At the child mmd lags behind on study. All about minimal brain dysfunction in children: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of MMD


At the webinar, people got a little worried about children with MMD (MMD stands for Minimal Brain Dysfunction).
Because I am the happy owner of such a baby, and besides, I am related to other people's children, good and different, and, as you understand, they don’t go to consult with golden children, I have something to say about this.

The first thing I want to note is that MMD - lungs cerebral disorders, which may not cause big problems in preschool childhood (due to the lifestyle of babies), but begin to yell at full strength in the classroom at school.
Right from the first grade, often quite unexpectedly for parents, their cute, sweet, spontaneous and nice baby turns into a monster. The teacher's claims - does not listen, does what he wants, talks in class, does not follow instructions ... A nightmare, in general.
"Show it to a psychiatrist, or better yet, just get him out of here so that he doesn't interfere with normal children!" - this is the most difficult option.

You are at a loss - it seems that nothing foreshadowed ...

In fact, some moments still signaled that "something is wrong."
Like that:

a) after birth, the child ate little, slept little, cried a lot, or none of this happened, but the neurologist still had some complaints;
b) in the first year the child was very restless. Or vice versa - very calm.
A clear symptom is late speech (then it’s easy to tryndit, but it often starts later than ... expected :)))
Another call is transient tics (most often blinking and quickly passing), but this is far from always, just a note.

When the baby grows up, you can notice the following cute features in him:

c) violations of voluntary attention and mental fatigue;

If such a child likes puzzles or board games, he may well fiddle with them for hours. At the same time, the request "Spread the triangles in two rows" is fulfilled for 30 seconds, and then the child falls like a pug into the salad and starts yelling that he is terribly tired.

You will not believe, but the child does not lie.
In such children, if necessary arbitrary"mental effort" relaxation phase of the brain occurs every 5-10 minutes. And they stop thinking for a few minutes - they just turn off. Or they may not even remember at all what they were doing when they came to their senses, because in the relaxation phase external activity continues, but is not fixed anywhere, is not realized and is not remembered (on the EEG at this time the brain gives an alpha-rhythm).

And it turns out something like this: the child turned off, yelled, went berserk, or vice versa - calmed down and stopped performing the task (it depends on the type of MMD). He can say something "wrong" or do something - and in no way notice it for himself, without consciousness.
He comes to his senses - everything is with claims on him. But he can't understand why it's all against him. And offended. And even sometimes aggressive, because when you are offended for no reason, you start to bite. .

And physically, the child can almost never get tired.

For reference: normally, in a person, relaxation phases with fatigue occur in 30-40 minutes, 10-15 seconds. In a normal state of health, the brain rests at night, and during the day it is stably active.

It is clear that if the child was not engaged in the sense of classes (in the game this feature may not be noticed at all), and mental efforts as such were not expected from him, then this symptom can easily be missed.
And live in peace until school.
And then get a bag on the head

d) it is very difficult for such a child to control his emotions;

In human terms - psychotic.
Or whiny. Or hysterical.

e) such a child has a shift in the balance of excitation and inhibition;

In human terms - if he gets mad, only ... a bear can stop him. Or an elephant. Or a cowboy with a lasso.
If they catch up, of course.
The asthenic type, on the contrary, calms down and is afraid. Everyone, including the lasso.

f) when emotionally activated, these children often go completely crazy;

That is, a Pink Bunny came to visit a normal child - the child is sweet, smiles, tells rhymes. And MMDshnik jumps, like a mad monkey, and yells for joy. Forgets poems, breaks round dances.
The most disgusting thing is that if they start yelling at him (negative emotional activation), another child may shut up, and this one will become even more stunned.
They yell at him harder - he goes crazy more.
Kopets, in general.

This symptom can also be erased, since preschool children, in principle, are supposed to yell and rejoice at pink hares.

g) such children have difficulties in transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory.

Grabs on the fly, but flew into one ear - flew out into the other.
The head is perforated.

Again, if the baby is not taught, you can not find out about it, and live happily until X hour.

g) very often in such children there is a violation of the processing of sensory signals;

Now they are noisy, then they are bright, then they stink ...

(My son vomits, for example, if he smells some kind of smell. Moreover, we don’t smell anything, but he will go, vomit, then come, make a complaint, run away again, vomit and go on playing.
We're used to nothing. We even laugh sometimes.)

h) with motor skills, such a child has a complete tryndets.

Drawing small circles in a row is an almost impossible task. He will draw a square next to the triangle so that a prize can be established for someone who understands what he meant.
And to the question: "Did you draw well, it seems?" , he confidently says - "Yes." And straight even look insulted, they say, what are you, mother? Look, what a beauty!

It is better not to look at first-grader notebooks so as not to be frightened.

I must say that if a child does not go to kindergarten, the chance that no one will notice anything is very high.
Because these children in a calm environment are quite sane. Great kids.
They are funny, funny, cute, chatting incessantly - until they have nowhere to "get infected with unrestrained fun." In a noisy atmosphere, they sometimes blow the roof off almost instantly.
That's why they hate kindergarten, and kindergarten hates them.

The essence of the violation is as follows: in children with MMD, uneven development of various parts of the brain occurs.
This happens for a variety of reasons (we were lucky with a birth injury).
This most uneven maturation of brain structures gives certain functional disorders that cause a lot of problems in kindergarten and school in childhood, but these disorders, thank God, are reversible and normalize over time.

Because of these features, children often behave disgustingly in kindergarten and at school, and hate learning.
If this were the end of their features, then everything would be, from the point of view of society, good - they would be given a diagnosis of mental retardation, they would be put in correctional classes, parents would be told "ay-ya-yay, you need to take care of the child!" - and voila! Problem solved.

This is very bad.
Because ugly, but smart, you can’t put it in a correctional class. He won't give anyone peace.
Therefore, those around (especially teachers and kindergarten teachers) quietly hate such children, dream of getting rid of them and believe that it was their parents who spoiled them with bad upbringing.
Unfortunately, education here does not play such a significant role as we would like. Even if you kill such a child with a broom, he will still be "strange".

The most terrible book about such a child (my hair just stood on end, I tried not to read before going to bed) is called very romantically "Children who will give us happiness. How to build a life with an Indigo child"
"Indigo" sounds, of course, prettier than "a child with minimal brain dysfunction", but I, if you will, will still call a spade a spade.

In theory, it is better not to send such a child to kindergarten at all. Or at least not for a full day. And be sure to do extra work (remembering the relaxation phases of the brain).
If a child is in the garden from the age of two, and even for a full day, then the child runs the risk of "earning" ZPR.
And if such a child is accepted, understood and taught little by little, then everything will be compensated.

To the mother of such a child, in order to be happy, I would, from personal experience and guided by the recommendations of specialists, advise:
a) undergo personal therapy in order to find inner freedom and five and a half bags of calm patience;
b) figure out how to build your life in order to be able to pick up a child from kindergarten, or at least not drive a full day every day;
c) make friends with a good pediatric neurologist;
d) engage in the intellectual development of the child - teach mathematics and reading, ( in order not to beat him at the same time, see point a) :) and common - run, play, squeal and hug-kiss;
e) calmly respond to the views and opinions of others, do not destroy attachment with their reactions;
In order not to kill yourself against the wall at the same time, see point a) and carefully read the brochure by Olya Pisarik
f) think hard about the first class.
Because the fun begins in the first grade.

Of course, much depends on the severity of the symptoms, but it would be better to teach at home for the first year. Or from the age of eight to go. Or take two lessons, and then go for a walk, sleep and finish everything unfinished at home.
In any case, you need to be able to negotiate competently with the teacher.
And be ready to do homework with a child of grade up to the fifth, moreover:
a) repeat everything that was studied in class;
b) do all the garbage design work like "retreat six cells to the right, and then again to the left" to do it yourself.
The main thing is that thinking should be developed, otherwise then the seams will come in general.

If there is no time\strength\desire\opportunities (or paragraph a) is missing :))), the child may sooner or later end up with a psychiatrist - the teacher will request a certificate.
And the psychiatrist might say, "Come on, you're fine, get out of here."
This is at best.
At worst, he will make a diagnosis and prescribe a bunch of pills. And the child may have drug intoxication. And the brain will recover longer and harder.

Most likely, the child's neck is twisted (you can do a doppler, look at the blood circulation - you can immediately see it there).
In the meantime, the spine is not in order, pills can help a little and temporarily (BUT: a good neurologist can choose an adequate treatment, and the results will be visible almost immediately, in general, good specialists are the most painful topic :(
And they say about the spine - nothing can be done, the muscles will grow and it will be better. The pool is recommended.
Osteopaths again give hope, but I'm not strong in them and I'm afraid for some reason. - update: osteopaths are great. After Sanka underwent a course of treatment with an osteopath, I believed in them as in God.

Now you almost know everything.
In addition to the fact that there are five types of such children ... But this is already too much - I already abused your attention))))

My child does not have the most difficult option, as it seems to me (although according to the description of the types, it fits the most difficult one), but we still have fun and interesting life.

At this particular moment, Sanka and I are absolutely happy, however, it was not easy for me, I want to admit that I had to work a little (including completing point a) and reading useful books).
I highly recommend reading books not those about Indigo children and how wonderful they are, but those about children with MMD and about what to do so as not to go crazy to correct the child.

Sanchez is doing better and better, and there is hope that everything will be fine by school.
I'm all so proud.
But just in case, I am glad that in the Sankins for eight years the first class will be recruited by Yulina, a teacher.
She is very cool.
There would be more teachers like that, and MMD students would not turn into aggressive, muddled teenagers (because the brain has already compensated, and the character is spoiled).

UPDATE: Sanka went to the first class to another teacher, the teacher is excellent, but her nerves cannot stand even the fact that Sanka slows down a little with reading and writing (although she was warned).
All behavior returned to normal.
Therefore, I’m thinking of picking him up from the first grade, because no one wants to be friends with him there (the teacher is an authority, and not to focus on the fact that Sanka doesn’t succeed, she doesn’t succeed. And since he it would still be better to study individually, and once friends at school do not start - so for now we can do without it).

In general, by the age of 12, or even by 10, there is no trace of MMD. Under good conditions of education and training.

If anything - the post is not to scare everyone, but vice versa.
There is even a nightmarish book called "Children who bring us happiness."
So keep your nose high and walk proudly! :)))

Moms of MMDshnikov, we in the "Moms will shoot" community go to share, giggle and cry)

And this... psychologists do not make diagnoses! Especially on the Internet)))) A psychologist can only "suspect" and recommend contacting specialists.
If you suspect MMD, you need to contact a good pediatric neurologist.
And not every nervous child is a MMDshnik.
Look, rejoiced!)))

Publication date 26.01.2018

“I have a hyperactive child!”, “But mine falls asleep on the go, doesn’t want to go to school ...” - these are not uncommon statements of modern parents about 7-9 year old sons or daughters. Isn't it strange that a small child does not want to go to school, where there is communication, learning, and entertainment that did not exist until recently, in kindergarten?

Alas, it's not strange.

The fact that excessive parental ambitions destroy in children not only personal aspirations, the desire to learn, but even health, was not repeated only by a lazy psychologist. I will not now touch on a wide range of problems caused by parental illiteracy, I will only touch on a narrow part, which, unfortunately, is very common at the present time. As a child health psychologist, I deal with this almost daily...

The bottom line is this: ambitious parents tend to send their baby to school early - from the age of 6. And even before school and starting from the first grade, they try to load it with as much variety of information as possible, from which the baby's head is spinning. The young, fragile brain cannot cope with the processing of all this informational colossus and begins to falter: it stops remembering, does not want to analyze, does not hold attention, and so on. In the end - refusal to study, deuce, hooliganism ... And now, by the age of 10 - 13, a young neurasthenic is ready for you with a bunch of labels hung on him - from "quiet loser" to "notorious school bully." But in kindergarten there was such a talented child! And at home, everything seemed to work out for him .... At first.

So what happened?

We are talking about a very common phenomenon among children, which neurologists and pediatricians are talking about today - this is minimal brain dysfunction (MMD). Here's what the experts tell us: minimal brain dysfunction- These are the mildest forms of cerebral pathology, which have erased neurological symptoms and manifest themselves in the form of functional disorders that are completely reversible and normalize as the brain grows and matures. MMD is not a medical diagnosis in the exact sense of the word. Rather, it is only a statement of the fact of the presence of mild disturbances in the functioning of the brain, the cause and essence of which have yet to be clarified so that treatment can be started - this is the medical aspect of the problem.

For a psychologist, a child's neurological defect appears as a given, with which he cannot and should not do anything. But the essence of it must be understood in order to trace its immediate negative effects on the development of mental processes and the behavior of the child as a whole - in order to prevent and minimize them.

It is important to know: MMD is not an obstacle to learning not only in a general education school, but also in a gymnasium, and subsequently in a university. For this, only advisory support is enough. Often, if the cause that caused the deviation ceases to act, the growing brain itself is able to gradually return to a normal level of functioning.

But this is possible only with a healthy lifestyle of the child, the absence of activities that lead to chronic overwork. In most children with MMD, with the appropriate training regimen, by the 5th-7th grade, the brain function is completely normal.

MMD is a tricky thing. In kindergarten, you will not even notice it, because a child with a full-fledged intellect, but not yet fully formed brain, will not show any signs of the disease. And only increased school, play and intellectual loads will make the baby overly tired and nervous, and in the end he will try to avoid everything that brings only unpleasant emotions from constant school failures and nagging adults.

Teachers and parents are practically unaware of MMD, although they are dealing with the sad consequences of this scourge, but school psychologists are in the know, and it is they who most often send younger students for examination - to check for the presence of MMD with a neurologist or medical psychologist.

What to do with this, how to ensure that very notorious “healthy lifestyle”, and even manage not to lose sight of the development of the child, if “nothing is impossible” for him?

1. Even before entering school at the age of 6, undergo an examination by a neurologist and a medical psychologist, who from two different sides will detect or not detect abnormalities in the brain. Psychologists have special methods and tests for this, with the help of which it is possible not only to detect violations, but also to determine the type and individual characteristics of violations. That is, exactly what determines whether it will be too slow, or vice versa, hyperactive, or simply weak, asthenic.

2. In case of suspicion of MMD, it is better to postpone school admission for a year or two - up to 8 years inclusive! During this time, in a sparing mode, that is, focused on the rhythms of the work of his brain, prepare the child for school so that at the beginning of his studies he does not fall behind.

3. Do not neglect the advice of teachers about the transition to an individual learning mode. It can be life-saving for your child until the moment when his brain is fully formed. This is especially important for those children who have already gone to school, and the parents realized it in the third or fourth year of study.

4. But take the advice to transfer the child to a correctional school very critically! Education in a correctional school can put an end to the further development of the child (provided that he has retained intelligence). Studying in a correctional school, in contrast to individual education in a regular secondary school, certainly guarantees inhibition in development. Here we need a very serious diagnosis with the involvement of independent and experienced expert psychologists. Protect the rights of your children!

Of course, for each type of MMD (there are five in total), there are detailed recommendations for teaching and interacting with such a child, and each parent is quite capable of understanding and applying them. You just need to consult with a competent psychologist.

Marina Metneva, medical psychologist GBUZ NO NOND

The MMD syndrome, or, as it is also called in the ICD-10, “hyperkinetic behavioral disorders” with the F-90 code, manifests itself already in early childhood. Minimal brain dysfunction suggests the presence of neurological disorders that are found in the behavior and psychological reactions of the child. For example, these may be speech disorders, poor coordination of movements, hyperactivity, learning difficulties.

In psychological terms, disorders are expressed in emotional lability (instability), increased distractibility, absent-mindedness. Parents need to take the manifestations of MMD very seriously, since according to the latest medical data, up to 25% of children have such a diagnosis.

Severe hyperactivity of the child may be one of the signs of the presence of MMD

What are the causes of MMD?

The causes of neurological disorders that cause minimal brain dysfunction include various factors - for example, experts note that a child is affected even before birth:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • pregnancy pathology (prematurity, threatened miscarriage, anemia, illness and poor nutrition of the future mother, fetal hypoxia, etc.);
  • pathology of childbirth (fast delivery, weak labor activity, asphyxia of the newborn).

In addition to these factors, the appearance of dysfunction in children can provoke:

  • malnutrition and even malnutrition;
  • various diseases associated with oxygen deficiency (for example, with bronchial asthma, the lungs poorly enrich the blood with oxygen).

attention deficit

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Parents who raise preschool children should be attentive to the behavioral and mental reactions of the baby in order to recognize neurological disorders in time.

It should be borne in mind that outwardly minimal brain dysfunction can manifest itself in different ways - it depends on the severity of the disorders and the characteristics of the child's psyche. It is important not to confuse the disorder with normal childhood activity or with common language disorders.

And yet it is not so difficult to determine the presence of this syndrome. Experts have classified the symptoms that occur with minimal brain dysfunction. Their main features include attention deficit, impulsivity and hyperactivity in children.

A child with attention deficit often switches between different activities, is not ready to listen and follow instructions and requests, has difficulty remembering

The entity manifests itself in pronounced inattention and has the following characteristics:

  • the baby does not respond to the appeal, although he hears it;
  • cannot concentrate for a long time even on an interesting activity (a game, reading a fairy tale, a film);
  • the older preschooler willingly starts to complete the task, but does not finish it;
  • in preparation for learning and during the learning itself, the child experiences difficulties related mainly to the organization of activities (games, tasks);
  • at any age, cannot concentrate on activities that require attention and certain mental efforts, rejects such activities;
  • they are characterized by frequent loss of things;
  • it is difficult for kids to memorize even the simplest texts or rhymes.

Hyperactivity as a symptom of dysfunction

With minimal brain dysfunction, it manifests itself from infancy by the following actions:

  • the baby sleeps restlessly or very little;
  • from an early age, the preschooler becomes restless, is in constant motion;
  • even in a calm state, he makes aimless movements with his arms and legs;
  • there is instability when walking, frequent falls are possible;
  • the child constantly touches objects, hits corners;
  • characteristic manifestation of anxiety in various situations, especially disturbing him;
  • the baby can often break things, toys;
  • fine motor skills are poorly developed, which in the future may manifest itself in poor handwriting, rapid hand fatigue when writing;
  • although there are minimal disturbances in speech, often the child is very talkative, interrupts, interferes in the conversations of adults;
  • with problems in the articulation of speech, it is difficult for them to build long sentences, so there are difficulties in retelling the text.

impulsivity syndrome

Minimal brain dysfunction in impulsivity syndrome is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • emotional lability is very sharply manifested (mood changes from upbeat to depressive);
  • children may have unreasonable outbursts of anger not only towards others, but also towards themselves;
  • the preschooler quickly answers questions without hesitation, without listening to the instructions;
  • allows destructive behavior during classes;
  • the child does not know how to lose, during the loss he can be aggressive, get into fights with other children;
  • cannot wait for distant reward, demanding immediate issuance;
  • does not obey the rules (behavior, games);
  • commits dangerous actions for himself and others, although he does not understand this;
  • during the performance of tasks, the child's unstable behavior easily changes from calm to aggressive (gets angry if the task does not work out).

What are the diagnostic criteria for MMD syndrome? The diagnosis is made when there are at least six symptoms that have been observed over the past six months. Parents need to take into account that children experience great difficulties when studying at school, but remember that it is not the level of development of intellectual abilities that plays a significant role, but the inability to realize them.

Treatment of children with MMD syndrome

Parents of children with MMD should not despair or expect that everything will pass as the child grows up. As a rule, those of them who are actively involved with their children, fulfill all the appointments of specialists, and get good results. The main thing is that timely diagnosis is carried out and the correct treatment is prescribed. According to experts, as a result of actively carried out therapeutic measures, 70% of children catch up with their peers in development and do not differ from them in their behavior.

When treating MMD, it must be understood that it must take place in the interaction of a specialist, a child and the people around him in order to create a positive atmosphere around him. The main directions in the treatment are psychological and pedagogical correction, drug treatment, patience and consistency of parents.

A corrective program of therapeutic measures can be built as follows:

  1. Medications appointed only by a specialist. Medications, course, doses - everything should be under the supervision of a doctor.
  2. In psychological and pedagogical correction should include classes, games, psycho-gymnastic exercises that take into account all the problems of children with MMD. The correction system is compiled by specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, teacher) and carried out under their supervision. Tasks should be aimed at concentration of attention, development of thinking, memory, fine motor skills, have clear instructions with repeated repetition, because it is difficult for a child to focus on verbal explanations. At first, it is better to use visibility - for example, when performing graphic dictations with a pencil, show the beginning of work. It is also necessary to take into account that it is difficult for preschoolers to immediately assimilate educational material, so repetitions are needed, a return to what has been passed.
  3. Children with MMD must follow a clear daily routine organized and supported by surrounding adults. They are simply obliged to ensure that the baby wakes up, gets proper nutrition, goes for walks, plays games, goes to bed at the same time. Such implementation of the regime makes the work of the nervous system synchronous, while deviations loosen the nervous processes.
  4. Adjust movement activity the child will be helped by physical therapy, in which feasible exercises, sports games, swimming, cycling, skating are recommended.

Thoughtful physical activity is the best way to release the accumulated energy of the baby. Suitable for sports, group sections, swimming, cycling, roller skating

Raising a child with MMD in the family

  1. In a family setting, parents should remember that their frequent mood swings, family quarrels have a bad effect on the emotional well-being of the baby and can aggravate the course of a brain disorder, therefore, it is necessary to have unity of requirements between parents, the adequacy and clarity of actions, slow and friendly speech. Parents should be careful when communicating with the child with his peers. It is necessary to encourage friendship with a slow child in order to reduce emotional outbursts.
  2. For the same purpose, children should not be among large crowds of people, for example, in mass city events.
  3. Experts also advise instead of traveling abroad to hot countries to organize a summer vacation in a familiar place, for example, in the country. Include outdoor games in the air, swimming in a pond, walks in the forest in children's leisure, as this calms the nervous system.
  4. For the correction of fine motor skills, the development of mindfulness, memory, it is recommended to engage in creativity with the child at home: draw, sculpt, cut, glue. It is useful to read fairy tales, memorize poems in a playful way, listen to music, children's songs.
  5. Psychologists do not recommend attending sections, circles at this time until the treatment is over. When a preschooler begins to learn, the teacher should be told about the diagnosis in order to provide him with an individual approach.

When raising a child with MMD, parents should remember that complex treatment will help to cope with problems in a short time. According to the well-known doctor Komarovsky, children with minimal brain dysfunction can be influenced by their own example, patience and proper upbringing. So parents will quickly find an approach to their child.

Specific learning disability in children with MMD.

Methodical work of an elementary school teacher

Belyaeva Elena Olegovna. (GBOU school No. 594 individual education at home, St. Petersburg)

Specific learning disability - what is it?

How the human brain works, how mental activity is improved in the learning process - all these questions are very complex. Therefore, many people who try to help children who do poorly in school often fail to correctly understand the cause of their difficulties.

Until recently, it was believed that any child who has reached a certain age is able to acquire the amount of knowledge corresponding to this age. It was believed that all children are approximately the same, and their brain is a blank sheet of paper where certain knowledge must be “recorded” in the same way. The same children who could not learn the material at the same speed as their peers were automatically enrolled in a number of mentally retarded children.

However, in many underachieving children, psychological testing revealed perfectly normal and even high intelligence. They see and hear well. They are calm and balanced. In the family, they have created all the conditions for normal development and education, however, they can not manage to overcome the school curriculum. It is these children that we now call "incapable of learning."

Their "inability" is specific, i.e. it does not depend on external factors, such as family relations or parental education. The reason for the "inability", or rather "disturbed ability" is not the mental disability of the child. These children, in most cases, are quite full-fledged; they can learn, but only when we understand their problems and take appropriate action.

The modern view is that the cause of "specific learning disabilities" is some kind of brain disorder, the so-called "minimal brain dysfunction". This is a mild (minimal) brain damage

brain dysfunction

Cerebral palsy Epilepsy MMD Mental Child

retarded psychosis

Impaired Learning difficulties Impairments

activity dyslexia behavior



Genealogical "tree" of a specific learning disability.

MMD is the biological basis for learning disabilities. Being immature, these children do not have the ability for self-control, they cannot compete with their peers either in school or in life.

The figure shows the main symptoms that make up the essence of most complaints, both parents and school teachers regarding children with MMD.

Insufficient self-control

Impaired activity Impaired behavior and thinking

Hyperactivity Attention depleted

(including verbal) Inability to concentrate,

Motor clumsiness difficulty attracting attention

Apraxia Poor memory

Visual-motor impairment of perception

discoordination Violation of verbal

Violation of logical thinking


school failure

Dyslexia is a reading disorder. Since reading is the most effective way to gain knowledge, a reading disorder inevitably entails a lag in other subjects, and in general development. The child sees with anxiety and bewilderment that his peers in the class easily do what is not available to him. "Maybe I'm some kind of crazy?" such a child thinks, and may soon come to the conclusion that he is mentally retarded, a fool. Children with MMD are not always dyslexic. Reading impairment is only one of the symptoms, perhaps the most important, but by no means the only one.

Dysgraphia is a writing disorder. Non-spelling errors. Dysgraphia can be of 5 types:

1) Acoustic-articulatory (tongue-tied in writing)

Violation of oral speech is reflected in the letter.

Rama (rama, lama, vama, pit), etc.

2) Acoustic dysgraphia, due to the unformed speech-acoustic auditory system. The same errors are characteristic as with type 1 dysgraphia, but the child speaks correctly.

3) Optical-graphic dysgraphia. As a result of the unformedness of optical processes (the eye or hand did not remember it that way). Replacement of letters similar in style:

- Underwriting by the number of elements: m-l, m-p, w-i,

-Mixing letters by location in space: d-in, t-sh, p-i

-Mixing letters according to an additional dissimilar element: w-sh, i-ts: i-y.

-Mirror letter

4) Dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of language analysis and synthesis.

This type of dysgraphia is the most common.

- skipping vowels, syllables

- underwriting


- unjustified mergers (pretexts, etc.)

- gaps (double le)

5) Agrammatic dysgraphia.

Inability to coordinate, manage (verbal control), issue prepositions.

Before performing any task, a child suffering from MMD must concentrate. If at this moment someone distracted him, if a window opens in the class, etc., he will not hear at all what the teacher is saying. Our child's memory suffers precisely in the sense that he does not remember a long sequence. Children with MMD are not able to achieve skill automation as quickly as their peers. Shortly after the start of the lesson, our child realizes that he has “dropped out” of the general flow, of the general work in the class. If, in addition, he is upset about something, if today is one of those "bad" days, if he has a presentiment that all his attempts and efforts will lead to nothing, you can imagine what the result will be! This inability to do things automatically, the inability to control one's attention and concentration, is the main difficulty of the child with MMD.

Dysgraphia, dyslexia, like a congenital inability to distinguish colors (color blindness) or sound (lack of musical ear) is not a sign of mental retardation, unwillingness to learn or poor teacher performance. Unfortunately, we often confuse cause and effect.

Help group for children with MMD (teacher-parents-doctor)

In this group, the teacher is the main protagonist. Being, as it were, a link between the school, as an education system, and the individual student, the teacher daily deals with the very root of the problem. He has the opportunity to be the first to detect a learning disability in a child and must take on the responsibility of informing parents about this. Moreover, in a number of cases, the teacher is the only person who invents and implements corrective measures with a lagging student and helps him overcome school failure. This group includes teachers who are not interested in the disease itself, but in the child with his problems and difficulties. They understand that children have individual abilities and try to treat each child as it is necessary in this particular case. We strive to personalize learning as much as possible. The teacher must

to understand how afraid the child is to make some kind of oversight and thereby reveal his weakness and failure to everyone. The teacher should emphasize all the good and ignore the bad. In addition to establishing a good relationship with the child, the teacher tries to make contact with his parents. Parents are the most important members of the "rescue team" and need special guidance to coordinate their actions with those of the teacher.

Basic tips and rules for the teacher:

1) Try to replace the speech methods of transmitting information with graphic ones.

2) Allow the child to use any methods of solving the problem that will help him. Let him run his finger along the line while reading, let him count on his fingers, etc.

3) Parents should not do homework for their child.

4) Let the child pronounce the text when writing. In this way, you put in place a multisensory approach to teaching a child with MMD.

5) Support your child's achievements. Learn the way that helps your child learn.

6) Teach the child right away from the handwritten text, because there is no gap between the letters, as in printed text.

7) Do not attach special importance in the eyes of the child and his parents to grades for control work. However, it is necessary to let the child understand how happy the teacher and all those around him are when he manages to achieve good results.

It must be understood that the very act of trying to help rather than punish is already a huge step forward in terms of correction.

The teacher is a doctor. The teacher helps the child overcome the reluctance to take medication. All correction must be accompanied by a doctor. Medications such as medicines, physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy plus sports can make our child's life much easier, especially when the child begins to make the first progress. Skeptical parents often tend to listen more to the opinion of the teacher than the doctor. A teacher who understands the painful nature of those disorders will contribute to the achievement of the main goal - to help the child achieve his maximum, realize his true potential in learning.

Parents.Depending on the attitude towards the child and his problem, parents can be divided into 3 types. The first group includes those who deny the very possibility of any violations in the child. In their opinion, their child has always been so smart and quick-witted that his poor performance at school can only be explained by poor teaching.

Parents of the second type understand that the child is not doing well in school. But they believe that if the teacher were a little more strict with the child, more demanding, the results would be much better.

Parents of the third type evaluate their child realistically and readily follow all the advice if they see the sincere interest of the specialist. They themselves are actively looking for those specialists who could help them.

child - parents. The child needs to be loved for who he is (“acceptance”), he needs to feel included in the family structure (“inclusion”), he needs care from his parents (“care”). Here are 3 factors - acceptance, inclusion, care, which form the foundation of good intra-family relations.

Parents are teachers.Parent-teacher relationships require a certain level of candor and self-respect. Once parents understand that the teacher is interested in their child and wants to help them learn better, they develop a sense of trust and respect for the teacher. If a teacher uses an individual reward system, grading, or temporarily cancels the grading system in order to remove the element of competition that is traumatic for the child, he must notify the parents.

In my practice, there were two students diagnosed with MMD. In both cases, restlessness, fatigue, low performance were observed. Children were often distracted, asked to leave, could not sit still, jumped up if the phone rang, someone came. In the conditions of teaching such children at home, work with them is simplified. I could adjust the time of the lesson, make changes more often, periodically distract the child on extraneous topics, or change the type of work. Having determined what type of memory prevails in a given child, I could, relying on a “healthy” analyzer, choose the material more correctly and build a lesson.

Both of my students had dysgraphia against the background of impaired language analysis and synthesis with elements of optical dysgraphia. Work in the Russian language lessons became more difficult. I had to divide the lesson into three parts. The beginning of the lesson was devoted to new material (because by the end of the lesson the guys were already uncollected and their attention was scattered). The second part of the lesson is to carry out work on the prevention and correction of dysgraphia, and the third part of the lesson is to repeat the material covered earlier. The students came to me in the third grade. They had problems with learning even in the first, so part of the material studied earlier remained unlearned by them.

The work to correct dysgraphia was carried out by me as follows:

We cannot work with a broken function. Developing this function, it is necessary to rely on preserved analyzers.

- A lot of attention to phonemic processes, sound pronunciation. When writing, the student first pronounces the word aloud, as if dictating to himself. Four components in each lesson: 1) listen 2) speak 3) read and only then 4) write

-I actively use word schemes. They are different and depend on the disorder observed in the child. For example: - with optical dysgraphia, the child did not form the image of the letters b-d, and we ask, based on phonetic perception, to make diagrams for these words, highlighting only the given letters

Kindness d-b----, drum b---b--, hip b-d--, etc.

In case of violation of sound analysis and synthesis, both sentence schemes and word schemes can be used. The kitten is playing. \___ ____. The kitten is playing with a ball. \___ ___ _ ___. The kitten is playing ball on the grass. \___ ___ _ ___ _ ___. Fluffy kitten plays ball on the carpet. \___ ___ ___ _ ___ _ ___.

Highlight only vowels in the word: gift -o-a-o- or simply graphically (-vowel, o consonant) -o-o-o-

Compose a word according to the scheme -o-o-a (cow, straw, etc.). -ah porridge, Masha, ours, wound, punishment, phase.

-o- juice, rock, cook, current, side.

-Make a word from the 1st sound of the wordR uka

2nd sound word pA on

3rd sound word reTo A cancer

- Graphic dictations. The student writes only the number of letters in the word separated by commas. I dictate: table, oak, gate, nose, firewood, etc. The child writes down: 4,3,6,3,5.

Determination of the number of syllables and stressed syllable: X - stressed syllable, x - unstressed syllable.

I dictate: a horse, a bicycle, pasta. Xx, xxxx, xxxx - the child writes

-You can use the tactile analyzer to form the image of the letter. From fine sandpaper, cut out the desired letters and ask the child with his eyes closed to find the desired letter.

All kinds of tasks are also given for the development of attention, memory, games with letters and words, work with deformed text, tasks for expanding vocabulary.

Keeping a child's attention is not always easy. Despite the fact that I try not to change the lesson scheme, the form of tasks has to be changed. Along with the ESM, I also use proven ones. This andball handling (I throw the ball and at the same time say the task, the child thinks and answers, throws the ball to me. The task depends on the subject, topic, etc. For example: name a word with a double consonant, 47 + 17 =?, is an asteroid a star? etc. .). Develops coordination, reaction, attention.

Using homemade puzzles (this can be either a geographical map or a mathematical formula). Develops memory, perseverance, attention.

Job with finger or glove puppets (for example, when studying dialogue). .

It is important to remember that the game at school should rive the child's unstable attention to the lesson material, give new knowledge, make him think hard. The game puts students in search conditions, arouses interest in winning, therefore, children tend to be quick, resourceful, perform tasks accurately, and follow the rules of the game.

There are many more techniques to diversify and enliven the lesson. Hope some of my experience helps you.

Evaluation system.

Often, children transferred to us from public schools have major psychological problems. At school, they felt their failure, did not believe in their strength, were afraid to answer in class, often received only bad grades, felt dissatisfaction and irritation of teachers, parents, and ridicule of classmates towards themselves. Having come to us, they are afraid of change, they do not believe in themselves.

My first task is to remove the stigma of a loser from the child, to make them believe in themselves, to set up parents for positive contact with the child and with me. And here, along with other methods, an individual evaluation system begins to operate. Her task is to gently and painlessly for the child to bring him out of psychological problems and lead to a generally accepted evaluation system.

3 stages:

1) The duration of the stage depends on the child, how quickly he managed to adapt to new learning conditions, get out of the psychological crisis. At this stage, “3” and “2” are not put, the marks are slightly overestimated, additional tasks are given that the child will definitely cope with and will be able to get a good mark. A conversation is held with parents, the principle of the evaluation system is explained. Only when the child is liberated and believes in himself, we proceed to the second stage.

2) I stop overestimating, I add "3". Be sure to save additional tasks that are feasible for the child, thereby making the transition smoother.

3) I use the entire rating scale, keeping the child able to express himself in additional tasks, creative work.

Working with children with disabilities is difficult, but also extremely interesting. They always give us a push to be creative. Wish you luck!

Used literature and internet links.

Harold B. Levy "Square Pegs to Round Holes"

When parents complain about the uncontrollability of their children, in most cases I want to tell them (which I usually do): “Yes, you just haven’t seen truly uncontrollable ones and therefore you don’t understand how lucky you are.” ...This child rushed through the rehabilitation center like a hurricane. It seemed to be present in 3-4 places at the same time. He climbed everywhere, grabbed everything that came to hand, asked questions and, without waiting for an answer, rushed on.

He especially liked the black fax that stood on the director's desk. The fax machine was new and the director took great care of it. When the child reached for the fax machine for the tenth time, the director broke down and yelled. The kid rushed at him with his fists! Fear froze in my mother’s eyes forever, and she only repeated in pain: “Valerik, don’t! Valerik, come here! Valerik ... "This, of course, is an extreme case. Although also not hopeless. Through joint efforts with a neuropsychiatrist, we managed to correct the behavior of the unfortunate boy quite well. For six months he was engaged in an individual program, then he took classes in a psycho-correctional group. And although his behavior is not impeccable, this is heaven and earth compared to what was at the initial reception. When he first appeared on our horizon, Valerik was already seven years old. He knew how to read and count, but, of course, there could be no talk of any school, because Valerik was unable to sit quietly even for two minutes. Now he is in the second grade. True, there are only seven or eight children there, but before, Valerik, even with one child, went into such a frenzy that he could not be appeased. And now he sits out four lessons and tries to communicate with the children to the best of his ability.

Wants but can't

Between a calm, docile child and that indomitable hurricane that Valerik was at the first reception, of course, there are a lot of gradations. And most parents who write down their obstinate children as uncontrollable are mistaken. Managing a shrew isn't easy, but it's not that hard either. A lot of frisky, nimble children, on whom teachers and school psychologists are in a hurry to label hyperactivity, are also quite manageable, although they require a certain approach.

How can you tell a simply active child from a hyperactive one? And uncontrollable - from masterful?

Briefly, I would answer this: a hyperactive child sincerely would like to restrain himself, but cannot. There is no malice in his behavior. He really doesn't own himself. IT IS OWNED. Conflicting desires, unconscious inclinations, chaos, anxiety, fear, aggression possess. He is like a chip, drawn somewhere by a stormy stream of passions. That is, for all its external activity, internally it is completely passive. Wherever he takes it, there he will go.

Of course, every child can go into a rage and become uncontrollable for some time, but for a hyperactive child, these are not rare episodes, but a familiar state.

Willful children may well be possessed, but do not consider it necessary. With strangers, they usually behave much calmer than with home ones. And if they unbelt (for example, in a store, when I refuse them some kind of purchase), then this means that they are absolutely sure of their impunity: their mother will not dare to spank them in front of strangers. Having received a resolute rebuff, the obstinate people quickly "enter the mind."

Hyperactive children, on the contrary, behave worse in public than at home, since contact with strangers has a disinhibitory effect on them. Unlike masterful children who are masters at manipulating their relatives, an unruly child does not pursue the goal of getting out and getting his own way. The Shrew does NOT BELIEVE that his bad behavior can lead to some unpleasant consequences. A hyperactive child DOES NOT UNDERSTAND this. He often does some dangerous things (e.g. grabs sharp objects, runs into the road), but he does it because of his inability to predict what will happen next, and not because he is looking for adventure or wants to tickle someone's nerves .

The difference between really uncontrollable and self-willed children is very clearly revealed in psycho-corrective classes according to our methodology with I. Ya. Medvedeva. A self-willed child does not want to show himself from a bad side (say, he refuses to play a scene, how his mood has deteriorated, because then he will have to demonstrate his whims). He perfectly understands that he is doing wrong, and he is ashamed. At best, you can persuade him to play a similar story not about himself, but about some other boy or girl. Or about an animal.

A hyperactive child will not give a negative reaction to such a task, but will go behind the screen with pleasure. In a minute, he, however, can run out of there, but not out of a sense of shame. It just carried him further. This child has low self-criticism. One gets the impression that he is not aware of his actions, willingly shows fights, cannot stop, quickly loses the plot thread.

Motor disinhibition is combined in a hyperactive child with reduced attention. It randomly switches from one object to another, which accidentally appear in its field of vision. Experts call such behavior "field". He grabs for this, for that, nothing is brought to the end. Often answers inappropriately, without thinking about the meaning of the questions. In the group, he constantly jumps forward, and when he goes out to speak, he does not know what to say. He does not listen to what is said to him. Acts like no one is around. He doesn’t know how to play with children, he sticks to them, just something - he starts to fight.

Slaps, shouts act on him for a short time (if they act at all). And no wonder, because, I repeat, such a child really CANNOT restrain himself. Shouting at him is like trying to stop a raging element with a cry.

Who is guilty?

When a sick child is born in a family, relatives usually ask themselves: “Who is he like?” And behind it, the question is clearly or implicitly visible: “Who is to blame?”

Hyperactive children are usually diagnosed with MMD (minimal brain dysfunction). These are residual effects of organic brain damage that occurred either when the child was still in the womb (for example, with severe toxicosis or Rh conflict), or during childbirth, or due to serious illness in the first months after birth.

So heredity here, apparently, has nothing to do with it. And the search for the guilty, even if they were (say, an inexperienced midwife), will not lead to anything constructive in this case. It is better for relatives not to shift the blame on each other, but to rally around the “difficult” baby and do everything so that he gets better.

What is it like to be the mother of a hyperactive child?

In my deep conviction, the most difficult "children's age is not at all a transitional one, but from a year to two or two and a half, when the kids are already running, climbing everywhere, but they still have not enough ideas. The head obviously does not keep up with the arms and legs. Most children of this age are in constant motion, and mothers are in constant tension. A little child calms down, so wait for a dirty trick.

But by the age of three, the child usually calms down, becomes more reasonable, and the mother can relax a little.

Mothers of hyperactive children (according to American data, boys suffer from this about 4 times more often than girls) and after three years they cannot relax for a minute. It is, of course, insanely hard. I spent only one day (or rather, evening) in the place of such a woman and for the rest of my life I remembered my fatigue and despair.

At the age of three, my youngest son had a minor operation, and he had to stay in bed for 24 hours. When he was allowed to get up, he became uncontrollable. As far as I understand, the experienced shock and forced immobility had such an effect on him. Hearing and seeing no one, Felix rushed along the corridor with the speed of sound, and his face, usually sly and intelligent, resembled a frozen mask. I got scared. I picked him up. He struggled, fighting with his hands and feet, and, in my opinion, did not recognize anyone around. The doctor warned me in the morning that the child should not run, so I held Felix with all my might and tried to distract him. How long our struggle lasted, I do not remember. I only remember that when he finally calmed down, I was completely exhausted. Felix was sleeping, and I thought longingly: “Is it really going to happen again tomorrow?”

Fortunately, the next morning his disinhibition disappeared like an obsession.

So when I hear unflattering comments from teachers or psychologists about the mother of a hyperactive child (say, she is indifferent, some kind of kluchna, or, conversely, she doesn’t let him take a step, suppresses), I want to say: “It is not known how you behaved in her place. It is possible that they would have gone crazy from the stress. ”

Depending on the characteristics of their psyche, mothers react to constant stress in different ways. One includes protective braking. The “horse-fire” will stand on her head, but this does not seem to concern her, although in the depths of her soul she will burn with shame. The second, on the contrary, is always on the alert, controls every step of the frantic child, gets annoyed, nervous, transfers her nervousness to him ... Of course, both styles of behavior are wrong, unconstructive, but it seems to me that first of all these women should be pitied. Life with a child who has to be constantly removed either from the closet or from the chandelier is a difficult test.

When mothers are ashamed of the violence of their sons or daughters, those around them sometimes perceive this as a sign of dislike. And in my opinion, on the contrary, it testifies in their favor. It is much worse when the mother justifies the child in everything, accusing other relatives, neighbors, educators, teachers of cruelty, intolerance, inhumanity, and so on. (They say that our country is like that, everyone is evil, like dogs, they hate each other, they are ready to bite their throats.) This means that the mother also does not adequately perceive the situation, she also has shattered or completely lacks ideas about the norms of behavior, and serve her child as a support she can not. In this case, the correction of children's behavior is significantly more difficult. In addition, by suggesting to the child that the world is hostile to him, the mother sows additional fears in him. And hyperactive children are already very anxious, although it may seem to an inexperienced person that they are absolutely fearless, "without complexes."

It is especially difficult for neat women, in whom there is not a shadow of bohemianism. They love order and comfort, and the element rages in their apartment from morning to night. The best option is when a mother unconditionally accepts a sick child, loves him wholeheartedly, but at the same time shows AFFECTIVE STRENGTH. And it makes sense to talk about this in more detail.

How to deal with a hyperactive child?

At first, almost the most important thing, in my opinion, is to let it into the mind that the child is SICK. It would seem, what is easier? Of course, he is sick, since he behaves like that. But it can be difficult for people to seriously consider his condition as a disease. And, JUST BECAUSE HE DOES THIS. So noisy, violent, ACTIVE. And the classical image of the patient is just the opposite: the patient lies in bed, he is lethargic and PASSIVE. This stereotype is so firmly stuck in our subconscious that we cannot get rid of it. And sometimes we make demands on the child as healthy.

When the parent finally admits the bitter thought, another difficulty arises. Some (of course, not all) begin to feel sorry for themselves the most. They think: “Why do I need such a cross? Why me and not someone else? Well, when a person is overwhelmed with self-pity, he does not have the strength to feel sorry for others. And there is irritation. It accumulates, accumulates, periodically breaks through and splashes out on the child. The next moment, the parent becomes ashamed, he hurries to make amends, makes the child indulgent, maybe even fawns over him. Then again he feels poor, unhappy, again irritated ...

At this stage, the most important thing is to learn to feel sorry not for yourself, but for the child. Not only because he really deserves much more pity (after all, he is sick, and not you!), But also because you SIMPLY HAVE NO OTHER WAY OUT. Otherwise, all efforts to help him will turn out to be Sisyphean labor. How to pity yourself - everyone determines for himself. There are no ready-made recipes and should not be. It is enough for someone to remember how he was once terribly worried, how he could not find a place for himself, and how he was hurt by the indifference, and even the annoyance of his loved ones. Someone can hardly put himself in the place of a child, his psychological defense works flawlessly, but then a certain valve opens slightly, and compassion pierces the person. Some people are helped by prayer. And someone comes to their senses, only realizing that he can lose this uncomfortable, violent, noisy child. And with the same passion with which he used to ask: “Why do I need such a cross?”, He begs God not to take it away. Let's assume that this stage will be passed. However, you have not yet passed all the underwater reefs. Many parents who feel sorry for an unhealthy child are tempted to indulge him in order not to "nerve". Moreover, some of the experts they turn to advise "to be very careful with him." No doubt, caution is needed. But what is meant by it in this case? What should you beware of?

Granite shores for seething chaos

When a child suffers from gastritis or allergies, doctors also advise the mother to be careful. But this does not mean that she should indulge all the taste whims of her son or daughter. On the contrary, despite the protests, children are put on a diet. And no amount of tantrums can shake the mother's resolve to follow the doctor's orders. They can't, because she understands: otherwise it will be worse. And the most self-willed child humbles himself. It can be funny to watch how a shrew who seems to “not recognize any prohibitions” voluntarily refuses chocolate, saying: “I can’t do this.”

A similar picture can be observed in a hundred other cases when it comes to bodily diseases. When it comes to the psyche, something suddenly changes in the perception of the parents. Talks begin about difficulties, about incompatibility of characters, about lack of time, etc. There is a temptation to simply expand the scope of what is permitted, to convince yourself and others that the child’s behavior is generally normal, everything is not so dramatic ...

Probably the trick here is that the psyche cannot be seen, cannot be touched. And what you do not see, as if it does not exist ...

In fact, a hyperactive child needs a psychic diet as much as a child with a sick stomach needs a nutritious diet. And it should be followed just as steadily. Since chaos is raging in the soul of a child, it is necessary to streamline his life and inner world as much as possible. Remember, the more furiously the elements rage, the stronger the shores should be. Otherwise there will be a flood.

More than anyone else, hyperactive children need to follow a strict daily routine. Yes, of course, they will try to break it (just like an allergic person at first craves to eat a chocolate bar or an orange), but if you steadily show firmness, they will get used to it. It is useful to hang a detailed schedule on the wall and appeal to it as a kind of given, independent of your will. For many preschoolers, this has a mobilizing effect.

At that time, of course, you need to make allowance for the fact that a hyperactive child, like a car with weak brakes, has a longer stopping distance than usual. Therefore, if, say, it is time for him to finish the game, do not demand that he do this immediately, but warn in advance that the time is running out. In general, such children have to be asked several times. This is their feature, and it must be reckoned with.

Strict discipline is also required from parents. However, for them it is expressed primarily in the fact that they must get used to speaking measuredly and soothingly, without irritation. Difficult? - But it is even more difficult for a child to fulfill your requirements, but you still achieve something. If he is six years old, then you have probably already taught him to read, and this, I assure you, is a much more serious task than learning to restraint.

An excitable child should carefully dose impressions. An excess of pleasant, vivid impressions is also harmful for him. But you should not completely deprive him of entertainment and trips to interesting places. However, if you see that he begins to wake up, it is better to leave. Nothing that you do not watch a play or a circus performance. Just don't take it as a punishment. It is better to say: "You are tired, let's go, you need to rest." Let the child have pleasant memories from his appearance in public. And then he will begin to be afraid to make mistakes and from this he will behave even worse.

It is extremely important to learn to catch the moment when he begins to get overexcited, but has not yet completely overexcited.

This requires heightened attention from the mother, but it is quite possible to train it. Once upon a time you learned to determine by the crying of a baby what he wants. And from the outside, it seemed like a completely incomprehensible science. Having caught the moment of overexcitation, try to distract the child, seat him on your lap, shaking him like a little one, whisper something soothing, relaxing to him in time. For example: “Wait, wait, wait ... Well, wait, I’ll tell you what ... Now ... now we are with you ... you know what we will do with you now? Now we will go to the kitchen with you, we will get ... what will we get? No, not a saucepan ... and not a frying pan, and not even a plate ... We will get ... such a tasty, such a beautiful carrot (apple, candy, etc.) ”.

The repetition of words creates a rhythm, bewitches, and bodily contact with an adult, especially with a mother, is wonderfully relaxing.

It is useful to involve children from 4-5 years old in moments of excitement in a dialogue (not about the reasons for their bad behavior, but on some extraneous, interesting topic). Ask simple questions that don't require lengthy answers. An overexcited child does not think well, he is all in the power of seething chaos. To engage in a dialogue, he will have to willy-nilly think about his answers and break free from the power of emotions. With any children it is important to exist in dialogue mode, and especially with hyperactive ones. Meanwhile, it is with them that adults, as a rule, communicate either with the help of commands (“remove”, “do”, “do not touch”), or burst into long, emotional monologues, which for the most part turn out to be monologues into the void.

In general, such children need to intensively “develop their heads”. Not in the sense of learning to count, read and write. Even too much attention is being paid to this now. I mean the development of the habit of comprehending what is happening, thinking about the causes, predicting the consequences, correctly interpreting your feelings and the feelings of other people.

For this ideal puppet theater, role-playing game with toys. It enables the child to evaluate both his own behavior and the behavior of others, "get into someone else's shoes", rehearse the correct behavior patterns.

In puppet scenes, you can play a variety of situations that cause psychological difficulties in a child. The scenes should be very simple and built on the principle: "Bad option - good option." Let's say, it is played out how a child interferes with his older brother to prepare homework, and the case ends in a brawl. And then - a positive option, an ideal model of behavior, avoiding conflict (even if this practically never happens in a child's life). As you move forward, the scenes should become more complex, diversified, acquire fabulous or adventure details.

Kindergarten is contraindicated for such children. It is better not to even try, so as not to injure the child. He can't interact with a lot of kids at all. Invite one, maximum two, to your home and keep their games under control in order to quickly intervene in case of anything and prevent conflict from flaring up.

You will say: “But how to accustom him to the team?”

Everything has its time. For a hyperactive preschooler, communication with an affectionate, patient mother is most important.

All children are more willing to learn something if they are interested. This is a banal truth. But for some reason, many parents of “difficult” children find it indignant. They want their children to learn “just like that”. A hyperactive child SHOULD be interested. Otherwise, nothing will work. This is a given that you have to accept, even if you are deeply disgusted. Moreover, his interest is unstable, volatile. Due to its peculiarities, it cannot keep attention on the same thing for a long time. Therefore, when teaching him something, it is necessary to alternate activities, often bring something new into the process, reinforce the child’s interest in a variety of ways.

For example, Valerik, who was mentioned at the beginning of the article, could not hold his attention for more than a few minutes during the first lessons. He did everything like a meteor: he drew, wrote numbers, letters. Once - and he is no longer on the chair. We arranged numerous breaks with him, when I allowed him to just run around, but then we returned to the table or behind the theater screen again. Something new was happening there all the time: new toys appeared, new tasks were given. However, my main goal remained unchanged: I trained his attention, taught him dialogue. Gradually, the pauses were shortened, Valerik became more diligent, and when he was included in a group of six children with his parents, he withstood one and a half to two hours of classes with one break quite well.

Since hyperactive children have such scattered attention, you need to try so that nothing distracts them during classes. The American doctor Renshaw advises to place a desk against an empty, undecorated wall, to avoid bright colors and complex ornaments when decorating a children's room or a children's corner. Do not give a hyperactive child too many toys at once. When he is preparing his lessons, turn off the radio, TV or tape recorder.

Renowned Russian psychiatrist Prof. Yu. S. Shevchenko, who works a lot with hyperactive children, advises parents to make a list of complaints about the child’s behavior, however, not to indicate generalized names, such as “whims”, “disobedience”, “sloppiness”, but to define clear, as simple and understandable behavioral “targets”: “beats sister”, “does not always brush his teeth in the morning”, “scatters his things”, “takes someone else’s without asking”, etc.

Thus, it is not the qualities of the child that are difficult for him to change, but his specific actions that are criticized. It is easier for a child to understand what they want from him. And adults can build a hierarchy of goals and not demand everything at once.

In addition, this is a good test for the parents themselves. Very often they understand that they made excessive claims to the child, demanded perfection from him. What are at least such complaints worth: “DOES NOT LIKE to take out the garbage”, “DOES NOT LIKE when they make comments to him”, “DOES NOT ALWAYS obey the elders”!

Do you like taking out the trash?

Do not pull the child every minute. It will just turn off and won't hear you. Of course, he must know the word "no", but, as with all children, we must try to make them convinced by their own experience of the harmful consequences of their misconduct. Of course, with hyperactive children in this sense, you should be more careful. But all the same, if the child does not have a real experience of retribution for disobedience, he ceases to believe the warnings of adults.

A classic example: a toddler stubbornly reaches for a teapot. You can get on your nerves, repeating “no” a hundred times and risking that for him it will turn into a fun game. And you can give him to touch a hot kettle. Not hot, but hot. Then the baby will not burn his hand to blisters, but will feel pain. Most children learn this lesson the first time. For a hyperactive child, once will most likely not be enough, however, this does not mean that "nothing reaches him." Comes. True, not as fast as before. They must at least do something slower than the rest!


For many parents, the thought of drug treatment seems unbearable. They are ready to turn to anyone: to grandmas, psychics and other "healers", to carry out the wildest recommendations, but just not to give the child the pills that the psychiatrist prescribes.

Others completely rely on psychotherapy, work with psychologists, try different methods and approaches.

However, with organic disorders, any, even very effective, psychological and pedagogical methods will work halfway. If the brain is damaged, then it must be treated. And in parallel to teach - patiently, persistently teach the child how to behave. After all, no pill will teach you this.

As for side effects, firstly, children are usually given medicines in microdoses, and secondly, it is much more harmful when a child is constantly excited, “boils” in such a chaotic “broth” and exhausts everyone, including himself. Among other things, this slows down its development, because most of the energy is spent for other purposes.

The selection of drugs is a delicate matter. In many ways, this is the art of the doctor. Therefore, try to find a specialist to whom you can trust, and if it seems to you that the medicine has some kind of wrong effect, do not hesitate to contact him once again.

Correctional games

A common mistake of parents and teachers, as noted by prof. Shevchenko, lies in the fact that a hyperactive child is required to simultaneously focus attention, perseverance and restraint. That is, they entrust him with a triune task, with which not every adult is able to cope. But it is precisely these qualities that the child lacks.

It is much more useful to train each quality separately. Give a game that requires concentration, do not limit the impulsiveness and movement of the child. Developing perseverance, do not strain active attention. When a child is learning restraint, don't overburden him intellectually.

There are a lot of games that help develop attention, train perseverance and endurance. I will cite just a few here.

Development of attention

The game “Claps” develops the attention well: the child must “slap” the rhythm set by the leader. Simple at first, then more complex.

"Reflection in the mirror": it is necessary to repeat his gestures after the leader. A more complicated version of this game is “Late Reflection” (reproduction of the previous movement begins when the leader is already showing the next one). You can agree to skip any movements (for example, squats or forward bends).

Useful ball games like "Edible-inedible."

Perseverance training, overcoming disinhibition.

Freeze and die games. You can simply agree that the players must remain motionless for a certain time. Gradually, these intervals should be lengthened. You can play "Day-Night": when the host says: "Night", the players freeze. When the "day" is announced, it is allowed to move. Children are very fond of the game "The sea worries once." “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three,” the presenter says, “the marine figure freezes in place.” The winner is the one who stays the longest without moving.

Endurance training, impulsivity control

“The lady sent a hundred rubles, take whatever you want, don’t wear black and white, don’t say “yes” and “no”: the child is asked questions, and when answering, he must comply with the above conditions. You can impose a ban on some other words or actions.

"Keep the Rhythm" - Each player plays the rhythm by adding one clap. “Continue the phrase” - the players build a sentence by repeating what the previous players said and adding their own word. For a disinhibited child, keeping 8-10 words in memory is a huge achievement. For children of middle school age, the game can be complicated: let them add not a word, but a sentence. This will be the game "Continue the story." Once you've made significant progress in single-feature games, move on to combo games. For example, try to play blind man's blind, without tying the child's eyes, but simply offering them to close. Say, "This is going to be an honest game." To justify the high title of an honest person, the child will control himself for at least a short time, suppressing the desire to spy on the players. Praise him for this, because for him even a small effort of this kind is a feat.

Well, of course, a hyperactive (as well as just active) child should be given the opportunity to throw out his energy.

Introduce such children to various sports, teach them to dance, let them play outdoor games in the fresh air, etc. But classes in sports sections, where discipline is strict and coaches are focused on forging champions, will be an excessive burden for them.

Based on the materials of the book by T. Shishova

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