The river song of the heart is doctor who. River Song character: description and interesting facts

Race A person with the traits of a time lord home planet asteroid Demon's Sanctuary Native era LII (52) century Appears in Silence in the Library Played by Alex Kingston
Nina Toussaint-White (Mels)
Maya Glais-Green (little Mels)
Sydney Wade (little Melody)
Harrison and Madison Mortimer (infant)

River Song(name at birth - Melody Pond, Later - Mels; genus. in the LII (52) century, the asteroid Demon's Sanctuary) is a fictional character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, created by Steven Moffat, the third and final regeneration of Melody Pond. Former series head writer Russell T Davis said that she is one of the most important characters, which was confirmed in the seventh episode of season 6.


River Song first appeared in the series in 2008 (Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead). Then, in the 51st century, she told the Doctor that she was the person he completely trusted. River had his sonic screwdriver, but more powerful and with new features, as well as a diary containing information about the Doctor, including his future (since she had already met him in her past, but in his future). Maybe River knows the Doctor's real name. At the end of the episode, she sacrifices herself and remains forever in the supercomputer's memory. Thus, this meeting was the Doctor's first, but River's last.

River then reappeared in the 2010 season, facing off against the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith). It was an earlier point in her timeline. In the episodes "Time of Angels" / "Flesh and Stone", it turns out that River is in prison for "murdering the best person she knew." At the same time, she called the Doctor "the best person she's ever known". Repeatedly, she told him that they would meet when the Pandorica opened.



Appearances in Doctor Who

Season 5 (2010)
Number # series original name Screenwriter Director release date Code
206a 4 Angel time Time of Angels Stephen Moffat Adam Smith April 24, 2010 5.4
206b 5 Flesh and stone Flesh and Stone Stephen Moffat Adam Smith May 1, 2010 5.5
212a 12 Pandorica opens The Pandorica Opens Stephen Moffat Toby Haynes June 19, 2010 5.12
212b 13 Big Bang The Big Bang Stephen Moffat Toby Haynes June 26, 2010 5.13
Season 6 (2011)
Number # series original name Screenwriter Director release date Code
214a 1 Impossible astronaut The Impossible Astronaut Stephen Moffat Toby Haynes April 23, 2011 6.1
214b 2 moon day Day of the Moon Stephen Moffat Toby Haynes April 30, 2011 6.2
218a 7 A good man goes to war A Good Man Goes to War Stephen Moffat Peter Hoare 4 June 2011 6.7
218b 8 Let's kill Hitler Let's Kill Hitler Stephen Moffat Richard Senior August 27, 2011 6.8
222 12 Closing time Closing Time Gareth Roberts Steve Hughes September 24, 2011 6.12
223 13 River Song wedding The Wedding of River Song Stephen Moffat Jeremy Webb October 1, 2011 6.13


see also


  • River Song (English) on the website

River Song is a fictional character from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who.

River Song first appeared on Doctor Who in the Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead double episode in 2008. The Tenth Doctor happened to meet Song on a huge library planet. Unfamiliar with River before, the Doctor confided in her at first sight; as it turned out later, this trust was not in vain - River Song later became an important part of the life of the Time Lord. A professor of archeology, River Song carried around an interesting travel journal - designed in the manner and colors of the Doctor's own time machine. Being a time traveler herself, by this moment she knew the Doctor very, very well; the woman managed to prove the fact of acquaintance to the Doctor by whispering his real name in his ear - which is one of the greatest secrets of the Universe. In a cruel twist of fate, it was the meeting between Song and the Doctor that was the first for the Doctor and the last for Song - the woman was forced to sacrifice herself in order to save the captives in the library's database. Such self-sacrifice was originally planned by the Doctor himself, but River was ahead of him. Song, however, was not completely destroyed - the Doctor managed to upload her consciousness into the library's computer.

River Song returned in the 2010 series. In the episodes "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone", Song met with the Eleventh Doctor, who was apparently well known to her. In the same episode, River showed her ability to drive a "TARDIS" - much better than the Doctor himself - and told her old friend that she was serving a sentence in a certain prison institution - for the murder of "the best person I know". In the season finale, the two-part episode "The Pandorica Opens"/"The Big Bang", River Song played a key role in saving the Doctor and closing the cracks in the space-time continuum; in parting, the woman confessed to the Doctor that she was married - and promised that he would soon find out the whole truth about her, and this truth would finally change everything.

In the episodes "The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon", River Song, along with the Doctor's current partners, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, become witnessing the death of the Doctor at the hands of a strange creature in a space suit. Back in time, the Doctor and his team meet with a little girl wearing a similar suit; as the Doctor himself explains, the suit is a life support system. Later, the girl demonstrates the ability to regenerate, similar to the one possessed by the Time Lords. The story of the strange girl—and, by the way, River Song—is finally explained in the episodes "A Good Man Goes to War" and "Let's Kill Hitler". turns out to be the daughter of Amy and Rory, Melody Pond (Melody Pond); conceived in the "TARDIS", the girl is the carrier of the DNA of the Time Lords. Kidnapped by agents of Silence, Melody must become their weapon in the fight against the Doctor. The news of the kidnapping becomes a real shock for the heroes, however River comforts her grieving parents, she knows for sure that their daughter is safe, as she herself is this daughter.As it turns out, the name "River Song" itself is the result of a double translation of the name "Melody Pond" into an alien and back. In the course of this translation the word "Melody" (melody) becomes "Song" (song), and the word "Pond" (pond) becomes "River" (river).

Agents of Silence are preparing a professional killer out of the girl, however - as already known from previous episodes - Melody River manages to gain freedom. After regenerating, she takes the name "Mels" for herself - and becomes a childhood friend of her own mother. After regenerating again and finding his final form, River Song still kills the Doctor; however, she immediately realizes the fallacy of her actions and resurrects the dead with her own regenerative energy - along the way, she herself loses the ability to be reborn. It is at this point that River-Melody receives her travel journal from the Doctor—still empty. Agents of Silence still force River to make an assassination attempt on the Doctor, but Song refuses to kill at the last moment; this deals a major blow to the timelines and creates an absolutely incredible alternate reality. The Doctor eventually convinces River to kill herself and return time to normal; as it turns out later, the Doctor is actually faking his own death. In the same episode, by the way, the Doctor and River enter into a marriage alliance. It is for the murder of Doctor Song that they are sent to prison; this, however, is a dubious punishment - the woman clearly does not experience the slightest difficulty in organizing regular escapes.

After the Doctor erases all data about himself from the databases of the Universe, the accusations against Song become meaningless and River goes free. The next time River meets the Doctor - and, by the way, his parents - is in the episode "The Angels Take Manhattan". This meeting takes place under sad circumstances - due to the machinations of the Weeping Angels, Amy and Rory forever part with the Doctor, stuck in a fixed past. With River's help, they deliver a farewell message to the Doctor. River herself travels with the Doctor for some time, but refuses to be his full companion.

River's last appearance to date was in the 2013 episode "The Name of the Doctor". The most recent chronological version of Song appears here; her consciousness is unloaded from the library computer. After forging a psychic bond with the Doctor's new companion Clara Oswald, River helps her find the Doctor's grave - and subsequently opens it by saying the Doctor's real name. River is supposed to exist all this time as a disembodied ghost, visible only to Clara; later it turns out that the Doctor saw River all this time, but did not want to acknowledge her existence, so as not to aggravate the joint suffering. After kissing her husband goodbye, River finally closes all her lines and disappears.

River Song is a fictional character from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. In fact, the heroine is the only one in the story who managed to kill the Doctor directly twice. In addition, she is his wife, as well as a brilliant archaeologist who became a hostage of the "Order of Silence" hatred towards the Time Lord.

River Song's character is ambiguous, her story is convoluted, and her narrative is sketchy. As it became known later, such an action was taken intentionally. However, it was River Song who took the most active part in the plot. Moreover, she became the missing piece that closed the original storyline and development of the version of the universe shown in the series.

Character characteristic

River Song is the third regeneration, that is, full materialization in the new body of Melody Pond. If you translate both phrases, you get - "River Song" and "Melody of the Pond". Such a play on words is allowed on purpose, prudently pushing the viewer to the correct answer regarding the origin of the heroine. Since she was born into the Tardis during the jump, she is endowed with some of the abilities of the Time Lords, such as the regeneration described above. She is smart, cunning, multi-degree, a brilliant archaeologist, skilled with the Tardis and the sonic screwdriver given to her by the 12th Doctor.

First appearance in the series

The actress who played River Song landed her role by chance. The image was prepared for Kate Winslet, but she refused for unnamed reasons. Russell T. Davis, who created the character and acted as a key screenwriter for the project, said that he literally fell in love with Alex Kingston when she tried herself as the Doctor's wife. After that, the issue of the actress was finally resolved.

In the original project, she appeared in 2008. In the created universe, this is the 51st millennium. She is already an adult, remembers the Doctor well, has a diary that contains notes about the future of the Time Lord. She states:

“My past is his future. We travel in opposite directions. Every time we meet, I know him better, and he knows me worse. I live for our meetings. But I know that with each new date he will be one step further. And the day will come when I will look into his eyes, my Doctor's eyes, and he will have no idea who I am, and I think it will kill me."

The Doctor does not really remember River Song, but perceives her as a companion. The meeting takes place in the Library (episode 8 of the 4th season). In the course of the story, she skillfully uses a sonic screwdriver to reveal the secrets of the 10th Doctor. Sacrifices himself at the end of the episode, but is resurrected as part of the Supercomputer that controls the library planet. The viewer is left in the dark, as River Song as a character is not fully revealed. The library is the end point of her future, but the first moment of meeting the Doctor is in his past.

Second appearance and first secrets

Two years later, River Song returned to the story in the Time of Angels series. After that, she rejoined the Doctor in Flesh and Stone. At that time, the plot was already led by the 11th Doctor, Matt Smith.

She reiterates that she remembers the Doctor well and is quite close to him. In addition, she admits that she is in Stormcage prison, however, this does not prevent her from periodically escaping, at least 15 times, as the warden later claims. The reason for the conclusion was murder.

They put me in jail for killing the best man in the world."

Later, she awards the Doctor himself with the same epithet, the first suspicions appear that she is from the future. Finally, River Song warns the hero that he should beware of opening the Pandorica. The heroine disappears, as it turns out later, in her own timeline. It is noteworthy that River Song quotes constantly suggest to the viewer that she is familiar with everything that happens with the Doctor. In fact, such knowledge is dictated by experience, since her timeline is the events of the 12th Doctor and the 51st Millennium.

Meeting with mother

In the events of Pandorica, River Song unintentionally causes the Doctor to be erased from the universe. She escapes from prison in order to warn the hero about the explosion of the Tardis and gives the Doctor a painting by Van Gogh "Pandorica", but her actions only spur events. The Doctor is locked up in 102 AD, and after the explosion, he disappears from the universe forever. The 11th Doctor has been destroyed, and the 12th Doctor enters the scene. At the conclusion of the story, River Song says that she will meet the Doctor soon, referring to her own past, and "everything will be fine".

The heroine, through her diary, helps Amy remember the Time Lord. As it turns out later, the Doctor's companion is River's future mother. The heroine, by her actions, is trying to close the timeline in such a way as to avoid a paradox and at the same time not refute the fact of her birth, for which it is necessary that Amy continues to travel with the Doctor to the Tardis.

Who is River Song?

In short, she is the daughter of the union of Amy Pond and Rory. She was born at a military base in the 52nd millennium on the asteroid "Demon Sanctuary". The girl, like her mother, was stolen by the "Order of Silence", who cherished the hope of using River, first named Melody Pond, as the perfect weapon against the Doctor, whom he hated. Instead of Amy, and after Melody, ideal clones were planted, and the newborn herself fell under the control of the Kovarians. That is, when these events, described in the 7th episode of the 6th season "A Good Man Goes to War" take place, River Song is already dead in the Library, while not having been born before the start of the theater of operations on the asteroid base. From her future, she went to the past in order to help the Doctor there, but first things first.

Captured by the "Order of Silence"

She was held captive by the Kovarians for at least several years. She demanded that the girl call her mother, but constant torture and deprivation knocked out any concept of tenderness from the child. Later, Melody began to think that she heard voices. Her weapon was to be an Apollo spacesuit from the distant future, which the girl called "space man".

She was afraid of him, because the costume might not obey the girl. A few years later, she was sent to the 19th century. There she continued her studies. An interesting fact, she tried to call for help, and the suit forwarded her message to the only possible higher authority - President Nixon. It was her calls that caused the Doctor's trial in the 19th century. Melody's task is to kill the Doctor at Lake Silencio.

"Let's Kill Hitler"

The character Mels appears in this episode, supposedly an old acquaintance of Amy and Rory. In fact, Mels is Melody, who, having returned to the past, met with her parents. An interesting fact: after naming her daughter after Mels, Amy gave her a name in her honor. In the same episode, she regenerates into the image known to the viewer, that is, River Song performed by Alex Kingston.

She still kills the doctor with poison, but resurrects him almost immediately. After that, her main timeline begins, in which she goes to study as an archaeologist and enters the first entries in her diary.

River Song wedding

This episode has become a stumbling block for many fans. The story takes place on Lake Silencio. River, dressed in a spacesuit, discharges all the weapon systems into the air, not wanting to kill the doctor, after which she creates a time point that has become the starting point for an alternate universe. In it, the characters get married, and after touching each other, they go to the moment of the Doctor's murder, after which everything goes in a circle. But in the end, the point collapses, and River still shoots the Doctor, after which he ends up in jail. In an incomprehensible way, her husband comes to life, then the story continues. At this point, River is already leading the story in her future, but much earlier than when she first met the Angels and the Library, who are further down her line but in the Doctor's past.

"Angels Have Taken Manhattan"

Here the character plays only an indirect role, since the characters are guided by River's book, written under the pseudonym Melody Malone. The novel describes in detail all the adventures of the heroes, they carefully follow the plot, which more than once rescues the characters from alterations. River herself states that she vaguely remembers this episode, as she studied it a long time ago.

Final appearance

In The Husbands of River Song, her timeline and the Doctors converge. He remembers her, together they experience all the events, after which they begin to move in opposite directions. The 12th Doctor gives her a sonic screwdriver seen several seasons earlier, tells her about himself. She is revealed to know the Doctor's real name. At the end of the episode, the girl goes to the Library, where she sacrifices herself for the sake of the 10th Doctor so that the line of the Time Lord continues, the circle is closed. She continues to exist in the 10th Doctor's world as part of the Supercomputer, and disappears during the 12th Doctor's lifetime.

River Song states that she is a psychopath and does not belong on the Tardis. However, she sincerely loves the Doctor and is forced to sacrifice herself for the sake of continuing his story. The character turned out to be very interesting, and the plot is intricate and intriguing. This keeps the heroine among the most popular in the Doctor Who universe. The full story of the heroine is described in "Legends of the River Song". This is a five-book book about the adventures of Doctor Who's wife.

My past is his future. We travel in opposite directions. Every time we meet, I know him better, and he knows me worse. I live for our meetings. But I know that with each new date he will be one step further. And the day will come when I will look into his eyes, my Doctor's eyes, and he will have no idea who I am, and I think it will kill me.. (c) "Day of the Moon" (6.2)

This post was written by me on the eve of the anniversary, as part of the general holiday preparations. Today, in honor of Alex's birth, I'm going to tweak it a bit and include it in our shared story about the Doctor. Because this woman clearly needs a separate story. Retell biography river, unfold everything - a trick. Unfolded - and there is another candy wrapper. He unfolded it, and there was another one. Another one. Another one. Until a pile of crunchy papers and the bitterness of disappointment form around you.

River Song- the most fantastic character of the longest science fiction series in the history of television. Do you understand what this means? Fifty years of unbridled fantasy, speculation and deceit, among which River is the pinnacle. It is not just incredible, impossible, unreal, it is not comparable to anything or anyone. River Song is unique in that she, embodied in a specific character, is an inversion of the show.

Let's agree on terms

Inversion is a very versatile term. Inversion in logic (from the Latin inversio - turning over, rearranging) - reversal of meaning, replacement of "white" by "black". Remember, River is in jail for " killing the best man she knew". She's in jail for a crime she didn't commit. Spoiler. It's time to warn that I, of course, will diligently avoid them, but to completely ..

Inversion in geometry is a conformal transformation of the Euclidean plane or space. Take your mind off the precision of the scientific definition, just apply it to the situation. Didn't River's appearance change the show's narrative itself? The appearance of a man who knows more than the Doctor? More than the time-traveling Doctor? More than the Doctor, who sees at the same time the essence of things in the past future and the present? The appearance of a man who saves the Doctor from time to time significantly turned the story into a completely different plane.

Inversion related to permutations in mathematics- a key, or a pair of keys, that breaks the order in the file. River's appearance next to Ten showed for the first time that everything can be backwards for the Doctor, too.

Invert- bit operation that converts 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. Logical NOT.

Inversion in meteorology- an abnormal change in some parameter ( usually temperature) with increasing height. River - anomaly all over: birth, name, childhood, appearance in the series, death, life after death. The further history slips, the more anomalous its appearances.

Inversion in biology- a change in the structure of the chromosome, caused by a 180 ° turn of one of its internal sections. River is half human, half Time Lord. But unlike Jenny grown from a particle of the Tenth) and Handy ( resulting from the process of bilateral methocrisis in the process of regenerating Ten's and Donna's hands), River is a phenomenon of precisely changing human DNA under the influence of the time vortex in the TARDIS.

IN physics inversion populations - a state of matter in which the higher energy levels of its constituent particles (atoms, molecules, etc.) are more "populated" by particles than the lower ones.

Inversion in quantum mechanics- transformation of space, in mathematics called reflection. Plays an essential role in the theory of symmetries.

Inversion in rhetoric- a change in the normal order of words or phrases as a stylistic device in speech or fiction.

Inversion in literature (again from the Latin inversio - turning over, rearranging) is a violation of the usual word order in a sentence.

Finally, inversion in dramaturgy- a dramatic device that demonstrates the outcome of the conflict at the beginning of the play.

Last thing, inversion in this show- and there is river. She appears to perish and mark a new round. Each of her appearances is a permutation in time. Each of her decisions is a juggling of knowledge. Each action reverses the previous one. I did not even think that inversion could be so tenacious.

Everyone understands that such an interpretation is only a figment of my imagination. After all, in analytic languages ​​like River's native English, inversions are not common. Inversion in biology refers to genetics, but means a more complex and remote process from us. Only inversion takes place in dramaturgy, with the only subtlety that here, too, River makes such illogical leaps that time itself would renounce it. However, there is something basic that is better to know about River.


River Song is human. She has a father, mother, grandfather and husband. Specialty: archaeologist. Academic title: professor. The first appearance is during the RTD era, where Ten confronts Professor Song in the largest library in the universe. River dies at the end of the double episode, saving the Doctor, Donna, and the people saved in the computer's memory. The first thing River proclaims, we remember by heart:

Everyone knows that everyone dies. But not every day. Not today. Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all. Very rarely, once in a long time, one day in a million, when the wind blows at your back and the Doctor comes to the call, everyone lives. (c) River

The tenth will store it in the computer's memory. Save and leave in the forever closed library River's cherished diary. A diary that keeps his personal secrets. The diary he himself gave her. So that she could keep track of their meetings, record and prevent him from crossing her own timeline. The tenth will not read the diary, and several important questions will hang in space, provoking unbridled fantasy:

How does River Song know something no one else knows: The Doctor's name? When and how did she recognize him? Under what conditions?

River, you know my name. You whispered my name in my ear. There is only one reason why I would reveal my name to anyone. Only at certain times. (Tenth)

Why and how did the Doctor give River his sonic screwdriver? ( Why do we know, but when and how we still do not know)

Doctor: So at some point in the future, I'll just give you my screwdriver?
River Song: Yes.
Doctor: Why should I do this?
River Song: Well, I didn't rip it out of your cold, dead fingers, if that's what you care about.
Doctor: And I know that... because?

Is it true that we have the Doctor's wife before us?

Oh, for God's sake! Look at you, we're dying here, and you're arguing like an old married couple!(Suite)

We know River Song as the "child of the TARDIS" because she was conceived by Amy and Rory on their wedding night in the TARDIS. We also know that her native era is the 52nd century. That she was kidnapped by a certain organization "Silence" in order to turn her into a weapon against the Doctor. That she was capable of regeneration ( unlike Jenny with a change in appearance), but used them to save the Doctor.

A noteworthy fact we do not know exactly when and how, by whom this knowledge was transferred to her, whether it is part of the training or an innate gift), but River is characterized by an understanding of the complex laws of change in time and space. She is able to get out of the most protected prison in the universe with impunity. She masterfully controls the TARDIS, knows all its secrets and weaknesses. He easily copes with the most complex equipment, masterfully shoots from many types of weapons. Able to detect traces of the Doctor in space, track him down and find him. But what is most surprising: she knows how to convince him! This last one is truly amazing.

Yes, she is able to send messages to the Doctor on psycho-paper. Along with emoticons. Yes, it's true, she misses just like the Doctor. sent ( apparently) Eleventh, sent to the Tenth.

Doctor: I received a message on psych paper. (shows that the inscription appeared on it: " Come to the library as soon as you can. X»)
Donna: And who wrote you a message with a kiss at the end?

River is fearless and virtually unprincipled. She steals, kills, buys stolen goods, opens tombs. At the same time, she is the conscience of the Doctor. All her actions are subordinated to one thing: the preservation, rescue and safety of the Doctor. If you can connect it: get River. No, her character is unlikely to appeal to you.

Hello sweety!(With)

Suite: Who is this Doctor?
River Song: The only thing I can tell you is that you won't survive it.
Anita: You say that he is your friend. But he doesn't even know who you are.
River Song: Here's what you need to know: I'm ready to go to the end of the universe with him - and in general, we have already been there with him!

I will have to follow Moffat, I will leave the biography of the professor to you. However, even Wikipedia will give you a more or less linear narrative with an accurate indication of the episodes. I will try to play with something that can only aggravate the situation. Pour in oil. List all the questions that the character left unanswered. More than the River, only the Master and the Doctor left us with questions.

Please note that in its status " Professor”, just as in the names of the Master and Doctor, a scientific degree is played up. The degree of a person endowed with knowledge. Even outside the spoilers, Professor Song knows a lot: how to fool, how to cheat, how to manage, how to protect.

She is an excellent actress i'm talking about the character), because she has to play most of the time. For example, to portray surprise, fear, hatred. Shoot yourself, pretending not to know who exactly shot the Doctor. Bury him without revealing that he is alive. Do not recognize your own mother ... one universe knows what is not yet known to a person who moves with you in the opposite direction ... in time.

river: Rule number one...
Amy: The doctor is lying.
river: All the time. And me too. Spoilers! I had to pretend. Pretending I don't know you're my mom, pretending I don't recognize a space suit in Florida...

It is not even important that she always knows more than the Doctor, which constantly warns him about everything. It's amazing how seriously she takes everything that happens to him.

Doctor: I am displaying my vast knowledge, and there is no one here to enjoy! What's the point of being here then?
River Song (Emmy): Could you slap him sometimes?

She watches what he does, what he says, what he wears. Grumbles, gives slaps in the face, but makes sure that he loses weight. This is how wives behave. People who have been rubbing against each other for years. This is no longer Donna, who was daring, but knew the measure. River is not afraid of the Doctor's wrath. However, she is the daughter of Emily Pond. She is not distinguished by ... delicacy, but is distinguished by fidelity. It's also funny how she conveys her feelings for the Doctor with dignity and humor.

Doctor: Dr. Song, you have that face again.
river: What face?
Doctor: The face of "he's so passionate when he's smart."
river: This is my usual facial expression.
Doctor: Right.
river: Oh, shut up.
Doctor: In no case.

Doctor willingly admits rare case) her mind, dexterity, he does not even abhor Song's passion for weapons. It is difficult to say how much he is in love with her, but he flirts a lot and willingly.

Doctor: Oh, and this is my friend River. Cool hair, smart, armed. And unlike me, she really doesn't mind shooting people. I shouldn't like it. But what is curious, I actually like it a little.
River Song: Thank you, darling.

Her pseudonym is a play on words, because in Gallifreyan there is no: "Pond", meaning "pond", because the only water in the forest is the river, "River". We still don't know what came first: the pseudonym or River. Whether the Doctor came up with the name and told River, or the name came up on its own so the Doctor could tell River it. You can rack your brains for a long time, but the regenerated River learns this name from the Doctor. Yes, she is really bad with names: after all, she received her first name from her mother in honor of herself. That is, in honor of Pond's friend, in fact, her second regeneration, who found her parents and grew up next to them.

Amy: Is that... Melody?
Doctor: (disappointed) This is River Song.
river: (unexpectedly peeking around the corner) Who is River Song?
Doctor: Spoilers.

Now let's get to the main secret of River Song. The very one that lies in front of everyone, but does not give an answer.

River Song wedding

Churchill: You mentioned a woman.
Doctor: Yes. I'm just getting to her.
Churchill: And how is she? Attractive, I presume?
Doctor: The devil... on stilettos.

Who is River Doctor? Wife? Among the Time Lords, the institution of marriage is somewhat peculiar. Besides, River had no intention of " move to the TARDIS". Moreover, she will directly renounce it after the death of her parents: “ Whenever and wherever, but not forever. The TARDIS is enough for one psychopath».

She doesn't want to be with him forever. She does not claim it entirely. Doesn't seem to know jealousy. So pathetically grieving for Donna. She makes fun of her mother, who does not yet know that she is only a mother-in-law to the Doctor. Kind and tolerant of Clara. She knows all his secrets, but not one of them causes her rejection. The companions of the old school did not know this, especially Rosa and Marta.

At the same time, she does not hide her love, admiration and perfectly understands the nature of her feelings. One can only envy such irony:

river: That was a fatal mistake, wasn't it, Madame Kovarian? Take a kid, raise him to be the perfect psychopath, and introduce him to the Doctor. ( shrugs Who else could I fall in love with?
Doctor: Not funny, River. Reality is under serious threat. Tell me what do you understand?
river: Shall we have lunch?

It is she who voices what explains the "loss" of satellites from the Doctor's memory. " He doesn't like endings". She could live, if not forever, then indefinitely. But she gave all her regeneration to save him. The Time Lords killed for other people's regeneration - she gave it. Is she more human than a Time Lord? Or more, Time Lord, than themselves.

Doctor: I don't want to marry you.
river: I don't want to kill you.
Doctor: That's bad luck!..

This “rite” itself, which the Eleventh performs under her pressure, is only a way to resolve the paradox. How else to tell a stubborn one that she can't kill him? Say it so no one can hear? That's right, kiss.

It would seem: this is the moment when the Doctor said River his name. Answered the oldest question in the universe. But what will we learn? The doctor whispers in his wife's ear that's not it at all.

The question then remains: How did River know the Doctor's name? The name that gave her Tenth's trust. The trust that made her so important to Eleven. The name that will open his tomb. How and why the Doctor named him to her. After all, there was a greater secret and greater danger behind the opening of the tomb. We were waiting for answers from the anniversary series. They gave us a part, but is it all?

Doctor: And what is so dangerous in my future?
Dorium: On the fields of Tranzalor at sunset on the Eleventh, when no living being can lie or evade an answer, a question will be asked. A question that should never be answered.
Doctor: "Silence comes when the question is asked."
Dorium: A more faithful translation is "Silence must come." Silence strives to ensure that the answer never comes, that the Doctor never gets to Tranzalore.
Doctor: I don't understand why I'm here?
Dorium: First question. The oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight. Do you want to know him?

River says that she was taught to operate the TARDIS by "the best teacher" and it's not Eleven, who was "busy" at the time. So she saw someone else? She saw Ten, found Eleven, anywhere. What's stopping her from seeing more? Then she opened the tomb because she had to? At this point River officially) is dead. In Tranzalore "shamelessly" comes her shadow. A shadow that no one can see except the Doctor and Clara. It is stored on the hard drive of the largest library in the universe by the Tenth. But on the battlefield there is a gravestone with her name. This stone is a secret passage to the tomb. You can go crazy just reading all this rubbish. Given that she has a "mental connection" with the "impossible girl" Clara, it's safe to say that River is a product of the Doctor's hope. Who better than her to say what exactly his thoughts are:

When you run with the Doctor, it never seems to end. But no matter how hard you try, you can't run forever. Everyone knows that everyone dies, and no one knows this better than the Doctor. But it really seems to me that all the skies of all the worlds will darken if he, even for a moment, agrees with this.. (With)


River Song: We'll see you again when Pandorica opens.
Doctor: Pandorica? It is a myth.

River Song: Ah, Doctor! Like all of us.

Yes, River is a myth. A myth within a myth. The self-sufficient part of it. Whether there's ever a River spin-off or not, she's been inherited in a way that's just embarrassing at times.

Proud (" never show him your fear”), reckless, daring, in some ways marisyushnaya, but imperfect ( thanks to the talent of Alex Kingston) River. River is a myth about confronting fate. Her whole story is about this.

She overcomes her mother's infertility.
She defeats opponents much older than herself while running away from her captors.
She defeats predestination by loving the one she was born to kill.
Wins own feeling - fear. Fear of loving someone who will move away from you with each meeting.
Conquering death itself - returning to help once more.

You will become aggressive here if you are doomed to everything in advance. Being in jail for a crime you didn't commit. To see a loved one only at night ( who will remember the nature of the wandering myth about it? A very curious detail. Who saw her husband only in the darkness, under the veil of night, and having pulled him off, lost him forever?). To love a person who gradually "forgets" you, or rather ceases to know? To face the person who saw you die? Who are you already dead to?

Alex is great at playing an image that "evolves" in the opposite direction. River Ten does not need to flirt, in front of her is a LONG-LONG loved one. River Transalore can't flirt, it doesn't exist. River "Pandoriki" flirts with someone who has long been her. That is, when a woman no longer wants to flirt at all. I don't know how Alex handled it. I write and read all this ... and boil.

Inversion, as a technique, is designed to emphasize a certain task of drama, conflict, a larger work. She usually endures it, sharply denotes it. But it doesn't limit. The river is only part of the story, not the whole story. She's a shadow of something bigger. Should she be blamed for everything?

To save himself, the Doctor must be careful. It cannot cross its own time stream. River does it for him. She does what he himself cannot (should not) do. Isn't that why he keeps it? Isn't that what he teaches for?

river: Hi sweetie!
Doctor: What have you done?!
river: Well... it looks like I just disabled the weapons system.
Doctor: But everything is calculated! This is a fixed point in time!
river: (with an innocent look) Fixed points can be rewritten.
Doctor: Of course they can't! Who told you that?!

Oh, it's still a secret!

You always know when to show up, don't you, honey? River wiped the drops of water from her body with a towel and grinned as she looked at the blue doors of the Tardis. "Hey, wake up, Pond Junior, we're flying… oh," the Doctor froze for a moment at the door, "that's a bit of a… unexpected greeting," and darted back into the Tardis, from where shouts could be heard: "I'll wait until you get dressed." And hurry up, we're in a hurry! - Having fun while parents sleep? - throwing away the towel, River entered the Tardis and found the Doctor, who buried his face in the monitor, - ... Okay, I've already left. Snorting offendedly into space, the woman slapped her bare feet and disappeared into the corridor. - Nonsensical! Depraved! Girl! the Doctor stated, addressing the Tardis. From the depths of which an indignant “I hear everything!” - Hurry up, River! There was a woman's chest laugh and a roar. In front of the monitor, the Doctor straightened his bow tie and tried to put a strand of hair that had slipped out when River Song returned to the console in a revealing red dress: - Well, how? - she coquettishly stroked her waist and hips, - It seems to me, or are the shoulders too wide? With a forced smile, the Doctor waved his hands: - No, that's all ... Okay, nice. - Oh, there is still a cutout, - she turned her back, - not too deep? - No, not... River Song! You couldn't dress less… provocatively?! - Aren't we on a date? - Yes, but... - That's great, what's the problem? - Nothing, dear. The Doctor sighed resignedly and turned back to the console. River walked over and leaned on the console, turning around to face him. By the way, where did you get this dress from? He pierced her gaze: - Bought recently. River laughed in her deep voice. - Oh, you old debauchee! - Be quiet, Pond Jr., you'll wake up your mother, - the Doctor slyly flashed his eyes, starting to set the coordinates on the console, - You don't want your parents to spoil our ... date? - Believe me, whoever dares to do this will have a very hard time. So where are we going? The Doctor waved his hand vaguely at the other side of the console. "Turn those keys clockwise three times... Emn, this is supposed to be a surprise." - Oh, intrigue, intrigue! - River turned the keys and lowered the levers nearby, - I hope this is not some planetary eatery? Hey, you underestimate me! - You never know what will come into your crazy head. Last time, let me remind you, we sat in a smelly tavern until this vile guy deigned to return the Tardis to you. Why didn't you let me deal with him? The Tardis shook slightly, and River grabbed the console. The doctor gave her a strange look. - We had a date! I did great myself. Besides, that guy was pretty nice, - he shrugged his shoulders and pressed a few more buttons, - And the zucchini is not smelly. River smiled derisively. The doctor glanced at her briefly and frowned even more. - Okay, you don't think I'll screw up like that again, do you? - in his eyes for a moment sparkled a chuckle, - Do I have a chance to improve? - I thought you wanted to take me somewhere? I think I will forgive you. - Oh, this is amazing, - the Doctor exclaimed, - well, they flew! Equally admiringly pleased smiles flashed across their faces. River closed her eyes with a blissful expression. - What? asked the Doctor in surprise. "I want to remember that look on your face," she opened her eyes, "I'll imagine it on dark lonely nights in Stormcage." “Lonely, Pond Junior,” he tilted his head, “they certainly won’t. - And the dark ones? River raised an eyebrow playfully. - And this ... Already later.

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