Gym for beginners: training program. Recommendations of an experienced trainer: selection of a training program for a girl


Good day, dear fans of fitness and bodybuilding! The strategic issues of the competent construction of the training process are no less important than the tactical ones - pumping topics, but often they are given much less attention. For the most part, this is due to the fact that few people know how to draw up a training program, what principles should be followed and what should be built on.

These are the questions we have to answer today, so you are welcome to our hut, we are starting.

How to write a training program: where to start?

As you know, without effective tactics and strategy it is impossible to achieve effective conduct of hostilities. If we shift this thought to the rails of bodybuilding, then tons of single exercises performed even on 100% Ideally, they still give little, because. represent disparate body movements to pull the glands. In order for an athlete to get the most out of his actions, he needs to learn such wisdom - how to draw up a training program. This exercise, at first glance, may seem like a simple undertaking, because there are tons of training programs from star athletes, take them, do it and you will achieve the same results. However, this is not the case. There are many programs, but not the fact that they (in its original interpretation) will work for you.

In general, if you look at the typical inhabitants of the gym, you get the feeling of deja vu. Those. people most often perform the same exercises from workout to workout and from year to year and wonder why they are. Everything is very simple, firstly, the athlete is already used to training like this, he does not need to bother about this or that exercise, he just comes and the brain automatically drives the body through all the simulators. Those. You, in principle, may not even take any part, the “head” will complete the entire program for you and inform you of its completion.

Secondly, very often an athlete simply lacks theoretical knowledge in drawing up a training program, because he has no time to read. Well, thirdly (maybe this is the most important thing)- laziness. As my university teacher used to say: “why change something if everything works like that”. And really, why? After all, there is some kind of result, which means that the program works and why “rock the boat” unnecessarily.

This is about the reasons, but if you dig deeper and sideways, then, of course, this is not an easy task, you need to have the necessary baggage of your own knowledge or enlist the support of a qualified trainer-instructor, or, at worst, Schwarzenegger's skype, so that the last gave you a couple of good tips. By the way, it should be said that all bodybuilding stars spent a lot of effort, energy and, most importantly, time in order to create their personal program. After all, it would seem, well, what is there, the biceps became a little more convex and spherical, but this “slightly” can cost the bodybuilder more than one month of hard training and combinations of various training methods.

How to make a training program: three approaches

There are three approaches to the preparation of training programs (conditionally). The first one I call the “correct” method, i.e. everything is compiled according to certain rules and such a general program is obtained that suits most of those who train in the halls. The second approach is to take the already existing program of a star bodybuilder as a standard, cliché, template and work purely according to it, without any deviations. There is also a third method - we can say that it is the most advanced, but it comes with training experience and accumulated experience, I call it "experimental design".

As in any sport, bodybuilding has a foundation, i.e. training principles, methods and programs on which he stands. In particular, Bill Star's schemes can be attributed to the basic training programs - 5x5 or 6x6. We can say that this is the necessary minimum that any beginner in the gym should practice. It consists in the fact that the athlete performs multi-joint according to the scheme 5 repetitions in 5 approaches.


The weight of the weights in the schemes 5x5 or 6x6 gradually increases. Let's say you started the week with a working weight of 10 kg, next week you are already doing a session with 11 kg etc.

How to make a training program according to the rules

I think you have already understood that there is no ideal program that would suit everyone and everything. Therefore, in order to correctly compose it, it is necessary:

  • Decide on goals

We can say that without a goal you will never achieve a result. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to decide on your “Wishlist”, i.e. what do you expect from training: just want to lose weight and slightly adjust the figure or pump up the biggest shoulders and arms. Write down how you see yourself in six months, a year, two of your classes in the gym.

In addition to the “general-blurred” goals, set more specific ones: lose weight by your birthday by 10 kg. Closing the “little thing” and getting the first positive result, you will want to move on and set more ambitious goals for yourself.

  • Consider your parameters and OFP

Many beginners with valiant agility start training, not paying any attention to the functional readiness of the body and its general physical fitness. Here it is necessary to remember the golden rule, which sounds like this - do no harm! Do not exhaust yourself with running workouts for 10-15 minutes if your weight is in the three digits, or crunches in a Roman chair if you have significant excess fat in the abdominal region of the abdomen.

When compiling a training program, it is necessary to take into account not only your metrics: gender, weight and height, but also age, chronic sores.

  • Be mindful of the warm-up before training

When you have put all your thoughts in order and completed the first two points, you need to move on to the practical part. And you should start with the selection of the optimal ones. Here everything again depends on the nature of the training, if you are more focused on “ballasting”, then 8-10 minutes of aerobic exercise will suit you just in time. If the training is basic-strength, for the development of muscles, then the implementation of basic exercises in “idle” (without additional burden) your type.

  • Decide on the frequency and duration of loads

We can say that this is the second most important (after goals) parameter that needs to be determined. After all, your visual results depend on the frequency of training. Get yourself and write down the days and duration of classes. Decide for yourself what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal. Maybe it will be a rejection of gatherings with friends and the allocation of free time for training, maybe something else. In general, prioritize and write down on what days and for how many minutes you will “hang out” in the hall.

Also pay attention to your body's ability to recover. How many days do you have enough to recharge after a hard workout? Often, this 1-2 days, if this process takes longer for you, then either change the frequency, or “play around” with the load.

  • Planning the workout itself

We can say that all the previous stages were preparatory, and now it's time to move on to working out the main training scheme. Many people think that a set of exercises is the training program itself, but this is not so, because an integrated approach is needed here.

This means that in addition to choosing a group of exercises, you need to plan:

  1. Load level ( 100%, 80% etc.) . You must clearly understand in advance how much weight you are working with and whether (or not) you will have strength for one more time;
  2. The number of sets and approaches in the exercise. If you are building muscle mass, then 3-4 approach to 7-10 repetitions, if you develop strength, then 3 approach to 1-5 repetitions is the best option (and at 1-3 there is a development of maximum strength);
  3. The speed of execution (tempo) of exercises. You can perform the exercise quickly, you can concentrate on a specific phase of the movement (positive/negative) etc.;
  4. Rest m / y approaches. Undoubtedly an important thing. Usually 1-2 minutes is enough, but if the exercises are heavy or you are developing strength, then the time may well increase to 3-4 minutes.

For beginners (experience from 1 before 1.5 years) you should not be led to some fancy programs with exotic exercises. Their arsenal should be dominated by free weight exercises and the base. For example, the following exercises in one variation or another simply need to be included in your complex:, as well as push-ups from the floor and on the uneven bars. In addition, it would be useful to strengthen the cardiovascular system with exercises from.

You can finish the workout with a more detailed (isolating) study of a single muscle group (for example, the most lagging behind).

  • Hitch for a quick recovery

Many immediately after training in the gym either run to the shower, or get dressed and leave altogether. However, the ability to “cool down properly” is expensive for the normal start of recovery processes. A hitch allows you to quickly start the muscle recovery process and remove lactic acid. Therefore, after completing your main training program, take 5-10 minutes of delay. Start with any type of aerobic exercise (light running on the track, bike or others) and then smoothly switch to light stretching (muscle stretching). All this will not only have a positive effect on recovery, but will also return your pulse to the target zone, and the “fiery motor” to its normal mode of operation.

  • Program variability

Do not run the same program for longer than 4-6 months, because due to its strong adaptive function, the body is able to adapt to any load. Those. what previously seemed to be stress for the muscles, ceases to be so with time. Therefore, use “different angles of attack” on your muscles.

Change everything from local exercises to global goals. For example, switch from gaining muscle mass (builder program) to powerlifting - develop strength, work with maximum weights.

  • Diet and daily routine

If you train well, but put the brakes on nutrition issues, you will not see the results like your own ears. After all, it is 65-70% success in any sport, and even more so in such a “compositional” one as bodybuilding. Therefore, adjust yours. Your food should match your individual training program. Create a comfortable nutrient environment for the muscles, and their growth will not be long in coming.

In addition to food, also observe “bed rest” (dream by 7-8 hours), avoid stress and spend more time in the fresh air.

  • Feedback

Constantly “monitor” and track the reaction of your body to the training program. The measure of her quality (i.e. does it work for you or not) only the fact of your progress will serve. This can be either an increase in working weights, or a visual component. If the program advances you towards your goal, then it works, if not, it makes sense to think about its revision or complete replacement.

Actually, all these rules will help you to correctly draw up a training program.

Moving on to the next concept….

Training program "Follow the standard"

The simplest, in terms of performance by an athlete, technique. You absolutely do not need to do anything, everything has already been stolen before us and done for you by professional bodybuilders who literally bit by bit collected information, systematized it, practiced, corrected mistakes, etc. Before you is the so-called finished product, all that remains to be done with it is to “warm up” in the microwave :), i.e. strictly follow without any initiative, without making any changes.

You simply follow the benchmark, record the results, and decide whether this program works for you or not. Now (in the age of the Internet)“Digging up” any training program is a matter of a couple of mouse clicks. In particular, you can try out the training program for beginners in practice. (see image), which was kindly shared with me by 6-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates.


In addition to the training program, do not forget about the "nutritional" provision. If you cannot find accurate information on the athlete's diet for any program found, then at least make your diet based on.

The next programming technique is ...

“Experimental design” method of drawing up a training program

We can say that this is the most time-consuming method, because the athlete must have not only an extensive baggage of theoretical knowledge, but also have sufficient practical experience in bodybuilding in order to make “sensible” adjustments to his training process. Some specific methodology is taken as a basis and painstaking work begins to weed out the chaff - unnecessary (not working well for you) exercises. There are constant experiments with approaches, the number of repetitions, angles of attack on the muscles. The main task is to rework an existing program for “yourself”. You have to listen to your body and build your own training program cube by cube.

Usually this experimental method takes quite a long time period, but you will be satisfied with the result.

Well, here, in fact, are all the methods (known to me) that will help you answer the question: “how to make a training program?”.


Today we learned something about the strategic component of bodybuilding - how to write a training program. One concept is closer to someone, another is closer to someone, the main thing to remember is that there is no universal training program, and no one knows your body better than you. Hence the conclusion - you and only you are able to write a script and direct a film called "I am the owner of a relief body."

So boldly into the hall, in search of the treasured program!

PS. Dear readers, comments are always open for you, so feel free to unsubscribe.

If you want to create the perfect workout that fits your goals, daily routine, and training experience, then you should read this article.
Creating a training program can be a daunting task. And there are a number of reasons for that.

There are many variables to consider: personality, goals, daily routine, lifestyle, preferences, years of practice, etc.
There are many points of view as to what is best for building muscle and strength, losing fat, and improving athletic performance. And many of these opinions contradict each other. No wonder, then, that gyms everywhere are full of people who follow all sorts of weird and ineffective programs.

Fortunately, however, you don't need a degree in biomechanics and several thousand hours of training experience to create an effective workout.

In fact, you only need to know and apply a relatively small number of principles to get the most out of regular exercise.

Of all the knowledge about diet and exercise, 20% will bring 80% of the results.

And therefore it makes no sense to discuss all the existing splits and methods. Too much information often leads to "analysis inaction".

Consider the options that work best for most people and daily routines.

An effective training program usually meets the following criteria:

  1. Includes 3 to 6 workouts per week.
  2. Each session lasts from 25 to 75 minutes.
  3. Includes both strength and cardio workouts.

So if you have 4-6 hours a week to train, you are in the game.

If time is tight, try 2-day and 1-day muscle maintenance programs with minimal exercise.

So, let's look at a few time-tested programs that will help you achieve your goal.

3-day training programs

Push-pull program

It has existed for a very long time and does not lose its relevance due to its simplicity and efficiency.

Here's what it looks like:

  • Day 1 - push. On this day, train the chest, shoulders and triceps.
  • Day 2 - pull. On this day, train your back and biceps.
  • Day 3 - legs. I think you know what that means.

As far as weekly planning goes, it's best to set one rest day between gym sessions, like this:

Monday - push, Wednesday - pull, Friday - legs

Or two days of rest between training and leg exercises, for example:

Monday - push, Tuesday - pull, Friday - legs

The picture is clickable

If you use this last chart, your legs will be fresher on Friday as "lift day" involves heavy deadlifts that work your hips.

(It is worth noting that this problem of hamstring soreness is most relevant to beginners because they experience more pronounced muscle soreness than intermediate or advanced athletes.)

Chest and triceps, back and biceps, legs and shoulders (3-day split)

It is a popular program that has stood the test of time.

  • Day 1 - chest and triceps. The triceps are heavily involved in chest training, so it makes sense to train them directly.
  • Day 2 - back and biceps. The combination of back and biceps is a mirror image of the chest and triceps, so they are usually combined.
  • Day 3 - legs and shoulders. Obviously, these muscle groups are completely unrelated to each other, but that's what's left, so they come together. And they complete the class schedule.

The picture is clickable

What is the best 3 day schedule?

It depends on personal preference and training experience.

If you feel like you need to add chest and shoulders, then a schedule with a separate day for the chest and triceps is better. and shoulders separately allows you to train more intensively, which allows you to maximize the progression of the load.

4 day class schedule

  • Day 1 - chest and triceps. This is the same as in the 3-day program.
  • Day 2 - back and biceps.
  • Day 3 - shoulders. The shoulders get their day, which helps give them the extra work they need to grow proportionally.
  • Day 4 - legs. Leg training is by far the most difficult and most exhausting, so it has its own day.

The frequency of loading is a serious controversy these days, and opinions are very different.

The meaning is this:

Regardless of the frequency of training, you can train the muscles until the load becomes counterproductive.

That is, you can force the muscles to perform a certain number of repetitions each week before the body loses its ability to recover. Whether you do one workout for a muscle group a week or five, it can only handle a certain amount of load before it enters the state.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue about this. But there's a lot of debate about when is the best time to do these weekly reps: in one workout, or divided into two, three, or more?

Full muscle training 2 or 3 times a week is currently more popular, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's better.

When you train each muscle group once a week, with enough repetitions, you can achieve impressive results.

Well-planned division into parts of the body, most suitable for advanced, experienced athletes, as it allows you to maximize the load on each muscle group. When training the same muscle group 2 or 3 times a week, it becomes necessary to combine it with a load on other muscle groups. From this, training becomes harder and it is impossible to give the maximum load (the progression stops). This also applies to

For example, if you squat with a barbell and then do a deadlift, then the performance will be significantly worse than when doing these heavy exercises on different days.

Another argument against is that most of us are very limited in time (work, family, social obligations).

5 day training program

  • Day 1 - chest
  • Day 2 - back
  • Day 3 - hands
  • Day 4 - Shoulders
  • Day 5 - legs

Each session takes about 45 minutes, each muscle group gets maximum stimulation, the muscles and central nervous system get plenty of time to recover, and it fits into most people's schedule (Monday to Friday with weekends off).

The 5-day schedule gives you the opportunity to add extra sets to lagging muscle groups.

For example, guys complain about insufficient chest growth, so they can add 3 sets of incline bench press to day #4, (do it before shoulder training).

For muscle growth and strength

It is most effective to do three 25-minute HIIT sessions per week, in addition to strength training.

Cardio can be done on the day of strength training or on weekends. But don't forget to take at least one full day off for general recovery.

For burning fat and preserving muscles

If you are comfortable with your muscles and just want to shed excess fat, a 3-day training program is best. Just add three 25-minute HIITs per week, but don't forget 1 day of complete rest.

Main conclusions

Drawing up a training program requires thinking and some calculations, but the result is worth it. You save a lot of time and energy, focus on what works best for your body, and enjoy the process. Don't forget the feeling of satisfaction. In fact, even if you are doing the worst program in the world, you will eventually reach a point where you are satisfied with the result. The goal of a good program is to get there faster!

So, now you know everything you need to compile! Put this knowledge to good use, and if you have any questions, ask in the comments below!

Good luck!

So, any workout consists of three parts: introductory-preparatory (aka warm-up), main and final.

In the introductory part, your task is to turn on all body systems, warm up, test them and confirm that you are fully ready to move to the next level. The warm-up should last about 10 minutes.

During the main part, you solve the main tasks that depend on your goal, whether it is slender legs, a round butt, or an impressive-looking biceps. The duration of this part depends on the load and the selection of exercises. The average duration of the main part is 30 minutes.

The final part involves a gradual decrease in load and bringing the body into a state close to the one in which it was before the start of the workout. The cooldown usually lasts about 10 minutes.

Rule number 1. Always start your workout with a warm-up! A warm-up prepares the body both physically and psychologically for the upcoming load. If you have a plan, never take a lot of weight right away. The weight during the warm-up should be 50-70% of the maximum weight that you are going to use during the workout.

Since everyone has their own goals, the total duration and load may be different. For example, a core session that involves working specific muscle groups to achieve a set goal can be quite intense, lasting anywhere from 45 minutes to one hour. If this is an auxiliary option, just a warm-up and a slight shake so that the body does not wean from the load, then the load should be small, and such an activity can take quite a bit of time.

Rule number 2. Try not to get hung up on the same exercise or set of exercises, as our body quickly adapts to new loads and over time, the effectiveness of the exercises will decrease. It will also be useful to periodically change the methodology.

Choosing exercises for training

If you decide to do a compound workout (that is, a full body workout), then you will need to choose 1-2 exercises from each section, which usually follow in a certain order.

  • Quads: squats, lunges, single leg squats, box jumps.
  • Glutes and hamstrings: hip raises, deadlifts, straight-legged deadlifts, step inclines, good morning inclines (with a barbell or bodybar on the shoulders).
  • Chest, shoulders and triceps: chest press, overhead press, dumbbell bench or incline press, bench press, push-ups.
  • Back, biceps and forearms: standard pull-ups, reverse pull-ups, dumbbell chin-ups.
  • Abs and lower back: plank, side plank, fitball press, hanging leg raises, climber, jumping knees to chest.

Recommended number of approaches for each exercise - 2–5. The total number of sets that your workout will consist of can range from 15 to 27 - this is the volume that will help you keep yourself in good shape, develop and at the same time not overwork.
Recommended number of repetitions in one approach- 8–16 times. If you can do more without harming your body, do it or take on extra weight.

Remember to lightly stretch (for 20-30 seconds) the “working” muscles after completing the sets.

Approach examples

For example, with a light weight, you can perform 32 squats with lunges on each leg with a change in rhythm. Change of leg goes every 8 repetitions. An example of a rhythm change: squat for 4 counts, for 2 counts, for each count, three “springs” below, eight “springs” below and static for 8 counts.

Your lunge squat work might look something like this:

  • 2 repetitions for 2 counts;
  • 8 reps per count;
  • 4 repetitions with 3 "springs" at the bottom;
  • 8 reps per count;
  • 2 repetitions with 8 "springs" at the bottom;
  • statics at the bottom for 8 accounts;
  • 8 reps per count;
  • leg change.

The above example is taken from a standard group fitness workout and is intended mostly for girls, but the rare guys who go to these workouts usually take 10-15 kg. If you take a really big weight (20 kg or more), then the structure and number of approaches changes. With this weight, 8-16 of the most common repetitions will be enough. You can add statics for 8 accounts at the end if the weight is relatively small.

Try to work with a weight familiar to your body, change it only after a trial workout and use the above algorithm: 5-6 exercises for different parts of the body, 2-5 sets, 8-16 reps per set. It is also not recommended to perform complex exercises without a trainer that require careful control. Physical activity should bring pleasure and health, not injury and problems. ;)

A training program is what a man needs to make his body perfect.

After all, the combination of exercises, the frequency of classes and even the number of repetitions are of tremendous importance.

Let's analyze several options for classes for men with different goals - for weight loss, for gaining muscle mass and with varying degrees of training.

Gym workout program

To properly plan training in the gym, To begin with, you need to decide on the purpose which is being pursued. It could be:

  • fight against excess weight;
  • muscle building;
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • relief improvement;
  • support for the achieved form.

Choose only one direction. It is not worth spraying: if you set two goals, then neither of them will be fully achieved.

Warm up

a warm-up without a workout is more beneficial than a workout without a warm-up

Warm-up exercises warm up the joints, their lubrication improves, as a result, cartilage is less loaded. The tendons become more elastic and the risk of rupture is reduced. Muscles develop more force.

A warm-up without further training is more beneficial than a workout without a warm-up.

10 minutes are allotted for the warm-up. It is formed from the following components:

  1. Running, jumping, cardio work - 4-5 minutes. The pulse should increase to 130-160 beats / min. This warms up the body as a whole.
  2. Rotational movements, and the whole body is loaded, especially the spine, knees, shoulders. This allows you to prepare the joints.

Basic Workout Plan

The advantage of the "base" is that the largest number of muscles and joints are involved in the work.

Main basic exercises:

  • squats using a barbell;
  • bench press;
  • deadlift.

Before compiling a personal program, the athlete selects exercises, sorting them into muscle groups. Their number varies depending on the frequency of training. If they go to the gym twice a week, a dozen exercises are enough, five per session. This is enough to keep fit.

Then the exercises are distributed between workouts according to the following principle:

  • mass building workout(strength): up to 3 groups are worked out (depending on the frequency of classes), exercises are built in blocks - 2-3 per muscle group, another option - antagonist muscles are trained in turn;
  • excess weight: a small load on all muscles, they load top-bottom in turn, the principle of the block is not used;
  • relief study: both the first and the second principle are possible, which depends on the characteristics of the organism, the nature of the diet; exercises are performed in the same order as for mass gain;
  • form support: depends on how the form was acquired.

The duration of the basic training is 40 minutes, no longer. During this time, the athlete spends all testosterone.

Number of repetitions and approaches

This parameter especially affects the intensity of training. Approaches and repetitions, including in the warm-up, are distributed as follows (approaches / repetitions):

  • for muscle growth: basic - 4-6 / 6-12, auxiliary - 3-4 / 10-15;
  • increase in strength: basic - 4-7 / 2-6, auxiliary - 3 / 8-12;
  • excess weight: 3-4/12-20;
  • relief: 3-4/12-15.

Muscles need stress to grow. Such stress is a change in the repetitions of exercises (adding or reducing), weight gain, a change in the method of performing the exercise. Then the body does not have time to adapt to the loads. Another factor is the replacement of exercises in the program with similar ones, then the same muscle groups begin to work differently. Unfamiliar movements should be added to training.


This block is also performed before the start of the workout. Stretch:

  • quadriceps;
  • femoral biceps;
  • outer, inner surface of the thigh;
  • buttocks;
  • small of the back;
  • caviar.

Stretching is performed for 5 minutes, harder groups work twice as long.


For weight loss

The workout is done in supersets. Exercises in pairs are performed one after the other, then they take a break for 2-3 minutes, and repeat the pair. When the initial level is mastered, the number of repetitions and sets is increased.

Workout number Pair Exercise sets/reps
1st 1 Twisting on an inclined gymnastic bench 3/12
2 Barbell Squats (shoulders) 3/10
Head pull, upper block 3/10
3 Chest press, standing position 3/10
Bending the legs on the simulator lying 3/12
4 from the gymnasium, behind 3/10
Broach with a barbell, standing position 3/12
2nd 1 Raising the legs in an emphasis 3/10
using dumbbells 3/10
2 Lunges using dumbbells 3/10
Block thrust (horizontal) 3/10
3 Bench press, performed from behind the head while standing 3/10
Leg extension, performed on the simulator 3/12
4 Horizontal push-ups, performed with a wide grip 3/10
Bending of arms with weight (barbell), performed while standing 3/10
3rd 1 Twisting, perform lying down 3/10
hyperextension 3/10
2 Leg press 3/10
3 Thrust from the upper block, performed with a narrow grip 3/10
Tilts, put a barbell on the shoulders 3/10
4 Walking behind a bench using dumbbells 3/10
Divorce of dumbbells, prone position 3/10

The program is accompanied by a diet.

For muscle building

Day, muscle group Exercise sets/reps
1st, legs and chest Barbell squats, 60% of working weight 3/10
Bench press from a prone position 4/10
Push-ups performed on uneven bars 3/12
Incline Press 4/12
2nd Rest
3rd, lats, biceps Pull-ups performed with a wide grip 4/to fatigue
Rod pull to the belt 4/12
Deadlift using a T-bar 3/12
Hammers 4/12
4th Rest
5th, leg and shoulder muscles Barbell squats, 80% of working weight 4/12
Romanian draft 4/12
Seated press 4/12
Pull up to chin level 4/12
swing to the side 4/12
6th Rest
7th, lats and chest Bench press from a prone position 4/8
Bench press, performed on an inclined plane 4/12
Pull-ups performed with a wide grip 4/to fatigue
dumbbell row 4/12
Lower block pull 4/12
8th, 9th Rest
10th, long back muscles, triceps Deadlift 5/8
Shrugs 4/20
Bench press (narrow grip) 4/12
Standing French Press 4/12
11th, 12th Rest
13th, legs Barbell Squats, 100% Working Weight 4/10
Leg press 4/12
Romanian draft 3/12
Lunges 3/12
Rises on toes 3/20
14th, 15th Rest

For beginner athletes

Training for beginners accustoms the body to stress, allows you to build muscle and increase strength.

Day Exercise sets/reps
1st Twisting on the simulator "Roman chair" 3/10
Goat slopes 3/10
Sumo squats, put a barbell on your shoulders 4/12
Press on the simulator while sitting 4/12
Thrust to the chest from the upper block, performed with a wide grip 3/10
Half-over with weight (bar), performed with a wide grip lying 3/10
Flexion / extension of the hands 3/10
2nd Raising the legs on the horizontal bar 3/10
Push-ups on the bench from behind 4/10
Pull-ups performed with a narrow grip 3/10
French press with one hand 3/10
EZ Bar Curl 3/12
Bench press on a chest simulator, performed while sitting 3/12
Lower leg, performed in the simulator while standing 3/12
3rd Back extension, performed on the simulator 3/10
Twisting, using the Roman chair simulator 3/10
Deadlift performed with dumbbells 4/6
Lunges with a raised bar 3/12
Bench press, performed standing or sitting from behind the head 4/8
Swing forward using one dumbbell 3/10
Side swings by hand, from the lower block 3/10

For advanced athletes

after 2 years of constant training, muscle growth slows down

The difficulty of compiling a program for such an athlete is that after the first or second year, muscle growth stops. Then they organize training according to a different principle. The program is built according to the following principles:

  1. High intensity.
  2. The working weight is chosen so as to complete the program with it.
  3. The order of the described exercises changes in each new workout.
  4. Muscles are worked out by two basic and as many auxiliary exercises.
  5. Between sets, the athlete rests for about 3 minutes.
Day Exercise sets/reps
1st, chest muscles, biceps Bench press, performed lying down 3/6
Same, dumbbell 3/8
Bench press, performed in the Hammer simulator 3/12
Breeding hands with dumbbells, perform lying down 3/15
Lifting the bar for biceps, performed in a standing position 3/6
EZ bar curls for biceps 3/8
"Hammer" 3/12
Bending the arms using the block 3/12
2nd, leg and deltoid muscles Leg press 3/6
Lunges, performed with dumbbells in hand 3/8
Lower limb extension 3/10
Leg curl 3/10
Army press 3/6
Bench press using dumbbells, performed while sitting 3/8
Incline Dumbbell Breeding 3/10
Reverse dilutions, use peck-dec 3/12
3rd, back muscles, triceps Deadlift 3/6
Pull-ups with weights 3/8
Wide pull, performed on the upper block 3/10
Head pull 3/12
Push-ups, performed on bars with a weighting agent 3/6
Bench press, prone position, narrow grip 3/8
Extension of arms with a dumbbell, performed from behind the head 3/10
Same on the block 3/10

For legs and buttocks

So that the body does not look disproportionate, special programs are provided for pumping the leg and gluteal muscles. The training includes the following exercises:

Training is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Full program for 3 days

With regular training, this program will help bring the male body back to normal.

Day, muscle group Exercises Sets/reps
1st, chest muscles, abs, biceps Bench press, prone position 3/10
Dumbbell press, performed lying on a horizontal or inclined surface 3/10
Horizontal push-ups 3/10
Bending the arms with a barbell, standing position 3/10
Bending the arms with dumbbells, performed lying or standing 3/10
Pelvic lift, lying position 3/10
2nd, shoulder girdle, leg muscles Squats using a bar placed on the shoulders 3/10
Leg press, performed in the simulator 3/10
Leg extension, performed while sitting 3/10
Leg curl performed lying down 3/10
Rise on socks 3/10
Bench press, performed sitting or standing 3/10
Dumbbell press, take a standing or sitting position 3/10
3rd, back muscles, abs, triceps Sumo 3/10
Pull-ups on the horizontal bar 3/10
Block pull to waist height 3/10
Hyperextension (reverse) 3/10
French press, performed in a prone position 3/10
Extension of arms on the block 3/10
Lifting the trunk, lying position 3/10

Traditionally, they warm up first, and stretch at the end.

Split workouts

These workouts involve working out individual muscle groups on different days. They are associated with a high level of stress. Here is a four-day split for an experienced athlete.

Day What muscles Exercises sets/reps
Monday pectoral Incline Bench Press 4/6
Same, dumbbells 4/6
Horizontal push-ups 4/6
Tuesday back muscles Deadlift sets of 10-8-6-3 reps
linkage 4/6
Head pull 4/6
Horizontal thrust 4/6
Thursday Shoulders, arms Press, performed while sitting, from behind the head with a barbell or dumbbells 4/6
Laying hands with dumbbells to the side 4/6
Barbell curl for biceps 4/6
Bench press (narrow grip) 4/6
Friday Legs Squats performed with a barbell 4/6
Leg press 4/6
Leg extension, performed while sitting 4/6
Calves, standing 4/15
Same as sitting 4/15

How much to do?

every few months the lesson plan is adjusted

Compiling a workout is a tricky process. It requires an adjustment, which is carried out after 1-2 months, in order to know the strengths and weaknesses of the athlete. Some exercises may not only not give results, but also produce the opposite effect.

Depending on the level of training, the body gets used to the program in different ways:

  • for beginners - in 10-18 weeks;
  • for those who have been practicing for more than a year - in 8-10 weeks;
  • for experienced athletes - in 4-6 weeks.

If there is a need to change the training program, then they change not only the strength, but also.

With a constant frequency of loads, following the recommendations of trainers, the first results appear after 1.5–2 months. But it is important to consider that different muscles develop in different ways. For example, pumping up the press cubes is more difficult than arm muscles.

Also, the effectiveness depends on the method of nutrition. Food should contain a sufficient amount of protein, which is the building material for muscles.

All the beautiful half of humanity dreams of a beautiful figure. And one of the “tools” for correcting your forms is the gym. The main thing is to clearly understand which simulators to look at, which zones need correction, and what is included in the training program.

The best exercise equipment for women in the gym - which one to give preference to in training?

The main areas of the female body that need correction are ...

  • Hands (there should be no "kissel").
  • Belly (it should be flat and elastic).
  • Chest (beautiful, raised and elastic, and not flaccid and spreading over the stomach).
  • And of course,

It is on these areas that you should focus your attention in order to lose weight and achieve the desired result.

Choosing the Right Trainers!

  • Thrust. The main goal of working on this inventory is to work out the biceps. An ideal simulator for long and hard workouts - with a set of weights and additional equipment, with the ability to independently regulate the load. The simulator provides effective training for the hands - for both at once or for each in turn for an enhanced effect.
  • Top/bottom pull. This tool works for harmony, strengthening the muscles of the back and, accordingly, protecting the spine, strengthening the biceps, and reducing the risk of injury. The wider the grip, the more intense the training of the back muscles.
  • Horizontal leg press. Primary target: glutes and quads. The body on this equipment is fixed in a stable position, and the main load falls on the reed with buttocks. With an increase in load and bending of the legs, as for a “plié”, the inner thighs are trained.
  • Smith machine. Here we train triceps and pectoral muscles. A safe and effective simulator with the ability to independently regulate the intensity of the loads.
  • Shoulder press. The simulator for working with the middle and anterior deltoid muscles. In order to avoid harming your ligaments, it is important to correctly install the seat.
  • Press trainer. A flat stomach is an achievable dream. Such a power unit allows you to twist on the press (approx. - with weights). It is important to remember that weight training significantly increases muscle growth and expands the waist, so it is better for lovely ladies to do without weights.
  • Reverse glute lifts. The simulator is focused on working with the gluteal muscles and on the gradual compaction of the buttocks. Such a tool will not bring harm, and as for the result, it will not be fast (there are more effective simulators for such purposes).
  • Thrust of the top / block with a wide handle and behind the head. Good equipment for the development of back muscles. It is important to remember that if there are problems with the flexibility of the shoulder joints, it is better to replace this simulator with another one in order to avoid pinching in the shoulders / joint.
  • Cardio trainers. Of course, they are effective and useful. However, aerobic activity in women should be within reasonable limits. The intensity of these workouts is a maximum of 3 times a week and no more than 40 minutes.

Exercise machines that are not suitable for ladies

Unlike women who run to the gym for weight loss and harmony, men go to workouts for relief and muscle mass. Therefore, their training programs, of course, are different, and individual simulators, successfully used by men, can give the opposite result to a woman.

What inventory to avoid?

  • Shrugs with dumbbells. A very effective simulator for trapezius muscles, but for men. He will not add the beauty of forms to a woman.
  • Weighted slopes. It is believed that such training eliminates the "ears" on the reeds. In fact, they only contribute to the expansion of the waist. And for a side bar, a bicycle and the right diet are suitable.

A set of exercises on simulators in the gym for women - we draw up a training program

Women's queues for cardio machines are common. However, it must be remembered that the torture of these simulators is meaningless without strength exercises.

It is strength training that should be a priority, cardio training - to warm up the muscles or to consolidate the effect.

A set of exercises for the beauty of forms - what should it be?

  1. For the 1st day: on the back and arms.
  2. For the 2nd day: on the thighs and buttocks, on the calf muscles.
  3. For the 3rd day: on the press.

The beginning of a workout (always!) is a warm-up for 10-15 minutes from cardio exercises, or from key aerobic exercises.

Video: A set of exercises for girls in the gym

Video: Gym exercise program for girls

What exercises should be included in the program?

Exercises for the abs:

  • Tilts on a Roman chair. We put our hands on our chest “crosswise”, bend down to half and press our chin tightly to our chest.
  • Leg lifts. We lean on our elbows in a suspended state (approx. - on the crossbar). Legs slowly bend / unbend 20-25 times.

Exercises for the buttocks, thighs and calf muscles:

  • Hyperextension.
  • Abduction / connection simulator: back upright, spread and connect the hips, holding the position for 3 seconds when connecting.
  • Leg press. We use the training platform. Raise your legs from the center of the platform to the top edge. When lowering the load, we hold the lower back close to the bench. Scheme: 4 sets, 30 times).

Exercises for the muscles of the back:

  • Head pull. Scheme: 20 times.
  • Lower block pull. The back is straight, in a sitting position we bend our knees, pull the block to the lower abdomen, without swinging the torso. Scheme: 3 sets, 25 times.

The general training scheme should look like this:

  1. Warm-up - 10 minutes.
  2. Training of muscles of a certain group - 50 minutes.
  3. Cardio workout - 40 minutes (for example, an exercise bike, jump rope or treadmill, hula hoop).
  4. Stretching - 10 min.

Also in the set of exercises you can include:

  • Deadlift. Scheme: 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders (approx. - for leg muscles). Scheme: maximum twice a week.
  • Lunges with dumbbells (we pull the legs and round the buttocks). Scheme: 1 time per week.
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars (ideal for weak hands).
  • Bench press at different / angles. Suitable for strengthening the pectoral muscles. Scheme: 1 time per week.
  • Plank. This universal exercise affects almost all muscle groups. It is recommended to do it regularly.

Video: Training program for beginner girls - the first steps on the simulators in the gym

Basic rules for training on simulators for women

Before heading to the gym should undergo a medical examination . It is important to exclude all diseases with which strength exercises are prohibited.

After the permission of the doctor is obtained, you should decide on training program. You won't be able to do it without the help of a professional trainer.

What should be remembered?

  • Training should be regular - 2-3 times a week.
  • Warming up before every workout is a must! Important: the warm-up at the beginning (for warming up / preparing the muscles) and stretching at the end of the workout (for muscle recovery) should concern exactly the muscle group that is being loaded during a particular workout.
  • You can increase the load only gradually, after a month of constant training.
  • The number of approaches and repetitions depends on the state of the body, on endurance and, directly, goals. Approximate amount: 1-5 for strength development, 6-12 for muscle mass, more than 10-12 for endurance development.
  • You should not immediately saddle all the simulators in turn - start gradually and with 2-3 simulators. Do not overload the body with maximum weight.
  • - This is fine. It should pass as soon as the body gets used to the new lifestyle and load. If the pain does not go away in 3-4 days, then you need to reduce the intensity of the load or consult a specialist.
  • Proper nutrition is 50% of success. We eat fractionally - 5 times a day (before training we eat 2 hours before it, no later!), We drink 2 liters of water per day (moreover, 1 liter during training), we pay special attention to protein foods in the diet (not less than 60%).
  • If the number of workouts per week is reduced from 3 or 4 to 2, then the entire weekly load should be distributed over 2 of these workouts.
  • We do not change the instructor during the first 6 months of training. Different systems can have a lot of contradictions, so for the effectiveness of training it is better to listen to the 1st coach.
  • Unsystematic classes are unacceptable! Each workout should be subject to a specific set of classes, clearly designed for a particular woman, taking into account her needs, capabilities and characteristics of the body.
  • Close the carb window after every workout. Not ready-made protein shakes, but home-made drinks made from natural products.

And a few more important points:

  1. You can’t go to the gym “for the company”! Visit it in splendid isolation, only in this case your attention will be 100% focused on training.
  2. Training should become your good habit. Therefore, the mood is extremely important: choose a comfortable and beautiful form for training, the best gym, a good trainer. Classes should not be hard labor for you.
  3. The lack of results after 2-3 months of classes is not a reason to quit. Stock up on patience, forget about laziness and shyness, cultivate fighting qualities of character in yourself.
  4. Decide on a goal. Why do you need training: lose weight, build muscle, tighten the "contours" or something else. The intensity and type of training depends on the goal.

Video: Common mistakes in the gym

And a few mistakes to avoid:

  • Do not overload the press if your goal is waist correction. The greater the load, the larger the waist.
  • Do not abuse cardio workouts. The higher the load, the more active the production of the stress hormone, which, in turn, leads to the destruction of muscle tissue and exhaustion. Recommended maximum: 2-3 times a week for 40 minutes.
  • Don't rule out dumbbell loads . It is loads with weighting that contribute to the formation of a beautiful tummy and elastic priests.
  • It makes no sense to overload the muscles with intense daily workouts. . It is a mistake to think that in this way you will quickly acquire the cherished appetizing forms. Remember: muscles need time to recover! The optimal break is 2-3 days for each muscle group. For example, on Tuesday you load the biceps and chest muscles, on Wednesday - the load on the legs, on Friday - the triceps with shoulders, on Saturday - the back. The rest of the time is rest from work.
  • Before you start exercising, adjust the simulator "by yourself." The lesson should be comfortable, not provoking injury.
  • Choose a comprehensive program , which involves all muscle groups during the week. You can not concentrate only on problem areas - this will lead to an imbalance in proportions.

And don't overdo your workouts! If you have difficulty moving, your muscles ache, like after a week of repairs in the apartment and falling from a stepladder, and you can’t even squeeze your pillow with your hands, then it’s time to slow down the pace and reduce the intensity of your workouts.

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