Requirements for girls in the police. Cons in this area


Basic constitutional requirements

Anyone, regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality or social status, a fully capable citizen of the Russian Federation, can get a job in the police. In this case, the candidate must be of legal age and not older than 35 years. He must be well prepared physically and emotionally. For such work, it is necessary to know the Russian language well and permanently reside in the Russian Federation. An initial level of knowledge is also required - a completed secondary education. How to get a job in the police if you do not meet any of these requirements? No way, because the candidate will not be able to fulfill his duties, namely:

Due to certain religious views, it will not be able to harm a living person, even if it is a particularly dangerous armed criminal;

Will not be able to detain suspects if he is physically weak.

In addition, a person under the age of 18 cannot be fully responsible for violations and misconduct. If he does not permanently reside on the territory of Russia, his ideological values ​​will not always encourage him to serve for the good of the country.

Specific features of the selection in the ranks of the police. Service in the Russian police

These restrictions minimize the risk of using your position for personal gain and allow you to choose a candidate with no bad habits. For example, how can a person with a previous conviction get a job in the police? No way. If a citizen of the Russian Federation has ever been prosecuted, was a suspect or accused in such a case, he will never be able to become a police officer. It is worth noting here that we are talking specifically about criminal liability, administrative fines and arrests do not carry a high danger and cannot negatively characterize a candidate for the position of a police officer. A specific feature of the service in the ranks of the police is the requirement for the absence of any dependence: narcological, toxicological or neuropsychiatric. By definition, such people will not be able to work impartially in this system. Service in our police is fraught with a number of prohibitions and restrictions of an economic nature. Like any other state or municipal employee, a police officer cannot be engaged in commercial activities or be directly subordinate to close relatives. Medical restrictions should be considered separately. The list of diseases with which they are not hired by the police is established by the Government of the Russian Federation: tuberculosis of various forms; chronic hepatitis; mycosis of any internal organs; malignant or benign tumors; cancer of 3-4 degrees; psychological disorders; diseases of the endocrine or nervous system, circulatory system or gastrointestinal tract; severe thrombophlebitis. This is an incomplete list of diseases in which a person will not be able to perform their duties. To submit your candidacy for any position to the police, you must submit a certificate in the prescribed form with the conclusion of medical specialists about the absence of the above diseases.

Tests and interviews

If the main documents are collected, and the candidate meets all the stated requirements in a large list of restrictions and prohibitions, one more question remains. How to get a job in the police and pass all kinds of psychological tests? It should be noted that all tasks for establishing the psychological, emotional or intellectual level of development of a police candidate are divided into 2 groups: written tests and oral interviews. Written tests help to recognize the true intentions of a person, to choose the right position in accordance with professional skills and intelligence level. Oral communication will help to see the person's reaction to stressful situations and show the degree of readiness to make situational decisions. At the stage of psychological testing, 30% of those who want to become policemen are eliminated. Work in the Russian police provides for full return and unquestioning performance of official duties. For comparison, let's answer the question of how to get a job in Germany: it's much easier there - you just need to write an application and collect a standard package of documents. This suggests that anyone can become a policeman in this country, but in Russia policemen must be born.

Need to provide:

1. Passport.

2. Diploma of higher or secondary education.

3. A certificate of passing a medical examination in order to make sure that the person is fit, because the police are the same army, and here physical abilities come first.

4. Certificate from the narcological dispensary.

5. A certificate stating that the person does not have mental health problems, because, perhaps, in the future he will carry a weapon.

How to get a job in the police for a girl? Universities. Document turnover

1. If a woman just wants to work in a structure (not necessarily an investigator or interrogator), then she does not need special education, because the police have an accounting department and a public relations department, neither a legal nor a specialized police education is useful there.

2. Another thing is if a woman is attracted by the romance of police life: investigations, criminals, fear for her life, dangers. Then it is best to get a diploma from an academy or institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is best to learn about the admission rules on the spot.

3. Then the girl undergoes severe physical training, and the medical commission determines whether she is ready for hard service or not. Then the applicant goes directly to the police station and submits documents. He is offered to fill out documents if there is a vacancy. And here, not only the personal qualities and education of the girl are taken into account, but also the absence of a criminal record among her relatives. Naturally, all information received from the applicant is carefully checked.

4. You can get into the police after graduating from law school. But this scheme does not always work. The rest of the recruitment procedures are the same.

It is important to understand that working in the police is not the easiest way to get your own bread, so the girl must weigh everything properly before making a fateful choice. Working in the police is an honor, recently highly paid, but extremely difficult. One should become a policeman only if the soul requires it, however, as in other professions.

Service in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is distinguished by stability, a good social package and good career prospects. Not surprisingly, every year this kind of activity is becoming increasingly popular among young people who want to go to work in the police without service.

As a rule, citizens who meet the criteria of this department can apply for employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Is it possible to get a job in the police without serving in the army is not an easy question, and requires detailed consideration.

Excerpts from legislative acts

According to the current legislation, any adult Russian up to 35 years old inclusive has the right to get a job in the police. Those wishing to serve in the police should familiarize themselves with the following legislation:

  1. Any interested citizen of the Russian Federation will be taken to law enforcement agencies, regardless of race or religious beliefs. However, it must meet the following criteria:
  • perfect command of the Russian language;
  • physical skills and personal qualities must correspond to official duties;
  • no criminal record;
  • the presence of general or vocational secondary education (higher legal will be a good advantage);
  • lack of physical contraindications to the performance of official duties.
  1. It will not be possible to enter the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the following cases:
  • the presence of a residence permit or other document that gives the candidate the right to permanent residence in another state;
  • if the potential employee is under investigation in a criminal case;
  • if a citizen is regularly subjected to administrative penalties for illegal activities;
  • the police do not take if the candidate does not agree to comply with the restrictions and prohibitions associated with serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which are provided for in Article 29 of the current Federal legislation.

  1. It is important to know that the authorized bodies subject each candidate to psycho-physiological studies to identify their alcohol or drug addiction. Also, through this testing, stress resistance is determined.
  2. In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, a special written guarantee must be issued for each newly minted law enforcement officer. The preparation of this document is entrusted to a working law enforcement officer with at least three years of experience. The authorized person must indicate in the guarantee that the potential employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is familiar with the existing prohibitions and restrictions, and undertakes to comply with them. Without this document, you will not be able to get a job in the police.

This list of norms and requirements is silent about the need for conscription military service, since this is not a key criterion for entering the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Restrictions, obligations and prohibitions

For those who wish to try on the uniform of a policeman, it is extremely useful to familiarize themselves with the existing restrictions and prohibitions, which can become a significant obstacle to employment in this department:

  • if, by decision of the judicial authorities, a person has been recognized as incapacitated, then he will be denied employment;
  • having a criminal record;
  • if the desired position involves working with classified information, then the candidate must go through the procedure for obtaining access to such information without fail (otherwise, he will be denied a job);
  • they may not be hired if the potential employee is closely related to the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate, in which the citizen is going to get a job, then he will be denied even consideration of the application (this restriction was introduced relatively recently);
  • intentionally providing inaccurate information to the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during employment.

In addition, a citizen may be denied employment due to the presence of such diseases as:

  • malignant or benign pathological neoplasms;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • irreversible pathological processes in vital organs.

In the presence of the above mentioned factors, work in the police is impossible!

How to get a job in the police without service

Service in the police is essentially the legal equivalent of military service. There are two most common ways of this employment based on general secondary education:

  1. At the end of a secondary school, you can enter the police school, and complete a full course of study with subsequent employment.
  2. If there is no desire to study after exhausting 11 classes, then feel free to get a job in the teaching staff. For a full-fledged employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is necessary to serve from 3 to 5 years.

It is important to notify the district military enlistment office of your intentions, and this service will be counted as an urgent service to the conscript.

The above factors are in accordance with the law, but it is important to understand that in reality the situation looks somewhat different due to certain circumstances. In fact, it will be difficult to get the desired position without the army.

Getting a job in the police without serving in the army is very difficult in practice, but still possible. However, after successful employment, you should not flatter yourself, since this type of activity is associated with constant checks and reductions due to inconsistency with the position held. In this case, employment after the army will be an advantage.

It is also worth noting that the salaries of law enforcement officers are steadily growing, which creates high competition in employment. Therefore, it is very important to sensibly evaluate your physical and moral capabilities.

For successful employment, the candidate must meet the following requirements:

  • good physical shape and absence of medical contraindications;
  • willingness to comply with any requirements of management;
  • emotional stability;
  • good learning ability;
  • the presence of higher education with a military department (this requirement is not mandatory, but it will be an indisputable advantage in the selection).

A citizen of the Russian Federation who meets these requirements can safely count on employment in the police without serving in the army.

Some subtleties that are important to know

First of all, the candidate must pass physical standards and undergo psychological testing for stress resistance. After that, the personnel department of the local ATC will accept all the necessary documents, as well as a written application. In the future, the candidate will undergo a thorough medical examination. The direction is issued by the personnel department after the acceptance of the main package of documents.

You should go to the medical examination as early as possible. In the absence of contraindications, a citizen is accepted for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In addition, an important document will be a description of the life of a potential employee, which is compiled by the district police officer at the place of permanent registration of a citizen. It must be impeccable (no complaints from neighbors and cohabitants). This document must contain at least two signatures of neighbors.

It is possible to work in the police without military service, but you will have to make some efforts to achieve your cherished goal. It is important to first enlist the support of neighbors and parents. At a certain stage, this will play a role. It is also a good advantage to have a diploma of higher education in specialized universities, but you can do without it. There are several factors that will be really important when applying for a job in the police without military service:

  • good physical form;
  • stress resistance;
  • no criminal record.

The easiest option would be to join the ranks of the teaching staff, and after the service to become a full-fledged law enforcement officer.

Hello Lyudmila! Employment in the police involves the widest range of professions, and therefore, a person who does not have a special legal education, but who has knowledge, skills and abilities in some other areas, of course, can apply for a job in the police.

Firstly, any citizen of Russia can get a job in the police, regardless of his gender, religion, or nationality, but meeting certain requirements. So, the prerequisites are:

No criminal record (including canceled);

Passing special psychophysiological tests;

Testing for alcohol and drug addiction.

It is also optional, but desirable, when applying for a job in the police, for men, that they serve in the armed forces. This fact will be counted as a plus when considering the applicant's case.

In general, when applying for a job in the police, the requirements for certain employees can vary significantly. It all depends on what area of ​​the police service you want to work in. For example, if a person wants to work as an ordinary policeman, then he must have excellent health, complete secondary education. The same applies to people applying for service in positions of junior commanding staff. But there are also so-called qualification requirements for those who apply for work in positions of middle, senior and senior commanding staff. To perform their duties in these cases, the applicant must have a higher professional legal education. After all, the work of these people implies that they are obliged to investigate and organize the investigation of criminal cases, administrative investigations, consider cases of administrative offenses, as well as conduct anti-corruption and legal expertise. Only in rare exceptional cases, citizens who do not have a special legal education, but who have other higher professional education, as well as work experience that would allow them to perform their official duties in the police, can be appointed to such positions. You can read more about the qualification requirements for people wishing to join the police at the following link:

To find out exactly what kind of police job you could specifically apply for, it is better to contact the personnel department of the police department in your place of residence, as well as the personnel department of another law enforcement agency in which you wish to work. You can now find out about vacancies in the police through Internet job search sites that post, among other things, vacancies for working in the police.

To protect the life and property of fellow citizens, to ensure the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, to faithfully serve their Motherland is the dream of many young men and women. True, the latter often have to work harder and harder to make this dream a reality. It is more difficult for girls and women to serve in the army or internal organs than for men. There is nothing to be done about it, as it happened historically. But, if difficulties do not frighten you and you are ready to prove in practice that a woman copes with the duties of a police officer no worse than a man, welcome to the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Who is hired by the police?
Based on Federal Law No. 342, which was adopted in 2011, persons who meet the following requirements are accepted for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs:
  • the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • the citizen does not have residence permits in another state;
  • age: from 18 to 35 years. If a citizen has previously served in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then a special age limit applies - up to 50 years;
  • fit for service for health reasons;
  • passed psychophysiological diagnostics, as well as testing for drug and alcohol addiction;
  • no convictions, open criminal cases and bringing to administrative responsibility for committing offenses within a year from the date of entry into the service.
Gender, religion and nationality do not matter. The criminal record of relatives is also not an obstacle. Unless, of course, the relative is a recidivist, a local criminal "authority", etc.

Education requirements
To work as an ordinary police officer, a diploma stating that you have graduated from high school is enough. If you plan to hold officer positions, work as an interrogator or investigator, then you must have a higher legal education. In order to become a juvenile inspector, you need to get a higher pedagogical education, etc.

How to become an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
If you meet the requirements above, then you need to do the following:

  1. Contact the personnel department of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, find out about the availability of vacancies. Employees of the department will select a suitable position for you based on your education and work experience.
  2. If there is a vacancy of interest, you will be offered to undergo a medical commission and testing, as well as fill out an autobiographical questionnaire. Be extremely honest and considerate. Remember that all information received from you by the personnel department will be verified.
  3. Wait for the decision of the department. If you are suitable for the selected position, you will be notified. First, you will be enlisted as a trainee, then, if your work does not cause complaints, an order will be drawn up for your official appointment.
If you were refused by the personnel department, and you think that this was done unfairly, there is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, then you can always contact the head of the personnel department of the UVMD in your area. You can make an appointment with him at the secretary of the regional branch of the Ministry.

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