Double nn in adverbs. Spelling n and nn in different parts of speech


One and two H in adverbs in -o, -e.

(continuation of the topic)


    To consolidate the skills of students in spelling n-nn in adverbs in -o, -e; to teach to distinguish parts of speech similar in form (short verbal adjectives, short participles, adverbs);

    develop memory, logical thinking, literate writing skills;

    cultivate interest in the language.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Homework: ex. 258.

    Updating students' knowledge.

1. Poll.

- Do you remember what topic we studied in the last lesson?

- What do we need to know in order to correctly write adverbs with H or HH?

- Remember when we write H and HH in adjectives

(In adjectives, one letter H is written in the suffixes -IN-, -AN-, -YAN-.

For example: swan (in the suffix -IN- one letter H is written), leather (in the suffix

AN- one letter H is written), woolen (in the suffix -YAN- one letter H is written).


(Two letters H are written in adjectives, whose suffixes begin with the letter O or E.


Exception: windy

Two letters H are written in the names of adjectives formed with the help of the suffix H from nouns with the stem starting with the letter H.

For example: PLAIN = ravni H A+ H)

Thus, in adverbs we write as many H as in the adjective and participle from which this adverb is formed. (slide 1)

2. Checking homework.

Ex. 259.

The word "epic" comes from the word "byl". But is it all told in epics, did it really happen?

What was told is the full communion of the owls of the species, so we write NN.

Performers of epics always enthusiastically, sincerely told about the courageous heroes who fearlessly fought with the enemies of the Russian land.

Enthusiastic adverb (from adjective enthusiastic); sincerely-adverb (from adjective sincere), fearlessly - adverb (from adjective fearless)

Of course, in epics quite a few fiction, but in them excitedly tells about the battles and exploits of the heroes, who steadfastly endured the most difficult trials.

A lot - adverb (can be replaced by a synonym - a lot), excitedly - adverb (excited).

Attentively listening or reading old legends, people remember the memorable events of Russian history.

Attentively - adverb (derived from the adjective - attentive).

People not by chance composed epics about noble intercessors who faithfully, selflessly serve people, protecting their freedom and peaceful life.

It is no coincidence - an adverb (you can choose a synonym - naturally, logically), devotedly - an adverb (from attached - devoted), selflessly - an adverb (selfless - adjective)

    Explanation of new material.

Please look again at our rule (on the slide) and tell us which rule and what knowledge will still be useful to us with the correct spelling of H and HH in adverbs?

(We will need knowledge in the correct spelling of Н and НН in participles, in addition, we must learn to distinguish between short verbal adjectives, short participles and adverbs).

Consider examples:

1 class concentrated listened teacher's explanations.

Class-subject, listened - predicate; listened - (how?) with concentration - this is a circumstance of the way of action, expressed by the ADVERB. Refers to a verb, can be replaced by another adverb - attentively. Therefore, this is an adverb in which so many n how many in a word concentrated.

2. Faces all were focused are serious.

Let's do a syntactic analysis of this sentence.

Persons - subject; faces (what were they?) - were concentrated - this is a predicate, it can be replaced by a full adjective concentrated, therefore, this is a short adjective, so many n , How many n in full form).

3. Troops were focused on the plain.

Let's do a syntactic analysis of this sentence.

Troops - subject; were concentrated - predicate; Focused- can be replaced with a verb focused, therefore, this is a short participle in which one letter is written n .)


1) If in the sentence the circumstance of the mode of action (the question to and to?) refers to the verb - this is an adverb in which so many n how much is in the word from which it is formed; it can be replaced by another adverb.

2) If the word is a predicate, then it can be a short participle or a short adjective. A short participle can be replaced by a verb. Sometimes with a short participle there is a word denoting the producer of the action. In a short participle, one letter is always written n .

A short adjective answers the question k a k o v? It can be replaced by the full form. A short adjective often acts as a homogeneous member. It writes so much n how much in full form.


    Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

1. Collective work with the class.

Using the reasoning diagram, explain the spelling of H and HH in different parts of speech.

1) Thoughts centered (focused) on the report(in a short participle, one letter is always written n ).

cr. adj. cr. adj.

2) Girl(k a k o v a?) attentive Andfocused (attentive and concentrated; so much in a short adjective n , How many n in full form).


3) She listened(How?) concentrated(so many are written n , How many n in the word from which the adverb is derived).

Exhibition organized sponsors (short participle, can be replaced - sponsors organized).

Excursionpassed(How?) organized (adverb, derived from the word organized, in the word organized two n )

Pupil(k a k o v a?) disciplined Andorganized (short append, can be replaced by a full form disciplined and organized)

Meeting excitedly message (short participle, can be replaced by a verb - the meeting excited the message).

Alllistened to message (what?) excitedly . ( adverb, derived from the word - excited, in which NN is written)

seeds scattered across the field (short participle, can be replaced by a verb - the seeds were scattered)

2. Work in pairs.

Tasks: write out SS with adverbs. Explain the spelling H and HH.

shouted enthusiastically

very much

smelled strongly

lay scattered

terribly boring

strongly held

completely uninteresting

enthusiastic - enthusiastic (participle)

strong - strong (adjective)

scattered - scattered (participle)

terrible - terrible (participle)

strenuous - strengthened (participle)

perfect - perfect (adjective)

interesting - interesting (adjective)

Upon completion of the work, there is a mutual check.

    Independent work.

Excited.. about talking

Crazy..o looked

Desperate..o screamed

The attention of the guys scattered .. o

Wind scattering ..s seeds across the field

Slowly .. about walking through the city

Snowy .. about the white roofs of houses

Excitedly speak (adverb)

crazy looked (adverb)

Desperately shouted (adverb)

Attention guys absently(adjective)

blown by the wind scattered seeds in the field (participle)

Slowly walked through the city (adverb)

snowy white roofs of houses (adverb)

Evaluation criteria.

"5" - 8

"4" - 6-7

"3" - 4-5

    Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

What difficulties can you encounter when writing words with this spelling?

What is it connected with?

What should be done to avoid mistakes?


Ex. 258 p. 107. (on assignment)

Writing n n in suffixes of adjective participles and adverbs depends on the peculiarities of the formation of a particular word, its form and the presence of dependent words.
Table Spelling n n in adjective participles adverbs

exceptionsoily, windy(But windless, windy).

exceptionspewter, glass, wood

exceptionsbaptized mother, wounded soldier, named sister

exceptions: forged, chewed

  • What is participle in Russian
  • Communion and participle turnover
  • H and HH in participles
  • Communion and participle
  • Participle and participle turnover
  • Morphological analysis of the sacrament
  • Spelling participle suffixes
  • Spelling NOT with participles
  • Active and passive participles
  • Passive participles
  • Communion Questions
  • When the participial turnover is separated by commas
  • The formation of passive participles
  • Brief Communion
  • Н and НН in short participles
  • Communion as a part of speech
  • Incorrect sentence construction with participial turnover
  • Short and full passive participles
  • Morphological signs of communion
  • Passive present participles
  • Short passive participles
  • Participle formation
  • Valid participles
  • Participle endings
  • Participle as a special form of the verb
  • Declension and case endings of participles
  • Separation of participles
  • How to Emphasize Communion
  • Perfect and imperfect form of the sacrament
  • What is the difference between a participle and an adjective
  • How is participial turnover indicated
  • Formation of real participles
  • Н, НН in participles, adjectives, adverbs
  • How the participial turnover stands out in a letter
  • Passive participle suffixes
  • How to define participle
  • Errors in participles
  • Types of participles
  • Active present participles
  • Vowels in participle suffixes
  • Spelling of unstressed personal endings and participle suffixes
  • Vowels in participles before NN
  • Punctuation marks in participial turnover
  • Present and past participles
  • Signs of an adjective in participle
  • HH in full participle form
  • Spelling e and in participle suffixes
  • Return of the sacrament
  • Definition expressed by participial turnover
  • How to find participial turnover
  • Solitary Communion
  • Suffixes of real participles
  • Grammar signs of the sacrament
  • The syntactic role of the participle
  • Ah, yash, usch, yusch in participles
  • I eat suffixes, im in participles
  • Participle conjugation
  • How to distinguish participle from participle
  • The difference between participial turnover and participle
  • Writing not with verbs and gerunds
  1. 1. Roman Sergienko 309
  2. 2. Elizabeth Ancherbak 292
  3. 3. Anna Montgomery 99
  4. 4. Irina Zhavoronkova 93
  5. 5. Azat Aitov 89
  6. 6. Nikita Zaitsev 63
  7. 7. Alex Bee 61
  8. 8. 60
  9. 9. Andrey Dragunov 58
  10. 10. Ramazan Ganiev 50
  1. 1 Ramzan Ramzan 6,266
  2. 2. Elizabeth Ancherbak 5,056
  3. 3. Iren Guseva 4,925
  4. 4. Anastasia Gudyaeva 3,416
  5. 5.admin 3,228
  6. 7. Muhammad Amonov 3,084
  7. 8. Guzel Minnullina 2.358
  8. 9. Artyom Chekurov 2,016
  9. 10. Alena Koshkarovskaya 1,886


1. When it is written in adjectives nn ?
2. Name the exceptions to these rules.
3. How to distinguish a verbal adjective with a suffix -n- from communion with -nn- ?
4. What exceptions in the spelling of verbal adjectives do you know?
5. How to write suffixes with n And nn in short forms of adjectives and participles?
6. How much n written in adverbs and nouns formed from adjectives and participles?

1. Form adjectives from nouns and verbs according to the model:

leather– leather en th: sand, rye;

drum- drum n th: abuse, hurricane, pocket, fog, spring, manna, early;

clay– clay yang th: birch bark, water, tin, resin, wool, peat;

to knit– elm n th: tear, call, confuse, hew, forge, chew, cut, wash;

play around- Valya n th: winnow, solder, sow, shoot.

2. Form adjectives from these nouns, highlight the suffix.

Goose, mosquito, bee, lion, mouse, rooster, ant, nightingale, snake, guest, poplar, length, plain, antiquity, virgin lands, pig.
Infection, station, lecture, tradition, pension, exam, season, lemon, wormwood, string, desert, cast iron, crow, horse.

3. Form adjectives from nouns and verbs, select suffixes according to the model:

disease– diseases enn th.
Morning, dinner, life, thought, fire, letter, number, cranberry, straw, foliage, courage, fatherland, kinship, feeling.

enrage- besh en th.
Fell, iron, give, burn, heat, glue, boil, mow, fry, cut, injure, teach, layer.

4. Graphically explain the spelling n And nn in words:

coche n th meadow - nekoshe n oh, sloppy nn oy and koshe nn dewy meadow;
brighter nn th fence - painted - not more beautiful for a long time nn ouch - ugly n th;
netka n th tablecloth - fabric nn golden - weaving nn ah - a little nn and I;
wound n th warrior - wound nn th in battle - light wounded n th - early n s plow;
burn n th sugar - half burnt nn th manuscript - burn nn oh desert.

5. Conduct a selective dictation with an explanation. Write the words in two columns n And nn .

1) Old Mazai loves his lowland to passion (N. Nekrasov). 2) The road lay through a former rye field. 3) Spring entered the earth with a solemn march. 4) I was drawn to the stone buildings, where there was a smell of machine oil. 5) An early harsh winter dawn appeared through a deadly haze (A. Fadeev). 6) Neither a sledge nor an animal track was visible. 7) The sound of horse hooves was heard: they were taking the thief out of the stable n wow horse. 8) Village fenced n and the earth n shaft (L. Tolstoy). 9) Nastya was just as windy n but like her lady (A. Pushkin). 10) The night was calm nn and I.

6. Compose and write down a dictation of exception words for all cases of this topic.

7. Write off, form from these words using suffixes -ost-, -ny-, -eny- nouns, mark spellings.

8. Explain the spelling n And nn in words.

straight n hic, harder n ik, guests n ice cream n oh, travel nn ik, friend nn ik, kinship nn ik, mali nn ik, holy nn ik, brought up nn ik, uch n ik, foliage nn ita, ko nn egg, mane nn ik, ime n And nn hic, ple nn ik, put nn ik, hemp n ik, oil n hic, dry n ita, teacher n itza, puta n ita, celebration nn awn.

9. Rearrange the phrases to illustrate all possible spellings of participles.

Sample: touche n vegetables (non-common type, no dependent word, prefix); touche nn sown in a pot (c.s.); nettouche n s (prefix Not- does not affect spelling) extinguish nn th vegetables (prefix).
Kova n th chest, heavier nn bricked barge, shooting n th sleeves, wound nn th in the shoulder, name nn th in honor, seche nn hail-covered fields nn th goods.

10. Explain the spelling n And nn , indicating the word from which the compound adjective is derived: broadleaf nn oh (foliage nn oh).

Illness nn o languid look, length nn handy yu n osha, straight n o-delicate aroma, after-dinner nn th dream, fresh frost n oh meat, fresh frozen nn th fruit, female n th carpet, baby n th jacket, highly artistic nn new taste, long-awaited newborn, short journey, new institution, narrow departmental interests, useful work to society.

11. From these verbs form passive participles with prefixes and verbal adjectives without prefixes.

Sample: whiten - bleached - bleached.

Knit, glue, smoke, break, wet, wear, plow, saw, weave, scare, tear, scratch, salt, dry, sharpen, paint.

12. Insert the missing letters, find words with suffixes, highlight the suffixes.

Kame_y, svin_oy, rya_y, frosty, autumn_y, long, y_y, weighty, ra_y, so_y, template_y, beto_y, oblique, straight, ruddy_y, tribal_y, guest, revolutionary, voro_y, poga_y.

13. From given words with the help of suffixes -nick-, -awn-, -ik- form, if possible, derivative words according to the model: related- kinship nn ik, kinship nn awn.

Authentic, modern, windy, charming, masculine, lowly, skilled, artificial, economic, strange.

14. Explain the difference in the spelling of cognate words.

1) All my friends are educated nn s. Commissions already formed n s.
2) The faces of the soldiers are stern and preoccupied nn s. We were more concerned n s offset.
3) The fees were organized nn O. organizing n o good food.
4) The wool is all tangled n but a kitten. This story is confusing nn and also unclear.
5) The sea is excited n about the storm. spoke excitedly nn oh hot.

15. Express dictation (in the 1st column, write down the numbers of words with n , in the 2nd - with nn ).

1) Stir nn th paints,
2) bestse nn oh thing,
3) more colorful nn th shops,
4) glade light n A,
5) fabric n th Pattern,
6) tourists accommodation n s,
7) the commission is formed n A,
8) blush n th faces,
9) svi n hams,
10) ugly n th fabric,
11) piss n ah beauty,
12) writing notebook n A,
13) skin n th briefcase,
14) wind n th day,
15) wind n oh engine,
16) no wind nn th day,
17) scattering nn oh boy,
18) not tea nn th error.

Exercise 1. Write short forms of the adjective next to the full form.
Sample: rosyrouge baby, rouge girl, rouge baby.

Incomparable, united, valuable, revolutionary, deserted, modern.

Task 2. Explain the spelling of words using the adjectives from which they are derived.
Sample: oil n itza - oil n th (damn).

at ease nn awn, beshe n oh shamelessly nn awn, life nn oh trust nn awn, guests n egg, wind n oh the leaves nn itza, karma nn ik, customs nn ik, kinship nn ik.

Telephone conversation, table tennis, earthen mound, crane cry, hurricane warning, unreasonable lateness, skillful speaker, artificial diamond, seasonal work, target area, silver thread, wooden salt shaker.

Task 2. Form these adjectives into their short form in the feminine gender.

Unexpected, sacred, windy, deserted, long, ruddy, young, skillful, wounded, educated, artificial.

Exercise 1. Replace these phrases with synonymous expressions, highlight suffixes.
Sample: time of revolution - revolution nn oh time.

Division commander, excursion bus, triangle with equal sides, battalion commissar, excitement of discussion, punctuation mark, collection according to tradition, day with the wind, information institute.

Task 2. Explain spelling n And nn according to the sample.
Sample: smoked n awn - smoked n th.

Smysle n awn, brought up nn ik, wiser n awn, oil n ita, chosen nn hic, fog nn awn, puta n bitch, confused nn awn, craft nn ik, yu n awn.

Exercise 1. Turn participles into adjectives.
Sample: peche nn fish in the ashes - bake n oy fish, gilded nn th ring - gold n th ring.

Kvashe nn cabbage in a barrel, whiter nn th ceiling, melt nn oh oil, heavier nn forested barge, vymo-sche nn aya street, rane nn warrior in hand, not more beautiful for a long time nn th hair, unseeded nn oh field, plant nn bushes planted by children.

Task 2. Form adverbs from these words using the suffix -O- .

Furious, presumptuous, solemn, oily, windy, exuberant, nameless, windless, organized, thoughtful, unheard of.

Exercise 1. Form a short form, highlight the spelling.

Tangled hair, scattered beads, recolored stockings, artwork, numerous lights, cropped hair, given words, young beings, educated youths, concentrated faces.

Task 2. Turn adjectives into passive participles by adding either a dependent word or a prefix.

Soaked apples, a wounded bird, a quilted jacket, dyed hair, salted fish, unshorn children, burnt coal, unfed cattle.

Exercise 1. Paste n or nn explaining your choice.

More beautiful in blue; a guest planted under the icon; seated father; dowry of the bride; the streets are empty; regiment attached to the commander; swine carcasses; kingdom movements; hair that has not been dyed for a long time; smart kids.

Task 2. Write down all the exceptions on the topic " H And nn in adjectives.

Exercise 1. Form short participles and adverbs from these verbs, make phrases and write them down.
Sample: tangle - wool is tangled n ah, talking is confusing nn O.

Organize, focus, revitalize, deserve, strain, inspire, excite, disperse, excite, condemn.

Task 2. Underline words with suffix -he N- .

Seasonal, editorial, bottomless, compositional, revolutionary, bouillon, lawful, sleepless, restless, commission, oblique, patterned, inertial, wagon, concrete, reactionary, operational.

Exercise 1. Explain the spelling of the following words (show graphically).

Cochet n th meadow - not sloping nn th meadow
more beautiful n th product - not more beautiful for a long time nn th fence
whip nn craftsman's basket - do not weave a basket n A
purchase nn th bread - wound n th soldier
Yes nn th example - tka n th pattern
half-burnt nn th manuscript - half-wielder n th fish
ice cold n oh meat - not frozen nn th berry

Task 2. Write down the exception words on the topic " H And nn in participles and verbal adjectives.

Exercise 1. Form adjectives from nouns and verbs given in brackets, write down phrases with them, explain graphically n or nn .

(Discussion) question, (wind) young man, (no wind) weather, (car) master, (inspiration) music, (gasify) district, (bee) wax, (make) fright, (weave) carpet, (seeds) fund, (eagle) look, (sparrow) tweet, (division) medical battalion, (do not wait) visit.

Thinking decisions nn s (true) - all the moves of deliberation n s
The eyes are directed into the distance - the movements are striving nn s (resolute)
paper direction n s to the court - move in the direction nn O

Exercise 1. Form participles and adjectives from verbs.
Sample: whiten - white n oh, not white for a long time nn walls.

Ferment, mow, pave, melt, cool, drown, teach.

Task 2. Explain the spelling as follows: weaving nn golden handkerchief(there is a dependent word).

Hidden nn oh ice cream n oh, confused nn oh shit, shit n oh story, u n chess player, history of confusion nn ah, undecided nn th task, no n th material, golden n th thread. unsolved nn oh secret, layer n th pie, boiling n ah water.

Exercise 1. Insert the missing letters, distribute in two columns with n And nn .

Embarrassed young osha, mad dog, skilled worker, forged grating, work done, crane cry, eye frames, smart kid, unplowed fields, sun-dried mushrooms, wind engine, windless weather, wounded finger, wished day.

Task 2. Write short participles and adjectives next to full participles and adjectives.

Baked fish -
sown field -
sacred oath -
desired holidays -
slow movements -
wind-scattered clouds
focused faces -
scattered students -
trusted friends -

Exercise 1. Write off, inserting letters, explaining spellings.

The faces of the sailors are worried and serious; sauerkraut; we are limited in time; went out organized_o; concern about the patient's condition; pickled cucumbers in a barrel; behave with restraint; adolescents are unbalanced and quick-tempered; imbalance and incontinence; unbaked bread; bride_about dowry; baked pumpkin; tanks attached to the regiment.

Task 2. Make up and write down sentences or phrases with the words:

brought up n s - brought up nn s, isolated n s - isolated nn s, sleeping n s - soldering nn s, scattering n s - scattering nn s, holding back n s - restrain nn s.

Green forest, oil engine, butter pancake, tin soldier, red dawn, windy day, burnt sugar, unexpected success, spoiled child, pig's tail, chewed - chewed leaf, shod horse, unexpected success, come unexpectedly, unprecedented dawn, unheard of message, slow move, bride's dowry, non-woven tablecloth, smart kid, half-dried fish, long-awaited visit, leather cloak, freshly painted fence, gullible beast, windmill, incessant rain, burnt letter, broken line, boiled water, valuable remark, artificial honey, baked apple, half-eaten cows, hail-cut fields, named brother, wounded in the chest, strange case, virgin harvest, short history, millionth inhabitant, true values, felted shoes, shot sparrow, true truth, children are distracted and inattentive, clouds are dispersed, smells spiced with saffron, a ruddy birthday girl, sagebrush thickets, a desperate young man, a wildly beating heart, state customs officers, a stamped step, a lacerated wound.

Spelling Н and НН in adjectives, participles, adverbs, nouns

Tables with examples.

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adjectives formed from nouns

excl.: glass, pewter, wood

excl.: windy (but: windless)

Remember: youthful, ruddy, porky, unified, spicy

(vintage (old), pocket (pocket))

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adjectives and participles formed from verbs

excl.: slow, desired, sacred, unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, unseen, unheard

excl.: forged, chewed(ov-, ev- is included in the root, not in the suffix)

Compound adjectives

Each part of a compound adjective is written according to the same rules as

as the corresponding independent word

Short adjectives

It is written as many N as and in full form

Brief participles

Always written only N

The deed is done, the task is solved, connected by a word

NOTE: if you find it difficult to distinguish between an adjective and a participle, first of all try to determine what sign this word stands for. If the sign is temporary, limited, a sign of an action performed on an object, then this is participle.

(The girl was raised by her mother. Commission formed yesterday)

If the word denotes a feature that is constantly inherent in the subject, then this adjective

Spelling rules H and HH in adverbs

In adverbs to -O- And -e-, formed from quality adjectives and verbal participles, one or two letters can be written in suffixes H:

  • H in adverb suffixes it is written in words formed from adjectives or participles with one letter N.

Not always in adverbs is written as many N as there were in the generating basis.

As you can see, the rules for writing one and two letters HH of suffixes of adverbs and nouns are the same. At school, this topic is studied in the 8th grade.

Did not like? - Write in the comments what is missing.

  1. 1. Roman Sergienko 309
  2. 2. Elizabeth Ancherbak 292
  3. 3. Anna Montgomery 99
  4. 4. Irina Zhavoronkova 93
  5. 5. Azat Aitov 89
  6. 6. Nikita Zaitsev 63
  7. 7. Alex Bee 61
  8. 8. 60
  9. 9. Andrey Dragunov 58
  10. 10. Ramazan Ganiev 50
  1. 1 Ramzan Ramzan 6,266
  2. 2. Elizabeth Ancherbak 5,056
  3. 3. Iren Guseva 4,925
  4. 4. Anastasia Gudyaeva 3,416
  5. 5.admin 3,228
  6. 6. Alexandra Lyukhanchikova 3,122
  7. 7. Muhammad Amonov 3,084
  8. 8. Guzel Minnullina 2.358
  9. 9. Artyom Chekurov 2,016
  10. 10. Alena Koshkarovskaya 1,886

The most active participants of the week:

  • 1. Victoria Neumann - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • 2. Bulat Sadykov - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • 3. Daria Volkova - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.

Three lucky people who passed at least 1 test:

  • 1. Natalia Starostina - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • 2. Nikolai Z - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • 3. Mikhail Voronin - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.

The cards are electronic (code), they will be sent in the coming days by Vkontakte message or e-mail.

Spelling n and nn in adverbs

Lesson Objectives:

Fix the topic "Formation of adverbs";

Get acquainted with the conditions for writing Н and НН in adverbs;

Develop skills in writing adverbs with H and HH, using the knowledge gained;

To develop the spelling vigilance of students.

Organizing moment:

Hello! Today we have a not quite ordinary lesson, because we have guests. Let's show them how well we can work.

Smile to each other, because a smile cheers you up, and there is nothing more beautiful in the world than smiling children. Thank you! And now to work!

Today we will have to work hard, because in addition to repeating and consolidating the previous topic - “Formation of adverbs”, we have to get acquainted with the new topic “Spelling H and HH in adverbs”, therefore our goals are. (see above).

2. To understand how you learned the topic “Formation of adverbs”, I will give several tasks on the cards:

Card #1 : - about the ways of forming adverbs, with examples.

Card #2 - home exercise number 93.

The whole class at this time writes down the date and completes the task in a notebook:

Task for the class: pick up antonyms for the adverbs written on the board and perform their derivational analysis: back, to the left, dark, often, good, fun, cold, rough, long.

1. A card on how to form adverbs.

2. Exercise number 93 (home)

3. Task for the whole class.

The teacher asks the students, together with one student from the class, to write down a sentence on the board and in notebooks and sort it out by members.

Valentine watched to Natasha lovingly, passionately, invitingly.

Are there any adverbs in the sentence?

- Is their writing relevant to the topic of the lesson?

You noticed that we wrote two adverbs with H, and one HH.

What determines the spelling of adverbs with H and HH?

=> the teacher announces the rule.

=>rule in textbook (§13)

Yes, guys, this rule is very simple, but it also has its difficulties.

Do we remember when to write H and HH in adjectives? ( scheme) participles?

What is common and different in writing short forms of adjectives and participles?

- in adjectives - in full and short form - equally

- in participles - in full form 2, and short - 1.

So: to help - TABLES-assistants.

! The teacher explains what is written in the tables and uses exercise 97 - 1st sentence as an example.

Before we continue, let's take a break. Now you will hear a series of words of different parts of speech. Boys get up if the adverb sounds, girls - if the noun.

Beautiful, kindness, modestly, help, help, mutual understanding, friendly, equally, gentle, beloved, friends, take care.

Well done boys! I hope that all these words are in your personal vocabulary and are often used by you!

Close the books: write on the ruler the numbers from 1 to 9 with a centimeter gap. We will write graphic dictation:(Exercise 97 + 1 own sentence).

Checking and exhibiting (for dictation)

Teacher: Well done boys! You have completed the task! You are ready for some serious work. Suggestions are written on the board. They need to be written off, insert the missing letters.

  1. Above the garden t. Christmas. oh and joy. about the song sounded.
  2. The moon rose high and extraordinary. o brightly illuminated the entire plain.
  3. The surroundings were empty. oh and silent. O.
  4. The competition was organised. Oh. R. sho.
  5. The girl was brought up. but in an orphanage.
  6. Sh. a rocky stream of ice. more water. o raced down the mountain.
  7. Each of us is focused. I thought about my own.
  8. The sound of p. denia water fear. o blended with the sound of the clock.

Lesson summary:

- what topic did you study?

What does the rule sound like?

Was everything clear?

D/Z: §13, exercise 100, prepare an oral report on exercise 99.

Determine why consonant words in two poetic lines are written differently - with one and with two n.

      And she's unchained
      Riding on it is risky.

256. Determine how these adverbs are formed.

Excellent O← excellent; fair, thrifty, unstoppable ..-shimo, unnecessary, be..tasty, harmless, harmless, concrete, unpleasant, be..caring, fun, harmful, cramped, cold, fearless, fearless, doble(?) but , captivated .. but, of course, sincerely.

specifically [p "]

Applying this rule, reason like this: (Hold on) courageously. Courageously- this is an adverb and so many letters are written in it n how much is in the word from which it is formed ( courageous).

257. Match adjectives with the same root adverbs. Write down also the phrases "verb + adverb". Specify selection conditions n And nn in adverbs. What phrases can be used to describe the look of a person?

Look, sad (n, n) th; excited (n, n) th, tell; fright (n, n) th, startle; forced (n, n) th, smile; friendly (n, nn) ​​th, take a look; stare (n, nn) ​​th, look; look, attentive (n, n) th.

258. Write by opening brackets and inserting missing letters.

1. The boy scattering (n, n) o looked around. Among the forests of scattering (n, nn) ​​there are many one .. no hunting .. their houses. In recent days, the girl is (not) attentive, scattering (n, n) a. 2. Friends looked at each other once .. rov (n, n) oh and sadly. The sister was disappointed .. rov (n, n) and, having learned that a friend (not) pr .. brought her a book. 3. Mother ud .. vle (n, n) o looked at her son. Most of those present were pleased .. vle (n, nn) ​​about the words of the girls ... 4. After yesterday's drill .. the sea is excited (n, nn) ​​about. The girl's face was excited (n, n) oh. My companion spoke passionately and excitedly (n, nn) ​​oh.

259. H or nn? Write off with missing commas. Specify the conditions for their selection. What types of spelling are you working on? Title the text.

The word "epic" comes from the word "byl". But did everything, the dissection (n, n) in the epics, really happen?

The performers of the epics were always passionate (n, nn) ​​about the spark (n, nn) ​​e told about the courage (n, nn) ​​of the heroes who fearlessly (n, nn) ​​fought against the enemies of the Russian land.

Of course, there is (not) a little fiction in the epics, but they excitedly (n, nn) ​​tell about the battles and exploits of the heroes who steadfastly endured the most difficult trials. Attention (n, nn) ​​about listening to or reading old legends, people remember the memorable events of Russian history.

The people (not) accidentally composed epics about noble intercessors who betray (n, nn) ​​about selflessly (n, nn) ​​about serve people protecting their freedom and peaceful life.

(N. Ladushkina)

Recognition algorithm " H or HH write in words"involves the ability to determine:

  1. Part of speech analyzed word (adjective, participle, noun, adverb);
  2. grammatical form in which it is used (full or short);
  3. Part of speech generating word ( the word from which the analyzed is formed ), and if it is a verb, then its view ;
  4. Availability dependent words .

In nouns, adverbs, and compound adjectives, write as many H, how many in the original word. First find the generating word, then work according to the algorithm: dumpling - boiled - cook (non-native view); confused (reply) - confused confuse (non-native view); confusing (think) - confusing - confuse (owl view), freshly frozen - ice cream - freeze (non-state view), non-frozen - frozen - (not) freeze (non-state view).

Remember: you need to find the adjective or participle closest in meaning.

Do not jump over a step - do not form a noun or adverb immediately from a verb or noun: oilman derived from oil (oil industry worker), but oil already from oil . According to the laws of word formation, all adverbs in -ABOUT derived from adjectives ( restrained - restrained and so on.)

Н and НН in full forms of participles and adjectives

The most difficult thing is to distinguish between H - HH in full forms adjectives and participles. Here, the distinction between adjectives and participles is not essential: the sequence of actions and the result for both are the same.

Exceptions for the specified algorithm:

  1. N - windy (But: windless ), dowry, young, ruddy, crimson, pig (non-derivative words);
  2. NN - glass, pewter, wood , unheard of, unseen, (not) seen, unexpected, unexpected, desired, sacred, slow, read, read, given, cursed (from obsolete okayati = condemn, owl. type), unexpected, inadvertent, imperishable, cutesy, done and some others.
  3. With one H they are also written possessive adjectives (answer the question whose?) with a base on -N: sheep, pheasant, crow, wild boar.
  4. Verb hurt - the so-called two-species: it can appear in a sentence in the meaning of both the perfect and imperfect species. In order to correctly write Н-НН (with the exception of particularly difficult cases), it is enough to work with it as with an imperfective verb: a wounded soldier - a wounded soldier, wounded in a shootout, seriously wounded, seriously wounded.
  5. Adjectives differ oil (derived from the noun oil + -yan-; meaning "for oil, from oil, on oil" (oil stain, oil paints, oil pump) and oily in the meaning of “soaked, oiled”, formed from the imperfective verb to oil (remember, before H-NN the vowel And the infinitive changes to E): butter porridge, butter pancake, butter week (Shrovetide), and also figuratively - oily eyes (eyes that shine as if soaked in oil). Compare also: windy man - chicken pox, windmill; salty mushroom (from the verb to salt) - hydrochloric acid.

Н and НН in short forms of participles and adjectives

The short form is the most common passive past participles (abandoned - abandoned, abandoned, abandoned) and adjectives (cheerful - cheerful, cheerful, fun).

The spelling of Н and НН in participles and adjectives is quite clear and concise:

  1. short passive participles are written H;
  2. in short adjectives - as much as in full ones.

Therefore, it is only important to determine precisely what part of speech - adjective or participle - is the word .

Remember the semantic and grammatical signs that distinguish between adjectives and participles.

  1. Participle denotes an action , usually it can be replaced with a synonymous verb by "turning" the sentence or by constructing an indefinitely personal (impersonal): Barge unloaded by workers The workers unloaded the barge ; What is written with a pen - What is written with a pen.
  2. With communion, there is or you can think of dependent word in instrumental case , which denotes the producer of this action or tool: unloaded (by whom?) workers ; written(how?) pen.
  3. Those words that do not meet the two criteria described above, those. are not participles, short adjectives. Let's add for greater reliability that they answer the question what? what? , usually refer to a noun and denote quality: the girl was beautiful and well educated(a hint can be a homogeneous member - a short adjective beautiful).

Seeing a word with a final -ABOUT, first check if adverb whether it is (adverb refers to the verb and answers the question How? ). If yes, please write H how much in full form. If not, then see if it is a short participle or a short adjective.

Sample. He acted recklessly.. - how did you do it? reckless..o , This adverb(in the sentence it is a circumstance), therefore, I define the generating word - deliberate (from the perfective verb). Writing: thoughtlessly .

Compare two sentences:

Baked apples on a plate .

Oven-baked apples lay on a plate .

In one case the word baked written with one n, and in the other case, with two n. In order to understand why these words are written that way, you need to understand a few rules. True, there are quite a few rules and exceptions on this topic.

Н and НН in adjectives and participles

In order to determine how much n should be written in the adjective, first you need to understand what part of speech it is formed from. As a rule, adjectives are formed from nouns, from verbs or are primitive. Primitive adjectives are not derived from any other part of speech. Let's look at these three groups.

Adjectives formed from nouns

en -, — yang -, — in -.

Examples: leather, silver, horse

Exceptions: glass, tin, wood

In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes - enn -, — stvenn -, — he N -, — ation -, — irovann -.

Examples: cranberry, feminine, evolutionary, examination, erudite

Exceptions: windy, oily ( But windless)

In adjectives formed from nouns with a base on n with the suffix n -.

Examples: deep, true

Primitive adjectives

Primitive adjectives are not derived from any other part of speech. In them n included in the root. These adjectives have only one letter. n .

blue, young, green, ruddy

For example, in the word rosy root rouge, but not room(there is no such root in Russian at all).

society(s) opinion

What should be in place of the dash?

What should be in place of the dash?

Verbal adjectives and participles in full form

There are three conditions when any of which in the full passive past participle or adjective is written nn.

1. Participle (or adjective) formed from a verb with a prefix(except for attachment Not- which does not affect the quantity n in a word).

frightened, loaded, baked

But: unafraid, uninvited

Exceptions: named (brother; with emphasis on the second syllable), planted (father; replacing the parent of the groom or bride at the wedding), dowry (this is a noun formed by moving the adjective into the category of nouns), smart.

Important: the spelling of verbal adjectives in compound words does not change.

fresh-frozen (without a prefix, so one is written n) - freshly frozen (with a prefix, therefore it is written nn)
plain-colored (without a prefix, so one is written n) - smooth-colored (with a prefix, therefore it is written nn)

2. Communion has dependent words(except for words indicating the degree of manifestation of the trait: Very , very etc.).

a wagon loaded with sand, an apple baked in the oven

3. Participle (or adjective) formed from the perfective verb .

abandoned (throw), given (give), bought (buy), deprived (deprive), decided (decide)

These three conditions do not cover participles and adjectives without dependent words formed from imperfective verbs without prefixes. There are two rules here, of which there are many exceptions.

Rule 1 If the participle (or verbal adjective) ends in - ovated , — fucked up, spelled nn .

Examples: spoiled, lined, uprooted

But: this rule does not apply if - ov -, — ev- are part of the root (in words chewed, forged, pecked).

Rule 2 If the adjective is formed with suffixes - en -, — n- from an imperfective verb without a prefix, in the absence of dependent words it is written n .

Examples: laden, mowed, baked, baked, frozen, torn, confused, stolen

But: In some adjectives formed from non-prefixed imperfective verbs, it is written nn .

Examples: desired, active

Adjectives and participles in short form

In the short form of adjectives, the same number is written n how much and in full.

significant change ⇒ significant change

windy girl ⇒ windy girl

well-mannered girl ⇒ well-mannered girl

In short passive participles, one letter is always written n .

The deed is already done.

Mission successfully completed.

Short adjectives and short participles must be distinguished by meaning.

His face is agitated (adjective) - The sea is agitated by the wind (participle)
This teacher is always reserved (adjective) - The oath was kept (participle)

17. One and two letters n in adverbs for -o, -e. Rules

In adverbs in -o (-e), the same number of n is written as in adjectives
and the participles from which they are formed:

convenient - convenient, unexpected - unexpectedly, excited - excitedly.

Tasks on the topic “One and two letters n in adverbs for -o, -e”

Talk excitedly about, explain puta about, look scattered about, fight desperately about, come regularly about.

Insert one or two letters n.

Move slowly o, look alert o, appear unwillingly o, answer with restraint o, talk seriously o.

Insert one or two letters n.

1. The company is interested in housing construction. 2. The history teacher listened to us with interest about. 3. Our generation is passionate about computer games. 4. He was passionate about talking about the trip.

Insert one or two letters n.

1. Our field is lifeless, oh, sadly. 2. The speaker was carefully preparing for his speech. 3. Vanya Zacharova looked at the snow-covered forest. 4. The store is closed for the time being. 5. The fright hare looked around. 6. As a result of the check, many violations were revealed.

Insert one or two letters n.

Shout joy about, look confused about, come unexpectedly about, talk put about, rush about furiously, evaluate enthusiastically about.

Insert one or two letters n.

Ask a fright about, listen calmly about, smile embarrassedly about, express yourself exactly, work hard about, unexpectedly about - not guess about.

Insert one or two letters n.

1. I have everything signed on, agreed on with the director. 2. A good rain on the river is good. 3. This concept is somehow connected with the wind. 4. The visitor lowered his eyes in embarrassment. 5. The sails of lifelessness hung about.

Insert one or two letters n.

To speak sadly about, to follow tensely about, to act frivolously about, to sigh tiredly about, to answer with confidence about, to talk naturally about.

Н and НН in adverbs

Spelling rules H and HH in adverbs

In adverbs to -O- And -e-, formed from quality adjectives and verbal participles, one or two letters can be written in suffixes H:

    H in adverb suffixes it is written in words formed from adjectives or participles with one letter N.

Not always in adverbs is written as many N as there were in the generating basis.

As you can see, the rules for writing one and two letters HH of suffixes of adverbs and nouns are the same. At school, this topic is studied in the 8th grade.

Did not like? - Write in the comments what is missing.

  • What is an adverb in Russian
  • What questions does the adverb answer?
  • Adverb as a part of speech
  • Morphological analysis of the adverb
  • Н and НН in adverbs
  • How the adverb is emphasized in the sentence
  • Adverb ranks by meaning
  • Continuous and separate spelling of adverbs
  • Hyphen in adverbs
  • Spelling of adverbs
  • Degrees of comparison of adverbs
  • How to spell NOT with adverbs
  • Soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end
  • Negative adverbs
  • demonstrative adverb
  • How to define an adverb
  • Ways of forming adverbs
  • Semantic groups of adverbs
  • Morphological features of the adverb
  • Not with adverbs for O, E
  • Pronominal adverbs
  • The syntactic role of the adverb
  • The letters "o" and "a" at the end of adverbs
  • Spelling of adverb suffixes
  • Continuous, hyphenated and separate spelling of adverbs
  • How to distinguish an adverb from an adjective?
  • Definitive and circumstantial adverbs
  • Adverbs of time
  • Oh, E at the end of adverbs after hissing
  • Spelling of adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions
  • End of adverbs
  • Analysis of the adverb by composition
  • Invariability of adverbs
  • Adverbs of measure and degree
  • Adverbs of place

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The most active participants of the week:

  • 1. Victoria Neumann - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
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The cards are electronic (code), they will be sent in the coming days by Vkontakte message or e-mail.

9. Spelling nn and n in participles and verbal adjectives. Rules

1. In suffixes of full passive participles formed from
nesov verbs. type and used with dependent words:

potatoes fried in oil, a well-aimed stone,
freshly painted fence, crocheted sweater.

2. In the suffixes of the full passive participles of the past
tense and adjectives formed from the verbs of owls. view without
prefixes and with prefixes (except non-):

folded envelope, confusing question,
a ball thrown into the river, measured movements.

You should remember the spelling of the words:

named (brother), planted (father), dowry (bride),
forgiven (Sunday), finished (man),

which in modern Russian are not participles.

named after his grandfather Alexander,
a father placed in a place of honor,
replenishment attached to the military unit.

Verbal adjectives are written with nn in -ovanny,
-evanny (i.e. having suffixes -ova-nn-, -yova-nn-):

spoiled child, uprooted plot, risky act.

In the words forged, chewed, the spelling n or nn obeys the general

forged boot - (no dependent words, formed from the verb of the non-native species)
plowshare forged in the forge - (there is a dependent word "in the forge")
chained door - (formed from the verb of an owl species).

(-ov- and -ev- are part of the root).

Verbal adjectives are formed from non-prefixed
imperfective verbs and do not have explanatory
words, except for adverbs of degree completely, very, absolutely, etc.
Such verbal adjectives are written with one n:

fried potatoes (fry - ch. non. species),
dyed roof, knitted scarf, sheared poodle.

The presence of a non- particle does not affect the spelling:

uninvited guest, unpainted roof, unshorn poodle.

If there are dependent words or prefixes, the
the meaning of participles that are written with nn.

Compare: Dried fish - (verbal adjective),
sun-dried fish - (participle),
dried fish - (participle).

Spelling n or nn in compound adjectives obeys
general rule:

freshly painted (paint, non-sov. look), painted (paint, owl. look).

In combinations read - reread, washed - washed linen
and so on. both words should be written with one n for uniformity.

unseen slow sacred
unguessed done read
unexpected desired promised
unheard cutesy plastered
accidental chased
unexpected swagger

Brief summary of previous rules

nn are written in the suffixes of the passive participles of the past
tense and adjectives formed from verbs.

1. There are prefixes, except for non-dried flower

2. If the word on -ovanny, yovanny canned vegetables
but: forged, chewed

3. There are dependent words pan-fried pies

4. The word is formed from abandoned (from ch. toss) village
prefixed verb owl. type no: wounded

5. In full passive trained, tested
past participles

Oath kept = oath kept (can be replaced by a conjugated
verb form), which means restrained - a short passive

The girl is very restrained and closed (in conjugated verb form
cannot be replaced), which means restrained - a short adjective.

In short verbal adjectives, as many n are written as
and in full:

distracted girl - distracted girl,
confused and unconvincing explanation - the explanation is confused and unconvincing.

Unlike short adjectives, short passive forms
Past participles are always written with one n:

The softest and most touching poems (what happened to them?) Are written
Russian poets about autumn. Raindrops (what happened to them?) scattered
on glass.

Tasks on the topic "Spelling nn and n in participles and verbal adjectives"

Form passive past participles from verbs that answer the question what?

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adverbs

Adverbs are written with -n- or -nn- depending on the spelling of the generating adjective or the full form of the participle. Here are examples of spelling -n- And -nn- adverbs.

All adverbs originated or originate from words belonging to different parts of speech. From quality adjectives and the full form of participles, adverbs are actively formed with the help of a suffix -O:

  • beautiful - to look beautiful;
  • preoccupied - ask preoccupied about.

Often there is doubt about how the derived lexeme is spelled correctly: with one letter "n" or with two? Spelling -n- or -nn- in adverbs, it depends on the word of which part of speech they were formed.

Spelling of adverbs with -n-

In writing adverbs with -n- And -nn-, formed on behalf of the adjective, we are guided by the rule of Russian spelling:

Let's see how this selection principle works. -n- And -nn-:

careful approach - treat with care;

long report - wrote long;

intentional act - did it intentionally;

confused look - answered confused n o.

Particular difficulty in writing -n- And -nn- cause adverbs formed from verbal adjectives. For example, how to spell the adverb "confused" or "confusing"?

Then you need to make your choice, restoring the word-building chain:

(what to do?) confused - confused (answer) - answer (how?) confused.

An adjective is formed from an imperfective verb with the help of a suffix -en-, which is preserved in the spelling of the derived adverb.

Similarly, we check the spelling -n- in a word:

(what to do?) infuriate - furious (wolf) - spin around like? besh en o.

The motors were running at full strength. Hundreds of demons, called horsepower, fought furiously turning piston levers (A. Tolstoy).

Pay attention to the spelling of the adjective "windy" with one letter "n". Accordingly, the derived adverb retains the suffix -en-:

It's very windy outside today.

Spelling of adverbs with -nn-

WITH -nn- adverbs are written formed from the full forms of adjectives and participles with -nn-:

  • fog nn th - fog nn o answer;
  • concentrated person - was engaged in concentration;
  • offended nn th child - says offended n o;
  • modern approach - looks modern.
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