Olga Buzova's phone was opened. Compromising evidence on Olga Buzova and intimate correspondence with Nagiyev appeared on the network


The high-profile divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov seems to be taking place in the best traditions of the famous TV show, hosted by the now free Buzova herself.

The network literally blew up the news about compromising information on Olga, which was published after the star's phone was hacked. Particular attention of bloggers was attracted by intimate correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev. In the chat, the TV presenter sent photos and videos of a very piquant nature to the famous handsome man.

Dmitry gives advice to Olga on how to behave after a breakup, and Buzova herself dreams of a personal meeting. “I am in St. Petersburg at night. Performances. And to Tver at the "Fizruk". Send me photos, videos, everything went. Let it be for now. Consider that I went to the army. Sleep, walk, * roar. The motto of the next two weeks, ”writes Nagiyev (Spelling and punctuation more. — Note. ed.).


In an interview with Life.ru, the TV presenter commented on the relationship with Olga: “This is such a vile story that it’s disgusting at heart. It's disgusting that there are people who are interested in getting into their personal lives, a disgusting feeling. This does not apply to Olga Buzova, this applies to all life. A disgusting feeling of disgust and falling into the abyss. If someone is interested in watching, reading or listening to it, then this is all the internal disgust of the person who is interested in it.

“Olga and I saw each other five times in our lives, and we are not connected by friendly relations, believe me. Regarding the correspondence, I think that everyone would have done the same, supported the person. But as for the video, they, fortunately or unfortunately, did not reach me, because it has the ability to be erased. As for support, I am ready to support her at any moment, because, as it seems to me, this is a smart and frank person, ”continued Nagiyev.

In the photographs, a girl who is very similar to Buzova demonstrates different parts of her body to the camera. At the same time, she is dressed exactly the way Olga herself was dressed, which is easy to follow on the TV presenter's Instagram.

A shocking sex compromising evidence on the host of the Dom-2 show, Olga Buzova, appeared on the network.
Correspondence, photographs and videos published by cybercriminals indicate that the 30-year-old blonde, after parting with her football player husband Tarasov, sought solace in the arms of the main sex symbol of the Russian television screen, Dmitry Nagiyev.
According to published data, Buzova asked Dmitry for a personal meeting in an intimate setting, recorded candid videos for him, and the host of the Voice show himself gave her valuable advice on how to relieve stress, namely: “Sleep, walk, masturbate”. "Life" publishes a sensational correspondence between two stars of the Russian screen.

Nagiyev made sure that the correspondence with Olga was not leaked to the press

To relieve stress, Dmitry offers Buzova to masturbate

To Buzova’s offer to fly to her in Marbella, Dmitry replied that he had a lot of work

It was about such pictures that the TV presenter asked Olya


Life contacted Dmitry Nagiyev, who spoke about his relationship with Olga Buzova and confirmed that he had corresponded with Dmitry Tarasov's wife.
“This is such a vile story that it’s just disgusting in my soul,” Nagiyev shared with Life. - It's disgusting that there are people who are interested in getting into their personal lives, a disgusting feeling. This does not apply to Olga Buzova, this applies to all life. A disgusting feeling of disgust and falling into the abyss. If someone is interested in watching, reading or listening to it, then this is all the internal muck of the person who is interested in it.
- Olga contacted you after the correspondence was published?
- We are not so close friends with Olga that she contacted me. Olga and I saw each other five times in our lives, and we are not connected by friendly relations, believe me. Regarding the correspondence, I think that everyone would have done the same, supported the person. But as for the video, they, fortunately or unfortunately, did not reach me, because it has the ability to be erased. As for support, I am ready to support her at any moment, because, as it seems to me, this is an intelligent and frank person.


Footballer Dmitry Tarasov was shocked when he found out about Buzova's sex correspondence with Nagiyev, but at the same time admitted that he suspected his wife of infidelity.
- I think now I can officially be considered a free man. All my doubts were confirmed. We never managed to create a real family: I want children, but, unfortunately, this requires the desire of two people. And from her video, I'm about ... (in deep shock), - the athlete admitted to Life.

The scandal that erupted around the divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov escalated after hackers posted messages from the TV presenter on the Internet, as well as pictures and video clips of an intimate nature. The public reaction was mixed. Many netizens were shocked that the celebrity was in correspondence with actor Dmitry Nagiyev. The Fizruk star did not deny anything, but only noted that he did not know Olga as closely as some might think. According to him, he, as a man and colleague, decided to support Buzova in a difficult situation for her.

Ksenia Borodina confirmed that there is nothing between Nagiyev and Olga and cannot be. They are connected only by friendship. She justified the messages of the stars by the fact that Nagiyev always prefers an ironic and playful form of communication, without putting a deep meaning into the words. Loyal fans of Olga are convinced that in such a situation there is no place to discuss the personal problems of their favorite. They believe that, having overcome difficulties, Buzova can rebuild her life as she wants.

“When a person falls, they finish him off! Never lend a helping hand! I don't like such people. Everyone is evil!”, “Olga, do not listen to anyone and live your life”, “Olya, you are the best! Everything will be alright! God bless you!”, “You are famous, everyone knows you! Educated, beautiful. Those who love you, they will not stop loving you, and those who enjoy this moment, it's just a moment, it will pass! And all the envious people who splashed bile, this also showed them from an ugly side! And now you know them by sight! You are not a traitor, ”Olga’s fans wrote on Instagram.

Giving his commentary on what happened, Dmitry Nagiyev told Life.ru that he was unpleasantly overwhelmed by the public's excessive attention to Olga's personal life.

“A disgusting feeling of disgust and falling into the abyss. If someone is interested in watching, reading or listening to this, then this is all the internal muck of the person who is interested in it, ”the host of the Voice television project frankly stated. Fans, in turn, do not find anything reprehensible in the correspondence of their idols. Dmitry tried as tactfully as possible to hint to Buzova that she should not torment herself with doubts about the correctness of her decisions.

Scandalous blogger Elena Miro also spoke about this situation. Apparently, unlike Olga's fans, she is extremely negative. She tried to convince the readers of her blog that the correspondence, photo and audio materials that surfaced are nothing more than a competent PR move that will make the public talk about the star with even greater force.

“Olga Buzova, they say, was hacked into Whats” App and iCloud. The FBI begged Apple to do this with the terrorist’s phone, but Olenka’s haters got ahead of them. It turned out that Dmitry Nagiyev is a good friend. I say this without irony, ”Miro wrote on her blog .

Subscribers who managed to read the words of the blogger were outraged by her harsh statements about the TV presenter. They are convinced that the girl herself has no idea about how the situation really is. Therefore, according to netizens, she has no right to criticize Buzova.

Olga remained silent for some time, but then she made it clear to her fans that she did not want to justify herself to anyone. According to Buzova, she simply does not have time for this. I must say that the star is currently in Berlin, where she managed to record an interview with the actors of the movie "Assassin's Creed" Marion Cotillard and Michael Fassbender. The star of "House-2" is trying to be optimistic about the current situation, and less and less accompanies his posts on social networks with decadent moods. Fans support her in this decision, arguing that this is the most reasonable decision.

“They shot at me - I stood. They threw knives at me - I smiled. I was tortured - I was silent. They are gone, but I remained alive, ”Olga signed one of her photos on the social network.

Along with reports of family squabbles and experiences of Olga Buzova, in the materials posted by "well-wishers" on the Web, one can find personal correspondence with representatives of the opposite sex. As well as photographs and shocking videos of a personal nature. So, one of the subscribers, signed on the phone as "Dmitry Nagiev", invites his interlocutor to come to the "Voice" to see "how the master works." Also, explaining the absence of meetings by being busy, the author of the messages gives advice on getting out of depression and showers the girl with compliments: “Tonight I’m in St. Petersburg at night. Performances. And in Tver at Fizruk. Send me photos, videos, everything went. that I went to the army. Sleep, walk, masturbate. The motto of the next two weeks. "

It is noteworthy that it is in the folder with correspondence, entitled Nagiyev's surname, that there are images in which a girl, like two drops of water similar to Olga Buzova, demonstrates her intimate parts of her body - either lowering her T-shirt, or lifting up her dress, showing her genitals to the camera. On the provocative video - a brown-haired woman with bracelets and a pendant, like a TV presenter, and in a coral-purple dress - exactly the same Buzova flaunted on her friends' anniversary. In the next video, Dmitry Nagiyev stares into the camera through his glasses and shakes his head slightly to Buzova's song "To the Sound of Kisses."

It is noteworthy that at the time of the correspondence, Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova are still officially married.

In recent weeks, the media have been actively discussing the person of Olga Buzova, which was associated with her separation from her husband Dmitry Tarasov. From the beginning of November, fans began to suspect that a serious quarrel had occurred between them, which ended in parting. Since the discord in the family, Olga and Dmitry have not commented on the situation. For them, this came to be done by fans who expressed their versions about what could have caused the couple to break up. Versions were very different. Media journalists did not lag behind the fans, who gave their reasons for the breakup of this beautiful couple. Buzova's correspondence published by hackers a few days ago made it possible to shed light and establish what caused the separation of the football player and TV presenter.
Familiarization with Buzova’s personal correspondence made it possible to establish precisely that the model Nastya Kostenko was involved in the breakup of this couple, in relations with whom Tarasova was suspected. Many said a few weeks ago that it was she who was the one who contributed to the breakup of the couple. This information has been confirmed. Buzova's correspondence, which appeared on the Internet, has become a real compromising evidence.

Many fans of the couple wanted to get reliable information, but the spouses did not want to provide it, so when they saw the materials posted by the hackers, Buzova's fans, of course, paid attention to them and after reading them made their own conclusions. Most fans of the TV presenter are sure that the model is related to the scandal that arose in the family of Buzova and Tarasov.
The correspondence, which was published online, mentions the name of Nastya Kostenko.

This person appears in the message that Buzova sent to Tarasov's mother.
The girl put a photo of the model in the message, and under it she wrote angry words about the football player himself, as well as his mother. After that, all fans have no doubt that the materials that were posted on the network are genuine. In this case, there can be no talk of any fake, since the TV presenter herself did not refute the information that unexpectedly appeared on the Internet.

Recall that earlier Dmitry, addressing his fans, asked them not to draw quick conclusions and advised them to stop talking about divorce and speculation about Olga's betrayal. However, now everyone has confidence that the opinion that was formed earlier about the divorce turned out to be correct, and the judgment about the participation in the separation of the Kostenko couple was also correct. However, earlier there was a version that Nastya Kostenko Tarasov and Buzova paid serious money so that she would play the role of a mistress for the public. Now everyone has no doubt that the divorce will really take place. In the meantime, Tarasov, as well as his newly-made girlfriend Kostenko, refute rumors that there is a love affair between them.

This couple is not shown in public once again, because after a loud scandal, the football player has not yet dared to take such a step. The day before, he did a rather bold act - he deleted all the photos in which he was captured with Buzova from his page on the social network Instagram. In a number of media, information periodically pops up that Dmitry appears with Nastya. Some publications write that they dine in the capital's restaurants. However, whether this information is true is still difficult to say. Therefore, it remains only to wait and hope that soon young people will make a confession.

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