Theory on task 15. A valuable thing - a thing is valuable


The fifteenth task of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language involves testing students' knowledge of the rules of punctuation of the Russian language. For the correct completion of this task, you can get as many as two primary points, so you need to prepare well for it. The theoretical material below can help with this.

Theory for assignment No. 15 USE in the Russian language

Punctuation with homogeneous members of a sentence

A comma is placedNo comma is placed
Between homogeneous members, not related unionsBetween two homogeneous members connected by the union "and"
Yesterday I read, cleaned, cooked.Yesterday I read, cleaned and cooked.
Between homogeneous members connected by opposing unions a, but, yes (in the sense of but), however, butBetween two homogeneous members, if they are connected by a single union into a pair
Yesterday I read and cooked, but I didn’t have time to clean up.Yesterday I read and cooked.
Between homogeneous members connected by repeated unions:In stable combinations
coordinating and, yes (in the meaning of and), neither ... nor divisive or, either, then ... then, or ... either, not that ... not thatNeither light nor dawn, and laughter and sin, neither this nor that, and here and there, neither to myself nor to people
Yesterday I not only read, but also cooked.
Between several homogeneous members, related unions and and orBetween two verbs in the same form acting as a single predicate
Yesterday I read and cooked.I'll go read a book.

Punctuation in compound sentences

A comma before the union "and" is not put if
If there is a common member of the sentenceIn spring, nature wakes up and people rejoice in the warmth.
(the common member of the sentence is “in the spring”)
If there is an introductory word that is common to both parts of the sentenceAs is often the case, we forgot the good and remembered the bad.
If the parts of a compound sentence have a common subordinate clause or a common non-union partWhen I woke up, the sun had not yet risen and everyone in the house was asleep.
Interrogative sentenceWhen will we meet and will you tell me everything?
Incentive offerRead the assignment carefully and do it!
exclamatory sentenceHow bright the sun shines and how beautiful the sea!
The offer is indefinitely personalIn the neighboring house, the lights were turned off and a candle was lit.
The offer is impersonalYou need to carefully study this paragraph and make notes in your notebook.
Denominative offerFrost and sun!

Task execution algorithm

  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. Write down the correct answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 15 USE in the Russian language

Fifteenth task of the 2018 demo

Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. The captivating beauty of Russian landscapes is amazing and remains in memory for a long time.
  2. Among the most ancient images on the walls of the caves of the Paleolithic era are prints of a human hand and incomprehensible patterns with random weaves of wavy lines.
  3. Descartes built the logic of knowledge from the simplest and obvious to the complex and incomprehensible.
  4. Artistic speech is characterized by both imagery and emotionality.
  5. The poet sees now the diamond shine of a birch forest, now the velvet shine of arable land, now the amber shine of candles.
Task execution algorithm:
  1. Place punctuation marks in sentences.
  • The captivating beauty of Russian landscapes is amazing and remains in memory for a long time.- The sentence is simple, complicated by homogeneous predicates connected by a single union AND, therefore there are no commas in the sentence.
  • Among the most ancient images on the walls of caves of the Paleolithic era are prints of a human hand, and incomprehensible patterns with random interweaving of wavy lines.- The sentence is simple, complicated by homogeneous additions connected by a repeating union AND, which means we put ONE comma between them.
  • Descartes built the logic of knowledge from the simplest and obvious to the complex and incomprehensible.- A simple sentence, complicated by two groups of homogeneous additions, interconnected by single unions I. There are no commas.
  • Artistic speech is characterized by both figurativeness and emotionality. The sentence is simple, complicated by homogeneous additions connected by the union both ... and ..., between the parts of which a comma is always placed. ONE comma per sentence.
  • The poet sees now the diamond shine of a birch forest, now the velvet shine of arable land, now the amber shine of candles. The sentence is simple, complicated by homogeneous additions connected by the union then ..., then ..., then ..., between the parts of which a comma is always placed. There are two commas in the sentence.

Answer: 2, 4.

The first version of the assignment

  1. The sun went down and fog fell on the ground.
  2. The sun went down, it became cool and fog fell on the ground.
  3. The sun turned red, became huge and began to slowly set behind the forest.
  4. The sun turned red and became huge, it began to slowly set and then completely disappeared behind the forest.
Task execution algorithm:
  1. We put punctuation marks and find sentences with one comma.
  2. Place punctuation marks in sentences.
  • In the evening the sun went down and fog fell on the ground.- The sentence is complex, has two parts, two grammatical bases ( ), do not put a comma, since two simple sentences in the complex have a common secondary member of the sentence In the evening.
  • The sun went down, and fog fell on the ground.- The sentence is complex, has two parts, two grammatical bases ( 1 - the sun has set, 2 - the fog has fallen), we put a comma between the parts of a complex sentence, since there is no common secondary member of the sentence, there is no common subordinate clause or part of an impersonal sentence.
  • The sun went down, it became cool, and fog fell on the ground.- The proposal is complex, consists of three parts ( 1 - the sun has set, 2 - it has become cool, 3 - the fog has fallen), we put commas between parts of a complex sentence. This is a complex sentence with several grammatical stems that are not connected by a common sentence member or introductory word.
  • The sun turned red, became huge and began to slowly set behind the forest.- The sentence is simple, complicated by homogeneous predicates, we put one comma between the first and second predicates, before a single union And with homogeneous members, a comma is not put.
  • The sun turned red and became huge, it began to slowly set, and then completely disappeared behind the forest.- The sentence is complex, consists of two parts, has two grammatical bases ( 1- the sun turned red, became huge; 2 - it began to sit down, disappeared); each part, in turn, is complicated by homogeneous predicates: the first comma is placed between the parts of a complex non-union sentence, the second comma separates homogeneous predicates.

Answer: 2, 4.

The second version of the assignment

Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

  1. Our ability to think about the consequences of our actions and deeds is what distinguishes us from animals.
  2. Man is able to think about the consequences of his actions and deeds, and this distinguishes us from animals.
  3. Man is able to think about the consequences of his actions and decisions, and this distinguishes us from animals.
  4. What distinguishes us from animals is our ability to think about the consequences of our actions and decisions.
Task execution algorithm:
  1. We put punctuation marks and find sentences with one comma.
  2. Place punctuation marks in sentences.
  • Our ability to think about the consequences of our actions and deeds distinguishes us from animals.- In the first sentence, a comma is not required - there is a union "and" between the homogeneous members of "actions and deeds".
  • Man is able to think about the consequences of his actions and deeds, and this distinguishes us from animals.- In the second sentence, you need to put one comma - after the word "deeds"; she will separate the grammatical bases "a person is capable" and "it distinguishes".
  • A person is able to think over the consequences of his actions, actions, decisions, and this distinguishes us from animals.- Three commas are required in the third sentence. Commas are placed between homogeneous members, as well as between parts of a complex sentence.
  • The ability to think about consequences is what separates us from animals.- In the fourth sentence, a comma is not needed, since the sentence is simple, uncomplicated.
  • What distinguishes us from animals is our ability to think about the consequences of our actions, deeds and decisions.- A comma is placed here only between homogeneous members that are not connected by a union.

Answer: 2, 5.

The third version of the task

Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

  1. Bacteria, fungi and invertebrates are involved in the whole cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil and support its existence.
  2. Both bacteria and fungi and invertebrates are involved in the cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil and support its existence.
  3. Both bacteria and fungi and invertebrates are involved in the cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil and this maintains its normal existence.
Task execution algorithm:
  1. We put punctuation marks and find sentences with one comma.
  2. Place punctuation marks in sentences.
  • Bacteria, fungi and invertebrates are involved in the whole cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil and support its existence.- Here we put a comma between homogeneous members that are not connected by the union "and". After the word "soil" a comma is not needed, because the predicates "involved" and "support" are homogeneous, connected by the union "and".
  • Bacteria, fungi, and invertebrates are involved in the cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil and support its existence.- In this case, the union "and" connects several homogeneous members, so you need to put commas before it.
  • Both bacteria and fungi and invertebrates are involved in the cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil, and this maintains its normal existence.- The first comma is placed as part of the link “both ... and ...”, and the second separates the grammatical foundations of a complex sentence.
  • The normal existence of the soil is maintained by biological and chemical processes involving both bacteria and fungi and invertebrates.- Again, a comma in the composition "both ... and ...".
  • Biological and chemical processes involving many biological components support the normal existence of the soil.- The fifth sentence does not require punctuation marks - the homogeneous members "biological and chemical" are connected by the union "and".

Theory for Assignment #15 USE 2019 in Russian

The difficulty of this task lies in the fact that the spelling H / HH depends on the part of speech, and there are a number of exceptions that you need to remember.

Work algorithm:

  • Read the assignment carefully. It is important to look for a word with the number of H that is indicated in the task. Check again before entering your answer on the form.
  • Determine the part of speech.
  • If you are dealing with adjectives and participles, then the full or short form is important in front of you.
  • In accordance with the part of speech and the form of the word, remember the rules and exceptions.

It is important to know about adjectives and participles!

-answers questions (which, which ...) and indicates the sign of the subject.
- can be formed from a noun and from an imperfective verb.
- has a short form, answers the question "what (a, o, s)?"

-combines the signs of an adjective and a verb, answers 2 questions: which one? + questions of the sacrament.
- derived from the perfective verb
- has a short form, answers the question: “what is done (a, o, s)?”
-divided into real and passive.

Valid participles(the action is performed by a noun) answer the question: what is the person doing, what is the person doing?

For example:
reading person (person himself reads)

Passive participles(action is performed on a noun) answer the questions: what is done, what is done.

For example: read book (someone read the book, i.e. an action is performed on the book.)

How to distinguish a verbal adjective from a participle:

Verbal adjectives- these are adjectives formed from the verbal stem in a suffixal way, retaining only a genetic connection with verbs. (can be replaced by an adjective synonym)
Examples: Tanning, copying (with the suffix -flax). Exclamatory, fortune-telling (with the suffix -teln-th). Experienced, lethargic, burnt (with the suffix -l-th, they go back to the Old Russian participles). Hanging, combustible, rattling, -uch- (-yuch-), go back to the Old Russian participles).

Participatory formations, (also referred to as adjectives), i.e., participles that have lost their aspect-temporal and pledge meanings, as well as verb control (adjective participles). Boiled, faceted, gifted, tattered, fried.

1) retain their verbality (can be replaced with a construction with a verb)
2) can be formed from perfective verbs
3) can have dependent words as opposed to adjectives.

Н, НН in suffixes of adjectives and participles

1. In denominative adjectives (formed from nouns), which are not based on -n, and in non-derivative adjectives;
Blue; green
-en-, -yan-, -in-:
Exc: pewter, glass, wood
1. In denominative adjectives with a base on -n;
sleep - sleepy
Length - long
2. In denominative adjectives with suffixes
-enn- , -he N-
3. In adjectives formed from imperfective verbs, without prefixes, except Not-) and dependent words
To paint (hl HB without prefix) - painted
scare - frightened
Their spelling does not change as part of compound words (plain-colored, fresh-frozen, but plain-colored, because there is a prefix o)
Ex: desired, done, unseen, unheard of, unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, sacred, cutesy, slow, long-awaited, awake, cursed
3. In participles formed from perfective verbs, with prefixes (except Not-) and/or with dependent words:
Painted (but: unpainted), painted (with what?) with oil paint;
Broken (but: unworn), worn (by whom?) suit by brother
Excl: named brother, planted father, smart child, bride's dowry, forgiveness Sunday, finished man In some non-prefixed participles formed from perfective verbs:
Given, abandoned, bought, decided, deprived
4. In short participles:
Sown - sown (a, o, s)
Reflected - reflected (a, o, s)
4. In full participles (adjectives) into -ovanny, -ovanny:
Pampered, scraped
Excl: forged, chewed
5. In short adjectives, if there was one in full -n-
young girl - young girl
Green trees - trees are green
In short adjectives, if there were full ones -nn-
Valuable thing - valuable thing
Long road - the road is long
Remember. In nouns and adverbs formed from participles and verbal adjectives, the same amount of -n- is written as it was in the word from which they were formed:

Task 15 USE 2015

This is how the task in the 2015 demo is formulated:

Arrange the signs punctuation. Indicate the numbers of offers in which you want to put ONE comma.

1) Someone cleaned up the tower and waited for the owners.

2) In the syntactic structure of two poetic texts, we can find both similarities and differences.

3) M.V. Lomonosov outlined the distinction between significant and functional words, and in the future this distinction was supported by the largest representatives of Russian science.

4) Many literary critics and historians argue again and again about Goethe's correspondence with the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.

5) A.S. Green could describe in detail both the bend of the river and the location of houses, centuries-old forests and cozy seaside towns.

Remember: for completing task 15, from 0 to 2 points can be set.

For each correctly indicated digit corresponding to the number of the answer, the examiner receives 1 point. If 2 numbers are correct, the examiner gets 2 points. The order in which the digits are written in the answer does not matter.

The task combines two tasks from last year's KIMs: on commas in compound sentences and in sentences with homogeneous members. The answers may contain 2 examples with BSC, or 2 examples with homogeneous members, or 1 - BSC and 1 - with homogeneous members.

As follows from the wording of KIM 15, it is necessary to remember how punctuation marks are placed in a simple complicated sentence (with homogeneous members) and in a compound sentence.

The main concept that allows us to distinguish between simple and complex sentences is GRAMMATICAL BASIS.

The grammatical basis is made up of the main members of the sentence, that is, the subject and predicate in a two-part sentence or one of the main members in a one-part sentence.

A simple sentence contains one grammatical basis. It can be complicated, in this task we are interested in punctuation marks in a simple sentence, complicated by HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS.

PUNCIATION MARKS in a simple sentence complicated by HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS

Homogeneous members of a sentence refer to the same member of the sentence, answer the same question, and depend on the same member of the sentence.

Pay attention to the following:

First, homogeneous members of a sentence are NOT ALWAYS the same part of speech. The most important thing is that they answer the same question and depend on one word!

Secondly, ANY MEMBERS of a sentence can be homogeneous: the subject, the predicate, the definition, the object, and the circumstance.

Homogeneous members of a sentence can be used:

without alliances

with single unions

with repeated alliances

with double alliances

Bloomed in the garden roses, lilies, chamomile

connecting unions and, yes (= and), or

Suddenly a storm came up large AND frequent hail.

autumn freshness, foliage AND fruits fragrant garden.

opposing unions a, but, yes (= but), but, however

Not iron key heart opens, kindness.

or either

not that... not that

1) and Ο, and Ο, and Ο

or Ο, or Ο, or Ο

I seem to be THAT noisy feasts, then military mill, THAT contractions combat.

2) Ο, and Ο, and Ο

You me don't you hear, OR Do not understand, Or simply you ignore.

3) Ο and Ο, Ο and Ο

Blizzards AND snowstorm, cold AND darkness did not prevent the polar explorers from landing on the ice floes.

not only but


if not...then

not so much as


A comma is placed before the second part of the union!

not only Ο, but also Ο

both Ο and Ο

These norms can be remembered HOW masters sports, SO newcomers.


A comma is placed:

1. , (Peopledancing, laughing .)

2. , But (Wetired but done exercise.)

3. and , And (On the table wereand paints and brushes .)

, And , And (On the table werepaints, and brushes, and felt-tip pens .)

4. How , so (On the table wereboth paints and brushes . On the table werenot only paints, but also brushes )

The comma is not put:

And brought to the librarybooks and dictionaries .

or Bring to the librarybooks or dictionaries .

Trap #1!

A sentence can have several rows of homogeneous members, so distinguish between constructions with homogeneous members of the sentence connected by repeated unions, and constructions with several rows of homogeneous members, which are connected within a row by a single union.

(This is a sentence with three rows of homogeneous members: two homogeneous subjects, two homogeneous predicates and two homogeneous circumstances):

No commas anywhere!

Trap #2!

Phraseological turns

(stable combinations of words):

punctuation marks in a compound sentence

A compound sentence is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected by coordinating conjunctions and, as a rule, are equal grammatically and in meaning.

Coordinating conjunctions connecting simple sentences are between simple sentences and are not included in any of them.

In compound sentences, parts are separated from each other by commas.

, .

Punctuation marks are not used in compound sentences.

1. If there is a common member of the sentence, for example: In autumn, nature falls asleep and people prepare for winter.

(In autumn - a common term: nature falls asleep (when?) in the fall, people prepare for winter (when?) in the fall. A comma is not needed.)

2. If there is an introductory word common to parts, for example: To my surprise, the weather changed dramatically and a real heat set in.

(surprisingly - an introductory word, it refers to both parts of the sentence)

3. If the parts of a compound sentence have a common subordinate clause or a common non-union part, for example: When mother entered the room,1 /the fragments of the vase lay on the floor2/ and the children tried to pick them up3.

(each of the parts of the compound sentence (2) and (3) refers to the general subordinate clause (1)


In the cases listed in paragraphs. 1–3, commas are placed if there are repeated unions. For example:

In autumn, nature falls asleep, and people prepare for winter.

(there is a common term: in autumn, but there is also a repeating union: and... and... so a comma is needed)

Unfortunately, either the teacher got sick, or the guys decided to skip the lesson.

(there is a common introductory word, but there is also a repeating union either...or... so a comma is needed)

4. If parts of a compound sentence are:

    interrogative sentences, for example: When will you come again and can we meet?

    incentives, such as: Try to do everything well and let everything work out for you!

    exclamatory sentences, for example: How good you are and how I like everything!

    nominal sentences, for example: Heat and closeness. Cold and rain.

    impersonal sentences, for example: Hot and stuffy. Cold and rainy.

Theory "Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech"

Spelling Н and НН in nouns

NN is written:

  1. if the root of the word ends in n, and the suffix starts with n. For example: cavalry, dowry, raspberry.
  2. if the noun is formed from an adjective or from a participle having nn. For example: contemporary, solemnity.

N is written:
If the noun is formed from the stem of the adjective with one n. For example: sandstone, spices, youth.

Spelling Н and НН in suffixes of denominative adjectives (formed from a noun)

NN is written:

  1. in adjectives formed from nouns and adjectives with the help of suffixes -enn-, -onn-. For example: revolutionary, temporary, hefty.Exception: windy.
  2. in adjectives formed from nouns with a base on -n with a suffix -n-. For example: long, foggy, cast-iron.
  • adjectives lamb, seal, pork and similar ones are written with one n, since they are formed from nouns with a stem on n by adding a suffix -y-.
  • adjectives spicy, ruddy, youthful written from one n, since these are non-derivative adjectives.

N is written:
H is written in adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes -in-, -an-, -yan-. For example: mouse, goose, water.Exceptions: glass, tin, wood.

Spelling Н and НН in verbal adjectives and participles

NN is written:

  1. full passive past participles. For example: twisted, dug out, bought
  2. in adjectives in -wounded, -wounded, -wounded. For example: marinated, uprooted, asphalted

N is written:
1) in verbal adjectives. For example: whitewashed walls, laden wagon
2) in short participles. For example: made, mastered, painted

Spelling H and HH in adverbs

In adverbs, as many n are written as they are written in the word from which the adverb is formed. For example: accidentally (unintentionally), confused (confused), windy (windy)

Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The fruits of this plant are healthy and tasty and have a wonderful aroma.

2) It became unbearably stuffy and I had to open all the windows.

4) The study of the growth of unusual crystals has both theoretical and practical and general scientific significance.

5) The ancient Spanish masters used either stone or brickwork in the construction of castles.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here is the correct spelling.

1) The fruits of this plant are healthy and tasty and have a wonderful aroma. Two rows are identical.

2) It became unbearably stuffy, and I had to open all the windows.

3) From the window, trunks of cherries and a piece of the alley were visible.

4) The study of the growth of unusual crystals has both theoretical, practical and general scientific significance.

5) The ancient Spanish masters used either stone or brickwork in the construction of castles.

One comma is required:

in the 5th sentence: its homogeneous members are connected by a repeating union or

in the 2nd sentence: it is compound, contains two predicative parts that do not have a common secondary member of the sentence or an introductory word and do not have a common subordinate part. A comma is needed before the conjunction AND.

The correct answer is numbered 2 and 5.

Answer: 25|52

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Punctuation marks in SSP and a sentence with homogeneous members

Rule: Punctuation marks in SSP and in a sentence with homogeneous members. Task 16., Punctuation marks in the SSP and in a sentence with homogeneous members. Task 16.



OC - ​​homogeneous members.

For example:

two rows: two predicates, hit and covered; two additions, gusts and groans.


General scheme: OOO .

Example: yellow, green, red apples.

General scheme: O and/yes/either/or O .

Example 1: The still life depicts yellow and red apples.

Example 2: .

Example 3

Example 4

General scheme: O , O and O .

Example: The still life depicts yellow, green and red apples.



General scheme: Oh, and Oh, and Oh.

General scheme: and O, and O, and O.

Example 1: The still life depicts yellow and green and red apples.

Example 2: The still life depicts apples.

More complex examples:

Example 3:

Example 4:

Example 5: Houses and trees and sidewalks were covered in snow


Consider examples.

Example 1: children and adults and read aloud. How many rows? Two: children and adults; gathered and read

Example 2: reread letter and write a response.

Scheme: O, a / no / yes O

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3: Small spool but precious .

Scheme: O, or O, or O

Example 1:

Than others.

Examples: I have an assignment How from the judge So equals And from all our friends.

Green was Not only But It was still And very subtle psychologist.

Mother not that angry, But she was still dissatisfied.

There are fogs in London if not every day , That in a day for sure.

He was not so much disappointed , How many

Example1: .

Example 2:

Example 3:

And the snow came and went.

If the offer contains heterogeneous definitions


impersonal part, with the predicate in . For example:

[O Skaz and O Skaz].

Leaves crimson, gold

common minor member.

Example 1: .

in a year

just the beginning of the sentence

Example 2:In the evening the wind died down and start to freeze. What happened By the evening?

Now more complex example 1: On the outskirts of the city a comma is placed

Example 2 a comma is placed.


In this task, knowledge of two punctograms is tested:

1. Commas in a simple sentence with homogeneous members.

2. Commas in a compound sentence, parts of which are connected by coordinating unions, in particular, the union I.

Target: find TWO sentences in which you need to put ONE comma in each. Not two, not three (and this happens!) commas, but one. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the numbers of those sentences where the missing comma was PLACED, since there are such cases that the sentence already has a comma, for example, in case of adverbial turnover. We don't count it.

You should not look for commas at various turns, introductory words and in NGN: according to the specification, only three indicated punctograms are checked in this task. If the sentence needs commas for other rules, they will already be placed

The correct answer will be two numbers, from 1 to 5, in any sequence, without commas and spaces, for example: 15, 12, 34.


OC - ​​homogeneous members.

SSP is a compound sentence.

The task execution algorithm should be as follows:

1. Determine the number of bases.

2. If the sentence is simple, then we find ALL series of homogeneous terms in it and turn to the rule.

3. If there are two bases, then this is a complex sentence, and each part is considered separately (see paragraph 2).

Do not forget that homogeneous subjects and predicates do NOT create a complex, but a simple complicated sentence.


Homogeneous members of a sentence are those members that answer the same question and refer to the same member of the sentence. Homogeneous members of a sentence (both main and secondary) are always connected by a coordinating link, with or without a union.

For example: In "The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson" S. Aksakov describes both summer and winter pictures of Russian nature with truly poetic enthusiasm.

In this sentence, there is one row of OCs, these are two homogeneous definitions.

In one sentence there can be several rows of homogeneous members. Yes, in the proposal Soon a heavy downpour hit and covered with the noise of rain streams and gusts of wind, and the moans of a pine forest. two rows: two predicates, hit and covered; two additions, gusts and groans.

note: each row of OC has its own punctuation rules.

Consider various schemes of sentences with OC and formulate the rules for setting commas.

15.1.1. A number of homogeneous members, connected ONLY by intonation, without unions.

General scheme: OOO .

Rule: if two or more OCs are connected only by intonation, a comma is placed between them.

Example: The still life depicts yellow, green, red apples.

15.1.2 Two homogeneous members are connected by the union AND, YES (in the meaning of AND), OR, OR

General scheme: O and/yes/either/or O .

Rule: if two EPs are connected by a single union AND / YES, a comma is not put between them.

Example 1: The still life depicts yellow and red apples.

Example 2: Everywhere she was met cheerfully and friendly..

Example 3: Only you and I will stay in this house.

Example 4: I will cook rice with vegetables or pilaf .

15.1.3 Last OC added by union I.

General scheme: O , O and O .

Rule: If the last homogeneous member is joined by the union and, then a comma is not placed in front of it.

Example: The still life depicts yellow, green and red apples.

15.1.4. There are more than two homogeneous members and the union AND repeated at least twice

Rule: For various combinations of allied (clause 15.1.2) and non-union (clause 15.1.1) combination of homogeneous members of the proposal, the rule is observed: if there are more than two homogeneous members and the union AND is repeated at least twice, then a comma is placed between all homogeneous members

General scheme: Oh, and Oh, and Oh.

General scheme: and O, and O, and O.

Example 1: The still life depicts yellow and green and red apples.

Example 2: The still life depicts and yellow and green and red apples.

More complex examples:

Example 3: From the house, from the trees, and from the dovecote, and from the gallery- long shadows ran far away from everything.

Two unions and four points. Comma between OCH.

Example 4: It was sad in the spring air, and in the darkening sky, and in the car. Three unions and, three och. Comma between OCH.

Example 5: Houses and trees and sidewalks were covered in snow. Two unions and, three och. Comma between OCH.

Note that there is no comma after the last EP, because it is not between the OC, but after it.

It is this scheme that is often perceived as erroneous and non-existent, keep this in mind when completing the task.

note: this rule only works if the union AND is repeated in one row of OC, and not in the entire sentence.

Consider examples.

Example 1: In the evenings they gathered at the table children and adults and read aloud. How many rows? Two: children and adults; gathered and read. The union is not repeated in each row, it is used once. Therefore, commas are NOT put according to rule 15.1.2.

Example 2: In the evening Vadim went to his room and sat down reread letter and write a response. Two rows: left and sat down; sat down (why? for what purpose?) to re-read and write.

15.1.5 Homogeneous members are connected by the union A, BUT, YES (= but)

Scheme: O, a / no / yes O

Rule: In the presence of the union A, BUT, YES (=but), commas are put.

Example 1: The student writes quickly, but sloppily.

Example 2: The baby no longer whimpered, but wept uncontrollably.

Example 3: Small spool but precious .

15.1.6 With homogeneous members, unions are repeated NO NO; NOT THAT, NOT THAT; THAT, THAT; OR EITHER; OR OR

Scheme: O, or O, or O

Rule: with a double repetition of other unions (except And) neither, nor; not that, not that; then, then; or either; or, or a comma is always placed:

Example 1: And the old man paced the room, now humming psalms in an undertone, now impressively instructing his daughter.

Please note that there are also homogeneous circumstances and additions in the proposal, but we do not single them out for a clearer picture.

There is no comma after the predicate “paced”! But if instead of the union AND THAT, AND THAT would be just AND, there were three commas (according to rule 15.1.4)

15.1.7. With homogeneous members, there are double unions.

Rule: With double unions, a comma is placed before its second part. These are unions both ... and; not only but; not so much... how much; how... so much; although... but; if not... then; not that ... but; not that ... but; Not only not, but rather... than others.

Examples: I have an assignment How from the judge So equals And from all our friends.

Green was Not only great landscape painter and storyteller, But It was still And very subtle psychologist.

Mother not that angry, But she was still dissatisfied.

There are fogs in London if not every day , That in a day for sure.

He was not so much disappointed , How many surprised by the situation.

Please note that each part of the double union is BEFORE OC, which is very important to consider when completing task 7 (type "error on homogeneous members"), we have already met with these unions.

15.1.8. Often homogeneous members are connected in pairs

General scheme: Scheme: O and O, O and O

Rule: When combining secondary members of a sentence in pairs, a comma is placed between pairs (the union AND acts locally, only within groups):

Example1: Alleys planted with lilacs and lindens, elms and poplars led to a wooden platform.

Example 2: The songs were different: about joy and sorrow, the past day and the day to come.

Example 3: Books on geography and tourist guides, friends and casual acquaintances told us that Ropotamo is one of the most beautiful and wild corners of Bulgaria.

15.1.9.They are not homogeneous, therefore they are not separated by commas:

A number of repetitions that have an intensifying shade are not homogeneous members.

And the snow came and went.

Simple compound predicates are also not homogeneous.

He said so, I'll go check it out.

Phraseologisms with repeated unions are not homogeneous members

Neither this nor that, neither fish nor meat; neither light nor dawn; neither day nor night

If the offer contains heterogeneous definitions, which stand in front of the word being explained and characterize one object from different sides, it is impossible to insert a union between them and.

A sleepy golden bumblebee suddenly rose from the depths of the flower.


Compound sentences are complex sentences in which simple sentences are equal in meaning and connected by coordinating unions. The parts of a compound sentence do not depend on each other and form one semantic whole.

Example: Three times he wintered in Mirny, and each time returning home seemed to him the limit of human happiness.

Depending on the type of the coordinating union that connects the parts of the sentence, all compound sentences (CSP) are divided into three main categories:

1) SSP with connecting unions (and; yes in the meaning of and; neither ... nor; also; also; not only ..., but also; both ..., and);

2) BSC with divisive unions (that ..., then; not that ..., not that; or; or; either ..., or);

3) SSP with opposing unions (a, but, yes in the sense of but, however, but, but, only, same).

15.2.1 The basic rule for setting a comma in the SSP.

A comma between parts of a complex sentence is placed according to the basic rule, that is, ALWAYS, with the exception of special conditions that limit the effect of this rule. These conditions are discussed in the second part of the rule. In any case, in order to determine whether a sentence is complex, it is necessary to find its grammatical foundations. What should be taken into account in this case:

a) Not always every simple sentence can have both a subject and a predicate. So, frequency sentences with one impersonal part, with the predicate in indefinite personal offer. For example: He had a lot of work to do, and he knew it.

Scheme: [to be], and [he knew].

The doorbell rang and no one moved.

Scheme: [they called], and [no one moved].

b) The subject can be expressed by pronouns, both personal and other categories: I suddenly heard a painfully familiar voice, and it brought me back to life.

Scheme: [I heard ], and [it returned ]. Don't lose a pronoun as a subject if it duplicates the subject from the first part! These are two sentences, each with its own basis, for example: The artist was well acquainted with all the guests, and he was a little surprised to see a face unfamiliar to him.

Scheme: [The artist was familiar], and [he was surprised]. Compare with a similar construction in a simple sentence: The artist was well acquainted with all the guests and was a little surprised to see a face unfamiliar to him.[O Skaz and O Skaz].

c) Since a complex sentence consists of two simple ones, it is likely that each of them can have homogeneous members in its composition. Commas are placed both according to the rule of homogeneous members, and according to the rule of a compound sentence. For example: Leaves crimson, gold fell silently to the ground, and the wind circled them in the air and tossed them up. Sentence scheme: [Leaves fell], and [wind O Skaz and O Skaz].

15.2.2 Special conditions for setting signs in a compound sentence

In the school course of the Russian language, the only condition under which a comma is not placed between the parts of a complex sentence is the presence common minor member.

The most difficult thing for students is to understand if there is common minor member of a sentence, which will give the right not to put a comma between the parts, or it does not exist. General means referring to both the first part and the second part at the same time. If there is a common member, a comma is not placed between the parts of the SSP. If it is, then in the second part cannot have a similar minor term, he is only one, stands at the very beginning of the sentence. Consider simple cases:

Example 1: A year later, the daughter went to school and the mother was able to go to work.

Both simple sentences can equally claim to be the adverb of time "in a year". What's happened in a year? The daughter went to school. Mom was able to go to work.

Rearranging the common term at the end of the sentence changes the meaning: My daughter went to school, and my mother was able to go to work a year later. And now this minor member is no longer general, but refers only to the second simple sentence. Therefore, it is so important for us, firstly, the place of a common member, just the beginning of the sentence , and secondly, the general meaning of the sentence.

Example 2:In the evening the wind died down and start to freeze. What happened By the evening? The wind has died down. Start to freeze.

Now more complex example 1: On the outskirts of the city the snow had already begun to melt, and there was already quite a spring picture here. There are two circumstances in the sentence, each simple one has its own. That's why a comma is placed. There is no common secondary member. Thus, the presence of a second minor member of the same type (place, time, purpose) in the second sentence gives the right to put a comma.

Example 2: By night, my mother's temperature rose even more, and we did not sleep all night. There is no reason to attribute the circumstance "to the night" to the second part of the complex sentence, therefore a comma is placed.

It should be noted that there are other cases in which a comma is not placed between parts of a compound sentence. These include the presence of a common introductory word, a common subordinate clause, as well as two sentences indefinitely personal, impersonal, identical in structure, exclamatory. But these cases were not included in the USE tasks, and they are not presented in the manuals and are not studied in the school course.

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