Ulgtu passing scores on the budget. Ulyanovsk State Technical University: address, faculties, how to apply


In anticipation of the start of entrance examinations, applicants and their parents are interested in changes in the processes of passing exams and accepting documents to universities. We asked Oksana Vadimovna Maksimova, responsible secretary of the selection committee, to answer questions about admission to UlSTU.

- Oksana Vadimovna, please tell us what are the requirements for applicants to enter a university?

- Firstly, they must successfully pass the exam, this is the most basic requirement. Then they submit the documents. Let me remind you that applicants have the right to apply to any five universities, for three specialties in each, while they can only be enrolled by bringing the original documents. As a rule, a problem arises with the last point: the originals remain on hand until the last moment, apparently due to uncertainty in choosing a university, as a result of which you can simply miss the deadline for submitting documents.

- What changes have occurred in the entrance examinations this year?

- There were no changes in the entrance examinations, we still have three exams left. Of these, two are mandatory - Russian and mathematics. For technical disciplines, the third exam is physics. For those who enter the specialty "Software Engineering", "Information Systems and Technologies" and "Applied Informatics in Economics", the third exam is computer science. For those who enter the "Design of the architectural environment" - a creative exam. All this and other necessary information is available in the tab "Applicant" / "Admission Committee" of the main website of UlSTU: http://www.ulstu.ru/main/view/article/6010.

For those who have received a secondary vocational education and want to continue their studies in their field, internal entrance tests are conducted in the form of the Unified State Examination in the same subjects. But, once again, I draw your attention, only if they follow the profile. For example, you graduated from a construction college and decided to continue your studies at the university in the same profile at the Faculty of Civil Engineering - only in this case, internal exams are taken. In all other cases, admission to the university is based on the results of the Unified State Examination.

- Tell me, what specialties are most in demand among students today?

- According to the results of recent years, the most in demand at UlSTU are the profiles "Construction" and "Industrial Civil Engineering" (Construction Faculty). All areas of the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies are also consistently in demand.

What are the deadlines for submitting documents this year?

- The deadline for submitting documents for those who want to enroll in our full-time study based on the results of the Unified State Examination is from June 20 to July 25, this is stipulated in the admission rules. For correspondence, part-time forms and those who pass the creative exam, the admission ends on July 5, for those who pass internal exams - July 10 for full-time forms and July 15 for correspondence. This year, according to the admission procedure, the deadline for submitting documents for correspondence courses and master's programs this year will be extended until mid-August.

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu. from 08:30 to 17:30

Fri. from 08:30 to 16:30

Latest reviews of UlSTU

Olga Shimanskaya 15:43 04/29/2013

As in all standard universities, admission is carried out strictly according to the USE, but my advantage was that I entered the evening form of study and therefore I did not write the USE. I wrote only the usual exam in Russian and English (for my profile). In the city of Ulyanovsk, this university is in second place in terms of popularity, and in first place in terms of the quality of education. Basically, this university is popular for those who want to study. For everyone else, there is Ulyanovsk State University. Generally...

Ivan Ustymenko 09:35 04/28/2013

The difficulty of entering this university depends on the choice of faculty. For example, when entering the humanitarian, law or economic faculties, it is very difficult to pass the entrance exam due to the high passing score. The simplest thing is to enroll in technical specialties - the Faculty of Civil Engineering or Radio Engineering. I entered the "RTF", after studying for four years in college, for a shortened period of the program - instead of 5 years, three years. I opted for this direction...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Technical University"


No. 02192 is valid Indefinitely from 06/15/2016


No. 02059 is valid from 06/28/2016 to 05/31/2019

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for UlSTU

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 7 6 6 6
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education61.01 60.69 59.10 56.83 59.74
Average USE score credited to the budget65.06 63.02 61.24 60.15 61.29
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis56.43 57.39 56.50 53.94 57.85
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department41.85 40.33 43.43 41.01 41.14
Number of students7217 7126 7455 7705 7899
full-time department4062 3919 3720 4308 4404
Part-time department713 826 849 775 1038
Extramural2442 2381 2886 2622 2457
All data

Choosing a future profession is a responsible and serious step in the life of every person. We all dream that our future work will correspond to the possibilities and interests, bring positive emotions. A wide range of specialties can be found at the Ulyanovsk State Technical University (UlSTU).

General information about the university

In 2017 Ulyanovsk Technical University has an anniversary. The university will celebrate its 60th anniversary in September. This period in the history of an educational organization is the path from a small institute to the largest university in the Volga region. Today UlSTU is considered to be the center of science, education and culture in the Ulyanovsk region. Photos of Ulyanovsk State Technical University can be seen below.

To date, over 16 thousand students study in the considered educational organization. Such a number of students indicates that every summer the university is in high demand among applicants during the admission campaign. Applicants are offered more than 30 diverse and modern areas of training, about 45 specialties. The rector, teachers, members of the selection committee invite applicants to the university so that they can build a path for themselves in the future life.

How did it all start?

It all started on September 18, 1957. In accordance with the order of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, a polytechnic institute appeared in Ulyanovsk on that day. It was created on the basis of a branch of the Kuibyshev Industrial Institute operating in the city, offering evening education. The opening of the educational institution was caused by an increase in the need for engineering personnel, because the national economy was developing, its mechanization and automation were carried out.

In the created university there were 3 faculties (mechanical, construction and correspondence), 6 departments worked. In the first year, 699 people entered the institute. They studied at the evening and correspondence departments. Classes were held in a poorly equipped building. There was no educational equipment, there was no necessary scientific and educational literature. There were no more than 1,500 books in the library that existed at the university.

Later years

A few years later, the development of the university was outlined - the future Ulyanovsk State Technical University. In the 60s of the last century, the material and technical base expanded. An important event in the history of the educational institution at that time was the opening of a full-time department, because the existing forms of education no longer fully satisfied the increased need of the city and the region for qualified personnel. At the full-time department, applicants were offered a choice of 2 faculties - radio engineering and mechanical.

By the 1990s, the university had reached significant heights in its development. In 1994, his status changed. The Polytechnic Institute became a technical university. To date, Ulyanovsk State Technical University is located at the address: Severny Venets Street, 32. The university consists of 8 faculties, the Institute of Aviation Technology and Management, the Dimitrovgrad Institute of Management, Technology and Design, the Center for Additional Professional Education, the Institute of Distance Education. UlSTU owns 11 educational buildings, 6 dormitories.

Mechanical engineering, radio engineering and power engineering faculties

One of the structural subdivisions of the Ulyanovsk State Technical University is currently the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It has existed since the founding of the university. The faculty trains engineers in the following specialties:

  • "Design and technological support of machine-building industries".
  • "Technology, equipment and automation of machine-building industries".
  • "Machine-building technologies and equipment".
  • "Transport vehicles and transport-technological complexes".
  • "Operation of ground transport and transport equipment".

The Faculty of Radio Engineering has been operating since 1962. Its tasks include teaching students in areas related to radio engineering, quality management, design and technology of electronic means, infocommunication technologies and communication systems.

The Energy Faculty has been training engineers since 1957. Applicants are offered relevant areas that allow graduates to find work in the future. These are "Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering", and "Oil and Gas Business", and "Technospheric Safety", etc.

Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies

In the 90s of the last century, the labor market increased the demand for qualified specialists versed in information technology. The leadership of the Ulyanovsk State Technical University decided to open a special faculty, which would bring together all the specialties related to computers and their applications. A similar structural unit appeared in 1995.

The first set consisted of a small number of people. Today, more than 1000 students study at the faculty. The available areas of training for undergraduate and specialist programs are related to the development of specialized computers and robots, the use of computer technologies in the field of advertising, telecommunications, and economics.

Faculty of Construction and Engineering and Economics

Many applicants entering Ulyanovsk State Technical University are interested in the Faculty of Civil Engineering. It appeared in 1973, but the training of civil engineers began much earlier. Back in 1957, the first applicants were offered the specialty "Civil and Industrial Engineering". Today, training is conducted on "Construction" and "Design of the architectural environment." The last direction is relatively new. It appeared in 1996, and in 2002 the first architects graduated.

The engineering and economic division is very popular among the faculties of the Ulyanovsk State Technical University. It was opened in 1999 under the name of the Faculty of Economics and Mathematics. The renaming was made quite recently - in 2016. What specialties are there? Applicants entering the Faculty of Engineering and Economics can choose:

  • "Credit and finance";
  • "Accounting, analysis and audit";
  • "Taxes and taxation";
  • "Financial analytics in industries and sectors of the economy";
  • "Marketing";
  • "Commerce";
  • "Organisation management";
  • "Municipal and state administration";
  • "Personnel Management".

Faculty of Humanities

When the status of universities began to change in the 90s, the leadership of the Ulyanovsk Polytechnic Institute thought about taking a bold step - opening a humanitarian faculty. This event took place in 1991. The work of the new faculty began with the preparation of students in the direction of "Management". Later, several new specialties were opened related to information systems in economics, commerce, publishing and editing, public relations, and linguistics.

Now the Faculty of Humanities at Ulyanovsk State Technical University trains students in 3 areas - "Publishing and Editing", "Applied and Theoretical Linguistics", "Public Relations". They have more than 650 people.

Correspondence-evening faculty

The correspondence and evening faculty was opened at the time of the foundation of a higher educational institution in Ulyanovsk. He continues to work even now. The structural unit attracts many applicants, because it has several important advantages:

  • at the correspondence and evening faculty, one can get higher education free of charge in a convenient form at the expense of financing from the state budget of the Russian Federation;
  • students who have a job receive additional paid leave during the session for convenient passing tests and exams at the university;
  • for students at the correspondence-evening faculty, a convenient training schedule is developed that allows you to combine work and study.

Admission to the University

How to enter the Ulyanovsk State Technical University? The first step is the choice of faculty and specialty. Applicants are recommended to do this as early as possible in order to decide on the list of subjects to be taken in the form of the Unified State Examination at school or entrance exams at the university:

  • in technical specialties, results in the Russian language, mathematics and physics are required;
  • in specialties related to computers and information technology - in the Russian language, mathematics and computer science;
  • in economic and managerial areas - in the Russian language, mathematics and social science;
  • in such humanitarian specialties as "Applied and Theoretical Linguistics", "Intercultural Communication", "Translation and Translation Studies", in Russian and foreign languages, social science;
  • on "Public Relations and Advertising", "Media Communications", "Preparation and Distribution of Printed Publications" - in the Russian language, social science and history of Russia.

During the period of the introductory campaign, which begins in the summer, you need to come to the university. From applicants, members of the admission committee accept an application, certificate or diploma of education, passport, photographs, documents confirming the presence of individual achievements.

If you have any questions about admission, please contact the Admissions Office. You can also take part in excursions organized by the Ulyanovsk Technical University in the laboratories and classrooms of the faculties. At such events, applicants annually get acquainted with student life, learn about the features of admission, get acquainted with the deans, heads of departments, teachers, the rector of the Ulyanovsk State Technical University (now this position is occupied by Alexander Petrovich Pinkov, the former head of the municipality "city of Ulyanovsk").

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