Smart phrases about life. The wisest statuses are smart statements with meaning


"The sleep of mankind is so deep that there is less and less chance of waking up."

Dario Salas Sommer

We rush through life at breakneck speed, in a hurry to have time to do what seems so necessary, and having achieved it, we understand that we were in a hurry in vain, and we are in some strange state of dissatisfaction. We stop, look around, and are faced with the thought: “who needs all this? Why was such a race necessary? Is this life with meaning? As soon as our brain is overcome by a lot of questions, we try to find answers from psychologists, in literature, we remember wise quotes about life with meaning. It is such a moment that turns on our consciousness, which may have been dormant for a long time.

Our civilization has come to a serious danger, as a negligent hostess has accumulated a lot of things, a huge amount of weapons, equipment, spoiled the environment, acquired a lot of unnecessary information, and now does not know where to apply it all and what to do with it. The cornucopia has become a heavy burden for both our general and individual consciousness. The standard of living has improved, but people have not become happier, but even vice versa.

The thoughts of great people about no longer penetrate the minds of many of us. Why do we become so indifferent, cruel and at the same time so helpless? Why is it so hard for many to find themselves? Why do people find a way out of difficult situations only in death? And why do many of us begin to understand something when we come across quotes about the meaning of life?

Let's turn to the sages for an explanation

Now we are ready to blame anyone for our troubles, in our sleeping consciousness. Blame the government, education, society, everyone but ourselves.

We complain about life, but at the same time we are looking for values ​​where they cannot exist in principle: in the acquisition of a new car, expensive clothes, jewelry and all human material goods.

We forget about our essence, about our purpose in our world, and most importantly, we forget about what the sages tried to convey to the souls of people in ancient times. Their phrases with meaning about life today are as relevant as possible, they are not forgotten, but they are not perceived by everyone, and not everyone is imbued with them.

Carlyle once said: "My wealth is in what I do, not in what I have". Shouldn't you be thinking about this statement? Isn't there a deep meaning of our existence in these words? There are many such beautiful statements worthy of our attention, but do we hear them? These are not just quotes of great people, this is a call to awakening, to action, to life with meaning.

Wisdom of Confucius

Confucius did nothing supernatural, but his teachings are the official Chinese religion, and thousands of temples dedicated to him were erected not only in China. For twenty-five centuries, his compatriots have been following the path of Confucius, and his aphorisms about life with meaning pass from generation to generation.

What did he do to deserve such honors? He knew the world, himself, knew how to listen, and more to hear people. His quotes about the meaning of life are heard from the lips of our contemporaries:

  • “A happy person is very easy to recognize. He seems to radiate an aura of calmness and warmth, moves slowly, but manages to do everything, speaks calmly, but everyone understands him. The secret of happy people is simple - it is the absence of tension.
  • "Beware of those who want to impute guilt to you, for they crave power over you."
  • “Poverty is ashamed in a country that is well-ruled. In a country that is badly ruled, riches are ashamed.”
  • "The person who made a mistake and didn't fix it made another mistake."
  • “Those who do not think about distant difficulties are sure to face close troubles.”
  • “Archery teaches us how to seek the truth. When the shooter misses, he does not blame others, but looks for the fault in himself.
  • "If you want to be successful, avoid the six vices: sleepiness, laziness, fear, anger, idleness and indecision"

He created his own system of state organization. In his understanding, the wisdom of a ruler should be to instill in his subjects respect for traditional rituals that determine everything - the behavior of people in society and the family, the way they think.

He believed that the ruler must, above all, respect traditions, and accordingly the people will respect them. Only with such an approach to government can violence be avoided. And this man lived more than fifteen centuries ago.

Confucius catchphrases

“Teach only the one who, knowing one corner of the square, imagines the other three”. Such aphorisms about life with meaning Confucius spoke only to those who wanted to hear him.

Not being an important person, he could not convey his teachings to the rulers, but did not give up and began to teach those who wanted to learn. All students, and there were up to three thousand of them, he taught according to the ancient Chinese principle: "Do not share origin."

His clever sayings about the meaning of life: “I don’t get upset if people don’t understand me, I get upset if I don’t understand people”, “Sometimes we see a lot, but we don’t notice the main thing” and thousands more of his clever sayings were entered by students in a book "Conversations and Judgments".

These works became central to Confucianism. He is revered as the first teacher of mankind, his statements about the meaning of life are paraphrased and quoted by philosophers from different countries.

Parables and our life

Our lives are full of stories about cases from the lives of people who drew certain conclusions from what happened. More often people come to conclusions when sharp turns happen in their lives, trouble overtakes or gnaws loneliness.

It is from such stories that parables about the meaning of life are composed. They come to us through the centuries, trying to make us think about our mortal life.

Vessel with stones

We often hear that it is necessary to live easily, enjoying every moment, because no one is given to live twice. One wise man explained the meaning of life to his students by example. He filled the vessel to the brim with large stones and turned to the disciples with a question about how full the vessel was.

The students stated the fact that the vessel was full. The sage added smaller stones. Pebbles are located in empty places among large stones. The sage again asked the disciples the same question. The disciples answered with surprise that the vessel was full. The sage added sand to that vessel, after which he invited his students to compare their lives with the vessel.

This parable about the meaning of life explains that large stones in a vessel determine the most important thing in a person's life - his health, his family and children. Small pebbles are work and material wealth, which can be attributed to less important things. And sand determines the daily bustle of a person. If you start filling the vessel with sand, then for the rest of the fillers, there may not be room left.

Each parable about the meaning of life carries its own semantic load, and we understand it in our own way. Who thinks, and who does not delve into, some compose their no less instructive parables about the meaning of life, but it happens that there is no one to listen to them.

Three "I"

For now, we can afford to turn to parables about the meaning of life and draw at least a drop of wisdom for ourselves. One such parable about the meaning of life opened the eyes of many to life.

The little boy wondered about the soul and asked his grandfather about it. He told him an ancient story. There is a rumor that in every person there are three “Selves”, from which the soul is composed and the whole life of a person depends. The first "I" is given to be seen by everyone around. The second is that only people close to the person can see it. These "Selves" are constantly at war for leadership over a person, which leads him to fears, worries and doubts. And the third "I" can reconcile the first two or find a compromise. It is invisible to anyone, sometimes even to the person himself.

The grandson was surprised by the story of his grandfather, he became interested in what these “I” mean. To which the grandfather replied that the first “I” is the human mind, and if he wins, then a cold calculation takes over the person. The second is the human heart, and if it has the upper hand, then the person is destined to be deceived, touchy and vulnerable. The third "I" is a soul that is able to bring harmony into the relationship of the first two. This parable is about the spiritual meaning of the life of our existence.

meaningless life

All of humanity has one natural quality that determines the desire to find meaning in everything and, in particular, life itself, for many this quality wanders in their subconscious, and their own aspirations do not have a clear formulation. And if their actions are meaningless, then the quality of life is zero.

A person without a goal becomes vulnerable and irritable, he perceives the slightest difficulties with wild fear. The result of such a state is one - it becomes easy to manage a person, his talents, abilities, individuality and potential gradually come to an end.

A person places his fate at the disposal of other people who benefit from his weak character. And a person begins to take someone else's worldview as his own, and automatically he becomes led, irresponsible, blind and deaf to the pain of his loved ones, senselessly trying to earn authority among those who use it.

Whoever wants to accept the meaning of life as an external authority ends up taking the nonsense of his own arbitrariness for the meaning of life.

Vladimir Solovyov

Create your destiny

You can decide your destiny with the help of powerful motivation, which is often dictated by aphorisms about life with meaning. After all, the meaning of life is different for everyone, either acquired by experience, or coming from outside.

Einstein said: “Learn from yesterday, live today, hope for tomorrow. The main thing is not to stop asking questions…. Never lose your sacred curiosity.". His motivating quotes about the meaning of life lead many on the only right path.

Aphorisms about life with the meaning of Marcus Aurelius, who said: “Do what you must, and what will happen will happen”.

Psychoanalysts argue that greater success can be expected from an activity if the activity is given maximum meaning. And if our work also brings us satisfaction, then complete success is guaranteed.

Questions arise about how education, religion, mentality, worldview of a person influence the meaning of life. I would like the values ​​and knowledge acquired over the centuries to unite all people, regardless of their worldview, belonging to religion and era. After all, quotes about life with meaning belong to people of different times and beliefs, and their significance is the same for all sane people.

Our position in the universe requires an eternal search for answers, ourselves, our place in life, involvement in something. The world has not come up with ready-made answers, but the main thing is to never stop. Aphorisms about the meaning of life call us to movement and actions that are useful not only to ourselves, but also to those around us. “We live for those on whose smiles and well-being our own happiness depends” as Einstein said.

Wise thoughts help to live

Psychologists use quotes about life with meaning in communicating with clients, since people are creatures who, having no opinion of their own, having lost any meaning, believe and are imbued with beautiful phrases of famous people.

Quotes about the meaning of life are declared by actors from the stage, they are said in films, and from their lips we hear words that are really significant for all mankind.

Remarkable statements about the meaning of life by Faina Ranevskaya still warm the souls of women who are tormented by loneliness and disappointment:

  • “A woman to succeed in life must have two qualities. She must be smart enough to please stupid men, and stupid enough to please smart men.”
  • “The union of a stupid man and a stupid woman gives rise to a mother-heroine. The union of a stupid woman and a smart man creates a single mother. The union of a smart woman and a stupid man gives rise to an ordinary family. The union of a smart man and a smart woman gives rise to easy flirting.
  • “If a woman walks with her head down, she has a lover! If a woman walks with her head held high, she has a lover! If a woman keeps her head straight - she has a lover! And in general - if a woman has a head, then she has a lover.
  • "God made women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men."

And if you skillfully apply aphorisms about life with meaning in a conversation with people, then hardly anyone will call you a stupid or uneducated person.

The wise Omar Khayyam once said:

“Three things never come back: time, word, opportunity. Three things should not be lost: calmness, hope, honor. Three things in life are most valuable: love, conviction,. Three things in life are unreliable: power, luck, fortune. Three things define a person: hard work, honesty, achievement. Three things destroy a person: wine, pride, anger. Three things are the hardest to say: I love you, I'm sorry, help me.- beautiful phrases, each of which is permeated with eternal wisdom.

So many words were said by wise people about love, about the relationships of people who are close in spirit, on this topic philosophical disputes flared up and went out for many centuries, leaving behind only the most truthful and accurate statements about life. They have survived to our time, perhaps many sayings about happiness, and about how beautiful love is, have undergone some changes, however, they are still filled with deep meaning.

And of course, it is much more interesting not just to read a solid black and white text, killing your own vision (although, of course, no one dares to belittle the value of the thoughts of great people), but to look at beautiful, funny and positive pictures with elegant design, sinking into the soul.

Wise sayings, dressed in cool photos, will be remembered for a long time, because this way visual memory will train even better - you will remember not only funny and positive thoughts, but also captured images in the images.

Nice addition, isn't it? Watch smart, positive pictures about love, saturated with deep meaning, read about how wonderful life is in all its manifestations, note cool and smart phrases of the sages in your mind, suitable for status on pages on social networks - and at the same time train your memory.

You can memorize short, but surprisingly well-aimed and intelligent statements of great people about happiness, about the meaning of life, in order to elegantly present your knowledge to the interlocutor in a conversation.

We have selected for you the best, coolest pictures to cheer you up - here are funny, cool images that will make you smile, even if before that your mood was at zero; here are smart, philosophical phrases about people, about the meaning of life, about happiness and love, more suitable for thoughtful reading in the evenings, and of course, how can you ignore funny photos about how beautiful love is, about how it affects people, forcing them to do all sorts of stupid things in the name of love.

All this is part of our life, all this is the thoughts of great people who lived before us many years ago.

But look how fresh, how relevant their statements about love and happiness are today. And how good it is that the contemporaries of the sages preserved their clever thoughts for people who will come later, for you and me.

Pictures filled with a variety of content - about people whose life is not so beautiful without love, about people for whom happiness, on the contrary, lies in loneliness and self-knowledge - everything is presented to your exquisite taste. After all, it is impossible to reliably answer - what is happiness, for example? And is love really so beautiful, as poets, artists and writers of all times and peoples are used to portraying it?

You can only comprehend these secrets yourself. Well, to make it not so difficult on the way to achieving the goal, you can always peep wise thoughts regarding certain life situations.

You can send beautiful and funny, interesting pictures to a loved one, and it will not necessarily be your other half.

Best friend, parents, and even just a colleague with whom friendly relations have been established - everyone will be pleased to receive such a small sign of attention, filled with meaning, and allowing you to think about how beautiful she is, despite minor troubles and moments of bad mood.

Thoughts are material. So, you always need to think positively, and thereby attract positive things to yourself - good luck, promotion, and maybe true love?

Print and hang on the wall, at least at home, at least in the office, funny and funny phrases about love with a deep meaning, so that every time you enter the room, you will stumble upon them. Thus, already subconsciously, you will become much more loyal to petty squabbles.

Be a good fairy for those who care about you: cool and beautiful pictures sent to a friend will serve as a good basis for raising your spirits if you cannot personally do this for various reasons - be it a working day, or completely different places of residence.

You can not only download about people to your gadget so that they are always at hand.

You can save the entire selection to your page on the social network, so that smart and beautiful sayings about happiness always accompany you and set you up for positive. Read cool phrases about love in the morning - and your quarrel with your soulmate will no longer seem like a disaster and the end of the world.

When you let go of a person who is very dear to you, you always wish him only the best, but when you see him happy without you, your heart begins to stop slowly ...

We feel only grief. And happiness can only be realized when it has been taken away from you.

Weep when it rains. Then it will not be clear which of you sheds tears

And it can be difficult. But this is life. And endure steadfastly... And not break down... And smile. Just smile.

Sometimes a black streak in life is a take-off.

True pain is quiet and imperceptible to others. And tears and tantrums are just a cheap theater of ostentatious feelings.

Every week you are going to start a new life from Monday... When will Mondays end and a new life will begin?!

Life has changed so much, and the world has deteriorated so much that when you have a pure sincere person in front of you who wants to be around, you are looking for a catch in this.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths, it is calculated by the number of moments when happiness takes your breath away ...

Life reciprocates those who sincerely love it and do not change it in anything.

Life is too short to do everything right…better do what you want…

If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.

If you react to everything that is said about you, then all your life you will rush between the pedestal and the gallows.

If you get a chance - take it! If this chance changes your whole life, let it happen.

The entire journey of your life ultimately consists of the step you are taking now.

Instead of wiping tears from your face, wipe from your life the people who made you cry.

Memories are an amazing thing: they warm you from the inside and immediately tear you to pieces.

I would like to meet the one who writes the script of my life and ask: do you have a conscience?!

But it's really scary. It's scary to live your whole life and end up completely alone. No family, no friends, no one.

And for those who do not see that Life is Beautiful, you just need to jump higher!

Pain pierces when you are forgotten by those who are most missed.

Alcohol is an anesthesia with which we endure such a complex operation as life.

Who will survive will confirm - what a wonderful life we ​​had

Many people never make a breakthrough in their lives because they refused to step out of their comfort zone and take a step into the unknown.

Today I woke up. I am well. I'm alive. Thank you.

Sometimes, dreams do not come true the way we wanted, but even better.

If life loses its meaning, take risks.

We say the most important words in life silently!

One day such happiness will come into your life that you will understand - it is worth all your past losses.

I very often make up a scenario of my life in my head ... and I get pleasure ... pleasure from the fact that in this scenario everything is sincere and mutual ...

The life of great people begins from the moment of their death.

If you do not change your beliefs, life will forever remain as it is.

Go somewhere where you can start all over again.

It is impossible to make up for anything in life - everyone should learn this truth as early as possible.

The biggest mystery is life, the greatest wealth is children, and the greatest happiness is when you are loved!

If you are not loved, do not beg for love. If they do not believe you, do not make excuses, if they do not appreciate you, do not prove it.

When you completely and unconditionally trust a person, then as a result you get one of two things: either a person for life, or a lesson for life.

There are so many things you can live without.

Even after 100 failed attempts, do not despair, because 101 can change your life.

Life is a turbulent stream of water. It is impossible to predict exactly how the course of the future river will turn out.

Let them tell me that all the trains have left, and it's too late to expect something from life, and I will answer - this is nonsense! There are also ships and planes!

There must be pauses in life. Such pauses when nothing happens to you, when you just sit and look at the world, and the world looks at you.

Life is what happens to you just when you have completely different plans.

Many people run very fast, but in life they do not catch up with a lot of things.

That evening, I invented a new cocktail: "Everything from scratch." One third of vodka, two thirds of tears.

The hardest thing is to forget those people with whom you forgot about everything.

Everything happens in life, but not forever.

This world craves sex, money and drive. But still, love still exists. People tend to love, and that's good.

"Tommy Joe Ratliff"

The only thing you can regret in life is that you never took a risk.

Life is like a turn, you never know who hid behind this turn.

An optimist is a person who, having broken his leg, is glad that he did not break his neck.

Life is looking into different mirrors in search of your own face.

I even like to be silent with you. Because I know that even being far from each other, we think about one thing, and in our thoughts we are together, side by side, always.

Don't take everything from life. Be picky.

Impossible is just a big word behind which little people hide. It is easier for them to live in the familiar world than to find the strength to change something. The impossible is not a fact. This is just an opinion. The impossible is not a sentence. It's a challenge. The impossible is a chance to prove yourself. Impossible is not forever. The impossible is possible.

"Muhammad Ali"

How fate will turn out, no one knows. Live freely and don't be afraid of change. When the Lord takes something away, do not miss what He gives in return.

Errors are the punctuation marks of life, without which, as in the text, there will be no meaning.

Life is good if at least four people came to your funeral.

Life is something that exists, which each time starts over and goes on its own, it is flowering and growth, withering and death, it is wealth and poverty, love and hate, through tears and laughter ...

Short, wise phrases affect the widest range of facets of human existence, make you think.

It doesn't matter how you were born - think about how you will die.

Short-term failure is not terrible - short-term luck is much more unpleasant. (Faraj).

Memories are like islands in a sea of ​​emptiness. (Shishkin).

The soup is not eaten as hot as it was cooked. (French proverb).

Anger is short-term insanity. (Horace).

In the morning you start to envy the unemployed.

There are more lucky ones than truly talented ones. (L. Vovenarg).

Luck is incompatible with indecision! (Bernard Werber).

We strive for a brighter future, which means that real life is not particularly beautiful.

If you don't decide today, you'll be late tomorrow.

Days fly by instantly: just woke up, already late for work.

The thoughts that come during the day are our life. (Miller).

Beautiful and wise sayings about Life and Love

  1. Envy is sadness for the well-being of another person. (Knyaznin).
  2. Cactus is a disappointed cucumber.
  3. Desire is the father of thought. (William Shakespeare).
  4. Lucky is the one who is confident in his own fortune. (Goebbel).
  5. You feel - it's yours, feel free to take risks!
  6. Hatred is nobler than indifference.
  7. Time is the most unknown parameter in the natural environment.
  8. Eternity is just a unit of time. (Stanislav Lets).
  9. In the dark, all cats are black. (F. Bacon).
  10. The longer you live, the more you will see.
  11. Trouble is like luck, it doesn't come alone. (Romain Rolland).

Short sayings about life

It is difficult for a person who has decided to agitate the tsar for the monarchy. (D. Salvador).

Usually behind the refusal is an offer to increase the price. (E. Georges).

Stupidity is invincible even by the gods. (Sh. Friedrich).

A snake won't bite a snake. (Pliny).

No matter how the rake teaches, the heart wants a miracle ...

Talk to the person about himself. He will agree to listen for days. (Benjamin).

Of course, happiness is not measured by money, but it's better to cry in a Mercedes than in the subway.

The thief of opportunity is indecision.

You can predict the future by looking at what a person spends time on.

If you sow thorns, you will not reap grapes.

The one who delays the decision has already accepted it: do not change anything.

What do they say about Happiness and Life?

  1. People seem to want the truth. Having learned the truth, they want to forget about many things. (Dm. Grinberg).
  2. Talk about troubles: “I can’t change this, I’d rather benefit.” (Schopenhauer).
  3. Change happens when you go against your habits. (P. Coelho).
  4. When a person approaches, a wounded animal behaves unpredictably. A person with an emotional wound does the same. (Gangor).
  5. Don't believe people who say bad things about others but good things about you. (L. Tolstoy).

Sayings of great people

Life is a direct consequence of human thoughts. (Buddha).

Who lived, not as they wanted, lost. (D. Schomberg).

Giving a man a fish, you satiate him only once. Having learned to fish, he will always be full. (Chinese proverb).

Without changing anything, plans will remain only dreams. (Zacchaeus).

Looking at things differently will change the future. (Yukio Mishima).

Life is a wheel: what recently was at the bottom, tomorrow will be at the top. (N. Garin).

Life is meaningless. The purpose of man is to give meaning to it. (Osho).

A person who consciously follows the path of creation, and not thoughtless consumption, fills existence with meaning. (Gudovich).

Read serious books - life will change. (F. Dostoevsky).

Human life is a box of matches. Treating him seriously is funny, not serious is dangerous. (Ryunosuke).

A life lived with mistakes is better, more useful than time spent doing nothing. (B. Shaw).

Any illness should be considered as a signal: you have something wrong with the world. If you do not hear the signals, Life will intensify the impact. (Sviyash).

Success lies in mastering the ability to control pain and pleasure. Once you achieve this, you will be in control of your life. (E. Robbins).

A banal step - to choose a goal and follow it, can change everything! (S. Reid).

Life is tragic when you see it up close. Watch from a distance - it will seem like a comedy! (Charlie Chaplin).

Life is not a zebra with black and white stripes, but a chessboard. Your move is decisive. A person has several opportunities for change during the day. Success loves the one who uses them effectively. (André Maurois).

Sayings about life in English with translation

Truths differ little among different peoples of the world - this can be seen by reading quotes in English:

Politics are come from the words poly (a lot of) & the word ticks (bloodsucking parasites).

The word "politics" comes from the words poly (a lot), ticks (bloodsuckers). Means "blood-sucking insects".

Love is conflict between reflections and dreams.

Love is a contradiction between reflexes and reflections.

Every human like an angel with one wing. We can only fly in embracing one another.

Man is a one-winged angel. We can fly by hugging each other.

Intelligence combined with kindness is called wisdom, and intelligence without kindness is called cunning.

A person is wise when he understands the moment where you need to say something or keep silent.

Wisdom is the ability to be above your desires, to be below is ignorance.

Stupid guys often confuse naturalness with bad manners and rudeness.

Best Status:
Do you want to find your place under the sun in this life? Find it first!

Erich Fromm once said that if a person loves himself, then he can love others, but if he loves only others, then he does not love anyone.

It is difficult to offend the autumn sage, because they do not take offense at the truth, and they do not pay attention to lies.

Everyone has their favorite wise phrases and quotes of great people, but it’s worth trying to write down at least one of your thoughts worthy of attention, as nothing comes of it.

Only a wise man is able to suppress his feelings and emotions to the dictates of the mind. Anger is characteristic of both a wise person and a fool, but the latter cannot subdue anger. In the heat of emotion, doing evil, he does not control the actions that return to him in double size.

We often chase after what we don't really need...

To love deeply and selflessly is to completely forget about yourself.

Good taste speaks not so much of intelligence as of clarity of judgment.

Only a mother deserves love!

The lover does not always confess his love, and the one who confesses his love does not always love

A woman justifies her infidelity if she feels unhappy in marriage

When we love, we lose sight (c)

Fortune sometimes gives too much, but never enough!

I live opposite the cemetery. If you show off, you will live opposite me.XDDD)))

Life is steps forward, steps back, while I'm dancing!

To understand what the other person wants, take your mind off yourself for at least a minute.

Cherish what you have. Fight for what you can lose. And appreciate everything that is dear to you!!

My status has not been censored...

We always believe that our first love is our last and our last love is our first.

One day you will want to open the door that you yourself once closed. But for a long time there has been another life behind it, and the lock has been changed, and your key does not fit ...

How often it is easier for us to write what in life we ​​do not risk pronouncing.

Words are like keys, with the right choice you can open any soul and close any mouth.

You need to make a princess out of the one that is nearby, and not look for a ready-made one all your life ...

The lazier a person, the more his work is like a feat.

Don't take off people's masks. Suddenly it's muzzles.

We are embarrassed to take his hand, but we are not shy about kissing ordinary acquaintances on the lips when we meet.

Life is a textbook that closes only with the last breath.

Love is not a disease. Illness is the absence of love. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

Estimates of others must be respected and taken into account, like the weather. But no more.

A dead end is also an exit ...

There are no ideal people... You just need to find the same *banuty and stop... =)

Where are you? - To the jumps. “Then hurry up. Your horse has already called twice.

Do not say that the world is sad, Do not say that it is difficult to live, Be able to laugh, believe and love among the ruins of life.

Decisions made in the dead of night usually lose their force in the light of day!

When you throw dirt at a person, remember that it may not reach him. And in your hands will remain ...

There will always be someone for whom you will serve as an example. Don't let this man down...

I don't talk about life, I live.

If vanity does not cast down all our virtues, then, in any case, it shakes them.

The search for mutual love is similar to car racing: we are chasing one, others are chasing us, and we find reciprocity only by flying into the oncoming lane

I put a status about love, I'm waiting for love.

Better love without a future than a future... without love...

Don't waste expensive words on cheap people.

It is unlikely that any of the proctologists in childhood dreamed of becoming what he became. It's just the way life is...

Clever phrases do not need to be looked for, you need to think with your head!

People who are afraid to dream convince themselves that they are not dreaming at all.

You can fool anyone, but never a fool.

Love is the will to live.

I was created from affection, tears, love and hate, happiness and sadness, from pain and bliss, from a cry and a smile.

You feel like an adult when you put on a hat, not because your mother said so, but because it’s really cold ...

There are three things that never come back: Time, Word, Opportunity. Therefore: do not waste time, choose your words and do not miss the opportunity!

Having bitten an apple, it is always more pleasant to see a whole worm in it than its half ...

There was no great mind without an admixture of madness.

Don't say everything you know. This will not be enough.

Beware of the man who praises you for your missing virtues, for he may revile you for your missing faults.

For a horseshoe to bring good luck, you have to work hard like a horse.

Those who happened to experience great passions, then all their lives rejoice at their healing and grieve about it.

The one who thinks that he loves his mistress only for her love for him is very mistaken.

Do not smile while reading this status - I have been afraid of horses since childhood!

Learn the rules so you know how to get around them.

They say whatever they want behind their backs. In the face - which is beneficial.

If your man went “to the left”, the main thing is not to meet him there.

Nothing is impossible in this life. It just happens that there were not enough attempts ...

It's better to be smart and be dumb sometimes than to be dumb and always be smart!

A smart girl takes care of herself, a stupid girl takes care of her boyfriend ...

Whatever life teaches us, but the heart believes in miracles.

Monk Simeon Athos

I never get offended, I just change my mind about a person ...

If you love a person as he is, then you love him. If you are trying to radically change it, then you love yourself. That's all.

Self love is a lifelong romance.

Life is short - break the rules - Goodbye quickly - Kiss slowly - Love sincerely - Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret what made you smile!

A woman never knows what she wants, but she will not rest until she achieves it.

Don't think what happened... Don't guess what will happen... Take care of what you have...

Don't pretend - be. Don't promise, act. Don't dream - do it!

Happiness runs for a minute, from time to time, to those who have learned to do without it. And only for him...

The thinner the ice, the more people want to see if it can hold up.

He, whose merit has already been awarded with true glory, should most of all be ashamed of the efforts that he makes to be credited with all sorts of trifles.

Everyone sees what you seem to be, few feel what you are.

Yes, this is not an easy job - to drag an idiot out of the swamp ...

To make peace first is not a humiliation, but the best feature of a person.

Life is short, but glory can be eternal.

Yes, this is not an easy job - to drag an idiot out of the swamp.

I understand everything, but for whom to hang an advertisement for the latest Audi model in the subway?!

Do not regret the past - it did not regret you.

The slightest infidelity towards us we judge much more severely than the most insidious betrayal towards others.

They don’t plan friendship, they don’t shout about love, they don’t prove the truth.

Love is a slow poison, the one who drank it will live a sweet moment, and the one who never tries will live unhappily forever!

It is not difficult to slam the door loudly when leaving, it is difficult to knock softly on it when returning ...

Our perfection is in our imperfection.

My mom's smile is more precious than all yours...

Do you have vodka? – Are you 18? - Do you have a license? - Well, okay, okay, what got wound up right away

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