Intimate muscle training - what is it and how to do it correctly and usefully. How to do kegel exercises for women at home


Vumbilding is a concept that still causes confusion among many people: what is it, some kind of sport from the category of weightlifting? - program? Subspecies of bodybuilding? These and other misconceptions are faced by those who claim to be involved in it.

What is wumbling? The essence of the technique

The concept itself is really new, but what is meant by it has existed for many centuries. Now, having acquired a modern color and a halo of a fashion trend, wumbling is decisively entering the life of today's women, who are ready to comprehend, no less, the secrets of geishas and other oriental beauties.

This word is formed as follows: "VUM" is vaginally controlled muscles, building - construction, creation, development. This term was introduced by the researcher Muranivsky V.L. in his book “The Development of Female Muscles”.

So, the essence of wumbling comes down to strengthening training of the pelvic muscles. Depending on the task and the intensity of training, wumbling is able to solve a lot of problems: intimate muscles that are in a developed form provide a woman with a service in sex, during childbirth, and also in the prevention of various female diseases.

How did wumbling appear? The history of intimate secrets of geishas

The history of wumbling can be divided into two periods: from ancient times to the middle of the twentieth century and, in fact, the modern stage.

Even before our era, Eastern women practiced similar techniques for controlling intimate muscles, passing them down from generation to generation. We find mention of this in such ancient treatises as "Kama Sutra", "Tantra", "Tao". History has brought us a lot of information about the devices that they used for this (for example, wooden and stone eggs, or jade, like the wives and concubines of the Chinese emperor), as well as about the methods of training the vaginal canal and pelvic floor. They also had their own simulators, the most ancient find is 4000 years old.

For a long time this art was inaccessible to Westerners. But the researchers of the East could not fail to notice the difference with which the women of the two parts of the world relate to such fundamental aspects of life as pregnancy and childbirth (in the East, women prepare themselves with special exercises and do not experience such difficulties as women in the West, who almost always have childbirth). heavy and painful), as well as making love (pleasant sensations, as well as orgasm, come to a Western woman mainly through the psyche, while in the East, physiological aspects, enhanced by the conscious work of muscles, are of paramount importance). All this is quite understandable, given that in our culture everything related to sex has been taboo for many centuries, and in the East it has always been a continuation of the spirituality of peoples.

In the 1950s, Arnold Kegel, professor of medicine at the University of Southern California, became seriously interested in this issue, giving these studies the status of scientific ones. Drawing attention to the problem of urinary incontinence in women after childbirth, he found the cause - the weakness of the pelvic muscles. Accordingly, the solution was to pump up these muscles. For his patients, he developed a whole range of exercises, and also came up with the first modern simulator with the funny name "perineum".

Our compatriots Yu. Kornev and the already mentioned V. Muranivsky continued the teachings of Kegel and improved it in many ways. True, in the end their paths diverged, Kornev insisted on a different approach to the development of intimate muscles (his technique was called " imbuilding “), and now their teachings are developing in parallel both in Russia and abroad.

Main advantages - why wumbling is needed

Let's summarize the main advantages of wumbling:

  • The development of erogenous zones, the possibility of achieving a vaginal orgasm;
  • Preparing for childbirth, accelerating and facilitating recovery after childbirth, in particular, the possibility of reducing the vaginal volume without surgery;
  • Prevention of female diseases, such as urinary incontinence, prolapse and prolapse of the uterus, etc., as well as their treatment;
  • Increased blood circulation in the tissues, which affects the condition of the vaginal mucosa, and, as a result, normalizes the release of natural lubrication. In addition, blood flow to the ovaries allows them to secrete a balanced amount of hormones until old age, i.e. delays menopause, and also prevents stagnation from developing - fertile ground for the appearance of polyps, fibroids and inflammation.

Wumbling at home - exercises

Let's make a reservation right away, the rapid development of intimate muscles is a myth. As practice shows, the vast majority of women need at least two weeks of classes just to just feel their intimate muscles. Someone has a better predisposition to “pumping up” muscles, while someone has to devote at least six months to classes in order to achieve a tangible result.

Despite the fact that now there are a lot of different wumbling courses, where you can practice, among other things, with a personal trainer, some success can be achieved at home.


The first thing to learn before proceeding directly to the exercises is the ability to retract the anus without straining the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks, so as not to create excessive intra-abdominal pressure.

Next, you should get used to fixing your sensations during training in the brain. The fact is that it has areas for controlling each muscle, except for those that he does not feel, as if he does not see and, accordingly, cannot control. We need awareness of these muscles so that at any moment we can mentally feel them, as we can, for example, imagine the sensation of the calf muscles.

On average, wumbling classes take about 30-40 minutes a day.

As for special simulators, even Kegel himself emphasized that classes with them are much more effective than without them. It is worth acquiring attributes in the form of eggs made of wood, metal, stone or very fashionable jade. At first, it is better to use larger balls, because. they are easier to keep inside. Gradually, their diameter should decrease. You can buy them at any adult store.


  • What is it worth begin , so this with breathing . Lie on your back, relax, start breathing with your stomach. From the side it should be visible how the stomach rises and falls. Then repeat this while standing. You may feel slightly dizzy out of habit - this is normal.
  • As soon as you learn to separate the work of muscles and breathe correctly, proceed to the fundamental Kegel exercise: tighten and relax the necessary muscles, this is how the orgasmic cuff is trained. These exercises can be performed during the day, unnoticed by others.
  • Alternately, we focus attention either on the clitoris (we try to pull it in and lower it), then on the anus (pull it in, lower it). Muranivsky called it " blinking ».
  • Lie on your back, relax, feet pressed to the floor, arms at the seams of the legs bent and spread apart shoulder-width apart. We start smoothly, without changing the speed, raise and lower the pelvis.
  • Let's expand on the previous exercise. When lifting the pelvis, we compress the sphincter and vagina, when lowering, we relax.

For variety, you can do some exercises with your partner. For example, these:

  • Lie on the floor, take the “jack” position, press your chest against each other. Raise arms and legs alternately (one leg, the other arm, and vice versa).
  • One partner lie on the floor, the other sit on top. The one that lies below should try to throw off the sitting one, performing circular movements with the pelvis, the second one, accordingly, tries to hold on.

Now we connect simulators to trainings:

Vumbilding - training video

How to use the wumbling egg simulator?

Real reviews of women involved in wumbling - is there an effect?

Alina, 41 years old:

I never attached particular importance to orgasms, or rather their absence in my life. No, well, sometimes. In a dream, for example, or when she satisfied herself. But with her husband, no. Imitated. He is a good man, a real male, I did not want to disappoint him. Having learned about the technique of wumbling, she reacted with skepticism, it seemed ridiculous to roll the balls inside yourself. But still I tried, and I don't regret it at all. At first it was difficult, but when it started to work out (after a month and a half), I wanted more and more, all the time it seemed that the load was not enough. I rediscovered sex, now it's not just a pleasant experience with my beloved, but a real extravaganza of colors. Of the books, Muranivsky's classic in this area, Happiness and Marriage, brought the most benefit.

Julia, 38 years old:

The main thing in this business is consistency, a technique is needed. Separate exercises will not bring much sense. You can, for example, go to courses where they will develop a separate program for you, or work out according to Polyakov (although you can’t download his courses for free).

Evgenia, 40 years old:

Since I started wumbling, I began to feel much better: pain during menstruation disappeared, headaches stopped tormenting me. Thanks to a long practice, I feel how the muscles “pumped up”, I became a straight girl. And my husband feels it too.

Ksenia, 22 years old:

I have always been a shy girl, I did not like to attract attention to myself, I was cautious with the guys. A friend started wumbling and advised me, they say, you can get pleasure from the classes themselves, and there’s nothing shameful - after all, sports are good for health. Something has changed in me, I feel like ... a woman. Even now I don’t climb into the center of attention very much, I don’t need it, others say that I have strength in my eyes, and grace in my movements. There were a lot more fans.

Where and how can you learn wumbling?

  1. Wumbling trainings suit, first of all, various geisha schools. Education is not cheap, but they say it's worth it.
  2. you can watch instructional videos and read books on the topic of wumbling, practicing themselves.

The following books are recommended:

  • Belova N. "The Secret of Women's Health or Muscles of Love"
  • Bao Ling "Sister Fu Lecture Course or the Secret Women's Doctrine"
  • A.A. Alekseev, I.S. Larionov "Health, sexuality and wumbling" (available on OZON)
  • Muranivsky's books

3. Also, you can download for free by searching the net, or buy a wumbling disk (intimate secrets of geishas) on the official website of the representative (beware of scammers, do not subscribe to SMS - buy only from official sources). As a rule, disks contain detailed instructions, examples of classes. The same material that you will be given in geisha schools, only without leaving your home and at no extra cost. Buying a disc is worth it only then. when you are sure that you will find the time and energy to do exercises at home. For unassembled persons, courses are better suited.

Have you tried wumbildig? Share with us your impressions!

Vumbilding (imbilding) is a special set of exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Deciphering the abbreviation VUM - vaginal controlled muscles, and "building" in translation from English - build, develop. Based on this, the technique allows you to strengthen the intimate muscles, make them more elastic, improve local blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the female body as a whole.

What is wumbling

effective training to strengthen intimate muscles

Imbuilding is a set of exercises with which women learn to control the anal-vaginal muscles. The essence of the training is to alternately contract and relax the vaginal muscles, as a result of which local blood circulation improves. Under the condition of daily performance, the tone of the intimate muscles increases, they become strong, hardy, capable of performing physiological functions (sexual, generic, protective and excretory).

To practice wumbling, you do not need to have special physical data, you need to feel the vaginal muscles, train them. It is better for beginners to practice under the guidance of a coach in order to understand the essence of the technique, and more experienced athletes can perform the exercises on their own.

Strengthening workouts are carried out at home, the main thing is to clearly follow the instructions of the trainer and gradually increase the load. The duration of a wumbling class is a maximum of 40 minutes. Special simulators for imbuilding only increase the effectiveness of training.


To understand why to train the vaginal muscles, you need to delve into the physiology of the female body. The vagina is a muscular canal (length 7 - 13 cm), which is covered with mucous from the inside. The outer shell consists of elastic fibers that stretch after sexual intercourse or the birth of a child. With repeated births and as a result of natural aging, the walls of the vagina lose their elasticity, and the muscles become flabby.

Signs that the tone of the pelvic floor muscles has decreased:

  • involuntary emission of urine during laughter, sneezing, coughing;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • inflammation of the hemorrhoidal plexuses due to displacement of the uterus;
  • frequent urination;
  • air enters the vaginal canal during sexual intercourse;
  • water enters the vagina when bathing.

If you notice such deviations, include wumbling classes in your daily schedule - this is true for all girls over 25 years old.

Imbuilding can be practiced almost immediately after childbirth in order to restore its former shape and sensitivity to the vagina. Intimate gymnastics is necessary for women who suffer from overweight.

Benefit and result

Many of the fair sex underestimate the role of intimate muscles, preferring to develop what is in plain sight. As a result of neglect, such health problems arise: gynecological diseases, lack of orgasms, difficult childbirth, early menopause, etc.

6 reasons to do intimate gymnastics:

  1. Improving the quality of sexual life. As a result of regular exercise, the vagina becomes narrow, which is important for women aged or after childbirth. Blood circulation accelerates, former sensitivity returns, erogenous zones develop, and it becomes possible to experience. With the help of developed intimate muscles, you can control orgasm and prolong pleasure.
  2. Improving intimate health. Thanks to regular exercises, blood flow is accelerated, the muscles of the vagina receive more oxygen, stagnant processes that cause inflammatory diseases, provoke the appearance of polyps and fibroids are eliminated. The process of secretion of estrogens and androgens by the ovaries is accelerated (these sex hormones prolong women's youth and health). The microflora of the vagina improves, the lubricant is released in sufficient quantities. Intimate gymnastics contributes to the regulation of the menstrual cycle, menstruation passes without pain.
  3. Easy pregnancy and childbirth. Women who were engaged in imbuilding before pregnancy feel better, they are not worried about toxicosis. With developed muscles, it is easier to give birth, the risk of ruptures is reduced.
  4. Some women engage in intimate physical education 5-7 days after giving birth to restore the elasticity of stretched muscles. As a result, the vagina noticeably narrows and becomes sensitive.
  5. late menopause. As menopause approaches, fewer hormones are produced. As a result, the woman ages, the skin becomes flabby, the bones are brittle, and the mental state worsens. Thanks to intimate gymnastics, blood flow in the pelvis increases, the ovaries remain productive longer, menopause comes later.
  6. The manifestations of cellulite are reduced. Increased blood flow in the pelvis contributes to the disappearance of the orange peel, which occurs due to the fact that blood stagnates in the buttocks. Exercise helps to disperse the blood to avoid stagnant processes. As a result, the skin is smoothed and becomes beautiful.
  7. Prevention of such diseases and pathologies: enuresis, thrush, displacement of the uterus, neoplasms in the small pelvis.

Wumbling classes increase the release of pheromones - the more of them, the more attractive a woman is to a man.

Preparing for classes

Consult your doctor before exercising

If you are new to imbuilding, then you need to prepare yourself for training and learn the basics of the technique:

  1. Abdominal breathing technique. You need to lie on your back, close your eyes and relax, then inhale and exhale. Make sure that only the stomach moves, and not the chest, and the breathing is even and smooth. Then you need to get up and repeat the exercise. Don't worry if you feel a little dizzy - this is normal.
  2. Warm-up of intimate muscles. The convenience of these exercises is that they can be performed anywhere and at any time. To do this, gently and slowly squeeze the vaginal muscles to the limit, then also slowly relax them. This is how you train your orgasmic cuff.
  3. Removal of intrauterine pressure. To do this, you need to slowly draw in the muscles of the anus, while not straining the buttocks and abdomen. Then just as gently relax the rectum. The duration of the workout is from 6 to 12 minutes.

Listen to your feelings during training to fix them in the brain, then the exercises will be performed automatically.


After the preparatory stage, you can proceed to the exercises. Wumbling is a sport that requires patience and constancy, and therefore you should not count on quick results. Just to feel the vaginal muscles, it will take 10-15 days at least. And to learn how to manage them, you need at least 3 - 6 months of regular training.

In order to better master the technique, it is recommended to start wumbling classes in the gym under the guidance of a personal trainer. Although many women begin to seriously engage in imbuilding at home, having comprehended the theory via the Internet.

Training program for beginners

For the exercises to be effective, perform them from a lying position.

  1. Smoothly contract your intimate muscles, lock in this position for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times. Then, at a fast pace, alternately contract and relax the muscles 10 times. Tighten your vaginal muscles to the limit and hold them in this position for 30 to 60 seconds. The number of repetitions of a series of exercises - 4 times.
  2. Contract and relax your muscles quickly for 10 to 20 seconds. Take a break of no more than 15 seconds and repeat 4 times. Now take an average pace as a basis, squeeze and unclench the muscles for 6 seconds, rest for the same amount and repeat. Do the exercise 7 times. Smoothly contract the muscles and freeze for 25 seconds, then relax for 15 seconds and squeeze again. Repeat 4 times.
  3. Contract and relax the muscles 35 times at an average pace. Repeat 3-4 times. Tighten your muscles to the limit for 25 seconds, then relax for 15 seconds. The number of repetitions is 6 times.
  4. Alternately tense and relax the muscles for 2 minutes. Every day, extend the exercise by 60 seconds. What we strive for - 10 minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Regardless of the level of development, it is recommended to conduct additional training of intimate muscles, each time you go to the toilet while urinating. To do this, simply try to hold the stream, preferably 3 to 5 times during the emptying of the bladder.

Average level

Wumbling is based on Kegel exercises, which are designed to train the intimate muscles by squeezing, pushing and contracting.

Wumbling exercise "Madonna"

  • Get on your knees, lower your buttocks on your heels, lean on your hands that are behind you (palms outward), spread your knees slightly. Gently raise the buttocks, due to the efforts of the abdominal muscles, while the back is relaxed. Gently squeeze your intimate muscles, hold for 3-5 seconds and slowly relax. Repeat 8 - 12 times.

Exercise "Pelvic lift"

  • Sit on the floor, tilt your body back a little, lean on your hands behind your back, stretch your legs in front of you and slightly spread them apart. Leaning on the hands and feet, raise the buttocks as much as possible, while the head is thrown back. Perform contraction and relaxation of the muscles and lower the buttocks to the floor. Repeat 8-12 times.
  • Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet resting on the floor, arms extended along the body. The knees should be at the level of the toes. Raise the hips so that they are in line with the shoulder blades, while the chest, abs and buttocks are tense. Perform pulsating movements with the vaginal muscles in the direction from top to bottom 3-4 times. Then do push-up exercises at a fast pace. To do this, strain your intimate muscles 5 times, relax and take a deep breath. Return to starting position. The number of repetitions is from 8 to 12 times.

This exercise is forbidden to perform when the uterus or vagina is displaced.

Complex for advanced

  • Stand with your legs slightly apart, support your buttocks with your hands. Perform retracting movements with intimate muscles.
  • Get on all fours, rest your head on your hands. Tighten your pelvic muscles as if you were pulling something in.

This exercise teaches you to control the pubococcygeal muscles

  • Starting position - lying on the stomach. Bend your right leg at the knee, alternately contract and relax the muscles. Repeat for the left leg.
  • Lie on your back, bend your legs, rest your heels on the floor, slightly spread your knees. Place one hand on the lower abdomen and the other under the buttocks so that you can feel the muscles you need. Perform smooth retracting movements with the vagina.

This exercise allows you to feel the contraction of intimate muscles.

  • Starting position - sitting, legs crossed, spine straight. Tighten your intimate muscles, as if you want to lift yourself off the floor with their help.
  • Stand with your legs apart (at shoulder level), slightly tilt your torso forward and rest your hands on your knees. The back is straight. Perform pulling movements.

The number of repetitions for each exercise is 5 times. After 7 days of regular training, increase the number of repetitions by another 5 times. Ideally, you need to do 30 repetitions for each exercise.

How to warm up for twine at home:

Auxiliary "equipment" for imbilding

  • Balls and eggs are the most popular simulators. Performance material: stone, medical steel, silicone.
  • Vacuum devices with a tonometer, on which you can see the force of contraction of the vaginal muscles.
  • The exercise machine with a load is more suitable for women with well-developed intimate muscles. It looks like a ball with a rope on which the load clings.

The essence of the classes is that the simulator, for example, the vaginal ball is treated with a special lubricant and gently inserted into the vagina. All you need is to try to hold the ball, first in a lying position, and then you can get up, walk, jump.

Only after you have mastered the technique of holding the ball to perfection can you move on to training using simulators with a load. Most often, a bottle of water is attached to the ball, into which water is added as the intimate muscles develop.

Simulators for imbuilding

The laser simulator is designed for pumping a group of muscles that lift the anus The vacuum simulator shows the force of contraction of the intimate muscles
Jade eggs are designed to move in the vaginal canal and attach to the load loop Vaginal balls allow you to better feel the intimate muscles


  • Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary apparatus.
  • Neoplasms on the pelvic organs.
  • Displacement of the uterus and vagina.
  • The need for an operation.
  • Last trimester or difficult pregnancy.
  • After childbirth or surgery (from 1 to 3 months).

To avoid problems with the pelvic organs, before starting training, you should consult a doctor and check your health.

Video: Kegel exercises

Video: Lessons on contracting vaginal muscles at home

The benefits of wumbling in a woman's life are comprehensive, but it is worth remembering that, first of all, the technique is used to prevent gynecological diseases. In order not to harm your health, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of doctors and professional trainers. Only by following these rules, you will experience all the benefits of imbuilding on yourself.

Any woman who takes care of herself tries to monitor the state of her body. In addition to cosmetic procedures, the list of care necessarily includes physical activity to tone the muscles. But there are especially important muscle fibers in the body, which, unfortunately, many women categorically forget about. What are these fibers? Why is it worth doing them? A relatively new technique - wumbling will help to understand all the issues. What it is and why it is needed will be discussed in this article.

Wumbling This is a specially designed technique for toning and strengthening the vaginal muscles. This term stands for "VUM" - vaginal-controlled muscles, and building - development. It was introduced by L. Muranivsky. The theory of which was that the vaginal muscles are in the form of rings located one above the other and are able to alternately contract. According to his teachings, any woman can learn to control the muscles of the vagina using the wumbling technique.

In fact, all internal organs consist of smooth muscles, which cannot be controlled. The perceived reduction is due to a different reason. Yu. Kornev, based on the knowledge of his teacher, taking into account the peculiarities of anatomy, finalized the technique and called it imbilding.

Imbuilding is the conscious control of the pelvic floor muscles and intra-abdominal pressure. The essence of the methods is aimed at achieving a common result, but the second term is more scientifically justified.

What is useful wumbling

This method of strengthening the pelvic muscles is indicated for all women, regardless of age. Jean technique has the following positive effects:

  • First of all - the benefits for fragile women's health. This process stimulates blood flow to the intimate muscles, stabilizes the state of the internal microflora and normalizes the hormonal background. Strengthening prevents the prolapse and prolapse of the uterus;
  • To achieve enchanting pleasure. Pumped up intimate muscles during wumbling workouts allow you to achieve incredible sensations in moments of intimacy;
  • Helps to please your partner. After a couple of weeks of training, he will definitely notice the result;
  • Trained intimate muscles will provide a positive service during childbirth, and stretched and weakened after - they will quickly come into tone;
  • Exercise has a beneficial effect on the body during menopause.

Workouts and simulators in the imbuilding technique

There are special training systems according to the wumbling technique. Like any procedure, this process requires compliance with certain rules when performing exercises:

  • To achieve peace of mind, turn on pleasant slow music;
  • Breathing should be even and calm;
  • Tension should be performed slowly, at a slow pace;
  • After wumbling, you should relax and lie down for a few minutes.

Classes according to this technique involve the use, however, for the first time, when performing exercises, you should refrain from using props of any type. Allow the muscles to get used to the new state. When it is worth moving to the next level of complexity, the body itself will make it clear.

Simple exercises include lying down, standing up. There is a specially designed . It is recommended by doctors all over the world to strengthen the muscles and the vagina. All exercises are performed in a certain sequence from simple to complex. The duration of each manipulation is calculated literally in seconds.

The use of simulators allows you to improve the results already achieved, as well as significantly expand the range of possibilities. The most popular are vaginal balls and weight trainers. You can buy a simulator in any intimate store.

Wumbling classes do not take much time in relation to the benefits and are possible to perform at any hour. You can bring something new into your life, improve your health, without making any special efforts. The feedback from everyone who has tried this training technique on themselves is only positive.

There is an opinion that the training of the vaginal muscles, especially with the use of various sexual accessories, is aimed solely at obtaining sensual pleasure and enhancing the female orgasm. But it is not so.

Of course, wumbling exercises - a complex of various exercises that affect the genitals of a woman, sets itself the goal of a significant qualitative increase in the intimate sphere of being, but not only. It is also a simple, affordable and effective way to improve the overall health of the body. But there are other opinions as well. We will consider all points of view.

The creator of the popular wumbling technique is engineer Muranivsky V.L., who had a long sexual relationship with an oriental mistress of love. Her possession of the vagina so impressed the connoisseur of thrills that he decided to make this art accessible to all women by writing a book about it.

Let's try to answer a number of questions related to the technique of controlling the vaginal muscles.

Let's take a look at the questions.

  • So, what actually is wumbling?
  • Is it sports, wellness or a door to heavenly pleasure? Or maybe all together?
  • Are there prescriptions for it, prohibitions, warnings, undesirable consequences?
  • How did wumbling techniques arise and improve?
  • Is there any particular benefit to strengthening the muscles of the vagina? Which exactly?
  • Who needs wumbling? Are there age restrictions?
  • What undesirable consequences should be feared?
  • What exactly, when and how to do special exercises?
  • What devices for wumbling can be used?
  • Are there psychological aspects of the technique?

Vumbilding - a new wave of emancipation

We quite consciously begin with the psychological component of the popularization of a new intimate technique that carries a lot of sensual sensations for a woman. It would be difficult to imagine something similar in the "Victorian era" and even in the middle of the last century.

Mankind had to go through:

  • the stage of emancipation and equalization of rights for all segments of the population, including minorities;
  • the so-called sexual revolution;
  • necessary development of medicine, innovations, technologies;
  • change of view on many aspects of life, including the sphere of sexual culture.

That is why wumbling got its real development only in the 21st century, which, of course, does not mean that in ancient times they did not know about the secrets of strengthening the vaginal muscles. This art was taught to women in Ancient China, Japan, India, but proceeding from a completely different idea of ​​pleasure and energy processes in the body, to which our society is only approaching according to the laws of spiral development.

If you wish to become an ideal priestess of love, improve your health, discard a lot of destructive complexes and start a new life, you can start strengthening the muscles of the vagina right now. There are no time or age restrictions for such exercises. This is the opinion of Muranivsky and his followers.

Wumbling - a sport or an instrument of pleasure? Both

This technique is aimed at obtaining additional vivid sensations for the woman herself and her sexual partner. Many wumbling fans claim that they experienced their first orgasm only thanks to special exercises.

At the same time, wumbling, being a training of certain vaginal muscles, is undoubtedly an element of sports. Many of its types and methods are now offered by well-known fitness centers, but they can also be practiced at home.

Historical aspects of wumbling

The fashionable word "wumbling" appeared quite recently, however, the exercises themselves, as we wrote above, were practiced by women in ancient times. The art of love pleasures has improved in different parts of the world, entering such famous teachings about love as the Hindu "Kama Sutra", the Chinese "Tao", tantric sex, etc. In combination, this science is about achieving pleasure in sex and the influence of postures in the practice of erotic sensations, in a modified form, has reached our time.

What has changed since then?

First of all, the worldview and purposefulness of sexual practices. In the ancient East, a woman was considered as a mechanism for delivering pleasure, only for a man. From such a restrictive perception, training complexes for the female genital organs were developed, the purpose of which was the sophisticated satisfaction of male lust. A little later, the truth was formed that mutual satisfaction is a synergistic path to sensations of a higher order.

The desire for pleasure forced the ancient lovers of spicy scenes to seriously and actively study the body and its amazing possibilities in a dual aspect.

In the Middle Ages, sexual life was considered only from the point of view of procreation. Moreover, the topic of intimate relationships was actually banned in European society. How many unresolved problems of a physical, medical, psychological nature were due to this at that time, one can only guess.

The end of the sixties in Europe and America, associated with the emancipated hippie movement, reggae music and a real revolution in the erotic consciousness of urban youth, can be called a revolutionary turning point in the sexual issue. We are talking about the "sexual revolution" whose popularity coincided with the rise of the porn industry, film, music and popular culture.

If the "Kama Sutra", translated and released in England in a small edition for a scientific audience, was at that time absolutely inaccessible to the average reader, then already in the seventies of the 20th century, literature, photos and films of an erotic orientation literally swept the Western market.

Sexual products in unlimited quantities began to be sold in all corners of the world. The development of the market for intimate toys was due to the affordable price, as well as the softening of laws and public opinion.

The first wumbling - Kegel exercises

But even before that, in the middle of the twentieth century, the American Arnold Kegel, foreseeing an urgent medical need, developed a set of special exercises for the muscles of the pelvic floor.

The scientist and gynecologist observed hundreds of women in clinics after childbirth and was amazed at the magnitude of problems associated with urinary incontinence due to stretch marks of the vaginal muscles. Therefore, today we can safely call these exercises the first wumbling.

Nowadays, there are more and more supporters of artificial strengthening of the vagina, and the practice itself is systematically developed and improved.

It contributes to:

  • greater information openness of the media;
  • development of virtual space;
  • the availability of mechanical devices for such activities.

In fact, the body of a modern woman is in the hands of the woman herself. She is free in her thoughts and actions as much as she wants to.

Is wumbling useful?

There is already a ready answer to this question - yes.

Modern medicine confirms this vision in the most unambiguous way on the basis of long-term clinical studies.

So what is the use of wumbling?

We list the positive aspects of controlling the vaginal muscles for any woman at any age:

  • vaginal orgasm is always achieved;
  • sensibility develops;
  • childbirth is easier, faster and without any negative consequences;
  • the recovery process after childbirth is not delayed;
  • daily prevention of urinary incontinence, prolapse or prolapse of the uterus is carried out
  • improves blood circulation in the genitals.

Note. Exercise serves as a measure to prevent the occurrence of polyps and fibroids.

Wumbling. Who is it for? Age features

We can safely say that the wumbling technique will not interfere with any woman, however, for women who have given birth, it is literally as necessary as air. The reason is a significant weakening and stretching of the muscles of the vagina after the birth process. And this is not only physical inconvenience and a weakening of tone, but also a decrease in erotic sensations in sexual contacts and, as a result, the beginning of psychological problems.

If the recovery process is started on time, the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina will acquire their former firmness and elasticity in a fairly short period of time.

It is permissible for young girls to engage in wumbling from the age of fourteen, but without the use of simulators, paying special attention to preventing injuries in the genital area.

For virgins, doctors have developed special exercises that eliminate the risk of damage to the hymen.

In mature and senile age, their special sets of exercises are used. They are not only useful, but also extremely necessary during menopause and after it, up to old age.

Contraindications. Who should not use wumbling?

When we wrote that strengthening the muscles of the vagina is useful for all women, we were not cunning. It really is. Of course, there are certain situations, usually of a medical nature, during which it is better to postpone wumbling for a while, but these are local reasons:

  • acute inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • prolapse of the uterus;
  • during pregnancy, when special Kegel exercises are practiced.

Do wumbling correctly

When performing special exercises to strengthen the vaginal walls, try to follow simple rules:

  • Turn on music for relaxation.
  • Breathe evenly and slowly.
  • Muscles that you want to strengthen, strain slowly.
  • During the exercises, free your mind from negative thoughts, tune in to the positive.
  • After wumbling, lie down for ten minutes in a relaxed position, allowing your body to rest.

slow muscle dance

Don't rush to tighten your pelvis with complex techniques. Your body should get used to the loads slowly. Start with the simplest exercises. When you master them to the degree of automaticity, you can experiment with a more complex set of exercises. Also, you should not engage in wumbling for a long time from the first days. Determine a convenient place and time periods for yourself. The duration of the whole technique is about half an hour. Later, it will be appropriate to switch to workouts lasting at least 45 minutes.

Note. In no case do not use various simulators for training in the first month. First, master simple techniques without the use of mechanics. Even the simplest of them will seem complex and heavy to an inexperienced woman. But this is temporary. Soon you will get used to the loads in the pelvic area, and the process of strengthening the muscles of the vagina will bear the first fruits, which, believe me, will pleasantly surprise you.

Simple Lying Exercises

Lie on the floor, bend your legs and spread them as far as possible. Relax, then contract the vaginal sphincter and pull yourself up. Hold this position for a few seconds, then gradually relax the muscles. This exercise must be repeated many times, bringing in the future to hundreds in one session. After a series of squeezes, rest for a couple of minutes and start the exercises again. The daily minimum rate is three sessions.

Repeat the same thing, with the addition of one condition - relax the muscles of the vagina not immediately, but with a delay of up to a minute or more, as you can. Make three such visits per day.

Lie on your back. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, legs bent at the knees. Try to raise and lower the pelvis at an accelerated pace for three minutes. Make three sets with a short rest in between.

Do the same exercise with your legs together.

standing exercise

It is necessary to stand on your feet, place them shoulder-width apart, bend slightly. Inhale slowly and deeply, then contract the sphincter of the vagina. Then you need to sit down, holding the air, after a second, slowly exhale, while relaxing the muscles. The exercise is designed for 5 minutes, no more.

Kegel exercises

You can do this series of exercises anytime, anywhere. The only necessary condition is the emptying of the bladder before the session.


Mechanical devices, if they are suitable for a particular woman, can work wonders in terms of health. With such devices, the range of possible exercises is greatly expanded, adding in some special cases a gamut of incomparable sensations.

Pay attention to such simulators:

Note. Do not use wumbling simulators without prior consultation with specialists and without the supervision of a trainer. Remember that self-activity in this matter can do more harm than help.

The psychological aspect of wumbling

Imagine that a certain conditional woman did not have enough vivid sensations in her intimate life, and suddenly, as a result of wumbling, she, as they say, “carried away”. How do you think this will affect her life?

You will undoubtedly notice striking positive changes in it. Be sure that the sexual sphere of being will be reflected in the most favorable way on the psychological health of such a woman. We can safely say that the skillful possession of the muscles of the vagina is an affordable way to the world of freedom, joy and love for her and her man.

Now imagine that this woman's sexual relationship has long become insipid and boring. And suddenly both partners began to get great pleasure from completely new sensations.

The woman, among other things, also won the priceless gift of inner emancipation, self-confidence. She is no longer just a woman, she is the goddess of love.

Wumbling will give results at any age

Adherents of wumbling claim that the muscles of the vagina can be developed and strengthened at any age. That is, there are no restrictions or preferences in this regard. What matters is your intention and willingness to practice daily.

Moreover, thousands of cases of divorce cancellation have already been recorded in medical practice after women suddenly showed the wonders of sexual technique in bed. Indeed, after a stormy night with a rejuvenated wife, the husband is unlikely to want to look for a pitiful semblance of sex on the side. That is, wumbling exercises are also a positive social factor.

Consequence - orgasm

As an acquisition of the ability to obtain an orgasm, wumbling is one of the most ideal techniques. Experts say that trained vaginal muscles allow any woman to always get the highest peak of pleasure. Not surprisingly, many lovers of such exercises during sex practice independent movements and ask their partners for a little “rest”.

In order to master all the correct and necessary frictions, a woman will need about four months of daily training. Of course, acquiring so many preferences is worth all that effort.

Remember that everything is in your hands. Millions of women in the world do not get from life what is so close to them, only from laziness or ignorance.

And now another point of view.

Technology critics

Such authors claim that Muranivsky did not come up with anything new. Thus, the fact is cited that instructors in the classroom say: Muranivsky was the first to propose measuring the force of compression of the vagina with an inflatable balloon. In fact, such cylinders were patented long before Muranivsky in the USA.

But, it must be admitted that Muranivsky himself does not hide this, and says that his invention was made on the basis of an already existing one.

How to figure it out?

The opinion of our experts. Muranivsky has written numerous articles and the book Development of Forgotten Muscles. He states everywhere - a woman does not have to have strong muscles of the entrance to the vagina, unlike deep ones (VUMs). It is these muscles, according to Muranivsky, that should be several times stronger. Therefore, he suggested measuring the force of compression deeper (all over the world, it is the muscles of the pelvic floor that are measured, and not the deep ones).

Critics claim that Muranivsky invented a simulator for muscles that do not really exist. Allegedly, the engineer considered that the existing devices were subject to correction and remade the device in his own way.

The trainer works like this:

The lower part of the balloon is reinforced, so it does not go beyond the entrance to the vagina. Conclusion - we get a kind of "backup", do not look that the muscles are weak and, supposedly, pump deep muscles. At the same time, it is worth emphasizing that in the books of the engineer there is not a word about strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor, the author of the method is generally against this and denies the effect of Kegel exercises.

Conclusions. We believe that if various vaginal simulators, including the Muranivsky device, began to rapidly copy and now the methods of strengthening the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor are growing by leaps and bounds, the exercises have a positive effect. With their help, you can solve many problems - from anorgasmia to urinary incontinence. And which method to choose is already a personal matter for every woman. It is clear that the exercises should be performed without fanaticism, in accordance with the task, taking into account the state of health and after studying the special literature.

We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! We are not responsible for possible negative consequences resulting from the use of information posted on the website.

Beauty will save the world, and children are the flowers of life. There is nothing more beautiful than a Madonna with a child in her arms and a lady in an interesting position. But this is only outwardly.

Unfortunately, such beauty sometimes requires women's health sacrifices during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as after many years. We are talking about the problems of the female genitourinary system.

How easy it is to cure and prevent some of the unpleasant moments associated with the birth of a baby, age and workaholism at home will be discussed below.

A bit of history

The Kegel complex is a set of exercises to strengthen the internal muscles of the pelvis (they are also called intimate or pelvic floor muscles), which support the bladder, uterus and other internal organs from below and from the side.

As a rule, these muscles are hardly used, which is why they weaken over time, lose elasticity, and cease to hold the pelvic organs. This can cause a number of diseases and deterioration of sexual life.

Train before pregnancy!

In the middle of the 20th century, professor of gynecology Arnold Kegel drew attention to the complaints of his patients: many pregnant women spoke of urinary incontinence, women in labor - about gaps during childbirth.

These problems are explained by the fact that when carrying a baby, the pelvic muscles relax and stretch so that the child can grow and be born without obstacles. The uterus enlarges and compresses the bladder, causing incontinence.

Untrained pelvic muscles after childbirth remain flabby and do not return to their previous state (before pregnancy). So the problems persist.

Additionally, due to the strong stretching of the muscles and the inelasticity of the vaginal canal, there is a decrease in intimate sensitivity.

Kegel developed specific exercises that relaxed and strengthened these muscles, and created the Perineum Gauge (now called the Kegel Trainer) to measure vaginal pressure and monitor workout results.



  • polycystic;
  • fibroma;
  • oncology;
  • postoperative condition;
  • exacerbation of cardiovascular disease.

On a note!
When performing the complex, you can not hold your breath, be sure to make sure that it is even. Do not tense your hips and glutes, and do not pull in your stomach too much, focus on squeezing the pelvic muscles and lifting them.

Basic exercises for women

  • Unhurried contractions.Strain intimate muscles. Slowly count to three, then relax completely.
    In the future, you can complicate this technique: to strain in stages, each time more and more, as when taking an elevator with a stop at each floor.
    Muscle tension should also be relaxed gradually, with delays. Start training with 3-4 stages, bring to 10.
  • Abbreviations (flutter). Very quickly strain and relax the intimate muscles.
  • Ejections. Not hard to push, as in childbirth or in great need.

At the beginning of training, exercises should be repeated 10 times, perform five sets per day. Add 5 repetitions of each exercise weekly until their number reaches 30 (total 150 with five approaches). Then, to maintain shape, you can do 20-30 exercises a day.

Exercises are performed at home, without a trainer. They do not require additional devices and training, do not take much effort.

You can do it in your free time or combine it with household chores, and after reaching some automatism - even at work, on the street, driving in traffic jams.

When performing exercises, muscle pain may occur in the region of the coccyx and lower abdomen, as when training the abdominal muscles. If the pain does not resemble muscle or does not go away after 2 days, it is better to consult a doctor.

In addition, the nature of the discharge during menstruation may change: the first two days they will be very plentiful, then much weaker. Just under the influence of training, the epithelium will begin to be more actively rejected.

How to feel intimate muscles?

  • Exercise only on an empty stomach, emptying the bladder.
  • Breathing should be even, without delay. You need to breathe with your stomach, straining your muscles as you inhale.
  • Only the pelvic muscles should work without the help of the buttocks or the press. When performed correctly, you can feel that they seem to rise up. For control, you can put your hand on the lower abdomen and make sure that the muscles under it do not strain.
  • It is better to start training in a lying position. In the future, it will be possible to practice standing and sitting. It is most difficult to perform exercises while standing with legs apart. The wider the legs are apart, the more difficult it is to train.
  • You need to start training with compression techniques, since they are the easiest to perform. Between exercises, the muscles should be completely relaxed.
  • If it is difficult to do exercises 10 times and add 5 repetitions every week, then it is better to stop at the “available” number of repetitions, gradually adding up to 30. The main thing is not to harm.
  • Classes should be regular.

Examples of advanced exercises

Perform exercises 10 times.

With cystitis
With cystitis, the main problem is congestion, which provokes the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora. The flow of blood to the walls of the bladder enhances the release of antibodies necessary to "clean up" the area of ​​inflammation from pathogenic microflora.

Kegel trainer

Arnold Kegel believed that exercises are much more effective to do with the help of a special simulator called the Perineum. Due to the inflated air chamber, it improves muscle resistance and gives an additional load.

Check out the contraindications!

It also allows you to see the change in muscle tension. And this, according to Kegel, is very important: a woman who sees an increase in the result of her exercises on a pressure gauge will receive a strong motivation to continue exercising and increasing muscle contraction.

You can buy a simulator in online stores. Its cost ranges from 2900 to 8500 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

Below is a comparative table of simulators selected by our editors:

A set of Kegel exercises can be performed by all girls and women, if there are no contraindications. But it is especially recommended during an interesting position and after childbirth, with incontinence, prolapse of the uterus or its removal.

Video "Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor"

We have selected video tutorials for women on how to perform Kegel exercises at home:

Kegel complex during pregnancy


  • prepare for childbirth - feel the muscles that should work when advancing the child;
  • reduce pain during childbirth;
  • loosen the muscles of the vaginal canal to avoid tears;
  • push to help the baby out.

During training, pregnant women can perform all the basic techniques. However, if the expectant mother has not been engaged before, then it is better to stop at fewer exercises (3-4 times instead of 10), performing them 1 time per day. Before starting training, be sure to obtain the consent of an obstetrician-gynecologist.


  • risk of miscarriage;
  • severe toxicosis or gestosis;
  • diseases accompanied by fever;
  • bleeding;
  • miscarriage or premature birth in history;
  • inflammation or other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • postoperative period;
  • gestational age less than 12 and more than 30 weeks (so that there is no miscarriage or premature birth).

You can do it in any convenient position, but starting from 16-18 weeks, you should abandon the “lying” position so as not to squeeze the veins. If you experience discomfort or incomprehensible sensations, you must stop exercising and see a doctor.

Helpful Hints:

  • beginners need to do as many repetitions as they can, gradually increasing their number;
  • classes should be regular, daily;
  • the total number of repetitions should be at least 150 per day.

Kegel complex in the postpartum period

Women who have given birth naturally have sexual problems. The child, when passing through the birth canal, expands them. In this case, the vagina does not narrow back to the end.

The situation worsens if there were ruptures or dissections of tissues. Because of this, dissatisfaction arises in both partners: the woman's orgasm disappears or weakens, and the man does not feel the prenatal tightness of the vaginal canal.

Start exercising a month after giving birth!

In addition, during friction, air enters the vagina, which then exits with uncomfortable sounds. Another unpleasant moment is urinary incontinence.

This is because the stretched muscles designed to close the opening of the bladder also did not return to the elastic prenatal position. As a result, with physical effort, coughing, laughing, sneezing, uncontrolled leakage of urine can occur.

Kegel exercises will help. You should also consult your doctor before starting exercise. With his consent, a month after a successful birth, the cessation of all secretions, a woman in labor can gradually begin classes with a small amount of exercise.

If stitches were applied, you need to wait for their healing. If you have pain or other discomfort, you should stop exercising and see a doctor.

Kegel complex for uterine prolapse

In this disease, exercises are prescribed to eliminate muscle weakness that contributes to the development of pathology. However, with the omission of stages 2 and 3, the presence of inflammation, or immediately after a surgical operation, these exercises are contraindicated.

All basic steps must be followed. According to some observations, after one and a half to two months of training, many of the symptoms inherent in this disease will disappear.

Exercise after hysterectomy

In this case, patients develop problems with stool and urinary incontinence.

This is due to the removal, along with the uterus, of the muscles and ligaments that supported it.

The rest cannot fully hold the internal organs. Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence are prescribed to enhance muscle function.

Thus, with a minimum of effort, at home, without the participation of a coach and the involvement of sports equipment and devices, a number of problems and troubles can be prevented or corrected.

Be healthy!

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