Tragedy - Thunderstorm - Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky - Act One.  A.N. Ostrovsky



Savel Prokofievich Dikoy, merchant, significant person in the city.

Boris Grigorievich, his nephew, a young man, decently educated.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha), wealthy merchant, widow.

Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov, her son.

Katerina, his wife.

barbarian, sister of Tikhon.

Kuligi, tradesman, self-taught watchmaker, looking for a perpetuum mobile.

Vanya Kudryash, a young man, a wild clerk.

Shapkin, tradesman.

Feklusha, stranger.

Glasha, a girl in Kabanova's house.

Lady with two footmen, an old woman of 70 years old, half crazy.

city ​​dwellers both sexes.

All persons, except for Boris, are dressed in Russian. (Note by A. N. Ostrovsky.)

The action takes place in the city of Kalinov, on the banks of the Volga, in the summer. There are 10 days between steps 3 and 4.

A. N. Ostrovsky. Storm. Play

Act one

A public garden on the high bank of the Volga, a rural view beyond the Volga. There are two benches and several bushes on the stage.

The first phenomenon

Kuligin sits on a bench and looks over the river. Curly And Shapkin are walking.

Kuligin (sings)“In the midst of a flat valley, at a smooth height…” (Stops singing.) Miracles, truly it must be said, miracles! Curly! Here, my brother, for fifty years I have been looking beyond the Volga every day and I can’t see enough.

Curly. And what?

Kuligin. The view is extraordinary! Beauty! The soul rejoices.

Curly. Something!

Kuligin. Delight! And you are "something"! You took a closer look, or you don’t understand what beauty is spilled in nature.

Curly. Well, what's the deal with you! You are an antique, a chemist.

Kuligin. Mechanic, self-taught mechanic.

Curly. All the same.


Kuligin (points to the side). Look, brother Curly, who is waving his arms like that?

Curly. This? This Wild nephew scolds.

Kuligin. Found a place!

Curly. He has a place everywhere. Afraid of what, he of whom! He got Boris Grigoryevich as a sacrifice, so he rides on it.

Shapkin. Look for such and such a scolder as Savel Prokofich among us! Will cut off a person for nothing.

Curly. A poignant man!

Shapkin. Good, too, and Kabaniha.

Curly. Well, yes, at least that one, at least, is all under the guise of piety, but this one has broken loose from the chain!

Shapkin. There is no one to take him down, so he is fighting!

Curly. We don’t have many guys like me, otherwise we would wean him to be naughty.

Shapkin. What would you do?

Curly. They would have done well.

Shapkin. Like this?

Curly. Four of them, five of them in an alley somewhere would talk to him face to face, so he would become silk. And about our science, I wouldn’t utter a word to anyone, if only I would walk and look around.

Shapkin. No wonder he wanted to give you to the soldiers.

Curly. I wanted to, but I didn’t give it away, so it’s all one thing, that’s nothing. He will not give me away: he smells with his nose that I will not sell my head cheaply. He's scary to you, but I know how to talk to him.

Shapkin. Oh is it?

Curly. What's here: oh! I am considered a brute; why is he holding me? So, he needs me. Well, that means I'm not afraid of him, but let him be afraid of me.

Shapkin. Like he doesn't scold you?

Curly. How not to scold! He can't breathe without it. Yes, I don’t let it go either: he’s a word, and I’m ten; spit, and go. No, I will not be a slave to him.

Kuligin. With him, that eh, an example to take! It's better to be patient.

Curly. Well, if you are smart, then you should learn it before courtesy, and then teach us. It’s a pity that his daughters are teenagers, there aren’t any big ones.

Shapkin. What would it be?

Curly. I would respect him. It hurts dashing for girls!

Pass wild And Boris, Kuligin takes off his hat.

Shapkin (curly). Let's go to the side: it will still be attached, perhaps.


The second phenomenon

The same, wild And Boris.

wild. Buckwheat, have you come here to beat? Parasite! Get lost!

Boris. Holiday; what to do at home.

wild. Find the job you want. Once I told you, twice I said to you: “Do not dare to meet me”; you get it all! Is there enough space for you? Wherever you go, here you are! Pah you damned! Why are you standing like a pillar? Are you being told al no?

Boris. I'm listening, what else can I do!

wild (looking at Boris). You failed! I don't even want to talk to you, to the Jesuit. (Leaving.) Here it is imposed! (Spits and leaves.)

The third phenomenon

Kuligin , Boris, Curly And Shapkin.

Kuligin. What is your business with him, sir? We will never understand. You want to live with him and endure abuse.

Boris. What a hunt, Kuligin! Captivity.

Kuligin. But what kind of bondage, sir, let me ask you? If you can, sir, tell us so.

Boris. Why not say? Did you know our grandmother, Anfisa Mikhailovna?

Kuligin. Well, how not to know!

Curly. How not to know!

Boris. After all, she disliked the father because he married a noble woman. On this occasion, father and mother lived in Moscow. Mother said that for three days she could not get along with her relatives, it seemed very wild to her.

Kuligin. Still not wild! What to say! You must have a great habit, sir.

Boris. Our parents raised us well in Moscow, they spared nothing for us. I was sent to the Commercial Academy, and my sister was sent to a boarding school, but both suddenly died of cholera, and my sister and I remained orphans. Then we hear that my grandmother also died here and left a will so that our uncle would pay us the part that should be paid when we come of age, only with a condition.

Kulagin. With what, sir?

Boris. If we are respectful to him.

Kulagin. This means, sir, that you will never see your inheritance.

Boris. No, that's not enough, Kuligin! He will first break upon us, abuse us in every possible way, as his heart desires, but all the same will end up giving us nothing, or just a little. Moreover, he will begin to tell that he gave out of mercy, that this should not have been.

Curly. This is such an institution in our merchant class. Again, even if you were respectful to him, someone who forbids him to say something that you are disrespectful?

Boris. Well, yes. Even now he sometimes says: “I have my own children, for which I will give money to strangers? Through this, I must offend my own!

Kuligin. So, sir, your business is bad.

Boris. If I were alone, it would be nothing! I would drop everything and leave. And I'm sorry sister. He used to write her out, but mother's relatives did not let her in, they wrote that she was sick. What would her life here be - and it's scary to imagine.

Curly. Of course. Somehow they understand the appeal!

Kuligin. How do you live with him, sir, in what position?

Boris. Yes, none. “Live,” he says, “with me, do what you order, and pay what I put.” That is, in a year he will count as he pleases.

Curly. He has such an establishment. With us, no one even dare to utter a word about salaries, they will scold what the world is worth. “You,” he says, “how do you know what I have in mind? Can you know my soul somehow? Or maybe I will come to such an arrangement that five thousand ladies will be given to you. So you talk to him! Only he had never in his entire life come to such and such an arrangement.

Kuligin. What to do, sir! You have to try to please somehow.

Boris. The fact of the matter, Kuligin, is that it is absolutely impossible. They cannot please him either; and where am I?

Curly. Who will please him, if his whole life is based on cursing? And most of all because of the money; not a single calculation without scolding is complete. Another is glad to give up his own, if only he would calm down. And the trouble is, how someone will make him angry in the morning! He picks on everyone all day long.

Boris. Every morning my aunt begs everyone with tears: “Fathers, don’t make me angry! Doves, don't get angry!

Curly. Yes, save something! Got to the market, that's the end! All the men will be scolded. Even if you ask at a loss, you still won’t leave without a scolding. And then he went for the whole day.

Shapkin. One word: warrior!

Curly. What a warrior!

Boris. But the trouble is when he is offended by such a person whom he does not dare not scold; stay at home here!

Curly. Fathers! What a laugh! Somehow he was scolded by hussars on the Volga. Here he worked wonders!

Boris. And what a home it was! After that, for two weeks everyone hid in attics and closets.

Kuligin. What is this? No way, the people moved from Vespers?

Several faces pass at the back of the stage.

Curly. Let's go, Shapkin, in revelry! What's there to stand?

They bow and leave.

Boris. Eh, Kuligin, it is painfully difficult for me here, without a habit. Everyone looks at me somehow wildly, as if I were superfluous here, as if I were disturbing them. I don't know the customs. I understand that all this is our Russian, native, but still I can’t get used to it in any way.

Kuligin. And you'll never get used to it, sir.

Boris. From what?

Kuligin. Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel! In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and bare poverty. And we, sir, will never get out of this bark! Because honest labor will never earn us more daily bread. And whoever has money, sir, he tries to enslave the poor, so that he can make even more money from his free labors. Do you know what your uncle, Savel Prokofich, answered the mayor? The peasants came to the mayor to complain that he would not read any of them by the way. The mayor began to say to him: “Listen,” he says, “Savel Prokofich, you count the peasants well! Every day they come to me with a complaint!” Your uncle patted the mayor on the shoulder and said: “Is it worth it, your honor, to talk about such trifles with you! A lot of people stay with me every year; you understand: I won’t pay them a penny more per person, I make thousands of this, that’s how it is; I'm fine!" That's how, sir! And among themselves, sir, how they live! They undermine each other's trade, and not so much out of self-interest, but out of envy. They quarrel with each other; they lure drunken clerks into their tall mansions, such, sir, clerks, that there is no human appearance on him, his human appearance is lost. And those, for a small blessing, on stamp sheets, malicious slander scribble on their neighbors. And they will begin, sir, the court and the case, and there will be no end to the torment. They are suing, they are suing here and they will go to the province, and there they are already waiting for them and clapping their hands with joy. Soon the fairy tale is told, but the deed is not soon done; they lead them, they lead, they drag them, they drag them, and they are also happy with this dragging, that's all they need. “I,” he says, “will spend money, and it will become a penny for him.” I wanted to describe all this in verses ...

Boris. Are you good at poetry?

Kuligin. The old fashioned way, sir. After all, I read Lomonosov, Derzhavin ... Lomonosov was a wise man, a tester of nature ... But also from ours, from a simple title.

Boris. You would have written. It would be interesting.

Kuligin. How can you, sir! Eat, swallow alive. I already get it, sir, for my chatter; Yes, I can’t, I like to scatter the conversation! Here's something else about family life I wanted to tell you, sir; yes some other time. And also something to listen to.

Enter Feklusha and another woman.

Feklusha. Blah-alepie, honey, blah-alepie! Beauty is wondrous! What can I say! Live in the promised land! And the merchants are all pious people, adorned with many virtues! Generosity and alms by many! I'm so happy, so, mother, happy, up to the neck! For our failure to leave them even more bounty will be multiplied, and especially the house of the Kabanovs.

They leave.

Boris. Kabanov?

Kuligin. Hypnotize, sir! She clothes the poor, but eats the household completely.


If only I, sir, could find a perpetual mobile!

Boris. What would you do?

Kuligin. How, sir! After all, the British give a million; I would use all the money for society, for support. Work must be given to the bourgeoisie. And then there are hands, but there is nothing to work.

Boris. Are you hoping to find a perpetuum mobile?

Kuligin. Certainly, sir! If only now I could get some money on the model. Farewell, sir! (Exits.)

The fourth phenomenon

Boris (one). Sorry to disappoint him! What a good man! Dreaming himself - and happy. And I, apparently, will ruin my youth in this slum. After all, I’m walking around completely dead, and then there’s still nonsense in my head! Well, what's up! Should I start tenderness? Driven, beaten, and then foolishly decided to fall in love. Yes, to whom? In a woman with whom you will never even be able to talk! (Silence.) And yet it doesn’t get out of my head, no matter what you want. Here she is! She goes with her husband, well, and the mother-in-law with them! Well, am I not a fool? Look around the corner and go home. (Exits.)

On the opposite side enter Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina And barbarian.

Fifth phenomenon

Kabanova , Kabanov, Katerina And barbarian.

Kabanova. If you want to listen to your mother, then when you get there, do as I ordered you.

Kabanov. But how can I, mother, disobey you!

Kabanova. There is not much respect for elders these days.

barbarian (About myself). Do not respect you, how!

Kabanov. I, it seems, mother, not a step out of your will.

Kabanova. I would have believed you, my friend, if I had not seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears, what is now the reverence for parents from children! If only they remembered how many diseases mothers endure from children.

Kabanov. I mum...

Kabanova. If a parent that when and insulting, in your pride, says so, I think it could be transferred! What do you think?

Kabanov. But when did I, mother, not endure from you?

Kabanova. Mother is old, stupid; well, and you, smart young people, should not exact from us, fools.

Kabanov (sigh, to the side). Oh you, sir. (Mothers.) Do we dare, mother, to think!

Kabanova. After all, out of love, parents are strict with you, out of love they scold you, everyone thinks to teach good. Well, now I don't like it. And the children will go to people to praise that the mother is grumbling, that the mother does not give a pass, she shrinks from the light. And God forbid, you can’t please the daughter-in-law with some word, well, the conversation started that the mother-in-law completely ate.

Kabanov. Something, mother, who is talking about you?

Kabanova. I didn’t hear, my friend, I didn’t hear, I don’t want to lie. If only I had heard, I would not have spoken to you, my dear, then. (Sighs.) Oh, a grave sin! That's a long time to sin something! A conversation close to the heart will go on, well, you will sin, get angry. No, my friend, say what you want about me. You won’t order anyone to speak: they won’t dare to face it, they will stand behind your back.

Kabanov. Let your tongue dry...

Kabanova. Complete, complete, don't worry! Sin! I have long seen that your wife is dearer to you than your mother. Since I got married, I don’t see the same love from you.

Kabanov. What do you see, mother?

Kabanova. Yes, everything, my friend! What a mother cannot see with her eyes, she has a prophetic heart, she can feel with her heart. Al wife takes you away from me, I don’t know.

Kabanov. No, mother! What are you, have mercy!

Katerina. For me, mother, it’s all the same that your own mother, that you, and Tikhon loves you too.

Kabanova. You would, it seems, could be silent, if you are not asked. Do not intercede, mother, I will not offend, I suppose! After all, he is also my son; you don't forget it! What did you jump out in the eyes of something to poke! To see, or what, how you love your husband? So we know, we know, in the eyes of something you prove it to everyone.

barbarian (About myself). Found a place to read.

Katerina. You are talking about me, mother, in vain. With people, that without people, I'm all alone, I don't prove anything from myself.

Kabanova. Yes, I didn’t want to talk about you; and so, by the way, I had to.

Katerina. Yes, even by the way, why do you offend me?

Kabanova. Eka important bird! Already offended now.

Katerina. It’s nice to endure slander!

Kabanova. I know, I know that my words are not to your liking, but what can you do, I am not a stranger to you, my heart aches for you. I have long seen that you want the will. Well, wait, live and be free when I'm gone. Then do what you want, there will be no elders over you. Or maybe you remember me.

Kabanov. Yes, we pray to God for you, mother, day and night, that God will give you, mother, health and all prosperity and success in business.

Kabanova. Okay, stop it, please. Maybe you loved your mother while you were single. Do you care about me: you have a young wife.

Kabanov. One does not interfere with the other, sir: the wife is in itself, and I have respect for the parent in itself.

Kabanova. So will you trade your wife for your mother? I don't believe this for the rest of my life.

Kabanov. Why should I change, sir? I love both.

Kabanova. Well, yes, it is, smear it! I can already see that I'm a hindrance to you.

Kabanov. Think as you wish, everything is your will; only I don’t know what kind of unfortunate person I was born into the world that I can’t please you with anything.

Kabanova. What are you pretending to be an orphan? What did you nurse something dismissed? Well, what kind of husband are you? Look at you! Will your wife be afraid of you after that?

Kabanov. Why should she be afraid? It's enough for me that she loves me.

Kabanova. Why be afraid! Why be afraid! Yes, you're crazy, right? You will not be afraid, and even more so me. What is the order in the house will be? After all, you, tea, live with her in law. Ali, do you think the law means nothing? Yes, if you keep such stupid thoughts in your head, you would at least not chatter in front of her sister, in front of the girl; she, too, to get married: that way she will hear enough of your chatter, so after that the husband will thank us for science. You see what other mind you have, and you still want to live by your will.

Kabanov. Yes, mother, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live with my will!

Kabanova. So, in your opinion, you need all the caress with your wife? And not to shout at her and not to threaten?

Kabanov. Yes, mama...

Kabanova (hot). At least get a lover! A? And this, maybe, in your opinion, is nothing? A? Well, speak!

Kabanov. Yes, by God, mama...

Kabanova (completely cool). Fool! (Sighs.) What a fool and talk! Only one sin!


I'm going home.

Kabanov. And we now, only once or twice will pass along the boulevard.

Kabanova. Well, as you wish, only you look so that I don't have to wait for you! You know I don't like it.

Kabanov. No, mother, God save me!

Kabanova. That's it! (Exits.)

The sixth phenomenon

The same , without Kabanova.

Kabanov. You see, I always get it for you from my mother! Here is my life!

Katerina. What am I to blame?

Kabanov. Who's to blame, I don't know

barbarian. Where do you know!

Kabanov. Then she kept pestering: "Get married, get married, I would at least look at you as a married man." And now he eats food, does not allow passage - everything is for you.

barbarian. So is it her fault? Her mother attacks her, and so do you. And you say you love your wife. I'm bored looking at you! (Turns away.)

Kabanov. Interpret here! What am I to do?

barbarian. Know your business - keep quiet if you can't do anything better. What are you standing - shifting? I can see in your eyes what's on your mind.

Kabanov. So what?

barbarian. It is known that. I want to go to Savel Prokofich, have a drink with him. What's wrong, right?

Kabanov. You guessed it brother.

Katerina. You, Tisha, come quickly, otherwise mamma will begin to scold again.

barbarian. You are quicker, in fact, otherwise you know it!

Kabanov. How not to know!

barbarian. We, too, have little desire to accept scolding because of you.

Kabanov. I instantly. Wait! (Exits.)

The seventh phenomenon

Katerina And barbarian.

Katerina. So you, Varya, pity me?

barbarian (looking to the side). Of course, it's a pity.

Katerina. So you love me, then? (Kissing her hard.)

barbarian. Why shouldn't I love you?

Katerina. Well, thank you! You are so sweet, I love you to death myself.


Do you know what came to my mind?

barbarian. What?

Katerina. Why don't people fly?

barbarian. I do not understand what you say.

Katerina. I say why don't people fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you are drawn to fly. That's how it would have run up, raised its hands and flew. Try something now? (Wants to run.)

barbarian. What are you inventing?

Katerina (sighing). How frisky I was! I completely screwed up with you.

barbarian. Do you think I can't see?

Katerina. Was I like that! I lived, did not grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild. Mother did not have a soul in me, dressed me up like a doll, did not force me to work; Whatever I want, I do it. Do you know how I lived in girls? Now I'll tell you. I used to get up early; if it’s summer, I’ll go to the spring, wash myself, bring water with me and that’s it, water all the flowers in the house. I had many, many flowers. Then we’ll go to church with mama, all of them are wanderers - our house was full of wanderers; yes pilgrimage. And we will come from the church, we will sit down for some work, more like gold velvet, and the wanderers will begin to tell: where they were, what they saw, different lives, or they sing poetry. So it's time for lunch. Here the old women lie down to sleep, and I walk in the garden. Then to vespers, and in the evening again stories and singing. That was good!

barbarian. Yes, we have the same thing.

Katerina. Yes, everything here seems to be out of captivity. And I loved going to church to death! For sure, it used to happen that I would enter paradise and not see anyone, and I don’t remember the time, and I don’t hear when the service was over. Exactly how it all happened in one second. Mom said that everyone used to look at me, what was happening to me. And you know: on a sunny day, such a bright pillar goes down from the dome, and smoke moves in this pillar, like a cloud, and I see, it used to be that angels in this pillar fly and sing. And then, it happened, a girl, I would get up at night - we also had lamps burning everywhere - but somewhere in a corner and pray until the morning. Or, early in the morning, I’ll go into the garden, as soon as the sun rises, I’ll fall on my knees, pray and cry, and I myself don’t know what I’m praying for and what I’m crying about; so they will find me. And what I prayed for then, what I asked for, I don’t know; I don't need anything, I've had enough of everything. And what dreams I had, Varenka, what dreams! Or golden temples, or some extraordinary gardens, and invisible voices sing, and the smell of cypress, and the mountains and trees seem not to be the same as usual, but as they are written on the images. And the fact that I'm flying, I'm flying through the air. And now sometimes I dream, but rarely, and not that.

barbarian. But what?

Katerina (after a pause). I will die soon.

barbarian. Completely you!

Katerina. No, I know that I will die. Oh, girl, something bad is happening to me, some kind of miracle! This has never happened to me. There is something so extraordinary about me. It's like I'm starting to live again, or ... I don't know.

barbarian. What is the matter with you?

Katerina (takes her hand). And here's what, Varya: to be some kind of sin! Such a fear on me, such a fear on me! It’s as if I’m standing over an abyss, and someone is pushing me there, but there’s nothing for me to hold on to. (He grabs his head with his hand.)

barbarian. What happened to you? Are you well?

Katerina. I’m healthy ... I wish I were sick, otherwise it’s not good. A dream comes into my head. And I won't leave her anywhere. If I start thinking, I can’t collect my thoughts, I can’t pray, I won’t pray in any way. I babble words with my tongue, but my mind is completely different: it’s as if the evil one is whispering in my ears, but everything about such things is not good. And then it seems to me that I will be ashamed of myself. What happened with me? Before trouble before any it! At night, Varya, I can’t sleep, I keep imagining some kind of whisper: someone is talking to me so affectionately, like a dove cooing. I no longer dream, Varya, as before, of paradise trees and mountains, but it’s as if someone hugs me so hot and hot and leads me somewhere, and I follow him, I go ...

barbarian. Well?

Katerina. What am I saying to you: you are a girl.

barbarian (looking around). Speak! I'm worse than you.

Katerina. Well, what can I say? I'm ashamed.

barbarian. Speak, there is no need!

Katerina. It will make me so stuffy, so stuffy at home, that I would run. And such a thought would come to me that, if it were my will, I would now ride along the Volga, in a boat, with songs, or in a troika on a good one, embracing ...

barbarian. Just not with my husband.

Katerina. How much do you know?

barbarian. Still not to know.

Katerina. Ah, Varya, sin is on my mind! How much I, poor thing, cried, what I did not do to myself! I can't get away from this sin. Nowhere to go. After all, this is not good, this is a terrible sin, Varenka, that I love another?

barbarian. Why should I judge you! I have my sins.

Katerina. What should I do! My strength is not enough. Where should I go; I will do something for myself out of longing!

barbarian. What you! What happened to you! Just wait, my brother will leave tomorrow, we'll think about it; maybe you can see each other.

Katerina. No, no, don't! What you! What you! Save the Lord!

barbarian. What are you afraid of?

Katerina. If I see him even once, I will run away from home, I will not go home for anything in the world.

barbarian. But wait, we'll see there.

Katerina. No, no, and don't tell me, I don't want to listen.

barbarian. And what a hunt to dry something! Even if you die of longing, they will pity you! How about, wait. So what a shame to torture yourself!

Included Lady with a stick and two lackeys in triangular hats at the back.

The eighth phenomenon

The same And Lady.

Lady. What beauties? What are you doing here? Are you waiting for the good fellows, gentlemen? Are you having fun? Funny? Does your beauty make you happy? This is where beauty leads. (Pointing to the Volga.) Here, here, in the very pool.

Barbara smiles.

What are you laughing at! Don't rejoice! (Knocks with a stick.) Everything in the fire will burn inextinguishable. Everything in resin will boil unquenchable. (Leaving.) Wow, where beauty leads! (Exits.)

The ninth phenomenon

Katerina And barbarian.

Katerina. Oh, how she frightened me! I tremble all over, as if she were prophesying something to me.

barbarian. On your own head, old hag!

Katerina. What did she say, huh? What she said?

barbarian. All nonsense. You really need to listen to what she is talking about. She prophesies to everyone. I have sinned all my life since I was young. Ask what they say about her! That's why he's afraid to die. What she fears, scares others. Even all the boys in the city are hiding from her, threatening them with a stick and shouting (mimicking): "You will all burn in fire!"

Katerina (squinting). Ah, ah, stop it! My heart sank.

barbarian. There is something to fear! Fool old...

Katerina. I'm afraid, I'm scared to death. She is all in my eyes.


barbarian (looking around). That this brother is not coming, out, no way, the storm is coming.

Katerina (with fear). Storm! Let's run home! Hurry!

barbarian. What, are you out of your mind? How can you show yourself home without a brother?

Katerina. No, home, home! God bless him!

barbarian. What are you really afraid of: the storm is still far away.

Katerina. And if it's far away, then perhaps we'll wait a little; but it would be better to go. Let's go better!

barbarian. Why, if anything happens, you can’t hide at home.

Katerina. But all the same, it’s better, everything is calmer: at home I go to the images and pray to God!

barbarian. I didn't know you were so afraid of thunderstorms. I'm not afraid here.

Katerina. How, girl, do not be afraid! Everyone should be afraid. It’s not so terrible that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts. I'm not afraid to die, but when I think that suddenly I will appear before God the way I am here with you, after this conversation, that's what's scary. What's on my mind! What a sin! Terrible to say! Oh!

Thunder. Kabanov is included.

barbarian. Here comes the brother. (Kabanov.) Run quickly!


Katerina. Oh! Hurry, hurry!

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Drama Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", written by the author in 1859, is a very popular play that is played on many city theater stages. A distinctive feature of the work is that the characters are clearly divided into oppressors and the oppressed. The exploiters, depraved in their hearts, not only do not see anything shameful in a rude attitude towards those who depend on them, but consider such behavior to be normal, even correct. However, in order to understand the essence of the play, you need to familiarize yourself with its brief content.

The main characters of the play:

Savel Prokofievich Wild - an evil, greedy and very scandalous person, a merchant, ready to scold anyone who covets his good.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova - a rich merchant's wife, an imperious and despotic woman who keeps not only her son Tikhon, but the whole family in an iron fist.

Tikhon Kabanov - a weak-willed young man who lives at the behest of his mother and does not have his own opinion. He cannot decide who is more expensive - his mother, who must be obeyed unquestioningly, or his wife.

Katerina - the main character of the play, Tikhon's wife, suffering from the arbitrariness of her mother-in-law, from the actions of her husband, who dutifully obeys her mother. She is secretly in love with Dikiy's nephew, Boris, but for the time being is afraid to confess her feelings.

Boris- Diky's nephew, who is under pressure from his tyrant uncle, who does not want to leave him his due inheritance and therefore finds fault with every little thing.

barbarian- Tikhon's sister, a kind girl, still unmarried, sympathizing with Katerina and trying to protect her. Although circumstances force her to sometimes resort to cunning, Varya does not become bad. She, unlike her brother, is not afraid of her mother's wrath.

Kuligin- a tradesman, a person who knows the Kabanov family well, a self-taught mechanic. He looks for a perpetuum mobile, tries to be useful to people by bringing new ideas to life. Unfortunately, his dreams did not come true.

Vanya Kudryash- Diky's clerk, with whom Varvara is in love. He is not afraid of the merchant, and, unlike others, can tell the truth to his face. However, it is clear that the young man, just like his master, is used to seeking profit in everything.

Step One: Meet the Characters

The first phenomenon.

The tradesman Kuligin, sitting on a bench in a public garden, looks at the Volga and sings. “Here, my brother, for fifty years I have been looking beyond the Volga every day and I can’t see enough of everything,” he addresses the young man Vanya Kudryash. Suddenly they notice how the merchant Dikoy, for whom Ivan serves as a clerk, scolds his nephew Boris. Neither Vanya nor Kuligin are dissatisfied with the evil merchant, who finds fault with every little thing. The tradesman Shapkin is included in the conversation, and now the conversation is already between him and Kudryash, who boasts that he could, if the opportunity arises, pacify Wild. Suddenly, an angry merchant and Boris walk past them. Kuligin takes off his hat, and Kudryash and Shapkin prudently step aside.
The second phenomenon.
Dikoi yells loudly at Boris, scolding him for his inaction. However, he shows complete indifference to the words of his uncle. The merchant in his hearts leaves, not wanting to see his nephew.
The third phenomenon
Kuligin is surprised that Boris still lives with Diky and tolerates his unbearable character. The merchant's nephew replies that he is being held by nothing but bondage and explains why this happens. It turns out that Anfisa Mikhailovna's grandmother disliked his father because he married a noble woman. Therefore, Boris's parents lived separately in Moscow, they did not refuse anything to their son and daughter, but, unfortunately, they died of cholera. Grandmother Anfisa also died, leaving a will for her grandchildren. But they could receive an inheritance only if they were respectful to their uncle.

Boris understands that with such a picky character of his uncle, neither he nor his sister will ever see an inheritance. After all, if their own cannot please such a domestic tyrant, a nephew even more so.

“It's hard for me here,” Boris complains to Kuligin. The interlocutor sympathizes with the young man and confesses to him that he can write poetry. However, he is afraid to admit it because no one in the city will understand him: and so he gets it for chatting.

Suddenly, the wanderer Feklusha enters, who begins to praise the merchant's morals. Kuligin calls her a hypocrite, helping the poor, but mocking her own family.

In general, Kuligin has a cherished dream: to find a perpetuum mobile in order to subsequently financially support the society. He tells Boris about it.

The fourth phenomenon
After Kuligin leaves, Boris is left alone and, envious of his friend, laments his own fate. Falling in love with a woman that this young man will never even be able to talk to causes sadness in his soul. Suddenly he notices her walking with her mother-in-law and her husband.

Fifth phenomenon
The action begins with the instructions of the merchant Kabanova to her son. Rather, she orders him, not tolerating any objections. And the weak-willed Tikhon does not dare to disobey. Kabanova expresses that she is jealous of his daughter-in-law: the son began to love her less than before, the wife is sweeter than her own mother. Her words show hatred for Katerina. She convinces her son to be stricter with her so that the wife is afraid of her husband. Kabanov tries to insert a word that he loves Katerina, but the mother is adamant in her opinion.

The sixth phenomenon.

When Kabanikha leaves, Tikhon, his sister Varya and Katerina are left alone, and a not very pleasant conversation takes place between them. Kabanov admits that he is absolutely powerless before the autocracy of his mother. The sister reproaches her brother for his weak will, but he wants to quickly drink and forget, distracted from reality.

The seventh phenomenon

Now only Katerina and Varvara are talking. Katerina recalls her carefree past, when her mother dressed her like a doll and did not force her to do any work. Now everything has changed, and the woman feels an impending disaster, as if she is hanging over an abyss, and there is nothing to hold on to. The poor young wife is lamenting, confessing that she loves another. Varvara advises to meet with those to whom the heart is attracted. Katerina is afraid of this.

The eighth phenomenon
Another heroine of the play enters - a lady with two lackeys - and begins to talk about beauty, which leads only to a whirlpool, frightening with an unquenchable fire in which sinners will burn.

The ninth phenomenon
Katerina confesses to Varya that the lady frightened her with her prophetic words. Varvara objects that the half-mad old woman herself is afraid of dying, and therefore speaks of fire.

Tikhon's sister is worried that a thunderstorm is coming, but her brother is not there yet. Katerina admits that she is very scared because of such bad weather, because if she suddenly dies, she will appear before God with unrepentant sins. Finally, to the delight of both, Kabanov appears.

Act two: farewell to Tikhon. Tyranny Kabanova.

The first phenomenon.
Glasha, a maid in the Kabanovs' house, packs Tikhon's things, packing him for the journey. The wanderer Feklusha begins to talk about other countries where sultans rule - and everything is unrighteous. These are very strange words.

The second phenomenon.
Varya and Katerina are talking to each other again. Katya, when asked if she loves Tikhon, replies that she is very sorry for him. But Varya guesses that the object of Katerina's true love is another person and admits that she talked with him.

Conflicting feelings overwhelm Katerina. Now she laments that she will love her husband, she will not exchange Tisha for anyone, then she suddenly threatens that she will leave, and not to keep her by any force.

The third phenomenon.
Kabanova admonishes her son before the road and forces him to order his wife how to live while he is gone. The cowardly Tikhon repeats after his mother everything that Katerina needs to do. This scene is humiliating for a girl.

The fourth phenomenon.
Katerina is left alone with Kabanov and tearfully begs him either not to leave or take her with him. But Tikhon objects. He wants at least temporary freedom - both from his mother and from his wife - and he directly talks about it. Katya anticipates that without him there will be trouble.

Fifth phenomenon
Kabanova in front of the road orders Tikhon to bow at her feet. Katerina, in a fit of feelings, hugs her husband, but her mother-in-law sharply denounces her, accusing her of shamelessness. The daughter-in-law has to obey and also bow at the feet of her husband. Tikhon says goodbye to all household members.

The sixth phenomenon
Kabanova, left alone with herself, argues that young people do not adhere to any order, they cannot even say goodbye to each other normally. Without the control of the elders, everyone will laugh at them.

The seventh phenomenon
Kabanova reproaches Katerina for not crying for her husband who has left. The daughter-in-law objects: “There is nothing,” and says that she does not want to make people laugh at all. Barbara leaves the yard.

The eighth phenomenon
Katerina, left alone, thinks that now the house will be quiet and boring. She regrets that children's voices are not heard here. Suddenly, the girl comes up with how to survive two weeks until Tikhon arrives. She wants to sew and give to the poor what she has made with her own hands.
The ninth phenomenon
Varvara invites Katerina to secretly meet with Boris and gives her the keys to the backyard gate stolen from her mother. Tikhon's wife is afraid, indignant: "What are you up to, sinner?" Varya leaves.

The tenth phenomenon
Katerina, having taken the key, hesitates and does not know what to do. Left alone, she fearfully considers whether she will do the right thing if she uses the key or if it is better to throw it away. In emotional experiences, she decides to still see Boris.

Act Three: Katerina Meets Boris

scene one

Kabanova and Feklusha are sitting on the bench. Talking among themselves, they talk about the bustle of the city and the silence of village life and that hard times have come. Suddenly, the intoxicated Wild enters the yard. He rudely addresses Kabanova, asking to talk to him. In a conversation, Dikoy admits: he himself understands that he is greedy, scandalous and evil, however, he cannot help himself.

Glasha reports that she has fulfilled the command and “there is a bite to eat.” Kabanova and Dikoy enter the house.

Boris appears, looking for his uncle. Upon learning that he is visiting Kabanova, he calms down. Having met Kuligin and talked a little with him, the young man sees Varvara, who calls him to her and, with a mysterious look, offers to come later to the ravine, which is located behind the Kabanovs' garden.

scene two
Approaching the ravine, Boris sees Kudryash and asks him to leave. Vanya does not agree, thinking that he is trying to take his bride away from him, but Boris secretly admits that he loves the married Katerina.

Varvara approaches Ivan and they leave together. Boris looks around, dreaming of seeing his beloved. Lowering her gaze, Katerina approaches him, but she is very afraid of sin, which will fall like a stone on her soul if a relationship starts between them. Finally, after some hesitation, the poor girl can't stand it anymore and throws herself around Boris's neck. They talk for a long time, confessing their love to each other, and then decide to meet the next day.

Act Four: Confession of Sin

The first phenomenon.
In the city, near the Volga, couples are walking. A storm is coming. People are talking among themselves. On the walls of the destroyed gallery, it is possible to distinguish the outlines of the paintings of fiery hell, as well as the image of the battle near Lithuania.

The second phenomenon.
Dikoy and Kuligin appear. The latter persuades the merchant to help him in one good deed for people: to give money to install a lightning rod. Wild says offensive words to him, insulting an honest man who tries for others. Dikoi does not understand what "electricity" is and why people need it, and becomes even more angry, especially after Kuligin dared to read Derzhavin's poems.

The third phenomenon.
Suddenly, Tikhon returns from a trip. Varvara is at a loss: what should they do with Katerina, because she has become not herself: she is afraid to raise her eyes to her husband. The poor girl is burned by guilt before her husband. The storm is getting closer and closer.

The fourth phenomenon

People try to hide from the storm. Katerina sobs on Varvara's shoulder, feeling even more guilty before her husband, especially at the moment she sees Boris, who leaves the crowd and approaches them. Barbara makes a sign to him, and he moves away.

Kuligin addresses people, urging them not to be afraid of thunderstorms, and calling this phenomenon grace.

Fifth phenomenon
People continue to talk about the consequences of a thunderstorm. Some believe that she will kill someone. Katerina fearfully assumes: it will be her.

The sixth phenomenon
The mistress who came in frightened Katerina. She also prophesies her a quick death. The girl is afraid of hell as retribution for sins. Then she can’t stand it and admits to her family that she walked with Boris for ten days. Kabanova is furious. Tikhon is confused.

Act Five: Katerina throws herself into the river

The first phenomenon.

Kabanov talks with Kuligin, telling what is happening in their family, although everyone already knows this news. He is in a turmoil of feelings: on the one hand, he is annoyed at Katerina that she has sinned against him, on the other hand, he feels sorry for the poor wife who is being gnawed by her mother-in-law. Realizing that he is also not without sin, the weak-willed husband is ready to forgive Katya, but only mom ... Tikhon admits that he lives in someone else's mind, and simply does not know how otherwise.

Varvara cannot stand her mother's reproaches and runs away from home. The whole family was divided, becoming enemies to each other.

Suddenly Glasha comes in and sadly says that Katerina has disappeared. Kabanov wants to look for her, fearing that his wife would kill herself.

The second phenomenon
Katerina is crying, looking for Boris. She feels unceasing guilt - now in front of him. Not wanting to live with a stone in her soul, the girl wants to die. But before that, meet your loved one again. “My joy, my life, my soul, I love you! Reply!" she calls.

The third phenomenon.
Katerina and Boris meet. The girl learns that he is not angry with her. Beloved announces that he is leaving for Siberia. Katerina asks to go with him, but it is impossible: Boris is going with an order from his uncle.

Katerina is very sad, complaining to Boris that it is incredibly difficult for her to endure the reproaches of her mother-in-law, the ridicule of those around her, and even Tikhon's caress.

I really do not want to say goodbye to my beloved, but Boris, although he is tormented by a bad feeling that Katerina does not have long to live, still needs to go.

The fourth phenomenon
Left alone, Katerina realizes that now she does not want to return to her relatives at all: everything is disgusted - both people and home walls. It's better to die. In desperation, folded her hands, the girl rushes into the river.

Fifth phenomenon
Relatives are looking for Katerina, but she is nowhere to be found. Suddenly someone shouted: “The woman threw herself into the water!” Kuligin runs away with a few more people.

The sixth phenomenon.
Kabanov is trying to pull Katerina out of the river, but her mother strictly forbids doing this. When the girl is pulled out by Kuligin, it is already too late: Katerina is dead. But it looks like a living thing: one small wound is only on the temple.

The seventh phenomenon
Kabanova forbids her son to mourn Katerina, but he dares to blame his mother for the death of his wife. For the first time in his life, Tikhon is determined and shouts: “You ruined her!” Kabanova threatens to speak sternly with her son at home. Tikhon, in despair, throws himself on the dead body of his wife, saying: “Why did I stay to live and suffer.” But it's' too late. Alas.

“Thunderstorm” - a play by A.N. Ostrovsky. Summary

5 (100%) 5 votes
  1. Very briefly
  2. the main idea
  3. Summary of activities
  4. Summary of actions and phenomena

Thunderstorm Ostrovsky very briefly

The action of the play takes place in the city of Kalinov near the Volga. The inhabitants of this city are uneducated philistines, stagnant in the order of house building and not wanting to change anything.

The main character, Katerina, was of a subtle mental disposition, it was hard for her to live with her mother-in-law, a woman of a tough temper, who kept the whole family in strictness, and her son, Tikhon, a weak-willed peasant who loved to drink. Katerina falls in love with the visiting nephew of the merchant Wild Boris, an educated man who suits her in character. During the departure of her husband, she secretly meets with Boris, but, unable to bear the remorse, confesses everything to her family.

Katerina is not allowed to leave the house, her every step is controlled, and Boris is sent to distant relatives. Katerina, having said goodbye to Boris, realizing that there was no ray of hope left in her later life, rushes into the Volga.

The main idea of ​​the drama Thunderstorm

This play shows readers that it is hard to live in a society where no one seeks to understand another person, does not want to accept anything new, and does not take into account the individual. But you need to have a lot of mental strength to continue to fight, to believe in a better life, that you can always find a ray of light.

Read a summary of the Thunderstorm on the actions of Ostrovsky

Action 1

The city watches as the stingy and vicious trader Dikoy scolds his own nephew Boris. When he leaves, the nephew confesses to his friend Kuligin that he endures all the abuse only because of the inheritance. Although people say that he will not receive an inheritance. Borya and his sister will inherit wealth if they are obedient to their uncle in everything. Alone with himself, Boris dreams of a legally married girl - Katerina Kabanova.

At the same time, Kabanikha and her daughter, son Tikhon and daughter-in-law Katerina are on a walk. The boar complains that the son no longer loves his mother as much as he did before the wedding. Tikhon tries to reassure his mother, but she is still offended and leaves.

Action 2

Varvara sends her brother to drink at Dikoy's before leaving. The daughter-in-law and Kabanova remain, and Katerina says that she is in love with another man, and that her husband Tikhon is not nice to her. Katerina is worried that she is sinning, and Varvara consoles her and promises to arrange a date.

Tikhon says goodbye to his wife and leaves for the city for two weeks on business. The mother advises her son to punish his wife how to live in his absence. The wife asks him to take her with him, but Tikhon is still against it.

Wanting to help the lovers, Tikhon's sister steals the door key from her mother and gives it to Katerina so that she can see Boris. The bride is horrified by such events, but she cannot help but take the opportunity. Katerina is ashamed to lie to her husband, but she really wants to see her lover.

Action 3

Merchant Wild goes to talk to Kabaniha in order to throw off the stone from the soul. The stingy merchant confesses that he is greedy to give money to the people for work.

At this time, Boris comes to the house of Kabanikh, but on the advice of Varvara, he goes to the ravine, where he finds his Katerina. She hugs and says words of love, after which they retire. Varvara and Kudryash are left alone. Friends make another appointment for the next day.

Action 4

Ten days later, Tikhon's sister, having met Boris, tells him that her brother had returned earlier. At this time, Tikhon and his mother are walking along Kalinov. It's starting to rain. Having met Boris, the girl begins to cry bitterly. People keep saying that a thunderstorm will begin soon. Someone claims that a thunderstorm will either destroy something or ruin someone. Katerina thinks and then says out loud that the storm will destroy her. A young lady passing by calls her a sinner. Kabanova, right on the street, confesses to her husband and his mother that she met another man for ten nights.

Action 5

Tikhon told Kuligin the news that the merchant was sending his nephew out of the city for several years, Varvara fled with her lover, and Katerina confessed to treason. A friend gives Tikhon advice to forgive his wife. Tikhon cannot forgive Katerina, since his mother will not approve of his decision, and he cannot disobey her. After arriving home, the maids tell him that his wife has disappeared. Tikhon starts after her.

Walking through the city, the girl met her lover, who tells her that he was leaving for Siberia on the instructions of his uncle. She tells that her husband is disgusting to her and asks to take her to Siberia. They are forever separated. The heartbroken girl begins to dream of death. He approaches the cliff and throws himself into the river, shouting about Boris.

The whole city is looking for a girl. Someone shouted that a woman had thrown herself off a cliff. The mother does not allow Tikhon to save his wife, threatening to curse him. Kuligin pulls out the body with the words that he gives the body away, and the girl's soul is no longer with them. Tikhon kneels in front of the body, sees his lifeless wife and blames his mother, Kabanikha, for what happened. Complains to his wife that she left him tormented in this world.

Read a summary of Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm on actions and phenomena

Action 1

Phenomenon 1

Kuligin, Shapkin and Kudryash are walking. During the conversation, they see the merchant Dikoy scolding his nephew. They begin to discuss the steep disposition of the Wild, that he loves to scold people. Curly boasts that he is not afraid of a merchant and, if there were more young guys, he would teach him a lesson. Shapkin and Kuligin doubt. At this time, their uncle and nephew approach them.

Phenomenon 2

Savel Prokofievich scolds Boris for being idle. The young man replies that he has nothing to do on the holiday. Wild in an annoyed mood leaves.

Phenomenon 3

Kuligin asks Boris why he tolerates such an attitude and does not leave. Boris says that his grandmother left him and his sister a will, that his uncle must pay the part he bequeathed to them. But on the condition that they will be respectful to him. Kuligin believes that the brother and sister will not receive anything. The young man replies that he tolerates such treatment not for himself, but for his sister. Treats him harshly with Wild, like with everyone.

At this time, people come from Vespers. Shapkin and Kudryash leave. Kuligin talks about philistinism as a rough, poor society, that such a person as Boris will never get used to it. At this time, the wanderer Feklusha passes by them and wishes bounty for the Kabanovs' house. Kuligin says that Kabanova only helps such wanderers, and she completely ate her family. A man in a dream of a perpetu mobile walks away.

Phenomenon 4

Boris's monologue about his difficult situation: hard life with his uncle and love for a married woman, with whom he cannot even talk, but only watch her leave the church with her family.

Phenomenon 5

Kabanova tells her son what to do and complains that Tikhon has a nicer wife than a mother. Tikhon tries to dissuade her, but the woman continues to say something else. Katerina tries to protect her husband, but her mother-in-law is rude to her. The young woman does not understand why she does not love her, and Tikhon tries to convince his mother that he loves them both. Kabanova says that he can only dismiss nurses, that his wife has neither respect nor fear for him. And if this is not for her husband, then even more so for her, therefore, there will be no order in the house. Excited, Kabanova leaves.

Phenomenon 6

Kabanov attacks his wife, which because of her he gets from his mother. Varvara, his sister, stands up for Katerina. Tikhon goes to Dikoy for a drink.

Phenomenon 7

Varvara takes pity on Katerina. She talks about her childhood, that everyone loved her, spoiled her, and that most of all she liked to go to church and sing prayers. Katerina shares with Varya the thought of imminent death. The girl tries to calm her down, but Katerina confesses to her that she is a sinner because she fell in love with another. Barbara wants to help her.

Phenomenon 8

An old lady comes up to the girls and prophesies to them that beauty will lead them to the very pool of the Volga. After that, she leaves.

Phenomenon 9

Katerina was very frightened by the old woman's prediction. Barbara says it's all nonsense. A storm is gathering. Katerina admits that she is afraid not so much of a thunderstorm as of death, which can suddenly catch her with all her sins. The girls see Kabanov and rush to the house.

Action 2

Phenomenon 1

Glasha, the servant of the Kabanovs, collects things for the owner on the road. Feklusha enters and tells her about distant countries ruled by different saltans. After talking with Glasha, she leaves.

Phenomenon 2

Enter Varvara and Katerina, Glasha, taking things, leaves. Varvara asks Katerina for the name of the man she loves. The girl confesses to her that this is Boris. Varvara invites her to see Boris secretly, Katerina refuses. She wants to refrain from these meetings as long as she can, and if everything gets cold at home, she will run away anywhere, even throw herself into the Volga. Varya invites her to sleep in the gazebo. Katerina doubts and waits for Tikhon.

Phenomenon 3

Enter Kabanov and Kabanova. Kabanova tells her son to give orders to his wife and, upon his return, ask how she carried them out. Tikhon, embarrassed, gives orders to Katerina. Kabanova, having called her daughter with her, leaves, leaving Tikhon and Katerina.

Phenomenon 4

Katerina asks Tikhon to take her with him. Tikhon refuses, saying that he wants to take a break from her and his mother. The woman asks to take a promise from her that she will not talk to any of the men. Kabanov says that this is useless, but Katerina persists. At this time, the voice of Kabanova is heard.

Phenomenon 5

Relatives see off Tikhon. Kabanova makes sure that everything is done as it should be. Kabanov leaves.

Phenomenon 6

Kabanova, left alone, talks about the youth's ignorance of customs and practices. There is a decline of antiquity, the young do not know how, and it is a shame to look at them. Kabanova rejoices that she will not see how nothing remains of the order.

Phenomenon 7

Enter Katerina and Varvara. Kabanova shames Katerina that after her husband's departure, she does not howl on the porch. Katerina replies that it is useless and she does not know how. Varvara goes for a walk, followed by Kabanova.

Phenomenon 8

Katherine's monologue. The woman thinks how to pass the time before her husband arrives and decides to take up sewing and distribute it to the poor so that they pray for her and pass the time until Kabanov returns.

Phenomenon 9

Varvara, going for a walk, gives Katerina the key to the gate and promises to tell Boris to come there in the evening. Katerina gets scared and asks the girl not to do this. Varya, saying that she will need it too, goes for a walk.

Event 10

Katerina, left alone, talks about what a hopeless, hard life she has. Holding the key in her hand, she thinks to throw it away, but, hearing some footsteps, hides it in her pocket. Katerina decides that this is the way it should be and wants to see Boris.

Action 3

scene one

Phenomenon 1

Feklusha and Kabanova are sitting on a bench, talking. Feklusha tells about Moscow, how noisy it became, all the people are in a hurry, old customs are not honored. Kabanova agrees with her that the old days are gradually leaving. Dikoy approaches them.

Phenomenon 2

Dikoy begins to talk rudely with Kabanova. Kabanova wants to leave, but he stops her and asks to talk to him. Dikoy says that he is tipsy and only Kabanova can talk him. The merchant complains that his nature is such that he deliberately offends people and gets angry with them. Kabanova says that he does it on purpose so that no one approaches him. At this time, Glasha says that the snacks are ready, and they go into the house. The maid notices Wild's nephew.

Phenomenon 3

Boris asks Glasha if they have an uncle. Kuligin comes up to Boris and invites him for a walk. Walking, Kuligin tells the young man about the inhabitants of the city, about their rudeness, lack of education, cruel disposition, that only young boys and girls walk around the city. While walking, they see Kudryash and Varvara kissing. Approaching the gate, Varvara calls Boris.

Phenomenon 4

Kuligin leaves, and Boris approaches Varya. She asks him to come to the ravine behind the Boar Garden in the evening.

scene two

Phenomenon 1

Curly with a guitar comes to the ravine and, waiting for Varya, sings a song. Boris arrives.

Phenomenon 2

Boris asks Kudryash to leave, Kudryash thinks that Boris wants to take Varya away from him. Boris confesses that he is in love with Katerina. Kudryash tells him that if not Varya, then only Katerina could call him here. Boris is happy. Barbara comes out of the gate.

Phenomenon 3

Varvara and Kudryash leave, Katerina comes out to Boris. He confesses his love to her, the young woman is ashamed of what she is doing, says that it is a sin. Boris tries to calm her down. Katerina confesses to him in a reciprocal feeling.

Phenomenon 4

Boris and Katerina go for a walk, Varvara and Kudryash arrive. The young man praises the girl for how cleverly she came up with the gate. Curly plays the guitar, Varya asks what time it is. Having learned that it is time, they call Boris and Katerina.

Phenomenon 5

Katerina and Boris arrive. The couples say goodbye, Curly tightens the song.

act four

Phenomenon 1

A storm is gathering. Passers-by walk and talk about what was previously painted on the arches. Dikoi and Kuligin enter.

Phenomenon 2

Kuligin tries to beg Dikoy to put a clock on the boulevard, Dikoy brushes him off. Kuligin, seeing that a thunderstorm is beginning, suggests installing lightning rods. Dikoy swears at him, he continues to prove the usefulness of lightning rods and says that a thunderstorm is electricity. Dikoy is even more angry with him for these words. Kuligin leaves, after some time Dikoy leaves.

Phenomenon 3

Varvara is waiting for Boris to tell him that Kabanov arrived earlier than expected. Katerina is experiencing severe mental anguish. Varvara is afraid that she would not tell everything to her husband. Boris hides when he sees the Kabanovs.

Phenomenon 4

Passers-by say that there will be a thunderstorm. Katerina, frightened, cuddles up to Varvara. Kabanikha suspects a woman, Boris passes by them. Varvara, seeing Katerina's condition, makes him a sign that he needs to leave. Kuligin comes out and addresses people with a speech that there is nothing to be afraid of a thunderstorm, because it is just a natural phenomenon. Calling Boris with him, he leaves.

Phenomenon 5

Some of the passers-by say that the storm will kill someone. Katerina says that it is hers and asks to pray for her. When he sees the mistress, he hides with a cry.

Phenomenon 6

The lady notices her and says that all the sins are due to the beauty of the female, that it is better for her to rush into the pool. Katerina cannot stand it and confesses everything to her mother-in-law and her husband. Hearing a thunderclap, he falls senseless.

Action 5

Phenomenon 1

Kuligin is sitting on a bench, Kabanov comes up to him. Tikhon says that after Katerina’s confession, they don’t give her life, Kabanova watches her every step. Varvara ran away with Kudryash. Kabanov feels sorry for his wife, but he cannot go against the will of his mother. Kuligin asks about Boris, Tikhon says that he is being sent to distant relatives. Glasha comes running and says that Katerina has gone somewhere. Kabanov and Kuligin run to look for her.

Phenomenon 2

Katerina walks alone, hoping to see Boris. A young woman worries about her lover. Due to severe mental suffering, Katerina does not want to live, she wants to say goodbye to Boris and calls him. Boris comes to her call.

Phenomenon 3

Boris tells Katerina that he really wanted to say goodbye to her. She understands that Boris is not angry with her and it becomes easier for her. Boris hurries the woman, because he needs to go. They say goodbye.

Phenomenon 4

Katerina understands that her life has become disgusting to her: the people who surround her, the house, the walls. Realizing that she can be returned home, Katerina makes a decision. Saying goodbye to Boris, she rushes into the Volga.

Phenomenon 5

The Kabanovs and Kuligin arrive at the place where Katerina was last seen. People say she was alive. Kabanova grumbles at her son, saying that he is worrying in vain. At this time, someone shouts that a woman has thrown herself into the water. Kuligin runs away.

Phenomenon 6

Kabanov wants to run to the water, but Kabanikha stops him, answering that when they get her, then he will look. Kabanov asks if she is alive. People say no. Kuligin and several people carry Katerina's body.

Phenomenon 7

Kuligin lays the body of a woman on the ground and, turning to the Kabanovs, says that her soul is now before a judge who is more merciful than them. Kabanov accuses his mother of being the one who killed her. Kabanova promises to talk to her son at home. Tikhon throws himself on Katerina's body and cries.

Picture or drawing Thunderstorm

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary The Barber of Seville Beaumarchais

    On one of the streets of Seville, the count is waiting for the moment when a thing intended for his love will appear from the window. The count is very rich, so he did not see true love, most of the ladies coveted his money and possessions

    The main character of Boris Vasiliev's novel "Don't Shoot White Swans" is called Yegor Polushkin, but in the village where he lives, he is known as the "poor bearer". Yegor has a wife Kharitin, who is very unlucky with the name



A public garden on the high bank of the Volga, a rural view beyond the Volga. There are two benches and several bushes on the stage.


Kuligin sits on a bench and looks across the river. Kudryash and Shapkin are walking.

Kuligin (sings). "In the midst of a flat valley, at a smooth height..." "

(Stops singing.) Miracles, truly it must be said, miracles! Curly! Here, my brother, for fifty years I have been looking beyond the Volga every day and I can’t see enough.

Curly. And what?

Kuligin. The view is extraordinary! Beauty! The soul rejoices.

Curly. Something!

Kuligin. Delight! And you are "something"! Take a closer look, or you don’t understand what beauty is spilled in nature.

Curly. Well, what's the deal with you! You are an antique, a chemist.

Kuligin. Mechanic, self-taught mechanic. Curly. All the same.


KULIGIN (pointing to the side). Look, brother Curly, who is waving his arms like that?

Curly. This? This Wild nephew scolds.

K u l i g and n. Found a place!

Curly. He has a place everywhere. Afraid of what, he of whom! He got Boris Grigoryevich as a sacrifice, so he rides on it.

Sh a p k i n. Look for such and such a scolder as Savel Prokofich among us! Will cut off a person for nothing.

Curly. A poignant man!

Sh a p k i n. Good, too, and Kabaniha.

Curly. Well, yes, at least that one, at least, is all under the guise of piety, but this one has broken loose from the chain!

Sh a p k i n. There is no one to take him down, so he is fighting!

Curly. We don’t have many guys like me, otherwise we would wean him to be naughty.

Sh a p k i n. What would you do?

Curly. They would have done well.

Sh a p k i n. Like this?

Curly. Four of them, five of them in an alley somewhere would talk to him face to face, so he would become silk. And about our science, I wouldn’t utter a word to anyone, if only I would walk and look around.

Sh a p k i n. No wonder he wanted to give you to the soldiers.

Curly. I wanted to, but I didn’t give it away, so it’s all one thing, that’s nothing. He will not give me away: he smells with his nose that I will not sell my head cheaply. He's scary to you, but I know how to talk to him.

Sh a p k i n. Oh is it?

Curly. What's here: oh! I am considered a brute; why is he holding me?

So, he needs me. Well, that means I'm not afraid of him, but let him be afraid of me.

Sh a p k i n. Like he doesn't scold you?

Curly. How not to scold! He can't breathe without it. Yes, I don’t let it go either: he’s a word, and I’m ten; spit, and go. No, I will not be a slave to him.

Kuligin. With him, that eh, an example to take! It's better to be patient.

Curly. Well, if you are smart, then you should learn it before courtesy, and then teach us. It’s a pity that his daughters are teenagers, there aren’t any big ones.

Sh a p k i n. What would it be?

Curly. I would respect him. It hurts dashing for girls! Pass Wild and Boris, Kuligin takes off his hat.

Shapkin (Kudryash). Let's go to the side: it will still be attached, perhaps.


The same. Dikoy and Boris.

Wild. Bugs, have you come here to beat? Parasite!

Get lost!

Boris. Holiday; what to do at home.

Wild. Find the job you want. I told you once, I told you twice:

"Don't you dare to meet me"; you get it all! Is there enough space for you?

Wherever you go, here you are! Pah you damned! Why are you standing like a pillar? Are you being told al no?

Boris. I'm listening, what else can I do!

Wild (looking at Boris). You failed! I don't even want to talk to you, to the Jesuit. (Leaving.) Here he imposed himself! (Spits and leaves.)

SCENE THREE Kuligin, Boris, Kudryash and Shapkin.

Kuligin. What is your business with him, sir? We will never understand. You want to live with him and endure abuse.

Boris. What a hunt, Kuligin! Captivity.

Kuligin. But what kind of bondage, sir, let me ask you? If you can, sir, tell us so.

Boris. Why not say? Did you know our grandmother, Anfisa Mikhailovna?

Kuligin. Well, how not to know!

Curly. How not to know!

Boris. After all, she disliked the father because he married a noble woman. On this occasion, father and mother lived in Moscow. Mother said that for three days she could not get along with her relatives, it seemed very wild to her.

Kuligin. Still not wild! What to say! You must have a great habit, sir.

Boris. Our parents raised us well in Moscow, they spared nothing for us. I was sent to the Commercial Academy, "and my sister was sent to a boarding school, but both suddenly died of cholera, my sister and I remained orphans. Then we hear that my grandmother died here and left a will so that our uncle would pay us the part that should be when we will come of age, only with a condition.

Kulagin. With what, sir?

Boris. If we are respectful to him.

Kulagin. This means, sir, that you will never see your inheritance.

Bori s. No, that's not enough, Kuligin! He will first break upon us, abuse us in every possible way, as his heart desires, but all the same will end up giving us nothing, or just a little. Moreover, he will begin to tell that he gave out of mercy, that this should not have been.

Curly. Uzd is such an institution in our merchant class. Again, even if you were respectful to him, someone who forbids him to say something that you are disrespectful?

Bori s. Well, yes. Even now he says sometimes:

"I have my own children, why would I give money to strangers? Through this, I must offend my own!"

Kuligin. So, sir, your business is bad.

Boris. If I were alone, it would be nothing! I would drop everything and leave. And I'm sorry sister. He used to write her out, but mother's relatives did not let her in, they wrote that she was sick. What would her life here be - and it's scary to imagine.

Curly. Of course. Somehow they understand the appeal!

Kuligin. How do you live with him, sir, in what position?

B o r and s. Yes, none. "Live," he says, "with me, do what they tell you, and pay whatever you pay." That is, in a year he will count as he pleases.

Curly. He has such an establishment. With us, no one even dare to utter a word about salaries, they will scold what the world is worth. “You,” he says, “why do you know what I have in mind? Somehow you can know my soul? Or maybe I will come to such an arrangement that you will have five thousand ladies.” So you talk to him! Only he had never in his entire life come to such and such an arrangement.

Kuligin. What to do, sir! You have to try to please somehow.

Boris. The fact of the matter, Kuligin, is that it is absolutely impossible. They cannot please him either; and where am I?

Curly. Who will please him, if his whole life is based on cursing? And most of all because of the money; not a single calculation without scolding is complete. Another is glad to give up his own, if only he would calm down. And the trouble is, how someone will make him angry in the morning! He picks on everyone all day long.

Boris. Every morning my aunt begs everyone with tears: "Fathers, don't make me angry! Dear friends, don't make me angry!"

Curly. Yes, save something! Got to the market, that's the end! All the men will be scolded. Even if you ask at a loss, you still won’t leave without a scolding. And then he went for the whole day.

Shapkin. One word: warrior!

Curly. What a warrior!

Boris. But the trouble is when he is offended by such a person whom he does not dare not scold; stay at home here!

Curly. Fathers! What a laugh! Somehow he was scolded by hussars on the Volga. Here he worked wonders!

Boris. And what a home it was! After that, for two weeks everyone hid in attics and closets.

Kuligin. What is this? No way, the people moved from Vespers?

Several faces pass at the back of the stage.

Curly. Let's go, Shapkin, to revelry!" Why stand there? They bow and leave.

Boris. Eh, Kuligin, it is painfully difficult for me here, without a habit. Everyone looks at me somehow wildly, as if I were superfluous here, as if I were disturbing them. I don't know the customs. I understand that all this is our Russian, native, but still I can’t get used to it in any way.

Kuligin. And you'll never get used to it, sir.

B o r and s. From what?

Kuligin. Cruel morals, sir, in our city,

In revelry-on a spree (party), in a place where you can roam-Xia -

sip, drink.

stock! In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and naked poverty. And we, sir, will never break out of this crust!

Because honest labor will never earn us more daily bread.

And whoever has money, sir, he tries to enslave the poor, so that he can make even more money from his free labors. Do you know what your uncle, Savel Prokofich, answered the mayor? The peasants came to the mayor to complain that he would not read any of them by the way. The mayor began to say to him:

“Listen,” he says, “Savel Prokofich, count on you guys well!

Every day they come to me with a complaint!" Your uncle patted the mayor on the shoulder and said:

“Is it worth it, your honor, for us to talk about such trifles! ;

I feel good!" That's how it is, sir! And among themselves, sir, how they live!

They undermine each other's trade, and not so much out of self-interest, but out of envy. They quarrel with each other; they lure drunken clerks into their tall mansions, such, sir, clerks, that there is no human appearance on him, his human appearance is lost. And those, for a small blessing, on stamp sheets 2 malicious slander scribble on their neighbors. And they will begin, sir, the court and the case, and there will be no end to the torment. They are suing, they are suing here and they will go to the province, and there they are already expected and from, they splash their hands with joy. Soon the fairy tale is told, but the deed is not soon done; they lead them, they lead, they drag them, they drag them, and they are also happy with this dragging, that's all they need. “I,” he says, “will spend money, and it will cost him a penny.” I wanted to describe all this in verses ...

Boris. Are you good at poetry?

K u l i g and n. The old fashioned way, sir. After all, I read Lomonosov, Derzhavin ... Lomonosov was a wise man, a tester of nature ... But also from ours, from a simple title.

Boris. You would have written. It would be interesting.

Kuligin. How can you, sir! Eat, swallow alive. I already get it, sir, for my chatter; Yes, I can’t, I like to scatter the conversation! Here's something else about family life I wanted to tell you, sir; yes some other time. And also something to listen to.

Feklusha and another woman enter.

Feklush. Blah-alepie, honey, blah-alepie! Beauty is wondrous! What can I say! You live in the promised land! And the merchants are all pious people, adorned with many virtues! With many generosity and alms!

Boris. Kabanov?

Kuligin. Hypnotize, sir! She clothes the poor, but eats the household completely.


If only I, sir, could find a perpetual mobile!

Boris. What would you do?

Kuligin. How, sir! After all, the British give a million; I would use all the money for society, for support. Work must be given to the bourgeoisie. And then there are hands, but there is nothing to work.

Boris. Are you hoping to find a perpetuum mobile?

Kuligin. Certainly, sir! If only now I could get some money on the model. Farewell, sir! (Exits.)


Boris (one). Sorry to disappoint him! What a good man!

Dreaming himself - and happy. And I, apparently, will ruin my youth in this slum. After all, I’m walking around completely dead, and then there’s still nonsense in my head! Well, what's up! Should I start tenderness? Driven, beaten, and then foolishly decided to fall in love. Yes, to whom? Into a woman with whom you will never even be able to talk! (Silence.) Still, I can't get it out of my head, no matter what you want. Here she is! She goes with her husband, well, and the mother-in-law with them!

Well, am I not a fool? Look around the corner and go home. (Exits.)

From the opposite side enter Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina and Varvara.

"The Promised Land - according to the biblical myth, the country where God, fulfilling his promise, brought the Jews from Egypt. In a figurative sense: a country, region or place abounding in wealth.


Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina and Varvara.

Kabanova. If you want to listen to your mother, then when you get there, do as I ordered you.

Kabanov. But how can I, mother, disobey you!

Kabanova. There is not much respect for elders these days.

Barbara (to herself). Do not respect you, how!

Kabanov. I, it seems, mother, not a step out of your will.

Kabanova. I would believe you, my friend, if I didn’t see with my own eyes and breathe with my own ears, what a reverence for parents from children has now become! If only they remembered how many diseases mothers endure from children.

Kabanov. I mama...

Kabanova. If a parent that when and insulting, in your pride, says so, I think it could be transferred! What do you think?

Kabanov. "Yes, when did I, mother, not endure from you?

Kabanova. Mother is old, stupid; well, and you, smart young people, should not exact from us, fools.

Kabanov (sighing, to the side). Oh you, sir. (To the mother.) Yes, mother, do we dare to think!

Kabanova. After all, out of love, parents are strict with you, out of love they scold you, everyone thinks to teach good. Well, now I don't like it. And the children will go to people to praise that the mother is grumbling, that the mother does not give a pass, she shrinks from the light. And, God forbid, you can’t please your daughter-in-law with some word, and so the conversation began that the mother-in-law 2 completely ate.

Kabanov. Something, mother, who is talking about you?

Kabanova. I didn’t hear, my friend, I didn’t hear, I don’t want to lie. If only I had heard, I would not have spoken to you, my dear, then. (Sighs.) Oh, a grave sin! That's a long time to sin something! A conversation close to the heart will go on, well, you will sin, get angry. No, my friend, say what you want about me. You won’t order anyone to speak: they won’t dare to face it, they will stand behind your back.

Kabanov. Let your tongue dry...

Kabanova. Complete, complete, don't worry! Sin! I have long seen that your wife is dearer to you than your mother. Since I got married, I don’t see the same love from you.

Kabanov. What do you see, mother?

Kabanova. Yes, everything, my friend! What a mother can’t see with her eyes, she has a prophetic heart, she can feel with her heart. Al your wife, or something, takes you away from me, I don’t know.

Kabanov. No, mother! What are you, have mercy!

Katerina. For me, mother, it’s all the same that your own mother, that you, and Tikhon loves you too.

Kabanova. You would, it seems, could be silent, if you are not asked.

Do not intercede, mother, I will not offend, I suppose! After all, he is also my son; you don't forget it! What did you jump out in the eyes of something to poke! To see, or what, how you love your husband? So we know, we know, in the eyes of something you prove it to everyone.

Barbara (to herself). Found a place to read.

Katerina. You are talking about me, mother, in vain. With people, that without people, I'm all alone, I don't prove anything from myself.

Kabanova. Yes, I didn’t want to talk about you; and so, by the way, I had to.

Katerina. Yes, even by the way, why do you offend me?

Kabanova. Eka important bird! Already offended now.

Katerina. It’s nice to endure slander!

Kabanova. I know, I know that my words are not to your liking, but what can you do, I am not a stranger to you, my heart aches for you. I have long seen that you want the will. Well, wait, live and be free when I'm gone.

Then do what you want, there will be no elders over you. Or maybe you remember me.

Kabanov. Yes, we pray to God for you, mother, day and night, that God will give you, mother, health and all prosperity and success in business.

Kabanova. Okay, stop it, please. Maybe you loved your mother while you were single. Do you care about me: you have a young wife.

Kabanov. One does not interfere with the other, sir: the wife is in itself, and I have respect for the parent in itself.

Kabanova. So will you trade your wife for your mother? I don't believe this for the rest of my life.

Kabanov. Why should I change, sir? I love both.

Kabanova. Well, yes, it is, smear it! I can already see that I'm a hindrance to you.

Kabanov. Think as you wish, everything is your will;

only I don’t know what kind of unfortunate person I was born into the world that I can’t please you with anything.

Kabanova. What are you pretending to be an orphan? What did you nurse something dismissed?

Well, what kind of husband are you? Look at you! Will your wife be afraid of you after that?

Kabanov. Why should she be afraid? It's enough for me that she loves me.

Kabanova. Why be afraid! Why be afraid! Yes, you're crazy, right?

You will not be afraid, and even more so me. What is the order in the house will be? After all, you, tea, live with her in law. Ali, do you think the law means nothing? Yes, if you keep such stupid thoughts in your head, you would at least not chatter in front of her sister, in front of the girl; she, too, to get married: that way she will hear enough of your chatter, so after that the husband will thank us for science. You see what other mind you have, and you still want to live by your will.

Kabanov. Yes, mother, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live with my will!

Kabanova. So, in your opinion, you need all the caress with your wife? And not to shout at her and not to threaten?

K a b a n o v. Yes, mama...

Kabanova (hotly). At least get a lover! A? And this, maybe, in your opinion, is nothing? A? Well, speak!

Kabanov. Yes, by God, mama...

Kabanova (quite coolly). Fool! (Sighs.) What a fool to talk about! Only one sin!

Silence. I'm going home.

Kabanov. And we now, only once or twice will pass along the boulevard.

Kabanova. Well, as you wish, only you look so that I don't have to wait for you! You know I don't like it.

Kabanov. No, mother, God save me!

Kabanova. That's it! (Exits.)


The same, without Kabanova.

Kabanov. You see, I always get it for you from my mother!

Here is my life!

Katerina. What am I to blame?

Kabanov. Who's to blame, I don't know, Barbara. Where do you know!

Kabanov. Then she kept pestering: "Get married, get married, I would at least look at you as a married man." And now he eats food, does not give a passage - everything is for you.

Barbara. So is it her fault? Her mother attacks her, and so do you. And you say you love your wife. I'm bored looking at you! (Turns away.)

Kabanov. Interpret here! What am I to do?

Barbara. Know your business - keep quiet, if you can't do anything better. What are you standing - shifting? I can see in your eyes what's on your mind.

Kabanov. So what?

Barbara. It is known that. I want to go to Savel Prokofich, have a drink with him. What's wrong, right?

Kabanov. You guessed it brother.

Katerina. You, Tisha, come quickly, otherwise mamma will begin to scold again.

Barbara. You are quicker, in fact, otherwise you know it!

Kabanov. How not to know!

Barbara. We, too, have little desire to accept scolding because of you.

Kabanov. I instantly. Wait! (Exits.)


Katerina and Barbara.

Katerina. So you, Varya, pity me?

Barbara (looking away). Of course, it's a pity.

Katerina. So you love me, then? (Strongly

Barbara. Why should I not love you.1 "

Katerina. Well, thank you! You are so sweet, I love you to death myself.


Do you know what came to my mind?

Barbara. What?

Katerina. Why don't people fly?

Barbarian a. I do not understand what you say.

Katerina. I say why don't people fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you are drawn to fly.

That's how it would have run up, raised its hands and flew. Try something now?

(Wants to run.)

Barbara. What are you inventing?

KATERINA (sighing). How frisky I was! I completely screwed up with you.

Barbara. Do you think I can't see?

Katerina. Was I like that! I lived, did not grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild. Mother did not have a soul in me, dressed me up like a doll, did not force me to work; Whatever I want, I do it. Do you know how I lived in girls? Now I'll tell you. I used to get up early; if it’s summer, I’ll go to the spring, wash myself, bring water with me and that’s it, water all the flowers in the house. I had many, many flowers. Then we’ll go to church with mommy, all of them are wanderers, our house was full of wanderers; yes pilgrimage. And when we come from church, we sit down to do some work, more like gold velvet, and the wanderers will begin to tell: where they have been, what they have seen, their lives are different, or they sing poems2. And so the time will pass before dinner. I walk in the garden. Then towards Vespers, and in the evening again stories and singing. It was so good!

Barbara. Yes, we have the same thing.

Katerina. Yes, everything here seems to be out of captivity. And I loved going to church to death! For sure, it used to happen that I would enter paradise and not see anyone, and I don’t remember the time, and I don’t hear when the service was over. Exactly how it all happened in one second. Mom said that everyone used to look at me, what was happening to me. And you know: on a sunny day, such a bright pillar goes down from the dome, and smoke moves in this pillar, like a cloud, and I see, it used to be that angels in this pillar fly and sing. And then, it happened, a girl, I would get up at night - we also had lamps burning everywhere - but somewhere in a corner and pray until the morning.

Or, early in the morning, I’ll go into the garden, as soon as the sun rises, I’ll fall on my knees, pray and cry, and I myself don’t know what I’m praying for and what I’m crying about; so they will find me. And what I prayed for then, what I asked for, I don’t know; I don't need anything, I've had enough of everything. And what dreams I had, Varenka, what dreams! Or golden temples, or some extraordinary gardens, and invisible voices sing, and the smell of cypress, and the mountains and trees seem not to be the same as usual, but as they are written on the images. And the fact that I'm flying, I'm flying through the air. And now sometimes I dream, but rarely, and not that.

Barbara. But what?

KATERINA (after a pause). I will die soon.

Barbara. Completely you!

Katerina. No, I know that I will die. Oh, girl, something bad is happening to me, some kind of miracle! This has never happened to me. There is something so extraordinary about me. It's like I'm starting to live again, or ... I really don't know.

Barbara. What is the matter with you?

KATERINA (taking her hand). And here's what, Varya: to be some kind of sin!

Such a fear on me, such a fear on me! It’s as if I’m standing over an abyss and someone is pushing me there, but there’s nothing for me to hold on to. (He grabs his head with his hand.)

Barbara. What happened to you? Are you well?

Katerina. I'm healthy ... It would be better if I were sick, otherwise it's not good. A dream comes into my head. And I won't leave her anywhere. If I start thinking, I won’t collect my thoughts, I won’t pray, I won’t pray in any way. I babble words with my tongue, but my mind is completely different: it’s as if the evil one is whispering in my ears, but everything about such things is not good. And then it seems to me that I will be ashamed of myself.

What happened with me? Before trouble before any it! At night, Varya, I can’t sleep, I keep imagining some kind of whisper: someone is talking to me so affectionately, like a dove cooing. I no longer dream, Varya, as before, of paradise trees and mountains, but it’s as if someone hugs me so hot and hot and leads me somewhere, and I follow him, I go ...

Barbara. Well?

Katerina. What am I saying to you: you are a girl.

Barbara (looking around). Speak! I'm worse than you.

Katerina. Well, what can I say? I'm ashamed.

Barbara. Speak, there is no need!

Katerina. It will make me so stuffy, so stuffy at home, that I would run. And such a thought would come to me that, if it were my will, I would now ride along the Volga, in a boat, with songs, or in a troika on a good one, embracing ...

Barbara. Just not with my husband.

Kate r and on. How much do you know?

Barbara. Still not to know.

Katerina. Ah, Varya, sin is on my mind! How much I, poor thing, cried, what I did not do to myself! I can't get away from this sin. Nowhere to go.

After all, this is not good, this is a terrible sin, Varenka, that I love another?

Barbara. Why should I judge you! I have my sins.

Katerina. What should I do! My strength is not enough. Where should I go; I will do something for myself out of longing!

Barbara. What you! What happened to you! Just wait, my brother will leave tomorrow, we'll think about it; maybe you can see each other.

Katerina. No, no, don't! What you! What you! Save the Lord!

Barbara. What are you afraid of?

Katerina. If I see him even once, I will run away from home, I will not go home for anything in the world.

Barbara. But wait, we'll see there.

Katerina. No, no, and don't tell me, I don't want to listen.

Barbara. And what a hunt to dry something! Even if you die of longing, they will pity you! How about, wait. So what a shame to torture yourself!

The lady enters with a stick and two lackeys in three-cornered hats behind.


The same and the Lady.

Lady. What beauties? What are you doing here? Are you waiting for the good fellows, gentlemen? Are you having fun? Funny? Does your beauty make you happy? This is where beauty leads. (Points to the Volga.) Here, here, into the very pool.

Barbara smiles.

What are you laughing at! Don't rejoice! (Knocks with a stick.) Everything will burn inextinguishably in the fire. Everything in resin will boil unquenchable. (Leaving.) There, there, where beauty leads! (Exits.)


Katerina and Barbara a.

Katerina. Oh, how she frightened me! I tremble all over, as if she were prophesying something to me.

Barbara. On your own head, you old hag!"

Katerina. What did she say, huh? What she said?

Barbara. All nonsense. You really need to listen to what she is talking about. She prophesies to everyone. I have sinned all my life since I was young. Ask what they say about her!

That's why he's afraid to die. What she fears, scares others. Even all the boys in the city are hiding from her, threatening them with a stick and shouting

(mimicking): "You will all burn in the fire!"

KATERINA (squinting). Ah, ah, stop it! My heart sank.

Barbara. There is something to fear! Fool old...

Katerina. I'm afraid, I'm scared to death. She is all in my eyes.


Barbara (looking around). That this brother is not coming, out, no way, the storm is coming.

KATERINA (with horror). Storm! Let's run home! Hurry!

Barbara. What, are you out of your mind? How can you show yourself home without a brother?

Katerina. No, home, home! God bless him!

Barbara. What are you really afraid of: the storm is still far away.

Katerina. And if it's far away, then perhaps we'll wait a little; but it would be better to go. Let's go better!

Barbara. Why, if anything happens, you can’t hide at home.

Katerina. But all the same, it’s better, everything is calmer: at home I go to the images and pray to God!

Barbara. I didn't know you were so afraid of thunderstorms. I'm not afraid here.

Katerina. How, girl, do not be afraid! Everyone should be afraid. It’s not so terrible that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts. I’m not afraid to die, but when I think that suddenly I will appear before God the way I am here with you, after this conversation, that’s what’s scary. What's on my mind! What a sin! Terrible to say!

Thunder. Kabanov enters.

Barbara. Here comes the brother. (To Kabanov.) Run quickly!

Thunder. Katerina. Oh! Hurry, hurry!


A room in the Kabanovs' house.


Glasha (gathers the dress into knots) and Feklusha (enters).

F e k l u sh a. Dear girl, you are still at work! What are you doing sweetie?

Glasha. I collect the owner on the road.

Feklush. Al is going where is our light?

Glasha. Rides.

Feklush. How long, honey, is it going?

Glasha. No, not for long.

Feklush. Well, the tablecloth is dear to him! And what, the hostess will begin to howl "al no?

Glasha. I don't know how to tell you.

Feklush. Yes, she howls when?

Glasha. Don't hear something.

Feklush. Painfully I love, dear girl, to listen, if someone howls well.


And you, girl, look after the wretched, you wouldn’t pull off anything.

Glasha. Whoever understands you, all of you are riveting each other. What's not good for you? It seems to you, strange2, that we don’t have a life here, but you all quarrel and change your mind. You are not afraid of sin.

Feklush. It is impossible, mother, without sin: we live in the world. Here's what I'll tell you, dear girl: you, ordinary people, each one is an enemy

confuses, but to us, to strange people, to whom there are six, to whom twelve are assigned; That's what you need to overcome them all. Difficult, dear girl!

Glasha. Why do you have so many?

Feklush. This, mother, is an enemy out of hatred against us that we lead such a righteous life. And I, dear girl, am not absurd, I have no such sin.

There is one sin for me for sure, I myself know what it is. I love sweet food. Well, so what! According to my weakness, the Lord sends.

Glasha. And you, Feklusha, did you go far?

Feklush. No, honey. I, due to my weakness, did not go far; and to hear

heard a lot. They say that there are such countries, dear girl, where there are no Orthodox tsars, and the Saltans rule the earth. In one land, the Turkish Saltan Mahnut sits on the throne, and in the other, the Persian Saltan Mahnut; and they do judgment, dear girl, on all people, and whatever they judge, everything is wrong. And they cannot, my dear, judge a single matter righteously, such is the limit set for them. We have a righteous law, and they, my dear, are unrighteous; that according to our law, it turns out that way, but according to theirs, everything is the other way around. And all their judges, in their countries, are also all unrighteous; so to them, dear girl, and in requests they write:

"Judge me, unjust judge!" And then there is also the land where all the people with dog heads *, Glasha. Why is it so - with dogs?

Feklush. For infidelity. I'll go, dear girl, wander around the merchants: will there be something for poverty. Farewell for now!

Glasha. Goodbye!

Feklusha leaves.

Here are some other lands! There are no miracles in the world! And we're sitting here, we don't know anything. It's also good that there are good people: no, no, yes, and you will hear what is happening in the world; otherwise they would die like fools.

Enter Katerina and Varvara.


Katerina and Barbara.

Barbara (Glasha). Drag the bundle into the wagon, the horses have arrived. (Katerina.)

You were given away young in marriage, you didn’t have to walk in the girls: here your heart hasn’t left yet.

Glasha leaves.

Katerina. And never leaves.

Barbara. Why?

Katerina. This is how I was born, hot! I was still six years old, no more, so I did it! They offended me with something at home, but it was towards evening, it was already dark; I ran out to the Volga

"People with dog heads and. - According to folk tales, traitors to the motherland turned into creatures with dog heads.

got into the boat, and pushed it away from the shore. The next morning they already found it, ten miles away!

Barbara. Well, did the guys look at you?

Katerina. How not to look!

Barbara. What are you? Didn't love anyone?

Katerina. No, I just laughed.

Barbara. But you, Katya, don't like Tikhon.

Katerina. No, how not to love! I feel sorry for him very much!

Barbara. No, you do not love. When it's a pity, you don't love it. And no, you have to tell the truth. And you're hiding from me in vain! I noticed a long time ago that you love another person.

KATERINA (with fear). What did you notice?

Barbara. How funny you say! I'm small, right? Here is the first sign for you: as soon as you see him, your whole face will change.

Katherine lowers her eyes. Is it a little...

KATERINA (looking down). Well, who?

Barbara. But you yourself know what to call something?

Katerina. No, call me. Call by name!

Barbara. Boris Grigorych.

Katerina. Well, yes, him, Varenka, him! Only you, Varenka, for God's sake...

Barbara. Well, here's more! You yourself, look, do not let it slip somehow.

Katerina. I can't lie, I can't hide anything.

Barbara. Well, but without this it is impossible; remember where you live! Our house is based on that. And I was not a liar, but I learned when it became necessary. I walked yesterday, so I saw him, talked to him.

KATERINA (after a short silence, looking down). Well, so what?

Barbara. I ordered you to bow. It's a pity, he says that there is nowhere to see each other.

KATERINA (loosing her eyes even more). Where to see you! And why...

Barbara. Boring like that.

Katerina. Don't tell me about him, do me a favor, don't tell me! I don't want to know him! I will love my husband. Tisha, my dear, I won’t exchange you for anyone! I didn't even want to think about it, and you're embarrassing me.

Barbara. Don't think, who's forcing you?

Katerina. You don't feel sorry for me! You say: don't think, but remind yourself. Do I want to think about it? But what to do, if it doesn’t get out of your head. Whatever I think about, it's right there in front of my eyes. And I want to break myself, but I can not in any way. Do you know that the enemy troubled me again tonight. After all, I had left home.

Barbara. You're kind of tricky, God bless you! But in my opinion: do what you want, if only it was sewn and covered.

Katerina. I don't want that. Yes, and what a good thing! I'd rather endure as long as I endure.

Barbara. And if you don't, what are you going to do?

Katerina. What will I do?

Barbara. Yes, what will you do?

Katerina. Whatever I want, I'll do it.

Barbara. Do it, try it, they'll get you here.

Katerina. What to me! I'm leaving, and I was.

Barbara. Where will you go? You are a husband's wife.

Katerina. Eh, Varya, you don't know my character! Of course, God forbid this happens! And if it gets too cold for me here, they won't hold me back by any force. I'll throw myself out the window, I'll throw myself into the Volga. I don’t want to live here, so I won’t, even if you cut me!


Barbara. You know what, Katya! As soon as Tikhon leaves, let's sleep in the garden, in the arbor.

Katerina. Why, Varya?

Barbara. Is there something that doesn't matter?

Katerina. I'm afraid to spend the night in an unfamiliar place, Varvara. What to be afraid of! Glasha will be with us.

Katerina. Everything is kind of shy! Yes, I probably.

Barbara. I wouldn’t call you, but my mother won’t let me in alone, but I need to.

KATERINA (looking at her). Why do you need? Barbara (laughs). We will tell fortunes with you there. Katerina. You're kidding, must be? Barbara. You know, I'm joking; and is it really?


Katerina. Where is this Tikhon?

Barbara. What is he to you?

K a t e r i n a. No, I am. After all, it's coming soon.

Barbara. They sit locked up with their mother. She sharpens it now, like rusting iron.

Katerina. For what?

Barbara. For nothing, so, teaches mind-reason. It will be two weeks on the road, a secret matter. Judge for yourself! Her heart is aching that he walks of his own free will. Here she is now giving him orders, one more menacing than the other, and then, to the image of m ^ Wri, she will make him swear that he will do everything exactly as ordered.

Katerina. And at will, he seems to be bound.

Barbara. Yes, how connected! As soon as he leaves, he will drink. He is now listening, and he himself is thinking how he could break out as soon as possible.

Enter Kabanova and Kabanov.


The same, Kabanova and Kabanov.

Kabanova. Well, you remember everything I told you. Look, remember! Kill yourself on the nose!

Kabanov. I remember, mother.

Kabanova. Well, now everything is ready. The horses have arrived. Forgive you only, and with God.

Kabanov. Yes, mama, it's time.

Kabanova. Well!

Kabanov. What do you want, sir?

Kabanova. Why are you standing, haven't you forgotten the order? Tell your wife how to live without you.

Catherine rolled her eyes.

K a b a n o v. Yes, she, tea, knows herself.

Kabanova. Talk more! Well, well, give orders. So that I can hear what you order her! And then you come and ask if everything is done right.

Kabanov (standing against Katerina). Listen to your mother, Katya!

Kabanova. Tell your mother-in-law not to be rude, Kabanov. Do not be rude!

Kabanova. To honor the mother-in-law as her own mother!

Kabanov. Honor, Katya, mother, as your own mother.

Kabanova. So that she does not sit idly by, like a lady.

Kabanov. Do something without me!

Kabanova. So that you don’t stare out the windows!

Kabanov. Yes, mother, when will she...

Kabanova. Oh well!

Kabanov. Don't look out the windows!

Kabanova. So that I don’t look at young guys without you.

Kabanov. What is it, mother, by God!

Kabanova (strictly). There is nothing to break! You have to do what your mother says. (With a smile.) It's getting better, as ordered.

Kabanov (embarrassed). Don't look at guys!

Katerina looks at him sternly.

Kabanova. Well, now talk among yourselves, if necessary. Let's go, Barbara!

SCENE FOUR Kabanov and Katerina (standing as if in a daze).

Kabanov. Kate!


Katya, are you angry with me?

KATERINA (after a short silence, shakes her head). No!

Kabanov. What are you? Well, forgive me!

KATERINA (still in the same state, shaking her head). God be with you!

(Hiding her face with her hand.) She offended me!

Kabanov. Take everything to heart, so you will soon fall into consumption. Why listen to her! She needs to say something! Well, let her say, and you miss the deaf ears, Well, goodbye, Katya!

KATERINA (throwing herself around her husband's neck). Hush, don't leave! For God's sake, don't leave!

Dove, I beg you!

Kabanov. You can't, Katya. If mother sends, how can I not go!

Katerina. Well, take me with you, take me!

Kabanov (freeing himself from her embrace). Yes, you can't.

Katerina. Why, Tisha, not?

Kabanov. Where is it fun to go with you! You've got me here completely! I don't know how to break out; and you're still messing with me.

Katerina. Have you fallen out of love with me?

Kabanov. Yes, I didn’t stop loving, but with a sort of bondage, you will run away from whatever beautiful wife you want! Think about it: no matter what, I'm still a man; live like this all your life, as you see, you will also run away from your wife. Yes, as I know now that there will be no thunderstorm over me for two weeks, there are no shackles on my legs, so am I up to my wife?

Katerina. How can I love you when you say such words?

Kabanov. Words like words! What other words can I say! Who knows what you're afraid of? After all, you are not alone, you stay with your mother.

Katerina. Don't talk to me about her, don't tyrannize my heart! Oh, my misfortune, my misfortune! (Cries.) Where can I, poor thing, go? Who can I grab onto?

My fathers, I am dying!

Kabanov. Yes, you are full!

KATERINA (coming up to her husband and pressing close to him). Tisha, my dear, if you would stay or take me with you, how I would love you, how I would love you, my dear! (caresses him.)

Kabanov. I will not understand you, Katya! You won’t get a word from you, let alone affection, otherwise you climb yourself.

Katerina. Silence, who are you leaving me to! Be in trouble without you! The fat is in the fire!

Kabanov. Well, you can't, there's nothing to do.

Katerina. Well, so that's it! Take some terrible oath from me...

Kabanov. What oath?

Katerina. Here’s the one: so that I wouldn’t dare to talk to anyone else without you, or see anyone else, so that I wouldn’t even dare to think about anyone but you.

K a b a n o v. Yes, what is it for?

Katerina. Calm my soul, do such a favor for me!

Kabanov. How can you vouch for yourself, you never know what can come to mind.

KATERINA (Falling to her knees). So as not to see me neither father nor mother!

Die me without repentance if I...

Kabanov (picking her up). What you! What you! What a sin! I don't want to listen!


The same ones, Kabanova, Varvara and Glasha."

Kabanova. Well, Tikhon, it's time. Ride with God! (Sits down.) Sit down everyone!

Everyone sits down. Silence.

Well, goodbye! (Rises and everyone rises.)

Kabanov (going up to his mother). Farewell, mother! Kabanova (gesturing to the ground). To the feet, to the feet!

Kabanov bows at his feet, then kisses his mother.

Say goodbye to your wife!

Kabanov. Farewell, Katya!

Katerina throws herself on his neck.

Kabanova. What are you hanging around your neck, shameless! Don't say goodbye to your lover! He is your husband - the head! Al order do not know? Bow down at your feet!

Katerina bows at her feet.

Kabanov. Farewell, sister! (Kissing Varvara.) Farewell, Glasha!

(Kissing Glasha.) Farewell, mother! (Bows.)

Kabanova. Goodbye! Distant farewell - extra tears.

Kabanov leaves, followed by Katerina, Varvara and Glasha.


Kabanova (one). What does youth mean? It's funny to even look at them! If it weren't for her, she would have laughed to her heart's content: they don't know anything, there's no order. They don't know how to say goodbye. It’s good, whoever has elders in the house, they keep the house while they are alive. But, too, stupid ones, they want to do what they want; but when they go free, they get confused in obedience and laughter to good people.

Of course, who will regret it, but most of all laugh. Yes, it’s impossible not to laugh: they will invite guests, they don’t know how to seat, and besides, look, they will forget one of their relatives.

Laughter, and more! So that's the old something and displayed. I don't want to go to another house. And if you go up, you will spit, but get out more quickly. What will happen, how the old people will die, how the light will stand, I don’t know. Well, at least it's good that I don't see anything.

Enter Katerina and Varvara.


Kabanova, Katerina and Varvara.

Kabanova. You boasted that you love your husband very much; I see your love now. Another good wife, after seeing her husband off, howls for an hour and a half, lies on the porch; and you see nothing.

Katerina. Nothing! Yes, I can't. What to make people laugh!

Kabanova. The trick is small. If I loved, so I would have learned. If you don’t know how to do it, you could at least make this example; still more decent;

and then, apparently, in words only. Well, I'll go pray to God, don't bother me.

Barbara. I'll go from the yard.

Kabanova (affectionately). What about me! Go! Walk until your time comes. Still enjoy!

Exeunt Kabanova and Varvara.


KATERINA (alone, thoughtfully). Well, now silence will reign in your house.

Ah, what a bore! At least doti someone! Eco grief! I don’t have children: all I would do was sit with them and amuse them. I love talking with children

it's angels. (Silence.) If I had died little, it would have been better. I would look from heaven to earth and rejoice in everything. And then she would fly invisibly wherever she wanted. I would fly into the field and fly from cornflower to cornflower in the wind, like a butterfly. (Thinks.) But here's what I'll do: I'll start some work according to the promise; I’ll go to the Gostiny Dvor, I’ll buy canvas, and I’ll sew linen, and then I’ll distribute it to the poor. They will pray to God for me. So we’ll sit down to sew with Varvara and we won’t see how time passes;

And then Tisha will arrive.

Barbara enters.


Katerina and Barbara.

Varvara (covers her head with a handkerchief in front of the mirror). I'll go for a walk now; and Glasha will make beds for us in the garden, mother allowed. In the garden, behind the raspberries, there is a gate,

"Gostiny Dvor is a specially built room, located in rows, where guests (as visitors were called in the old days - originally foreign merchants) traded.

her mother locks her up and hides the key. I took it away, and put another one on her so that she wouldn't notice. Here, you may need it. (Gives the key.) If I see it, I'll tell you to come to the gate.

KATERINA (pushing away the key with fright). For what! For what! Don't, don't!

Barbara. You don't need, I need; take it, it won't bite you.

Katerina. What are you up to, you sinner! Is it possible! Did you think! What you! What you!

Barbara. Well, I don't like to talk a lot, and I don't have time either. It's time for me to walk. (Exits.)


KATERINA (alone, holding the key). What is she doing? What is she thinking? Ah, crazy, really crazy! Here is death! Here she is! Throw him away, throw him far away, throw him into the river, so that they will never be found. He burns his hands like coal. (Thinking.) This is how our sister dies. In captivity, someone has fun! Few things come to mind. The case came out, the other is glad: so headlong and rush. And how is it possible without thinking, without judging something! How long to get into trouble! And there you cry all your life, suffer;

bondage will seem even more bitter. (Silence.) But bondage is bitter, oh, how bitter!

Who does not cry from her! And most of all, we women. Here I am now! I live, toil, I don’t see a light for myself. Yes, and I will not see, know! What's next is worse. And now this sin is on me. (Thinks.) If it wasn't for my mother-in-law!.. She crushed me... she made me sick of the house; the walls are even disgusting, (Looks thoughtfully at the key.) Throw it away? Of course you have to quit. And how did he get into my hands? To temptation, to my ruin. (Listens.) Ah, someone is coming.

So my heart sank. (Hides the key in his pocket.) No! .. Nobody! That I was so scared! And she hid the key ... Well, you know, there he should be! Apparently, fate itself wants it! But what a sin in this, if I look at him once, at least from a distance! Yes, even though I’ll talk, it’s not a problem! But what about my husband! .. Why, he himself did not want to. Yes, maybe such a case will never happen again in a lifetime. Then cry to yourself: there was a case, but I didn’t know how to use it. Why am I saying that I am deceiving myself? I have to die to see him. To whom am I pretending! .. Throw the key! No, not for anything! He's mine now... Come what may, I'll see Boris! Oh, if only the night would come sooner!..



Street. The gate of the Kabanovs' house, there is a bench in front of the gate.


Kabanova and Feklusha (sitting on a bench).

F e k l u sh a. The last times, mother Marfa Ignatievna, the last, according to all signs, the last. You also have paradise and silence in your city, but in other cities it’s so simple sodom, "mother: noise, running around, driving incessantly! People just scurry about, one here, another here.

Kabanova. We have nowhere to hurry, dear, we live slowly.

Feklush. No, mother, that’s why you have silence in the city, because many people, if only to take you, are decorated with virtues, like flowers: that’s why everything is done coolly and decently. After all, this running around, mother, what does it mean?

After all, this is vanity! For example, in Moscow: people are running back and forth, it is not known why. Here it is the vanity. Vain people, mother Marfa Ignatievna, so they run around. It seems to him that he is running after business; in a hurry, poor man, he does not recognize people; it seems to him that someone is beckoning him, but he will come to the place, but it is empty, there is nothing, there is only one dream. And he will go in sorrow. And another imagines that he is catching up with someone he knows. From the outside, a fresh person now sees that there is no one; but to him everything seems to be from the vanity that he catches up with. It's vanity, because it seems to be foggy. Here, on such a fine evening, it is rare for anyone to come out of the gate to sit; and in Moscow now there are amusement and games, and through the streets there is an Indo roar, there is a groan. Why, mother Marfa Ignatievna, they began to harness the fiery serpent: everything, you see, for the sake of speed.

Kabanova. I heard, honey.

Feklush. And I, mother, saw it with my own eyes; wi-of course, others don’t see anything from the fuss, so he shows them a car, they call him a car, but I saw how he

Sodom - according to the biblical myth, the city destroyed by God for the sins of its inhabitants; in a figurative sense, sodom - debauchery, confusion, turmoil.

"The fire serpent is a winged mythical monster that spewed flames during the flight. Feklusha calls the railway train a fire serpent.

paws something like this (spreads his fingers) does. Well, and the groan that people of a good life hear like that.

Kabanova. You can call it in every possible way, perhaps, at least call it a machine;

people are stupid, they will believe everything. And even if you shower me with gold, I won’t go.

Feklush. What an extreme, mother! Save the Lord from such misfortune! And here's another thing, mother Marfa Ignatievna, I had a vision in Moscow. I’m walking early in the morning, it’s still a little dawning, and I see, on a tall, tall house, on the roof, someone is standing, his face is black.” You yourself understand who. Then I guessed that it was he who was shedding tares, and that the people were in a bustle during the day - "he will invisibly pick up something of his own. That’s why they run like that, that’s why their women are all so thin, they can’t work up their bodies in any way, but it’s as if they have lost something or are looking for something: there is sadness in their face, even a pity.

Kabanova. Anything is possible, my dear! In our times, what to marvel at!

Feklush. Hard times, mother Marfa Ignatievna, hard times. Already, time began to come to belittlement.

Kabanova. How so, my dear, in derogation?

Feklush. Of course, not we, where should we notice something in the hustle and bustle! But smart people notice that our time is getting shorter. It used to be that summer and winter dragged on and on, you couldn’t wait until they were over; and now you won’t see how they fly by. Days and hours seem to have remained the same, but time, for our sins, is getting shorter and shorter. That's what smart people say.

Kabanova. And worse than that, my dear, it will be.

Feklush. We just don't want to live to see this, Kabanova. Maybe we'll live.

Dikoy enters.


The same and Wild.

Kabanova. What are you, godfather, wandering around so late?

Wild. And who will forbid me!

Kabanova. Who will forbid! Who needs!

"Someone is standing, his face is black. - Fekdusha takes the chimney sweep for

"unclean", the devil.

2 Tares are weeds growing in bread: according to religious legends, the devil sowed tares, that is, he scattered various temptations, sins, crimes, etc. among people.

Wild. Well, then, there is nothing to talk about. What am I, under the command, or what, from whom? Are you still here! What the hell is a merman here!..

Kabanova. Well, don't open your throat very much! Find me cheaper!

And I love you! Go on your way, where you went. Let's go home, Feklusha.

Wild. Stop, motherfucker, stop! Do not be angry. You will still have time to be at home: your house is not far off. Here he is!

Kabanova. If you are at work, do not yell, but speak plainly.

Wild. Nothing to do, and I'm drunk, that's what.

Kabanova. Well, now you will order me to praise you for this?

Wild. Neither praise nor scold. And that means I'm crazy. Well, it's over.

Until I wake up, I can't fix this.

Kabanova. So go to sleep!

Wild. Where will I go?

Kabanova. Home. And then where!

D i k o i. What if I don't want to go home?

Kabanova. Why is that, may I ask you?

Wild. But because I have a war going on there.

Kabanova. Who is there to fight? After all, you are the only warrior there.

Wild. Well, then, what am I a warrior? Well, what of this?

Kabanova. What? Nothing. And the honor is not great, because you have been fighting with the women all your life. That's what.

Diko and. Well, then, they must submit to me. And then I, or something, I will submit!

Kabanova. I marvel at you a lot: there are so many people in your house, but they can’t please you for one.

Diko and. Here you go!

Kabanova. Well, what do you want from me?

Wild. Here's what: talk to me so that my heart passes. You're the only one in the whole city who knows how to talk to me.

Kabanova. Go, Feklushka, tell me to cook something to eat.

Feklusha leaves.

Let's go to rest!

Wild. No, I won't go to the chambers, I'm worse in the chambers.

Kabanova. What made you angry?

Wild. Since the very morning.

Kabanova. They must have asked for money.

Wild. Precisely agreed, damned; either one or the other sticks all day long.

Kabanova. It must be, if they come.

Wild. I understand this; what are you going to tell me to do with myself when my heart is like that! After all, I already know what I need to give, but I can’t do everything with good. You are my friend, and I must give it back to you, but if you come and ask me, I will scold you. I will give, I will give, but I will scold. Therefore, just give me a hint about money, my whole interior will be kindled; it kindles the whole interior, and that’s all; well, and in those days I would not scold a person for anything.

Kabanova. There are no elders above you, so you are swaggering.

Wild. No, you, godfather, shut up! You listen! Here are the stories that happened to me. I was talking about something great about fasting, but here it’s not easy and slip a little peasant: he came for money, he carried firewood. And brought him to sin at such a time! He sinned after all: he scolded, so scolded that it was impossible to demand better, almost nailed him. Here it is, what a heart I have! After asking for forgiveness, he bowed at his feet, right. Truly I tell you, I bowed at the peasant's feet. This is what my heart brings me to: here in the yard, in the mud, I bowed to him; bowed to him in front of everyone.

Kabanova. Why are you bringing yourself into your heart on purpose? This, mate, is not good.

Wild. How so on purpose?

Kabanova. I saw it, I know. You, if you see that they want to ask you for something, you will take it from your own on purpose and attack someone to get angry; because you know that no one will go to you angry. That's it, godfather!

Wild. Well, what is it? Who does not feel sorry for their own good!

Glasha enters.

glasha. Marfa Ignatyevna, it's time to have a bite to eat, please!

Kabanova. Well, mate, come on in. Eat what God sent.

Wild. Perhaps.

Kabanova. Welcome! (He lets Diky go ahead and goes after him.)

Glasha, with folded arms, stands at the gate.

Glasha. No way. Boris Grigorievich is coming. Isn't it for your uncle? Does Al walk like that?

It must be walking.

Boris enters.


Glasha, Boris, then K u l and g and n.

B o r and s. Don't you have an uncle?

Glasha. We have. Do you need, or what, him?

Boris. They sent from home to find out where he was. And if you have it, then let it sit: who needs it. At home, they are glad-radehonki that he left.

Glasha. Our mistress would have been behind him, she would have stopped him soon. What am I, a fool, standing with you! Goodbye. (Exits.)

Boris. Oh you, Lord! Just take a look at her! You cannot enter the house: the uninvited do not go here. That's life! We live in the same city, almost nearby, but we see each other once a week, and then in church or on the road, that's all! Here that she got married, that they buried - it doesn't matter.


I wish I hadn't seen her at all: it would have been easier! And then you see in fits and starts, and even in front of people; a hundred eyes are looking at you. Only the heart breaks. Yes, and you can’t cope with yourself in any way. You go for a walk, but you always find yourself here at the gate. And why do I come here? You can never see her, and, perhaps, what kind of conversation will come out, you will introduce her into trouble. Well, I got to the town!

Goes to meet him Kuligi and.

K u l i g and n. What, sir? Would you like to play?

Boris. Yes, I'm walking myself, the weather is very good today.

K u l i g and n. Very well, sir, take a walk now. Silence, the air is excellent, because of the Volga, the meadows smell of flowers, the sky is clear ...

The abyss has opened, the stars are full, The stars have no number, the abyss has a bottom.

Let's go, sir, to the boulevard, not a soul is there.

Boris. Let's go!

Kuligin. That's what, sir, we have a small town! They made a boulevard, but they don't walk. They walk only on holidays, and then they do one kind of walking, and they themselves go there to show their outfits. You will only meet a drunken clerk2, trudging home from the tavern. There is no time for the poor to walk, sir, they have work day and night. And they only sleep three hours a day. And what do the rich do? Well, what would it seem, they do not walk, do not breathe fresh air? So pet. Everyone's gates, sir, have been locked for a long time, and the dogs have been lowered ... Do you think they are doing business or praying to God? No, sir. And they don’t lock themselves up from thieves, but so that people don’t see how they eat their own home and tyrannize their families. And what tears flow behind these locks, invisible and inaudible!

What can I say, sir! You can judge by yourself. And what, sir, behind these locks is the debauchery of the dark and drunkenness! PI everything is sewn and covered - no one sees or knows anything, only God sees! You, he says, look, in people I am yes on the street, but you don’t care about my family; to this, he says, I have locks, yes constipation, and angry dogs. The family, they say, is a secret, a secret! We know these secrets! From these secrets, sir, he alone is cheerful, and the rest howl like a wolf. And what's the secret? Who does not know him! To rob orphans, relatives, nephews, beat up the household so that they would not dare to squeak about anything that he does there. That's the whole secret.

Well, God bless them! Do you know, sir, who walks with us? Young boys and girls. So these people steal an hour or two from sleep, well, they walk in pairs. Yes, here's a couple!

Kudryash and Varvara appear. They kiss.

Boris. They kiss. K u l i g and n. There is no need for this.

Curly leaves, and Varvara approaches her gate and beckons Boris. He fits.


Boris, Kulngin and Varvara.

Kuligin. I, sir, will go to the boulevard. What's stopping you? I'll wait there.

Boris. Okay, I'll be right there.

K u l and g and n leaves.

Barbara (covering herself with a handkerchief). Do you know the ravine behind the Boar Garden?

Boris. I know.

Barbara. Come there early.

Boris. For what?

Barbara. What a fool you are! Come, you'll see why. Well, hurry up, they are waiting for you.

Boris leaves.

Didn't know after all! Let him think now. And I already know that Katerina will not bear it, she will jump out. (Goes out the gate.)


Night. A ravine covered with bushes; at the top - a fence of the Kabanovs' garden and a gate; above is a path.


Curly (enters with a guitar). There is no one. Why is she there! Well, let's sit and wait. (Sits down on a stone.) Let's sing a song out of boredom. (Sings.)

Like a Don Cossack, the Cossack led the horse to water, Good fellow, he is standing at the gate. He is standing at the gate, he himself is thinking, the Duma is thinking how he will ruin his wife. Like a wife, a wife prayed to her husband, In a hurry, she bowed to him:

"You, father, are you a dear friend of the heart!

You do not beat, do not ruin me from the evening!

You kill, ruin me from midnight!

Let my little children sleep, Little children, all the neighbors next door.

Boris enters.


Kudryash and Boris.

Curly (stops singing). Look you! Humble, humble, but also went on a rampage.

Boris. Curly, is that you?

Curly. I am Boris Grigoryevich!

Boris. Why are you here?

Curly. Am I? Therefore, I need it, Boris Grigorievich, if I'm here. I wouldn't go if I didn't have to. Where is God taking you?

Boris (looks around). Here's the thing, Curly: I ought to stay here, but I don't think it makes any difference to you, you can go somewhere else.

Curly. No, Boris Grigoryevich, I see you are here for the first time, but I already have a familiar place here and the path I have trodden. I love you, sir, and I am ready for any service to you; and on this path you do not meet with me at night, so that, God forbid, no sin has happened. Deal is better than money.

Boris. What's wrong with you, Vanya?

Curly. Yes, Vanya! I know that I am Vanya. And you go your own way, that's all. Get yourself one, and go for a walk with her, and no one cares about you. Don't touch strangers! We don’t do that, otherwise the guys will break their legs. I'm for mine ... Yes, I don't know what I'll do! I'll cut my throat.

Boris. In vain you are angry; I don't even have a mind to beat you. I wouldn't have come here if I hadn't been told to.

Curly. Who ordered?

Boris. I didn't understand, it was dark. Some girl stopped me on the street and told me to come here, behind the Kabanovs' garden, where the path is.

Curly. Who would it be?

Boris. Listen, Curly. Can I talk to you to your heart's content, won't you chat?

Curly. Speak up, don't be afraid! All I have is dead.

Boris. I know nothing here, neither your orders, nor your customs; and the thing is...

Curly. Did you love who?

Boris. Yes, Curly.

Curly. Well, that's nothing. We are loose about this. Girls walk around as they want, father and mother do not care. Only the women are locked up.

Boris. That's my grief.

Curly. So did you really love a married woman?

Boris. Married, Curly.

Curly. Eh, Boris Grigorievich, stop the nasty!

Boris. It's easy to say quit! It may not matter to you; you leave one and find another. And I can't! If I love...

Curly. After all, that means you want to ruin her completely, Boris Grigoryevich!

Boris. Save, Lord! Save me, Lord! No, Curly, how can you.

Do I want to kill her! I just want to see her somewhere, I don't need anything else.

Curly. How, sir, to vouch for yourself! And after all here what people! You know. They will eat them, they will hammer them into the coffin.

Bori s. Oh, don't say that, Curly, please don't scare me!

Curly. Does she love you?

Boris. Don't know.

K u d r i sh. Did you see each other when or not?

Boris. I once only visited them with my uncle. And then I see in the church, we meet on the boulevard. Oh, Curly, how she prays if only you looked! What an angelic smile on her face, but from her face it seems to glow.

Curly. So this is young Kabanova, or what?

Boris. She is Curly.

Curly. Yes! So that's it! Well, we have the honor to congratulate!

Boris. With what?

Curly. Yes, how! It means that things are going well for you, if you were ordered to come here.

Boris. Is that what she said?

Curly. And then who?

Boris. No, you're kidding! This cannot be. (Grabs his head.)

Curly. What's wrong with you?

B o r and s. I'm going crazy with joy.

Curly. Botha! There is something to go crazy! Only you look - don’t make trouble for yourself, and don’t get her into trouble either! Suppose, even though her husband is a fool, but her mother-in-law is painfully fierce.

Barbara comes out of the gate.


The same Varvara, then Katerina.

Varvara (sings at the gate).

Across the river, behind the fast one, my Vanya walks, There my Vanya walks ...

Curly (continues).

The goods are purchased.

Varvara (goes down the path and, covering her face with a handkerchief, goes up to Boris).

You boy, wait. Expect something. (Curly.) Let's go to the Volga.

Curly. Why are you taking so long? Wait for you more! You know what I don't like!

Varvara hugs him with one arm and leaves.

Boris. It's like I'm dreaming! This night, songs, goodbyes! They walk hugging. This is so new to me, so good, so fun! So I'm waiting for something! And what I'm waiting for, I don't know, and I can't imagine; only the heart beats and every vein trembles. I can’t even think of what to say to her now, it takes her breath away, her knees bend! That's when my stupid heart boils suddenly, nothing can calm it down. Here goes.

Katerina quietly descends the path, covered with a large white shawl, her eyes downcast on the ground.

Is that you, Katerina Petrovna?

Silence. I don't know how to thank you.


If only you knew, Katerina Petrovna, how much I love you! (Tries to take her hand.)

KATERINA (with fright, but without raising her eyes). Don't touch, don't touch me!

Boris. Do not be angry!

Katerina. Get away from me! Go away, damned man! Do you know: after all, I will not beg for this sin, I will never beg! After all, he will lie like a stone on the soul, like a stone.

Boris. Don't chase me!

Katerina. Why did you come? Why did you come, my destroyer? After all, I'm married, because my husband and I live to the grave!

Boris. You told me to come...

Katerina. Yes, you understand me, you are my enemy: after all, to the grave!

Boris. I'd rather not see you!

KATERINA (with excitement). What am I cooking for myself? Where do I belong, you know?

Boris. Calm down! (Takes them by the hand.) Sit down!

Katerina. Why do you want my death?

Boris. How can I want your death when I love you more than anything in the world, more than myself!

Katerina. No no! You ruined me!

Boris. Am I a villain?

KATERINA (shaking her head). Lost, ruined, ruined!

Boris. God save me! Let me die myself!

Katerina. Well, how did you not ruin me, if I, leaving the house, go to you at night.

Boris. It was your will.

Katerina. I have no will. If I had my own will, I would not go to you. (Raises her eyes and looks at Boris.)

A little silence.

Your will is over me now, can't you see! (Throws herself around his neck.)

BORIS (embracing Katerina). My life!

Katerina. You know? Now I suddenly want to die!

Boris. Why die when we live so well?

Katerina. No, I can't live! I already know not to live.

Boris. Please don't say such words, don't make me sad...

Katerina. Yes, you feel good, you are a free Cossack, and I! ..

Boris. No one will know about our love. Can't I pity you?

Katerina. E! Why feel sorry for me, no one is to blame - she herself went for it. Don't be sorry, destroy me Let everyone know, let everyone see what I'm doing!

(Embraces Boris.) If I am not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment? They say it's even easier when you endure for some sin here on earth.

Boris. Well, what to think about it, since we are good now!

Katerina. And then! Think about it and cry, I still have time at my leisure.

Boris. And I was frightened; I thought you would drive me away.

KATERINA (smiling). Drive away! Where is it! With our heart! If you hadn't come, I think I would have come to you myself.

Boris. I didn't know that you love me.

Katerina. I love for a long time. As if to sin you came to us. When I saw you, I didn't feel like myself. From the very first time, it seems that if you had beckoned me, I would have followed you;

even if you go to the ends of the world, I would follow you and not look back.

Boris. How long has your husband been away?

Katerina. For two weeks.

Boris. Oh, so we walk! Time is enough.

Katerina. Let's take a walk. And there ... (thinks) how they will lock it up, here is death! If they don't lock me up, I'll find a chance to see you!

Enter Kudryash and Varvara.


The same ones, Kudryash and Varvara.

Barbara. Well, did you get it right?

Katerina hides her face in Boris's chest.

Boris. We did it.

Barbara. Let's go for a walk, and we'll wait. When necessary, Vanya will shout.

Boris and Katerina leave. Curly and Varvara sit down on a rock.

Curly. And you came up with this important thing, to climb into the garden gate. It is very capable for our brother.

Barbara. All I.

Curly. To take you to it. And the mother is not enough?

Barbara. E! Where is she! It won't hit her in the forehead either.

Curly. Well, for sin?

Barbara. Her first dream is strong; here in the morning, so he wakes up.

Curly. But how do you know! Suddenly, a difficult one will lift her.

Barbara. Well, so what! We have a gate that is from the yard, locked from the inside, from the garden; knock, knock, and so it goes. And in the morning we will say that we slept soundly, did not hear. Yes, and Glasha guards; just a little, she will now give a voice. You can't be without fear! How is it possible! Look, you're in trouble.

Curly takes a few chords on the guitar. Varvara lies close to Kudryash's shoulder, who, not paying attention, plays softly.

Barbara (yawning). How would you know what time it is?

Curly. First.

Barbara. How much do you know?

Curly. The watchman beat the board.

Barbara (yawning). It's time. Shout out. Tomorrow we will leave early, so we will walk more.

Curly (whistles and sings loudly).

Everyone goes home, everyone goes home, But I don't want to go home.

Boris (offstage). I hear!

Barbara (getting up). Well, goodbye. (Yawns, then kisses coldly, like a sign for a long time.) Tomorrow, look, come early! (Looks in the direction where Boris and Katerina went.) If you say goodbye, you won’t part forever, see you tomorrow. (Yawns and stretches.)

Katerina runs in, followed by Boris.


Kudryash, Varvara, Boris and Katerina.

Katerina (to Barbara). Well, let's go, let's go! (They go up the path. Katerina turns around.) Farewell. Boris. Till tomorrow!

Katerina. Yes, see you tommorow! What do you see in a dream, tell me! (Goes to the gate.) Boris. Certainly. Curly (sings to the guitar).

Walk, young, for the time being, Until evening until dawn! Ay leli, for the time being, Until evening until dawn.

Varvara (at the gate).

And I, young, for the time being, Until the morning dawn, Ay Leli, for the time being, Until the morning dawn!

How the dawn was busy, And I got up home ... etc.


In the foreground is a narrow gallery with the vaults of an old building that is beginning to collapse; here and there grass and bushes behind the arches - the shore and a view of the Volga.


Several walkers of both sexes pass behind the arches.

1st. The rain is drizzling, no matter how the storm gathers?

2nd. Look, it will come off.

1st. It's also good that there is a place to hide.

All enter under the vaults.

I? e n shch and n a. And what people are walking on the boulevard! It's a festive day, everyone has risen. Merchants are so dressed up.

1 - i. Hide somewhere.

2nd. Look what people are going to get here now!

1st (inspecting the walls). But here, my brother, someday, it means that it was painted. And now it still means in some places.

2nd. Well, yes, how! Of course, that was painted. Now, you see, everything is left in vain, "it fell apart, overgrown. After the fire, they were never corrected.

You don’t even remember this fire, it will be forty years old.

1st. What would it be, my brother, was it painted here? It is rather difficult to understand this.

2nd. This is hell2 fiery.

1st. Yes, my brother!

2 - i. And people of all ranks go there.

1st. Yes, yes, I understand now.

2nd. And every rank.

1st. And arap?

2 - i. And araps.

1 - i. And this, my brother, what is it?

2nd. And this is the Lithuanian ruin3. Battle - see? How ours fought with Lithuania.

1st. What is this - Lithuania?

2 - i. So it is Lithuania.

1 - i. And they say, my brother, she fell on us from the sky.

2nd. I can't tell you. From the sky so from the sky.

Woman. Talk more! Everyone knows that from the sky; and where there was a battle with her, mounds were poured there for memory.

1st. What, my brother! After all, it is so accurate!

Dikoy enters, followed by K u l i g and n without a hat. Everyone bows and assumes a respectful position.


The same, Dikoi and Kuligin.

Wild. Look, you've soaked everything. (Kuligin.) Get away from me! Leave me alone!

(With heart.) Stupid man!

Kuligin. Savel Prokofich, after all, this, your degree, "is for the benefit of all the townsfolk in general.

Wild. Go away! What a use! Who needs this benefit?

Kuligin. Yes, at least for you, your degree, Savel Prokofich. That would be, sir, on the boulevard, in a clean place, and put it. And what is the expense? The expense is empty: a stone column (shows the size of each thing with gestures), a copper plate, so round, and a hairpin, here is a straight hairpin (shows with a gesture), the simplest one. I'll put it all together and cut out the numbers myself. Now you, your degree, when you deign to walk or others who are walking, now come up and see what time it is. And that sort of place is beautiful, and the view, and everything, but it seems to be empty. With us, too, your degree, and there are passers-by, they go there to look at our views, after all, an ornament - it is more pleasant for the eyes.

Wild. What are you doing to me with all sorts of nonsense! Maybe I don't want to talk to you. You should have known first whether I was in the mood to listen to you, fool, or not. What am I to you - even, or something! Look, what an important case you have found! So right with the snout something and climbs to talk.

Kuligin. If I climbed with my business, well, then it would be my fault. And then I am for the common good, yours. degree. Well, what does ten rubles mean for society! More, sir, is not needed.

Wild. Or maybe you want to steal; who knows you.

Kuligin. If I want to give away my labors for nothing, what can I steal, your degree? Yes, everyone here knows me, no one will say bad things about me.

Wild. Well, let them know, but I don't want to know you.

Kuligin. Why, sir Savel Prokofich, do you want to offend an honest man?

Wild. Report, or something, I'll give you! I don't report to anyone more important than you. I want to think about you that way, and I think so. For others, you are an honest person, but I think that you are a robber, that's all. Would you like to hear it from me? So listen! I say that the robber, and the end! What are you going to sue, or what, will you be with me? So you know that you are a worm. If I want - I'll have mercy, if I want - I'll crush.

Kuligin. God be with you, Savel Prokofich! I, sir, am a small man; it will not be long to offend me. And I'll tell you this, your degree: "Virtue is respected in rags!"

Wild. Don't you dare be rude to me! Do you hear /

Kuligin. I'm not doing you any rudeness, sir; but I tell you because, perhaps, you will take it into your head to do something for the city sometime. You have a lot of strength, your degree; there would only be a will for a good deed. If only now we’ll take it: we have frequent thunderstorms, and we won’t start lightning rods

Wild (proudly). All is vanity!

Kuligin. But what's the fuss when the experiments were?

Wild. What kind of lightning rods do you have there?

To the league p. Steel.

wild (with anger). Well, what else?

K u l i g and n. Steel poles.

Wild (more and more angry). I heard that the poles, you sort of asp; yes, what else? Adjusted: poles! Well, what else?

K u l i g and n. Nothing more.

Wild. Yes, a thunderstorm, what do you think, huh? Well, speak up.

Kuligin. Electricity.

Wild (stomping his foot). What else there elestrichestvo! Well, how are you not a robber! A thunderstorm is sent to us as a punishment so that we feel, and you want to defend yourself with poles and some kind of goads, God forgive me. What are you, a Tatar, or what? Are you Tatar? Ah, speak! Tatar?

Kuligin. Savel Prokofich, your degree, Derzhavin said:

I rot in the dust with my body, I command the thunders with my mind.

Wild. And for these words, send you to the mayor, so he will ask you!

Hey, venerable ones, listen to what he says!

Kuligin. Nothing to do, you have to submit! But when I have a million, then I'll talk. (Waving his hand, he leaves.)

Wild. What are you, steal, or something, from someone! Hold it! Such a fake man! With this people, who needs

to be human? I don't know. (Turning to the people.) Yes, damned, you will lead anyone into sin! I didn’t want to be angry today, but he, as if on purpose, did make me angry. For him to fail! (Angrily.) Has it stopped raining?

1st. It seems to have stopped.

Wild. Seems! And you, fool, go and have a look. And then - it seems!

1st (coming out from under the vaults). Stopped!

Dikoy leaves, and the sun follows him. The stage is empty for some time. Varvara quickly enters under the vaults and, hiding, looks out.


Barbara and then Boris.

Barbara. It seems he is!

Boris passes in the back of the stage.

Boris looks around.

Come here. (Beckons with hand.)

Boris enters.

What are we to do with Katherine? Say mercy!

Boris. And what?

Barbara. The trouble is, and only. My husband has arrived, do you know that? And they did not wait for him, but he arrived.

Boris. No, I didn't know.;

Barbara. She just didn't make herself!

Boris. It can be seen that only I lived a dozen days, bye! He was absent. You won't see her now!

Barbara. Oh what are you! Yes you listen! She trembles all over, as if her fever beats; so pale, rushing about the house, just what she was looking for. Eyes like a lunatic! This morning the poster has been accepted, and sobs. My fathers! what should I do with her?

Boris. Yes, she might get over it!

Barbara. Well, hardly. She does not dare to raise her eyes to her husband. Mamma began to notice this, she walks and everything, looks askance at her, looks like a snake; And she from this even worse. It's just a pain to look at her! Yes, and I'm afraid.

Boris. What are you afraid of?

V a r v a r a. You do not know her! She's kind of weird with us. Everything will come from her! He will do such things that ...

Boris. Oh my god! What to do? You should have had a good talk with her. Can't you convince her?

Barbara. Tried. And he doesn't listen to anything. Better don't come.

Boris. Well, what do you think she can do?

Barbara. And here's what: he will thump at the feet of her husband and tell everything. That's what I'm afraid of.

Boris (with fear). Could it be?

Barbara. Anything can come from her.

Boris. Where is she now?

Barbara. Now my husband and I have gone to the boulevard, and my mother is with them. Come on in if you want. No, it's better not to go, otherwise she, perhaps, will be completely at a loss.

A thunderclap in the distance.

No way, storm? (Looks out.) Yes, and rain. And then the people fell.

Hide somewhere there, and I'll be here in plain sight, so that they don't think what.

Enter several persons of different rank and sex.


Different faces and then Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina and Kuligin.

1st. The butterfly must be very afraid that it is in such a hurry to hide.

Woman. No matter how you hide! If it’s written for someone, you won’t go anywhere.

KATERINA (running in). Ah, Barbara! (Seizes her hand and holds her tightly.)

Barbara. Completely you!

Katerina. My death!

Barbara. Yes, you change your mind! Gather your thoughts!

Katerina. No! I can not. I can't do anything. My heart hurts a lot.

Kabanova (entering). That's it, you have to live in such a way as to always be ready for anything; there would be no fear.

Kabanov. But what kind of sins, mother, she can have such special sins: they are all the same as all of us, and she is so afraid by nature.

Kabanova. How much do you know? Alien soul of darkness.

Kabanov (jokingly). Is there anything without me, but with me, it seems, there was nothing.

Kabanova. Maybe without you.

Kabanov (jokingly). Katya, repent, brother, it's better if you're guilty of something. After all, you can’t hide from me: no, you’re naughty! I know everything!

KATERINA (looks into Kabanov's eyes). My dove!

Barbara. Well, what are you up to! Can't you see that it's hard for her without you?

Boris steps out of the crowd and bows to Kabanov.

KATERINA (shouts). Oh!

Kabanov. What are you afraid of! Did you think someone else? This is an acquaintance! Is your uncle healthy?

Boris. God bless!

Katerina (to Barbara). What else does he need from me? Or is it not enough for him that I suffer so much. (Bending down to Varvara, sobs.)

Varvara (loudly, so that the mother can hear). We're knocked down, we don't know what to do with her; And here still strangers climb! (Makes a sign to Boris, he goes to the very exit.)

KULIGIN (coming to the center, addressing the crowd). Well, what are you afraid of, pray tell! Now every grass, every flower rejoices, but we hide, we are afraid, just what kind of misfortune! The storm will kill! This is not a storm, but grace! Yes, grace! You are all thunder! The northern lights will light up, you should admire and marvel at the wisdom: “the dawn rises from the midnight countries”, “and you are horrified and think up: is this for war or for pestilence. , all the same, and this is a new thing; well, I would look and admire! But you are afraid to even look at the sky, it makes you tremble! You made a scarecrow out of everything. Oh, people! I'm not afraid. Come on, sir!

Boris. Let's go! It's scarier here!


The same without Boris and Kuligin.

Kabanova. Look what kind of races he spread2. There is so much to hear, nothing to say! The times have come, some teachers have appeared. If the old man talks like that, what can you demand from the young!

"Dawn rises from the midnight countries ..." - from the ode of M. V. Lomonosov

"Evening Reflection"

2 Racei breed - talk empty. Raceya - a long instruction, teaching.

Woman. Well, the whole sky overlaid. Exactly with a hat, and covered it.

1st. Eco, you are my brother, as if a cloud is twisting in a ball, even

ao that in it there is a living tossing and turning. And so it crawls on us, and it crawls, like a living thing!

2nd. You mark my word that this thunderstorm will not pass in vain! I tell you right; therefore I know. Either he will kill someone, or the house will burn down, you will see: therefore, look what color is not

KATERINA (listening). What they're saying? They say they will kill someone.

K a b a n o v. It is known that they are so fenced, in vain, whatever comes to mind.

Kabanova. Don't judge yourself older! They know more than you. Old people have signs of everything. An old man will not say a word to the wind.

Catherine (husband). Tisha, I know KorV will kill.

Varvara (quietly to Katerina). At least you shut up.

K a b a n.o. a. How much do you know?

Katerina. Will kill me. Pray for me then.

The lady enters with footmen. Katerina hides herself screaming.


The same and Barrynya.

Lady. What are you hiding? Nothing to hide! Apparently, you are afraid: you don’t want to die! Want to live! How not to want! - you see, what a beauty.

Ha ha ha! Beauty! And you pray to God to take away the beauty! Beauty is our death! You will destroy yourself, you will seduce people, and then rejoice in your beauty. You will lead many, many people into sin! Helicopters go out to duels, stab each other with swords. Funny! Old, pious old people forget about death, they are tempted by beauty! And who will answer? You will have to answer for everything. In the whirlpool is better with beauty! Yes, hurry, hurry!

Katerina hides.

Where are you hiding, stupid? You can't get away from God! Everything will burn in fire in inextinguishable! (Exits.)

Katerina. Oh! I'm dying!

In a-r in a-r a. What are you suffering, really? Stand on the sidelines and pray: it will be easier.

KATERINA (goes up to the wall and kneels, then quickly jumps up). Oh! Hell! Hell! Gehenna fiery!

Kabanov, Kabanova and Varvara surround her.

All heart broken! I can't take it anymore! Mother! Tikhon! I am a sinner before God and before you! Didn't I swore to you that I wouldn't look at anyone without you! Do you remember, do you remember? And do you know what I, dissolute, did without you?

The first night I left home...

Kabanov (bewildered, in tears, tugging at her sleeve). Don't, don't, don't say! What you! Mother is here!

Kabanova (strictly). Well, well, tell me when you've already started.^ Katerina. And all the ten nights I walked ... (Sobs.)

Kabanov wants to hug her.

Kabanova. Drop her! With whom?

Barbara. She's lying, she doesn't know what she's talking about. Kabanova. Shut up!

That's it! Well, with whom? Katerina. With Boris Grigorych.

Thunder strike.

Oh! (Falls senseless into her husband's arms.)

Kabanova. What, son! Where will the will lead? I told you so you didn't want to listen. That's what I've been waiting for!


Scenery of the first act. Twilight.


KULIGIN (sitting on a bench), Kabanov (walking along the boulevard).

Kuligin (sings).

The sky was covered with darkness at night. All people have already closed their eyes for peace ... ", etc.

(Seeing Kabanov.) Hello, sir! Are you far enough?

Kabanov. Home. Heard, brother, our business? The whole family, brother, was in disorder.

K u l i g and n. Heard, heard, sir.

Kabanov. I went to Moscow, you know? On the road, my mother read, read instructions to me, and as soon as I left, I went on a spree. I am very glad that I broke free. And he drank all the way, and in Moscow he drank everything, so it's a bunch, what the heck! So, to take a whole year off. I never thought about the house. Yes, even if I remembered something, it would not have occurred to me what was happening. Heard?

K u l i g and n. Heard, sir.

Kabanov. I'm unhappy now, brother, man! So for nothing I die, not for a penny!

K v l and g and n. Your mommy is pretty cool.

Kabanov. Well, yes. She is the reason for everything. And what am I dying for, tell me for mercy? I just went to the Wild, well, they drank; I thought it would be easier, no, worse, Kuligin! What has my wife done to me! It couldn't be worse...

Kuligin. Wise thing, sir. It is wise to judge you.

Kabanov. No, wait! What's even worse than that. It's not enough to kill her.

Here mother says: she must be buried alive in the ground so that she will be executed!

A. I love her, I'm sorry to touch her with my finger. He beat me a little, and even then my mother ordered. It's a pity for me to look at her, you understand this, Kuligin. Mommy eats her up, and she, like some kind of shadow, walks unanswered. Only cries and melts like wax. So I'm dying looking at her.

Kuligin. Somehow, sir, it's a good thing to do! You would have forgiven her, and never remembered. Themselves, tea, is also not without sin!

Kabanov. What to say!

Kuligin. Yes, so as not to reproach under a drunken hand. She would be a good wife to you, sir; look - better than anyone.

Kabanov. Yes, you understand, Kuligin: I would be fine, but mama ... unless you talk to her! ..

Kuligin. It's time for you, sir, to live by your own mind.

Kabanov. Well, I'm going to break, or something! No, they say, their own mind.

And, therefore, live as a stranger. I’ll take the last one, what I have, I’ll drink it;

let mama then nurse me like a fool.

Kuligin. Eh, sir! Deeds, deeds! Well, what about Boris Grigoryitch, sir?

Kabanov. And he, the scoundrel, is sent to Tyakhta, "to the Chinese. Uncle sends him to some merchant he knows to an office. He is sent there for three years.

Kulagin. Well, what is he, sir?

K a b a n o v. She also rushes about, crying. Just now we pounced on him with my uncle, we already scolded, scolded, - he is silent. Just what a wild one has become. With me, she says whatever you want, do it, just don’t torture her! And he has pity for her too.

K u l i g and n. He is a good man, sir.

Kabanov. Gathered completely, and the horses are ready. So sad, trouble! I can see that he wants to say goodbye. Well, you never know! Will be with him. He is my enemy, Kuligin! You need to break it down into parts so that you know...

K u l i g and n. Enemies must be forgiven, sir!

Kabanov. Go ahead, talk to your mother and see what she has to say to you.

So, brother Kuligin, our whole family is now smashed apart. Not like relatives, but like enemies to each other. Varvara was sharpened and sharpened by her mother, but she could not stand it, and she was like that - she took it and left.

Kuligin. Where did you go?

Kabanov. Who knows. They say that she ran away with Kudryash and Vanka, and they will not find him anywhere either. This, Kuligin, I must say frankly, that from my mother;

therefore she began to tyrannize and lock her up. "Don't lock it up," he says, "it will get worse!" That's how it happened. What should I do now, tell me? Teach me how to live now? The house is disgusting to me, people are ashamed, I will take up the matter - my hands fall off. Now I'm going home: for joy, or what, I'm going?

Glasha enters.

glasha. Tikhon Ivanovich, father!

Kabanov. What else?

glasha. It's not healthy at home, father!

Kabanov. God! So one to one! Say what is there?

glasha. Yes, your host...

Kabanov. Well? Died, right?

Glasha. No, father; gone somewhere, we can't find it anywhere. Iskamshi fell off their feet.

Kabanov. Kuligin, you must, brother, run to look for her. I, brother, do you know what I'm afraid of? How would she lay hands on herself out of longing! Already so longing, so longing that ah! Looking at her, my heart breaks. What were you watching?

How long has she been gone?

Glasha. Lately, dad! Already our sin, overlooked. And even then to say: at every hour you will not beware.

Kabanov. Well, what are you waiting for, run? Glasha leaves.

And we'll go, Kuligin!

The stage is empty for some time. Katerina comes out from the opposite side and quietly walks across the stage.


Katerina (alone). No, nowhere! Is he doing something now, poor thing? (Silence.) If only I had ruined myself, ruined him, dishonored myself - eternal submission to him! Yes! Dishonor to myself - eternal submission to him. (Silence.) me? What words did you say? (He takes his head.) I don’t remember, I forgot everything. The nights, the nights are hard for me! Everyone will go to sleep, and I will go; nothing to everyone, but it’s like a grave to me. It’s so scary in the dark Some noise will be made, and they will sing, as if someone is being buried, only so quietly, barely audibly, far, far away from me... You will be so glad to see the light! the same torment. Why do they look at me like that? Why don't they kill me now? Why did they do that? Before, they say, they killed me. They would have taken me and thrown me into the Volga; I would be glad.

“To execute you,” they say, “so your sin will be removed, and you live and suffer from your sin.” Yes, I'm exhausted! How much longer do I have to suffer? Why should I live now? Well, for what? I don't need anything, nothing is nice to me, and the light of God is not nice! But death does not come. You call her, but she doesn't come.

Whatever I see, whatever I hear, only here (points to the heart) it hurts. If only I could live with him, maybe I would have seen such joy ... Well, it doesn’t matter, I’ve ruined my soul. How I miss him! Oh, how I miss him! If I don’t see you, then at least hear me from afar! Violent winds, transfer my sadness and longing to him! Father, I'm bored, bored!

Boris enters.


Katerina and Boris

Boris (not seeing Katerina). My God! It's her voice, after all! Where is she?

(Looks around.)

KATERINA (runs up to him and falls on his neck). I did see you!

(Crying on his chest.)


Boris. Well, here we cried together, God brought.

Katerina. Have you forgotten me?

Boris. How to forget that you!

Katerina. Oh, no, not that, not that! Are you angry at me?

Boris. Why should I be angry?

Katerina. Well, forgive me! I did not want to harm you; Yes, she was not free. What she said, what she did, she did not remember herself.

Boris. Completely you! what you!

Katerina. Well, how are you? Now how are you?

Boris. I'm going.

Katerina. Where are you going?

Boris. Far away, Katya, to Siberia.

Katerina. Take me away from here!

Boris. I can't, Katya. I am not going of my own free will: my uncle sends, and the horses are already ready; I just asked my uncle for a minute, I wanted to at least say goodbye to the place where we met.

Katerina. Ride with God! Don't worry about me. At first, only if it will be boring for you, the poor, and then you will forget.

Boris. What is there to say about me! I am a free bird. How are you? What is the mother-in-law?

Katerina. Torments me, locks me up. She tells everyone and says to her husband: "Do not trust her, she is cunning." Everyone follows me all day and laughs right in my eyes.

At every word, everyone reproaches you.

Boris. What about the husband?

Katerina. Now affectionate, then angry, but drinking everything. Yes, he hates me, hates me, his caress is worse for me than beatings.

Boris. Is it hard for you, Katya?

Katerina. It's so hard, so hard, that it's easier to die!

Boris. Who knew what it was for our love to suffer so much with you!

I'd better run then!

Katerina. Unfortunately, I saw you. I saw little joy, "but grief, grief, something! Yes, there is still so much ahead! Well, what to think about what will happen!

Now I've seen you, they won't take that away from me; and I don't need anything else. Only after all, I had to wither you. Now it has become much easier for me; like a mountain had been lifted off my shoulders. And I kept thinking that you were angry with me, cursing me...

Boris. What are you, what are you!

Katerina. No, everything is not what I say; That's not what I wanted to say! I was bored with you, that's what, well, I saw you ...

Boris. They wouldn't have found us here!

Katerina. Stop, stop! I wanted to tell you something... I forgot!

Something had to be said! Everything is confused in my head, I don’t remember anything.

Boris. Time for me, Katya!

Katerina. Wait, wait!

Boris. Well, what did you want to say?

Katerina. I'll tell you now. (thinking) Yes! You will go on your way, don’t let a single beggar through like that, give it to everyone and order them to pray for my sinful soul.

Boris. Oh, if only these people knew what it feels like to say goodbye to you! My God!

God grant that someday it will be as sweet for them as it is for me now. Farewell, Katya! (Hugs and wants to leave.) You villains! Fiends! Oh, what strength!

Katerina. Stop, stop! Let me look at you one last time.

(Looks into his eyes.) Well, it will be with me! God bless you now, go.

Get up, get up quick!

Boris (walks away a few steps and stops). Katya, something is wrong! Have you thought about what? I'll be exhausted, dear, thinking about you.

Katerina. Nothing, nothing. Ride with God!

Boris wants to approach her.

No, no, no, that's enough!

Boris (sobbing). Well, God be with you! There is only one thing we must ask God for, that she die as soon as possible, so that she does not suffer for a long time! Goodbye! (Bows.)

Katerina. Goodbye!

Boris leaves. Katerina follows him with her eyes and stands for some time thinking.


Katherine (alone). Where to now? Go home? No, it's all the same to me that it's home, that it's to the grave. Yes, that goes home, that goes to the grave!.. that goes to the grave! It’s better in the grave... There’s a little grave under the tree... how nice!.. The sun warms it, wets it with rain... in the spring grass will grow on it, so soft... birds will fly to the tree, they’ll sing, they’ll bring out children, flowers they will bloom: yellow, red, blue ... all sorts (thinks), all sorts ... So quiet, so good! I feel like it's easier! And I don't want to think about life. Live again? No, no, don't... not good! And the people are disgusting to me, and the house is disgusting to me, and the walls are disgusting! I won't go there! No, no, I won’t go ... You come to them, they go, they say, but what do I need it for? Ah, it's getting dark! And again they sing somewhere! What are they singing? You can't make out... You would die now... What are they singing? It's all the same that death will come, that itself ... but you can't live! Sin! Will they not pray? Whoever loves will pray... Hands folded crosswise... in a coffin? Yes, so ... I remembered. And they will catch me and bring me back home by force ... Ah, hurry, hurry! (Goes to the shore. Loudly.) My friend! My joy! Goodbye!

Enter Kabanova, Kabanov, Kuligin and a worker with a lantern.


Kabanov, Kabanova and Kuligin.

Kuligin. They say they saw it here.

Kabanov. Yes, it is true?

Kuligin. They speak directly to her.

Kabanov. Well, thank God, at least they saw something alive.

Kabanova. And you were frightened, burst into tears! There is something about. Don't worry: we'll be toiling with her for a long time.

Kabanov. Who knew that she would come here! The place is so crowded. Who would want to hide here.

Kabanova. See what she's doing! What a potion! How she wants to keep her character!

People with lanterns gather from different sides.

One of the people. What did you find? Kabanova. Something that is not. Failed exactly where.

And where would she go!

One of the people. Yes, there is! Another. How not to be found! Third. Look, she will come.


The same, without Kuligin.

Kabanov. Father, she is! (Wants to run.) Kabanova holds his hand.

Mommy, let me go, my death! I'll pull it out, otherwise I'll do it myself ... What can I do without it!

Kabanova. I won't let you, and don't think! Because of her and destroy yourself, is she worth it! She didn’t scare us enough, she started something else!

Kabanov. Let me go!

Kabanova. There is someone without you. Damn you if you go!

Kabanov (falling to his knees). At least take a look at her!

Kabanova. Take it out - take a look.

Kabanov (gets up. To the people). What, my dears, can't you see something?

1st. It's dark below, you can't see anything.

Noise offstage.

2nd. It's like they're shouting something, but you can't make out anything.

2nd. There they walk along the shore with a lantern. 1st. They're coming here. Vaughn is carrying her.

Several people are returning.

One of the returnees. Well done Kuligin! Here, close by, in a pool, near the shore with a fire, it is far visible into the water; he dress and saw and pulled her out.

Kabanov. Alive?

Another. Where is she alive! She rushed high: there is a cliff, yes, she must have hit the anchor, hurt herself, poor thing! And for sure, guys, as if alive! Only on the temple is a small wound, and only one, as there is one, a drop of blood.

Kabanov rushes to run; Kulagin and the people are carrying Katerina towards him.


The same and K at l and g and n.

Kuligin. Here is your Katherine. Do with her what you want! Her body is here, take it; and the soul is no longer yours: it is now before a judge who is more merciful than you! (He lays on the ground and runs away.)

Kabanov (rushes to Katerina). Kate! Kate!

Kabanova. Full! It's a sin to cry about her!

Kabanov. Mother, you ruined her, you, you, you...

Kabanova. What you? Do you remember yourself? Forgot who you're talking to?

Kabanov. You ruined her! You! You!

Kabanov (son). Well, I'll talk to you at home. (Bows low to the people.)

Thank you, good people, for your service!

Everyone bows.

Kabanov. Good for you, Katya! And why did I stay in the world and suffer! (Falls on the corpse of his wife.)

Alexander Ostrovsky - Thunderstorm, read text

See also Ostrovsky Alexander - Prose (stories, poems, novels ...):

Balzaminov's marriage (WHAT YOU GO FOR, YOU WILL FIND)
(1861) Pictures of Moscow life FIRST PERSON PICTURE: Pavel Petrovna...

A comedy in five acts ACT FIRST PERSON: Raisa Pavlovna Gurmyzhsk...

First half of the 19th century Fictional Volga town Kalinov. Public garden on the high bank of the Volga. The local self-taught mechanic Kuligin talks with young people - Kudryash, the clerk of the rich merchant Diky, and the tradesman Shapkin - about the rude antics and tyranny of Diky. Then Boris, Diky's nephew, appears, who, in response to Kuligin's questions, says that his parents lived in Moscow, educated him at the Commercial Academy, and both died during the epidemic. He came to Dikoy, leaving his sister with his mother's relatives, in order to receive part of the grandmother's inheritance, which Dikoy must give him according to the will, if Boris is respectful to him. Everyone assures him: under such conditions, Dikoy will never give him money. Boris complains to Kuligin that he can’t get used to life in the house of Dikoy, Kuligin talks about Kalinov and ends his speech with the words: “Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel!”

Kalinovtsy disperse. Together with another woman, the wanderer Feklusha appears, praising the city for "bla-a-lepie", and the house of the Kabanovs for their special generosity towards wanderers. "Kabanovs?" - Boris asks again: “The hypocrite, sir, clothes the poor, but completely ate at home,” explains Kuligin. Kabanova comes out, accompanied by her daughter Varvara and son Tikhon with his wife Katerina. She grumbles at them, but finally leaves, allowing the children to walk along the boulevard. Varvara releases Tikhon secretly from his mother to drink at a party and, left alone with Katerina, talks with her about domestic relations, about Tikhon. Katerina talks about her happy childhood in her parents' house, about her fervent prayers, about what she experiences in the temple, imagining angels in a sunbeam falling from the dome, dreams of spreading her arms and flying, and, finally, admits that “something is wrong” with her something". Varvara guesses that Katerina has fallen in love with someone, and promises to arrange a meeting upon Tikhon's departure. This proposal horrifies Katerina. A crazy lady appears, threatening that “beauty leads to the very whirlpool”, and prophesies hellish torments. Katerina is terribly frightened, and then “a thunderstorm sets in”, she hurries Varvara home to pray for the icons.

The second act, which takes place in the Kabanovs' house, begins with Feklusha's conversation with the maid Glasha. The wanderer asks about the household affairs of the Kabanovs and conveys fabulous stories about distant countries, where people with dog heads “for infidelity”, etc. Katerina and Varvara, who have appeared, gathering Tikhon on the road, continue the conversation about Katerina’s hobby, Varvara calls the name of Boris, transmits a bow from him and persuades Katerina to sleep with her in the gazebo in the garden after Tikhon's departure. Kabanikha and Tikhon come out, the mother tells her son to strictly punish his wife, how to live without him, Katerina is humiliated by these formal orders. But, left alone with her husband, she begs him to take her on a trip, after his refusal she tries to give him terrible oaths of allegiance, but Tikhon does not want to listen to them either: “You never know what comes to mind ...” The returned Kabanikha orders Katerina to bow husband's feet. Tikhon leaves. Varvara, leaving for a walk, informs Katerina that they will spend the night in the garden, and gives her the key to the gate. Katerina does not want to take it, then, after hesitating, she hides it in her pocket.

The next action takes place on a bench at the gate of the boar's house. Feklusha and Kabanikha talk about “the last times”, Feklusha says that “for our sins” “time began to come down”, talks about the railway (“they began to harness the fiery serpent”), about the bustle of Moscow life as a devilish obsession. Both are waiting for even worse times. Dikoy appears with complaints about his family, Kabanikha reproaches him for his erratic behavior, he tries to be rude to her, but she quickly stops this and takes him to the house to drink and eat. While Dikoy is eating, Boris, sent by Dikoy's family, comes to find out where the head of the family is. Having completed the assignment, he exclaims with longing about Katerina: “If only to look at her with one eye!” The returned Varvara tells him to come at night to the gate in the ravine behind the boar garden.

The second scene represents the nightly festivities of the youth, Varvara comes out on a date with Kudryash and tells Boris to wait - "you'll wait for something." There is a date between Katerina and Boris. After hesitation, thoughts about sin, Katerina is unable to resist the awakened love. “What to feel sorry for me - no one is to blame, - she herself went for it. Don't be sorry, kill me! Let everyone know, let everyone see what I'm doing (hugs Boris). If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment?

The entire fourth act, which takes place on the streets of Kalinov - on the gallery of a dilapidated building with the remains of a fresco representing fiery Gehenna, and on the boulevard - takes place against the backdrop of a gathering and finally bursting thunderstorm. It starts to rain, and Dikoy and Kuligin enter the gallery, who begins to persuade Dikoy to give money to install a sundial on the boulevard. In response, Dikoy scolds him in every possible way and even threatens to declare him a robber. Having endured the scolding, Kuligin begins to ask for money for a lightning rod. At this point, Dikoy confidently declares that it is a sin to defend against the thunderstorm “with some kind of poles and horns, God forgive me, God forgive me.” The stage is empty, then Varvara and Boris meet in the gallery. She reports the return of Tikhon, Katerina's tears, Kabanikh's suspicions, and expresses fear that Katerina will confess to her husband of treason. Boris begs to dissuade Katerina from confessing and disappears. The rest of the Kabanovs enter. Katerina waits with horror that she, who has not repented of sin, will be killed by lightning, a crazy lady appears, threatening hellish flames, Katerina can no longer strengthen herself and publicly admits to her husband and mother-in-law that she “walked” with Boris. The boar gloatingly declares: “What, son! Where will the will lead? That's what I've been waiting for!"

The last action is again on the high bank of the Volga. Tikhon complains to Kuligin about his family grief, about what his mother says about Katerina: “She must be buried alive in the ground so that she will be executed!” "But I love her, I'm sorry to touch her with my finger." Kuligin advises to forgive Katerina, but Tikhon explains that this is impossible under Kabanikh. He speaks not without pity about Boris, whom his uncle sends to Kyakhta. The maid Glasha enters and reports that Katerina has disappeared from the house. Tikhon is afraid that “she wouldn’t kill herself out of boredom!”, And together with Glasha and Kuligin he leaves to look for his wife.

Katerina appears, she complains about her desperate situation in the house, and most importantly, about her terrible longing for Boris. Her monologue ends with a passionate incantation: “My joy! My life, my soul, I love you! Reply!" Boris enters. She asks him to take her to Siberia with him, but she understands that Boris's refusal is caused by a really complete impossibility to leave with her. She blesses him on his way, complains about the oppressive life in the house, about disgust for her husband. After saying goodbye to Boris forever, Katerina begins to dream alone of death, of a grave with flowers and birds that “fly up a tree, sing, have children.” "To live again?" she exclaims in horror. Approaching the cliff, she says goodbye to the departed Boris: “My friend! My joy! Goodbye!" and leaves.

The scene is filled with anxious people, in the crowd and Tikhon with his mother. A cry is heard behind the scenes: “A woman threw herself into the water!” Tikhon tries to run to her, but his mother does not let him in with the words: “I’ll curse if you go!” Tikhon falls to his knees. After some time, Kuligin brings in Katerina's body. "Here's your Katherine. Do with her what you want! Her body is here, take it; and the soul is not yours now; she is now before a judge who is more merciful than you!”

Rushing to Katerina, Tikhon accuses his mother: “Mother, you ruined her!” and, ignoring the menacing cries of the Kabanikh, falls on the corpse of his wife. “Good for you, Katya! Why am I left to live in the world and suffer!” - with these words of Tikhon the play ends.


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