Topic artist konstantin minds painting. Konstantin Razumov - a mysterious painter


You are perfection
You are the magic
kisses bliss,
And love triumph ...

The image of a woman beckons
All men, no secret
Their beauty does not fade
They have an inner light.

Woman is the secret of heaven
Not a single connoisseur has unraveled,
A woman is a dark forest
Where the soft coolness is hidden.
The woman is hot
That melted the male nature,
The woman is a game.
Which always goes against the rule.
Woman is poetry
From which you toil in insomnia,
Women are sins
Sometimes you will not repent of them for the rest of your life.
The woman is the rain
Cleansing and long-awaited.
The woman is a tremble
Sweet thrill of the desired moment.
The woman is white
May apple trees thick boil,
A woman is a light, the life-giving of the Virgin

Konstantin Razumov was born in 1974 in the city of Zarinsk. He studied painting first at the Novoaltaisk Art School, then at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. The artist currently lives and works in Moscow. The works of Konstantin Razumov are exhibited in the largest galleries of the world. His canvases adorn museum collections in Moscow, Paris, London and New York. Like hot cakes, they fly from world auctions - now connoisseurs are ready to pay amounts from 3 to 15 thousand dollars for his works. The formation of Konstantin Razumov as an artist was influenced by many styles, but in the end he gave preference to a combination of realism and impressionism. This can be seen in any of his paintings: he paints a portrait realistically, but the background usually deprives him of specifics and performs in a technique characteristic of impressionism. With special predilection, the artist refers to female portraits - he has a great many of them. The woman in the paintings by Konstantin Razumov is a dream woman who does not give peace to the artist. She came from another time - from the last century. However, it is impossible to determine the exact time or space: impressionistic features deprive the images of binding to a specific place and time. Sometimes Paris is guessed in the paintings, but this is more a collective image of the city than a real one. The dream woman in the paintings by Konstantin Razumov is charming, sophisticated and feminine.

Eternal femininity is invariably associated with Blok's poetry. And from the paintings of Konstantin Razumov, lines from Blok immediately appear in my memory. They are united by a woman-dream, which everyone sings in their own way. Konstantin Razumov in his paintings seems to return to the same image in order to preserve the unique features dear to the heart. However, the dream takes the artist to another time, so you will not see a single portrait of a modern woman. Konstantin Razumov was born in 1974 in the city of Zarinsk. He studied painting first at the Novoaltaisk Art School, which he graduated in 1994 and entered the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture at the Faculty of Painting. Konstantin graduated from the Academy in 2001, currently lives and works in Moscow.

with your model

Although the artist paints not only portraits of women, but he deserved special popularity precisely because of them. The woman in the paintings of Konstantin Razumov is a dream woman who does not give peace to the artist. She came from another time - from the last century. However, it is impossible to determine the exact time or space: impressionistic features deprive the images of binding to a specific place and time. Sometimes Paris is guessed in the paintings, but this is more a collective image of the city than a real one.

Oh, that veiled woman,
Hiding a storm of insane passions,
Hiding ligature gave love,
And a tart bouquet of grape brushes.

Oh, this woman with the flutter of a rose,
Flowing its scent of petals,
And velvet eyelashes, like touches of mimosa,
And the sweetness of thorn-marigold bites.

Oh that pink silk woman
beckoning in its overripe bud,
Attractive with a look and a thin line
Under the rain of gentle fingers and a quivering moan

Oh, this woman is tormented by passion,
Soaring like a seagull over the lace of waves,
Is it possible for a frigate to pass by,
When the world of love is full of this woman!? (V.Vin)

Slave of love, hostage of hope
The fate of the difficult eternal pilgrim,
The mystery of your soul is boundless! ..
We keep your look desired by Eternity! ..

The veil hides bright features,
I notice them in the faces of many women,
In them, the boundlessness of female beauty! ..
Their glance is charming with tenderness marked! ... (Andrian, 2008)

We invite you to turn to the work of the contemporary Russian artist Konstantin Razumov, in whose paintings femininity and purity coexist, despite their frankness.

Information about the artist himself is quite fragmentary and contradictory. There is no official data on the Internet, and versions differ in various sources. Therefore, we will reduce personal information to a minimum: today the artist is around 50 years old, he lives and works in Moscow. His works, due to the theme, are in sufficient demand, which, oddly enough, does not push the artist to actively promote his work as a commodity.

Razumov developed his own recognizable style, which is based on impressionism and realism. This symbiosis is noticeable in all his paintings: portraits look realistic, while the background is usually done in a manner characteristic of the Impressionists.

With rare exceptions, the main characters of Razumov's paintings are women. He paints portraits of girls, outside of time and space. However, these are not modern profits, rather, a collective image of the dream woman of the artist himself. If you look closely, it becomes obvious that in various portraits the girls have similar features. This allows us to draw certain parallels with the image of a Woman (or Femininity) in the poems of A. Blok, which runs like a red line through all the work of the poet, gradually changing, as it develops, acquiring more and more tragic, mystical and sinister features. The girl in Razumov's pictures is more ordinary, but also not without a touch of "reality".

The artist paints for himself. He has seen enough to not build illusions about female purity, but the foundation of the images he embodies is a certain childish purity and sincerity, which is expressed in the general impression that remains from the paintings. The mentioned rare exception, by the way, are children, whose images are just as loved by the artist and are, as it were, confirmation of that very childish attitude inherent in his works.

The paintings of Konstantin Razumov do not carry vulgarity, despite the undisguised beauty of naked female natures inherent in some of his canvases. They, thanks to the style of the image, are perceived rather fabulously than naturalistically. No, a recipient with a rough internal organization will definitely pay attention to the fact that these are “naked women”, but even in this case, the artist’s paintings will cause more vulgar giggles about their content than excitement.

Here, in fact, one can notice that femininity and sexuality are phenomena, essence, of the same order, but they are not identical. Everything depends on the message in which these features are expressed, on its inner message, as well as on the moral content of the observer himself.

But talk away! Let the paintings of Konstantin Razumov speak for themselves.

Actually, everything that is connected with the artist's life is mysterious. Wikipedia talks about him only in English or Spanish. No interviews in newspapers or magazines. Apparently, Konstantin Razumov leads a closed life. He puts his paintings up for sale, not himself.

Brief information about the artist

There is a discrepancy in the date of birth. Someone indicates 1961, someone suggests 1974. Thirteen years of difference is a very wide spread. It seems to us that Konstantin Razumov was born in 1974 and that now, in 2016, he is a little over forty. You just look at his work and see the look of a fairly young man on them. The same can be judged if you look at his only portrait.

He looks youthful on it - Konstantin Razumov, artist. The photo shows us the painter not in full dress, but in everyday form - in a cowboy shirt. The background is airy delicate fabrics and decorations that he uses in his works.

Konstantin Razumov, artist: biography

K. Razumov was born in the city of Zarinsk in Altai. Back in 1979, it was just a station settlement with a population of less than twenty thousand people. So, the small homeland of the artist was literally small, but like any creative person, he wanted to study, communicate with his peers. This was partly given by the Novoaltai Art College, and then the aspiring artist, who felt great potential in himself, went to the capital. Konstantin Razumov studied in 1994-2001 with Ilya Glazunov, and then set off on a free voyage, which turned out to be very successful. He exhibits his work at international auctions and is quite successful financially.

Genre in which the artist works

Portraits of women and children, well, maybe even animals - this is a favorite subject of such a painter as Konstantin Razumov. The artist chose her not by chance. Throughout the ages, beautiful women have attracted the attention of creators. And, by the way, buyers. Not everyone can afford to buy a masterpiece by Winterhalter or Renoir, and the work of Razumov, filled with poetry, is available to those who sincerely love light and air, pure and exciting female images, sometimes alluring, sometimes mysteriously aloof, but always full of inexplicable charm.

The painter's children are also out of date, like his young women, it is difficult to imagine them at the computer or watching TV. They are suitable for communicating with a book or playing with a cat or dog. At the same time, the artist chooses an exquisite, hunting dog, which knows how to calmly follow its mistress.

contemporary painting

Long ago, back in the 19th century, people stopped completely relying on the opinions of critics and art historians about what is good and bad in painting. There are many examples from the past, but let us recall only one painting by A. Cabanel “The Birth of Venus”. This is not a masterpiece, but the emperor of France, Napoleon III, liked it so much that he immediately added it to his collection. And he didn't care what the critics wrote. Similarly, modern man is guided by his own taste, and not by the alleged genius of a work of art.

Only time will tell what the canvas is, but for now we are just admiring the images that Konstantin Razumov creates. The artist chose for himself a very specific type of modern face: huge eyes, slightly large, beautifully molded lips. These features are repeated from work to work, it seems that he has only one model, but she does not get bored. And if you place one of the women's or children's portraits, it will fit into any modern interior, especially the classic one. And although the appearance of young women is quite consistent with the canons adopted on the catwalks, their spiritual world is far from our everyday reality.

Eternal femininity

It blooms on the canvases of the painter. His palette is varied. He does not like dark tones, his work is light and gentle. They sing compliments to the beautiful, slightly mysterious girl he portrays. And she, beautiful in itself, becomes even better, revealing itself under the loving gaze of the painter. It is immediately clear that Konstantin Razumov loves his models. Delicate pastel colors perfectly convey the sophistication of his portraits.

Sometimes, to create a different mood, he takes brighter colors: red, yellow, black. But the black color on his canvases is translucent, airy, it plays with different shades. As a rule, he depicts feathers on hats or transparent stockings, which so emphasize all the grace of the legs. Even the black dresses on his canvases do not have a dull, mournful, closed look. Made of sheer fabric, they lightly envelop the delicate body, giving airiness to the image.

Artist's style

In Glazunov's workshop, Konstantin Razumov learned the skills of classical drawing. He writes a completely realistic figure of a woman, but surrounds her with a light-air environment, akin to the one used by the Impressionists. And it turns out quite modern work that meets the spirit of the times.

Konstantin Razumov, artist: paintings

The woman in the paintings is always depicted alone at a cafe table. Most often it seems that this takes place in Paris. She is never accompanied by a companion. She just hasn't found it yet. You can’t just sit down with such a beauty and start a vulgar conversation about the weather.

She needs to read poetry, you can discuss the latest fashion show or a bestseller with her. She should be sent fresh bouquets every day, and she will thoughtfully arrange them in vases and read the enclosed business card. The young woman on the canvas is so airy that it seems that a gust of wind can carry her away. She almost always sits on the edge of a chair or armchair: another moment - and she will no longer be here.

This is a sweet vision from your dream, which was materialized by the painter's brush.

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