Tolstoy works for children. The best works of Tolstoy for children


Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a great Russian writer who created over 279 literary works. In our article you will get acquainted with the list of the best and most popular books of this author.


War and Peace

"War and Peace" is an epic four-volume novel written during the hostilities of 1805-1812. Tolstoy was inspired by the ongoing events, which is why he decided to create this masterpiece. The action of the book takes place during the war with Napoleon (Russia was an ally of Austria, also participating in this conflict). Each volume tells a different story. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

The first volume tells about the life of Russian society in the 19th century, about how people lived in those difficult years, and the stories of the poor and rich social strata are touched upon.

The second volume of the book "War and Peace" describes in detail the arrival of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov to Austria in the town of Braunau, which was made to inspect and assess the power and strength of the Russian army.

The third volume is considered the most "calm and peaceful", as it is dedicated to the love stories of the main characters, in particular the young count's son Pierre Bezukhov.

The fourth part of the novel begins with the invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte's troops on Russian soil.

Tolstoy's books are read by the whole world

Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina is a novel about the unhappy love of a young married woman named Anna Karenina, who was passionately in love with the brave and courageous officer Alexei Vronsky. Also in this work you can find many interesting historical facts about the life of the bourgeois and peasant society of the 19th century. The author describes in detail St. Petersburg of that time, and this happens simultaneously with the love events of the novel.

family happiness

"Family Happiness" is a novel that was first published in the well-known at that time magazine "Russian Messenger" in 1859. The book tells the story of a young village girl who fell in love with the best friend of her recently deceased father - 38-year-old Sergei Mikhailovich. After some time, the man married a young beauty, so the first years of their married life, including quarrels and partings, are described below.


"Resurrection" is a work written in 1899, which is considered the last novel by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. The book tells the story of a court hearing in which the case of the theft of money and the poisoning of the merchant Smelkov, who could not be saved, is being considered, as a result of which he dies. The police managed to establish the identity of three suspects in this crime. What will be next? Who will be made guilty? You can learn about this by reading the book.

an educated person should be familiar with at least a few works of Tolstoy


Christmas night

"Christmas Night" is a short story written in 1853. The book is about a little girl who remembers an old Christmas story told to her by her grandmother. One night, a man went in search of fire in order to warm his wife and newly born child. Along the way, he meets shepherds warming themselves by the fire. The shepherds allowed the stranger to take coals from their fire. They were very surprised that he did not burn himself when he took the red-hot stones in his hands. Who is this mysterious traveler? If you are intrigued, then you need to read this story as soon as possible.

Sevastopol in August 1855

"Sevastopol in August 1855" is a book that is part of a cycle of three works about the defense of the city of Sevastopol, which took place in 1855 during the Crimean War. The story "Sevastopol in August 1855" describes the fate of the young soldier Volodya, who voluntarily went to the front. This work describes military operations, the experiences of the protagonist, his personal idea and impression of the war.


Snowstorm is a short story written by Leo Tolstoy in 1856. The book is written on behalf of the author and begins with a story about how he jumps into a sleigh to a passing coachman and asks to be taken home from the station. On the way, a severe blizzard begins, which the city of Novocherkassk has not seen for a long time lately. It became difficult for the horse to walk, she could hardly see anything because of the blizzard, so the driver decided to turn back. The protagonist tried to help the coachman and decides to get out of the wagon to find a trace of the sleigh, but nothing comes of it. How will they manage to deal with this situation?


"Degraded" is a story that was written in 1856, which is part of the Caucasian cycle of Tolstoy's works. The plot of the book takes place during the Caucasian War in 1850. The story begins with a young prince serving in an artillery battalion of the Russian army. In a small forest clearing near the fire, officers gather to chat and play a game that was popular at that time - towns. Suddenly, a strange stranger appears - a little man in a hare coat, who sits down next to the officers and begins to tell his story. Who is this strange person? You will only learn about this from the book.

Prisoner of the Caucasus

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" - a story that was first published in the magazine "Zarya" in 1873. It tells about the Russian officer Zhilin, who, by an unfortunate coincidence, was captured by the highlanders during the Caucasian War. Zhilin's mother sends him a letter with a request that his son come to see her. The young man immediately decides to go to meet his mother. On the way he is attacked and taken prisoner.


"Filipok" - a story written by Lev Nikolaevich in 1875. The plot describes the life of a little curious boy named Philip, but his mother affectionately calls him "Filipok". The boy is interested in everything that catches his eye. Philip dreams of going to school. Every morning he looks with envy at the older guys who are going to study. One day, he decides to sneak into class. What will he get? You can find out by reading the book.

Surat coffee house

"Surat Coffee House" is a short story created in 1906. It tells about one small coffee shop located in the Indian town of Surat. Travelers, travelers and high-ranking officials were very fond of visiting this place, because excellent coffee was brewed in the Surat coffee house. Once a strange man came here, introducing himself as a theologian. What is the meaning of his appearance? This can be found in the story.

Dream of a young king

"The Dream of the Young Tsar" is a work written in 1958. It tells about the life of a young king who recently took the throne. For almost 5 weeks he worked tirelessly, practically without rest: he signed decrees, attended meetings, received foreign ambassadors and guests. One day he had a strange dream. What was it about? You can learn about this only after reading this book.



"Childhood" is one of the books included in the trilogy of Leo Tolstoy's autobiography, which was written in 1852. The story tells many facts and stories from the life of the writer, describes his experiences, joys, resentments, first love, ups and downs.


"Cossacks" - a story by Lev Nikolaevich, written in 1864. It tells about the Cossack cadet Olenin Dmitry Andreevich, who went from Moscow to the Caucasus to a new place of service. Olenin is located in the small village of Novomlinskaya, located on the banks of the Terek River. A little later, the guy falls in love with the daughter of the owners of the house, from whom he rents housing. The girl's parents are against such a union, because they already have a groom for their daughter in mind. Who is this? You can only learn about this from the book.

Morning of the landowner

"The Morning of the Landowner" is a story created in 1856, which has an autobiographical style of writing. It tells about the 19-year-old prince Nekhlyudov, who comes to his village for the holidays. After living in the capital, the young man was greatly surprised by the poor life of local peasants, so he decides to help unfortunate people. The guy decides to leave the university, return to his native land and engage in agriculture.

Two hussars

"Two Hussars" - a story first published in the Sovremennik magazine in 1857. Lev Nikolaevich dedicated this work to his beloved sister. It tells about the hussar Fyodor Turbin (a count and a well-known secular person at that time), who arrived in a small provincial town, in whose hotel he meets cornet Ilyin, who not so long ago lost a large amount of money in cards. Turbin decides to help the unfortunate man and comes up with a game plan to beat the card sharper. Will they succeed?


"Idyll" is one of the last stories of Leo Tolstoy, written in 1862. In this work, the author describes the life of his family in the village of Yasnaya Polyana, located in the Tula province. The village "idyll" of the Tolstoy family is described in detail in this book.


"Boyhood" is the second story from the autobiographical trilogy of Leo Tolstoy, created in 1855. The book tells about the teenage period of the life of the boy Kolya, who is going through many difficulties: first feelings, betrayal of friends, school exams and admission to a cadet school.


Youth is the last story in an autobiographical trilogy, written in 1857. It describes the life of a young guy Nikolai Irtenyev in his university years, about his friends, their experiences and difficulties that they will face more than once.

Hadji Murad

"Hadji Murad" - a story published in 1890. The book tells about the life of the famous brave Avar Hadji Murad, who fought in the Caucasian War against the Russian army. Hadji Murad goes over to the side of the enemy, abandons his compatriots and runs away from them into the mountains. Further, he tries to establish relations with the Russian soldiers, starting to fight along with them.

Along with this also read

The above works, written by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, are considered one of the best and most famous among readers around the world. But, there are books that are no less popular and interesting. These include:

  • "Polyushka";
  • "Mother";
  • "Diary of a Madman";
  • "Master and worker";
  • "Posthumous notes of the elder Fyodor Kuzmich";
  • "Father Sergius";
  • "The History of Yesterday";
  • "Two horses";
  • "Kholstomer";
  • "Lucerne";
  • "Expensive";
  • "Fake Coupon";
  • "Alyosha Pot";
  • "For what?";
  • "The Power of Childhood";
  • "Father Vasily";
  • "Three Days in the Village";
  • "Khodynka";
  • "Infected family";
  • "Nihilist";
  • "The Fruits of Enlightenment";
  • "Grateful soil";
  • "The Aeronaut's Tale";
  • "Bounce";
  • “The power of darkness, or the Claw is stuck, the whole bird is abyss”;
  • "Pyotr Khlebnik";
  • “All qualities come from her”;
  • "Dramatic treatment of the legend of Agea";
  • "A song about the battle on the Chernaya River on August 4, 1855".

In this article, you learned about the best and most interesting works of Leo Tolstoy. The most popular novels, novellas and short stories were described here. Each of which we recommend reading.

Leo Tolstoy is one of the most famous writers and philosophers in the world. His views and beliefs formed the basis of a whole religious and philosophical movement, which is called Tolstoyism. The literary heritage of the writer amounted to 90 volumes of fiction and journalistic works, diary notes and letters, and he himself was repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature and the Nobel Peace Prize.

"Fulfill all that you have determined to be fulfilled"

Genealogical tree of Leo Tolstoy. Image:

Silhouette of Maria Tolstoy (nee Volkonskaya), mother of Leo Tolstoy. 1810s Image:

Leo Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the estate of Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province. He was the fourth child in a large noble family. Tolstoy was orphaned early. His mother died when he was not yet two years old, and at the age of nine he lost his father. The aunt, Alexandra Osten-Saken, became the guardian of the five Tolstoy children. The two older children moved in with their aunt in Moscow, while the younger ones stayed in Yasnaya Polyana. It is with the family estate that the most important and dearest memories of Leo Tolstoy's early childhood are connected.

In 1841 Alexandra Osten-Saken died and the Tolstoys moved in with their aunt Pelageya Yushkova in Kazan. Three years after the move, Leo Tolstoy decided to enter the prestigious Imperial Kazan University. However, he did not like to study, he considered exams a formality, and university professors - incompetent. Tolstoy did not even try to get a scientific degree, in Kazan he was more attracted to secular entertainment.

In April 1847, Leo Tolstoy's student life ended. He inherited his part of the estate, including his beloved Yasnaya Polyana, and immediately went home without receiving a higher education. In the family estate, Tolstoy tried to improve his life and start writing. He drew up his educational plan: to study languages, history, medicine, mathematics, geography, law, agriculture, natural sciences. However, he soon came to the conclusion that it is easier to make plans than to carry them out.

Tolstoy's asceticism was often replaced by revelry and card games. Wanting to start the right, in his opinion, life, he made a daily routine. But he did not observe it either, and in his diary he again noted dissatisfaction with himself. All these failures prompted Leo Tolstoy to change his lifestyle. The opportunity presented itself in April 1851: the elder brother Nikolai arrived in Yasnaya Polyana. At that time he served in the Caucasus, where the war was going on. Leo Tolstoy decided to join his brother and went with him to a village on the banks of the Terek River.

On the outskirts of the empire, Leo Tolstoy served for almost two and a half years. He whiled away the time hunting, playing cards, and occasionally participating in raids on enemy territory. Tolstoy liked such a solitary and monotonous life. It was in the Caucasus that the story "Childhood" was born. While working on it, the writer found a source of inspiration that remained important to him until the end of his life: he used his own memories and experiences.

In July 1852, Tolstoy sent the manuscript of the story to the Sovremennik magazine and attached a letter: “…I am looking forward to your verdict. He will either encourage me to continue my favorite activities, or make me burn everything I started. ”. Editor Nikolai Nekrasov liked the work of the new author, and soon "Childhood" was published in the magazine. Encouraged by the first success, the writer soon began to continue the "Childhood". In 1854, he published a second story, Boyhood, in the Sovremennik magazine.

"The main thing is literary works"

Leo Tolstoy in his youth. 1851. Image:

Lev Tolstoy. 1848. Image:

Lev Tolstoy. Image:

At the end of 1854, Leo Tolstoy arrived in Sevastopol, the epicenter of hostilities. Being in the thick of things, he created the story "Sevastopol in the month of December." Although Tolstoy was unusually frank in describing battle scenes, the first Sevastopol story was deeply patriotic and glorified the bravery of Russian soldiers. Soon Tolstoy began to work on the second story - "Sevastopol in May". By that time, nothing was left of his pride in the Russian army. The horror and shock that Tolstoy experienced on the front line and during the siege of the city greatly influenced his work. Now he wrote about the meaninglessness of death and the inhumanity of war.

In 1855, from the ruins of Sevastopol, Tolstoy traveled to sophisticated Petersburg. The success of the first Sevastopol story gave him a sense of purpose: “My career is literature, writing and writing! From tomorrow I work all my life or I give up everything, rules, religion, decency - everything ”. In the capital, Leo Tolstoy completed "Sevastopol in May" and wrote "Sevastopol in August 1855" - these essays completed the trilogy. And in November 1856, the writer finally left military service.

Thanks to truthful stories about the Crimean War, Tolstoy entered the St. Petersburg literary circle of the Sovremennik magazine. During this period, he wrote the story "Snowstorm", the story "Two Hussars", finished the trilogy with the story "Youth". However, after some time, relations with writers from the circle deteriorated: “These people disgusted me, and I disgusted myself”. To unwind, in early 1857, Leo Tolstoy went abroad. He visited Paris, Rome, Berlin, Dresden: he got acquainted with famous works of art, met with artists, observed how people live in European cities. Travel did not inspire Tolstoy: he created the story "Lucerne", in which he described his disappointment.

Leo Tolstoy at work. Image:

Leo Tolstoy at Yasnaya Polyana. Image:

Leo Tolstoy tells a fairy tale to his grandchildren Ilyusha and Sonya. 1909. Krekshino. Photo: Vladimir Chertkov /

In the summer of 1857 Tolstoy returned to Yasnaya Polyana. In his native estate, he continued to work on the story "The Cossacks", and also wrote the story "Three Deaths" and the novel "Family Happiness". In his diary, Tolstoy defined his purpose for himself at that time as follows: “The main thing is literary works, then family obligations, then household chores ... And to live for yourself is enough for a good deed every day”.

In 1899 Tolstoy wrote the novel The Resurrection. In this work, the writer criticized the judicial system, the army, the government. The contempt with which Tolstoy described the institution of the church in Resurrection provoked a backlash. In February 1901, the Holy Synod published a resolution on the excommunication of Count Leo Tolstoy from the Church in the journal Tserkovnye Vedomosti. This decision only increased Tolstoy's popularity and drew public attention to the writer's ideals and beliefs.

Tolstoy's literary and social activities became known abroad as well. The writer was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902 and 1909 and for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1902-1906. Tolstoy himself did not want to receive the award and even informed the Finnish writer Arvid Järnefelt to try to prevent the prize from being awarded, because, “if that happened… it would be very unpleasant to refuse” “He [Chertkov] took the unfortunate old man into his hands in every possible way, he separated us, he killed the artistic spark in Lev Nikolayevich and kindled condemnation, hatred, denial, which are felt in Lev Nikolayevich’s recent articles years his foolish evil genius urged him on".

Tolstoy himself was burdened by the life of a landowner and a family man. He sought to bring his life in line with his convictions, and in early November 1910 he secretly left the Yasnaya Polyana estate. The road turned out to be unbearable for an elderly person: on the way he fell seriously ill and was forced to stay at the house of the caretaker of the Astapovo railway station. Here the writer spent the last days of his life. Leo Tolstoy died on November 20, 1910. The writer was buried in Yasnaya Polyana.

Information sheet:

Wonderful cute tales of Leo Tolstoy make an indelible impression on children. Little readers and listeners make unusual discoveries about wildlife, which are given to them in a fabulous form. At the same time, they are interesting to read and easy to understand. For a better perception, some previously written author's fairy tales were later released in processing.

Who is Leo Tolstoy?

He was a famous writer of his time and remains so today. He had an excellent education, knew foreign languages, was fond of classical music. He traveled a lot in Europe, served in the Caucasus.

His author's books have always been published in large editions. Great novels and short stories, short stories and fables - the list of publications amazes with the richness of the author's literary talent. He wrote about love, war, heroism and patriotism. Personally participated in military battles. I saw a lot of grief and complete self-denial of soldiers and officers. He often spoke with bitterness not only of the material, but also of the spiritual poverty of the peasantry. And quite unexpected against the background of his epic and social works were wonderful creations for children.

Why did you start writing for children?

Count Tolstoy did a lot of charity work. On his estate, he opened a school for peasants free of charge. The desire to write for children arose when the first few poor children came to study. In order to open the world around them, to teach them in simple language what is now called natural history, Tolstoy began to write fairy tales.

Why is a writer loved these days?

It turned out so well that even now, children of a completely different generation, with pleasure perceive the works of the count of the 19th century, learn love and kindness for the world around them and animals. As in all literature, Leo Tolstoy was also talented in fairy tales, and loved by his readers.

Leo Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the Tula province (Russia) into a family belonging to the noble class. In the 1860s, he wrote his first major novel, War and Peace. In 1873 Tolstoy began work on the second of his most famous books, Anna Karenina.

He continued to write fiction throughout the 1880s and 1890s. One of his most successful later works is The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Tolstoy died on November 20, 1910 in Astapovo, Russia.

First years of life

September 9, 1828, in Yasnaya Polyana (Tula province, Russia), the future writer Leo Tolstoy was born. He was the fourth child in a large noble family. In 1830, when Tolstoy's mother, nee Princess Volkonskaya, died, the father's cousin took over the care of the children. Their father, Count Nikolai Tolstoy, died seven years later, and their aunt was appointed guardian. After the death of his aunt, Leo Tolstoy, his brothers and sisters moved to the second aunt in Kazan. Although Tolstoy experienced many losses at an early age, he later idealized his childhood memories in his work.

It is important to note that the primary education in Tolstoy's biography was received at home, lessons were given to him by French and German teachers. In 1843 he entered the Faculty of Oriental Languages ​​at the Imperial Kazan University. Tolstoy failed to excel in his studies - low grades forced him to move to an easier law faculty. Further academic difficulties led Tolstoy to eventually leave the Imperial Kazan University in 1847 without a degree. He returned to his parents' estate, where he planned to take up farming. However, this undertaking of his ended in failure - he was absent too often, leaving for Tula and Moscow. What he really excelled at was keeping his own diary - it was this lifelong habit that inspired Leo Tolstoy for most of his writings.

Tolstoy was fond of music, his favorite composers were Schumann, Bach, Chopin, Mozart, Mendelssohn. Lev Nikolaevich could play their works for several hours a day.

One day, Tolstoy's older brother, Nikolai, came to visit Leo during his army leave, and convinced his brother to join the army as a cadet in the south, in the Caucasus mountains, where he served. After serving as a cadet, Leo Tolstoy was transferred to Sevastopol in November 1854, where he fought in the Crimean War until August 1855.

Early publications

During his Junker years in the army, Tolstoy had a lot of free time. During quiet periods, he worked on an autobiographical story called The Childhood. In it, he wrote about his favorite childhood memories. In 1852 Tolstoy submitted the story to Sovremennik, the most popular magazine of the day. The story was gladly received, and it became Tolstoy's first publication. Since that time, critics have placed him on a par with already well-known writers, among whom were Ivan Turgenev (with whom Tolstoy became friends), Ivan Goncharov, Alexander Ostrovsky and others.

After completing the story "Childhood", Tolstoy began to write about his daily life in an army outpost in the Caucasus. The work "Cossacks" begun in the army years, he finished only in 1862, after he had already left the army.

Surprisingly, Tolstoy managed to continue writing during active battles in the Crimean War. During this time he wrote Boyhood (1854), the sequel to Childhood, the second book in Tolstoy's autobiographical trilogy. At the height of the Crimean War, Tolstoy expressed his opinion about the striking contradictions of the war through the trilogy of works "Sevastopol Tales". In the second book of the Sevastopol Tales, Tolstoy experimented with a relatively new technique: part of the story is presented as a narration from the point of view of a soldier.

After the end of the Crimean War, Tolstoy left the army and returned to Russia. Arriving home, the author enjoyed great popularity on the literary scene of St. Petersburg.

Stubborn and arrogant, Tolstoy refused to belong to any particular philosophical school. Declaring himself an anarchist, he left for Paris in 1857. Once there, he lost all his money and was forced to return home to Russia. He also succeeded in publishing Youth, the third part of an autobiographical trilogy, in 1857.

Returning to Russia in 1862, Tolstoy published the first of 12 issues of the thematic magazine Yasnaya Polyana. In the same year, he married the daughter of a doctor named Sofya Andreevna Bers.

Major novels

Living in Yasnaya Polyana with his wife and children, Tolstoy spent much of the 1860s writing his first known novel, War and Peace. Part of the novel was first published in Russkiy Vestnik in 1865 under the title "1805". By 1868 he had produced three more chapters. A year later, the novel was completely finished. Both critics and the public have debated the historical validity of the novel's Napoleonic Wars, coupled with the development of the stories of its thoughtful and realistic yet fictional characters. The novel is also unique in that it includes three long satirical essays on the laws of history. Among the ideas that Tolstoy also tries to convey in this novel is the conviction that the position of a person in society and the meaning of human life are mainly derivatives of his daily activities.

After the success of War and Peace in 1873, Tolstoy began work on the second of his most famous books, Anna Karenina. It was partly based on real events during the war between Russia and Turkey. Like War and Peace, this book describes some biographical events in the life of Tolstoy himself, this is especially evident in the romantic relationship between the characters of Kitty and Levin, which is said to be reminiscent of Tolstoy's courtship of his own wife.

The opening lines of Anna Karenina are among the most famous: "All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Anna Karenina was published in installments from 1873 to 1877, and was highly acclaimed by the public. The fees received for the novel rapidly enriched the writer.


Despite the success of Anna Karenina, after the completion of the novel, Tolstoy experienced a spiritual crisis and was depressed. The next stage of the biography of Leo Tolstoy is characterized by a search for the meaning of life. The writer first turned to the Russian Orthodox Church, but did not find answers to his questions there. He concluded that the Christian churches were corrupt and, instead of an organized religion, promoted their own beliefs. He decided to express these convictions by founding a new publication in 1883 called The Mediator.
As a result, for his non-standard and contradictory spiritual beliefs, Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Russian Orthodox Church. He was even watched by the secret police. When Tolstoy, driven by his new conviction, wanted to give away all his money and give up everything superfluous, his wife was categorically against it. Not wanting to escalate the situation, Tolstoy reluctantly agreed to a compromise: he transferred to his wife the copyright and, apparently, all deductions for his work until 1881.

Late fiction

In addition to his religious treatises, Tolstoy continued to write fiction throughout the 1880s and 1890s. Among the genres of his later works were moral stories and realistic fiction. One of the most successful of his later works was the story The Death of Ivan Ilyich, written in 1886. The protagonist struggles to fight the death hanging over him. In short, Ivan Ilyich is horrified at the realization that he wasted his life on trifles, but the realization of this comes to him too late.

In 1898 Tolstoy wrote Father Sergius, a work of fiction in which he criticizes the beliefs he developed after his spiritual transformation. The following year, he wrote his third voluminous novel, Resurrection. The work received good reviews, but this success is unlikely to match the level of recognition of his previous novels. Tolstoy's other late works are essays on art, a satirical play entitled The Living Corpse, written in 1890, and a story called Hadji Murad (1904), which was discovered and published after his death. In 1903, Tolstoy wrote a short story "After the Ball", which was first published after his death, in 1911.

Old age

During his later years, Tolstoy reaped the benefits of international recognition. However, he still struggled to reconcile his spiritual beliefs with the tensions he created in his family life. His wife not only disagreed with his teachings, she did not approve of his students, who regularly visited Tolstoy in the family estate. In an effort to avoid the growing discontent of his wife, in October 1910 Tolstoy and his youngest daughter Alexandra went on a pilgrimage. Alexandra was a doctor for her elderly father during the trip. Trying not to flaunt their private lives, they traveled incognito, hoping to evade unnecessary inquiries, but this was sometimes to no avail.

Death and legacy

Unfortunately, the pilgrimage proved too burdensome for the aging writer. In November 1910, the head of the small Astapovo railway station opened the doors of his house for Tolstoy so that the ailing writer could rest. Shortly thereafter, on November 20, 1910, Tolstoy died. He was buried in the family estate, Yasnaya Polyana, where Tolstoy lost so many people close to him.

To this day, Tolstoy's novels are considered among the finest achievements of literary art. War and Peace is often cited as the greatest novel ever written. In the modern scientific community, Tolstoy is widely recognized as having a gift for describing the unconscious motives of character, the refinement of which he advocated by emphasizing the role of everyday actions in determining the character and goals of people.

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This book for family reading contains the best works of Leo Tolstoy, which for more than a century have been loved by both preschoolers and demanding teenagers.

The main characters of the stories are children, "troubled", "dexterous", and therefore close to modern boys and girls. The book teaches love - for a person and everything that surrounds him: nature, animals, native land. She is kind and bright, like all the work of a brilliant writer.

Artists Nadezhda Lukina, Irina and Alexander Chukavin.

Lev Tolstoy
All the best for children



There was a boy, his name was Philip.

All the boys went to school. Philip took his hat and wanted to go too. But his mother told him:

Where are you going, Filipok?

To school.

You are still small, do not go, - and his mother left him at home.

The guys went to school. Father left for the forest in the morning, mother went to day job. Filipok remained in the hut and grandmother on the stove. Filipka became bored alone, grandmother fell asleep, and he began to look for a hat. I didn’t find my own, I took my father’s old one and went to school.

The school was outside the village near the church. When Philip walked through his settlement, the dogs did not touch him, they knew him. But when he went out to other people's yards, a bug jumped out, barked, and behind the bug - a big dog, Volchok. Filipok started to run, the dogs behind him. Filipok began to scream, stumbled and fell.

A man came out, drove the dogs away and said:

Where are you, the shooter, running alone?

Filipok said nothing, picked up the floors and started running at full speed.

He ran to the school. There is no one on the porch, and in the school, you can hear the voices of the children buzzing. Fear came over Filipka: "What will the teacher drive me away?" And he began to think what to do. Back to go - again the dog will seize, to go to school - the teacher is afraid.

A woman with a bucket walked past the school and said:

Everyone is learning, and why are you standing here?

Filipok went to school. In the vestibule he took off his hat and opened the door. The school was full of kids. Everyone shouted their own, and the teacher in a red scarf walked in the middle.

What are you? he shouted at Philip.

Filipok grabbed his hat and said nothing.

Who are you?

Filipok was silent.

Or are you dumb?

Filipok was so frightened that he could not speak.

So go home if you don't want to talk.

But Filipok would be glad to say something, but his throat was dry from fear. He looked at the teacher and wept. Then the teacher felt sorry for him. He stroked his head and asked the guys who this boy was.

This is Filipok, Kostyushkin's brother, he has been asking for school for a long time, but his mother does not let him in, and he came to school furtively.

Well, sit down on the bench next to your brother, and I'll ask your mother to let you go to school.

The teacher began showing Filipok the letters, but Filipok already knew them and could read a little.

Well, put down your name.

Filipok said:

Hwe-i-hvi, le-i-li, pe-ok-pok.

Everyone laughed.

Well done, said the teacher. - Who taught you to read?

Filipok dared and said:

Kosciuszka. I'm poor, I immediately understood everything. What a dexterous passion I am!

The teacher laughed and said:

You wait to boast, but learn.

Since then, Filipok began to go to school with the guys.


Two people on the street found a book together and began to argue who should take it.

The third walked by and asked:

So why do you need a book? You argue anyway, like two bald men fought over a comb, but there was nothing to scratch yourself.

lazy daughter

The mother and daughter took out a tub of water and wanted to carry it into the hut.

Daughter said:

It's hard to carry, give me some salt and water.

Mother said:

You yourself will drink at home, and if you pour it, you will have to go another time.

Daughter said:

I won't drink at home, but here I'll get drunk all day.

Old grandfather and granddaughter

The grandfather became very old. His legs could not walk, his eyes could not see, his ears could not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it flowed back from his mouth. The son and daughter-in-law stopped putting him at the table, and let him dine at the stove.

They took him down once to dine in a cup. He wanted to move it, but dropped it and broke it. The daughter-in-law began to scold the old man for spoiling everything in the house and breaking cups, and said that now she would give him dinner in the pelvis. The old man just sighed and said nothing.

Once a husband and wife sit at home and look - their little son plays planks on the floor - something works out. The father asked:

What are you doing, Misha?

And Misha says:

It's me, father, I'm doing the pelvis. When you and your mother are old, to feed you from this pelvis.

Husband and wife looked at each other and wept. They felt ashamed that they had offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to put him at the table and look after him.


Mother bought plums and wanted to give them to the children after dinner.

They were on a plate. Vanya never ate plums and kept sniffing them. And he really liked them. I really wanted to eat. He kept walking past the plums. When no one was in the room, he could not resist, grabbed one plum and ate it.

Before dinner, the mother counted the plums and sees that one is missing. She told her father.

At dinner, the father says:

And what, children, has anyone eaten one plum?

Everyone said:

Vanya blushed like a cancer and said the same.

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