Work history example. Autobiography, samples


An example of an autobiography will be useful to any person, because it is not necessary to write it every day, but even a schoolboy must be able to draw it up. This document should still be drawn up taking into account the general requirements for writing business letters.

An example CV for a job application will, of course, be different from this student-written CV, but the structure will be very similar.

What is an autobiography?

An autobiography is a person's narration of significant events in his life in chronological order. Most often, it is compiled by a candidate for a certain position, but the presence of this document is sometimes necessary for admission to a university.

The structure of the autobiography

1. The name of the document itself is top centered.


Since you already know how to write an autobiography, examples of which are given above, let's look at a sample resume of a person with no work experience.

Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna

Date of birth: 08/11/1997.

Vladivostok city.

Phone: +7 423 245 77 42.

Email: [email protected]

Purpose: assistant manager, trainee.

Expected salary: 12,000 rubles.


Basic education: incomplete higher education.

Far Eastern Federal University, Department of Management, 2014-2017

Years of study: from 2014 to the present.

4th year student.

From October 2015 to April 2016 she was engaged in career guidance work. Duties included: visiting schools in the city and the region, participating in scientific conferences and competitions, preparing advertising projects, conducting lectures, discussions and trainings.

Personal Skills

Confident PC user, good command of computer programs: Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point. Have experience with 1C programs.

I have a good command of modern technology: I reinstall operating systems, I can connect various equipment and work with software.

Decent, sociable, honest, easy to learn. Great desire to work.

Marital status: not married, no children.

Proficiency in foreign languages: English (spoken), French and German (with a dictionary).

In this article, we considered samples of an autobiography for work, examples were given above. Let's find out tips that will help you create this document more easily and correctly.

1. Although an autobiography is more detailed than a resume, it should not be too long and poetic, 1-2 pages will be enough. Bulky autobiographies are perceived by employers more negatively and characterize the applicant for a job as a frivolous employee.

2. It is necessary to present information in a business style.

4. All information must be true. Lies will sooner or later be revealed and will not have the best effect on your reputation.

5. If for a period of time you worked unofficially, but your employer is not opposed to you describing this experience in your autobiography, then you should not be silent about it.

6. If you have no work experience, but have the skills required for this position (language skills, knowledge of computer technology, organizational skills, etc.), be sure to indicate them.

What not to include in your autobiography

2. Do not indicate in the document and do not talk about your religion at the interview.

4. Don't talk about your hobby. If you master the art of hand-made, then you need to indicate this only if your future work will be directly related to this.

5. For security reasons, you can not name the number and series of the passport, identification code, etc.

6. Do not talk about the state of health, height, weight, hair color, eyes, etc.

The autobiography has been known since antiquity. It arose in parallel with the concept of personality and the awareness of the ability to reflect.

Despite the fact that the document states the facts, it demonstrates more the author's subjective attitude towards himself.

Adequate self-esteem and the ability to present oneself beautifully may indicate the prospects of a candidate for a position, his determination.

When employed in serious commercial companies, for, as well as in government agencies, you will need to write your CV. The literacy and reliability of this document can have a significant impact on the decision to hire, especially in commercial structures. At state-owned enterprises, this document is required rather for completing a personal file.

Sample CV

The autobiography is compiled by hand and contains a description of the main events of life in chronological order. The employer has the opportunity to learn more about the personality of a person, gets an idea of ​​​​his environment, draws conclusions about the merits, preferences, and shortcomings. Of particular value in an autobiography are not the facts from life themselves, but how a person manages to present them, describe them. Confusing, unsystematic presentation of thoughts, the presence of gross grammatical errors and similar shortcomings in the preparation of this document will make a negative impression, even if yours is brilliant.

It is quite possible that you will have to write an autobiography right in the personnel department, in the presence of employees; in this case, preliminary work on compiling a document will help not to get confused.

How to write correctly

There is no single standard for writing an autobiography. Different personnel services are interested in a different set of necessary information; accordingly, the writing pattern is adjusted in each specific case. However, you should always keep in mind some rules for writing an autobiography:

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Nowadays, the ability to write competently and logically about yourself plays an important role in the process of finding a job. When trying to get a job at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the applicant will be required to provide a list of certain documents, including an autobiography.

A handwritten business paper should contain basic information about a potential employee, allowing you to get an idea about a person not only in the field of professional activity, but also create a psychological portrait of a candidate for a job.

How to write an autobiography in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

There are no uniform forms and rules in writing an autobiography for work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, when compiling a document, you should still follow certain recommendations:

  • format the text correctly, with elements of business style, legible handwriting, without punctuation, spelling and other errors;
  • corrections and blots are not allowed, and it is also forbidden to use green, red and other colored ink for writing, except for blue or black;
  • the volume of the autobiography - no more than two sheets of A4;
  • the information provided must be complete and must contain your full name, date and place of birth, information about family members;
  • concisely and at the same time describe in detail exceptionally significant events from your life;
  • structure information about yourself, presenting them in chronological order, starting from the day of birth and ending with the present;
  • provide only truthful information, without distorting or exaggerating the facts, since sooner or later a lie can become clear and ruin your reputation forever;
  • it is allowed to present the autobiography in any form, while it is necessary to take into account the sequence of the narration.

What to indicate in the autobiography in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The generally accepted beginning of a document is the word "AUTOBIOGRAPHY" without a dot at the end. In the main part of the autobiography for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is recommended to state the following main points:

  • surname, name and patronymic (in full);
  • date and place of birth;
  • information about education (with a note about the name of each educational institution, the date of admission and graduation). If you have a certificate or diploma with honors - indicate this;
  • employment (names of enterprises, positions held and periods of work, you can also add reasons for dismissal);
  • information about the marital status and immediate family (spouse, children, parents, siblings) indicating the full name, date of birth, position and place of work of each;
  • data on military service (unit, unit number, years of service, final rank);
  • the presence or absence of a criminal record. If available, it is obligatory to indicate the article and the measure of punishment;
  • data on visits to foreign countries (country, year, duration of the visit, purpose);
  • information on bringing to criminal or administrative responsibility the next of kin (full name, degree of relationship, date of birth, article, measure of punishment);
  • information about close relatives living abroad, if any (full name, degree of relationship, date of birth, country, duration and reason for staying abroad).

Additionally, you can also provide the following information:

  • the presence / absence of injuries, operations, mental and chronic diseases, since when hiring in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, increased attention is paid to the health of employees;
  • preferred sports and their achievements in them;
  • level of computer proficiency;
  • having a driving license;
  • women can note data on maternity leave, childcare leave;
  • personal qualities of character;
  • information about interesting and useful hobbies;
  • information about minor bad habits.

The last line of your CV should include:

  • on the left - the date of the document;
  • on the right - the surname and initials of the author;
  • in the center - a personal signature.

Below is an approximate sample of an autobiography in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If you wish, you can change or supplement it at your discretion. An arbitrary form of writing a document allows you to do this. The main thing to remember: the purpose of an autobiography is to emphasize all your virtues. Properly drawn up paper can help you find your desired job and change your life for the better.

Sample autobiography in the Ministry of Internal Affairs


I, Somov Igor Valentinovich, was born on March 13, 1987 in the city of St. Petersburg. Marital status: married, have a son.

Wife: Somova Anna Nikolaevna, born in 1989, confectioner
Yusta LLC.

Son: Somov Kirill Igorevich, born in 2013.

Father: Valentin Andreevich Somov, born in 1950, military pensioner.

Mother: Polina Sergeevna Somova, born in 1955, housewife.

I live at the address: St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 176,
sq. 123.

In 1994, he began studying at secondary school No. 1 in St. Petersburg. In the summer of 2004 he graduated from school with a medal.

In September 2005, he entered the St. Petersburg Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Command Department. In 2010 he graduated with honors and received a complete higher education in the specialty "Legal support of national security". I have a PhD in Law.

From January 2011 to the present, I have been working as the head of the security service at Grand Service LLC, 150 employees are directly subordinate to me.

I have a driver's license category B, C.

Computer skills: confident user of Windows, Internet, Word, Excel.

In 2012 he spent a month in the UK, in July-August 2014 he spent 5 weeks in Spain. The purpose of the visit is tourism.

I am not conflicted, adequate, sociable, I easily adapt in a new team.

Mental and chronic diseases were not found, I am not registered with specialists. There are currently no health issues. There are no bad habits.

I am in good physical shape: I go to the gym three times a week. I am fond of football. I have two diplomas for merit in this sport: for the first place in district competitions and the third place in the city championship.

We don't judge. The closest relatives were not under investigation, they have no criminal record and do not live abroad.


I.V. Somov

Of course, the above autobiography is only an approximate sample. You can supplement it with your own data (for example, that you have a minor brother or sister in support, close relatives with disabilities, or you are the only breadwinner in the family). Most importantly, treat writing an autobiography in the Ministry of Internal Affairs responsibly. After all, even dry lines can say a lot about you as a person!

When applying for a job, it would seem that the most difficult thing has been done - the coveted place has been received, but not everything is so simple, often one more obstacle stands in your way. You need to write an autobiography. This case confuses many. Everything is like everyone else: born, studied, what to write so that it looks businesslike, likes the employer and helps in a future career? Now we will look at what an autobiography is, give basic tips for proper compilation and help avoid standard mistakes.

What is an autobiography?

An autobiography is your vision of your life with a bias in the professional sphere.

Here are five basic rules that are suitable for compiling it anywhere and must be observed:

  • It is usually written on a landscape sheet by hand and always in the first person. You can type printed text, but it is more customary and preferable for the employer to fill it out with your own hand;
  • The standard size is 1 sheet of A4 format, in rare cases, when you really have something to write, you can swing it to two pages. Keep in mind that more often than not, no one reads this form in its entirety, it is viewed diagonally, so the first impression it makes, the overall look, is important;

clear time sequence. Dates can be specified in several ways:

  • in brackets at the end of each event;
  • at the beginning of a sentence, using the prepositions "from", "by";
  • through dash.

You need to choose them depending on the style of narration, but if you prefer some option, then stick to it until the end of the autobiography, without changing it along the way;

Contains official data:

  • place and date of birth according to the passport;
  • educational institutions - for the school, the name and address are enough, but the university or technical school needs to be described in more detail. Do not get carried away too much, because the very fact of your education is important to the employer, and not the detailed name of all the essays that you wrote, and the grades for them;
  • labor activity - indicate the places of work, starting from the very first, the name of the organization, position. The emphasis should be on professional duties, skills, in the last place it would be useful to write the reason for dismissal. If it was not possible to leave without a conflict with the previous leadership, then describe the motive for leaving without emotions, as diplomatically as possible, without exposing yourself in a negative light;
  • if any, indicate awards, additional knowledge;
  • residential address, phone number;
  • marital status, family composition;
  • data of next of kin: full name, date of birth, place of residence, type of employment;
  • for women, you can indicate whether there was a maternity leave, for men - military service, military duty;
  • relations with the law, participation in elected bodies;
  • if you wish, you can add something else, but be careful - do not write too personal, compromising information that is not related to the essence of future work.

Business style of narration, without grammatical and factual errors, everything should be logical and consistent.

Some companies offer their CV form. It can spell out the main points that need to be covered in it. Then the matter is greatly simplified, you need to follow the plan and logically connect all the points together so that it is easy and interesting to read.

Why does an employer need your CV?

Typically, when applying for a job, CVs are required to be filled out by large public or private companies, which indicates a serious attitude to the matter on their part.

At the same time, keep in mind that this document contains your personal data, their safety and the rules for handling them are enshrined in law, therefore, they can be processed or used only with your written consent.

An employer needs an autobiography not only to put it in a personal file and keep it dead weight. It creates your general psychological portrait, allows you to determine whether you are suitable for this position or not, form a general opinion about you as an employee and person, determine the level of literacy and business correspondence skills.

It is important to remember that, by and large, the main thing for an employer is not what is written, but how it is written. Here, handwriting, emphasis on any facts, and the language of presentation are taken into account. There is a high probability that your autobiography will go further for consideration not only to the personnel department, but also to other departments, for example, to the security service, psychologists, etc.

To write a really good autobiography, it is not enough just to follow the standard rules, you need to approach this matter creatively, but remember that this is still an official document - fantasies and lyrical digressions are unacceptable here.

Here are some useful tips:

  • Every new place needs a new form. It is necessary to focus on precisely those points that are consonant with the future position;
  • Selectively approach the description of events, no one requires you to describe everything, something can be left out, something can be described very briefly. It is better to omit unfavorable nuances if they are insignificant, or to describe them concisely, streamlined. You should be careful here, because the deliberate concealment of important facts will not go unnoticed - in large companies, personal data is always checked;
  • Describe all events briefly, but accurately, clearly expressing your thoughts;
  • Use verbs in an active form, avoid passive voices, fuzzy formulations, as this creates an image of an insecure and non-initiative worker;
  • When writing an autobiography, imagine that you are talking to a specific person and telling him the story of your working life. You must show yourself on the favorable side, conduct an unobtrusive advertising presentation;
  • Attach your photo. With his choice, you need to be careful: naturally, there should not be any swimsuits, bright landscapes, only business style, the photo is designed to create a pleasant impression.

Common Mistakes When Writing an Autobiography

So, the biography is written and everything seems to be fine, but do not rush to immediately carry it to the future employer. Re-read again and check for mistakes that are usually made:

  • unsystematic presentation, omissions of significant facts, long periods of time;
  • the use of complex structures, a lot of introductory words, long incomprehensible sentences, large paragraphs;
  • sloppy spelling, mistakes, blots;
  • shabby appearance, creases on the sheet;
  • a large amount of text;
  • jargon, abbreviations, too personal, emotional facts.

All this can create an unfavorable impression, and even the most outstanding events in your biography will not affect the negative perception.


To better understand how to apply all these useful instructions in practice, here is an example of compilation:


From 1997 to 2008 she studied at secondary school No. 33, graduated from 11 classes with honors.

From 2008 to 2013 she studied at the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Economics and Management. Upon graduation, she received the specialty "Economist".

From 2013 to 2015 she worked as an economist at Orchid LLC. Since 2016, she has been transferred to the position of Lead Economist. Carried out planning of the organization's activities, analysis of financial statements.

Awarded with an honorary diploma for achievements in work. Resigned due to relocation.

Currently I live at the address St. Petersburg, st. Sovetskaya, d.1, kv.1. Phone 8 495 123 45 67.

Not married, no children.

Mother - Roza Ivanovna Tsvetochkina, born in 1960, an elementary school teacher. Lives in Moscow.

Father - Salekhard Ivanovich Tsvetochkin, born in 1954, process engineer. Lives in Moscow.

She has no criminal record and has not taken part in elected bodies.

Tsvetochkina L. S.

So, we have analyzed what an autobiography is, how to compose it correctly, and what mistakes to avoid.

If you did everything right, an autobiography will be an excellent assistant in moving up the career ladder, a kind of advertisement for your candidacy, create a favorable impression and draw attention to your merits. By following our advice and avoiding common mistakes, it will be easy for you to write a really good autobiography.

In contact with

Autobiography is a consistent description of the life and activities of a person. This document is required when applying for a job, study, service and in many other industries. Often, an autobiography tells the whole life of a person, but as an exception, it can take a period of several years. This may be the time when he lived in another country or served in the armed forces.

The autobiography gives the employer the opportunity to get to know the newcomer. It helps to understand who the future employee is, his education, experience, hobbies, ability to express thoughts. The employer, based on it, draws up a psychological portrait of a person. Therefore, writing should be taken seriously.

Important rules for writing

Business writing style. It should not contain any errors. Often it is on them that they pay attention, and not on the form of writing. Speech must be literate, the test is easy to read.

It is important to follow the chronological order when writing an autobiography. A beautiful resume will not work if the content in it jumps from one period of life to another.

All information that will be indicated in the CV must be true. If, over time, the employer is convicted of deception, problems may arise, up to a loss of trust. This will prevent you from reaching your desired workplace.

How to write correctly

There are no hard and fast rules for writing. Write it on a sheet of A4 format. When writing, they are guided by the requirements of the employer. Basically, all autobiographies consist of 8 points. They include:

  1. Title. So at the very top in the middle of the sheet the word is written with a capital letter Autobiography.
  2. Name. On a new line, the surname, first name, patronymic are written in full. After the date and place of birth is indicated. For example: I, Ivanov Semyon Mikhailovich, was born...
  3. Education. School years should not be given much attention, it will be enough just to indicate its number. But already at the university, the faculty should dwell in more detail.
  4. Labor activity. Here you should indicate where you worked before, the name of the enterprise and what position you held. It is necessary to tell what were the duties, achievements and the reason for dismissal. Do not be shy about talking about promotions, awards and promotions. Also, inventions, publications in publications will show on the positive side.
  5. Family status. It is necessary to briefly talk about the family, spouse or children, if any.
  6. Military service. In this paragraph, men should indicate where the service and rank took place.
  7. Relatives. In some cases, the employer asks for information about parents, brothers, sisters. About them you need to write the year of birth, profession, place of study.
  8. Signature and date. This information is placed by the author at the bottom of the text. Date on the left, signature on the right.

If you were fired from your previous job, it is worth telling truthfully and delicately about the true state of things. You should not write that you were treated incorrectly or that you got a bad leader. No need to expose yourself as a brawler and an uneducated person. The reason for leaving for family reasons should be indicated only if there is one.

Sample Curriculum Vitae for Teaching Employment


I am Orekhov Anton Viktorovich, born on February 2, 1989. in the city of Kyiv. In 2007 he graduated from the Novoselovskaya school I-III st. and entered the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. In 2012 Received a master's degree in automated process control in agriculture No. KV 439 25 726.

He began his career while still a student. In 2010, he worked as an operator of the production site of the Bakhchisaray branch of PJSC "Crimean Fruit Company".

Upon graduation from the university, he was accepted as an electrician-operator of the incubator of the Educational and Experimental Breeding Poultry Plant named after A.I. Frunze.

In 2014, he was accepted as a teacher of general technical and special disciplines of the Separate Subdivision "Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College". At the end of 2014 transferred to the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky" (FGAOU "KFU named after V. I. Vernadsky") Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College (branch), where I currently work.

I live at 296570 ave. 60 years of the USSR 2/56 p. Yantarnoye, Saki district, Republic of Crimea.

Father Orekhov Viktor Yurievich - born in 1961. R.

Mother Orekhova Alina Nikolaevna - 1963. R.

Do not judge, non-partisan. I take an active life position. I adhere to the laws of the Russian Federation.

Download Sample CV when hiring a teacher in WORD text format

Sample autobiography for a woman's work


I, Zubkova Elena Vasilievna, was born on November 19, 1958 in the village of. Roschino, Amur region, Tambov district. Russian citizen.

Higher education: from 1987 to 1992 she studied at the Crimean Order of the Badge of Honor Agricultural Institute. M. I. Kalinina, specialty: “Economics and organization of agriculture”. From 2003 to 2004 she studied at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the National Agrarian University with a degree in Vocational Education.

Labor activity: from 1983 to 1996 she worked as a senior economist for labor and wages of the collective farm named after. Lenin Dzhankoy district of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; from 1996 to 1999 - senior accountant of the Pribrezhnensky state farm-technical school; since 2001 - teacher of economic disciplines of the EP NUBiP "Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College".


I have two adult children.

Place of residence: 296563, Republic of Crimea, Sovetsky district, s. Lokhovka, st. Dostluk, 4, apt. 18.

I'm not judged.

Member of the United Russia party.

"___" July 2014 Zubkova Elena Vasilievna _________________

Download Sample autobiography for a woman's job in WORD text format

Autobiography sample writing for a man's job


I, Narkisov Umid Jaferovich, was born in 1960 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

In 1967, he went to the first grade of secondary school No. 77. While studying at school, he simultaneously completed courses as a mechanic - minder.

In 1977 he received a certificate of secondary education. The following year, he got a job as a car repairman in the production department of transport of Glavtashkentstroy.

From November 1978 to December 1980 he served in the Leningrad Military District VCh 63261.

From 1981 to 1983, he took special courses for bus drivers, followed by an internship. After completing the courses in 1987, he worked as a driver.

From 1988 to 1989 he worked as a traveling photographer.

From 1989 to 1995 he worked as a shop manager in the Aziz cooperative.

From 1995 to 1997, he worked in the TED cooperative as a foreman.

The next stage in my life was in 1997 moving to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol district, Shkolnoye settlement, st. Irgat Kadyr, 10, where I currently live with my family. This is where my social work began. For many years he took an active part in the arrangement of his village. At the moment, I am trying to solve one of the important problems of our village - the decoupling of convenient access roads to the village. I also show great initiative in adjusting the Kharkiv-Simferopol-Sevastopol highway project on the territory of Shkolnoye village, which is favorable for the residents of the settlement.

Wife - Narkisova Susanna Lenovna, born in 1970, works as a sales assistant in the SFDP "Market Plaza".

Son - Ernest Narkisov, born in 1991, student.

Daughter - Elnara Narkisova, born in 1993, student.

non-partisan; there is no criminal record. I live at the address: Crimea, Simferopol district, Shkolnoe settlement, st. Irgat Kadyr, 10.

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