teacher universities. Lesson in literature on the topic of F.M.

Subject: F.M. Dostoevsky. "Poor people". The originality of the genre of the novel in letters. Innovation in the interpretation of the "little man" theme.


Continue acquaintance of students with the work of F.M. Dostoevsky; introduce the novel "Poor People"; show the features of the genre of the novel in letters;

Develop analytical thinking, speech, memory;

Foster a culture of reading; the ability to understand other people, to empathize and sympathize.

Equipment: portrait of F.M. Dostoevsky, presentation, statement by F.M. Dostoevsky.

During the classes

I. organizational stage.

II. Knowledge update.

    Reception "Brainstorm".

"Small man". What kind of person is this?





Small man






Goal setting.

2. Exchange of impressions from the read novel.

What impression did Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's first novel make on you?

What did you like about this novel?

What did you find new and unusual about it?

What questions did it raise for you?

Now remember, please, what is the name of the trend in art and literature of the 19th century, which is characterized by “the image of a typical person in typical circumstances”:

a) sentimentalism; b) romanticism;c) realism; d) classicism?

III. Formation of new concepts and methods of action.

1. Student's message.

A student who has received a special task makes a report about the life and work of F.M. Dostoevsky (presentation).

2. Conversation.

Board writing:

“Man is a mystery. It must be unraveled, and if you have been unraveling it all your life, then do not say that you have wasted time; I am engaged in this secret, because I want to be a man ... "F.M. Dostoevsky.

Read the statement written on the board. This phrase embodies the main life and creative principle of the great writer, in other words, his credo.

Now that you have read the novel "Poor People" and got acquainted with the statement of the great writer about his artistic credo, try to determine what is the main theme of this author's work?Man and his inner world.

This feature will become defining in Dostoevsky and will be calledpsychologism .

Novel "Poor People" became a high-profile literary debut of the writer. The author depicted a special type of person, discovered at one timePushkin and Gogol and indicated in the title of the novel. Sometimes this type is also called the "little man."

The enthusiasm was universal, an unknown young writer became one of the participants in the "natural school", and his work opened her second almanac "Petersburg Collection", published in 1846. Ruler of thoughtsV.G. Belinsky after reading the novel, he excitedly asked its author: “Do you understand yourself that you wrote this?” “It was the most delightful minute in my life,” F.M. later admitted. Dostoevsky.

Why do you think the novel gained fame even before it was published?

His theme excited readers with the pressing problems of our time.

What type of hero is depicted in it?Small man.

You're right. This was the reason for the resounding success of the first novel by F.M. Dostoevsky. Here is how V.G. Belinsky: “Honor and glory to the young poet, whose muse loves people in attics and basements and speaks about them to the inhabitants of gilded chambers: “After all, these are also people, your brothers!”

2. Research work . Group work.

Prove or dispute this thesis: “The theme of the “little man” was gained through suffering by Russian literature in the first half of the 19th century.”

Students give examples from the works of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol dedicated to this topic. Presentation by a speaker from each group. Evaluation.

3. Conversation

What features of tradition and innovation are present in the image of Devushkin?

What is the meaning of the title?

vocabulary work

An epistolary novel or a novel in letters is a kind of novel, which is a cycle of letters from one or more characters. The letters express the emotional experiences of the characters, reflect their inner evolution. The genre originated in the 17th century, but became popular in the literature of the 18th century, especially in the work of sentimentalist writers. In the literature of romanticism, the development of the genre continued. The epistolary novel still exists today.

How do the features of the genre convey the ideological content?

What are the main features of the image of Makar Devushkin?

Determine the degree of innovation of the writer in the image of the "little man".

Well-known literary critic M.M. Bakhtin, in his work “Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics”, wrote about the writer’s innovation in depicting the “little man”: “In Gogol’s world, the author of Poor Folk made a “Copernican coup”, making the subject of the image not the reality of the hero, but his self-consciousness as a reality of the second order ".

IV. Application. Formation of skills and abilities.

1. Work in groups.

1 group. The living conditions of the characters in the novel. Compose a syncwine.
Conclusion: the heroes of the novel have poor, beggarly living conditions.
2 group. The people our heroes meet.
Task: Tell about the heroes whose fates are described in letters by the heroes of the novel.Compose a syncwine.
Conclusion: all around poverty, leading people to death. These people evoke pity in Varenka and Devushkin.
3rd group. Description of Petersburg. Scenery.
Task: find a description of nature, St. Petersburg, pay attention to what colors Dostoevsky uses.Compose a syncwine.
Conclusion: the description of the landscape of St. Petersburg is built on contrasts. These descriptions help to understand the inner world of the characters.
4 group. The image of Makar Devushkin and Barbara.Compose a syncwine.
There is a speaker from each group. Evaluation.

Tell me, are there "little people" in our life?

Dostoevsky's view of the "little man" is that he portrayed the awakening of the human personality, a protest against the depersonalization of man. Dostoevsky is a psychological writer.

2. Test based on the novel "Poor People" by F. Dostoevsky (individually)

1. Dostoevsky in the development of the theme of "the little man" continues the tradition

A) Turgenev and Pushkin; B) Pushkin and Lermontov;

B) Pushkin and Gogol; d) Radishchev and Tolstoy; e) Karamzin and Gogol.

2. Dostoevsky's "Godfather" in literature, having highly appreciated his novel "Poor People", became:

A) V. Belinsky B) N. Gogol C) A. Pushkin d) L. Tolstoy e) N. Chernyshevsky.

3. Name the first work of Dostoevsky.

A) "White Nights" b) "Crime and Punishment" c) "Poor People" d) "Demons" e) "Notes from the Underground"

4. Indicate the form of writing the novel "Poor People"

5. Makar Devushkin

A) 18 years old b) 24 years old c) 35 years old d) 40 years old e) 47 years old

6. About whom Devushkin writes: “So gray-haired, small; walks in such a greasy dress that it hurts to look ... his knees are trembling, his hands are trembling ... He has a family - a wife and three children ”?

A) Emelyan Ivanovich b) Gorshkov. C) Pokrovsky d) Bykov e) Ratazyaev.

A) The Queen of Spades by Pushkin b) Belkin's Tales by Pushkin c) The Inspector General by Gogol d) Poor Lisa by Karamzin e) The Undergrowth by Fonvizin.

8. Who do we learn from Varenka’s letter: “Here he announced to me that he was looking for my hand, that he considered it his duty to return my honor, that he was rich, that he would take me after the wedding to his steppe village”?

A) About Emelyan Ivanovich b) About Pokrovsky C) About Gorshkov d) About Bykov e) About Ratazyaev.

9. Name the novel by F. Dostoevsky.

A) Resurrection b) Anna Karenina c) Fathers and Sons d) Crime and Punishment e) Oblomov.

Self-test. Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. e 6. b 7. b 8. d 9. d

Formative assessment of activities in the lesson by an evaluator

Full name of students






Participates in the distribution of responsibilities in the group and fulfills their responsibilities

Suggests ideas

Actively participates in the discussion of the group (develops, generalizes the proposed ideas, information)

Helps group members

Listens carefully and asks questions

Able to lead a discussion (politely objects, seeks agreement on issues that have caused disputes)

Works in a group, focusing on the assigned learning task

Total score

V. Lesson results. stage of reflection.

The guys in a circle speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning of the phrase from the reflective screen on the board:

1. today I learned… 2. it was interesting… 3. it was difficult… 4. I completed tasks…

5. I realized that… 6. I can now… 7. I felt that… 8. I acquired…

9. I learned… 10. I succeeded… 11. I could… 12. I will try…

13. surprised me... 14. gave me a lesson for life... 15. I felt like...

VI. Homework information stage.

Creative task.

1. Write a letter to a friend with your impressions of The Poor Folk and the characters in the novel.

2. Create an essay "My favorite letter in Poor People."

3. In what life situation did I feel like a “little person”?

Lesson topic: Grade 8 c

F.M. Dostoevsky "Poor people"

Target: to expand the knowledge of students in the field of Russian literature.

Educational task : to acquaint students with Dostoevsky's work "Poor people".

The task is developing : development of the ability to analyze a literary work.

The task is educational : moral education.

During the classes:

1. The topic and tasks of the lesson are announced.

2. A minute of poetry.

3. Introduction about the writer.

4. Reading and analysis:

Who are the main characters of the work?

What story is told in this piece? What is your attitude towards heroes?

What feelings do the characters evoke? Justify. What is this piece about?

What can it teach the reader?

5. Key questions.

What is the author's position in relation to the characters? Why do you think the author abandoned the optimistic ending? Come up with your own version of the story's ending. Explain the meaning of the title of the story. Do you think the theme of the “little man” is relevant?

F.M. Dostoevsky "Poor people"

Summary. Makar Alekseevich Devushkin is a 47-year-old titular adviser who rewrites papers for a small salary in one of the St. Petersburg departments. He had just moved into a new apartment in a capital building near the Fontanka along a long corridor of doors to the tenants' rooms. The hero himself huddled behind a partition in the common room. His former housing was not an example of the best. However, now for Devushkin the main thing is cheapness, because in the same courtyard he rents a more comfortable and expensive apartment for his distant relative Varvara Alekseevna Dobroselova. The poor official takes under his protection a 17-year-old orphan, for whom there was no one to intercede except for him. Living nearby, they rarely see each other, as Makar is afraid of gossip. However, both need warmth and sympathy, which they draw from daily correspondence with each other. The history of the relationship between Makar and Varenka is revealed in 31 of his and 24 of his letters, written from April 8 to September 30, 184 ... M.'s first letter is permeated with the happiness of finding heartfelt affection. He profits on flowers and candy for his little angel, denying himself food and clothes. Varenka is angry with the patron for being too much.

Such is the fate of Varenka. She grew up in the village, but her father lost his position as manager of the estate and took the family to St. Petersburg. My father worked very hard, fell ill and died. The mother suffered the same fate. The widow, Varenka's mother, was sheltered with her daughter by a relative Anna Fedorovna, who later sold Varenka to the wealthy landowner Bykov, who treated the girl cruelly. She got sick. Makar took care of her. She was unconscious for a whole month.

When she felt better, she was afraid that Bykov would find her. This happened. Bykov said that if Varenka did not marry him, he would marry a rich merchant's wife. But Varenka still marries him. Makar is having a hard time with this.

Why such an ending? Is he fair? How would you finish this piece?

6. Drawing up a five-verse about the work.

"Poor people"

Touching, exciting.

He raises the problem of the “little man”, does not leave a person indifferent, teaches mercy, demands mercy from society.

Sad, tragic, arousing sympathy, demanding justice.


7. Results, conclusions, estimates. Finish the sentence: Today was interesting...It was difficult for me...Now I can...

8. D/Z A story about Dostoevsky. Reading by roles of the fragment you like. Make a quiz on the work of 5 questions.

"Poor people" - the first novel by F.M. Dostoevsky. After the novel was published in 1846 in the Petersburg Vestnik, everyone started talking about Dostoevsky as the greatest writer of the natural school. Belinsky called this novel "our first attempt at a social novel."

The novel is a correspondence between Makar Devushkin and Varvara Dobroselova. Dostoevsky knowingly chose the form of an epistolary novel - it largely corresponded to his ideological design. Wishing to describe in it the social fate of "poor people", their surroundings and environment, the writer was able to use this genre to most clearly and fully reveal the inner world of the characters, convey the subtle nuances of their psychology, the attitude of the characters to the world around them.

Makar Alekseevich Devushkin An official of the 9th grade (titular adviser), a poor and lonely man of middle age (4546) who fell in love with a young girl. They met quite rarely, mostly in church, but they wrote letters to each other every other day and every day. It is in Devushkin's simple-hearted letters that his whole character, his whole fate, his daily existence emerges vividly.

Varvara Alekseevna Dobroselova A young girl left without parents lives alone in a strange corner, earning her bread by sewing. and has only one friend in the whole wide world, Makar Alekseevich Devushkin, with whom they write letters to each other every day, although they live in neighboring houses. The only bright spot in Varenka's fate is love for the student Pokrovsky, who soon dies of consumption. Despite all the hardships and poor health, Varenka Dobroselova remained a kind, affectionate and even cheerful girl.

Lesson study

On the topic "What, what to do?"

(based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Poor people")

Equipment: a portrait of F.M. Dostoevsky, illustrations for the novel, the text of the novel.

The purpose of the lesson:

Acquaintance with the text of Dostoevsky "Poor people";

Development of analytical reading skills, expressive reading;

Education in students of a sense of compassion, a humane attitude towards others.

During the classes

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the biography and features of the work of the great Russian realist writer F.M. Dostoevsky, who, along with Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Goncharov and other representatives of critical realism, is gaining world recognition and has a great influence on the development of Russian and European literature.

  1. What made him popular?
  2. Why did his works excite and continue to excite readers today?

Perhaps a partial answer to the question lies in our familiarity with his novel Poor Folk.

The topic of our today's lesson is “What, what to do?”

This question was asked by many literary heroes of the writer. Fedor Mikhailovich himself is also looking for an answer to this painful question “What, what to do?” So that there would be no suffering, pain, cruelty and oppression of the human person in the world. His books cannot be read calmly, without spiritual tension, his cruel realism captures, frightens, amazes...

According to the poet D. Merezhkovsky, "Dostoevsky's books cannot be read, they must be experienced, endured, in order to be understood, and then they are no longer forgotten." And the physicist Albert Einstein claimed that he gives him more than any thinker.

(Words are projected on a slide)

"In today's world ... Dostoevsky's alarming alarm hums incessantly, appealing to humanity and humanism," says Russian-speaking writer Ch. Aitmatov.

Gorky stated: "Tolstoy and Dostoevsky are two of the greatest geniuses, with the power of their talents they shook the whole world, they drew the astonished attention of all Europe to Russia."

Write these statements in your notebook.

  1. Which of them could we take as an epigraph to the lesson?

We can answer this question a little later.

How did the writer's contemporaries react to the novel?

  1. The novel was an extraordinary success even before its publication.

Such a triumph of the debutant was an extraordinary event in the history of Russian literature.

According to Nekrasov, in the person of Dostoevsky, a new Gogol appeared.

The well-known literary critic Belinsky believed that "the novel reveals such secrets of life and characters in Rus' that no one has ever dreamed of before him."

  1. Turning to Dostoevsky,he asked: “Do you yourself understand what you wrote like that! ... did you yourself comprehend all this terrible truth that you pointed out to us?

This is the artist's service to truth! The truth has been revealed to you and proclaimed to you as an artist, you have received it as a gift, appreciate your gift and remain faithful and you will be a great artist.” These words of criticism turned out to be prophetic.

In a letter to his brother Mikhail, Dostoevsky talks about his success: “... Never, I think, will my glory reach such a climax as now. Incredible respect everywhere, terrible curiosity about me.

How to explain such a success of the novel?

(Student answers follow)

What impression did the novel make on you?

(Student answers follow)

The subject of the writer's image becomes a small man, his inner world.

The definition of "little man" is given

Which writers of the 19th century turned to the theme of the "little man" in their works

“Station master A, S Pushkin.

"Overcoat" -

Why is the story about a man called "The Overcoat"?

  1. The thing has replaced the person

The uniform replaced the personality, the rank replaced the person.

The value of a person is determined by formal signs, by external data - clothing, rank, home ... But it cannot be otherwise: this is the essence of the state system.

Thus, Dostoevsky in his novel continues the traditions of Russian literature in the image of the "little man", it is no coincidence that the author himself claims that "we all came out of Gogol's Overcoat."

One of the reviewers of the novel, Konstantin Aksakov, believed that Dostoevsky's work was written decisively under the influence of Gogol and, therefore, the author of "Poor People" did not bring anything new to the image of the "little man".

Do you agree with this opinion?

  1. No, since Dostoevsky showed the inner world of the characters, their emotional experiences, the ability to compassion, readiness to help, while Gogol N.V. Akaky Akakievich is lonely, very reserved.

What new did Dostoevsky bring to the disclosure of this topic?

  1. The characters talk about themselves in letters.

Why did the heroes of the novel need to correspond, because they live in the same yard, they even see each other through the window. Why did you have to write?

  1. Dostoevsky is afraid that his meetings with the girl will give rise to gossip and gossip.
  2. To show the inner world of the characters, because the characters speak about themselves in letters.
  3. Does the “little man” himself confide his experiences and thoughts to us?

These are letters - confessions, letters - confessions, letters - revelations.

(a slide with the definition of "epistolary form" is displayed)

What are the characters of Dostoevsky's novel Varenka Dobroselova and Makar Devushkin


In total, the heroes wrote 55 letters full of suffering, grief, hopes for the best “What, what to do?” So that at least something for the better changes in the lives of the heroes.

What are M. Devushkin's letters about and how does he appear in these letters?

Their speech characterizes the characters very well.

What can we say about M. Devushkin's speech?

Why did Dostoevsky not accept Belinsky's reproaches of his inability to "overcome the obstacles of language and form"?

Many accused Dostoevsky of verbosity of the protagonist, of tongue-tied tongue, to which the author replied ... They have no idea what Devushkin is talking about, not me, and that Devushkin cannot speak otherwise. The novel is found to be stretched out, but there is no superfluous word in it. The modern linguist Vinogradov noted this manner as the dignity of the work: “For the first time in Dostoevsky, a petty official speaks so much and with such tonal vibrations.”

Transition to Varenka Dobroselova

Conclusion. For the first time in Dostoevsky's novel, the life of little people is shown from the inside, revealed so truthfully and in detail. The inner wealth of the “little man”, beauty, high culture of feelings are convincingly shown. Love for Varenka straightens him, a real revolution takes place in him: “and I found peace of mind and found out that I am no worse than others, that only in this way, I do not shine with anything. There is no gloss, no tone, but still I am a man, that in my heart and thoughts I am a man.

Thus Dostoevsky showed us how much beauty, nobleness and light lies in the most limited human nature.


What to do?

For himself, Dostoevsky decided this question in this way:

I tried to express the secret of the human soul.

How would you answer this question at the beginning of the walk?


Prepare messages "Twins of M. Devushkin"

Traditions and innovations of Dostoevsky in the novel "Poor people"

Lesson topic: Grade 8
F.M. Dostoevsky "Poor people"
Purpose: to expand the knowledge of students in the field of Russian literature.
Educational task: to acquaint students with Dostoevsky's work "Poor People".
The task is developing: the development of the ability to analyze a literary work.
Educational task: moral education.
During the classes:
1. The topic and tasks of the lesson are announced.
2. A minute of poetry.
3. Introduction about the writer.
4. Reading and analysis:
Who are the main characters of the work?
What story is told in this piece? What is your attitude towards heroes?
What feelings do the characters evoke? Justify. What is this piece about?
What can it teach the reader?
5. Key questions.
What is the author's position in relation to the characters? Why do you think the author abandoned the optimistic ending? Come up with your own version of the story's ending. Explain the meaning of the title of the story. Do you think the theme of the “little man” is relevant?
F.M. Dostoevsky "Poor people"
Summary. Makar Alekseevich Devushkin is a 47-year-old titular adviser who rewrites papers for a small salary in one of the St. Petersburg departments. He had just moved into a new apartment in a capital building near the Fontanka along a long corridor of doors to the tenants' rooms. The hero himself huddled behind a partition in the common room. His former housing was not an example of the best. However, now for Devushkin the main thing is cheapness, because in the same courtyard he rents a more comfortable and expensive apartment for his distant relative Varvara Alekseevna Dobroselova. The poor official takes under his protection a 17-year-old orphan, for whom there was no one to intercede except for him. Living nearby, they rarely see each other, as Makar is afraid of gossip. However, both need warmth and sympathy, which they draw from daily correspondence with each other. The history of the relationship between Makar and Varenka is revealed in 31 of his and 24 of his letters, written from April 8 to September 30, 184 ... M.'s first letter is permeated with the happiness of finding heartfelt affection. He profits on flowers and candy for his little angel, denying himself food and clothes. Varenka is angry with the patron for being too much.
Such is the fate of Varenka. She grew up in the village, but her father lost his position as manager of the estate and took the family to St. Petersburg. My father worked very hard, fell ill and died. The mother suffered the same fate. The widow, Varenka's mother, was sheltered with her daughter by a relative Anna Fedorovna, who later sold Varenka to the wealthy landowner Bykov, who treated the girl cruelly. She got sick. Makar took care of her. She was unconscious for a whole month.
When she felt better, she was afraid that Bykov would find her. This happened. Bykov said that if Varenka did not marry him, he would marry a rich merchant's wife. But Varenka still marries him. Makar is having a hard time with this.
Why such an ending? Is he fair? How would you finish this piece?
6. Drawing up a five-verse about the work.
"Poor people"
Touching, exciting.
He raises the problem of the “little man”, does not leave a person indifferent, teaches mercy, demands mercy from society.
Sad, tragic, arousing sympathy, demanding justice.
7. Results, conclusions, estimates. Finish the sentence: Today was interesting...It was difficult for me...Now I can...
8. D/Z A story about Dostoevsky. Reading by roles of the fragment you like. Make a quiz on the work of 5 questions.
Read the work.

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