Requirements for an accreditation expert and the Rules for attestation of accreditation experts - Rossiyskaya Gazeta.


Currently, the national accreditation system is in its infancy. A lot of work has already been done, but the participants in the process still have many serious obstacles to overcome. How effective the new system will be depends largely on the professionalism and conscientiousness of the people involved in the implementation of its provisions. And we are talking, first of all, about accreditation experts.

In this section, we will post important information affecting the activities of the Russian expert community. We hope that the submitted legal documents, current reviews, interesting analytics will be useful to experts who seek to improve in their work and achieve a high level of competency development.

Accreditation Expert: Who is it?

The basis of the regulatory framework of the Russian accreditation system is the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 412-FZ “On accreditation in the national accreditation system” . The specified Law defines the basic concepts of the accreditation system, including the concept of "accreditation expert".

An accreditation expert is an individual who has passed a set of attestation procedures in the Federal Accreditation Service, included by this body in a special register and involved in the examination of conformity in any area.

Classification of experts, general principles of their work

Experts of two categories take part in the accreditation process: accreditation experts (they are conditionally considered leaders) and technical experts. The main tasks of the "leading" accreditation expert are the organization of the process, the overall assessment, and the preparation of the final conclusion. Technical experts have special knowledge and experience in various fields, therefore they are entrusted with the functions of conducting technical expertise.

Accreditation experts are selected according to a special methodology developed by the Russian Accreditation Agency. Among the requirements, the obligatory presence of higher education, professional experience, practice of participation in the implementation of accreditation procedures. An accreditation expert is a specialist with a high level of competence development who has gone a long way and done a great job before getting this status.

Accreditation experts and technical experts form the composition of expert groups for the implementation of various kinds of examinations.

Experts are given the right to refuse to participate in the examinations for good reasons (for example, due to temporary disability). The terms within which the expert is obliged to notify the national accreditation body of the existence of reasons for refusal are established by law.

Accreditation experts are prohibited from combining activities and conformity assessment in the same field of study.

An important aspect is the independence of experts. They should not be subject to any administrative, commercial, financial pressure that could influence the expert's decision in the accreditation process.

Experts are required to comply with confidentiality requirements and use all information to which access was obtained in the course of work only for its intended purpose.

Experts are responsible for providing deliberately incorrect information in the course of examinations and making a biased decision in accordance with applicable law.

Currently, most of the experts in the register of accreditation experts are certified in the general field, and those with a specialization are most in demand: first of all, those who are engaged in conformity assessment in accordance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union, as well as experts in accreditation of testing laboratories (centers).

Accreditation experts in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements

Accreditation in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements is an important component of the accreditation system. The status of an accreditation expert in this area presupposes not only the compliance of an individual with a number of general requirements for accreditation experts, but also the implementation of their activities according to the rules and norms that are uniform for all.

The concept of "expert in metrology" was legally enshrined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 No. 1077 "On the system of accreditation in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements." According to the document, an expert metrologist must have certain knowledge: metrological rules and regulations, mandatory metrological requirements for measurements, procedures for carrying out work in this area, etc.

Previously, for expert metrologists, participation in accreditation work was only one of many functions and they could combine it with others (for example, with verification of measuring instruments), but Law No. 412-FZ imposed a ban on such combinations. As a result, activities within the framework of a unified national accreditation system became the main one for experts.

Registration N 32976

In accordance with paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 412-FZ "On accreditation in the national accreditation system" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, N 52, Art. 6977) I order:

1. Approve the attached:

Requirements for an accreditation expert (Appendix N 1);

Rules for attestation of accreditation experts (Appendix N 2).

2. Recognize as invalid:

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 24, 2012 N 617 "On approval of the form of a certificate of attestation of an accreditation expert) (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 1, 2012, registration N 25752);

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 24, 2012 N 616 "On approval of application forms for certification of an accreditation expert, on reissuing a certificate of attestation of an accreditation expert, on issuing a duplicate certificate of attestation of an accreditation expert, on issuing a copy of a certificate of attestation of an accreditation expert , on the termination of the certificate of attestation of an accreditation expert" (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 11, 2012, registration N 25651).

3. This order comes into force in accordance with the established procedure, but not earlier than the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 412-FZ "On accreditation in the national accreditation system".

Acting Minister P. Korolev

Appendix No. 1

Requirements for an accreditation expert

The accreditation expert must meet the following requirements:

a) higher education;

b) work experience of at least 4 years in the relevant area of ​​attestation declared by the applicant, included in the list of areas of attestation of accreditation experts 1 , the area of ​​accreditation and (or) the field of conformity assessment and (or) ensuring the uniformity of measurements, of which at least 2 years in the field related to the development, implementation or evaluation of management systems;

c) experience of participation for 3 years prior to filing an application for attestation as a technical expert or trainee in the implementation of at least five accreditations of applicants and (or) procedures for confirming the competence of accredited persons and (or) activities for the inspection control of the activities of accredited persons, which were held before the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 412-FZ "On accreditation in the national accreditation system".

Appendix No. 2

Rules for attestation of accreditation experts

I. General provisions

1. These Rules determine the procedure for attestation of accreditation experts, the procedure and grounds for suspension and termination of attestation of accreditation experts.

2. Certification in accordance with these Rules is carried out by the Federal Accreditation Service.

II. The procedure for attestation of accreditation experts

3. For certification as an accreditation expert, an individual applying for the status of an accreditation expert (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) submits an application for certification as an accreditation expert to the Federal Accreditation Service.

In the application for attestation as an accreditation expert, the applicant shall indicate:

a) surname, name and (if any) patronymic;

b) residential address;

c) details of an identity document;

d) phone number and (if available) email address;

e) the insurance number of an individual personal account;

f) the declared area of ​​attestation of an accreditation expert in accordance with the list of areas of attestation of accreditation experts 1 (hereinafter - the declared area of ​​attestation);

g) consent of the applicant to the processing of his personal data;

h) the date of the application;

i) Applicant's signature.

In the application, an applicant who has a place of residence in the territory of a certain subject of the Russian Federation, a federal district, has the right to indicate this subject of the Russian Federation or this federal district as the territory on which, in the event of certification, this applicant expresses his readiness to be involved in the examination of submitted by the applicant, accredited by the person of documents and information, carrying out an on-site examination of the compliance of the applicant, accredited person with the accreditation criteria in accordance with the methodology for selecting experts for accreditation 2 .

4. The following must be attached to the application for attestation as an accreditation expert:

a) copies of documents confirming the applicant's higher education;

b) copies of documents confirming that the applicant has work experience in the relevant area of ​​attestation declared by the applicant, the field of accreditation and (or) the field of conformity assessment and (or) ensuring the uniformity of measurements, as well as work experience in the field related to the development, implementation or evaluation of management systems;

c) copies of documents confirming the participation of the applicant as a technical expert or trainee in conducting at least five accreditations and (or) procedures for confirming the competence of accredited persons, and (or) activities for the inspection control of the activities of accredited persons that were carried out before the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 412-FZ "On accreditation in the national accreditation system" (hereinafter - the Federal Law).

If the applicant participated in the accreditation and (or) procedures for confirming the competence of accredited persons, and (or) activities for the inspection control of the activities of accredited persons, which were carried out before the entry into force of the Federal Law, as a trainee, reviews must be attached to the application the head of the expert group on the work of the applicant in the implementation of these procedures and activities.

5. The applicant may also attach copies of documents confirming that the applicant has access to documents and information constituting state secrets to the application for attestation as an accreditation expert.

6. The applicant's application for attestation as an accreditation expert and the documents attached thereto shall be sent to the Federal Accreditation Service by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or in the form of an electronic document signed with a simple electronic signature, through information and telecommunication networks of public access, including including the information and telecommunications network "Internet", the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", the federal state information system in the field of accreditation.

7. If the application does not contain the information provided for in paragraph 3 of these Rules, or if the documents provided for in paragraph 4 of these Rules are not submitted, the Federal Accreditation Service, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the said application and documents, returns them without consideration to the applicant by registered mail with a return receipt or in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of an official of the Federal Accreditation Service, through public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet information and telecommunication network, the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", the federal state information system in the field of accreditation.

8. The Federal Accreditation Service, within 15 working days from the date of receipt from the applicant of the application for attestation as an accreditation expert and the documents attached to it, checks the submitted documents and information in order to confirm the applicant's compliance with the requirements for an accreditation expert.

9. If the applicant meets the requirements for an accreditation expert, the Federal Accreditation Service makes a decision to confirm the applicant’s compliance with the requirements for an accreditation expert and appoints the place, date and time of the qualification exam in order to recognize the applicant’s competence to conduct examinations of the applicant’s, accredited person’s compliance with the accreditation criteria in a specific area of ​​accreditation.

10. If, based on the results of an inspection by the Federal Accreditation Service of the documents and information submitted by the applicant, the applicant does not meet the requirements for an accreditation expert, the Federal Accreditation Service shall decide to refuse certification as an accreditation expert.

11. The Federal Accreditation Service notifies the applicant of the decision specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules, and of the place, date and time of the qualification exam, as well as of the decision specified in paragraph 10 of these Rules, within 5 working days from the date of adoption of such decision in the manner prescribed by paragraph 7 of these Rules for return without consideration of the application and documents to the applicant.

12. The qualification exam is scheduled for a date not later than 2 months from the date of the decision by the Federal Accreditation Service to confirm the applicant's compliance with the requirements for an accreditation expert.

13. The applicant, within 10 working days from the date of sending by the Federal Accreditation Service of a notice of the decision specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules, and of the place, date and time of the qualification exam, has the right to send an application to the Federal Accreditation Service with a request to change the date and the time of the qualification exam, but not more than 2 times as part of the certification procedure as an accreditation expert.

14. There is no charge for conducting a qualifying examination.

15. The qualification exam is conducted by the certification commission of the Federal Accreditation Service (hereinafter referred to as the Commission).

16. The applicant must appear on the appointed date and time for the qualifying exam, having an identity document with him.

17. The qualification exam is conducted to determine whether the applicant has:

knowledge of the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory, technical, methodological, guiding and other documents regulating the issues of accreditation, establishing requirements for products, measuring instruments used, testing equipment, reference materials, conformity assessment and ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the declared scope of certification;

skills in preparing proposals in terms of determining the list of works on the field examination of the applicant’s, accredited person’s compliance with the accreditation criteria, conducting examinations of the applicant’s, accredited person’s compliance with the accreditation criteria, identifying violations of the accreditation criteria, drawing up an expert opinion, an on-site examination report, an examination report;

skills of working with the federal state information system in the field of accreditation.

18. When conducting a qualifying examination, the applicant:

a) being tested;

b) answers the questions contained in the examination ticket;

c) demonstrates the skills of working with the federal state information system in the field of accreditation.

19. Only applicants and members of the Commission are allowed to be present in the premises where the qualification examination is held.

20. During the qualification exam, the applicant is not allowed to use special, reference and other literature (with the exception of documents in the field of standardization that establish requirements for objects subject to conformity assessment), written notes (with the exception of written notes made at the qualification exam), means mobile communications and other means of storing and transmitting information. Conversations between applicants during the examination are not allowed.

In case of violation of the prohibitions listed in this paragraph, the applicant is removed from the exam, the corresponding entry is made in the protocol of the Commission. In this case, the applicant is considered not to have passed the qualifying exam.

21. The test includes 30 questions. The time allotted for preparing answers should not exceed one hour. The test is considered passed if the applicant answered correctly at least 25 questions of the test.

If the applicant answered correctly less than 25 questions of the test, the qualifying exam is considered not passed.

22. The examination ticket contains 4 questions, which are formed taking into account the declared area of ​​certification. To prepare answers to the questions contained in the examination ticket, the Commission allocates time, which should be at least 40 minutes.

The examination ticket must include questions, including those requiring the applicant to prepare draft documents drawn up by an accreditation expert in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in the national accreditation system. Questions for the qualification exam are approved by the decision of the Federal Accreditation Service at least once a year and are subject to placement on the official website of the Federal Accreditation Service in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

23. The Commission has the right to ask the applicant clarifying questions regarding the questions contained in the examination ticket, as well as no more than 3 additional questions that go beyond the questions contained in the examination ticket, but within the framework of the questions approved in accordance with paragraph 22 of these Rules, according to the stated certification areas.

24. Demonstration of skills in working with the federal state information system in the field of accreditation involves assessing the applicant's ability to work with the personal account of an accreditation expert, including testing his skills in generating electronic documents, uploading information to the specified system. Testing of these skills can be carried out in the form of computer testing, performing practical tasks on working with the federal state information system in the field of accreditation.

25. For each question contained in the examination card, additional question, as well as the results of the applicant's demonstration of skills in working with the federal state information system in the field of accreditation, the member of the Commission gives the applicant an assessment: "passed" or "not passed". The answer to the question is considered to be credited by the Commission, and the results of the applicant's demonstration of skills in working with the federal state information system in the field of accreditation are considered satisfactory, if at least two thirds of the members of the Commission present at the meeting rated "passed".

26. Each member of the Commission maintains an examination bulletin, which indicates the date and place of the qualification exam, last name, first name, patronymic (the last one - if available) of the Commission member, last name, first name, patronymic (the last one - if available) of each applicant, the number of the exam ticket , a score is given for the answer to each question, as well as the results of the applicant's demonstration of skills in working with the federal state information system in the field of accreditation. The examination bulletin is signed by a member of the Commission and attached to the minutes of the Commission.

27. The qualification exam is considered passed if the test was passed by the applicant, the answers to all the questions asked as part of the examination ticket were read by the Commission, and the results of the applicant's demonstration of skills in working with the federal state information system in the field of accreditation were recognized as satisfactory.

28. Based on the results of the qualification exam, the Commission recognizes the applicant as having passed (failed) the qualification exam. This decision is made on the day of the qualifying examination.

29. The decision of the Commission is formalized in the minutes of the Commission. The applicant has the right to get acquainted with the results of the qualification exam and the decision of the Commission immediately after the end of the qualification exam.

30. If the applicant is recognized by the Commission as having passed the qualifying exam, the Federal Accreditation Service, within 10 working days from the date of signing the protocol of the Commission, decides on the certification of the accreditation expert, notifies him of the decision in the manner prescribed by paragraph 7 of these Rules for return without consideration to the applicant application and documents, and also enters information about the accreditation expert in the register of accreditation experts.

31. If the applicant is recognized by the Commission as not having passed the qualifying exam, the Federal Accreditation Service, within 10 working days from the date of signing the protocol of the Commission, decides to refuse to certify the accreditation expert and notifies the applicant of the decision in the manner prescribed by paragraph 7 of these Rules for return without considering the applicant's application and documents.

32. Accreditation experts are required to undergo certification in accordance with paragraphs 3-31 of these Rules at least once every 5 years. At the same time, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph 4 of these Rules, the application for certification as an accreditation expert must be accompanied by documents confirming that the accreditation expert has completed advanced training in the field related to the development, implementation or evaluation of management systems, as well as in the relevant field certification of an accreditation expert in the field of conformity assessment and (or) ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

33. The accreditation expert has the right to expand the scope of certification in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 3-31 of these Rules.

34. The accreditation expert has the right to reduce the scope of certification on the basis of an application for reducing the scope of certification, drawn up in free form and sent to the Federal Accreditation Service by registered mail with a return receipt or in the form of an electronic document signed with a simple electronic signature, through information and telecommunication public access networks, including the information and telecommunications network "Internet", the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", the federal state information system in the field of accreditation.

The area of ​​attestation is reduced by the Federal Accreditation Service within 10 working days from the date of receipt by the Federal Accreditation Service of an application from an accreditation expert to reduce the area of ​​attestation.

III. The procedure for suspension and termination of certification of an accreditation expert

35. The certification of an accreditation expert may be suspended by the Federal Accreditation Service on the basis of his application for up to 4 months during a calendar year. The application of the accreditation expert to suspend the attestation is sent in free form using the federal state information system in the field of accreditation.

36. The decision of the Federal Accreditation Service to suspend certification is made within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application specified in paragraph 35 of these Rules. Information about the decision taken within 3 working days from the date of its adoption is sent by the Federal Accreditation Service to the accreditation expert, whose certification is suspended, using the federal state information system in the field of accreditation, and is also entered in the register of accreditation experts.

37. Certification of an accreditation expert is subject to termination in the following cases:

a) establishment by the Federal Accreditation Service of the fact of violation of the requirements stipulated by parts 6-8 of Article 11 of the Federal Law;

b) establishment by the Federal Accreditation Service of 2 or more facts of violation for 5 or more working days of the deadlines established by parts 8, 15, 25 of Article 17 of the Federal Law, as well as established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2014 N 519 "On Approval the general terms for the implementation of accreditation and the procedure for confirming the competence of an accredited person, including the general terms for conducting a documentary assessment of the conformity of an applicant, an accredited person with the accreditation criteria and the general terms for conducting an on-site assessment of the conformity of an applicant, an accredited person with the accreditation criteria, as well as the terms for certain administrative procedures in the implementation of accreditation and procedure for confirming the competence of an accredited person" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2014, N 24, art. 3094) of the period from the date of sending the on-site assessment program to an accreditation expert, during which an examination certificate based on the results of confirmation must be submitted or sent to the Federal Accreditation Service competence of an accredited person, within 1 year;

c) establishment by the Federal Accreditation Service of 5 or more facts of violations by the accreditation expert of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in the national accreditation system, not provided for by subparagraphs "a" and "b" of this paragraph of the Rules, within 1 year;

d) receipt by the Federal Accreditation Service from an accreditation expert of an application to terminate the certification of an accreditation expert, which is drawn up in free form and sent by registered mail with a return receipt or in the form of an electronic document signed with a simple electronic signature, through information and telecommunication public access networks, including the information and telecommunications network "Internet", the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", the federal state information system in the field of accreditation;

e) the death of an accreditation expert or his recognition as missing, or his declaration as dead by a court decision that has entered into force.

38. The Federal Accreditation Service makes a decision to terminate the certification of an accreditation expert and sends it by registered mail with a return receipt or in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of an official of the Federal Accreditation Service, through public information and telecommunication networks, including the information and telecommunications network "Internet", the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", the federal state information system in the field of accreditation, notification of the termination of the certification of an accreditation expert within 10 working days from the date of establishing the facts provided for in subparagraphs "a" - "c" of paragraph 37 of these Rules, or receiving an application from an accreditation expert to terminate the certification of an accreditation expert.

39. An accreditation expert, in respect of which the Federal Accreditation Service has decided to terminate the certification of an accreditation expert on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "a" - "c" of paragraph 37 of these Rules, is entitled to apply for certification as an accreditation expert not earlier than after 1 year from the date of such decision.

1 Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2014 N 291 "On approval of the List of areas for certification of accreditation experts" (For reference: registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 4, 2014, registration N 32978).

2 Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2014 N 287 "On approval of the methodology for selecting accreditation experts to perform work in the field of accreditation" (For reference: registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 1, 2014, registration N 32930).

In accordance with Articles 7 and 12 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 412-FZ "On accreditation in the national accreditation system" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, N 52, Art. 6977) order:

1. Approve the attached:

Requirements for a technical expert (Appendix N 1);

The procedure for including individuals in the register of technical experts and exclusion of individuals from the register of technical experts (Appendix No. 2).

2. This Order shall enter into force in accordance with the established procedure, but not earlier than the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 412-FZ "On accreditation in the national accreditation system".

Minister A. Ulyukaev

Appendix No. 1

Requirements for a technical expert

The technical expert must meet the following requirements:

a) have a higher, secondary or additional professional education

according to the profile corresponding to the declared area of ​​specialization of the technical

th expert in accordance with the list of areas of specialization of technical experts;

b) have at least two years of experience in the field of activity corresponding to the declared area of ​​specialization of the technical expert in accordance with the list of areas of specialization of technical experts for at least two years.

Appendix No. 2

The procedure for including individuals in the register of technical experts and exclusion of individuals from the register of technical experts

1. This Procedure was developed in order to implement the provisions of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 412-FZ "On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law).

2. To be included in the register of technical experts, an individual applying for the status of a technical expert (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) submits an application to the Federal Accreditation Service for inclusion in the register of technical experts.

In the application for inclusion in the register of technical experts, the applicant shall indicate:

a) surname, name and (if any) patronymic;

b) residential address;

c) details of an identity document;

d) phone number and (if available) email address;

e) the insurance number of an individual personal account;

f) the declared field of specialization of a technical expert in accordance with the list of areas of specialization of technical experts (hereinafter referred to as the field of specialization);

g) consent of the applicant to the processing of his personal data;

h) the date of the application;

i) Applicant's signature.

3. The applicant must attach to the application for inclusion in the register of technical experts:

a) copies of documents on the receipt by an individual of higher, secondary or additional professional education in the profile corresponding to the declared area of ​​specialization;

b) copies of documents confirming the presence of work experience in the field of activity corresponding to the declared area of ​​specialization.

4. An application for inclusion in the register of technical experts and the documents attached to it shall be sent by the applicant to the Federal Accreditation Service by registered mail with a return receipt or in the form of an electronic document signed with a simple electronic signature, through information and telecommunication networks of public access, including information and telecommunications network "Internet", the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", the federal state information system in the field of accreditation.

5. If the application does not contain the information provided for in paragraph 2 of this Procedure, or if the documents provided for in paragraph 3 of this Procedure are not submitted, the Federal Accreditation Service, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the said application and documents, returns them without consideration to the applicant by registered mail with a return receipt or in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of an official of the Federal Accreditation Service, through public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet information and telecommunication network, the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", the federal state information system in the field of accreditation.

6. The Federal Accreditation Service includes the applicant in the register of technical experts and determines the area of ​​specialization of the technical expert based on the area of ​​specialization specified in the application for inclusion in the register of technical experts within 10 working days from the date of receipt by the Federal Accreditation Service of the said application and documents provided for in paragraph 3 of this Procedure.

7. Individuals involved by the Federal Accreditation Service in the field of accreditation as accreditation experts and technical experts from October 19, 2012 until the entry into force of the Federal Law, as well as technical experts recommended by the federal executive authorities at the request of the Federal accreditation services prior to the entry into force of the Federal Law are included by the Federal Accreditation Service in the register of technical experts, taking into account the assessment of the level of their education and work experience conducted by the Federal Accreditation Service when included in expert groups prior to the entry into force of the Federal Law. The Federal Accreditation Service notifies the said persons within 30 working days from the date of their inclusion in the register of technical experts. In case of non-receipt within 30 days from the date of notification from the indicated persons of consent to be included in the register of technical experts, they are subject to exclusion from the register of technical experts.

8. The provisions of paragraph 7 of this Procedure do not apply to accreditation experts involved by the Federal Accreditation Service in the field of accreditation from October 19, 2012 until the entry into force of the Federal Law, the certification of which is valid as of the date of entry into force of this Order terminated.

9. In order to enter information into the register of technical experts, individuals included in the register of technical experts in accordance with paragraph 7 of this Procedure, within 6 months from the date of entry into force of this Procedure, submit to the Federal Accreditation Service the information provided for in paragraphs four to eight paragraph 2 of this Procedure, and the documents provided for in paragraph 3 of this Procedure.

10. A technical expert is subject to exclusion from the register of technical experts in the following cases:

a) confirmation by the Federal Accreditation Service of the fact of violation of the requirements stipulated by Parts 6-8 of Article 11 of the Federal Law;

b) confirmation by the Federal Accreditation Service of two or more facts of violations by a technical expert of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in the national accreditation system, not provided for by parts 6-8 of Article 11 of the Federal Law, within 1 year;

c) receipt by the Federal Accreditation Service of a technical expert's application for exclusion from the register of technical experts, which is drawn up in free form and can be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or in the form of an electronic document signed with a simple electronic signature through information and telecommunication networks public access, including the information and telecommunication network "Internet", the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", the federal state information system in the field of accreditation;

d) failure to receive within the prescribed period from an individual included in the register of technical experts in accordance with paragraph 7 of this Procedure, information and documents, the submission of which is provided for in paragraph 9 of this Procedure.

11. The decision to exclude a technical expert from the register of technical experts on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "a" - "c" of paragraph 10 of this Procedure is taken by the Federal Accreditation Service within 10 working days from the date of confirmation of the facts provided for in subparagraphs "a", " b" of paragraph 10 of this Procedure, or receipt from a technical expert of an application for exclusion from the register of technical experts.

Notification of the decision to exclude a technical expert from the register of technical experts is sent by the Federal Accreditation Service to an individual by registered mail with a return receipt or in the form of an electronic document signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of an official of the Federal Accreditation Service through the information and telecommunication networks of the general access, including the information and telecommunication network "Internet", the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", the federal state information system in the field of accreditation.

Information on the exclusion of an individual from the register of technical experts on the grounds provided for in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 10 of this Procedure is posted on the official website of the Federal Accreditation Service on the Internet information and telecommunication network within 5 working days from the date of acceptance by the Federal Accreditation Service the corresponding decision.

1 Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2014 N 285 "On approval of the list of areas of specialization of technical experts" (For reference: registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 8, 2014, registration N 33011).

    Appendix N 1. Requirements for an accreditation expert Appendix N 2. Rules for attestation of accreditation experts

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2014 N 289
"On approval of the Requirements for an accreditation expert and the Rules for attestation of accreditation experts"

With changes and additions from:

In accordance with paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 412-FZ "On accreditation in the national accreditation system" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, N 52, Art. 6977) I order:

2. Recognize as invalid:

order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of September 24, 2012 N 617 "On approval of the form of a certificate of attestation of an accreditation expert" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 1, 2012, registration N 25752);

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 24, 2012 N 616 "On approval of application forms for certification of an accreditation expert, on reissuing a certificate of attestation of an accreditation expert, on issuing a duplicate certificate of attestation of an accreditation expert, on issuing a copy of a certificate of attestation of an accreditation expert , on the termination of the certificate of attestation of an accreditation expert" (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 11, 2012, registration N 25651).

3. This order comes into force in accordance with the established procedure, but not earlier than the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 412-FZ "On accreditation in the national accreditation system".

Registration N 32976

In December 2013, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Law on Accreditation in the National System. One of the participants of the latter is an accreditation expert. The requirements for it and the rules for its certification are established.

The expert must have a higher education, work experience of at least 4 years in the relevant area of ​​attestation declared by the applicant, included in the special list, area of ​​accreditation and (or) field of activity in conformity assessment and (or) ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Of these, at least 2 years - in the field related to the development, implementation or evaluation of management systems. 1 more requirement - experience of participation in the 3 years preceding the application for attestation, as a technical expert or trainee in conducting at least 5 accreditation of applicants and (or) procedures for confirming the competence of accredited persons and (or) inspection control activities before entry into force law.

Certification of experts is carried out by Rosaccreditation on the basis of the application of the applicant and documents confirming compliance with the listed requirements. You can submit materials on admission to state secrets. The service checks the documents within 15 working days from the date of receipt.

If it is established that the applicant meets the requirements, then no later than 2 months a qualifying exam is scheduled. A special commission is being created. Knowledge of the necessary regulatory legal acts, work skills are checked. In addition, you need to pass a test of 30 questions. The test is considered passed if at least 25 correct answers are given. Another stage is exam tickets with 4 questions.

Experts are required to undergo certification at least once every 5 years.

Procedures for suspension and termination of attestation have been regulated.

The orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, which previously regulated these issues, were declared invalid.

The order shall enter into force not earlier than the entry into force of the law.

    Appendix N 1. Requirements for a technical expert Appendix N 2. The procedure for including individuals in the register of technical experts and excluding individuals from the register of technical experts

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2014 N 325
"On Approval of the Requirements for a Technical Expert and the Procedure for Inclusion of Individuals in the Register of Technical Experts and Exclusion of Individuals from the Register of Technical Experts"

With changes and additions from:

The procedure for including individuals in the register of technical experts and exclusion of individuals from the register of technical experts (Appendix No. 2).

2. This order comes into force in accordance with the established procedure, but not earlier than the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 412-FZ "On accreditation in the national accreditation system".

Registration N 33045

At the end of 2013, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Law on Accreditation in the relevant national system. The participants of the latter are, among other things, technical experts. The requirements for them have been established.

These persons must have a higher, secondary or additional vocational education in a profile similar to the declared area of ​​specialization (according to the list approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia). At least 2 years experience in relevant field.

The procedure for including technical experts in a special register has been determined. To do this, you need to submit an application and copies of documents confirming compliance with the specified requirements to Rosaccreditation. Materials can be sent, including through the Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions).

The service includes the applicant in the register and determines the area of ​​specialization within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application and documents.

The grounds on which a technical expert can leave the register are listed. An exclusion procedure has been defined.

Individuals involved in work in the field of accreditation as experts from October 19, 2012 until the entry into force of the law, as well as those recommended by the federal executive authorities before the entry into force of the law, are entered in the register, taking into account the assessment of their level by the Service. education and work experience when included in expert groups.

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