Timur Kizyakov revealed the truth about financial crimes. Timur Kizyakov, host of the program "So far, everyone is at home": biography, personal life Where did Timur Kizyakov go


Image copyright Sergei Vinogradov/TASS Image caption Timur Kizyakov did not agree with the claims of Channel One against him and his wife

The first channel decided to close the program "So far, everyone is at home" after the scandal with "video passports". According to media reports, the channel's management found it unacceptable that the companies of host Timur Kizyakov received exclusive rights and funding to produce charity videos about orphans. Kizyakov himself does not consider these claims justified.

The fact that Channel One terminated the contract with the producer of the program "So far, everyone is at home" was reported by RBC on August 15, citing sources on the channel. The creator and host of the program, Timur Kizyakov, confirmed to the BBC Russian Service that the program would no longer air on Channel One.

The producer of the transmission was the Dom company, 49% owned by Kizyakov himself.

The decision to terminate the contract between the TV channel and the production company was made back in May, Kizyakov says. At the end of May, "Dom" notified the management of Channel One that "the methods of the channel's management" were unacceptable, the host claims.

“I don’t want to stir up this topic, but, for example, when a company writes to a channel on production issues, and the channel does not respond to letters at all, how should I deal with this? How should I deal with the fact that the channel delays funding? And delays happened all the time ", - said the TV presenter.

Scandal with "video passports"

However, according to RBC sources, the reason for the closure of the program on Channel One is the scandal that erupted in the fall of 2016 with the "video passports" of orphans.

Commercial companies linked to Kizyakov received more than 100 million rubles ($1.6 million) from the state to produce videos about orphans, Vedomosti calculated.

These videos were shown in the section "You will have a child", which was hosted by Elena Kizyakova's wife as part of "So far, everyone is at home." At the end of the video, viewers were shown a phone number where they could get advice about adopting a child.

The indignation of the heads of charitable organizations and the media was caused by the fact that Kizyakov's companies became the owners of the exclusive right to produce such videos and receive subsidies from the state for them.

Kizyakov registered the video passport trademark, and only they could receive tenders from the Ministry of Education for the creation of such products. The creation of one video cost 100 thousand rubles (1.7 thousand dollars), the Ministry of Education said.

In addition, as a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science told at one of the meetings (TASS correspondent Tatyana Vinogradova cited his words on her Facebook), Kizyakov sued other charitable organizations that also tried to create similar projects.

Image copyright Boris Kavashkin, Alexandre Yakovlev/TASS Image caption Kizyakov led the program "So far, everyone is at home" for 25 years and twice received the TEFI award for it.

According to RBC, on Channel One they found out that the Dom company received money for the column from the TV channel, from the state and from sponsors. The management of the TV channel considered that this spoils the reputation of the TV channel.

"Bone in the Throat"

Kizyakov does not consider the claims justified. According to him, “So far, everyone is at home” is a “bone in the throat” for competitors who also shoot videos about orphans. However, he did not specify what kind of programs in question.

"As long as we exist, we have and with whom to compare. Look carefully at these programs through the eyes of a potential adoptive parent - what information will give you a reason to go to your child across the country?" Kizyakov says.

He stressed that thanks to the heading "You will have a child" in "While everyone is at home" 2.5 thousand children from orphanages left for families. "And when 20-30 thousand videos are filmed, and five children are arranged, the efficiency is zero," he believes, calling the competitors' content "props" and "visibility."

Kizyakov said that all funding for the production of video passports came from government agencies - the Ministry of Education and Science or regional authorities.

"In order for a child to be seen, a certain amount of information is needed, a certain amount of professional work," he explained.

At the same time, Kizyakov claims that the sponsor of the rubric - the manufacturer of the tiles - had nothing to do with the videos, and the sponsor's gift goes to the children's institution where the child hero of the rubric lives. Kizyakov included the expenses for the trip of journalists to the orphanage in the estimate for the production of the program - it was assumed that Channel One would pay for this.

“I wonder how the channel will comment that the presenters are leaving one by one. We will not make excuses, but will continue to do what we were doing. The program may die, but it cannot die,” Kizyakov said. He added that he is considering the possibility of signing a contract with another TV channel and continue to show "So far, everyone is at home."

The press service of Channel One did not comment on the BBC information about Kizyakov's departure.

"So far, everyone is at home" has been broadcast on Channel One since 1992 on Sundays. The TV presenter came to visit celebrities and talked with their families.

According to the TV meter Mediascope (former TNS), the program "So far, everyone is at home" has recently been in the second half of the rating "100 most popular programs among Russians over the age of 4 years." The rating of issues of "So far, everyone is at home" in the spring did not exceed 3%.

The program "So far, everyone is at home" is an old-timer on Channel One. Her story began in 1992. Many residents of the country could not imagine their Sunday morning without watching this TV show. Her presenter received twice

What is the program about

Viewers like to learn new interesting facts about the life of their idols. The host of the program "While everyone is at home" visited various celebrities. Over a cup of tea and treats, a conversation was held about the life and career of the guests of the program. Famous people talked about their family life and plans for the future. They boasted about the achievements of their children and grandchildren.

It is difficult to find a famous actor, athlete, singer, presenter, politician who has not been visited by Timur Kizyakov. The program "So far, everyone is at home" had several headings. The most popular for 18 years was "Crazy Hands".

In it, Andrey Bakhmetyev, out of completely ordinary, and sometimes unnecessary things, made devices useful in everyday life.

Why did this section disappear?

What happened to the program "So far, everyone is at home" and where did Bakhmetyev disappear to? More often there is a version according to which the host of the program “So far, everyone is at home” became the culprit for the closure of “Crazy Hands”. Timur Kizyakov thus freed up time to expand the heading "You will have a child", which was led by his wife.

Spectators perceived this innovation negatively. Because Andrei Bakhmetiev brought a lot of humor and positive emotions to the program. Also, his inventions and devices were in demand among the inhabitants of the country.

Now Andrey is in China and successfully uses his skills in large companies. He left television quietly and without scandal, which once again proved that he has the qualities of a real man.

What happened to the program "While everyone is at home"?

LLC "Dom" was engaged in the filming and release of the program. In this company, Timur Kizyakov was a co-owner. He had 49% of the shares and solved many issues on his own. Recently, his decisions in many respects did not coincide with the opinion of the leadership of Channel One, and minor quarrels happened on a regular basis.

Also in the rating of "100 Russia" (from 4 years old) "So far, everyone is at home", according to the audience, took a place below 50. This indicates that people's interest has noticeably decreased and a new vision and concept of the program should be sought. Kizyakov strongly disagreed with this turn of events and considered this result to be an intrigue of competitors.

Why the program "So far everyone is at home" was closed: the version of the Channel One guide

With the appearance of the heading "You will have a child," the concept of the transfer was somewhat changed. claims that Dom LLC received funding from the state, sponsors and directly from the channel.

Thus, the company earned a lot of money from maintaining this section. According to reports, shooting one video about an orphan child cost 100 thousand rubles. In total, the Dom company received about 100 million rubles for maintaining this column, and this is only state funding.

To this amount is added money from the TV channel and sponsors. According to experts, shooting videos of such costs cannot be worth it. Therefore, it was decided to terminate the contract with LLC "Dom" and stop showing the program "So far, everyone is at home."

On August 15, there was an official announcement that the project would no longer appear on the screens of Channel One. The management considers the funding situation of "You will have a child" scandalous and does not want to spoil their image.

Timur Kizyakov's version

The host insists that the reason for the closure of the project was a slightly different reason. Why did they close the program "So far, everyone is at home" according to his version? With the start of the "You will have a child" project, Kizyakov bought a license for this type of activity. Therefore, other directors could not shoot such videos. Even if such daredevils appeared, the Dom company sorted things out with them in court.

Kizyakov notes that during the existence of this rubric, more than two and a half thousand children were adopted in the program. He believes that for the sake of such results, one can work more and more, and no matter how much money is needed for this. The presenter points out that high-quality videos with complete information about the child were shot with the allocated money. After these stories, future parents responded in a very short time.

Kizyakov also claims that a significant gift was bought with the money of sponsors after each video and was given to an orphanage or boarding school in which the little hero of the plot is brought up.

Timur insists that he was the first to file for consideration the termination of the contract with Channel One. He had long been dissatisfied with the attitude of the leadership towards his transfer. According to the presenter, no one answered his letters with working questions about the filming of the program, and he had to stubbornly seek a meeting with the leaders. There were also delays in financing the project by Channel One, which have recently become regular.

Will there be further transmission?

Kizyakov believes that the love of the audience has not decreased, and they are all also fans of the program "So far, everyone is at home." The presenter claims that he will negotiate with other television channels in order for the program to continue to air.

He also points out that all conspiracies and intrigues are weaved by his competitors who want to start shooting videos about orphans. Timur is not going to give up and together with his wife will continue this work.

The presenter has plans to continue the next shootings with celebrities and has already prepared several scenarios. He denies all financial fraud with the shooting of commercials and considers this to be just a negative activity of competitors in his direction.

Last week, TV viewers were shocked by the news that the program “So far, everyone is at home” will no longer air on Channel One due to the fact that its permanent presenter Timur Kizyakov was suspected of making money from orphans. It turned out that three sources allocated funds for the production of videos about children left without parental care - the television company, the state and sponsors. According to journalists, the audit confirmed information about financial fraud.

The TV journalist himself denies such accusations and claims that they are stuffing in order to ruin his reputation. Timur Kizyakov decided to respond in detail to the claims addressed to him on his Facebook page. The man posted a post titled “Punishment Without Crime” detailing the violations he is accused of.

So, the presenter is often reproached for registering the name "Video Passport", but he considers his actions "absolutely normal, correct and legal step." According to Kizyakov, everyone who starts serious work should do this.

After video passports began to gain popularity, one company, formerly engaged in apartment renovation, won a competition to create stories. As a result, its employees presented low-quality products, according to Kizyakov. Timur and his colleagues decided to sue the organization. The man stressed that this was the only time they decided to resolve the conflict in the legal field.

“The attackers got to work and released a video that caused bitterness, shame and indignation, a miserable hack, called a video passport!” - said the host.

In his address to the public, Kizyakov also commented on the cost of completing a video questionnaire for a child left without parental care. The presenter and his colleagues claim that 100 thousand rubles is not a fabulously high amount for such work.

“Video passports are taken only by professional equipment, only by broadcast specialists with medical books and receipts for non-disclosure of information about children that is closed by law. 100 thousand is the cost of work on one video passport, for 10 years it has not changed (although everything has risen in price: equipment, rent, transport, accommodation), and this official information has been on the Web for ten years. All contracts clearly show that the total amount of the contract is always a multiple of the number of passports produced,” he said.

// Photo: Frame of the program "While everyone is at home"

Kizyakov added that he often had to buy tickets separately and pay for accommodation for employees when it came to traveling to other regions. “Funding only goes to video passports,” the presenter added, stating that the “You are going to have a baby” column is not funded from three sources, as previously claimed. Kizyakov also disclosed the terms of his company's contract with third-party organizations that bought the broadcast of the TV show.

Then Kizyakov said how the creation of video passports differs from the heading "You will have a child." According to him, these are two different formats, the production of each of which has its own characteristics.

MOSCOW, 15 August. /TASS/. TV presenter Timur Kizyakov, together with the project “So far, everyone is at home,” left Channel One of his own free will back in May, after a scandal with video passports of orphans who were looking for adoptive parents as part of the program. This was reported to TASS on Tuesday by Kizyakov himself.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that the program would no longer be aired on Channel One. On the channel's website, its last release is dated June 4, 2017. Timur Kizyakov has been the permanent host of the program since 1992. His wife Elena led the column "You will have a child."

"On May 27 or 28, Channel One received an official letter from the Dom TV company, the producer of the Poka Vse Dom program, with a seal, signature, with an outgoing and incoming number, that we are stopping the release of the Poka Vse Doma program for Channel One. channel. The main reason is that the methods of the leadership of Channel One have become unacceptable for us," he said.

According to Kizyakov, the program did not feel support and protection from Channel One in the situation with video passports. The TV presenter emphasized that it is unfair to blame the program for overpriced expenses (100 thousand rubles for a video passport), since the film crew prepares a 40-minute high-quality film about each child according to a special scenario, travel expenses are also needed for trips to the regions. It is incorrect to compare this product with short video clips about children that are being prepared by some foundations involved in adoption, Kizyakov believes. Kizyakov did not answer the question about the further fate of the project.

"It is comforting that 2.5 thousand children are in families," he concluded.

Kizyakov also did not rule out the possibility of going to court. "Now we'll see if it crosses the line of some kind of generally abnormal, if there is a reason, then it is quite possible," he said, without specifying against whom lawsuits are possible.

The press service of Channel One did not comment on the situation around Kizyakov and the program "So far, everyone is at home."

One of the TV companies that works with Channel One told TASS that an internal investigation of Channel One was initiated against Kizyakov in April after publications on social networks about video passports for orphans and courts for the sole use of this term. "The decision to prepare a new program (instead of "So far, everyone is at home" - TASS note) was made back in April," the source said.

About video passports

In 2014, the Ministry of Education and Science implemented a pilot project in the Moscow, Astrakhan and Pskov regions to create and post online videos about children left without parental care. Such videos contain stories and reviews about children from their friends, educators, educators, teachers and other professionals.

At the end of 2016, the head of the department of state policy in the field of protecting the rights of children of the Ministry of Education and Science, Yevgeny Silyanov, said that the only executor of the state contract for issuing video passports for orphans for three years was the company of TV presenter Timur Kizyakov, who invented the Video Passport information retrieval system. According to a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2014 the organization shot 150 videos about orphans, in 2015 - 100, in 2016 - also 100 videos, and the cost of one video passport was 100 thousand rubles.

These figures and the fact that the company was suing other organizations that also created video passports for orphans caused a discussion on social networks and in the media.

August 16, 2017

The presenter named the reasons why they stopped filming the program "So far, everyone is at home."

Timur Kizyakov no longer works on Channel One / Photo: globallook

The new television season has not yet begun, but many changes have already taken place on Channel One. Andrey Malakhov no longer hosts the talk show "Let them talk," him, and several broadcasts have already been released with his participation. At this time, since his wife Natalya Shkuleva is pregnant. Also channel. Now he will host a show on the NTV channel.

Yesterday it became known that . For 25 years he hosted the entertainment program “So far, everyone is at home,” and now its shooting has been stopped. Today, the TV presenter told why this happened. He confirmed that he was leaving Channel One, and admitted that back in May an official letter was written for the channel's management, in which he announced the cessation of filming the program "So far, everyone is at home."

“Under the current conditions, it is no longer possible to work. Those methods of leadership are unacceptable to us” – this is the main idea of ​​the letter, according to him. Kizyakov noted that he himself left the TV channel, although the media report that he was fired.

Earlier there were rumors that the TV presenter was leaving Channel One due to the scandal that occurred in December last year. Then the charity column “You will have a child” was suspected of additional funding. Timur denied these rumors, and also said that he would try to continue doing this charity project for as long as he and his wife had the strength. He intends to continue helping orphans. Kizyakov also told Komsomolskaya Pravda radio that the program “So far, everyone is at home” will not be closed, but will switch to another channel, as it is in demand.

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