Ulyukaev Dmitry Alekseevich instagram. The humble life of a millionaire's son


The Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Ulyukaev, "taken" red-handed on the night of November 15 for receiving a bribe in the amount of two million dollars for a "positive assessment" of the deal to purchase Bashneft by Rosneft, is rich not only financially, but also in heirs . He has two sons and a daughter.

The disgraced minister Ulyukaev was married twice. In his first marriage with Tamara Usyk, he had two sons. From the second wife, Yulia Khryapova, the same age as his eldest son, has a daughter.

The senior heir to the minister, Dmitry Ulyukaev, born on February 20, 1983, turned out to be a creative person, choosing the profession of a cameraman.

Perhaps Dmitry cannot be called a "major" or a typical representative of golden youth. Judging by the information about him in open Internet sources, Ulyukaev Jr. leads a rather modest life for his family ties.

Dmitry Ulyukaev graduated from VGIK. There, in 2007, he graduated from the camera department (workshop of Yu.A. Nevsky). During his camera career, Dmitry made nine films, three of which are short films.

The first work of Ulyukaev Jr. was the film "Life by surprise", released on screens in 2006. One of his most successful projects was the painting "The Land of Oz" with Yana Troyanova in the title role. Dmitry acted here not only as an operator, but also as a producer. Also, the heir to the disgraced minister worked on the projects "House of the Sun" (directed by I. Sukachev) and "Death Combat" (directed by A. Franskevich-Laye).

Dmitry has 513 followers on Instagram. There are no signs of chic and luxury among the photographs. The minister's son shares with subscribers photos from his professional life, as well as pictures of nature and travel. Ulyukaev Jr. loves sports, as his photo with an open torso speaks eloquently.

One of the main Russian films of 2015, film critics called "The Land of Oz" directed by Vasily Sigarev - laureate of the XXVI Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr". This "hooligan New Year's comedy", produced by Dmitry Ulyukaev, won the prize for the best script and, according to the famous film critic Anton Dolin, was "received with delight" by its first viewers.

Frame from the film "Land of Oz". Producer Dmitry Ulyukaev

Despite such positive reviews and a star cast (Gosha Kutsenko, in particular, starred in the film), it failed at the box office, collecting only $ 307.6 thousand with a budget of $ 1.5 million (for comparison: the film had about the same budget " Cards, money, two barrels", while "Paranormal Activity" has 100 times less).

If critics greeted the film favorably, then some politicians reacted negatively to it. In particular, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky, in an appeal addressed to the President of Russia, called for a ban on its screening in cinemas, since the picture does not show the most attractive aspects of Russian reality: in the Land of Oz there are a lot of obscenities (even Inna Churikova swears), scenes of violence and alcoholism.

The producers of the film admitted that many actors (among them, for example, Konstantin Khabensky and Fyodor Bondarchuk) refused to act in the film, considering the plot of the film too black.

The film was produced by the White Mirror company, namely two people - Sofiko Kiknavelidze and Dmitry Ulyukaev, the son of the former Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. In 2015, they released another film - "I Can Knit", however, unlike the "Land of Oz", this picture did not cause any resonance. Prior to that, Dmitry Ulyukaev tried himself as a cameraman: he shot the films "Life by surprise" (2007), "House without an address" (2010), "Pedlar" (2013) and "Nearby" (2014), and in 2016 he hosted participation in the filming of the film "Forgotten".

Dmitry Ulyukaev. Photo: instagram.com/chiquitopescadito

Gazeta.Ru took a closer look at the business of Ulyukaev Jr. According to the Kontur.Focus database, the production company White Mirror LLC was established in 2011. 50% of the company is owned by Sofiko Kiknavelidze, she is also the director. The rest of the share in the company belongs to the son of the ex-minister Dmitry Ulyukaev. In 2013, White Mirror received state financial support in the amount of 4.7 million rubles. from the Ministry of Culture to create the film "I can knit."

However, as Kiknavelidze stated in an interview in the media, the Ministry of Culture allocated money only to complete the project. The main funding went through the "Finance and Development" fund. It should be noted that the founders of "Finance and Development" were the "Public Opinion" and "E.T. Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy" foundations. In the latter institution, Ulyukaev Sr. worked as deputy director in 1994-1996 and 1998-2000.

According to media reports, Dmitry Ulyukaev filmed "Land of Oz" without state support. "The script was not yet ready to the end, and the producer Sofiko Kiknavelidze had already appeared," said the director of the film, Vasily Sigarev. "By the way, we were not filming with state money."

Kiknavelidze herself in the same interview claimed that the film was made with "completely private money", but did not disclose the source of their origin. Gazeta.Ru contacted Kiknavelidze and Ulyukaev Jr. for a comment, but received no response.

The study of the film credits did not bring clarity either, where, as a rule, individuals and legal entities involved in financing and filming are indicated.

In the credits of The Land of Oz, the film crew expresses their gratitude to PJSC Lukoil and PJSC Gazprom, as well as the mayor of Yekaterinburg, Yevgeny Roizman, who starred in the film in a cameo role.

However, how exactly they contributed to the appearance of the picture into the world is unknown.

By the time the film was released, Dmitry Ulyukaev was already a well-established businessman: from November 2004 to 2006 he owned the offshore company Ronnieville Ltd, registered in the British Virgin Islands (subsequently it came under the control of the second wife of the ex-Minister of Economic Development Yulia Khryapina). In addition, he was a co-owner of the Moscow company Yurusstroy, which was engaged in architecture and construction.

The ex-Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev has a 34-year-old son, Dmitry Ulyukaev. Father, as you know, is now on trial in the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow for extorting a bribe of $ 2 million from the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin. He is awaiting sentencing under house arrest. And Ulyukaev Jr. is making a movie at this time.

This is a black comedy called "Dad, die." No, there is no reference to Ulyukaev Sr., not about the famous basket of sausages from Rosneft.

Screenshot of Instagram/chiquitopescadito page

According to the plot, 25-year-old Matvey comes to the father of his girlfriend, Andrei Gennadievich. She is very offended by her father, and Andrei wants to avenge her. A fight begins, which reveals many details about the heroes.

“There are three different stories in the film that are closely intertwined in the process of plot development,” said Life at the White Mirror company.

Dmitry Ulyukaev is a producer and co-owner of this film company. He has a 50% share, the remaining 50% belongs to the Russian film producer Sofiko Kiknavelidze.

As Life learned, on October 10, White Mirror received a subsidy from the Ministry of Culture in the amount of 25 million rubles for the "production of a national film." Obviously, we are talking about the movie "Daddy, die."

The company "White Mirror" confirmed that this film "is filmed with partial funding from the MK (Ministry of Culture. — Approx. Life) RF".

One more confirmation on the website of the Ministry of Culture, at the July meeting of the Expert Council on feature films for debutant directors. It says that the council decided to recommend to the Department of Cinematography of the Ministry of Culture to include the "White Mirror" with the film "Papa" in the list of recipients of the subsidy.

Yes, in the documents the film is simply called “Dad”, but, as can be seen from the numerous photos on the Instagram accounts of Dmitry Ulyukaev, Sofiko Kiknavelidze and the actors, everyone calls the picture “Dad, die.”

"Daddy, take it easy" currently the film's working title, White Mirror said. And so far we like it in this version.

Dmitry Ulyukaev writes in the comments to the posts that he is filming a “black dray comedy”.
- This is really a black comedy ... - said the White Mirror company. - A bright, genre story, which has no analogues in either domestic or foreign cinema. Brutal, hooligan, serious and funny at the same time...

The film card is already on Kinopoisk. The film's budget is 65 million rubles. Director - Kirill Sokolov (before that he shot short films). The film also includes Oksana Dorokhin (starred in the film “In the Autumn of 41st”, the series “Barvikha”, “Interns”) and Yevgeny Kazak (starred in the films “My Crazy Family”, “Dusty Work”). This is information from the actors' Instagram accounts.

According to Kinopoisk, among the actors are also Alexander Domogarov, Jr. (played in the film Yolki-2), Vitaly Khaev (played in the films Place on Earth, Playing the Victim, Bless the Woman), etc. .

- The idea of ​​the film and the script were proposed by the film director Kirill Sokolov, - they said in the White Mirror. This is his feature film debut. The producers liked the script, and for almost a year there was preparation for filming.

Filming takes place in Moscow. More than 70% - "in purpose-built sets in the pavilion." Filming should wrap up in November.

Earlier, as the company "White Mirror" has already received a subsidy in the amount of 4.7 million rubles for the film "I can knit." Dmitry graduated from VGIK and has made at least nine films to date.

Once he already got into a media scandal, but not as the son of a minister, but as a director. LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky demanded to ban the screening of Ulyukaev's film "Country of OZ" (because there are a lot of swear words and scenes of violence).

As follows from the data of the SPARK database, earlier Dmitry Ulyukaev had a business in another area. He was a co-owner of the Yurusstroy company, which was engaged in "excavation work."

How, the ex-partner of Ulyukaev Jr. in this company, Yaroslav Yurchak, received government contracts from companies controlled by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Also, as it became known from the “Panamanian dossier” of Mossack Fonseca, Dmitry Ulyukaev was the director of the offshore company Ronnieville Ltd (registered in the British Virgin Islands).

Perhaps the love of art was passed on to Dmitry from his father. Alexei Ulyukaev quotes the classics at every court session.

On September 7, he quoted the ancient Roman poet Virgil (slightly changing his words). Ulyukaev said: "Beware of the Danaans who bring the Kolbaians." Obviously, he meant Igor Sechin, who handed him a basket of sausage and a briefcase with money, after which Ulyukaev was under arrest.

The nomenklatura does not abandon its own, even if they get into trouble. Arrest and trial of ex-minister of economic development Alexey Ulyukaev, accused of extorting a $2 million bribe from the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin, did not prevent his son from obtaining state funding for the production of film products of dubious quality. Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, who wrote after the film "Matilda" about the "overflowing cup of patience", did not spare 25 million people's rubles for film production.

The only intrigue associated with the film at the moment is its title - "Daddy, die." No, there is no reference to Ulyukaev Sr., there is nothing about the famous a basket of sausages from Rosneft.

According to the plot, 25-year-old Matvey comes to the father of his girlfriend - Andrei Gennadievich. She is very offended by her father, and Matvey wants to avenge her. A fight begins, which reveals many details about the heroes.

There are three different stories in the film, which are closely intertwined in the process of plot development, White Mirror said.

Dmitry Ulyukaev is a producer and co-owner of this film company. Its share is 50%, the remaining 50% is held by the Russian film producer Sofiko Kiknavelidze. According to the agency "Ruspres", the son of Alexei Ulyukaev Dmitry (as well as the stepson of the minister Taras Usik), is actively involved in business. As it became known from the "Panama dossier" of the company Mossack Fonseca In addition to White Mirror, he owned the company Ronnieville Ltd, registered in the British Virgin Islands, which recently came under the control of the second wife of the ex-minister of economic development, Yulia Khryapina. Even earlier, Dmitry Ulyukaev was a co-owner of the Yurusstroy company, which was engaged in "earthworks".

October 10 "White Mirror" received a subsidy from Ministry of Culture in the amount of 25 million rubles for the "production of a national film". Obviously, we are talking about the movie "Daddy, die." The company "White Mirror" confirmed that this film "is being shot with partial funding from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation."

Another confirmation is on the website of the Ministry of Culture in the July minutes of the meeting of the Expert Council on feature films for debutant directors. It says that the council decided to recommend to the Department of Cinematography of the Ministry of Culture to include "White Mirror" with the film "Papa" in the list of recipients of the subsidy.

Yes, in the documents the film is simply called "Dad", but, as can be seen from the numerous photos on the Instagram accounts of Dmitry Ulyukaev, Sofiko Kiknavelidze and the actors, everyone calls the picture "Dad, die."

- "Dad, die" - at the moment the working title of the film - said the company "White Mirror". - And so far we like it in this version.

Dmitry Ulyukaev writes in the comments to the posts that he is filming a "black dray comedy". According to him, the movie will be rich. Ulyukaev denied the version of a number of media outlets that the film could in any way be connected with his family. He called such messages "yellow press speculation."

It's really a black comedy... - said the company "White Mirror". - A vivid genre story, which has no analogues in either domestic or foreign cinema. Brutal, hooligan, serious and funny at the same time...

The movie card is already on "Kinopoisk". The budget of the picture is 65 million rubles. Director - Kirill Sokolov (before that he shot short films). The film also includes Oksana Dorokhin (starred in the film "In the Autumn of 1941", the series "Barvikha", "Interns") and Yevgeny Kazak (starred in the films "My Crazy Family", "Dusty Work"). Such information is given in the accounts of the actors on Instagram.

According to Kinopoisk, among the actors there are also Alexander Domogarov- Jr. (played in the film "Yolki-2"), Vitaly Khaev (played in the films "A Place on Earth", "Playing the Victim", "Bless the Woman"), etc.

The idea of ​​the film and the script were proposed by the director of the film, Kirill Sokolov, - they said in the "White Mirror". This is his feature film debut. The producers liked the script, and for almost a year there was preparation for filming.

Shooting takes place in Moscow. More than 70% - "in specially built scenery in the pavilion." They should end in November.

Earlier, as reported, the company "White Mirror" has already received a subsidy of 4.7 million rubles for the film "I know how to knit." Dmitry graduated from VGIK and by now stripped off at least nine films.

Once he already got into a media scandal, but not as the son of a minister, but as a director. LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky demanded to ban the screening of Ulyukaev's film "Country of OZ" (because there are a lot of obscenities and scenes of violence).

As reported, the ex-partner of Ulyukaev Jr. in this company, Yaroslav Yurchak, received government contracts from companies controlled by the Ministry of Economic Development. Perhaps the love of art was passed on to Dmitry from his father. Alexey Ulyukaev was previously known for his amateurish poems, and at each court session he quoted the classics. September 7 he quoted ancient Roman poet Virgil (slightly changing his words). Ulyukaev said: "Beware of the Danaans who bring the Kolbaians." Obviously, he meant Igor Sechin, who handed him a basket of sausage and a briefcase with money, after which Ulyukaev was under arrest. Later, by a court decision, he was forbidden

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