Solemn speech for the teacher at the graduation, presentation of certificates and the last call. Prom


Many foreign universities have a tradition of inviting famous people to the presentation of diplomas, who should admonish and inspire graduates. And very often famous people tell graduates about their failures - perhaps because it is failures that yesterday's students are most afraid of. JK Rowling, Steve Jobs and Steven Spielberg explain why you shouldn't be afraid.

For those who are preparing for the main school exam

JK Rowling, writer

This year, 51-year-old JK Rowling is in the top 25 most influential authors in Hollywood according to The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Twenty years ago, before Bloomsbury published the first Harry Potter book in 1997, she was an obscure single mother living on welfare and irregular earnings.

“Seven years after my graduation, by any measure, I suffered the most terrible failure. My marriage broke up, I was left alone with a child, without work and money. I'm not going to convince you that failure is great. That period of my life was the blackest streak, and I could not imagine that it would turn out to be a fairy tale with a happy ending, as they now write in the newspapers. But failure set me free - my main fear had already come true, while I was alive, I had a beloved daughter, an old typewriter and many ideas. If I had been successful in something else, I might never have worked up the courage to do what I truly love.

It's impossible to avoid failure unless you live so carefully that it's hard to call life at all. True, in this case you fail by definition.”

Steven Spielberg, film director

One of the most successful directors in history did not receive a higher education diploma until 2002, when he was already 55 years old. In his youth, he twice tried to enter the California film school, but he was not accepted, calling him "talentless". Then he entered a technical college, which he soon dropped out to take a "dream job" at Universal Studios. Five years later, the thriller "Jaws" was released, which made Spielberg famous.

“I left college because I knew exactly what I wanted, and so did some of you. Maybe you're sitting right now trying to figure out how to tell your parents that you really want to be a doctor, not a comedy writer. I told my parents that if the cinema didn't work out, I would go back to university. But everything turned out great.

For the first 25 years of our lives, we are taught to listen to the voices of others. Parents and teachers fill our heads with wisdom and information, and then bosses take their places to tell us how the world really works. And even when we think: “I look at the world in a completely different way,” it’s still easier to just agree and nod.

The films I made up until the 1980s were mostly far from reality. I was like in a bubble because I lacked education, my worldview was limited to what I could think of in my head, and not to life experience. And then I shot "Purple Flowers of the Fields." This story was filled with deep pain and deep truth, such as when Step Avery says, "Everything in the world wants to be loved." While making this film, I realized that cinema can be a mission. I hope that each of you will experience this feeling.”

Steve Jobs, entrepreneur

In 1976, 20-year-old Steve Jobs founded Apple in his parents' garage with Steve Wozniak. In 10 years, the company has grown into a $2 billion company with more than 6,000 employees. Among them was marketer John Scully, who led Apple at the invitation of Jobs. Over time, their views on the future diverged, the board of directors supported Scully, and Steve Jobs had to leave Apple.

“At 30, I was furiously fired from the company I founded. Everything I had dedicated my adult life to was gone, I felt empty. I didn't realize then that being fired from Apple was the best thing that could have happened to me. The heavy burden of success was replaced by ease - I again became a beginner. With this feeling began one of the most creative periods in my life. Over the next five years, I founded NeXT and Pixar and fell in love with a beautiful woman who became my wife. I'm sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. The medicine tasted terrible, but the patient seemed to need it.

I am convinced that I did not give up and continued to move forward only because I loved my job. If you haven't found what you love yet, keep looking."

Jim Carrey, actor

Jim Carrey first appeared on stage with a comedy number at the age of 15 - his debut was a failure. The film Once Bitten (1985), in which the 23-year-old Kerry, after many unsuccessful castings, received his first major film role, was also coolly received by the public. And only at the age of 31, fame came to him after the low-budget film Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, the script for which, like the image of Ventura, Jim came up with himself. For the film, Carrey was nominated for the "Golden Raspberry", an award for the worst acting work, but among the audience the film was a great success, and Ace Ventura became one of the most famous comedic characters. Carrey's next films - "The Mask", "Dumb and Dumber", "The Truman Show" - became classics of cinema.

“So many people choose the path of fear, calling it 'practicality'. My father wanted to be a comedian and he had every chance. But he did not believe that this was possible, and preferred to have a quiet "warm" place, becoming an accountant. When I was 12 years old, he was fired, and our family had a hard time. On his example, I realized that you can fail in an unloved business - so why not try your luck at what you really want. It may seem impossible or ridiculous, and we don't even try to ask the Universe for it. I tell you, I'm living proof that you can ask for anything you want."

Oprah Winfrey, TV presenter

Oprah Winfrey was educated because of her talent: winning the eloquence competition gave her the opportunity to enter the university. In interviews, she repeatedly talked about her dysfunctional childhood and running away from home. Yet she became the first black female reporter in her city, and then the first black female billionaire in history. The Oprah Winfrey Show is rightly called one of the greatest TV shows of all time.

“I have done over 35,000 interviews in my career. Every time the camera turned off, the guest of the program turned to me and asked: “Did everything go well?”. I heard it from President Bush and from President Obama. I heard it from heroes and housewives.

It doesn't matter how high you reach. At some point, you will definitely stumble, because the bar is constantly being raised. If you constantly strive higher and higher, then, as the myth of Icarus predicts, at some point you will begin to fall down. And when that happens, I want you to know and remember that failure doesn't exist. Failure is the way life tries to convince you to change direction.

I have often had to say these words to myself. When you fall to the very bottom, it is normal to feel bad for a while. Give yourself this time to mourn what you think you have lost. And then realize that you actually hold the key, because mistakes teach you and make you more of who you are."

Whoopi Goldberg, actress

Caryn Elaine Johnson, an ugly girl from a poor family, had to leave school because of dyslexia: she had problems with writing and reading. But dyslexia did not interfere with Helen Rubenstein's children's theater, and her unusual appearance and strange behavior, which made it difficult for Karin to communicate with her peers, fell just in place. In addition, the theater was free. There, Karin received her first acting lessons, and later took the pseudonym Whoopi Goldberg and became a great actress who was the laureate of the most prestigious American ones and was awarded a nominal star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

“I was lucky - I had a really unusual mother. She told me: “It's okay that you are strange. But are you ready for the fact that not everyone will be ready to accept you, not everyone will see and feel the same as you? Someone won't like you. Can you be yourself?"

When I was little, I dreamed of the world of cinema, television, fashion. I couldn't read because I was dyslexic and didn't start studying until I was 15, but I knew what I wanted. You have to be able to stand up for what you believe in. Don't just be afraid to be wrong or wrong. If you feel in your heart that you are moving in the wrong direction, you can stop at any moment and say: “You know what? I changed my mind"".

Ellen DeGeneres, comedian and TV presenter

Ellen DeGeneres' speech, which she gave at Tulane University in New Orleans in 2009, is not exactly ordinary. At the graduation ceremony, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton delivered the official speech, and Ellen decided to speak spontaneously to the students. New Orleans was the actress's hometown, and her graduation year consisted of students who began their studies just two days before the terrible hurricane Katrina, which in 2005 caused terrible destruction to the city.

“When I finished school, I was completely lost. I didn't have any ambitions and didn't know what I wanted. I did everything: peeled oysters, worked as a bartender, as a waitress, painted houses, sold vacuum cleaners. All I wanted was to just settle into some kind of job so I could earn enough money to pay the rent. I lived in an apartment in the basement, where I had neither heat nor air, only a mattress on the floor and fleas. I thought I knew who I was, but I had no idea.

One day I sat down and started writing, I had an imaginary conversation with God. I looked at him and said to myself: “Why have I never tried stand-up? I'm going to do it on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson." He was king at the time and I was going to be the first woman in the history of the show to be on the air with him. And so it happened.

Follow your dreams, stay true to yourself. Never follow someone unless you are lost in the woods. And even if you are lost, but you see the path, you must follow it by all means. Don't take other people's advice. And my only advice is this: be true to yourself, and everything will be fine.

The last call in the 11th grade is the line that divides life into “before” and “after”. For students, this is a command to start, for parents it is a signal that their children have grown up. And for teachers, a moment of farewell to their beloved students. Time will pass, and one of today's graduates will bring a first-grader to the walls of their native school. This is the cycle of school life: teachers stay and wait, and students leave to return and bring with them a worthy replacement.

I want to congratulate all those present on this significant date. Our graduates say goodbye to school today, and this last call is addressed to them. A new stage begins in their life, when they have to make independent decisions. In the distant future, they will learn what nostalgia for their school years is. And now we are glad to see them so beautiful, solemn, slightly excited and looking forward!

Today is an exciting and solemn day. My heart is overwhelmed with emotions, because over the years we have become a family, my beloved children. Together we overcame difficulties, joked, fell in love, dreamed and supported each other. I admire and am proud of you. It's hard for me to let you go to the big, adult world, but I know for sure that you will succeed! Know that my doors are always open for you, I always wait and miss you!

Parting word to graduates from the class teacher in prose

As a class teacher, I want to wish each of you smooth roads, open doors and good people. May the school of life favor you and on the path to success send teachers who can teach, understand, suggest and correct. Strive for your dream, go forward and never stop there. At the same time, do not forget that the doors of your native school are always open for you.

Dear graduates, I will remember your friendly class for its unique enthusiasm, glorious enthusiasm, wonderful characters and the ability to make friends. I hope these wonderful qualities will help in your adult life, which will begin for you soon! With the last call! May it resonate in your young hearts with a melody of good luck!

My dear children, today you will open a new door and step into adulthood. And there after all, too, as in school. I wish you to pass all the lessons of life with honor and pass the exams of fate with excellent marks. Let there always be a faithful friend who will throw up a cheat sheet and a loving heart that will share the sweetness of victory with you. Happiness to you, my beloved guys, high achievements and well-deserved ratings.

Parting words to graduates from the class teacher in verse

May you succeed in everything in life, and may all paths be open,
Luck will smile on the walking one, although it will be difficult ahead.
Dare, open, learn, give birth to children. And the time will come
I believe you will bring them to school, and this one will cross the threshold.
We will meet them as relatives and educate them, we will teach you and the Motherland to love,
Life goes on, I know it for sure, and each of you will be someone in it.
I will watch you furtively, I will be proud and worry,
And yet, as a mother, I will be glad to see you on my doorstep.

My dear guys
I wish you
Talents reveal their own,
Be true friends.
Going through life is not easy
But I believe in your fuse
That would be with a tailwind
Your bold step has been matched!

Graduates, did you solve problems,
We learned songs, jumped in length ...
The last bell is ringing! And good luck
I wish you, and not just one!

I will open an empty class tomorrow,
Sadly, I smile softly.
And pride for you guys
Sadness will give way.

Once upon a time you were chicks
Now you are a flock of white birds.
May fate be good to you
And let life give happiness.

Dear friends!

Dear graduates and your parents, and, of course, teachers!

Each school release leaves very special memories of itself. Therefore, on the eve of graduation, let me, first of all, congratulate those who did their best not only to give their students the necessary knowledge in the subjects of the curriculum, but also to help them navigate the stream of rapidly changing reality, to teach not only to know, but to reason, to think think, make fair decisions and be responsible for them.

Of course, we are talking about the principal of the school, the teaching staff and especially the class teachers! I am sure that today you are experiencing mixed feelings of joy, perhaps pride, but also a little sadness. After all, over the years spent within the walls of your own educational institution, passing on experience and knowledge to your students, not only have you become real mentors for them, but they have inevitably left a mark in your heart.

Thank you for your kindness and professionalism! With all my heart I wish you to see in the future the success of those who, after graduation, will go on an independent voyage. After all, there is no greater reward for a teacher than the triumph of a student!

Graduation is also a very important date and a kind of milestone for parents. Congratulations on your children's matriculation and the beginning of adulthood, which from now on they will build more independently. I am sure that you will always help them by giving them a shoulder, by which, first of all, I mean timely advice and the most important happiness in a person's life - the possibility of free choice and unlimited pursuit of your dream!

I address these words to you, the main heroes of the occasion, dear graduates!

Be worthy of your teachers and parents, be even better than them if you succeed. Try, look for yourself, concentrate on the main thing, reject the secondary, have ambition and ambition, be flexible, but never break down and always stand your ground if it is really valuable for you.

Remember, now only you are responsible for shaping your tomorrow. And out of your millions of “tomorrows”, not only your own life will be formed, but also the life of our city, our country, and, perhaps, even the whole world.

I congratulate you on the day of farewell to the school! And I invite you to take the first step on the road you choose. Let it be the choice that you can be proud of. And of course, great luck to you, dear friends.

Happy holiday!


Moscow City Duma Pavel Poselenov

Svetlana Kolesnikova
Parents' last call speech

Parents' last call speech.

Our dear friends, our teachers and educators, fathers and mothers, as well as our dear graduates!

Somehow imperceptibly, this most solemn day in our life and the most exciting day for all of us, when sounds last call in all our schools.

Today, on this joyful and at the same time sad day, I would like to say many important and necessary words to our graduates: first of all, to congratulate our high school students on the end of the 9th grade, for someone this day will become last day of school, and someone will continue their studies until grade 11;

For those who continue their studies at school, these two years provide time for choosing a life path and a profession. Those who have already decided to get a specialty in a school, college or technical school should make their choice right now. But I think they made the right choice. Without skillful hands, without true craftsmen, for whom our people have always been famous, the country has no future.

Whatever choice you make, wherever you are - at a school desk or in a training workshop, you have many interesting discoveries ahead of you.

I also want to say kind words to moms and dads, grandparents, for their difficult parenting. And, of course, to express our deep gratitude to our teachers, who all these 9 years helped us raise our children, taught them, praised and scolded, endured their pranks and rejoiced at their successes. We know that our children spend most of the day at school, next to teachers. And teachers see them for who they are without embellishment. Therefore, we can safely call teachers the second the parents of our children.

Separately, I would like, on my own behalf and on behalf of all parents thank all the leadership of our school in the person of the director Polyakova Anna Egorovna. The entire educational process at the school depends on the principal.

It was she who created such a friendly and cozy atmosphere of life in our school. It solves the emerging problems with the pedagogical tolerance that the head of a large educational institution should have.

Thank you, our dear teachers and educators, for our children, and a deep bow to you from all parents whose children you opened the way to a great and mature life.

Andrey Dementiev has wonderful poems dedicated to teachers, listen to them, Please:

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

They care about us and remember.

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

Waiting for our return and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings.

And no matter how many years have passed,

Teacher Happiness Happens

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to him:

On New Year's Eve we do not send them congratulations.

And in the bustle or simply out of laziness

We don't write, we don't go, we don't call.

They are waiting for us. They are watching us

And rejoice every time for those

Who again passed the exam somewhere

For courage, for honesty, for success.

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

May life be worthy of their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers.

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget the teachers!

Dream, dare, try, create, under no circumstances allow your soul to be lazy and your consciousness to stiffen.

After all, very soon it will depend on you what our country will be like in the near future.

Good luck to you guys!

Graduation party for school. A detailed and detailed graduation ball script for 11 classes.

Solemn music plays. First-graders form a living corridor in the hall, along which graduates go to their assigned seats in the front rows. Those present in the hall standing up to greet them.

Head teacher(introduces members of the presidium and opens the solemn part of the evening).

Speech by the school principal at the graduation party (address to graduates)

D. Kabalevsky's waltz "School Years" sounds in the recording.

Together with the certificates, the school principal presents the graduates with commendable letters. Comic certificates and symbolic souvenirs are handed over from classmates in parallel.

While the graduate being called rises to the stage, the presenters briefly characterize him. For example.

Head teacher: Petr Ivanov, 11 B, is invited to the stage!

Leading: Who better than him could design a wall newspaper? Whose jokes were passed from mouth to mouth and became school folklore? The grieving school gives him a souvenir photo of the last wall newspaper he designed.

Head teacher: Alexander Sidorov, 11 A, is invited to the stage!

presenter: At one time, a rare girl saved her braids from him, and now it’s time to envy his gallantry! As a keepsake from classmates - this bow. Keep and remember us always!

Head teacher: Anna Kotova, 11 A, is invited to the stage!

Leading: Modest but charming! How many control notes were written off from her by grateful neighbors!

Head teacher: Ivanova Elena, 11 A is invited to the stage!

Leading: Her craving for knowledge of us, blockheads, to be honest, has always been a little amazing. We think that over time, perhaps, we will be proud that we studied with Elena in the same class. Good luck! And as a keepsake from us - this notebook with our phones. When you become famous, don't be arrogant!

Head teacher: Sergey Kolobko, 11V, is invited to the stage!

Presenter: Seryozha pierced our hearts once and for all with his songs. We give him this CD with a recording of his favorite band - our girls!

Head teacher: Etina Tatyana, 11V, is invited to the stage!

Leading: It's even scary to imagine that today we are parting with Tanechka, our constant lifesaver. Tanechka! We love you! And in memory of us - this notebook with wishes! Happiness to you! And good luck with everything!

Head teacher: Yegor Koshkin, 11A, is invited to the stage!

Presenter: Yegor is a serious person. The invariable head of the class, the bastion of order, he had a hard time trying to organize us unorganized! In memory of the sloven classmates, this is a multi-talented manual "How to Succeed". When you succeed, remember that this is also our merit!

Head teacher: Fedotova Maria, 11 B, is invited to the stage!

Leading: Our star! Masha traveled all over the region with performances, and soon, we hope, she will be applauded in Europe and America. Masha! Our hearts are always with you! (Gives a souvenir heart.)

Head teacher: Mikhail Fedorov, 11 A, is invited to the stage!

Presenter: We admire the incredible courage with which Mishka overcame his natural laziness and successfully passed the exams. Keep it up! From classmates, Mishka is awarded a certificate of honor "For the services shown in the fight against laziness!"

After the presentation of certificates, the children are congratulated by the class teacher of the graduating class, parents, honored guests.

Leading: We all know that, unfortunately, there are schools, parting with which is a holiday. One can only sympathize with those who studied in them. Although today, unlike us, graduates of such schools are happy to part with the place where they studied for 11 years, the place where they spent most of their lives without leaving a good memory.

Two people enter the stage - the Graduate and the School.

The School's costume is an ordinary white fabric over clothes, the school building is conditionally depicted on the fabric - windows, the inscription "school".

Graduate: Has this moment really come, and we part?

School: It looks like it. Are you very sad?

Graduate: And no one will wake me up at a hopeless early morning just so that I can study all sorts of logarithms and syllogisms all day long?

School: Knowledge is light! I've been explaining this to you for 11 years!

Graduate: Aha! Until the darkness in the eyes! I almost went blind while re-reading everything that was required for the exams!

School: Only a man enriched with knowledge can become...

Graduate: Highly skilled unemployed!

School: So you're not sorry to leave me?

Graduate: Not a little!

School: Quite quite?

The graduate shakes his head.

School: Wasn't there anything good?

Graduate: Well...

School: Do you remember, you, very small, came to the first class? You couldn't read or count. I taught you! Without me, would you know the difference between a parallel and a cosine?

Graduate: What? He lived peacefully and cheerfully, no worries. And then study until you're blue in the face. They are also punished for unlearned lessons.

School: I introduced you to your friends...

Graduate: Well, yes ... Nothing unites like a common struggle for freedom.

School: Won't you remember me with nostalgic sadness and sadness?

Graduate: Fifteen thousand hours deleted from life, taken away from football, discos, hanging out with friends, the Internet and other interesting activities?!

School(sadly): So, we are parting forever ... (Sings with anguish from Juno and Avos.) “I will never see you ...”

Graduate(with a shudder): I will never forget you!

Leading: Fortunately - and unfortunately - we have a different situation. We ourselves do not know what we experience more on this day - joy or sadness. On the one hand, yes, such an exciting event - we are already adults, we are on the threshold of a new life, and it's terribly interesting what's next. And on the other hand... Imagine that the bell won't ring, your friends won't rush into the classroom... I think that after a while we will desperately miss each other. We will miss our Elena Antonovna, who was not only cool to us, but also a great friend. It happened that you could not tell everything to your mother, but you could always talk heart to heart with Elena Antonovna, consult Elena Antonovna - this is a person! And Natalya Petrovna! We have five people going to enter the Physics and Mathematics, because thanks to her, physics is dear and close to us. And the guys from other schools claim that the subject is complex, boring and incomprehensible. Galina Antonovna! How much you drove us, we grumbled and whined, and cursed our fate, but the result - after all, we know mathematics! This was confirmed by the city olympiads! And it's only thanks to you. Tatyana Kirillovna, do you know that after you came to us, half of our class writes poetry? How can you not miss such a school? How can you not miss such teachers?

Graduate: Dear teachers! That exciting moment has come when we say goodbye to the school. We rejoice and at the same time we are sad, we are sad to part with each other and with you. Wherever we live, no matter how our fate is, we will never forget you. With a feeling of deep gratitude, we will remember you and your native school. You taught us not only the basics of science, but also kindness, justice, honesty, taught us to be people. On behalf of all graduates, please accept our deepest gratitude and low bow for everything you have done for us. Thank you, dear teachers, for your wonderful, noble work!


you every day and every hour

Dedicated to hard work,

One thought of us

Live with one concern

So that the Earth is famous for us,

And so that we grow up honest.

Thank you teachers

Thanks a lot for everything!

They taught to appreciate beauty,

Gave knowledge and skills.

Thank you for your kindness

For unwavering patience!


Graduation night tonight

We look fake

Do not hide your excitement with a funny joke ...

We go up the same stairs

All the same windows, the same house,

Which for ten years we called the school.

Well, it is necessary, it is necessary:

We are seventeen years old already,

And everyone can not believe that they have become adults.

Like it was only yesterday

Mom took us to school

And here we are at the big crossroads.

Let's not forget this day

Lilac blossoms outside the windows,

In the very spring, happiness is prophesied to us!

The earth is still spinning

The teachers are all around

And we say "Thank you!"

All of you want.

The song "Thank you, teachers!" (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Y. Dubravin).

You loved us all the same

Share your love equally with everyone.

For the fact that you sculpted people from us,

Thank you teachers!

And it was not kinder and stricter than you,

When we opened the world from scratch.

For the fact that we are a little like you,

Thank you teachers!

We worried all of you little by little,

Sometimes angry, sometimes funny.

For taking us on the road

Thank you teachers!

For the eternal multiplication table,

For the fact that we were given the Earth,

For the fact that we are all your continuation,

Thank you teachers!

Graduate: We ask our adored class teacher 11A Gorelskaya Elena Antonovna to come on stage!

The class teacher 11 A enters the stage. Her students surround her, say all sorts of pleasant words to her in turn (5-6 people), hand flowers and souvenirs, then take pictures on the stage in a close group, hugging all together.

The class teacher, in response, talks about his class, about how he will miss him, invites him to come to school, call her at any time. Wishing the children success and happiness. Everyone leaves the stage together.

Graduate: We ask you to go on stage to the invariable class teacher 11B Viktor Ivanovich Plekhanov!

The class teacher 11A enters the stage. The students thank him for all the years that he spent with them, list what they learned from him, give flowers and souvenirs, take pictures with him on stage. Similarly, all subsequent classes.

Graduate: And now let's welcome our first-graders! They came to congratulate the graduates.

To the sounds of the march “Our school country” (lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Yu. Chichkov), first-graders with flowers enter the hall. Applause sounds.

First grader:

Walk you long ways,

Don't back down from anything.

And everything you planned

Let it be done on "five"!

First grader:

You graduated from school, and we are your shift,

We will take your place at the desks.

We also learn everything gradually,

We will master all the knowledge and by all means

We will follow you into adulthood!

Don't worry about us, we won't let you down!

First grader:

We will study well

Really be friends

Strive to be the first in everything

And cherish the honor of the school.

Graduate(to the graduate): Just look at what nice guys have come to replace us. Were we like that too?

Graduate: It seems that we can leave our native school to them with peace of mind.

Graduate: Dear Guys! We leave our dear school, our beloved teachers, to you. Please treat them with care!

Graduate: Now we seem so big to you. But you will not even notice how ten years will fly by, and you yourself will turn out to be graduates, and it depends only on you with what luggage you will leave school.

Graduate: With knowledge, self-esteem, self-confidence, purposefulness...

Graduate: Or with laziness, frivolity, carelessness, wretchedness ...

Graduate: Right now you should think about whether you want to become pilots, scientists, engineers, bankers...

Graduate: Professionals, specialists, respected people...

Graduate: Or lazy, worthless dropouts, who can do nothing, who do not want anything.

Graduate: Who have nothing to respect.

Graduate: We hope you all make the right choice! And in memory of us, take these books as a gift from us!

Graduates give children's books to first-graders. After that, everyone leaves the stage, only the Graduate and Graduate remain.


We no longer sit at a narrow desk,

So we are a little sad.

The last call in us remained music,

Like those last, farewell words.


And in the class the lines of the classics are cherished

Now tell other students

We must the theorem of eternal life

Prove your own destiny.


We still remember the first exams,

Everything that you dreamed about will come true,

Only childhood we can not return again.

Like the first waltz, it will not be forgotten.

Graduate: Dear our teachers! Thank you for your lessons, advice, for your endless patience. We know that it has not been easy with us at times. We wish you continued success in your hard work as a teacher.

And we - we will not forget you.

Yes, we grow up every day

But all your lessons

We will take with us on the road,

Entering the wide world.

Graduate: And now we would like to give you albums with photos of our class and memorable souvenirs as a memory of us.

Graduate: We address our love, our sincere admiration and gratitude, first of all, to our director, Galina Stepanovna, who somehow manages to keep up with everything and, like a real mother, takes care of the whole school. We give you the most valuable thing we have - our dreams. In this envelope, we all wrote what we want to be. Please open this envelope in 5 years, when we gather at the school for the alumni reunion.

Graduate: In this hall sit the teachers who were the first to lead us along the path of knowledge.

Here we are kids

With pencil cases and books

They entered and sat down in rows.

Here ten classes are passed,

And here we are the word "Motherland"

For the first time I read it by syllables.

We want to express words of great love and gratitude to our first teachers - Galina Ivanovna, Irina Dmitrievna, Irina Stepanovna. Your love and warmth helped us get comfortable at school. You taught us the most important and fundamental things - not only to read and write, but also to love books, to count and reckon with other people's opinions, to respect ourselves and others. Thank you very much!

Graduates give flowers to their first teachers.

Graduate: In this hall are those teachers who brought us by the hand to graduation.

Graduate: Although some of us, at the same time, desperately resisted!

One of the graduates peeks out from behind the curtains.

2nd graduate: If not for Galina Ivanovna, I would definitely have done something stupid and left after the ninth grade! My certificate is your merit! Thank you


All our lives we will remember

How, without melting a smile,

You returned the notebook to us,

Where there was no mistake

How upset you were

When, though rare,

You should have put

Bad mark for us.

We were children sometimes

Shalya, did not notice

In your kind eyes

Worries and sorrows.


Wise people taught us the mind,

After the class, we finished the class.

Thank you very much, thank you

Who spared no effort for us.

We ask teachers to come up to the stage. (Names are listed.)

The song “Farewell Waltz” sounds (lyrics by A. Didurov, music by A. Flyarkovsky). The teachers take the stage.

Graduate: Look at these people! They are the ones who made us who we are. It is to them that we owe everything that we know and can do.

Head teacher: Good luck and happiness to you, dear graduates! We will miss you!

The host invites everyone to dance. Sounds "Waltz on asphalt" (lyrics by D. Sedykh, music by P. Aedonitsky).

Sorry avenues,

Sorry, boulevards

Allow this night

Break the peace.

And on your asphalt

Spin to the guitar

Waltz in white shoes

White waltz graduation.

He is sad and funny

This waltz on the pavement at night.

Goodbye childhood

Hello youth,

Let's go to life tomorrow!

Excuse us moms

Excuse us dads

We probably today

We'll be back in the morning.

Somewhere waiting for us platforms

Or gangways and ladders,

Your farewell handkerchief

Will be sad in the wind.

Sorry avenues,

Sorry, boulevards -

This is childhood and youth

Raise bridges.

belated passerby,

Get down to the guitar

Wish it come true

Definitely dreams.

In between dances, contests, games, attractions are held, graduates read their poems and poems of their favorite poets, sing songs, act out skits. And in the morning they meet the dawn.

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