus Natashka" is performed by the soloist of the vocal studio ____

Host 2:
I took a brush
And got bright colors
Up - down, right to left
Proudly like a queen.
Suddenly Tassel went poking,
Knocked "heel"
And then he goes around in circles
Like girls in a round dance
We draw: once ... once ...,
Everything will work out for us.

Presenter 1:
- We invite students of the art studio "Kist" to our "Solar Carousel"
(children talk about the association, and show a presentation)

Host 2:
- A student of the art studio "Kist" sings for you ______________

Presenter 1:
And again we hear the sounds of cheerful music,
A bunch of kids are rushing to the stage.
These kids will perform a cool dance for us,
Admire their talents and you.

Host 2:
- The association "Kalinka", for children with disabilities, has prepared for you an incendiary dance of cowboys.

And now the guys will tell us about their association.
(children talk about the association, and show a presentation)

Presenter 1:
And these are the masters of any business,
There is no limit to their creativity.
They create so brightly, so skillfully,
There is no limit to your admiration.

Host 2:
- Association "Wonderful Moments", present to your attention their wonderful work and tell you what they do in the classroom.
(children talk about the association and show a presentation)

Presenter 1:
Oh, of course you recognized these kids,
On our stage we saw more than once,
They will dance and sing skillfully,
And you will be convinced of it now.

Host 2:
- Meet the learning associations "Droplets".
(children talk about the association, and show a presentation)

Presenter 1:
- And now a gift from the "Droplets" association.

Host 2:
And this is who goes on stage boldly,
Who can sing a song and dance a dance
who will do anything
everywhere ready to take part.

Presenter 1:
- And again we meet the students of the weekend club "Rogues".
(children talk about the association, and show a presentation)

Host 2:
- And again we invite the director of our center to the stage
(awarding the best students)

Presenter 1:
Let in the light of days
All sorrows will drown
May all childhood dreams come true
Wish all the kids light up
I make the way with my creativity.

final song
(all children go on stage and sing a song)

Host 2:
- We thank everyone! See you soon!

Used Books:
1. Holidays in middle and high school. Publishing house "Teacher" 2007
2. Holidays in middle and high school. Publishing house "Uchitel" 2008
3. Non-standard forms of extracurricular work Publishing house "Teacher - AST" 2005.
4. Cool hours: 6th grade / Aut-stat. L.A. Egorova.-M.: WAKO, 2008.

The date of the event is 09.10.12.

Venue: B. hall

Time: 18-00

On the stage of the Palace of Culture "Energetik" the ceremony of presenting the anniversary award "ArtStar".

Today, awards will be presented in various categories to the best creative teams and people who have delighted us with their talent and tremendous dedication to their work for many years.

Today you will become participants in the main event of this year, on the largest stage in the city of Nazarovo.

Today, and only for you, those for whom life without a stage is unthinkable will perform. Welcome to the anniversary concert of the Energetik Palace of Culture. We are 45 years old!

(The curtain opens, the pop group "Adamant" is on stage)

(Screensaver Duel)

1. NUMBER: "Adamant" - the exit of the presenters

(music at the exit of the presenter)

(Screensaver 45 years old)

1Ved: Good evening, dear friends!

2Vedas: Hello dear guests!

1Ved: How wonderful it is when the holiday begins just like that: with music and applause ...

2Vedas: And also with kind smiles of the guests who came to congratulate the veterans, employees and members of the creative teams of the Energetik Palace of Culture!

1Ved: They say that every person has his own finest hour. That very moment in life when fate says: “I give you a chance! Show what you are capable of!

2Vedas: I think that such a high point for those who will take this stage today and our anniversary evening will be!

1Ved: The life of people is so similar to the life of stars. Some flicker dimly. Others are on fire. The third one is shining! And this brilliance of the star corresponds to the brightness of the personality.

2Ved: So let the stars of the Energetik Palace of Culture, who have found their calling in art, brightly illuminate this stage today!

(music for the exit of the presenters)

1Ved: In November 1967, the Palace of Culture "Energetik" opened its doors and became the center of culture for the inhabitants of the village of Bor, the village of Builders and workers of the Nazarovskaya State District Power Plant!

2Vedas: The team was headed by Alexander Alexandrovich Mukhin. A man who not only laid the foundations of the palace, but also the foundations of the creative activity of the teams.

1Ved: Unfortunately, Alexander Alexandrovich has not been with us for several years. But historical footage has been preserved, where he talks about how the work of our palace began.

(video with A.A. Mukhin)

2Ved: In subsequent years, the palace was led by:

Petr Mikhailovich Vorontsov, Galina Nikolaevna Shkuratova.

1Ved: Nikolai Nikolaevich Gurulev, Irina Anatolyevna Gololobova.

2Vedas: These are people who have made a huge contribution to the development and improvement of the material and technical base of the palace.

1Ved: Since 2004, the work of the Energetik Palace of Culture has been headed by Valentin Viktorovich Romanov - a restless, energetic person puts his soul into his work and continues the work of his predecessors with dignity.

2Vedas: Dear leaders, please accept our congratulations and this musical gift.

1Ved: Kirill Gurulyov sings for you!

2nd issue: - Kirill Gurulev

(music on exit presenter)

On the screen is a video sequence of photographs of veterans))

2Vedas: On this anniversary evening, with words of great gratitude, we address our dear veterans. Thanks to you, our palace has always been one of the best cultural institutions not only in the city, but also in the region.

1Ved: Dear veterans, those who are present in this hall today, please rise from your seats and let this applause sound in your honor!

(Girls bring flowers to veterans)

2Ved: Look at them, sparks of enthusiasm and cheerfulness burn in their eyes.

1Ved: Their hearts are full of optimism.

2Vedas: We sincerely thank you for many years of fruitful work.

1Ved: Dear veterans, the youngest members of the Adamant pop group are performing for you!

3 NUMBERS: - "Adamant" "Once a palm, two palms!"

(music on exit presenter)

2Vedas: Veterans of culture! You are special people

From a special alloy, from a special ore!

You do not bend your shoulders under the weight of everyday life

And close the ranks of veterans!

1Ved: You gave a lot for the culture of your beloved,

Your memory keeps every day, every hour.

They say about others: "Life is passing by"

You are in the thick of things. Both then and now!

2Vedas: Georgy Tikhonov sings for you!

4 NUMBER: G. Tikhonov

(music on exit presenter)

1Ved: It is known that the one who seeks always finds his own

In deeds, dreams and in the field of ideas.

And the holiday that takes place here today

Show us truly talented people!

2Vedas: People who will be marked with anniversary awards. They will also become the undisputed winners of the ArtStar award, established by us in honor of the 45th anniversary of the Energetik Palace of Culture!

1Ved: It is with great pleasure that we invite the head of the city of Nazarovo, the chairman of the city council of deputies of the city of Nazarovo, Sergey Alexandrovich Setov, to this stage!

(congratulations from S.A. Setov)

2Vedas: We are starting a solemn ceremony of awarding and presenting anniversary awards and the ArtStar award!


1 Ved: To be awarded a diploma of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the following are invited to the stage:

Valentin Viktorovich Romanov - director of the cultural and leisure association "Energetik"!


2Vedas:– Tatyana Pavlovna Fillipova – Head of the Department for Financial and Economic Activities.


1ved. – For awarding a certificate of honor from the head of the city of Nazarovo - the chairman of the city council of deputies of the city of Nazarovo and the presentation of the ArtStar award, the following are invited to the stage:

2Vedas:- Alexandra Vadimovna Redrova - director of the People's Theater "Pinocchio"!


1Ved:- Andrey Mikhailovich Sidilev - driver!

2 Vedas:- Nina Viktorovna Dostovalova - head of production!


2Vedas:– We thank Sergey Alexandrovich for the kind words of congratulations. And the head of the administration of the city of Nazarovo Evgeny Alexandrovich Merezhnikov is invited to the stage!)


(congratulations to Merezhnikov)

1Ved:– For awarding a certificate of honor from the head of the administration of the city of Nazarovo and presenting the ArtStar award, we invite to the stage:

2Vedas:- Zhanna Alexandrovna Lebedev - administrator and cashier.


1Ved:- Anatoly Nikolaevich Zhigarev - locksmith, plumber and carpenter.


2Vedas:- Raisa Ivanovna Kuryatnikova - head of the economic department


1Ved:- Marina Anatolyevna Fadeeva - head of the Zabiyaki theater studio


2Vedas:- Tatyana Alexandrovna Davydova - watchman - watchman of the club at the place of residence "Mir"


2Vedas:– We thank Yevgeny Alexandrovich for the good wishes and continue our festive concert.

5 NUMBERS: "Adamant" - "We are little children"

1Ved:- Ladies and Gentlemen! The moment of truth is coming!


2Vedas:- We are starting a solemn ceremony of presenting the creative teams of the Energetik Palace of Culture with the ArtStar award - Stars in Art!

1Ved: – For several years, the audience jury has tirelessly followed all our performances and achievements.

2Vedas:- And today the best of the best will be determined, who will become the owners of the anniversary award for their contribution to the development of culture and art "ArtStar"!

1Ved:- Each of the people represented in this or that nomination has been working for more than a year. And all of them, each in their own genre, are already stars! Let them not be as bright and large as the Sun, but as significant and necessary as the Moon.

2Vedas:- I completely agree with you. Each of the applicants for the award has already contributed to the cultural development of our city and will continue their work.

1Ved: - Dear guests!

2Vedas:- Dear nominees!

1Ved:- Very soon the names of those who have been awarded the main anniversary award will become known!


2Ved.- To congratulate and announce the first hero of tonight in the "Forge of Talents" nomination, we invite the head of culture and information policy of the city of Nazarovo, Nikolai Nikolaevich Gurulev, to the stage!

(Congratulations from Gurulev. Presentation of diplomas from the Ministry of Culture)

1Ved: The diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the ArtStar award are awarded to:

– Olga Egorovna Fedichkina – Deputy Director for Core Activities.


2 Vedas– Olga Vasilievna Achkasova – head of the children’s department


1 Ved- Alena Valentinovna Romanova - head of the Adamant pop group


2Vedas:- Valentina Kuzminichna Lvova - head of a separate structural subdivision of the Club at the place of residence "Mir".

1Ved:– Certificate of honor of the department of culture of the city of Nazarovo is awarded

2Ved: - Alexander Petrovich Medvedev - electrician of electrical networks.

1 led. We thank Nikolai Nikolayevich and with great pleasure we invite our colleagues at work, heads of cultural institutions of the city of Nazarovo, to the stage!

1 led. ved. - Irina Anatolyevna Gololobova - Director of the City Palace of Culture.

2Vedas: Olga Viktorovna Tolstikhina - Acting Director of the Children's Art School.

1Ved: Tatyana Valentinovna Perepelko - director of the Children's Art School.

2Vedas: Lyudmila Mikhailovna Krylova - director of the cultural and leisure center "Jubilee".

1Ved: Marina Davydovna Duke - director of the centralized library system.

2Vedas: Tatyana Mikhailovna Melnikova - director of the museum and exhibition center.

(greeting guests)


1 Vedas: We ask you to open the envelope and name the winner in the "Forge of Talents" nomination!


(They open the envelope, name the winner - the Zabiyaki theater studio, on the screen there is a video with the Zabiyaki theater studio)

2 Vedas: We invite to the stage the head of the Zabiyaki Theater Studio, which won in the nomination "Forge of Talents"

Marina Anatolyevna Fadeeva

(Award presentation. Fanfare.)

1 Ved: You are congratulated by the folk team, creative studio "Soyuz"

ISSUE 6: Soyuz Creative Studio Potpourri

(music on exit presenter)

1 Vedas: We will ask the following guests to announce the winners in the nomination "Public Favorite!"

2 Vedas: To congratulate and present the ArtStar award, we invite Vitaly Fedorovich Palkin, director of the NGRES branch of OAO Yenisei TGC (TGC-13), to the stage.

1 Vedas: Nikolai Anatolyevich Kuklin, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of NGRES

2 Vedas: Nadezhda Vasilievna Goloshchapova, Chairman of the Council of NGRES Veterans.

(greeting guests)

2 Vedas: Please announce the winner in the nomination "Favorite of the public"


(they open the envelope, call NMVG Energetik, on the screen there is a video with NMVG Energetik)

1 Ved: We invite to the stage the head of the folk male vocal group "Energetik" Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikolaevich Gurulev.

(Award presentation. Fanfare)

7 NUMBER: NMVG "Energetik" Well

(music on exit presenter)

1 Ved: We continue the presentation of the ArtStar award.

I really want to know who won in the nomination "Looking to the Future"

2Vedas: For congratulations and the announcement of the winner in the nomination “A look into the future, Nadezhda Dmitrievna Gavrilenko, head of the education department of the city of Nazarovo, is invited to the stage

1Ved: Olga Ilyinichna Friesen - director of the power engineering college in Nazarovo

2Vedas: Anatoly Semenovich Shcherbachev - director of school No. 11

1Ved: Lyudmila Yuryevna Shcherbacheva - director of school No. 4

2Vedas: Natalya Valerievna Kuklina - director of the correctional school of the eighth type

(greeting guests)

1Ved: Please open the envelope and name the winner in the nomination "Looking to the Future"


(they open the envelope and call the pop group "Adamant". A video with the group "Adamant" is on the screen)

1Ved: I am very pleased to invite the head of the Adamant pop group and my charming presenter Alena Romanova for the award.

(Awarding. Fanfare).)

Today, before the start of the concert, I had a classic question: “If the stars are lit, then someone needs it. It means that there is someone who cares, who needs new stars to light up in the cultural sky! Alena Romanova is one of these people, and on the stage her stars are already shining with might and main - Variety group "Adamant"

NUMBER 8: Variety group "Adamant" Potpourri

(music on exit presenter)

1 Vedas: We look forward to the announcement of the next winner of the "ArtStar" award in the nomination "Gold Reserve of DK Energetik"

2 Vedas: In order to find out, we invite Olga Viktorovna Simanov, the chief specialist of the general department of the social protection department of the administration of Nazarovo, to the stage for congratulations and awarding the award.

1 Vedas: Natalya Vladimirovna Danilchenko - Acting Director of the Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children.

(greeting guests)

2 Vedas: Safronova Tamara Ivanovna Deputy Head of the Pension Fund Department of Nazarovo

(Congratulations to guests)

2 Vedas: And so in the nomination "Gold Reserve" DK "Energetik" wins


(they open the envelope. They call it “Vocal group “Song Russian”, on the screen there is a video with the group “Russian Song”)

1 Ved. Georgy Mikhailovich Tikhonov, who for many years gave his whole soul to the team, today transfers it to the new leader Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Suchkov. We invite these two talented people to this stage.

(Award presentation. Fanfare.)

9 NUMBERS: Vocal group "Russian Song"

(music on exit presenter)

1 Vedas: The guests who will now come on this stage will not only congratulate us, but will also announce the winner in the nomination "Come from childhood"

2 Vedas: We invite

Elena Anatolyevna Ubiennykh - head of the kindergarten "Solnyshko"

1 Vedas: Natalya Petrovna Khrebtenko - head of the doctoral "Topolek"

(greeting guests)

2 Vedas: In the nomination "Coming from childhood" won


(They open the envelope. They call the folk puppet theater "Pinocchio", on the screen there is a video with the theater "Pinocchio")

2 Vedas: We invite Alexandra Vadimovna Redrova, head of the People's Puppet Theater "Pinocchio", to the stage.

(Award presentation. Fanfare)

1 Vedas: Congratulations from d.s. "Solnyshko" and d.s. "Topolek"

10 NUMBER: D.S. "Sun", D.S. "Topolek"

1 Vedas: We continue to accept congratulations and the presentation of the "ArtStar." !

2 Vedas: The director of the Branch of the Nazarovsky Plant of Thermal Insulation Products and Structures Aul Alexander Viktorovich is invited to the stage

(greeting guests)

1 Vedas: Attention! The winner in the nomination "Loyalty to the calling" was


(open the envelope, call the dance group "Rhythms of Youth", on the screen is a video with the group "Rhythms of Youth")

2 Vedas: We invite the permanent leader of the dance group "Rhythms of Youth" Valentina Kuzminichna Lvova

(Award presentation. Fanfare)

11 NUMBERS: "Rhythms of Youth" Quadrille

1 Vedas: We invite you for congratulations, as well as the announcement of the winner in the nomination "Keepers of Folk Traditions"

2 Vedas: The administrator of the cocktail bar "Robin Bobin", a former member of the amateur performances of the Palace of Culture "Energetik" Vladimir Viktorovich Grekov

(Congratulations to the guests)

1 Ved: Please open the envelope and name the winner in the nomination "Keepers of Folk Traditions"


(open the envelope. They call the vocal group "Siberian gatherings")

1 Ved: We invite Nikolai Nifontovich Ashikhin, head of the Siberian Gatherings vocal group, to the stage


2 ved. It is with great pleasure that we invite Tamara Alexandrovna Cherednichenko to the stage, who for many years has headed the People's Puppet Theater "Pinocchio", an honorary citizen of the city of Nazarovo, a member of the Siberian Gatherings vocal group. Tamara Alexandrovna devoted more than 30 years of her life to creative work in our palace. And today she continues to be its active participant.

(Congratulations to T.A. Cherednichenko)

(Award presentation. FANS,)

12 NUMBER: "Siberian gatherings" We will sing +

(music on exit presenter)

1 Vedas: And one more nomination in which the team was awarded the ArtStar award.

2 Vedas: Nomination "People's Choice Award". And in order to find out who received it, as well as to congratulate the staff of the Energetik Palace of Culture, we invite our friends and sponsors to the stage. permanent partners - representatives of the group of companies "Pyramid"

1Ved: Director of the Pyramida Media Holding Elena Leonidovna Tsarenko

(greeting guests)

2Vedas: In the nomination "People's Choice Award" wins


(open the envelope, call the vocal group "Comment", on the screen there is a video with the group "Comment")

1 Vedas: We welcome the head of the vocal group "Comment" Andrei Sidilev.

(award presentation. FANFARE)

13 NUMBER "Commentary" Ekaterina Akimova

(music on exit presenter)

2 Vedas: We have named all the winners in various categories.

1 Vedas: Your applause to people whose talent is beyond doubt.

2Vedas: Friends! Get their autographs today!

1 Ved: You might be late tomorrow!

2 Vedas: After all, the life of stars is unpredictable!

1 Vedas: Who knows, maybe their names will go down in the history of world culture.

2 Vedas A: Personally, I believe in it. Stars are not born, stars are made.


(Music on exit presenter)

1 Vedas: Here comes the moment of truth!

2 Vedas: The main characters of tonight are on stage!

1 Vedas: Applaud. Do not be shy!

2 Vedas: They will remember this moment for the rest of their lives!

1 Vedas: Thank you all for coming with us to celebrate this wonderful event!

2 ved We also thank all those who participated in the preparation and holding of this concert, as well as those who over the years have helped us to adequately hold various events: These are:

Administration of the city of Nazarovo

2 led. NGRES

1ved Creative studio "Scram"

2 led. Canteen No. 1 In the person of Pavel Larionov

1 led. Information agency "West-24"

2 Vedas Siberian construction company

1 Vedas Shop "Lights of Chulym" represented by Alexey Perelomov

2 ved Media holding "Pyramid"

1 led. Nazarovskaya GRES

2 Vedas Shop "Pchelka" represented by Milkina

1 led. OOO "Agatinskoye"

2 Vedas We thank you very much and look forward to further cooperation.


1 Vedas: Happy Anniversary to all those who work in this beautiful house

2 Vedas: The house where the holiday lives!

1 Vedas: We don't say goodbye to you. The doors of our Palace of Culture Energetik are always open for you!

2 Vedas: All the best!

(music plays in the hall) (The curtain closes. The groups stand on the stage)

The program of concert numbers 09.11.12.

1. NUMBER: gr.Adamant

2. ISSUE: Kirill Gurulev.

3. NUMBER: Adamant Babies

4. NUMBER: Georgy Tikhonov

5. NUMBER: Count Adamant "We are little children"

6. ISSUE: Soyuz Creative Studio

7. NUMBER: NMVG Energetik

8. NUMBER: gr. "Adamant" Potpuri

9. ISSUE: Vocal group "Russian Song"

10. ISSUE: D.s "Sun"

11 ROOM: Dance group "Rhythms of Youth"

12. ISSUE: Vocal ensemble "Siberian gatherings"

13. NUMBER: c. " A comment"

“Happy Anniversary, Kind People” Consolidated Choir of the House of Culture “Energetik”

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