Tim dog. Presentation on the theme of Tim Sobkin Tim Sobkin moonlight tale presentation


Tim Sobakin "Bird Game"

Lesson Objectives :

    To form the skill of conscious and expressive reading, using the reading of the text by roles.

    Using a system of questions, encourage children to repeatedly reread and review the text for various reasons: while reading by role, in search of the desired fragment, to confirm their answer.

    Note that thanks to the author's vivid imagination, it seems that wonderful unusual abilities can be found in any person.

    Develop imagination, fantasy, thinking. Lead the children to the conclusion that under the gaze of a person with imagination and a developed imagination, ordinary objects become wonderful.

    Develop speech through work with a phraseological dictionary.

    To cultivate purposefulness, faith in one's own strengths through the main idea of ​​the text.

Lesson equipment:

Textbook "Literary reading", presentation "Tim Sobakin", phraseological dictionary.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment


Dear colleagues, dear children, hello! Happiness means being with a part of something, our ancestors thought so. I wish you to be happy: after all, we are part of the same lesson.

2. Theme and purpose of the lesson

Look at the blackboard. Match the author and the work:

A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

T. Sobakin “Playing with Birds”, “How a clever hippo chased a cheeky fly”

E. Moshkovskaya "Water in the well"

What genres can these works be divided into? (fiction, fairy tale, story)

Remember the purpose of these genres. Read on p.116 of the textbook.

We met him in 2nd grade.

Open the textbooks on p.134. What are we going to do in class today? Set a goal. What will this piece be about? Do you think this work is a fairy tale? (Story) At the end of the lesson, we will find out if it fits the purpose of the story.

Your task was to prepare posts about this author. Unite in groups, choose and tell about it the most interesting in your opinion.

3. Working with Tim Sobakin's story "Bird Game"

The teacher reads Tim Sobakin's story "The Bird Game".

What is your impression of the story? What is his mood?

What sign in the fields did you see? What does it mean? (Dictionary of stable expressions). Read it. (froze as if rooted to the spot)(Totally still, frozen in place)

Find in phraseological dictionaries what it means. Group work. Remember the rules for working with dictionaries: reads, the one who reads the fastest, work with dictionaries carefully.

1. reading part 1 by roles.

Reading part 1 on roles in groups.

Guys, find in this part the most important words of the whole work: they explain why any miracle in the world is possible.

(Children find the words: “Of course, confidently,” said dad. “If you really want, you can learn everything in the world!”)

Do you agree with this statement?

(Yes, only a persistent person can achieve the goal.)

2. -Read part 2 to yourself.

Do dad and Katya react differently to the fact that dad managed to get off the ground and fly? (Yes, in different ways)

How did dad react to his flight? (He was confused, a little scared)

Read the lines that talk about it.

(Reading the lines “And when he noticed that his legs were walking in the air, he got a little scared, stopped waving his arms - and almost fell into a puddle.)

Guys, dad seems to want to distract himself from what happened to him, and pays attention to everyday little things. Read which ones. (Well, the shoes are dirty, - dad sighed, shaking dirty drops from his hat.

How does Katya react? (surprised, delighted)

Read the lines where this is said. (Katya opened her mouth with delight: - Dad! You did it! You flew!)

3. Reading 3 parts by roles.

Look at the third part of the text.

How many people will it take to read it by roles?

Reading part 3 on roles in groups.

Did dad quickly get used to the fact that his daughter learned to fly? (Not good)

Why do you think so? What in the text supports your opinion?

Who helped dad treat his daughter's flight as a manifestation of ordinary earthly abilities? (Old lady)

After talking with the old woman, dad was able to treat his daughter's flight as a manifestation of ordinary earthly abilities. He recovered a little and even began to give advice to his daughter, as if she were riding a bicycle.

Read dad's advice. (- Daughter! It's cool over the water. Don't fly for a long time! And tie your scarf tighter. - Otherwise you'll catch a cold.)

4. Dynamic pause.

Guys, do you want to fly yourself?

Let's play the game "Flies - does not fly." Stand up, you will “flap your wings” if I name an object that means a flying insect or bird, and if it is a non-flying object, stand still.

Ready? Dragonfly, school desk, house, helicopter, book, plane, briefcase, butterfly, cat, swans, sparrow, tractor.

5. Independent creative use of the formed skills and abilities.

"Bird Game" - is it a story or a fairy tale?

(This is a story because it tells a story from life, even if it is fictional, in order to reveal the characters of specific people and show their relationships.)

Guys, why do you think the author fantasized about the flights of people in the sky?

He invented such a fantastic ability for a person as the ability to fly like a bird in order to show that if you have faith in your own strength, great desire and effort, a miracle can happen: you can learn very complex things that seemed impossible.

Guys, what is the main idea of ​​this work? (With a very great desire and diligence, you can learn the most difficult and seemingly impossible things)

6. Summing up the lesson.

Let's find out if everyone carefully read the story. To do this, let's do a little test.

Option 1

Question 1

A. the world remains the same
B. the world becomes fabulous

V. the world is getting boring

Question 2

A.Capable children are growing up.


Question 3

B. Very happy

B. Did not attach importance

Question 4

How does Katya react to her flight?

B. Surprised, enthusiastic

B. Did not attach importance

Question 5

The work of Tim Sobakin "The Game of Birds" is:

A. Fairy tale

B. Fiction

B. Story

Option 2

Question 1
What determines the ability to turn the ordinary into a fairy tale?

A. From the power of the imagination

B. From magic.

B. From knowledge.

Question 2
Continue the statement: “Everything around seems to dreamers ...”

A. ... incomprehensible.

B.... funny.

IN.... animated and alive.

Question 3
Artists, poets and composers often combine in their works ....

B.... colors and notes.

IN.... notes and words.

Question 4

What is the main idea of ​​Tim Sobakin's story "The Bird Game"?

A.Capable children are growing up.
B.Anyone who teaches something must himself be able to do it excellently.

IN.If you really want, you can learn everything in the world.

Question 5

The purpose of the story is

7. Homework

D \ z in groups, if there is time.

Option 1

1 - How does the world change when you look at it through the magic glass of imagination?

A. the world remains the same
B. the world becomes fabulous

V. the world is getting boring

2 What is the main idea of ​​Tim Sobakin's story "Bird Game"?

A.Capable children are growing up.
B.Anyone who teaches something must himself be able to do it excellently.

IN.If you really want, you can learn everything in the world.

3- How did dad react to his flight?

A. He was confused, a little scared

B. Very happy

B. Did not attach importance

4-How does Katya react to her flight?

A. She was confused, a little scared

B. Surprised, enthusiastic

B. Did not attach importance

5-The work of Tim Sobakin "The Game of Birds" is:

A. Fairy tale

B. Fiction

B. Story

Option 2

1 What determines the ability to turn the ordinary into a fairy tale?

A. From the power of the imagination

B. From magic.

B. From knowledge.

2 -Continue the statement: "Everything around seems to dreamers ..."

A. ... incomprehensible.

B.... funny.

IN.... animated and alive.

3 -Artists, poets and composers often combine in their works ....

Ah... real life and fantasy.

B.... colors and notes.

IN.... notes and words.

4-What is the main idea of ​​Tim Sobakin's story "Bird Game"?

A.Capable children are growing up.
B.Anyone who teaches something must himself be able to do it excellently.

IN.If you really want, you can learn everything in the world.

5-The purpose of the story is

A. to amaze the imagination of listeners with an extraordinary invention, something that does not happen.

B. reveal to listeners the secrets of natural forces and teach them to communicate with the animate world and with the magical world.

V. to tell a case from life, but in such a way as to reveal the characters of specific people.

E. Uspensky "Memory"

I do not praise myself in vain,

I say to everyone and everywhere

What any offer

I'll repeat right away.

"Vanya rode on a horse,

Led a dog on a belt

And the old woman at this time

I washed the cactus on the window.

- Vanya rode a horse

Led a dog on a belt

Well, and the cactus at this time

I washed the old woman on the window ...

- I rode a cactus on the window,

Led an old woman on a belt,

And the dog at this time

Soap Vanya on horseback...

I know what I'm saying.

I said I'll repeat

This is how it came out without errors.

Why boast in vain?

F... F...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Tim Sobakin - (real name - Andrei Viktorovich Ivanov) - Russian writer. Author of prose and poetry for children.

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Born in 1958 in Ukraine. In 1981 he graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) with a degree in mathematics and programming, and in 1987 he also graduated from Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, a special department of the faculty of journalism.

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Since childhood, he wrote fantastic stories about flights to other planets. At school, he composed songs on his own (of course, very weak) poems. He began to seriously engage in literature in 1982, when he tried to compose something in poetry for his two-year-old daughter. However, at first he successfully worked in the humorous genre for adults. The first publisher was Lev Novozhenov (now a popular TV presenter), who at that time was in charge of the department of satire and humor in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. There, his first poem was published in August 1983.

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Despite the fact that Tim Sobakin wrote mainly for adults, poetry was increasingly published in publications for children. So imperceptibly for himself, he was among the "children's" authors. He considered Valentin Berestov and Eduard Uspensky as literary mentors - they largely influenced the creative fate of the writer. In addition to them, and poets: Nikolai Zabolotsky, Daniil Kharms (works for adults), Emma Moshkovskaya.

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In 1990, Tim Sobakin became first deputy and then editor-in-chief of the excellent children's magazine Tramway, which was published until 1995 - circulations were over five million copies! (By the way, to this day he has a lot of fans - it's worth looking on the Internet). Then he worked as a literary editor for the no less excellent magazine "Kucha Mala" (the successor to "Tram").

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Since these printed publications were focused on playfulness, irony, light absurdity, the author had to write a lot himself in the issue. So, in addition to the main pseudonym - Tim SOBAKIN - others arose and gradually settled down: Tikhon Khobotov, Savva Bakin, Terenty Psov, Sidor Tyaff and even Nika Bosmit (Tim Sobakin, on the contrary). Ah, it was a fun time!

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Currently, he works as an editor-in-chief at the Funny Pictures Publishing House, publishing the children's magazines Tramplin (about a healthy lifestyle) and Filya (about animals and nature). Actively collaborates with many other publications.

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Tries to work in all conceivable genres: poetry, prose, popular science articles, game materials, songs and more. Using modern computer technologies, he creates music for his poems, as well as individual compositions that sometimes sound in radio and television programs.

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Text content of presentation slides:
April 2, 1805 Hans-Christian Andersen was born in Denmark, in the small town of Odense. It was a country of forests, mountains, water world. Odensen street in Odense, where G.Kh. Andersen lived He lived in the family of a laundress and a shoemaker. He heard his first fairy tales from his father. The boy remade the tales in his own way, decorating them, and in an unrecognizable way he told them again. Andersen was the only child in the family and, despite the poverty of his parents, he lived freely and carefree. The house where HH Andersen spent his childhood He was never punished. He did only what he always dreamed of. And he dreamed of everything that could only come into his head. Hans had homemade toys, a cardboard puppet theater. He huddled in a corner and composed himself, played performances for himself. What he did not alter in his youth: he repaired shoes, and was a singer, and went to a dance school. In 1819, when he was 14, he went to Copenhagen to become an actor. But the theater management was attracted not by acting talent, but by Andersen's writing gift. In 1835 (at the age of 30) he published three collections of his works, Fairy Tales Told for Children. Gradually, fairy tales take the main place in his work. Then the most wonderful tales come out: "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Nightingale", "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina", "Swineherd". In total, Andersen wrote 170 fairy tales. Here is a quiz on Andersen's fairy tales Answer the questions! And we will find out how well you know Andersen's fairy tales In 1819, having earned some money and bought the first boots, Hans Christian Andersen went to Copenhagen. Hans Christian decides to write a play. His works attracted the attention of the director of the capital's theater, thanks to which Andersen received a royal scholarship and in 1822 went to Slagels. In Slagels, the seventeen-year-old writer was enrolled in the second grade of the Latin gymnasium. In 1826-1827, Andersen's first poems ("Evening", "The Dying Child") were published, which received a positive response from critics. In 1828, Hans Christian Andersen entered the University of Copenhagen and, upon graduation, passed two examinations for the title of candidate of philosophy. Copenhagen The heroine of Andersen's fairy tale, whose monument was erected in Copenhagen, has become a symbol of the capital of Denmark. Who is she? What fairy tale is the little mermaid from? Among the works of Hans Christian Andersen are novels, short stories, plays, short stories, short stories, philosophical essays, essays, poems, more than 400 fairy tales. The poems were set to music: romances were written by Schumann and Mendelssohn. In Russia, Andersen's fairy tales were first published in 1844 ("The Bronze Boar"), in 1894-1895 the first collected works of Andersen were published in 4 volumes. Monument to Andersen in Copenhagen Monument to the Little Mermaid Monument to the Steadfast Tin Soldier All his life Hans Christian Andersen lived as a bachelor. Two months before his death, the writer learned in one of the English newspapers that his fairy tales were among the most widely read in the world. Hans Christian Andersen died on August 4, 1875 in Copenhagen. August 4, 1875 Andersen's grave Assistance cemetery. Copenhagen Tell me, who was the son of the old pewter spoon? . What story are these lines from? “Your children are nice!” said the old duck, with a red patch on its paw. “All are very sweet, except for one ... He is very big, but some kind of wonderful ...” Who is this wonderful child, who later turned into a beautiful swan? What marvelous things did the swineherd prince make? A pot with a bell. When something was cooked in it, it was possible to find out who was cooking in which kitchen. What was the name of the girl who was born from a wonderful flower that looked like a tulip? What fairy tale are these swans from? What were the names of the boy and girl from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? And what kind of fairy tale begins with such words? “A soldier was walking along the road: one-two, one-two. Knapsack on the back, saber on the side. He was walking home from the war. On the way he met an old witch. Which of the heroes of Andersen's fairy tale abandoned his home, relatives, grandmother and father, agreed to accept torment and even die for the sake of his beloved prince and gain an immortal soul? Who helped Gerda from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? get into the royal palace? What egg did this handsome man hatch from? “What is it?” the emperor was surprised. “A nightingale? But I don't know him! How? Such an amazing bird lives in my state and even in my own garden ... "From what fairy tale are these lines? What fairy tale are these lines from? “How cold it was that evening! It was snowing and dusk was gathering. And the evening was the last of the year - New Year's Eve. In this cold and dark time, a little beggar girl with her head uncovered and barefoot wandered through the streets. One night, when Thumbelina was sleeping in her cradle, she climbed in through the open window. Who is she? Do you know the hero of this story?

? With. 61 Do you recognize Katya and dad?
What is the name of the work by Tim Sobakin that you read in the textbook? What chapter of the textbook is it in?
How do you understand the meaning of the title of the story? What is the greatest treasure for scientists? Is it just Katya and dad? Does your roommate think so too?

Katya and her dad from this story are already familiar to us from the work of T. Sobakin "The Game of Birds" (Literary reading. Grade 3, 1 hour, p. 134). The story "Playing Birds" is placed in the chapter "Trying to understand why people fantasize"; "The Greatest Jewel" - in the chapter "Learning to love." Are only the same main characters (Katya and her dad) common in these two stories? In The Game of Birds, Katya and dad fly in the sky like birds; in "The Greatest Jewel" - they dive in a coat into icy water to rescue an "experienced diver". Does this mean that Katya and her dad are “magic”, that is, they are endowed with some kind of fantastic abilities? Or is it that the author, by the power of his imagination, can see something supernatural in the ordinary life of the characters?

Why is the story "The Greatest Jewel" in the chapter on love, and not in the chapter "Why do people fantasize"? The main thing in the story "The Greatest Jewel" is not the ability of Katya (and her dad, who can't even swim) to act under water. The main characters are ready to take risks without hesitation if they see that someone needs their help. Paraphrasing, we can say that it is their willingness to help, that is, the strength of their love for people, that endows them with “magic” (extraordinary) properties.
The greatest treasure in this story is not a chest of stolen treasures. (Why? How can one prove this? “- Yes, a joke with them, with jewels!” Scientists shout with each other. “You are our greatest treasure!”). Moreover, we must come to the conclusion that it is not Katya and dad themselves who are priceless (because they know how to do some fantastic tricks) and not Bubbles (because he is an “experienced diver”). The life of any person is priceless.

What act of Katya and dad confirms that the main value is human life?
Is it correct that this story is placed in this chapter?
What chapter of the textbook
second class can it be placed?

Thus, this story would be well suited for the chapter “On Real and Fake Wealth” (Literary Reading, Grade 2). You can pay attention to the funny in this story. Is the “experienced diver” Puzyrev so experienced? All his experience is only enough to not go anywhere along the bottom, to stand still and courageously wait for help to come. Are scientists really smart? Not only are they “inexperienced in diving,” they “have thrown so many lifebuoys that you won’t get out of the water. The net had to catch everyone. Dad confesses that he can’t swim at all, and worries about Katya’s wet feet at the moment when Katya is already diving for a diver (in the story “Playing Birds” he worries about Katya’s throat while the girl is flying).

Reading lesson in 3rd grade. Lesson topic: Tim Sobakin "Bird Game". Objectives of the lesson: 1. Continue to work on the formation of the skills and abilities of conscious and expressive reading, using reading the text in roles. 2. Using a system of questions, encourage children to repeatedly reread and review the text for various reasons: while reading by role, in search of the desired fragment, to confirm their answer. 3. To note that thanks to the author's vivid imagination, it seems that wonderful, unusual abilities can be found in any person with imagination and a developed imagination, ordinary objects become wonderful 4. Planned results, students should learn to evaluate the actions of heroes; determine the topic and highlight the main idea (with the help of a teacher); analyze the meaning of the title of the work; distinguish genres of works; find in the text evidence of the thoughts and feelings of the author. Personal UUD: The ability to self-assessment based on the criterion of the success of educational activities. Meta-subject: Be able to define and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of a teacher; be able to express their own assumptions based on work with the material of the textbook; plan your action in accordance with the task Cognitive: work with the text: highlight the topic and main idea (idea, experience), different life positions (points of view, attitudes, mindsets) in it Communicative: work with a desk mate, in a small group, in a large group: distribute work and roles among themselves, do their part of the work and integrate it into the general working field Be able to formulate their thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; learn to work in a group, formulate your own opinion and position Subject: Be able to find words from the explanatory dictionary Lesson progress. SLIDE 1 I. Organizational moment. II. Knowledge update. 1. Guys, what is the name of the chapter we are working on now? ("Trying to understand why people fantasize") SLIDE 2 2. We have already read enough of the works from this chapter. And you probably already figured out why people fantasize? (To make boring and inconspicuous things alive and animated, so that everything around becomes alive and joyful.) Let's check how attentive you were while working on your last work .. SLIDE 3 What is it called? Who is its author? 3. Work in groups (test) 4. Check. SLIDE 4 What do you think Grandma was more upset about: his disobedience, or the broken steamboat? And if it were possible to return everything back, would Borya do this a second time, or would he behave differently? What would you do if you were Bori? What advice would you give to a hero? (Do not do this: do not deceive the elders; would you advise the hero? (Do not do this: do not deceive the elders; be obedient; do not break the given word).

Pair work Which proverb will you choose as advice? SLIDE 5 Not everything comes true, what you want. He gave his word - hold on, and if you didn’t give it - be strong. And he wanted a lot, but he didn’t catch anything. SLIDE 6 Guys, do you already know the poet Tim Sobakin? SLIDE 7 (Author's note) Remember, in the first grade, you read an unusual poem "about a hippopotamus and a fly?" SLIDE 8 Let's read it. Sounds do not need to be counted while reading! You just buzz a little! (Reading a poem by T. Sobakin “Like a clever hippopotamus chasing a cheeky fly in a cramped room with a lot of glassware” by students). III. Setting lesson goals. Today we will read another work by this author. Read what is it called? (“Playing Birds”) Set tasks for yourself for the lesson: - learn to read consciously and expressively, using reading by roles based on color marks in the text - answer questions using the text SLIDE 9 understand why people fantasize. IV. Work on the topic of the lesson. 1. A story about a writer. 2. Reading a story. What sign did you notice while reading the story? dictionary of set expressions) Which expression should we explain? What sign did you notice while reading the story? dictionary of set expressions) Which expression should we explain? He froze as if rooted to the spot." (Completely still, frozen in place) (Working with (Working with SLIDE 10 “Frozen in place.” (Absolutely motionless, frozen in place 2. Reading part 1 by roles. Let's try to read the first part by roles. What roles did you notice in this part? (The roles of the author, Katya and dad.) Reading part 1 by roles.Guys, find in this part the most important words of the whole work: they explain why any miracle in the world is possible.(Children find the words: "Of course, confidently, said dad. - If you really want, you can learn everything in the world!") Do you agree with this statement? (Yes, only a stubborn person can achieve the goal.) 3. Reading part 2. - Read part 2 in an undertone, to yourself. Do dad and Katya react differently to the fact that dad managed to get off the ground and fly? (yes, in different ways) How did dad react to his flight? (He was confused, a little scared) Read the lines where this is said.(Reading the lines “And when he noticed that his legs were walking in the air, he got a little scared, stopped waving his arms - and almost fell into a puddle.)

Guys, dad seems to want to distract himself from what happened to him, and pays attention to everyday little things. Read which ones. (Well, the shoes are dirty, dad sighed, shaking off dirty drops from his hat How does Katya react? (Surprised, enthusiastic) Read the lines where this is said. (Katya opened her mouth with delight: Dad! You did it! You flew! ) 4. Reading part 3 by roles Look at the third part of the text How many people will it take to read it by roles Name the roles (dad, author, old woman) Reading part 3 by roles Did dad quickly get used to the fact that his daughter learned to fly? (not really) Why do you think so? What in the text confirms your opinion? Who helped dad treat his daughter’s flight as a manifestation of ordinary earthly abilities? (Old lady) After talking with the old woman, dad was able to treat his daughter’s flight as a manifestation ordinary earthly abilities. He came to his senses a little and even began to give advice to his daughter, as if she were riding a bicycle. Read dad's advice. (Daughter! It's cool over the water. Don't fly for a long time! And tie your scarf tighter. - Or you'll catch a cold.) V. Dynamic pause. Guys, do you want to fly yourself? Let's play the game "Flies - does not fly." Stand up, you will “flap your wings” if I name an object that means a flying insect or bird, and if it is a non-flying object, stand still. Ready? Dragonfly, school desk, house, helicopter, book, plane, briefcase, butterfly, cat, swans, sparrow, tractor. VI. Independent creative use of the formed skills and abilities. Pair work. Is "Playing Birds" a story or a fairy tale? Let's turn to the textbook and open pages 116117 and remember what is the difference between a fairy tale and a story. SLIDE 11 (This is a story, because it tells a case from life, even if it is fictional, in order to reveal the characters of specific people and show their relationships. Events in this text develop as in ordinary life, that is, they obey the case, and not strict fairy-tale laws.) Guys, why do you think the author fantasized about the flights of people in the sky? He invented such a fantastic ability for a person as the ability to fly like a bird in order to show that if you have faith in your own strength, great desire and effort, a miracle can happen: you can learn very complex things that seemed impossible. Guys, what is the main idea of ​​this work? SLIDE 12 (With a very strong desire and diligence, you can learn the most difficult and seemingly impossible things) And now a little surprise. You have received a letter from the author of this work, Tim Sobakin. Listen to him. A LITTLE LETTER TO THE READER SLIDE 13 The main thing is to avoid inner emptiness. Then you will never be bored anywhere. Do all sorts of useful things and try to achieve success in them! Remember that “it is not strength that wins, but constancy of effort” (this is what the ancients said). And of course, read on! A book is a being of a spiritual nature. Also, learn to be happy! Though it's hard... Tim Sobakin

VII. Independent work in a notebook 34 - 35 poem by S Kozlov "December" VIII. Summing up the lesson. SLIDE 15 Why did the author write the story? (Do not act like this, do not deceive elders, be obedient, obsession with fantasy leads to cunning, deception.) IX. Reflection. Complete the sentence: Today I learned….. I realized that…. Now I can... I feel like... IX . Homework SLIDE 14 Textbook part I, page 134 138 Reading by roles, Reading and retelling. Composing the story "A miracle in my life" X. Self-esteem

Appendix Evaluate your work in the lesson according to the criteria: Self-assessment sheet I completed all tasks quickly and without errors I was (a) active throughout the lesson I read without errors, expressively I brought my answers ) benefit to the whole group I understood everything and can help others. My grade for the lesson Test on the work "How I caught the little men." 1. This work: a) a story; b) a story; c) fairy tale. 2. The author of this work: a) K. Chukovsky; b) B. Zhitkov; c) P. Bazhov. 3. Name of the main character: a) Leo; b) Senya; c) Boris. 4. Who lived with the boy? a) mother b) at the grandmother's; c) my aunt. 5. Where, according to the boy, did the little men live? a) in the house b) on a steamboat; c) on a bench. 6. How many pipes did the steamer have? a) one b) two c) three 7. How many masts did the steamboat have? a) one b) two c) three

8. Why didn't the grandmother let the boy touch the steamboat? a) it was painted b) it was a dear memory for her c) the steamboat was old 9. Why didn't Grandma remove the steamboat, although she was going to do so? a) went to visit b) decided that the grandson would not dare to take him c) the grandson gave his word of honor 10. What did the boy do? a) good, because he was inquisitive and persistent; b) badly, because he deceived and ruined an expensive memorabilia. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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